Free Worlds Middle
Free Worlds Middle
Free Worlds Middle
# Endless Sky is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under t
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ver
# Endless Sky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
mission "FW Diplomacy 1"
name "Free Worlds Diplomacy"
description "Travel to <planet> to meet up with Alondo, who will explain
near Sabik 1 100
destination Longjump
to offer
has "event: navy occupying the south"
on fail
dialog `You have failed an essential Free Worlds mission. If you
want to complete the story line, revert to the autosave or another earlier snap
shot of the game.`
on offer
`As you are landing, you receive a message from JJ, on b
ehalf of the Council. The message reads:`
Captain <last>, sorry that we have been out of c
ontact. We need your help once again, to assist in a diplomatic mission. Please
meet up with Alondo on <planet> as soon as possible. He will give you more infor
Jean-Jacques and Freya`
event "catalytic ramscoop available"
on complete
dialog `As you are landing, Alondo contacts you and asks you to
meet him in the spaceport as soon as you have a bunk prepared for him.`
on fail
dialog `You have failed an essential Free Worlds mission. If you
want to complete the story line, revert to the autosave or another earlier snap
shot of the game.`
on offer
`You meet up with Alondo, who insists on not telling you
anything until you are safely back aboard your own ship. Once you have brought
him to his room, he says, "Here's the deal. The Senate has been secretly reachin
g out to other worlds, and three of them have decided to join us: New Portland,
Dancer, and New India."`
"That's great news!"`
"Why haven't I heard of this yet?"`
goto heard
"Indeed it is," says Alondo. "Any worlds joining
us would be reason to celebrate, but these three are particularly important bec
ause they are on the trade route to Tarazed. If we control those systems, our su
pply convoys will be much safer."`
"Why isn't this public knowledge yet?" you ask.`
label heard
"Well," says Alondo, "apparently the Senate was
not being as secretive as they thought. Somehow word leaked out to the Republic
that those worlds were defecting, and a massive Navy fleet moved to occupy those
systems. Which means we're on the brink of another bloody battle."`
"Don't worry, I'm sure we can defeat the
goto defeat
"Is there any way to avoid a fight?"`
goto avoid
label defeat
"I'm sure we can," says Alondo, "but with heavy
loss of life on both sides. We want to avoid that if at all possible. That's whe
re you come in."`
goto plan
label avoid
"That's what we're hoping," he says, "and that's
where you come in."`
goto plan
label plan
"How so?" you ask.`
He says, "We've arranged for you to be granted s
afe passage through Republic space for the next three weeks. That's enough time
to bring me to Earth and back. If I can meet with Parliament in person, maybe I
will be able to work something out."`
"Okay, let's go to Earth!"`
"How do we know this isn't a trap? You'r
e willing to risk your life for this?"`
"If we can save thousands of lives from being lo
st in a needless battle, it's worth the risk," he says. "Now come on, the clock
is ticking. We need to be safely back in Free space before your safe passage exp
on accept
event "fw safe passage starts"
"How can I find a gunboat that's all by
itself? They're usually a part of a bigger fleet."`
She thinks about that for a moment, then says, "
The Navy has shifted most of their capital ships to the defecting systems in the
south. That means that some of the systems up north will have lighter defenses.
You might try Wei or Alnasl. Good luck, Captain."`
on complete
event "normal in
outfit "Electron
dialog `You hand
They tell you that she's waiting
Beam" -1
off the Electron Beam to Freya's science team.
for you in a cafe in the spaceport.`
cy. If we don't show a willingness to support new worlds that want to join us, o
r if we don't seem to have enough strength to defend them, some of those that ha
ve joined us already may start to return to the Republic."`
"Okay, I'm ready to fight."`
"I wish it hadn't come to this, but if y
ou think it's our only option, I'll join the fight."`
"Thank you," she says. "But there's one more thi
ng we must do to prepare for battle. I mentioned before that we have an ace up o
ur sleeve. It's a new warship designed by Southbound Shipyards, intended to be a
match for a Cruiser. They've only finished building three of them. I'd like you
to travel to Zug and escort them back here. Once you return, we'll prepare for
on visit
dialog "You have reached <planet>, but you left part of your con
voy behind! Better depart and wait for them to arrive in this star system."
on complete
dialog `You land on <planet> with the battle fleet. Time to meet
up with Freya in the spaceport.`
way they could win the battle, they could honorably choose to retreat. So, if t
hey start trying to retreat, let them go. But I suspect it will be a difficult b
attle to win."`
"What's the battle plan?" you ask.`
"The fleet from Southbound Shipyards will be tra
veling with you," she says. "Other fleets with other commanders will be convergi
ng on Rastaban separately, at approximately the same time. So, you have no time
to lose. You must travel directly to Rastaban from here, or else you will arrive
too late to join in the fight. Good luck, captain."`
government "Free Worlds"
personality heroic disables escort
ship "Dreadnought" "F.S. Sequoia"
ship "Dreadnought" "F.S. Sitka"
ship "Dreadnought" "F.S. Rosewood"
ship "Fury (Flamethrower)" "F.S. Montag"
ship "Fury (Flamethrower)" "F.S. Faber"
ship "Fury (Flamethrower)" "F.S. Beatty"
ship "Fury (Flamethrower)" "F.S. Mildred"
ship "Fury (Flamethrower)" "F.S. Clarisse"
system Rastaban
personality heroic uninterested staying disables
government "Free Worlds"
names "free worlds capital"
"Falcon (Plasma)"
"Osprey" 2
names "free worlds capital"
"Falcon (Plasma)"
"Osprey (Missile)" 2
names "free worlds capital"
"Falcon (Heavy)"
"Osprey (Laser)" 2
names "free worlds capital"
"Falcon (Plasma)"
names "free worlds capital"
"Bastion" 2
names "free worlds capital"
"Bastion (Heavy)" 2
names "free worlds capital"
"Falcon" 2
npc evade
system Rastaban
personality heroic uninterested staying
government "Republic"
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Carrier (Mark II)"
"Lance" 4
"Combat Drone" 6
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Carrier (Mark II)"
"Lance" 4
"Combat Drone" 6
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Cruiser (Mark II)"
"Combat Drone" 4
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Cruiser (Mark II)"
"Combat Drone" 4
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Cruiser (Mark II)"
"Combat Drone" 4
names "republic small"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Rainmaker (Mark II)" 2
names "republic small"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Rainmaker (Mark II)" 2
names "republic small"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Rainmaker (Mark II)" 2
names "republic small"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Gunboat (Mark II)" 3
names "republic small"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Gunboat (Mark II)" 2
names "republic small"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Gunboat (Mark II)" 3
names "republic small"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Gunboat (Mark II)" 2
on complete
event "fw southern expansion"
goto katya
label katya
"You think she's still alive?" you ask.`
"Certainly, and having this many Navy prisoners
gives us a great bargaining chip for negotiating her freedom. Now, gather your p
atrol, and by the time you get back, I hope we will have arranged for her releas
government Republic
personality fleeing uninterested
system "Delta Sagittarii"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
government Republic
personality fleeing uninterested
system "Girtab"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
government Republic
personality fleeing uninterested
system "Albaldah"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
on complete
dialog `You've finished patrolling the nearby systems. Now you c
an meet up with Freya in the spaceport, and hopefully she will have good news ab
out Katya.`
"You're sure there's nothing else I can
do to help the Free Worlds right now?"`
Alondo says, "You might hear from some other fol
ks who could use your assistance, but as for the Council, I think it's a waiting
game for us right now. Please don't think we aren't grateful for your help, Cap
tain. All we're saying is that hopefully, for a few months at least, we'll all b
e able to take a break from fighting and go back to actually living our lives. A
nd don't worry, we'll contact you as soon as things get interesting again."`
on offer
`When you land on Dancer, the Free Worlds fleet appears
to be preparing for another battle: missiles and torpedoes are being loaded onto
ships and crew members are running around. You eventually find Freya and Alondo
, and ask them what is going on.`
"Another three worlds have secretly told us they
are ready to defect," says Alondo, "and this time around we want to get there b
efore the Navy does."`
Freya says, "We need you to take Alondo, along w
ith the ships that we've been able to muster, and fly through the Seginus and Al
phecca systems, then land on <destination>. If all goes well, you will get throu
gh to <planet> before the Republic can muster reinforcements. Drive off any Repu
blic ships you encounter along the way."`
government "Free Worlds"
personality heroic escort
fleet "Large Free Worlds"
fleet "Large Free Worlds"
fleet "Large Free Worlds"
government Republic
personality fleeing uninterested
system "Wei"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
government Republic
personality fleeing uninterested
system "Seginus"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
government Republic
personality fleeing uninterested
system "Alphecca"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
on complete
`As soon as you land, Alondo rushes out of your ship to
meet with the governor of <planet> and "get these papers signed before they chan
ge their minds." He tells you to meet him back in the spaceport in an hour.`
on offer
`As soon as you land, Freya shows up at your ship with a
small suitcase full of clothes. "No time to waste," she says. "Let's get going.
Our first target will be <planet>, since we know for a fact that they were inst
alling something there."`
keep their promise. But in the meantime, three people on Council is too few. We
didn't want to say anything to you until the Senate cleared it, but we've nomina
ted you to take Tomek's spot on the Council. What do you say?"`
"I'd be honored. Thank you."`
She grins. "Don't mention it. You've been with u
s since the beginning, and we've all come to trust what you have to say. I wish
we could throw you a big dinner or something to celebrate, but... well, we're al
l busy with the war right now. But Alondo and JJ both said to tell you they're g
lad to have you on board. And you'll get a salary increase, of course. Which you
ought to celebrate by buying us both a few drinks in the spaceport bar before y
ou leave. Okay?"`
"Okay, I'll meet you back at the spacepo
rt in a few hours."`
"Great," she says, smiling. "See you then." She
picks up her suitcase, and hurries over to the shipyard.`
label home
"I grew up on Earth," she says, "deep in the bow
els of one of the major cities. Even as a kid I hated that dirty old planet and
knew my only shot of leaving there was to be smarter than everyone else. It wasn
't until years later, when I came back to visit with some money in my pocket and
a bit more perspective, that I was able to travel to the few parts of Earth tha
t are still pretty, and realize how precious our home world is."`
goto leave
label dreadnoughts
"Ugh," she says, "let's not talk about work whil
e we're busy relaxing." You refrain from commenting that all her talk about star
ship design sounded a lot more like work than like a fun relaxing topic of conve
goto leave
label leave
You hang out in the bar for another hour or so,
and then she says to the bartender, "Two bottles of champagne to go, please." He
gives her an odd look, but the Council is well enough respected that he does no
t question her.`
You walk over to the shipyard, where the two new
ly completed Dreadnoughts are parked side by side. "Time to christen our new shi
ps," she says, handing you one of the bottles. You each fling a bottle at one of
the ships, and shout out...`
"For victory!"`
"For peace!"`
"For justice!"`
"May it come soon," echoes Freya. "Now, tomorrow
morning the crews for these ships will be ready, and we'll need you to escort t
hem to <planet>. I'll stay here and do my best to help manage the equipment supp
ly chain and construction crews." She says goodnight, and wishes you a safe jour
ney tomorrow.`
npc accompany save
personality timid
ship Dreadnought "F.S. Bartlett"
ship Dreadnought "F.S. Magnolia"
on visit
dialog "You have reached <planet>, but without both the dreadnou
ghts you were assigned to escort! Better depart and wait for them to arrive in t
his star system."
Oathkeepers regiment. With him is a man who he introduces as Commander Aaron Ngu
yen of the Navy Humanitarian Corps. As Nguyen shakes your hand, you are struck b
y the fact that although he is your enemy, you see no trace of hostility in his
eyes - in fact, his expression is surprisingly warm and affectionate.`
"We have no room for error," says Danforth. "The
se Alphas must be eliminated, and they must not be allowed to escape. On that, a
t least, we can all agree."`
Freya says, "Captain <last> will lead the attack
." She beckons to two of the Free Worlds captains. "Marco, Emily, you will join
them with your Falcons. Destroy any pirate ships in orbit, then land and secure
the facility. Understood?" You nod, and prepare to take off for the <system> sys
npc accompany save
government "Navy (Oathkeeper)"
personality escort heroic
ship "Cruiser (Mark II)" "N.S. Peacemaker"
government "Escort"
personality heroic
ship "Falcon (Plasma)" "F.S. Alder"
ship "Falcon" "F.S. Starry Warrior"
npc kill
government "Pirate"
personality heroic staying
system Graffias
ship "Leviathan (Heavy)" "Dread Lord"
ship "Leviathan" "Dominator"
ship "Firebird (Plasma)" "Vengeance"
ship "Firebird (Missile)" "Revenant"
ship "Firebird" "Draugbreath"
on visit
dialog "You have reached <planet>, but the battle is not over you've either failed to kill one of the pirates, or left one of your ships behin
d in a different system."
on complete
event "liberation of Poisonwood"
`The ships in orbit are eliminated, but there are still
the Alphas and their servants here on the ground to take care of. Danforth's shi
p unloads a squadron of troops in heavy battle suits. The Navy troops move with
far more precision and purpose than you have ever seen among the poorly trained
Free Worlds soldiers.`
They sweep the city and quickly ascertain that t
he Alphas are holed up in a large factory. The troops encircle the building and
burst through the doors, and soon you hear the sounds of explosions and gunfire
within. You wait with Commander Nguyen in an alley facing the building. "I'm wit
h the Humanitarian Corps," he explains. "Killing things is not in my job descrip
Just then, one of the second floor windows shatt
ers and a figure comes tumbling out, rolls, and starts running in your direction
. Then it does something you would swear no human being is capable of: while sti
ll moving in your direction, it begins leaping from one wall of the alley to the
other as easily as you would run up a staircase, gaining altitude with each jum
p so that soon it will pass two or three meters above your heads. Several Navy t
roops are running after it, but they hold their fire to avoid hitting you and Ng
to shoot it.)`
to grab it.)`
label shoot
You open fire, but it is leaping back and forth
so fast that it is almost impossible to hit. But then you see Commander Nguyen c
limb onto a nearby dumpster and leap into the air, managing to grab the creature
by the leg as it flies by.`
goto pin
label grab
Unfortunately, by now the creature is far outsid
e your reach. But then you see Commander Nguyen climb onto a nearby dumpster and
leap into the air, managing to grab the creature by the leg as it flies by.`
goto pin
label pin
The two of them fall to the ground and roll over
and over in a jumble of limbs. You and the Navy troops run after them, afraid t
o shoot for fear of hitting Nguyen. But somehow Nguyen gets the upper hand, pinn
ing the creature in a full nelson hold, with his legs wrapped around its body to
keep it from kicking him. "Kill it!" he shouts.`
(Kill it.)`
goto kill
(Let the Navy troops deal with this.)`
goto navy
label kill
While Nguyen holds the creature still, you put a
gun to its head and pull the trigger. Not even an Alpha can survive that; the c
reature goes limp. Now that you can get a good look at it, you can see that it d
oes indeed have green skin.`
goto end
label navy
While Nguyen holds the creature still, one of th
e Navy troops puts a gun to its head and pulls the trigger. Not even an Alpha ca
n survive that; the creature goes limp. Now that you can get a good look at it,
you can see that it does indeed have green skin.`
goto end
label end
Nguyen gets shakily to his feet; he looks stunne
d and very pale. "Thank you," he says. The sounds of gunfire within the factory
eventually dies down. "We'll continue to patrol the city," says Nguyen, "in case
there are more of them. Then I'll meet you in the spaceport." He heads off back
into the city.`
urge you and your crew to be cautious. With deepest regards - Danforth."`
passengers 1
blocked `Alondo contacts you and asks, "Do you have a bunk ready for me?
" You do not, so you will need to free one up to continue this mission.`
on fail
dialog `You have failed an essential Free Worlds mission. If you
want to complete the story line, revert to the autosave or another earlier snap
shot of the game.`
on offer
`You report in to Alondo, who listens to your descriptio
n of the battle for Poisonwood with a grim expression on his face. "It's not the
end, of course," he says. "It seems like no matter how many times we win a batt
le against the Alphas, there are more of them out there. But I'm glad that the i
mmediate crisis has been dealt with."`
"Isn't there any way we can track down t
he rest of the Alphas?"`
"What is our next mission now?"`
goto next
"Not really," he says. "There are probably small
enclaves throughout human space, and perhaps beyond our space as well. All we c
an do is make it harder for them to grow powerful."`
"And how do we do that?" you ask.`
label next
"The Senate has authorized a diplomatic mission
to Bloodsea," he says. "It's the smallest of the pirate worlds, and we're going
to see what we need to offer them to get them to join the Free Worlds. The offic
ial settlements there only amount to a few thousand people, so it shouldn't be t
oo hard to convince them that joining us is better than resisting us."`
"Okay, sounds like fun!"`
"Wait, didn't things go south rather qui
ckly the last time we attempted this?"`
Alondo grins. "Yes, but the Free Worlds is in a
much stronger position now, and the pirate worlds know it's only a matter of tim
e before they are forced to become civilized. And, the incident on Poisonwood pr
oved that we can't afford to fight a war on two fronts. We need to eliminate the
pirate threat, and a diplomatic solution with them is the only sort that will l
ast. So, let's get going!"`
`The local leaders are unwilling to meet aboard your shi
p, and Alondo is afraid you will be ambushed if you venture too far away from it
, so eventually they agree to set up a tent on the landing pad next to yours and
meet there. Outside, a storm is raging, the rain mixing with salt spray from th
e blood-red ocean nearby.`
As you talk, it becomes clear that the inhabitan
ts of Bloodsea are ashamed of how destitute and undeveloped their world is. Seve
ral of them have visited the island spaceport on Deep, and after dancing around
the issue for a while, they make a request: if the Free Worlds builds them a rea
l, modern island spaceport, they will join the Free Worlds.`
One of them lays out a detailed list of amenitie
s the port must have: concrete seawalls, raised landing pads, floating docks, st
urdy hangars and warehouses, and various defense systems "for when the others le
arn that we've decided to join you." Also, the deal is off if you show up in orb
it with a fleet that "looks like an invasion fleet rather than a construction fl
You thank them and return to your ship. Alondo a
sks, "What do you think?"`
"Well, building a spaceport is probably
cheaper than fighting a major battle."`
goto port
"They're asking a lot. Why don't we just
invade them?"`
goto invade
label port
"Yes," he says, "except that I can almost guaran
tee that when we show up on their doorstep with everything they asked for, some
local warlord will attack our ships, steal our supplies, enslave our workers, an
d build himself a nice cozy island fortress."`
goto attack
label invade
"That's certainly the simpler option," he says,
"especially because I can almost guarantee that when we show up on their doorste
p with everything they asked for, some local warlord will attack our ships, stea
l our supplies, enslave our workers, and build himself a nice cozy island fortre
goto attack
label attack
"So, we attack them?" you ask.`
"You're on council now," he says. "I'll leave it
up to you. Option one is, we bring them the supplies and workers, in merchant s
hips, but use very heavily armed merchant ships in case they double cross us. Op
tion two is, we go to Dancer and see if JJ can lend us an invasion fleet."`
passengers 1
on fail
dialog `You have failed an essential Free Worlds mission. If you
want to complete the story line, revert to the autosave or another earlier snap
shot of the game.`
on offer
`Waiting for you in the spaceport on <origin> are two Be
hemoth heavy freighters, which will be carrying the equipment and workers to Blo
odsea. You can't help notice that nearly a third of their cargo space has been c
onverted into extra outfit space, and both ships have a pair of plasma turrets m
ounted on them, and what looks like torpedo launchers as well.`
While you are on Zug, you and Alondo meet up wit
h Freya and ask how the Dreadnought production is going. "We're nearly there," s
he says, "just one or two kinks left to work out. They've produced another two p
rototypes, but not enough to start selling them yet. I know, you're itching to p
ilot one of your own. Believe me, we're working as fast as possible."`
Your next stop is to pick up more workers and co
nstruction supplies on <destination>.`
npc accompany save
government Merchant
personality escort heroic
ship "Behemoth (Heavy)" "F.S. Bungles"
ship "Behemoth (Heavy)" "F.S. Humble"
on visit
dialog "You have reached <planet>, but you left the freighters b
ehind! Better depart and wait for them to arrive in this star system."
npc accompany save
government Merchant
personality escort heroic
ship "Behemoth (Heavy)" "F.S. Bungles"
ship "Behemoth (Heavy)" "F.S. Humble"
on visit
dialog "You have reached <planet>, but you left the freighters b
ehind! Better depart and wait for them to arrive in this star system."
government Pirate
personality plunders staying disables
system Antares
names pirate
"Raven (Afterburner)" 2
Hawk 2
"Fury (Flamethrower)" 3
Sparrow 5
on complete
set "fw bloodsea done"
event "dreadnoughts for sale"
event "dreadnought deployment" 40
event "bloodsea joins free worlds"
event "bloodsea spaceport completed" 100
`A few of the locals on Bloodsea appear surprised that y
ou actually brought the supplies for a new spaceport, and that you arrived with
all the supplies intact. But after meeting up with Alondo, they agree to hold th
eir side of the bargain: from now on, Bloodsea will be a part of the Free Worlds
, with all the rights and responsibilities that implies. And that means that the
y will refuse to knowingly harbor any pirate fleets or other known criminals.`
Alondo tells you that he will catch a ride back
with the freighters when they return. "But, you'll probably want to head out soo
ner," he says, "because I've got some good news for you. Freya just contacted me
, to say that they're now ready to start selling Dreadnoughts to certain select
members of the Free Worlds, including you. That also means she's done with her w
ork on Zug, so she'll need you to give her a lift from there."`
1: done"
1.1: done"
on fail
dialog `You have failed an essential Free Worlds mission. If you
want to complete the story line, revert to the autosave or another earlier snap
shot of the game.`
on offer
`When you meet up with JJ, he looks exhausted. "Our scou
ts are reporting that the Navy is building a massive base on New Iceland," he sa
ys, "just a few jumps away from here. So every day I look up at the sky and wond
er if today is the day when they will invade."`
You talk for a while and agree that despite the
threat from the Navy, dealing with the pirates is important. JJ explains that Al
batross started out as a sort of farming commune: independent, but not associate
d with any illegal activity. But they were dominated by pirates, and since then,
one pirate overlord after another has held sway over the planet. So in principl
e at least, the locals ought to welcome the idea of Free Worlds protection.`
While you are traveling with JJ, Freya agrees to
stay here and work on a better surveillance network, to give Dancer advance war
ning if the Navy decides to invade.`
system Nunki
government Pirate
personality staying disables plunders
fleet "Small Southern Pirates"
fleet "Small Southern Pirates"
on offer
event "albatross joins free worlds"
`When the elders on Albatross learn that you have destro
yed Ryk Bartlett and freed them from his rule, they grudgingly agree to join the
Free Worlds, "at least on a trial basis." You hope that you will be able to liv
e up to the promises you have given them.`
After you return to your ship, JJ says, "So far
Freya says there have been no hints of a Navy attack against Dancer, and she has
a new set of surveillance satellites up and running in Alpha Arae to monitor fl
eet activity. So, let's go meet up with her and decide what our next steps shoul
d be."`
will live on," he says, "and there's no way we're abandoning a whole section of
the fleet just to save our own skins. So, let's go to Wayfarer."`
government "Free Worlds"
personality staying timid
system Tarazed
ship "Dreadnought" "F.S. Holly"
ship "Falcon (Plasma)" "F.S. Nebula"
ship "Osprey" "F.S. Larkspur"
ship "Bastion (Heavy)" "F.S. Ironwood"
ship "Argosy" "F.S. Nightingale"
As the third Council member present, you have th
e deciding vote, and the entire course of this war may rest on your decision.`
"I say we rescue the defector, even if i
t means war with the Syndicate."`
goto rescue
"I say we hand the defector over to the
Syndicate, and focus on winning the battle against the Republic."`
goto surrender
label rescue
"Are you sure?" asks Freya. "A lot of lives hang
in the balance."`
"Yes, I'm sure. We rescue the defector."
goto "definitely rescue"
"Fine, we'll hand him over. But I don't
think it's the right thing to do."`
goto "definitely surrender"
label surrender
"If Katya were here," says JJ, "she would tell u
s to choose justice over political expedience."`
"Well, she's not here, and I say we can'
t afford to lose the Syndicate as an ally."`
goto "definitely surrender"
"I suppose you're right. Let's mount a r
escue operation."`
goto "definitely rescue"
label "definitely surrender"
set "fw did not rescue defector"
"Very well," says JJ. "In that case, we'll need
to meet with the fleet captains and figure out how to take on the Navy. Let's me
et in the spaceport bar in an hour."`
t over
ks can
"My name is Raven," she says. "I'm here to quest
ion this defector. If he is telling the truth, our war with you will end today."
She pauses, then adds, grimly, "And, another war will begin."`
goto questioning
label hostile
She frowns. "My name is Raven," she says. "I am
here to question this defector. If you are interested in knowing the truth, you
will allow me to do so."`
label questioning
The monks approach, and you see that among them
is a man in more ordinary attire, who must be the defector. "Now," says Raven, "
I will question him alone, on my ship."`
"No, we insist on being present for your
goto present
"Very well, we'll wait outside."`
"No!" says JJ. "We're staying here."`
label present
She hesitates for a long moment. This is probabl
y going against whatever orders she is following. But finally she says, "Very we
ll." The monks step aside. She approaches the defector, and reaches out her hand
s to him. Hesitantly, he takes her hands. It's an oddly intimate scene, the two
of them quietly holding hands and locking eyes - not like any interrogation you
have seen before. "Now," she says, "tell me your story."`
"My name is Sawyer," says the man. "I'm a physic
ist, a Syndicate employee. We had a secret project on Mutiny, a planet in a pira
te system. We were developing nuclear weapons." He hesitates, and looks away for
a second, then says, "They told me it was for fighting the pirates. I didn't re
alize otherwise until--"`
"That is a lie," says Raven, calmly.`
He seems flustered. "Okay, they didn't tell me w
hat the weapons were for, and I didn't ask."`
"Why would the Syndicate attack the Repu
"Why did you wait so long to report this
goto wait
They both seem surprised at you asking a questio
n. "I'm not sure," says Sawyer, "but the Syndicate's profits have more than doub
led since this war began. Maybe they knew they would benefit from it more than a
"What led you to report this?" asks Raven.`
label wait
He says, "It was when I heard that there had bee
n another major battle. Up until then I had been telling myself that the worst o
f the damage was done. But after that battle, I knew that millions more could di
e because of our crime, and that I had the power to stop it."`
Raven continues to ask questions: who was involv
ed, how the facility was hidden, where the raw materials come from. At one point
, JJ pulls you aside and says, "She must be a Questioner. How they operate is a
tightly kept secret. I'd always assumed their methods were... a bit more medieva
Finally, Raven is satisfied, and radios her ship
. "He's telling the truth," she tells them. "Send word to the generals at once.
And, release the captive."`
The door of her ship slides open, and another wo
man steps out - shakily, hesitantly, shielding her eyes against the sunlight. It
takes you a few seconds to realize that it's Katya.`
As you all rush over to greet Katya, Raven taps
your shoulder and says quietly, "Meet me in the main spaceport in a few hours an
d we'll figure out what's going to happen next." She returns to her ship.`
label yes
"Ah yes," says JJ, "an excellent piece of corpor
ate espionage. A little shady and underhanded, of course, which is why we let th
e Wolf Pack handle things like that rather than doing it through official channe
ls. But anyway, they've agreed to make an initial strike and fade attack on the
Navy fleet to soften them up, before our own fleet gets there."`
label plan
"That'll need to be one hell of a strike for it
to make any difference," says Freya.`
"Don't worry," says JJ, "it will be. They've bee
n itching to get into the fray for months now. Captain <last>, we'd like you to
fly along with the fleet and help to mop up whatever the Wolf Pack leaves behind
in the Delta Sagittarii system. Then we'll land on New Portland and figure out
what our next steps are. Freya and I will ride on your ship."`
on complete
event "fwc southern liberation"
personality heroic
names "free worlds capital"
"Falcon (Plasma)"
names "free worlds capital"
"Falcon (Heavy)"
names "free worlds capital"
"Bastion (Heavy)" 2
names "free worlds capital"
npc evade
personality staying heroic
system "Delta Sagittarii"
government "Republic"
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Carrier (Mark II)"
"Lance" 4
"Combat Drone" 6
"Gunboat (Mark II)" 4
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Cruiser (Mark II)"
"Combat Drone" 4
"Rainmaker (Mark II)" 4
personality staying derelict
system "Delta Sagittarii"
government "Republic"
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Carrier (Mark II)"
"Frigate" 2
names "republic capital"
fighters "republic fighter"
"Cruiser (Mark II)"
"Frigate" 4
personality staying heroic
system "Rastaban"
government "Free Worlds"
fleet "Large Free Worlds"
fleet "Large Free Worlds"
fleet "Large Free Worlds"
fleet "Large Free Worlds"
personality staying derelict
system "Rastaban"
government "Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
personality staying heroic
system "Rastaban"
government "Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"
fleet "Large Republic"