Lecture 29 Winding Up PDF
Lecture 29 Winding Up PDF
Lecture 29 Winding Up PDF
of Companies
Winding up of a Company
The term winding up of a company may be defined as
the proceedings by which a company is dissolved (i.e.
the life of a company is put to an end).
Thus, the winding up is the process of putting an end
to the life of the company. And during this process, the
assets of the company are disposed of, the debts of the
company are paid off out of the realized assets or from
the contributories and if any surplus is left, it is
distributed among the members in proportion to their
shareholding in the company.
Winding up of a Company
The winding up of the company is also called the
liquidation of the company.
The process of winding up begins after the Court
passes the order for winding up or a resolution is
passed for voluntary winding up. The company is
dissolved after completion of the winding up
On the dissolution, the company ceases to exist. So,
the legal procedure by which the existence of an
incorporated company is brought to an end is known
as winding up
A person appointed to carry out the winding up of a company is called
liquidator. If the winding up is through Court, the term used for
such person is official liquidator .
The duties of liquidator include to get in and realise the property of
the company, to pay its debts, and to distribute the surplus (if any)
among the members. The official liquidator acts under the
supervision of the Court, through a recognized reporting system .
The following are the general powers of liquidator(s): To institute or defend any suit, action, prosecution or other legal
proceeding, civil or criminal on behalf of the company.
To carry on the business of the company so far as may be necessary
for the beneficial to it.
To pay to the creditors.
To make any compromise or arrangement with creditors.
To compromise all calls and liabilities to calls, debts and liabilities
capable of resulting in debts.
To sell the movable and immovable property and things in
action of the company by public auction or private contract,
with power to transfer to any person or to sell the same in
To do all acts and to execute all deeds, receipts and other
documents in the name and on behalf of the company and for
that purpose to use in the companys seal when necessary.
To prove, rank and claim in the bankruptcy, insolvency or
sequestration of any contributory for any balance against his
estate and to receive dividends as a separate debt due from
the bankrupt or insolvent in the bankruptcy.
To draw, accept, make and endorse any bill of exchange or
promissory note in the name and on behalf of the company.
To raise on the security of the assets of the company any
Consequences of winding up
Some important consequences of winding up of company are:
As regards the company itself:
winding up does not mean that the company has ceased to exist. The
company exists as a corporate entity with all the rights of such entity,
with only change that its management and administration is to be
carried on through liquidator / liquidators till the final dissolution of
the company.
As regards the shareholders :
A new statutory liability as contributories comes into existence. Every
transfer of shares or alteration in the status of a shareholder, after the
winding up has commenced by the order of the Court , shall unless
approved by the liquidator , be void.
Consequences of winding up
As regards the creditors:
They cannot file or continue suits against the company, except with the
leave of the Court.
They cannot proceed with the execution, if they have obtained decrees
They must lodge their claim and prove their debt before the liquidator.
As regards the management,
on appointment of liquidator, all the powers of the directors, chief
executive and other officers, shall cease, except for the purpose of
giving notice of resolution to wind up and appointment of liquidator
and filing of consent of liquidator etc.
As regards the disposition of companys property, all such dispositions are
void unless with the leave of the Court or the liquidator.
Modes of winding up
The winding up of a company may be either-
by the Court; or
voluntary; or
subject to the supervision of the Court.
Rule 4 of
the Rules
Rule 75 of
the Rules
Rule 5 of
the Rules
Rule 6 of
the Rules