TVT Severance Plan
TVT Severance Plan
TVT Severance Plan
TeeVee Toons, Inc. d/b/a TVT Records, as debtor and debtor-in-possession (the
1. On February 19, 2008 (the “Petition Date”), the Debtor commenced its
reorganization case in this Court by filing a voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11 of title
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2. The Debtor is authorized to continue to operate its business and manage its
properties as a debtor in possession, pursuant to sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy
3. On February 28, 2008, the United States Trustee formed the Official
§ 1134. This is a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 157(b). Venue is proper before this
5. Pursuant to sections 105(a) and 363 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Debtor
hereby seeks the entry of an order (a) authorizing the Debtor to implement a Modified Severance
Plan (as defined below), and (b) providing that all amount due and owing under the Modified
Severance Program be granted priority ahead of any superpriority claim held by the Debtor’s
A. The Employees
6. The Debtor currently has 18 full-time and part-time hourly and salaried
employees (the “Employees”). The Employees perform a variety of critical functions for the
Debtor’s business, including sales, promotions and marketing, accounting (A/R collections and
A/P), administration, budgeting and planning, finance, human resources, operations, and
business and legal affairs. The Employees’ skills and their specialized knowledge and
understanding of the Debtor’s infrastructure and operations, as well as their relationships with
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customers, vendors and other third parties, are essential to the Debtor’s continuing operations
an informal basis, has paid a maximum of one week severance for every year of employment.
Severance paid to longer term employees was typically subject to negotiations between the
Debtor and the terminated employee. Under the Debtor’s unofficial severance policy, the
modified severance plan (the “Modified Severance Plan”) applicable to those employees of the
Debtor who are in the employ of the Debtor as of and following the Petition Date. Prior to or at
the hearing on the Motion, the Debtor will provide to the Court, the Office of the United States
Trustee, counsel to the Creditors Committee, and counsel to the post-petition lender a Schedule
setting forth with respect to each Employee of the Debtor the Employee’s annual base
compensation and the name of each Employee of the Debtor who would be subject to the
Modified Severance Plan and the amount of payment or payments to which they would be
C. Base Severance
9. Under the Modified Severance Plan, Employees working for the Debtor as of
and following the Petition Date would be entitled to receive one week’s notice of termination
and a severance payment equal to two (2) weeks of their current salary, irrespective of their
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prior accrual of severance benefits or their length of past employment with the Debtor (“Base
10. Base Severance will be paid to each Employee who is terminated by the
Debtor without cause and is not, within fifteen (15) days thereafter, employed by a purchaser of
substantially all of the Debtor’s assets on substantially the same or better terms and conditions as
11. The Debtor estimates that the maximum amount of Base Severance that could
be paid is approximately $75,000. Because all Employees of the Debtor would be included in
the Base Severance portion of the Modified Severance Plan, the one insider of the Debtor would
also be eligible for Base Severance payments. As discussed further below, the Modified
Severance Plan complies with the newly enacted provisions in section 503(c)(2) of the
Bankruptcy Code relating to severance payments in that the Base Severance portion of the
Modified Severance Plan applies to all full-time employees and the amount of severance payable
to an insider of the Debtor is less than ten (10) times the mean severance payable to non-
management employees.
12. Included among the Employees entitled to Base Severance is Steven Gottlieb,
the President, founder and owner. It might be contended that Mr. Gottlieb should be excluded
from the Base Severance. The Debtor believes such contention would be without merit and
perhaps motivated by personal animosity that has no place in this bankruptcy case. A provision
for Mr. Gottlieb under the same formula as all other Employees does not violate section 503(c)
of the Bankruptcy Code, and is reasonable and justifiable for Mr. Gottlieb for the same reasons it
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13. Mr. Gottlieb has devoted himself to maximizing the estate’s assets for all
creditors throughout the course of this case. Although the Debtor has not publicly provided the
severance to be paid to each Employee for the obvious reason that to do so would cause internal
strife in the company, the proposed Base Severance to be paid Mr. Gottlieb is sufficiently small
such that (1) it is imprudent to litigate over Mr. Gottlieb’s Base Severance and (2) it is imprudent
to disincentivize Mr. Gottlieb by denying him the Base Severance. Mr. Gottlieb is vital to the
Debtor’s continuing efforts to sell its assets and maximize the return to creditors, and including
him in the Base Severance portion of the Modified Severance Plan is a very small price to pay to
ensure his continued unbridled enthusiasm in consummating a sale and maximizing the estate.
Therefore, any objection to Mr. Gottlieb’s inclusion in the Base Severance is counterproductive
14. Nevertheless, any issue concerning Mr. Gottlieb’s participation in the Base
Severance should not be used to delay or diminish the approval of the Modified Severance Plan
D. Supplemental Severance
15. The Modified Severance Plan further provides for a supplemental severance
and incentive payment (“Supplemental Severance”) to certain Employees deemed by the Debtor
to be integral to the Debtor’s restructuring and sale efforts (the “Key Employees”). None of the
Key Employees is an insider of the Debtor.1 Under the Modified Severance Plan, each of the
Key Employees would receive an additional six (6) to eleven (11) weeks of severance (again,
irrespective of their prior accrual of pre-petition severance benefits or the length of their past
Vera Savcic, the Debtor’s General Manager, was also the Debtor’s Secretary, but resigned this position prior to
the bankruptcy filing. The Debtor’s President, Steven Gottlieb, has waived his rights to participate in the
Supplemental Severance portion of the Modified Severance Plan.
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employment with the Debtor) if the Key Employee either (a) is terminated by the Debtor without
cause; or (b) remains in the employ of the Debtor on the later of the one hundred fiftieth (150th)
day after the Petition Date (July 18, 2008) or ten (10) days following the closing of the sale of
substantially all of the Debtor’s assets. The Debtor estimates that the maximum amount of
16. Payment of Base Severance and Supplemental Severance under the Modified
Severance Plan shall be included in the next regular payroll of the Debtor following the date that
the right to such payment has accrued. Employees, including Key Employees, have the option of
retaining their rights, if any, under the Pre-petition Severance Plan or accepting payment of Base
Severance or Supplemental Severance payments pursuant to the Modified Severance Plan, but
Employees, including Key Employees, may not participate in both plans. Accordingly,
Employees, including Key Employees, may participate in the Modified Severance Plan only if
they first agree to waive and release any and all severance claims arising under and/or pursuant
17. The Debtor estimates that the maximum amount that could be paid pursuant to
$231,000. The maximum cost of the Modified Severance Plan is less than the aggregate amount
currently accrued to Employees under the Pre-petition Severance Plan (approximately $424,000).
Rather than seek permission to pay pre-petition severance benefits in the ordinary course, as
debtors often do, the Debtor herein seeks to implement a more cost-effective severance and
incentive plan which will promote stability in the Debtor’s workforce and thereby provide
greater returns to the Debtor, its creditors and its estate in this chapter 11 case.
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18. The Modified Severance Plan should be approved because it is critical to the
restructuring and sale process that the Employees be incentivized to remain in the Debtor’s
employ through the closing of a sale of the Debtor’s assets. The Employees add significant
value to the Debtor’s business as a going concern and would also be critical to ensuring a
19. The Debtor believes that the Modified Severance Plan is the fairest and most
reasonable manner of providing such an incentive without unnecessarily depleting the Debtor’s
20. The Debtor respectfully submits that it should be permitted to implement the
Modified Severance Plan. Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b) permits a debtor in possession to use
property outside of the ordinary course of business where the use of such property represents an
exercise of the debtor’s sound business judgment. See e.g. In re Martin, 91 F.3d 389, 395 (3rd
Cir. 1996) (citing Fulton State Bank v. Schipper (In re Schipper), 933 F.2d 513, 515 (7th Cir.
1991)), see also e.g. In re Abbotts Dairies of Pa., Inc., 788 F.2d 143, 145-47 (3rd Cir. 1986);
Stephens Indus. v. McClung, 789 F.2d 386, 390 (6th Cir. 1986) (citing Committee of Equity Sec.
Holders v. Lionel Corp. (In re Lionel Corp.), 722 F.2d 1063, 1070 (2nd Cir. 1983)); In re
Delaware Hudson R.R. Co., 124 B.R. 169, 176 (Bankr. D. Del. 1991).
programs “if the debtor has used proper business judgment in formulating the program and the
court finds the program to be fair and reasonable.” In re Aerovox. Inc., 269 B.R. 74, 80 (Bankr.
D. Mass. 2001) (approving employee compensation program as fair, reasonable and proper
exercise of debtor’s business judgment); see also e.g. In re America West Airlines, Inc., 171 B.R.
674, 678 (Bankr. D. Ariz. 1994) (approving bonuses to certain officers and employees as within
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debtor’s business judgment); In re Interco. Inc., 128 B.R. 229, 234 (Bankr. E.D. Mo. 1991)
22. After evaluating various alternatives to incentivize its employees, the Debtor
determined that the Modified Severance Program is necessary to achieve its intended purpose of
maximizing the value of its chapter 11 estate. Without the Modified Severance Program, the
Debtor risks losing Employees at a vital stage in this case, namely the marketing and sale of he
Debtor’s assets. Due to the small staff already in place at the Debtor, the loss of any Employee
at this time would severely hamper the sale efforts. Consequently, the Debtor believes that
under these facts and circumstances and will accomplish a sound business purpose.
23. The Modified Severance Plan does not conflict with the provisions of newly-
enacted section 503(c) of the Bankruptcy Code.2 With respect to the Base Severance portion of
the Modified Severance Plan, every full time employee, both management and non-management,
would be entitled to a payment equal to two (2) weeks compensation. The Base Severance
portion of the Modified Severance Plan is thus “generally applicable to all full-time employees,”
503(c)(2)(B) of the Bankruptcy Code, Base Severance payments to Employees of the Debtor
who would qualify as “insiders” under the definition in section 101(31) of the Bankruptcy Code,
Section 503(c)(2) precludes the allowance of “a severance payment to an insider of the debtor, unless ---
(A) the payment is part of a program that is generally applicable to all full-time employees; and (B) the amount
of the payment is not greater than 10 times the amount of the mean severance pay given to nonmanagement
employees during the calendar year in which the payment is made . . .”
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are limited to an amount which is “not greater than 10 times the amount of the mean severance
24. With regard to the Supplemental Severance portion of the Modified Severance
Plan, the Debtor believes that none of the eligible Employee participants would qualify as an
insider under the definition set forth in Bankruptcy Code Section 101(31).4 Thus, Bankruptcy
Code Section 503(c)(l) - which only applies to payments intended to induce insiders to “remain
with the [debtor’s] business” by requiring, among other things, the debtor to demonstrate that an
insider (i) has a bona fide job offer from another business and (b) is “essential to the survival of
25. The Debtor’s approved DIP financing facility has budgeted the cash necessary
to satisfy all obligations under the Modified Severance Plan. To ensure that the Employees
receive the severance due and owing to them, regardless of the outcome to befall the Debtor, the
Debtor shall escrow the amounts budgeted for the Modified Severance Plan upon approval of
this Motion. These funds will be distributed to each of the Employees in the ordinary course of
business provided each Employee complies with the requirements for receipt of Base Severance,
26. No trustee or examiner has been appointed in this Chapter 11 case. Notice of
this Motion has been provided to: (a) the Office of the United States Trustee for the Southern
The Debtor suggests that, for the purposes of Bankruptcy Code Section 503(c)(l ), the term insider applies only
to directors and executive officers or controlling shareholders (and not to an individual employee that may
merely hold a title of “vice president - marketing” or similar position but lacks general corporate decision
making authority).
As stated before, Vera Savcic resigned as Secretary prior to the Petition Date, and Steven Gottlieb waived his
right to participate in the Supplemental Severance portion of the Modified Severance Plan.
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District of New York; (b) counsel to the Creditors Committee; (c) counsel for the Agent under
the Debtor’s pre-petition credit facilities and post-petition credit facility; and (d) all parties
having filed a notice of appearance. The Debtor submits that no other or further notice need be
27. No prior request for the relief sought in this Motion has been made to this or
28. The Debtor submits that this Motion does not present any novel issues of law
requiring briefing, and relevant statutory and case authorities are set forth hereinabove.
Accordingly, the Debtor respectfully requests that the Court waive the requirement contained in
Local Bankruptcy Rule 9013-1(b) that a separate memorandum of law be submitted in support of
the Motion.
WHEREFORE, the Debtor respectfully requests that the Court (a) enter an order
substantially in the form annexed hereto as Exhibit A, granting the relief requested herein; and
(b) grant such other and further relief to the Debtor as the Court may deem proper.
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In re : Chapter 11
TEEVEE TOONS, INC. : Case No. 08-10562 (ALG)
d/b/a TVT RECORDS, :
Debtor. :
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This matter coming before the Court on the Motion of Debtor and
Debtor-in-Possession, Pursuant to Sections 105(a) and 363 of the Bankruptcy Code, for an Order
Authorizing the Debtor to institute a Modified Severance Plan (the “Motion”), filed by the
Debtor and Debtor in Possession in the above-captioned case (the “Debtor”); the Court having
considered the statements of counsel and the evidence adduced with respect to the Motion at a
hearing before the Court (the “Hearing”); and the Court having found that (a) it has jurisdiction
over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334, (b) this is a core proceeding pursuant to
28 U.S.C. § 157(b), (c) notice of the Motion and the Hearing was sufficient under the
circumstances, and (d) the institution of the Modified Severance Plan on the terms and
conditions described in the Motion is necessary and appropriate to prevent serious disruptions to
the Debtor’s restructuring and sale efforts, and will serve to protect and preserve the Debtor’s
estate for the benefit of all stakeholders; and the Court having determined that the legal and
factual bases set forth in the Motion and at the Hearing establish just cause for the relief granted
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3. The requirement of Local Rule 9013-1(b) of the Local Bankruptcy Rules for
the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York for the service and
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