assessed. A vital aspect of such change is a teacher's ability to select and use
instructional technology to develop, enhance, and extend students' understanding
and application of mathematics. (See NCTM Position Statement at
Calculators and the Education of Youth
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics recommends the integration of
calculators into the school mathematics program at all grade levels. Research and
experience support the potential for calculator use to enhance the learning and
teaching of mathematics. Calculator use has been shown to enhance cognitive
gains in areas that include number sense, conceptual development, and
visualization. Such gains can empower and motivate all teachers and students to
engage in richer problem-solving activities.
Westinghouse High School
The Westinghouse High School mathematics curriculum explores mathematics
from both a theoretical and a life-application perspective. Real world situations
and experiences are brought into the classroom through structured learning
experiences using technology, TI 83 graphing calculators and field trips. This
method of the study of mathematics also leads to the students ability to think
logically and solve problems. It develops thought patterns and mental discipline
appropriate to life in a technological age.
As science and technology have come to influence all aspects of life from
health and environment to financial affairs and national defense, so mathematics
has come to be of vital importance to the educational agenda of our nation.
Mathematics is the foundation of science and technology. The analytical skills
inherent in mathematics are necessary for almost anything a person will do in
today's society.
To prepare students to cope with the technological, information-based society
of the 21st century, schools will have to raise the level of education in general,
and mathematics instruction in particular. Everyone will need mathematics to
function well in the work place and in society.
This unit offers a very different approach to the area of mathematics.
Students develop the expertise in mathematics necessary to succeed at the college
level or in a skilled job area. Applied mathematics learning is designed to make
mathematics useful and meaningful for the students through the use of a more
hands-on approach. Laboratory site visit - activities should be included to apply
the skills learned in the classroom to practical problems.
Cooperative and constructivist learning will govern the teaching strategy for
this unit. Students in urban settings have different learning styles and social skills
that will be addressed in this unit. Hands on approach, team projects and open
ended questions will challenge both student and instructor to maintain a sense of
focus and objectivity. At Westinghouse High School, an urban school where 99%
of the student population is African Americans performing at below basic skills, a
systemic overhaul is required to improve the teaching and learning of
mathematics. As students work on bridge design and the mathematics of the main
cable, in cooperative work groups, they will apply not only mathematical
principles but also social problem-solving strategies. They will discover their
"way," which may not be universally embraced, but will be very engaging and
Using TI 83 Plus, students will be required to program the calculator the length
of the main cable, suspenders, and distances from the tower. Some students may
get hooked on this project and work from its beginning to completion. This
combination of algebra, geometry, working as a team, and having a thematic
project will give the students a sense of learning, while having fun.
The specific strategy of the unit will appeal to many different learning styles
and may, in fact, give female students a scientific and engineering sense of the
built environment that they would not ordinarily have in a traditional mathematic
curriculum. This is true for many of the male students, too. The hope is that many
students will find the project interesting and will essentially teach themselves. A
secondary objective is that students will develop an in-depth cognitive
assimilation of mathematics, and in due course look for the math in their world.
Much of the emphasis will be on the procedural knowledge that many students
come to geometry with but lack a deeper conceptual understanding, and very few,
if any, have an understanding of how to apply what they have learned.
Many urban students come to school often with different academic needs. The
traditional seat time is not the best educational method for these students. Tactile
learning, integrated with handson and mindson activities will facilitate the
production of deeper thinkers a Habit of Mind for inquiry, asking questions
and finding solutions. Research has suggested that many students in urban setting
are often low achievers and require alternative teaching and learning methods.
The Learning Styles of Low Achievers
Seven learning style traits discriminate between high-risk students and dropouts,
and students who perform well in school. Most low achievers and dropouts need
but are not limited to the following:
Frequent opportunities for mobility
Reasonable choices of how, with which resources, and with whom to learn
Problem solving
Students demonstrate problem solving in mathematics when they recognize and
formulate problems; determine the consistency of data; use strategies, data,
models; generate, extend, and modify procedures; use reasoning in new settings;
and judge the reasonableness and correctness of solutions. Problem-solving
situations require students to connect all of their mathematical knowledge of
concepts, procedures, reasoning, and communication skills to solve problems.2
The Project
Students will choose a suspension bridge and use the quadratic equations to
determine the parabola, cables and suspension lengths using the TI 83 Plus
calculator. Outlined below is a detailed example of a lesson that the instructor will
use to teach and demonstrate the principles of applied learning.
Pittsburgh has more bridges than any other city in the country. I thought it might
be nice to take advantage of this fact and use what students see, in both the natural
and built environment. What I saw was a teachable moment, using the students
neighborhoods, cities and surroundings to develop this task. For many people this
is not a new task, but the connection with the technology, expeditionary learning
and constructivist learning may make the task rich and interesting to students and
What This Task Accomplishes
Students will develop a strategy, most likely using a quadratic function, to
determine cable length as a function value. This task is particularly well suited to
use the quadratic format that is based on a transformation point of view rather
than the general format.
What the Student Will Do
Students will need to spend some time understanding all the details of this
problem in the context of a suspension bridge. They should develop a
mathematical model and then apply this model toward a solution for this problem.
Students may do a background investigation at the suggested websites or other
websites. Students may also simulate this problem by writing a computer or
calculator program. Geometry and spatial sense are fundamental components of
mathematics learning. They offer ways to interpret and reflect on our physical
environment and can serve as tools for the study of bridges and the structures that
support them.
As the study of the relationships among shapes and their properties becomes
more abstract, students should come to understand the role of definitions and
theorems and be able to construct their own proofs. For example, students in high
school should be able to prove that the area of a triangle formed by vertices that
bisect the sides of a larger triangle equal one-fourth of the area of the larger
Principles and Standards (NCTM) call for geometry to be learned using
concrete models, drawings, and dynamic software. With appropriate activities and
tools and with teacher support, students can make and explore conjectures about
geometry and reason carefully about geometric ideas.
Time Required for Task
1. Six weeks
2. 40 to 60 minutes per class time
3. Four to six field trips 2 hours each
Concepts to be Assessed and Skills to be developed
Mathematical modeling
Quadratic functions
Using a coordinate system
Choosing an appropriate domain
Determining function values
Suggested Materials
Graphing paper, (programmable) calculators or computers, spreadsheets
Teaching Tips and Possible Solutions
Alert students how to determine if cables are used to suspend road decks on
bridges. Often at each point several vertical cables connect the bridge with the
main cables. Students should take this into account. You could ask additional
questions such as:
How many miles of cable will be needed?
If we put cables at 50 foot intervals would that halve the total amount of
What is the increase in the amount of cable needed if the lowest point of
the main cable is 20 feet above the bridges center?
Presented below are two different ways to solve this problem. In the student
papers there is also a very nice solution using a computer program.
First Scenario: 0.0002422x2 0.58125x + 356.768
The parabola in this case is on the domain [400, 2000]. We can find the
formula for this parabola easily by using the transformation model. Then with
simple algebra it can be expanded to the general formula, such as the one above.
This goes as follows:
y = a (x h )2 + k
Where (h, k) is the vertex of the parabola (here that is (1200,10) and a is a
measure of the curvature of the parabola)? Expanding this form gives:
y = ax 2 + bx + c
It is obvious that for the bridge problem b and c are expressed in a, h, and k,
and thus are parameters that are complex and difficult to give any meaning for a
bridge. However, the general formula works very well for accelerated motion,
where a represents the acceleration, b the initial velocity, and c the initial
distance. In the above example we need one point on the curve to calculate the
value of a. In our case that could be (400,165).
The formula above is then derived as follows:
y = a( x 1200 )2 + 10
= 0.0002422
so :
y = 0.0002422(x 1200) + 10
Rather than finding out how our parabola was moved from the origin, we can
move our origin to a convenient place. This requires an adjustment in the domain
otherwise the conditions are altered. By moving the origin horizontally under the
y = ax 2 + 10 ,
y = ax 2 + k
155 = a(800)2
= 0.0002422
so :
y = 0.0002422x 2 + 10
Billington, David P., Robert Maillart's Bridges, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, NJ, 1997. Ropert Maillart is a Swiss bridge designer who is not only a
civil engineer but also a structural artist
Petroski, Henry, Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning
of America, Vintage Books, 1996. A history of five engineers who have built
Salvadori, Mario (1979). Building from caves to Skyscrapers. New York,
Atheneum. Introduces structures and buildings
Salvadoru, Mario. (1980) Why Buildings stand Up: The Strength of Architecture.
New York. W.W. Norton & Company. Introduces building making, and structures
Salvadori, Mario and Tempel, Michael. (1983) Architecture and Engineering: An
Illustrated Teacher's Manual on Why Building Stand up. New York, New York
Academy of Science --Manual for teachers.
Student Reading List
John Carol, and Rieth, Elizabeth, Bridges: Amazing Structures to Design, Build &
Test, and Williamson Publishing 1999. Bridges from all around the world and
construction techniques used to build them.
Kaner, Etta, Bridges, Kids Can Press, 1997. A guide to hand-on building of
Student Web Site List
Pittsburgh's Bridges
by Walter C. Kidney, Clyde Hare
Pittsburgh - "City of Bridges"
If you like bridges, then you'll love Pittsburgh! We're affectionately known as the
City of Bridges for good reason - over 1900 bridges exist in Allegheny County
Bridges of the Monongahela River
Bridges spanning the Monongahela River from Station Square and the South Side
to downtown Pittsburgh, include the historic Smithfield Street Bridge (1881), the
Panhandle RR Bridge (1903), the Liberty Bridge (1928), the South 10th Street
Bridge (1921), the Birmingham Bridge (1977) and, near the horizon, the twin
black spans of the Hot Metal Bridge (1877) and Mon Con RR Bridge (1877).
The Sixth Street Bridge, renamed the Roberto Clemente Bridge in 1999, is one of
three identical "sister" bridges built across the Allegheny River, connecting
Pittsburgh to the North Shore. It, like most downtown Pittsburgh river bridges, is
painted golden yellow (the official city colors are Black and Gold). The unique Ushaped building at the far end of the bridge is the historic Fulton building,
recently restored as a luxury Marriott Renaissance Hotel.
Allegheny River Bridges at Downtown Pittsburgh
The bridges which cross the Allegheny river near downtown Pittsburgh and the
Point include the Ft. Duquesne Bridge (1969), the identical Sixth (1928), Seventh
(1926), and Ninth Street Bridges (1928), the Fort Wayne Railroad Bridge (1904),
the Veteran's Bridge (1987), and the Sixteenth Street Bridge (1923).
The Sixth (Roberto Clemente), Seventh, and Ninth Street bridges are called the
"Three Sisters" - the only identical trio of bridges in the United States. All three
replaced former bridges, but the story of the Roberto Clemente (Sixth Street)
Bridge is the most interesting - the original Sixth Street bridge burned in the late
1800's because the sparrows nests in the beams caught fire from the steamboat
smoke stacks.
Pittsburgh's Oldest River Bridge
Instructional Unit The Parabola:
Instructional Unit
The Parabola: An Algebraic Approach
Teaching Notes:
In this lesson students look at the directrix and the focus of a parabola. This lesson
has direct connections to Day 1. However, instead of finding the parabola from
the directrix and focus, the students will be finding the directrix and focus of a
known parabola. No technology is stressed in this lesson. However, algebraic
manipulation tools may be helpful for some students that have difficulty
performing tasks like completing the square.
Prior to this lesson, we have looked at the parabola's equation in standard
polynomial form. That is, y = ax^2 + bx + c. Now we will look at simply the
standard form of the parabola equation.
The Definition:
A parabola is the set of points equidistant from a line called the directrix, and a
fixed point called the focus. The focus is not on the directrix.
Standard Form Equation: (x - h)^2 = 4c(y - k)
Vertex: (h, k)
Axis of Symmetry: x = h
Focus: (h, k+c)
Directrix: y = k - c
Opens: up if c > 0 / down if c < 0
Find the directrix and focus of this parabola:
(x - 5)^2 = 12(y + 2)
This equation is already in standard form, so simply use the information provided
y = x2 + 5
(x - 4) 2 = 2(y - 1)
3x2 + 12x - 5y + 7 = 0
y = x2 - 6x + 5
y = -2x2 + 5x - 3
Find the zeroes and vertex of a quadratic function from the graph or the
input-output table
Calculators will be permitted, but will not be required. No problems will require
use of the graphing features of the TI-83. You may use any type of calculator if
you do not have a TI-83.
Practice Problems for Algebra I Quiz on Quadratics
Based on the given information, identify the zeroes and the vertex.
a. For this graph:
Zeroes (x values):
Zeroes (x values):
Vertex (x and y values):
Vertex (x and y values):
b. Replace 0 with y.
c. Complete the table of values and graph the new equation from step (b)
Solution(s) if there are no solutions, write no solutions:
d. Check the solution(s) in the original equation. If the check fails, go back
and find the mistake and fix it. If you found two solutions, you must check
both of them.
b. Replace 0 with y.
c. Complete the table of values and graph the new equation from step (b)
d. Check the solution(s) in the original equation. If the check fails, go back
and find the mistake and fix it. If you found two solutions, you must check
both of them.
5. Based on the given information, identify the zeroes and the vertex.
a. For this graph:
Zeroes (x values):
Vertex (x and y values):
Vertex (x and y values):
6. Do the following for y = 2x2 + x 3.
a. Make the table and graph.
b. Find the zeroes (x values):
a. Find the vertex (x and y values):
b. Replace 0 with y.
c. Complete the table of values and graph the new equation from step (b)
Solution(s) if there are no solutions, write no solutions:
d. Check the solution(s) in the original equation. If the check fails, go back
and find the mistake and fix it. If you found two solutions, you must check
both of them.
Content Standards
The Pittsburgh Public Schools have adopted Mathematics Standards that are used
throughout the entire district. All seven of the math standards used by my school
district, Pittsburgh Public Schools, are addressed in the unit and are listed below.
Students are to take measurements, perform calculations and come up with
theoretical predictions, which are later verified. The Mathematics Standards
describe what students should know and be able to perform at or above grade
level. They reflect the increasing complexity and sophistication that students are
expected to achieve as they progress through school. The lessons and tasks in this
paper, adhere to the following standards:
1. All students use numbers, number systems, and equivalent forms (including
numbers, words, objects and graphics) to represent theoretical and practical
2. All students compute, measure, and estimate to solve theoretical and practical
problems, using appropriate tools, including modern technology, such as
calculators and computers.
3. All students apply the concepts of patterns, functions and relations to solve
theoretical and practical problems.
4. All students formulate and solve problems and communicate the mathematical
processes used and the reasons for using them.
5. All students understand and apply basic concepts of algebra, geometry,
probability and statistics to solve theoretical and practical problems.
6. All students evaluate, infer and draw appropriate conclusions from charts,
tables and graphs, showing the relationship between data and real world
7. All students make decisions and predictions based upon the collection,
organization, analysis and interpretation of statistical data and the application of
A. Content Standards Specific information on what students are expected to
know and be able to do for the nine academic goals. Content standards describe
the knowledge and skill expected of students at important developmental stages.
Standards are not curriculum, but guide the development of curriculum.