Understanding Production and Operations Management
Understanding Production and Operations Management
Understanding Production and Operations Management
The very essence of any business is to cater needs of customer by providing services and goods, and in process create
value for customers and solve their problems. Production and operations management talks about applying business
organization and management concepts in creation of goods and services.
Production is a scientific process which involves transformation of raw material (input) into desired product or service
(output) by adding economic value. Production can broadly categorize into following based on technique:
Production through separation: It involves desired output is achieved through separation or extraction from raw
materials. A classic example of separation or extraction is Oil into various fuel products.
Production by modification or improvement: It involves change in chemical and mechanical parameters of the raw
material without altering physical attributes of the raw material. Annealing process (heating at high temperatures and
then cooling), is example of production by modification or improvement.
Production by assembly: Car production and computer are example of production by assembly.
Output: Production management deals with manufacturing of products like (computer, car, etc) while
operations management cover both products and services.
Usage of Output: Products like computer/car are utilized over a period of time whereas services need to be
consumed immediately
Classification of work: To produce products like computer/car more of capital equipment and less labour are
required while services require more labour and lesser capital equipment.
Customer Contact: There is no participation of customer during production whereas for services a constant
contact with customer is required.
Production management and operations management both are very essential in meeting objective of an organization.
In this global competitive age organization goal tend to change from time to time therefore operations strategy as a
consequence has also be dynamic in nature. A regular SWOT analysis ensures that the organization is able to maintain
competitive advantage and business leadership.
Strategic Management Process for Production and Operation
For success of organizational strategic objective, strategic planning has to trickle down to various function areas of the
business. In order to build strategy management process a sequential process as below is followed
Competition Analysis: In this step company evaluates and studies current competition in the market and practices that
are followed in the industry for operations and production vis--vis company policies
Goal Setting: Next step involves narrowing down the objective towards which the organization wants to move
Strategy Formulation: The next step is breaking down of organizational goals into operations and production
Implementation: The final step is to convert operations and production strategies into day to day activities like
production schedule, product design, quality management etc.
As organizations are always customer-centric, production and operation strategy for organization are built around
Measurement of formulated operations and production strategy is important to maintain alignment with the
organization objectives. In simple terms productivity is defined as sum of total output per employee or per day.
Productivity of company is dependent on industry and environmental conditions in which it is operating.
Two essential part of productivity are labor and capital. In scenario of limited resources, optimum and efficient
utilization of labor and capital will generate favorable productivity. Productivity measurement also enables company
to identify areas which require improvement or special focus. Also productivity provides ready report card to measure
status against companys production objective.
Productivity measurement can be classified in three categories based on the inputs used for calculation. Partial
productivity ration of output is compared to one of resource used for example, labor productivity where output is
compared to the labor wages.
Total productivity measure takes into consideration sum of all input factors which are used for the output.
In the modern age technology plays an important part in productivity.
Another important factor is the case of production is wastivity. Not 100% of input would be converted to output, there
is going to waste during production. Wastivity is reciprocal of productivity. Classic examples of wastivity are defective
products and services which either have to be re-cycle or disposed of completely. Other example is idle capacity of
material, man-power equipment etc.
Usage of technology in operation management has ensured that organizations are able to reduce the cost, improve
the delivery process, standardize and improve quality and focus on customization, thereby creating value for
Integration of Technology with Production System
Technology drives efficiency in organization and increases productivity of the organization. However, bringing
technology in the production system is highly complex process, and it needs to following steps:
Technology Acquisition: technology acquired should align with overall objectives of the organization and should be
approved after elaborate cost-benefit analysis.
Technology Integration: technology affects all aspects of production i.e. capital, labour and customer. Therefore, a
solid technology integration plan is required.
Technology Verification: once technology integrated, it is important to check whether technology is delivering
operational effectiveness and is been used to its fullest.
Technology in Manufacturing and Design
Technology is getting extensively used in customization of design products and services. The usage of computers and
supporting electronic systems is integral part of modern industrial and services industry. Current techniques can be
broadly classified into following categories:
Computer-Aided Design (CAD): CAD facilitates linking of two more complex components of design at very high level of
accuracy thus delivering higher productivity.
Computer-Aided Manufacturing System (CAM): Precision is very essential in operating any machines and therefore,
Computerized Numerically Controlled machines are used, thus ensuring highest level of accuracy.
Standard for the Exchange of Product Data: As the name suggests product design is transmitted among CAM and CAM
in three dimensions. Standard for The Exchange of Product Data process sharing of product across all phases of
product life cycle and serves as neutral file exchange.
Software Systems in Manufacturing
There are various software systems available to integrated operations and manufacturing functions with other
business functions of organization. Some of the common software systems are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),
Supply-Chain Management (SCM), New-Product Development (NPD) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Enterprises Resources Planning (ERP) links all business functions like manufacturing, marketing, human resource and
finance through a common software platform. The main benefits of the ERP solution are that it not only reduces
database errors but also delivers value to customer through faster delivery and order fulfillment.
Automation in Production and Operations
Automation reduces manual intervention in the manufacturing process. It increases productivity and reduces margin
of error thereby facilitating economies of scale. There is this-advantages of automation also, such as unemployment,
high breakdown cost and initial capital investment. Therefore, automation may not be suitable in all situations and in
the end alignment with an overall organization objective is important.
Technology can be facilitating factor in bringing about change in operations and production management. But it may
not be feasible to use technology in all aspects with challenge coming through high initial cost of investment, high cost
of maintenance and mismanagement.
Value analysis aims to simplify products and process. There by increasing efficiency in managing projects,
resolve problems, encourage innovation and improve communication across organization.
Value analysis enables people to contribute in the value addition process by continuous focus on product
design and services.
Value analysis provides a structure through cost saving initiatives, risk reduction and continuous improvement.
Utility: The product design should make product utility as per expectation of customers and provide steady
performance through the product life.
Aesthetics: Product aesthetics is important in success of the product. The product aesthetics is dependent on
market and end customer.
Producible: Product design should enable effective production of product through available production
Profitability: Product design should make economic sense as to deliver value to customer and sustainability to
the organization.
Differentiable: A good product design should enable product to be differentiate among its competition. This
can be achieved by attractive packaging and also by providing additional service on the product.
Customer Involvement: Involvement of customer in product design and testing can provide insight into the direction
of the project
Prototyping and testing: Product design is high risk concept as it involves commitment of capital and man-power;
therefore, it is imperative that extensive prototyping and testing are done with customer and market.
Raw Material: It is essential that raw material to be used in the production meets the quality standards of the end
product. Furthermore, procurement system needs to be in place to ensure continuous, cost effective supply.
Production method and process layout: Feasibility of production method and process layout determines future
success of the product.
External Factors: Environmental and government regulations plays an important part in product design. And these
norms are updated from time to time, so product design should have the flexibility to adapt.
Product Selection
Production selection process is done through a combination of financial analysis, risk analysis, existing product
portfolio, raw material supply and pre-determined product criteria.
Production process for both manufacturing industry and service industry can be classified into broad categories based
on standardization of product or service. It can range from single project assignment like a building or bridge
(manufacturing) to interior design (service) and mass production project like a car (manufacturing) to a fast-food joint
Process Design
A successful process design has to take into account the appropriateness of the process to overall organization
objective. Process design requires a broad view of the whole organization and should not have a myopic outlook. And
the process should deliver customer value with constant involvement of the management at various stages.
In order to achieve a good process design, effective process strategy is required, which deals with a singular line items
required to manufacture the end product. Effective process strategy deals with raw material procurement, customer
participation, technology investment, etc.
Over a period of time process design has undergone change and new concepts like Flexible Manufacturing Systems
have been developed, which delivers efficient and effective production design and analysis.
Using modern technologies and implement logical steps in production design, the actual production is likely to
come down, thereby reducing product delivery time.
Through optimum usage of resources and using efficient process, organizations are able to minimize cost of
production thus improving profitability of the organization.
Since extensive uses of CAD model are employed chances are of product or design failure are greatly reduced
thus reducing risk for organization.
As the focus is solely in delivering value to customer, quality is paramount importance and achieved through
technology and methods.
IPPD success is greatly dependent on agreement on the end objective which is the successful address to
customer requirements. All the stakeholders and management should be aligned to the single objective.
Since this is a scientific approach, its success dependent on building up of plan, implementation of plan and
constant review of the implemented plan.
With implementation of modern methods and technology comes usage of modern tools and systems. This
tools, and systems need to be integrated within the organization framework.
Skilled manpower is another essential; therefore, organization need to make investment in human capital.
Customer is the focal point of IPPD. Therefore, constant feedback from them is essential for IPPD to be a success.
Therefore, IPPD is approach design to address all the concern of modern organization in the globalized world.
Facility Location - Factors Influencing the Location
Facility Location is the right location for the manufacturing facility, it will have sufficient access to the customers,
workers, transportation, etc. For commercial success, and competitive advantage following are the critical factors:
Overall objective of an organization is to satisfy and delight customers with its product and services. Therefore, for an
organization it becomes important to have strategy formulated around its manufacturing unit. A manufacturing unit is
the place where all inputs such as raw material, equipment, skilled labors, etc. come together and manufacture
products for customers. One of the most critical factors determining the success of the manufacturing unit is the
Facility location determination is a business critical strategic decision. There are several factors, which determine
the location of facility among them competition, cost and corresponding associated effects. Facility location is a
scientific process utilizing various techniques.
Location Selection Factors
For a company which operates in a global environment; cost, available infrastructure, labor skill, government policies
and environment are very important factors. A right location provides adequate access to customers, skilled labors,
transportation, etc. A right location ensures success of the organization in current global competitive environment.
A geographic area becomes a focal point for various facility locations based on many factors, parameters and issues.
These factors are can be divided into primary factors and secondary factors. A primary factor which leads to
industrialization of a particular area for particular manufacturing of products is material, labor and presence of similar
manufacturing facilities. Secondary factors are available of credit finance, communication infrastructure and insurance.
Errors in Location Selection
Facility location is critical for business continuity and success of the organization. So it is important to avoid mistakes
while making selection for a location. Errors in selection can be divided into two broad categories behavioral and nonbehavioral. Behavioral errors are decision made by executives of the company where personal factors are considered
before success of location, for example, movement of personal establishment from hometown to new location facility.
Non-behavioral errors include lack of proper investigative practice and analysis, ignoring critical factors and
characteristics of the industry.
Location Strategy
The goal of an organization is customer delight for that it needs access to the customers at minimum possible cost.
This is achieved by developing location strategy. Location strategy helps the company in determining product offering,
market, demand forecast in different markets, best location to access customers and best manufacturing and service
Factors Influencing Facility Location
If the organization can configure the right location for the manufacturing facility, it will have sufficient access to the
customers, workers, transportation, etc. For commercial success, and competitive advantage following are the critical
Customer Proximity: Facility locations are selected closer to the customer as to reduce transportation cost and
decrease time in reaching the customer.
Business Area: Presence of other similar manufacturing units around makes business area conducive for facility
Availability of Skill Labor: Education, experience and skill of available labor are another important, which determines
facility location.
Free Trade Zone/Agreement: Free-trade zones promote the establishment of manufacturing facility by providing
incentives in custom duties and levies. On another hand free trade agreement is among countries providing an
incentive to establish business, in particular, country.
Suppliers: Continuous and quality supply of the raw materials is another critical factor in determining the location of
manufacturing facility.
Environmental Policy: In current globalized world pollution, control is very important, therefore understanding of
environmental policy for the facility location is another critical factor.
To provide optimum space to organize equipment and facilitate movement of goods and to create safe and
comfortable work environment.
To promote order in production towards a single objective
The design of the facility layout should consider overall objectives set by the organization.
Optimum space needs to be allocated for process and technology.
A proper safety measure as to avoid mishaps.
Overall management policies and future direction of the organization
Line Layout
Functional Layout
Fixed Position Layout
Cellular Technology Layout
Combined Layout, and
Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique
Forecasting Methods
Forecasting is divided into two broad categories, techniques and routes. Techniques are further classified into
quantitative techniques and qualitative techniques. Quantitative techniques comprise of time series method,
regression analysis, etc., where as qualitative methods comprise of Delphi method, expert judgment.
Routes forecasting consist of top-down route and bottom-up route.
Capacity Planning
The production system design planning considers input requirements, conversion process and output. After
considering the forecast and long-term planning organization should undertake capacity planning.
Capacity is defined as the ability to achieve, store or produce. For an organization, capacity would be the ability of a
given system to produce output within the specific time period. In operations, management capacity is referred as an
amount of the input resources available to produce relative output over period of time.
In general, terms capacity is referred as maximum production capacity, which can be attained within a normal working
Capacity planning is essential to be determining optimum utilization of resource and plays an important role decisionmaking process, for example, extension of existing operations, modification to product lines, starting new products,
Strategic Capacity Planning
A technique used to identify and measure overall capacity of production is referred to as strategic capacity planning.
Strategic capacity planning is utilized for capital intensive resource like plant, machinery, labor, etc.
Strategic capacity planning is essential as it helps the organization in meeting the future requirements of the
organization. Planning ensures that operating cost are maintained at a minimum possible level without affecting the
quality. It ensures the organization remain competitive and can achieve the long-term growth plan.
Capacity Planning Classification
Capacity planning based on the timeline is classified into three main categories long range, medium range and short
Long Term Capacity: Long range capacity of an organization is dependent on various other capacities like design
capacity, production capacity, sustainable capacity and effective capacity. Design capacity is the maximum output
possible as indicated by equipment manufacturer under ideal working condition.
Production capacity is the maximum output possible from equipment under normal working condition or day.
Sustainable capacity is the maximum production level achievable in realistic work condition and considering normal
machine breakdown, maintenance, etc.
Effective capacity is the optimum production level under pre-defined job and work-schedules, normal machine
breakdown, maintenance, etc.
Medium Term Capacity: The strategic capacity planning undertaken by organization for 2 to 3 years of a time frame is
referred to as medium term capacity planning.
Short Term Capacity: The strategic planning undertaken by organization for a daily weekly or quarterly time frame is
referred to as short term capacity planning.
A complete information is required about available production facility and raw materials.
A solid demand forecast covering the medium-range period
Financial planning surrounding the production cost which includes raw material, labor, inventory planning, etc.
Organization policy around labor management, quality management, etc.
Aggregate planning will ensure that organization can plan for workforce level, inventory level and production rate in
line with its strategic goal and objective.
Achieving financial goals by reducing overall variable cost and improving the bottom line
Maximum utilization of the available production facility
Provide customer delight by matching demand and reducing wait time for customers
Reduce investment in inventory stocking
Able to meet scheduling goals there by creating a happy and satisfied work force
Material planning provides information that all the required raw material and products are available for
Material planning ensures that inventory level are maintained at its minimum levels. But also ensures that
material and product are available whenever production is scheduled, therefore, helping in matching demand
and supply.
Material planning provides information of production planning and scheduling but also provides information
around dispatch and stocking.
Primary objective is to ensure that material and components are available for production, and final products
are ready for dispatch.
Another primary objective is not only to maintain minimum inventory but also ensure right quantity of
material is available at the right time to produce right quantity of final products.
Another primary objective is to ensure planning of all manufacturing processes, this scheduling of different job
works as to minimize or remove any kind of idle time for machine and workers.
Material planning is highly dependent on inputs it receives from other systems or department. If input
information is not correct than output for material planning will also be incorrect.
Material planning requires maintenance of robust database with all information pertaining inventory records,
production schedule, etc. without which output again would be incorrect.
Material planning system requires proper training for end users, as to get maximum out of the system.
Material resource planning system requires substantial investment of time and capital.
Material planning is useful in determining cash flow requirement based on material requirements and final
dispatch schedules.
It helps procurement team in scheduling purchase of necessary material.
It helps the sales team in determining delivery dates for final products.
It ensures that optimum utilization of production capacity is achieved, by proper scheduling of the machine
items which reduces the idle time as well as over use.
It ensures that inventory level are maintained at optimum levels at all time, i.e. there is no over-stocking or
It also ensures that production time is kept at optimum level and thereby increasing the turnover time.
Since it overlooks all aspects of production, quality of final product is always maintained.
Production Planning
Production planning is one part of production planning and control dealing with basic concepts of what to produce,
when to produce, how much to produce, etc. It involves taking a long-term view at overall production planning.
Therefore, objectives of production planning are as follows:
To ensure right quantity and quality of raw material, equipment, etc. are available during times of production.
To ensure capacity utilization is in tune with forecast demand at all the time.
A well thought production planning ensures that overall production process is streamlined providing following
Production planning takes care of two basic strategies product planning and process planning. Production planning is
done at three different time dependent levels i.e. long-range planning dealing with facility planning, capital
investment, location planning, etc.; medium-range planning deals with demand forecast and capacity planning and
lastly short term planning dealing with day to day operations.
Production Control
Production control looks to utilize different type of control techniques to achieve optimum performance out of the
production system as to achieve overall production planning targets. Therefore, objectives of production control are as
Production control cannot be same across all the organization. Production control is dependent upon the following
Production planning and control are essential for customer delight and overall success of an organization.
Allocation of resources
Workforce scheduling
Production equipment scheduling
Operations planning ensures that proper workflow is established by ensuring allocation of job on appropriate
machines before the advent of production activities. Scheduling is production timetable highlighting sequence of job,
timing and quantity for allocation of resources as to help an organization in cash flow planning. Therefore, there are
three main objectives of production scheduling:
Forward scheduling is type of scheduling where the planner considers order received date as the starting point
for forward planning of all the activities.
Backward scheduling is type of scheduling where the planner considers the order delivery date as the starting
point and does backward planning of all activities.
Workplace Planning
Workplace planning ensures optimum productivity by ensuring proper utilization of limited resources and priorities
job order at different work centers. Workforce control ensures that maximum output is achieved from machines, raw
material and workforce. All production-related information is recorded as to establish input-output control as to
achieve overall efficiency and optimum utilization of raw materials.
The main objectives of workforce planning and control are as follows:
Therefore operations scheduling and workplace planning play an pivotal role in success of an organization.
Single Channel, Single Phase (e.g. ship yards and car wash)
Single Channel, Multi Phase (e.g. bank tellers)
Multi Channel, Single Phase (e.g. separate queue of man and women for single ticket window)
Multi Channel, Multi Phase (e.g. Laundromat, where option of several washers and several dryers)
Inventory holding ensures that operation delay do not impact delivery to customers.
It also ensures that company can meet spikes or fluctuation in product demand.
It ensures that there is flexibility in production.
It ensures that any delay by suppliers do not affect working of the company.
Considering the above inventory holding objectives, next step for the company is to make inventory related decision.
Inventory decision involves two major considerations, first is the order quantity of the raw material and second is
timing for placing those orders.
Inventory Models
Inventory management is based upon two basic models i.e independent demand inventory model and dependent
demand inventory model.
Independent Demand Inventory Model talks about raw material demand which is dependent upon prevailing
market conditions and is not correlated to any raw material currently used by the organization. Finished goods
is an appropriate example for independent demand inventory model.
Dependent Demand Inventory Model talks about raw material demand which are integral parts of production
and form important part of material resource planning. For example, demand for raw material can be
established as the basis of demand of finished products.
Inventory Costs
There are three broad categories of cost associated with inventory; holding cost, ordering cost and set up cost.
Holding costs are carrying cost associated with inventory over a period of time. They include insurance,
warehousing, interest, extra head-count, etc.
Ordering costs are cost associated with purchasing of raw material and receiving raw materials. They include
forms, order processing, office maintenance supplies and staff associated with ordering.
Set Up Cost are cost associated with installation of machine for production. They include clean- up cost, retooling cost and adjustment cost.
Inventory management ensures that organizations are able to minimize cost and maximize profit.
Just In Time (JIT)
Just In Time is set of strategic activities, which are formulated to achieve maximum production with minimal
maintenance of inventory. JIT as philosophy is applicable to various types of organization but on implement side it is
more relevant with manufacturing operations.
For JIT system to be successful, there are two critical elements, attitude of workers/management and practice.
Fundamentals of JIT
JIT is based on the following fundamentals: