Cari Ann Cali: Profile Statement
Cari Ann Cali: Profile Statement
Cari Ann Cali: Profile Statement
Profile Statement
A dedicated student at Northwest Missouri State University with leadership experience inside and outside
of the classroom. Strong communicational skills, willingness to learn, and an enthusiastic personality.
Knowledgeable in interpersonal settings, crisis situations, and in team-management.
Bachelor of Science, Communication: Public Relations
May 2016
Northwest Missouri State University (Northwest), Maryville, MO
GPA 3.94/4.0
Student Support Service Student Mentor, Northwest, Maryville, MO
Offer personal, professional, and academic mentoring advice to at risk Northwest students.
Design various programming and workshops for program participants.
Foster a work environment supportive of program participants needs.
2014- Present
Assist and collaborate with professor regarding the design of the freshman seminar course.
Create a classroom atmosphere that minimizes anxiety, promotes excitement, and provides
Provide new students with Northwest resources for success.
Educate prospective students and their families on the history, traditions, and cultures of Northwest to
encourage them to choose a collegiate career at Northwest.
Showcase Northwests reputation by customizing tours to meet the needs of prospective students and
Train two new employees each semester and provide insight needed when giving tours.
Event Specialist Intern, The National Golf Club, Parkville, MO
May 2015- August 2015
Activities/ Leadership
President, Panhellenic Council, Northwest, Maryville, MO
Nov 2104- Present
Work closely with executive board positions and Greek advisor in order to run the council
Lead efficient executive and delegate meetings.
Communicate with the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Office of Campus
Activities on all Greek life events.
President, Phi Mu, Northwest, Maryville, MO
Dec 2013-Dec 2014
Delegated responsibilities and advise chair positions in order to run the chapter more efficiently.
Planned and executed weekly executive and chapter meetings.
Communicated with Nationals and Advisory board to assure that the chapter is running smoothly.
Lambda Pi Eta