Anomalous Zeeman Effect
Anomalous Zeeman Effect
Anomalous Zeeman Effect
In 1896 Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman discovered that, when a magnetic field
is applied, an energy splitting is observed in the spectra emitted by certain
atom (Nave, 2014; University of Tennessee, 2007). Its known that the potential
energy in a magnetic dipole when a magnetic field is exerted is given by
I ( ) = * B
Where the magnetic dipole given by the orbital angular momentum(University
of Tennessee, 2007) is
2 me
B=ml B B
4 m
The equation defined above worked for a fair amount of atoms and the
predictions were very accurate, thats why it was so strange for physicists in
the 19th century when in 1897 Thomas Preston discovered that there were a lot
of atoms that do not follow the rules defined for the normal Zeeman effect,
instead the splitting in the fine structure seemed disorganized and the number
of lines predicted was inconsistent whit the mathematical description for the
normal Zeeman effect, this puzzled physicists from around the word until an
interesting observation made by Alfred Land (Forman, 1970) came through.
If we consider that the total angular momentum of the atom is not only defined
by Bohrs magneton but instead by the sum of the magneton and some extra
momentum, it is possible to predict this anomalous effects, this extra
momentum is called the spin of the electron. Then the explanation of this
phenomena follows like this: when the spin of a particular atom is 0, then a
normal Zeeman effect will be observed, instead if the spin of the atom is
nonzero then the anomalous Zeeman effect will show.
Furthermore, the mathematical description of the Anomalous Zeeman effect is
given by the following (University of California San Diego, 2015)If we consider
an atom whit angular momentum L and spin momentum S, then the total
angular momentum (J) is given by the sum
J =L+ S
Where the total magnetic moment is
=gl B
gs B
B 2
( L+ 2 S )
( 4ehmB )= g m B
j ( j + 1 )+ s ( s+1 )+l ( l +1 )
2 j ( j+ 1 )