Digital Signal Processing Using Smart Biometric Solutions
Digital Signal Processing Using Smart Biometric Solutions
Digital Signal Processing Using Smart Biometric Solutions
mathematical algorithms,
biometrics, specific
developments tools like
fingerprint development
3.Complete System kits, software drivers and
multiple algorithms for
fingerprint verification, few) and as a trusted
speaker verification and network device for
signature verification are identification
available today from third
Secure Standalone
A secure
4. DSP for Secure and standalone device is one
Trusted Biometrics where all the functions of
Today’s authentication are carried
biometric systems are out within the confines of
based mainly on the embedded processor
interfacing the sensing and the result is
element with a personal communicated or
computer. The sensors are displayed along with
generally networked to a control signals to deny or
computer server to service grant access to the secured
unlimited users and asset. The original enrolled
multiple access points. The template or pattern is
cost of using PCs is either stored in the
prohibitive and the memory within the
communication link product or on a smart card
between the sensor and the which is carried on the
PC/server could be a major user’s person. In a secure
cause for concern with standalone device, the
regards to security and captured image is
privacy. A biometrics transferred to the
solution based on DSPs embedded processor
can function both as a (DSP) which then
secure standalone device converts/encodes the
for recognition (1:1 or 1: analog video stream into a
digital image for camera then be enhanced with one
based biometrics like or more functions like
facial, and iris/retinal histogram equalization,
recognition. The encoding filtering
can then be done on the Trusted Network
DSP using off-the-shelf Device
encoding software A trusted
available for the TI DSP network device is one in
(MPEG2, JPEG, etc). which the captured
With fingerprint biometric can be extracted
recognition, no encoding is into a template (in the case
required as the output of of minutiae) or encoded
the sensor module is a and compressed (in the
grayscale bitmap image. In case of image patterns)
the case of optical sensors, and then encrypted before
analog front-end being transmitted to a
components like amplifiers computing
and analog-to-digital server on which the
converters may be needed matching against a
to generate the bitmap. database of
templates/patterns is
carried out as part of the
identification process.
In the case of a
networked identification
system (like access to PCs
in a LAN or WAN or POS
terminals connected to a
credit processing
network), there are
After the capture (and
multiple access points and
encoding), the image can
the user needs to be
identified amongst a
database of users as an
authorized user. To secure
such a network, the access
point that is the source of
the live biometric data
being presented needs to
be a trusted point of
First, encrypting the
extracted template or the
With the use of an
captured image and
embedded DSP in the
transmitting this encrypted
trusted network device, all
data to the remote server
the functions of a secure
using a public key
standalone device
infrastructure can help
mentioned above can be
establish this trust. This
implemented excluding the
can help ensure that the
matching step and still
biometric data presented
have performance
for a match is not a digital
headroom to execute
file of a bitmap image
software encryption (e.g.,
being fed into the system
3DES, RSA1024, etc.)
by hacking or breaking
into the communication
5.Biometric System
link between the access
point and the database
The following
sections provide examples
of the TMS320C5509
DSP-based biometric
fingerprint solution and
the TMS320DM642™ and logic components like
DMP-based biometric universal bus transceivers
smart camera. and NAND gates are the
other hardware
components from TI used
to build a standalone
fingerprint system with
serial interface.
Additionally, third party
Based Biometric
Fingerprint Solution: software solutions for
An example
image enhancement and
fingerprint biometric
matching are available to
system based on
complete the system
TMS320C5509 DSP is
shown in Figure 6
If this design is
used in a computer mouse
or keyboard, the internal
USB slave port can be
used as the interface to the
PC. If it is networked to a
server managing multiple
fingerprint access
modules, the designer can
make use of the RS485
component (SN65XXX
and SN75XXX) or use a
In addition to
10/100 Ethernet interface
the DSP, the TPSXXX
connected to the external
power management,
memory bus on the DSP.
If the application requires
MAX232 serial driver
wireless connectivity then
(RS232), standard linear
the system developer can TMS320DM642 digital
opt to use an RFID media processor. The
component (low DM642 processor is made
frequency, Tag-It™ high up of the C64x DSP core
frequency and encrypted coupled with video ports,
transponders and readers) 10/100 EMAC controller
for contact less smart card and a 66 MHz PCI bus in
solutions. addition to standard
TMS320DM642,,,DMP- peripherals.
Based Biometric Smart The facial image
Camera capture can be carried out
either from a snapshot
(CCD combined with data
converter) or streaming
video image (external
camera source via
decoders) as the video
ports on the DM642 are
configurable. One of the
three video ports on the
DM642 can be configured
to output the image to a
Figure 7 illustrates a In addition to
Biometric Smart Camera the on-chip 10/100
module that can be used as Ethernet MAC controller
a digital surveillance and the 66 MHz PCI bus
camera or as part of a that provide flexibility in
facial recognition system terms of interface options,
based on the TI supports independent or
integrated FireWire™ 1. www.encyclopedi
IEEE1394 ICs a.thefreedictionar
integrated, TSB12XXXX -
link layer and
TSB14XXXX – physical www.howstuffworks.c
layer) om
Using DSP as the
embedded processor of
choice for enabling smart
biometric systems can
provide the following
• Fast, accurate, secure and
trusted authentication
• Enable new applications
with one scalable design
• Reduce overall cost of