Linear Algebraic Groups and Their Lie Algebras
Linear Algebraic Groups and Their Lie Algebras
Linear Algebraic Groups and Their Lie Algebras
Daniel Miller
Fall 2014
1 Introduction
1.1 Disclaimer . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Notational conventions . .
1.3 Main references . . . . . .
1.4 A bestiary of examples . .
1.5 Coordinate rings . . . . .
1.6 Structure theory for linear
Definition and first properties . . . . . . . . . .
The main examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Homomorphisms and the adjoint representation
Tangent spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Functors of points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Affine group schemes and Hopf algebras . . . .
Examples of group schemes . . . . . . . . . . .
Lie algebra of an algebraic group . . . . . . . .
4 Semisimple groups
4.1 Quotients revisited ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Centralizers, normalizers, and transporter schemes . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Borel subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Lie
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
algebraic groups
5 Reductive groups
5.1 Root data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Classification of reductive groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Chevalley-Demazure group schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Special topics
6.1 Borel-Weil theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Tannakian categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Automorphisms of semisimple Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Exceptional isomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Constructing some exceptional groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6 Spin groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7 Differential Galois theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.8 Universal enveloping algebras and the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
6.9 Forms of algebraic groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.10 Arithmetic subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.11 Finite simple groups of Lie type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maximal tori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Root systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classification of root systems . . . . . .
Orthogonal and symplectic groups . . .
Classification of split semisimple groups
These notes originated in the course MATH 6490: Linear algebraic groups and their
Lie algebras, taught by David Zywina at Cornell University. However, the notes
have been substantially modified since then, and are not an exact reflection of the
content and style of the original lectures. In particular, the notes often switch from
a somewhat elementary approach to a more sheaf-theoretic approach. Any errors
are solely the fault of the author.
Notational conventions
Main references
The standard texts are [Bor91; Hum75; Spr09]. In these, the requisite algebraic
geometry is done from scratch in an archaic language. A good reference for modern
(scheme-theoretic) algebraic geometry is [Har77], and a (very abstract) modern
reference for algebraic groups is the three volumes on group schemes [SGA 3I ; SGA
3II ; SGA 3III ] from the Seminaire de Geometrie Algebrique. A source lying somewhat
in the middle is Jantzens book [Jan03].
A bestiary of examples
for 1 6 i, k 6 n.
Example 1.4.4 (Special orthogonal). This is SOn (k) = On (k) SLn (k).
Example 1.4.5. This group doesnt have a special name, but for the moment we
will write Un (k) for the group of strictly upper triangular matrices:
Un (k) =
. .. GLn (k).
Recall that a matrix g GLn (k) is unipotent if (g 1)m = 0 for some m > 1. All
elements of Un (k) are unipotent. The group Un (k) is defined by the equations
{gij = 0 for j < i, gii = 1}.
Example 1.4.6 (Multiplicative). We write Gm (k) = k for the multiplicative
group of k with its obvious group structure. Note that Gm = GL(1).
Example 1.4.7 (Additive). Write Ga (k) = k, with its additive
1 x
U2 in Example 1.4.7.
Example 1.4.9 (Tori). For any n > 0, we
T (k) =
GLn (k).
This is clearly isomorphic to Gnm (k). We call any linear algebraic group isomorphic
to some Gnm a torus.
This list almost exhausts the class of simple algebraic groups over an algebraically
closed field. All of these groups make sense over an arbitrary field. But over nonalgebraically closed fields (or even base rings that are not fields) thinking of algebraic
groups in terms of their sets of points doesnt work very well.
Coordinate rings
The standard references [Bor91; Hum75; Spr09] all treat algebraic groups in terms
of their sets of points in an algebraically closed field. This leads to convoluted
arguments, and (sometimes) theorems that are actually wrong. It is better to use
schemes. Since we will (almost) never use non-affine schemes, we can study algebraic
groups via their coordinate rings.
Example 1.5.1. Consider G = GLn (k). For g = (gij ) Mn (k), we have g G if
and only if det(g) 6= 0. But this isnt an honest algebraic equation. We can remedy
this by noting that det(g) 6= 0 if and only if there exists y k such that det(g) y = 1.
Thus we can define the coordinate ring k[G] of G, as
k[G] = k[xij , y]/(det(xij )y 1).
For k-algebras A, B, write homk (A, B) for the set of k-algebra homomorphisms
A B. There is a natural identification
homk (k[G], k) = GLn (k).
For : k[G] k, put gij = (xij ) and b = (y). Then is well-defined exactly if
det(g) b = 1. So is uniquely determined by the choice of an invertible matrix
g GLn (k). Since b is determined by g and g can be chosen arbitrarily in GLn (k),
this correspondence is a bijection. So in some sense, k[G] recovers GLn (k).
Now let k be an arbitrary field. For concreteness, you could think of one of Q,
R, C, or Fp . Put A = k[xij , y]/(det(xij )y 1), and define GLn (R) = homk (A, R)
for any k-algebra R. We will think of GL(n)/k as Spec(A), which is a topological
space with structure sheaf (essentially) A. The punchline is that the coordinate ring
k[G] of an algebraic group G determines everything we need to know about G.
Example 1.5.2. Let k be a field not of characteristic 2. For d k , let Gd A2/k be
the subscheme cut out by x2 dy 2 = 1. In other words, k[Gd ] = k[x, y]/(x2 dy 2 1).
The group operation is
(x1 , y1 ) (x2 , y2 ) = (x1 x2 + dy1 y2 , x1 y2 + x2 y1 ).
We would like to realize
as a matrix group. Consider the map d : Gd GL(2)/k
x dy
given by (x, y) 7
. As an exercise, check that this is an isomorphism
y x
between Gd and the subgroup {g11 = g22 , x12 = dx21 } of GL(2)/k .
It sends (x, y) Gd to
. This has the same image as 1 : G1
b d
then Gd ' G1 .
GL(2)/k . So if k = k,
? Write Ad = k[x]/(x2 d). A more conceptual definition of Gd is that it is
the restriction of scalars Gd = RAd /k Gm . That is, for any k-algebra A, we have
Gd (A) = Gm (A k Ad ). ?
Example 1.5.3. Set k = R. We claim that G1 6' G1 . We give a topological proof.
The group G1 (R) A2 (R) is cut out by x2 y 2 = 1, hence non-compact. But
G1 (R) = {x2 + y 2 = 1} is compact. Thus G1 6' G1 over R. But we have seen
that G1 ' G1 over C. As an exercise, convince yourself that G1 ' Gm .
connected G
unipotent Ru G
Here, G is the identity component (for the Zariski topology) of G. The quotient
0 (G) = G/G is a finite group. We write RG for the radical of G, namely the
maximal smooth connected solvable normal subgroup of G. Finally, Ru G is the
unipotent radical of G, namely the largest smooth connected unipotent subgroup
of G. The quotient G /RG is semisimple, and the quotient G /Ru G is reductive.
In general, we say a connected algebraic group G is semisimple if RG = 1, and
reductive if Ru G = 1.
Weve seen examples of tori and unipotent groups, and everybody knows plenty
of finite groups. Here is a more direct definition of semisimple groups that allows us
to give some basic examples.
Example 1.6.1 (Semisimple). Let k = C, and let G be a connected linear algebraic
group over k. We say that G is simple if it is non-commutative, and has no proper
nontrivial closed normal subgroups. We say G is almost simple if the only such
subgroups are finite.
For example, SL(2) is almost simple, because its only nontrivial closed normal
subgroup is {1}.
A group G is semisimple if we have an isogeny G1 Gr G with the Gi
almost simple. Here an isogeny is a surjection with finite kernel.
Over C, the almost simple groups (up to isogeny) are:
(n > 1)
(n > 2)
(n > 3)
(n > 4)
SL(n + 1)
SO(2n + 1)
n2 1
n(2n + 1)
n(2n + 1)
n(2n 1)
Lie algebras
A Lie algebra is a linear object whose representation theory is (in principle) manageable. To any linear algebraic group G we will associate a Lie algebra g = Lie(G),
and study the representation theory of G via that of g.
Fix a field k. Eventually well avoid characteristic 2, and some theorems will only
be valid in characteristic zero.
Definition 2.1.1. A Lie algebra over k is a k-vector space g equipped with a map
[, ] : g g g such that the following hold:
[, ] is bilinear (it factors through g g).
[x, x] = 0 for all x g ([, ] factors through
The Jacobi identity [x, [y, z]] + [y, [z, x]] + [z, [x, y]] = 0 holds for all x, y, z g.
We could
V2have defined a Lie algebra over k as being a k-vector space g together
with [, ] :
g g satisfying the Jacobi identity. We call [, ] the Lie bracket.
The Lie bracket satisfies a number of basic properties. For example, [x, y] =
[y, x] because
0 = [x + y, x + y]
Example 2.2.1. Let V be any k-vector space. Then the zero map
trivially satisfies the Jacobi identity. We call any Lie algebra whose bracket is
identically zero commutative (or abelian).
Example 2.2.2 (General linear). Again, let V be a k-vector space. The Lie algebra
gl(V ) = Endk (V ) as a k-vector space, with bracket [X, Y ] = X Y Y X. It is a
good exercise (which everyone should do at least once in their life) to check that
this actually is Lie algebra. When V = k n , we write gln (k) instead of gl(k n ).
Often, we will just write gln instead of gln (k). We will also do this for the other
named Lie algebras.
Example 2.2.3 (Special linear). Put sln (k) = {X gln (k) : tr x = 0}. Since
tr[x, y] = 0, this is a Lie subalgebra of gln . In fact, [gln , gln ] sln .
Example 2.2.4 (Special orthogonal). Put son (k) = {x gln (k) : t x = x}. This
is a Lie subalgebra of gln (k) because if x, y son (k), then
[x, y] = t y t x t x t y
= (y)(x) (x)(y)
= [x, y].
gl2n (k). Put
(mod a).
g/ ker()
im() h.
Example 2.3.3. Give k the trivial Lie bracket. Then tr : gln (k) k is a a
homomorphism. Indeed,
tr[x, y] = tr(xy) tr(yx) = 0.
We could have defined sln (k) = ker(tr); this is an ideal in gln , and gln (k)/sln (k)
Definition 2.3.4. Let g be a Lie algebra over k. The adjoint representation of g is
the map ad : g gl(g) defined by ad(x)(y) = [x, y] for x, y g.
It is easy to check that ad : g gl(g) is k-linear, that is ad(cx) = c ad(x) and
ad(x + y) = ad(x) + ad(y). It is bit less obvious how the adjoint action behaves with
respect to the Lie bracket. We compute
ad([x, y])(z) = [[x, y], z]
=() [x, [y, z]] [y, [x, z]]
= (ad(x) ad(y))(z) (ad(y) ad(x))(z).
Thus ad[x, y] = [ad(x), ad(y)] and we have shown that ad : g gl(g) is a homomorphism of Lie algebras. If n = dimk (g) < , then ad : g gl(g) ' gln (k) is
an interesting finite-dimensional representation of g. If dim(g) > 1, it cannot be
surjective, and there are easy ways for it to fail to be injective.
Definition 2.3.5. Let g be a Lie algebra over k. The center of g is
Z(g) = {x g : [x, y] = 0 for all y g}.
e6 , e7 , e8 , f4 , g2
The classification theorem for algebraic groups is proved via the classification
theorem for Lie algebras, which ends up being a matter of combinatorics.
Tangent spaces
X fs
(g)(xi,j gi,j ).
i,j xi,j (g)vi,j .
It follows that
X fs
1 (g) = g + v : v Mn (k) :
(g)vij = 0 for all 1 6 s 6 r .
We will be especially interested in g = 1 (1). We will turn this into a Lie algebra
using the group structure on G.
? From the scheme-theoretic perspective, the identity element 1 G(k) comes
from a section e : Spec(k) G of the structure G Spec(k). The scheme-theoretic
Lie algebra of G is the fiber product
g = e 1 = T(G) G Spec(k).
By definition, g(A) = ker (G(A[]) G(A)) for any k-algebra A. Just as with
algebraic groups, we will write g/k for g thought of as a group scheme over k, and
just g for g(k). ?
Functors of points
Recall that schemes can be thought of as functors Algk Set. For example, affine
n-space is the functor An (A) = An . In fact, this is an algebraic group, the operation
coming from addition on A. Moreover, An is representable in the sense that
An (A) = homk (k[x1 , . . . , xn ], A),
via (a1 , . . . , an ) 7 (xi 7 ai ). Similarly, SL(n)/k sends a k-algebra A to SLn (A). It
is represented by the ring k[xij ]/(det(x) 1). In general, we take some polynomials
f1 , . . . , fr k[x1 , . . . , xn ], and consider the subscheme X = V (f1 , . . . , fr ) An
which represents the functor
X(A) = {a An : f1 (a) = = fr (a) = 0}.
This has coordinate ring k[x1 , . . . , xn ]/(f1 , . . . , fr ). Note that any finitely generated
k-algebras is of this form. In other words, all affine schemes of finite type over k are
subschemes of some affine space.
the Zariski topology. If f k[X] = A1 (X), we get (by
Clasically, one gives X(k)
We define open subsets of X(k)
to be those of
definition) a function f : X(k)
the form {x X(k) : f (x) 6= 0}. More scheme-theoretically, we say that an open
subscheme of X is the complement of any V (f ) for f k[X].
? We can think of the Zariski topology as giving a Grothendieck topology on the
category of affine schemes over k. It is subcanonical, i.e. all representable functors
are sheaves. So if we formally put Aff k = (Algk ) , then the category of schemes over
k embeds into Shzar (Aff k ). When working with algebraic groups, often it is better
with the etale or fppf topologies. In particular, we will think of quotients as living
in Shfppf (Aff k ). ?
Definition 2.5.1. Let k be a feld. A variety over k is a reduced separated scheme
of finite type over k.
In particular, an affine variety is determined by a reduced k-algebra. We can
directly associate a geometric object to a k-algebra A, namely its spectrum
Spec(A) = {p A prime ideal}. Finally, we note that if X = Spec(A) is of finite
then X(k) = homk (A, k) is the set of maximal ideas in A.
type over k and if k = k,
An affine group G/k will give us a functor G : Algk Grp. As such, it should have
e : 1 = Spec(k) G
Obviously the maps on groups satisfy some axioms like associativity etc. These can
be phrased by the commutativity of diagrams like
Most sources do not give all these diagrams explicitly. One that does is the book
It is a good exercise to show that we have the following maps for the additive
and multiplicative groups:
k[x1 ]
x 7 x 1 + 1 x
x 7 x x
x 7 0
x 7 1
x 7 x
x 7 x1
The analogue of associativity for coordinate rings and comultiplication is the commutativity of the following diagram:
A k A
A k A
A k A k A.
The tuple (A, , , ) is called a Hopf algebra. In principle, all theorems about
algebraic groups can be rephrased as theorems about Hopf algebras, but this is not
very illuminating. The one advantage is that it is possible to speak of Hopf algebras
for which the ring A is not commutative. These show up in algebraic number theory,
combinatorics, and physics.
Theorem 2.6.1. If G is an affine group scheme of finite type over k, then it is a
linear algebraic group over k.
Proof. This is [SGA 3I , VIB 11.11]. Essentially, one looks at the action of G on
the (possibly infinite-dimensional) vector space k[G]. A general theorem yields a
faithful finite-dimensional representation V , and we get G as a subgroup-scheme of
GL(V ).
? If S is a dedekind scheme (noetherian, one-dimensional, regular) and G/S
is a affine flat separated group scheme of finite type over S, then the obvious
generalization of Theorem 2.6.1 holds for G; it is a closed subgroup of GL(L ) for
L a locally free sheaf on S [SGA 3I , VIB 13.5]. Interestingly, this fails for more
general base schemes. ?
So all affine group varieties over k embed into GL(n)/k as an algebraic group. We
can think of an algebraic group in several ways:
1. As a group-valued functor on Algk .
2. As a commutative Hopf algebra over k.
3. As a subgroup of GLn (k) cut out by poynomials.
Example 2.7.1. The group of n-th roots of unity is n . Its coordinate ring is
k[x]/(xn 1). So
n (A) = {a A : an = 1},
X f
g = X Mn (k) :
(1n ) Xij = 0 .
Example 2.7.2 (Special linear). Consider SL(n)/k GL(n)/k , cut out by det = 1.
Its Lie algebra sln = Lie(sln ) is
sln = {1 + x : x Mn (k) and det(1 + x) = 1} .
The expansion of determinant is det(1 + x) = 1 + tr(x) + O(2 ). Thus
sln = {x Mn : tr(x) = 0} .
As a functor on k-algebras, sln (A) = {x Mn (A) : tr x = 0}.
Lie(On ) = {1 + x : (1 + x) (1 + x) = 1}
= {1 + X : x + t X = 0}
' {X Mn : t x = x}
= son .
If the characteristic of the base field is not 2, then dim(son ) = n(n 1)/2.
Fix a field k. Let G/k be a linear algebraic group. For any k-algebra A, write
A[] = k[t]/t2 . Then A 7 G(A[]) is a new group functor, and we can define the
Lie algebra of G to be
Lie(G)(A) = ker (G(A[]) G(A)) .
A priori, this is a group functor. Often, we will write g = Lie(G) to mean Lie(G)(k).
If G GL(n) is cut out by f1 , . . . , fr , then
g = {1 + x : x Mn (k) and f (1 + x) = 0 for all } .
The group operation is addition on x, i.e. (1 + x)(1 + y) = 1 + (x + y). Thus g is
a k-vector space.
? This section will contain many high-level interludes on the functorial definition
of Lie(G). They are all strongly influenced by the exposition in [SGA 3I , II 34].
Let O : Algk Algk be the functor A 7 A. Note that O is represented by k[t].
Thus A1/k has the structure not only of a group scheme, but of a k-ring scheme,
or (k, k)-biring in the sense of [BW05]. We define an O-module to be a functor
V : Algk Set such that for each A, the set V (A) is given an O(A) = A-module
structure in a functorial way.
If S : Algk Set is a functor, we will write SchS for the category of representable
functors X : Algk Set together with a morphism X S. A morphism (X
S) (Y S) in SchS is a morphism of functors X Y making the following
diagram commute:
There is an easy generalization of O to a ring object O SchS . It sends a scheme
X to the ring H0 (X, OX ) of regular functions on X.
For a scheme X, the first jet space J1 X is naturally an O-module in SchX . We
could be fancy and say that for any ring A, A[] is naturally an abelian group object
(f M )(Spec(A)
X) = M (Spec(A)
is naturally an O-module in SchX . So if G is an algebraic group, J1 X is naturally
an O-module in SchG , and the morphism e : 1 G gives g = e J1 G the structure
of an O-module in Schk . ?
Example 2.8.1 (Symplectic). Let J =
. Recall that
Sp2n (A) = g GL2n (A) : t gJg = J .
Lets compute the Lie algebra of Sp2n . For X M2n (A), we have
(1 + x)J(1 + x) = (1 + t x)J(1 + x)
= J + (t xJ + Jx).
Algebraic groups can be highly non-abelian, and so far all weve done is give
g = Lie(G) the structure of a vector space. Wed like to give g the structure of a Lie
Let f : G H be a homomorphism of algebraic groups. Then f : G(A) H(A)
is a homomorphism for all k-algebras A. A morphism f : G H corresponds
by the Yoneda Lemma to a unique element homk (k[H], k[G]). For all A,
the induced map G(A) H(A) is defined by 7 via the identifications
G(A) = hom(k[G], A) and H(A) = hom(k[H], A).
Example 2.8.2. Recall that Gm (A) = A = hom(k[x1 ], A). All homomorphisms
f : Gm Gm come from x 7 xn for some n Z. On functors of points, this is
a 7 an for a A .
As before, let f : G H be a morphism of algebraic groups. Let g = Lie(G),
h = Lie(G). There is an induced map Lie(f ) : g h. On functors of points, it is
induced by the inclusions g J1 G, h J1 H and the fact that f : J1 G J1 H is a
group homomorphism. That is, for each k-algebra A, f : g(A) h(A) is induced
by the commutative diagram
g(k) k A
g(A). So the functor g is actually determined by the vector space g(k).
This justifies our passing between g and g(k). ?
Lets construct the Lie bracket on the Lie algebra of an algebraic group. Recall
that for a Lie algebra g, we defined a map ad : g gl(g) = Endk (g) by ad(x)(y) =
[x, y]. The bracket on g is clearly determined by the adjoint map.
For g = Lie(G), well define the adjoint map directly, then use this to give g the
structure of a Lie algebra. For any g G(A), we have an action ad(g) : GA GA
given by x 7 gxg 1 for any B AlgA . So we have a homomorphism of group
functors ad : G Aut(G). In particular, G(k) acts on G by k-automorphisms.
? The general philosophy, due to Grothendieck and worked out carefully in SGA,
is that everything is a functor. That is, we think of every object as living in the
category of functors Algk Set. For example, if X and Y are schemes over k, then
hom(X, Y ) is the functor whose
hom(X, Y )(A) = homSchA (XA , YA ).
We recover the usual hom-set as hom(X, Y )(k). Similarly, we define Aut(G)(A) =
AutGrpA (GA ). These functors are not usually representable, but they are sheaves for
all the reasonable Grothendieck topologies on Schk . See [SGA 3I , I 13, II 1] for a
careful exposition along these lines. ?
By functoriality, there is a natural homomorphism Aut(G) Aut(g). Composing
this with the map ad : G Aut(G) gives a map ad : G Aut(g). Explicitly, the
map ad : G(A) Aut(g)(A) = Aut(gA ) sends g to the automorphism x 7 gxg 1
for any x G(B[]), B AlgA . It is easy to see that this action respects Omodule structure on g, so we in fact have a representation ad : G GL(g). Since
g(A) = g(k) k A, we can think of g as an honest k-vector space and define GL(g) as
the functor A 7 AutA (g k A). In either case, we have a morphism ad : G GL(g)
of linear algebraic groups.
Apply Lie() to the adjoint representation ad : G GL(g). We get a map
ad : g Lie(GL(g)) = gl(g). We claim that g together with [x, y] = ad(x)(y) is a
Lie algebra.
Example 2.8.3. Let G = GL(n). We wish to verify that our functorial definition of
ad : gln gl(gln ) agrees with the elementary definition ad(x)(y) = [x, y]. Start with
the action of GL(n) on gln . For any k-algebra A, this is the action by conjugation
of GLn (A) GLn (A[]) on gln (A) = ker(GLn (A[]) GLn (A)). This is because
g (1 + x)(g 1 ) = 1 + ad(g)(x).
So the functorial and elementary definitions of ad : GL(n) GL(gln ) agree.
Now lets differentiate ad : GL(n) GL(gln ). For A Algk , we have a
commutative diagram:
gln (A)
GLn (A[])
GLn (A)
gl(gln )(A)
GL(gln A[])
GL(gln A)
This example yields the general fact that Lie(G) is a Lie algebra. Choose an
embedding G , GL(n). By construction, the Lie functor is limit-preserving, so
g , gln . The bracket on g (as a subspace of gln is induced by the bracket on
gln . We have seen that the functorial definition of the bracket on gln matches the
elementary definition, so gln is a Lie algebra and g is a Lie subalgebras of gln .
Does Lie(G) determine G? The answer is an easy no! For example, SO(n) and
O(n) both have Lie algebra son . Also SL(n) and PSL(n) both have Lie algebra sln .
There is are the easy example Lie(Ga ) = Lie(Gm ) = gl1 . Finally, Lie(G) = Lie(G ),
so Lie(G) does not depend on the group 0 (G) = G/G of connected components
of G. However, given a semisimple Lie algebra g, there is a unique split connected,
simply-connected semisimple algebraic group G with Lie(G) = g.
Example 2.8.4. Lets go over the Lie bracket on GL(n) in a more elementary
manner. We have
so that ad(x)(y) = [x, y].
gl(gln )
End(Mn )
As we have already seen, Lie(G) does not determine G. Even worse, the functor
Lie is neither full nor faithful. Its not faithful because, for example, if is a finite
group and G a connected group, then Aut() , Aut(G), but since (G) G,
any automorphism of acts trivially on Lie( G). To see that Lie is not faithful,
note that hom(gl1 , gl1 ) is a one-dimensional vector space, while hom(Gm , Gm ) = Z.
Theorem 2.8.5. Let k be a field of characteristic zero, G/k a linear algebraic group.
Let g = Lie(G). The map H 7 Lie(H) from connected closed subgroups of G to Lie
subalgebras of g is injective and preserves inclusions.
Proof. If H1 H2 , use the functoriality of forming Lie algebras to see that Lie(H1 )
Lie(H2 ) as subalgebras of g. The nontrivial part is to show that Lie(H), as a
subalgebra of g, determines H. Let H1 , H2 be be two closed connected subgroups of
G such that h = Lie(H1 ) = Lie(H2 ). Then H3 = (H1 H2 ) is a closed connected
subgroup of G. Since fiber products are computed pointwise and the Lie functor
is exact, we have Lie(H3 ) = h. By Theorem 2.8.7, the Hi are all smooth, so
dim(Hi ) = dim h. But the only way H3 H1 can both be smooth and irreducible
with the same dimension is for H1 = H3 . Similarly H2 = H3 , so H1 = H2 .
Example 2.8.6. The subgroup Gm '
of GL(2)
have Lie algebras that are abstractly isomorphic, but distinct as subalgebras of gl2 .
Thus Lie(H), seen as an abstract Lie algebra, does not determine H as a subgroup
of G.
Theorem 2.8.5 fails in positive characteristic. Also, surjectivity need not hold,
see e.g. GL(5). If we instead work in the category of smooth manifolds and Lie
groups, then every Lie subalgebra comes from a subgroup.
Theorem 2.8.7 (Cartier). Let k be a field of characteristic zero, G/k a linear
algebraic group. Then G is smooth.
Proof. The idea is that for k = C, G(C) must be smooth at most points g.
But any two points in G(C) have diffeomorphic neighborhoods, so G(C) itself is
smooth. For a careful proof in much greater generality, see [SGA 3I , VIB 1.6]. Even
SGA assumes that G is locally of finite type, but this is not necessary. See http:
// for some discussion and references.
One-dimensional groups
Solvable groups
Let G/k be an algebraic group, and let g = Lie(G). It turns out that Lie(G ) = g.
There is a canonical sub-Lie algebra rad(g) g; in characteristic zero, this will
determine a connected linear algebraic subgroup RG G.
For the moment, let g be an arbitrary k-Lie algebra. Let Dg = [g, g] be the
subspace of g generated by {[x, y] : x, y g}. The subspace Dg is actually an ideal,
and the quotient g/Dg is commutative. Moreover, Dg is the smallest ideal in g with
this property.
Every Lie algebra comes with a canonical descending filtration D g, called the
derived series. It is defined by
D1 g = Dg
Dn+1 g = D(Dn g).
Definition 3.2.1. A Lie algebra g is solvable if the filtration D g is separated, that
is if Dn g = 0 for some n.
Lemma 3.2.2. A Lie algebra g is solvable if and only if there exists a decreasing
filtration g = g0 gn = 0 with each gi+1 an ideal in gi , and with gi /gi+1
Proof. . This follows from the fact that Di g/Di+1 g is abelian for each i.
. Since g0 /g1 is commutative, we get Dg g1 . More generally, we get Di g gi
by induction, so gi = 0 for i 0 implies Di g = 0 for i 0.
Lemma 3.2.3. Let g be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra. Then g has a unique
maximal solvable ideal; it is called the radical of g, and denoted rad(g).
Proof. Let a be an ideal of g that is solvable, and has dim(a) maximal. Let b be any
solvable ideal. Then a + b is an ideal and (a + b)/a is solvable. From the general fact
that solvable Lie algebras are closed under extensions, we get that a + b is solvable,
so a + b = a, whence b a.
Definition 3.2.4. A Lie algebra k is semisimple if rad(g) = 0.
Example 3.2.5. Consider the Lie algebra
bn = {x gln : xi,j = 0 for all i > j}.
We claim that bn is solvable. This follows from the fact that
Dr bn = {x gln : xi,j=0 for all i > j r}.
To see that this is true, note that it is trivially true for r = 0, so assume it is true
for some r, and let x, y Dr bn . Note that
(xi,k yk,j yi,k xk,j )
[x, y]i,j =
Moreover, when i > j + r + 1, then all of the terms in () are zero, whence the
result. In some sense, bn is the only example of a solvable Lie algebra over an
algebraically closed field.
Theorem 3.2.6 (Lie-Kolchin). Let k be an algebraically closed field, g a finitedimensional solvable k-Lie algebra. Then there is an injective Lie homomorphism
g , bn for some n.
Proof. In characteristic zero, this follows directly from Corollary 2 of [Lie13 , I 5.3]
applied to the adjoint representation.
Example 3.2.7. One can check that:
rad(gl2 ) =
Dn (gl2 ) = sl2
r > 1.
G0 /G1
Gnm . Similarly G1 Gn1
defined by (aij ) 7 (a1,2 , . . . , an1,n ) induces
an isomorphism G1 /G2
Ga . In general, for i > 0, we have Gi /Gi+1
We could have chosen our filtration in such a way that Gi /Gi+1 {Ga , Gm }. .
Definition 3.2.10. Let G/k be a linear algebraic group. The derived group DG
(or G0 , or Gder ) is the smallest normal subgroup DG of G such that G/DG is
The basic idea is that DG is the algebraic group generated by {xyx1 y 1 : x, y
Theorem 3.2.11. Let G/k be a smooth linear algebraic group. Then DG exists and
is smooth, and if G is connected then so is DG.
Proof. This essentially follows from [SGA 3I , VIB 7.1].
Just as for Lie algebras, we can define a filtration
D1 G = DG
Dn+1 G = D(Dn G).
Theorem 3.2.12. A linear algebraic group G is solvable if and only if Dn G = 1
for some n.
Example 3.2.13. If G B(n) GL(n), then G is solvable. Indeed, this follows
from D G D B(n).
Theorem 3.2.14 (Lie-Kolchin). Suppose k is algebraically closed. Let G GL(n)/k
be a connected solvable algebraic group. Then there exists x GLn (k) such that
xGx1 B(n).
Proof. Let V = k n , and consider V as a representation of G via the inclusion G ,
GL(V ). It is sufficient to prove that V contains a one-dimensional subrepresentation,
for then we could induct on dim(V ). For simplicity, we assume G is smooth. If G is
1 2 Gm
Gm 1
to be exact? On C-points, this is the sequence
1 {1} C
C 1
which is certainly exact. So we will write Gm = Gm /2 . Note however that the
sequence for R-points is 1 {1} R
R , which is not exact on the right. .
In general, if 1 N G H 1 is an exact sequence of algebraic groups,
we will not necessarily have surjections from the A-points of G to the A-points of H.
Definition 3.3.2. Let N/k G/k be a sub-algebraic group. A quotient of G by N
is a homomorphism G
Q of algebraic groups over k with kernel N , such that if
G0 vanishes on N , then there is a unique : Q G0 such that the following
diagram commutes:
Theorem 3.3.3. Quotients exist in the category of (possibly non-smooth) affine
group schemes of finite type over k.
Proof. This is [Mil14, 10.16].
If G/H is the quotient of G by a subgroup H, it is generally true that (G/H)(k)
? There is a more abstract, but powerful approach to defining quotients. Let Schk
be the category of schemes over Spec(k). We can regard any scheme over k as an
fppf sheaf on Schk via the Yoneda embedding. If H G is a closed subgroup-scheme,
we write G/H for the quotient sheaf of S 7 G(S)/H(S) in the fppf topology. By
[SGA 3I , VIA 3.2], this quotient sheaf is representable. By general nonsense, it will
satisfy more elementary definition of quotient. ?
Unipotent groups
Recall that for the moment, B(n) GL(n) is the subgroup of upper triangular
matrices and U (n) B(n) is the subgroup of strictly upper-triangular matrices.
Recall that in our filtration of B(n) GL(n), we had B(n)/U (n) ' Gnm , and all
further quotients were Gra for varying r. Wed like to generalize this to an arbitrary
connected solvable groups over algebraically closed fields. For the moment though,
k need not be algebraically closed.
Definition 3.4.1. Let G/k be an algebraic group. We say G is unipotent if it
admits a filtration G = G0 Gn = 1 of closed subgroups defined over k such
1. each Gi+1 is normal in Gi ,
2. each Gi /Gi+1 is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of Ga .
Clearly, unipotent groups are solvable. If k has characteristic zero, we can assume
Gi /Gi+1 ' Ga . If k has characteristic p > 0, then we have to worry about things
like p = ker(Ga
Ga ). Fortunately, by [SGA 3II , XVII 1.5], the only possible
closed subgroups of Ga over a field of characteristic p are 0, Ga and extensions of
(Z/p)r by pe .
Theorem 3.4.2. Let G/k be a connected linear algebraic group. Then G is unipotent
if and only if it is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of some U (n)/k .
Proof. This follows directly from [SGA 3II , XVII 3.5].
connected G
unipotent Ru G
Jordan decomposition
Proof. Case 1: the eigenvalues of x lie in k. Then by the theory of Jordan normal
form, we get existence of a decomposition. Suppose x = xss + xn = yss + yn are two
distinct decompositions. Then yss yss = yn + hn , and xss , xn commute with tss ,
tn . This is because xss and xn are polynomials in x. It follows that xn + yn is
nilpotent. The matrices xss , yss commute, so they are simultaneously diagonalizable.
So xss yss is still semisimple. But xss yss is also nilpotent, so xss = yss .
Case 2: the eigenvalues of x may not lie in k. Take a Galois extension K/k
containing all the eigenvalues of x. (For example, we could let K be the extension
of k generated by the eigenvalues of x.) We can write x = xss + xn , where xss , xn
gl(V ) K. For any Gal(K/k), we have (x) = x, because x gl(V ). But then
x = (xss ) + (xn ), and this is another additive Jordan decomposition of x. By
uniqueness in the first case, we see that xss and xn are fixed by . Since was
arbitrary, xss and xn lie in gl(V ).
For a more careful proof, see [Alg47 , VII 5.8 thm.1].
hypothesis on k is necessary. Let
Example 3.6.5. This shows that theperfectness
k = F2 (t). Consider the matrix x =
. This has characteristic polynomial
x t, so its only eigenvalue is 2 appearing with
So the
way we could give x a Jordan decomposition is
. The
problem is, this doesnt work after a separable base change. More concretely, this
doesnt descend back to k.
Theorem 3.6.6 (Multiplicative Jordan decomposition). Let k be a perfect field,
V a finite-dimensional k-vector space. For any g GL(V ), there exists unique
gss , gu GL(V ) such that
1. g = gss gu ,
2. gss is semisimple,
3. gu is unipotent, and
4. gss and gu commute.
Proof. Recall that we can write g = gss + gn . Just rewrite it as gss (1 + gss
gn ), and
note that gss gn is nilpotent because gn is nilpotent and gss commutes with gn . So
gu = 1 + gss
gn . Uniqueness is similarly easy.
Wed like to connect the theory of Jordan decomposition with algebraic groups.
Let G/k be a linear algebraic group, : G GL(n) a representation. For g G(k),
we can write (g) = hss hu . It is a beautiful fact that hss = (gss ), hu = (gu ) for
uniquely determined gss , gu G(k).
Similarly, let g be a k-Lie algebra, : g gl(V ) a faithful representation. For
x g, the decomposition (x) = (x)ss + (x)n comes from a uniquely determined
decomposition x = xss + xn . However, the decomposition x = xss + xn is not
functorial the decomposition may be different for a different embedding g , gl(V ).
Diagonalizable groups
Let k be a field; recall that we are working in the category of fppf sheaves on Schk .
The affine line A1 (S) = (S, OS ) is such a sheaf. We have already written Ga
for the affine line considered as an algebraic group. Since (S, OS ) is naturally a
commutative ring, we can consider A1 as a ring scheme, i.e. a commutative ring
object in the category of schemes. We will write O for A1 so considered.
Thus if G/k is an affine algebraic group, the coordinate ring of G is
O(G) = hom(G, A1 ).
We will be interested in
X (G) = homGrp/k (G, Gm ) O(G),
the set of characters of G.
Lemma 3.7.1. The set X (G) is linearly independent in O(G).
Proof. We may assume k is algebraically closed.
P Let 1 , . . . , n be distinct characters
ci i = 0 in O(G) with the ci k. If
of G, and suppose there is some relation
n = 1, there is nothing to prove. In the general case, we may assume c1 6= 0. There
exists a k-algebra A and h G(A) such that 1 (h) 6= n (h). Note that
ci n (h)i (g) =
ci i (h)i (g) = 0,
for all g G. This implies
Example 3.7.3. One has X (SL2 ) = 0. More generally, X (SLn ) = 0 for all n. .
Example 3.7.4. Lets compute X (Gm ) = homGrp (Gm , Gm ). We claim that
X (Gm ) ' Z as a group, with n Z corresponding to the character t 7 tn .
Indeed, O(Gm ) = k[t1 ], so we have to classify elements f k[t1 ] such that
(f ) = f f . It is easy to check that these are precisely the powers of t. Alternatively, use the fact that O(G) has a basis consisting of the obvious characters; by
linear independence of characters, these are the only ones.
It is easy to check that X (G1 G2 ) = X (G1 ) X (G2 ). Thus X (Gnm
Q) = Z .
A tuple a = (a1 , . . . , an ) Zn corresponds to the character (t1 , . . . , tn ) 7 tai i .
In other words, k[M ] is the free k-vector space on M . Addition is formal, and
multiplication is defined by (c1 m1 )(c2 m2 ) = c1 c2 (m1 m2 ), the multiplication m1 m2
taking place in M . It is easy to check that D(M )(A) = hom(k[M ], A).
There is a canonical isomorphism X (D(M )) = M . Given m X (D(M )), we
get a character m : D(M ) Gm defined on A-points by
m () = (m)
( : M A ).
Example 3.8.3 (Nonsplit tori). Recall that if K/k is a field extension and G/K is an
algebraic group, then the Weil restriction RK/k G is the algebraic group representing
the functor A 7 G(A k K) on k-algebras A. Consider G = RK/k Gm . For any
k-algebra A, we have (by definition) G(A) = (A k K) . Note that G(A) acts on
KA via multiplication, so there is an embedding RK/k Gm , GL(K)/k . If K/k is
Galois, there is a canonical isomorphism of k-algebras K k K
K, where
= Gal(K/k). It sends x y to the tuple (x(y)) . Now for A AlgK , we compute
G(A k K) = G(A K (K k K))
= G A K
Thus (RK/k Gm )K = Gm/K , hence RK/k Gm is a torus. But RK/k Gm is
not diagonalizable. If it were, by Theorem 3.7.6 the representation RK/k Gm ,
GL(K)/k would factor through the diagonal, whence all coordinates of the image of
(RK/k Gm )(k) = K would be in k, which is clearly false.
Example 3.8.4. A specific case of Example 3.8.3 that is of special interest is when
the field extension is C/R. One writes S = RC/R Gm , and calls a representation
: S GL(V ) a Hodge structure on V . The natural embedding RC/R Gm ,
GL(C)/R can be made explicit via
S(A) = (A R C)
= {((a, b) A A : a2 + b2 A }
a b
GL2 (A).
b a
See 2 of Delignes paper [Del71] for more on Hodge structures.
k sep
k sep
k sep
k sep
Here we have written k sep instead of Spec(k sep ) in order to save space. On k sep -points,
this map is ()(g) = (( 1 g)).
Example 3.8.5. Let K/k be a finite Galois extension with = Gal(K/k). We have
seen in Example 3.8.3 that there is a natural isomorphism X (RK/k Gm ) = Z[] of
abelian groups. It is a good exercise to check that this isomorphism respects the
-action, i.e. that X (RK/k Gm ) = Z[] as -modules.
Example 3.8.6. Let S be the group in Example 3.8.4. Then over R, all characters
are powers of
a b
det :
7 a2 + b2 .
b a
But over C, there are two characters,
z :
7 a + bi
7 a bi.
The group X (GC ) has some extra structure, namely an action of the group
Gal(C/R) = hci. The generator c interchanges z and z. So under the obvious
isomorphism X (G) ' Z2 , the action of Gal(C/R) is c (n1 , n2 ) = (n2 , n1 ). Moreover, H0 (R, X (G)) = detZ , and the kernel of det on G is
a b
Sdet=1 =
: a2 + b2 = 1 GL(2)/R .
b a
The group Sdet=1 fits inside a short exact sequence 1 Sdet=1 S Gm 1, so
on the level of characters, we have a short exact sequence of Z[Gal(C/R)]-modules
0 X (Gm ) X (S) X (Sdet=1 ) 0.
Complex conjugation c acts on the quotient X (Sdet=1 ) as multiplication by 1.
Theorem 3.8.7. Let k be a field, = Gal(k sep /k). Then the functor X induces
an exact anti-equivalence of categories
So any torus over R breaks up as a product of copies of Gm , copies of S, and copies
of Sdet=1 .
Over a general field, any torus is a quotient of products of RK/k Gm for varying
If T is a diagonalizable group and : T GL(V ) a representation of T , then
we have a direct sum decomposition
V =
V ,
X (T )
where V = {v V : (g)v = (g)v for all g}. The for which V 6= 0 will be called
the weights of V . To summarize, every representation of a split torus is semisimple,
the direct sum of a bunch of characters.
For T of multiplicative type, all representations are semisimple. The irreducible
representations are given by Galois orbits in X (T ).
Tori have strong rigidity properties which will be useful later. Recall that if
T2 , T2 are tori, we write hom(T1 , T2 ) for the scheme over k whose functor of points is
hom(T1 , T2 )(S) = homGrp/S (T1S , T2S ) .
By [SGA 3II , XI 4.2], this is represented by a smooth scheme over k. If X/k is
a scheme, a family of homomorphisms from T1 to T2 parameterized by X is just
a morphism X hom(T1 , T2 ). By general nonsense, it is equivalent to give a
morphism : X T1 T2 such that for all x X(S), the map T1S T2S
given by t 7 (x, t) is a homomorphism. We say a family of homomorphisms
: X hom(T1 , T2 ) is constant if the morphism is constant, i.e. if (x) does not
Semisimple groups
Quotients revisited ?
The morally correct place to take quotients is in the category of fppf sheaves.
Definition 4.1.1. A finite family {fi : Xi X} of morphisms of schemes is an
fppf cover if it is jointly surjective (on points), and each Xi X is flat, of finite
presentation, and quasi-finite.
We write fppf for the topology generated by fppf covers. Recall that a topology
is called subcanonical if each representable functor is a sheaf. Also, a sieve on X is
a subfunctor of hX = hom(, X). We reproduce the following theorem from SGA.
Theorem 4.1.2.
1. A sieve S on X is a cover for the fppf topology if and only if there is an open
affine cover {Xi } of X together with affine fppf covers {Xij Xi } such that
each Xij X is in S.
2. A presheaf F on Sch is an fppf sheaf if and only if:
(a) F is a Zariski sheaf.
(b) For each fppf cover X Y , where X and Y are affine, the following
diagram is an equalizer:
F (X)
F (Y )
F (Y X Y ).
Let k be a field. For the remainder, well work in the category of fppf sheaves on
Schk . Well call such sheaves spaces.
Definition 4.1.3. Let G be a k-group space. A k-space X is called a G-space if
it is equipped with a morphism G X X, such that for each S Schk , the map
G(S) X(S) X(S) gives an action of the group G(S) on the set X(S).
If G/k is an algebraic group and X/k is a variety, we call X a G-variety, or variety
with G-action. (Recall that for us, a variety over k is a separated scheme of finite
type over k.) The representability of quotients G\X is a subtle one, but fortunately
we only need to take quotients G/H, where H G is an algebraic subgroup.
Theorem 4.1.4. Let G/k be an algebraic group, H G an algebraic subgroup.
Then the fppf quotient G/H is a variety over k. If G is smooth, so is G/H, and if H
is normal, then G/H has a unique structure of a group scheme for which G G/H
is a homomorphism.
Proof. This is [SGA 3I , VIA 3.2].
A major theorem whose proof uses quotients is the Borel fixed point theorem. To
state it, we need some terminology. Following [EGA 2, II 5.4.1], we say a morphism
f : X Y of schemes is proper if it is separated, of finite type, and if for all Y 0 Y ,
the induced morphism XY 0 Y is closed. We call a variety X/k proper if the
structure map X Spec(k) is proper. There is a valuative criterion for properness
[EGA 2, II 7.3.8]. One considers pairs (A, K), where A is a valuation ring with
morphism Spec(A) Y , and K is the field of fractions of Y . A morphism X Y
is proper if and only if for all such pairs, the map X/Y (A) X/Y (K) is a bijection.
If f : X Y is a morphism of varieties over C, then by [SGA 1, XII 3.2], f is proper
if and f : X(C) Y (C) is proper in the topological sense. (Following [Top14 , I
10.2 th.1], a map f : X Y between Hausdorff spaces is proper if it is closed, and
the preimage of any compact set is compact.)
Theorem 4.1.5. Let k be an algebraically closed field, G/k a connected solvable
group, and X/k a proper non-empty G-variety. Then X G 6= .
Proof. We induct on the dimension of G. If G is one-dimensional, then G is one of
{Ga , Gm }, so neither G nor any of its nontrivial quotients are proper. For x X(k),
let Gx = StabG (x). Either Gx = G, in which case x X G (k), or Gx is finite, in
which case we have an embedding G/Gx , X given by g 7 gx. By passing to the
closure of the image of this map, we may assume the image of G/Gx in X is dense.
Thus X r G/Gx is a G-stable finite nonempty (because G isnt proper) variety on
which G acts, hence X G X r G/Gx .
In the general case, choose a one-dimensional normal subgroup H G. By
induction, X H 6= , and by the first part of the proof, X G = (X H )G/H 6= .
For a more careful proof, see [Mil14, 18.1].
Checking the valuative (or topological) criteria for properness can be pretty
difficult. There is a special class of morphisms, called projective morphisms, that
TranspG (X, Y )(T ) = {g G(T ) : ad(g)(XT ) YT }
= {g G(T ) : gX(T 0 )g 1 Y (T 0 ) for all T 0 T }
stTranspG (X, Y )(T ) = {g G(T ) : ad(g)(XT ) = YT }.
Similarly, if u, v : X G are morphisms, one defines
TranspG (u, v)(T ) = {g G(T ) : ad(g) uT = vV }.
This enables us to define, for a subgroup-scheme H G,
CG (H) = TranspG (H , G, H , G)
(the centralizer )
(the normalizer ).
Borel subgroups
Example 4.3.3. If G = GL(n), then by Theorem 3.2.14, the subgroup B of uppertriangular matrices is a Borel subgroup. We will see that G/B is proper. Indeed,
we will work in much greater generality. Let S be a base scheme and E a locally
free OS -module. If X/S is a scheme, write EX for the pullback of E to X. Write
GL(E ) for the functor X 7 AutOX (EX ). This is an open subscheme of V(E E ),
so it is representable.
Let n = rk(E ); for r < n, let Gr(E , r) be the functor given by
Gr(E , r)(X) = {EX F : F is a locally free OX -module of rank r}/ ' .
By [Nit05, ex.2], this is representable. note that Gr(E , 1) = P(E ), so Gr(E , 1) is
projective. More generally, for each V
r the operation take r-th wedge power gives
a closed embedding
E ), so all the Gr(E , r) are projective. Put
Gr(E ) = r<n Gr(E , r); this is projective via the Segre embedding [EGA 2, II 4.3.3]
P(E ) P(
E ) , P(E
E ).
Suppose E admits a descending filtration fil E such that each quotient Er =
E / filr has rank r. Define a closed subgroup of GL(E ) by
B(X) = {g GL(E )(X) : g preserves fil }.
This is a Borel subgroup of GL(E ). We will realize the relative flag variety G/B as
a closed subscheme of Gr(E ). If X/S is a scheme, a flag (relative to E ) on X is a
diagram EX = Vn V0 = 0 of locally free quotients of EX , where each Vr
has rank r. Write V for such a flag. Define a functor Fl(E ) by
Fl(E )(X) = {flags relative to E on X}/ ' .
The rule V 7 (Vr )r gives a closed embedding Fl(E ) , Gr(E ). See [DG80, I 2 6.3]
for a proof when S = Spec(Z) and E = Zn .
Our filtration fil E induces an element of Fl(E )(S), namely {E E / filr }r . The
action of GL(E ) on E induces a right action of GL(E ) on Fl(E ), in which an element
g GL(E )(X) acts on a flag E V by E
E V . Moreover, B GL(E ) acts
trivially. Assume S is locally noetherian. Then by [SGA 3I , V 10.1.1], the quotient
GL(E )/B exists and comes with an embedding GL(E )/B , Fl(E ). We claim that
this map is surjective, hence an isomorphism. Indeed, Zariski-locally, it comes down
to checking that GL(An )/B(A) Fl(An ) is surjective, which is a basic fact from
Maximal tori
For this section, k is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Let G/k be
a linear algebraic group. A maximal torus in G is a subgroup scheme T G that is
a torus, and is maximal with respect to this property. In our setting, any torus in G
is contained in a maximal torus.
Example 4.4.1. Let G = GL(n). Then we can choose T to be the subgroup
consisting of diagonal matrices. This is a maximal torus because all tori are
diagonalizable, so any torus in GL(n) is conjugate to a subgroup of T . A Borel
subgroup consists of upper-triangular matrices.
Theorem 4.4.2. Let G/k be a linear algebraic group. Then all maximal tori are
Proof. If G is solvable, this is [Mil14, 17.40]. Essentially, one uses the fact that
G = T n Ru G for any maximal torus T .
If G is a general group, then different maximal tori T1 , T2 will live in Borel
subgroups B1 , B2 . By Theorem 4.3.2, the subgroups B1 and B2 are conjugate, so
we may as well assume T1 and T2 are maximal tori in the same Borel subgroup B.
But then we can use the fact that the theorem holds for solvable groups.
Example 4.4.3. Let : G GL(V ) be a representation, where G is a connected
solvable group. Then G acts on P(V ) via GL(V ), so Theorem 4.1.5 tells us that G
fixes a vector, i.e. that V contains a G-invariant line.
Lemma 4.4.4. Let T G be a torus. Then the quotient WG (T ) = CG (T ) =
NG (T ) , hence the quotient NG (T )/ CG (T ) is finite etale.
Proof. There is an obvious family NG (T ) T T given by (y, t) 7 yty 1 . By
Theorem 3.8.10, this is constant, hence NG (T ) CG (T ).
One calls WG (T ) the Weyl group of the pair (G, T ). It is finite etale over k.
Lemma 4.4.5. Let G/k be a connected reductive group. Then RG = Z(G) .
Root systems
Example 4.5.1. We will work out the root datum of SL(n + 1) for n > 1. We
choose the maximal torus
T = diag(a1 , . . . , an+1 ) : ai Gm and
ai = 1
SL(n + 1).
Ei,j .
hEi,j i.
So R(SLn+1 , TP
) = {i j : i 6= j}.PWe think of R(SLn+1 ) as a subset of the real
vector space { ai i : ai R and
ai = 0}.
With this example in mind, we move towards the general definition of a root
system. Fix a finite-dimensional R-vector space V . For V r 0, a reflection on
V with vector is a linear map s : V V such s() = , and for which there
exists a decomposition V = R U such that |U = 1. Note that if s is a reflection
with vector , then s(v) v R for all v V .
Lemma 4.5.2. Let V be a finite-dimensional R-vector space, R V a finite set
which spans V , and V r 0. There exists at most one reflection s of V with
vector such that s(R) = R.
Proof. This is [Lie46 , VI 1.1 lem.1]. Suppose s, s0 are two such reflections. Define
u = s(s0 )1 . Note that u() = . Moreover, u induces the identity on V /. This
implies u is unipotent. But u(R) = R, so un = 1 for some n > 1. This means that u
is semisimple. The only way an operator can be both unipotent and semisimple is
for u = 1.
Definition 4.5.3. Let V be a finite-dimensional R-vector space. A subset R V r0
is a root system in V if the following hold:
1. R is finite and spans V .
Then h, iG is G-invariant.
Fix a W -invariant inner product h, i on V . For R, we can write V =
R (R) . One has
hv, i
s (v) = v 2
h, i
Condition 3 in the definition of a root system comes down to requiring that 2 h,i
for all , R. For the remainder, put n(, ) = 2 h,i
1. S is a basis of V
2. For any R, write =
Let S R be a base; one calls the S simple roots.
P Let R R be the
collection of R such that in the decomposition = S m , one has all
m > 0. If we put R = R+ , then by [Lie46 , VI 1.6 th.3], one has R = R+ t R .
n(, )
Even with this finite list, classifying reduced root systems directly is tricky. We
will classify them via a type of graph (with extra data) called a Dynkin diagram.
The following definition is from [Lie46 , VI 4.2].
Definition 4.5.10. A Dynkin graph is a pair (, f ), where is an undirected graph
f : {(1 , 2 ) : 1 and 2 are connected by an edge} R
satisfies f (1 , 2 )f (2 , 1 ) = 1 whenever the expression is defined.
We begin with what will turn out to be a complete list of examples of reduced
root systems, following [Lie46 , VI 4]. For some of the more complicated root
systems (e.g. E8 ) we only give the associated Dynkin diagram. When drawing
Dynkin diagrams, if f (i, j) > 1, we place an inequality sign > over the arrows from
i to j. For example, if f (i, j) = 2, we put i j.
Example 4.6.1 (type An , n > 1). Let n > 1. Let V = {x Rn+1 :
xi = 0},
and give Rn+1 the standard basis e1 , . . . , en+1 and standard inner product h, i.
The root system An V is
An = {ei ej : i 6= j}.
Clearly An is finite and spans V . For each root , put
s (v) = v 2
hv, i
= v hv, i.
h, i
(n vertices).
Example 4.6.3 (type A2 ). This root system can be drawn as living in R2 with the
standard metric. It looks like:
The roots lie on the unit circle and at multiples of the angle /3. The Dynkin
diagram is
Example 4.6.4 (type Bn , n > 2). Let V = Rn and the roots be {ei } {ei ej :
i < j}. The Dynkin diagram of Bn is
(n vertices).
Example 4.6.5 (type B2 ). This root system lives in R , and looks like
Example 4.6.6 (type Cn , n > 2). The ambient vector space is V = Rn , and the
set of roots is {2ei } {ei ej : i < j}. The Dynkin diagram is
(n vertices).
Example 4.6.7 (type Dn , n > 4). The ambient vector space is V = Rn , and the
set of roots is {ei } {ei ej : i < j}. The Dynkin diagram is
(n vertices).
e8 e7 e6 +
e7 e8 +
Example 4.6.10 (type E8 ). The vector space is R8 , and the set of roots consists
of {ei ej : i < j}, together with all 12 i=1 (1)(i) ei for which
(i) is even.
The Dynkin diagram is
Example 4.6.11 (type F4 ). The space is R4 , the set of roots is {ei } {ei ej :
e < i}, together with 12 (e1 e2 e3 e4 ). The Dynkin diagram is
Example 4.6.12 (type G2 ). This is one of the exceptional root systems. It lives
inside R2 and looks like:
The inner collection of roots is a copy of A2 . The outer collection has radius
and is rotated by /6. The Dynkin diagram of G2 is V .
root system
outer automorphisms
In Example 4.5.1, we showed that the root system of SL(n + 1) has type An . Here,
we work out the root systems of Sp(2n) and SO(2n). Our computations will work
over any field k of characteristic zero, so we will tacitly exclude k from the notation.
(Orthogonal). Write 1n for the identity n n matrix, and let
. We define
O(2n) = {g GL(2n) : t gJg = J}
SO(2n) = O(2n) SL(2n).
This is not
P the same as our definition in Example 1.4.3, in which we used the pairing
hx, yi = xi yi . The problem is, the definition in that example does not give a split
group, i.e. there is no split maximal torus. The basis
, ,
realizes an isomorphism betweenSO(2n)
and {g SL(2n) : t g g = 1}, but only
c ta
For a tuple = (1 , . . . , n ) Gnm , write
diag () = diag(1 , . . . , n , 11 , . . . , 1
n ).
Let T = {diag
: Gnm }; since ZSO(2n) (T ) = T , this is a maximal torus. Clearly
X (T ) =
Zi , where each character i is defined by i (diag ()) = i .
Let t = Lie(T ). For any i, j, let ei,j be the matrix with a 1 in the (i, j) entry and
0 elsewhere. For t T and x so2n , we compute:
if x t
(i j )(t) x
if x =
and i 6= j
ad(t)(x) =
eij eji
(i + j )(t) x
if x =
and i < j
and i < j
(i j )(t) x if x =
eij eji
Thus the set of roots is {i j : i 6= j} X (T )R . This recovers the root
system Dn = {ei ej : i 6= j} Rn of Example 4.6.7. A basis of Dn is
{e1 e2 , . . . , en2 en1 , en1 en , en1 + en }.
Example 4.7.2 (Symplectic). This time, let J =
. Recall the definitions:
GSp(2n) = {g GL(2n) : t gJg = J}
Sp(2n) = GSp(2n) SL(2n).
One can check that
sp(2n) = Lie(Sp2n ) = {x gl(2n) : t xJ + J t x = 0}
: a, b, c Mn and b = b .
c ta
If we define diag as in Example 4.7.1, then the group Sp(2n) has a maximal
torus T = {diag () : Gnm }. The group X (T ) has basis {1 , . . . , n }, where
i (diag ()) = i . Put t = Lie(T ). For t T , x sp2n , we have
if x t
( j )(t) x
if x =
and i 6= j
ad(t)(x) =
eij + eji
(i + j )(t)x
if x =
and i 6 j
and i 6 j
(i j )(t) x if x =
eij + eji
It follows that the set of roots is
{i j : i 6= j} {2i } X (T ).
This recovers the root system Cn = {ei ej : i 6= j}{2ei } Rn of Example 4.6.6.
A base for Cn is {e1 e2 , . . . , en1 en , 2en }.
? Both SO(2n) and Sp(2n) are special cases of a more general construction that
starts with an arbitrary algebra with involution. We follow [Ber10, VIII.21]. Let k
be an arbitrary field of characteristic not 2. An algebra with involution over k is a
(possibly non-commutative) k-algebra R together with an anti-involution : R R.
The main examples are
R = M2n (k)and (x)= x for some invertible matrix
, especially either
Let (R, ) be an algebra with involution. The group of similitudes of R is the
functor Sim(R) from k-algebras to groups, defined by
Sim(R, )(A) = {r (R k A) : r(r) A }.
Similarly, the group of isometries of R is the functor
Iso(R, )(A) = {r (R k A) : r(r) = 1}.
Substituting in Mn (k) with an orthogonal or symplectic involution recovers the
special orthogonal and symplectic groups. ?
Let k be a field of characteristic zero. Recall that an algebraic group G/k is said to be
split if there is a maximal torus T G which is split. We will use our classification
of root systems to classify split semisimple groups over k.
Definition 4.8.1. A homomorphism f : G H of algebraic groups is an isogeny if
1. f is surjective, and
2. ker(f ) is finite.
In characteristic p, one has to be very careful, as a lot of nice properties of
isogenies fail to hold. For example, in characteristic zero ker(f ) is a finite normal
subgroup of G, hence G acts on ker(f ) by conjugation. If G is connected, this action
must be trivial, so ker(f ) Z(G). Thus, in characteristic zero, all isogenies are
Definition 4.8.2. Two semisimple groups G/k , H/k are isogenous if there is a
semisimple group J/k with isogenies J G, J H.
It is not obvious, but being isogenous is an equivalence relation.
Theorem 4.8.3. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Then
G 7 R(G, T ) induces a bijection between the set of isogeny classes of connected
semisimple groups and isomorphism classes of reduced root systems.
Proof. This follows from [Mil14, 23.14-15].
Unfortunately, we cannot substitute isomorphism for isogeny in the statement
of this theorem.
Example 4.8.4. Work in characteristic zero, and let PGL(n) = GL(n)/ Z(GL(n)).
Then PGL(n) and SL(n) have the same root systems. Moreover, the sequence
1 n SL(n) PGL(n) 1 is exact. So SL(n) and PGL(n) are isogenous but
one can check that they are not isomorphic.
The way we have defined isogenous as a relation on semisimple groups, it is
not obvious that the relation is transitive. It turns out that the isogeny class of G
contains two distinguished groups denoted Gad and Gsc . The first, Gad = G/ Z(G)
is obviously isogenous to G via the quotient map G Gad . By [Mil14, 21.38],
there is also an initial isogeny Gsc G. One calls Gad the adjoint form of G,
and Gsc the simply connected form of G. They (tautologically) fit into a sequence
Gsc G Gad of isogenies. So we could have said that two semisimple groups G
and H are isogenous if and only if Gsc ' H sc .
If we want to classify connected semisimple groups up to isomorphism, we need
a finer invariant than the root system, namely the root datum. Well cover root data
in more detail in subsection 5.1. For now, all we need is that a root datum can be
given by a reduced root system R V together with a group Q(R) X P (R).
Recall that if R V , we define
Q(R) = Z R V
2hx, i
Z for all R
P (R) = x V :
h, i
(root lattice)
(weight lattice).
The letter P for weight lattice is possibly inspired by the French word poid for
Let G be a semisimple group, T G a maximal torus. Let R = R(G, T ) X (T ).
The inclusion R X (T )R is a root system. Put X = X (T ); then Q(R) X
P (R). The quotient group P (R)/Q(R) is finite, so there are only finitely many
possibilities for X.
The group G is simply connected if and only if X = P (R), and adjoint if and only
if X = Q(R). We already know that each isogeny class has a unique simply connected
simply connected (resp. adjoint) group. Intermediate quotients Gsc G Gad will
correspond to quotients of the group 1al (Gad ) = P (R)/Q(R).
Example 4.8.5. Start with Sp(2n). Let T be as in Example 4.7.2. Recall that
X (T ) has basis {1 , . . . , n }, where i (diag ()) = i . We showed that the set of
roots is
{i j : i 6= j} {2i } X (T ).
Now let G = Sp(2n)/{1}; this contains a maximal torus T /{1}. Note that
X (T / 1) , X (T ); the image consists of those X (T ) : (1) = 1}. This is
Z R, so Sp(2n)/{1} = Sp(2n)ad , as we already knew from Z(Sp2n ) = 2 . It turns
out that Sp(2n) is simply connected.
The following table is a complete list of the possible isomorphism classes of
almost simple algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.
Recall that an algebraic group is almost simple if its only normal proper subgroups
are finite.
Z/(n + 1)
Z/2 Z/2
(E6 )sc
(E7 )sc
SLn+1 /n+1
Sp2n /2
SO2n /2
SO2n /2
(E6 )ad
(E7 )ad
groups in between
SLn+1 /d , d | n + 1
SO2n , HSpin2n
Let G be a simply connected semisimple group over k. Then G ' Gi , where
each Gi is simply connected and almost simple. Each of the Gi will be one of:
SL(n + 1), Spin(n), Sp(2n), G2 , F4 , (E6 )sc , (E7 )sc , E8 .
Here, we call an algebraic group G almost simple if all closed normal subgroups N
are either trivial (in the sense
Q that N = 1 or N = G) or finite. Similarly, if G is an
adjoint group, then G ' Gi in which each Gi is a simple adjoint group.
Example 4.8.6. The group G = SL(2) SL(2) has an (obvious) decomposition
into almost simple factors. We have Z(G) = 2 2 . So the quotients of G are:
G, G/(2 1), G/(1 2 ), G/(2 ), G/(2 2 ).
The group SL(2)(SL(2)/2 ) is neither adjoint nor simply connected. Here (2 ) =
{(x, x) : x 2 }. The group G/(2 ) does not have a product factorization. It
is (obviously) a quotient of SL(2) SL(2), but is not directly isomorphic to any
H1 H2 for positive-dimensional Hi .
Example 4.8.7. Let A be a finite abelian group. We can write A = Z/d1 Z/dn .
Then GA = SL(d1 ) SL(dn ) has Z(GA ) ' A. So all finite abelian groups arise
as centers of semisimple algebraic groups.
Reductive groups
Note that R XR need not be a root system, since R may only span a proper
subspace of XR . For example, if G is itself a torus, then R = . However,
R V XR , where V = R R, is a root system, and it determines the semisimple
group G/RG up to isogeny. The datum R X is not in general enough to
determine G.
Let X (T ) = hom(Gm , T ). There is a perfect pairing (composition) X (T )
X (T ) Z = hom(Gm , Gm ). Here h, i is the integer n such that is
()n . From G well construct a root datum, which will be an ordered quadruple
(X (T ), R(G, T ), X (T ), R(G,
T )). Before doing this, well define root data in general.
Root data
The following definitions are from [SGA 3III , XXI]. A dual pair is an ordered pair
where X and X
are finitely generated free abelian groups, together with a
(X, X),
Z that induces an isomorphism X
' X = hom(X, Z). Let
pairing h, i : X X
be a dual pair, and suppose we have two elements X,
Define the
(X, X)
reflections s and s by
s (x) = x hx,
s (x) = x h, xi
1. f induces a bijection R1
R2 ,
2 X
1 induces a bijection R
2. The dual map f : X
R1 .
be a root datum. We say R is reduced if
Definition 5.1.3. Let R = (X, R, X,
for any R, the only multiples of in R are .
Just as with root systems, there is a notion of a base for root data. If N Q
and S X, we write N S for the subset of XQ generated as a monoid by
{ns : (n, s) N S}. We call a root R indivisible if there does not exist any
R for which = n for some n > 1, i.e. Q+ R = {}.
be a root system. A subset R is a
Definition 5.1.4. Let R = (X, R, X,
base if it satisfies any of the following conditions (reproduced from [SGA 3III , XXI
1. All are indivisible, and R Q+ Q .
2. The set is linearly independent, and R N Z .
3. Each R can be written uniquely as R m , where all m Z and
have the same sign.
If R is a base, write R+ = N for the set of positive roots and R = Z
for the set of negative roots. One has R = R+ t R , and R = R+ .
Write RtDt for the category of root data. There is a contravariant functor
X, R).
to R = (X,
: RtDt RtDt which sends a root datum R = (X, R, X,
This is clearly an anti-equivalence of categories. We will use this later to define the
will be a
dual of a split reductive group. If G/k is a split reductive group, then G
For a classification of reduced simply connected root systems, see [SGA 3III ,
XXI 7.4.6].
Let k be a field of characteristic zero, G/k a (connected) split reductive group. Let
T G be a split maximal torus. The rank of G is the integer r = rk(G) = dim(T ).
Let g = Lie(G). As we have seen many times before, we can decompose g as a
representation of T :
g ,
t T, x Ga .
2. An isomorphism T
D(M ) for some free abelian group M .
3. A base R(G, T ).
4. For each , a non-zero element X g .
If G1 , G2 are pinned reductive groups, a morphism f : G1 G2 is said to be
compatible with the pinnings if f (T1 ) = f (T2 ), f induces a bijection (written f )
R2 , and such that
f (u (X1, )) = uf (X2,f ).
Let RdGppinn
be the category of split reductive groups over k with pinnings. We
to be the choice of a base
can define a pinning of a root system R = (X, R, X,
R. Let RtDt
be the category of pinned reduced root data. The following
combines the existence and uniqueness theorems in the classification of reductive
Theorem 5.2.5. The operation G 7 R(G, T ) induces an equivalence of categories
RtDtred,pinn .
Proof. See [SGA 3III , XXIII 4.1] for a proof that R is fully faithful, [SGA 3III , XXV
2] for a proof of essential surjectivity.
In Theorem 5.2.5, we classified split reductive groups over an arbitrary field. It turns
out that the classification works over an arbitrary (non-empty) base scheme. More
precisely, let S be a scheme, G/S a smooth affine group scheme of finite type. We
say G is reductive if each geometric fiber Gs is reductive. A maximal torus in G is a
subgroup scheme T G of multiplicative type such that for all s S, the geometric
RtDtred,pinn .
In particular, for each reduced root datum R, there is a reductive group scheme GR/Z
with root datum R, such that for any scheme S, the unique (up to isomorphism)
reductive group scheme with root datum R is the base-change GR/S = (GR/Z )S .
In particular, if k is a field, the unique split reductive k-group with root datum R is
GR/k . One calls GR/Z the Chevalley-Demazure group scheme of type R.
Special topics
Borel-Weil theorem1
R indG
H V = H (G/H, L (V )).
, resG
B V for some X (T ). By the definition of induction functors, we get a
nonzero map indB V . Since V is simple, it must be surjective. Uniqueness of
is a bit trickier.
One calls the highest weight of V . A natural question is: for which is
B irreducible? By [Jan03, II 2.3], indB (if nonzero) contains a unique simple
subrepresentation, which we denote by L().
Recall that our choice of Borel B T induces a base S R(G, T ) X (T ).
We put an ordering on X (T ) by saying that 6 if N S. It is known
that there exists w0 W = W(G, T ) such that w0 (R+ ) = R . Finally, the set of
dominant weights is:
X (T )+ = { X (T ) : h,
i > 0 for all R+ }.
We can now classify irreducible representations of G.
Theorem 6.1.2. Any irreducible representation of G is of the form L() for a
unique X (T )+ .
Proof. This is [Jan03, II 2.7].
Tannakian categories
1 (g)
V1 A
V2 A
2 (g)
V2 A.
4. Isomorphisms V1 V2
V2 V1 for all Vi C.
5. Isomorphisms (V1 V2 ) V3
V1 (V2 V3 )
These data are required to satisfy the following conditions:
1. There exists an object 1 C such that (1) is one-dimensional and such that
the natural map k hom(1, 1) is an isomorphism.
2. If (V ) is one-dimensional, there exists V 1 C such that V V 1 ' 1.
3. Under , the isomorphisms 3 and 4 are the obvious ones.
By [DM82, Pr. 1.20], this is equivalent to the standard (more abstract) definition.
Note that all our examples are rigid k-linear tensor categories. One calls the functor
a fiber functor.
Let (C, ) be a rigid k-linear tensor category. In this setting, define a functor
Aut() from k-algebras to groups by setting:
Aut ()(A) = Aut ( : C A Rep(A))
= (gV )
GL((V ) A) :
automorphisms gV : (V ) A
(V ) A, where V ranges over objects in C. This
collection must satisfy:
1. g1 = 1(1)
2. gV1 V2 = gV1 gV2 for all V1 , V2 C, and
3. whenever f : V1 V2 is a morphism in C, the following diagram commutes:
(V1 )A
(V1 )A
(V2 )A
(V2 )A .
Typically one only considers affine group schemes G/k that are algebraic, i.e. whose
coordinate ring O(G) is a finitely generated k-algebra, or equivalently that admit
a finite-dimensional faithful representation. Let G/k be an arbitrary affine group
scheme, V an arbitrary representation of G over k. By [DM82, Cor. 2.4], one
has V = lim Vi , where Vi ranges over the finite-dimensional subrepresentations
an arbitrary affine group scheme G/k can be written as a filtered projective limit
G = lim Gi , where each Gi is an affine algebraic group over k. So we will speak of
The main theorem is the following, taken essentially verbatum from [DM82,
Th. 2.11].
Theorem 6.2.8. Let (C, , ) be a rigid k-linear tensor category. Then = Aut ()
is represented by a pro-algebraic group, and : C Rep() is an equivalence of
Often, the group 1 (C) is too large to handle directly. For example, if C
contains infinitely many simple objects, probably 1 (C) will be infinite-dimensional.
For V C, let C(V ) be the Tannakian subcategory of C generated by V . One
puts 1 (C/V ) = 1 (C(V )). It turns out that 1 (C/V ) GL(V ), so 1 (C/V ) is
finite-dimensional. One has 1 (C) = lim 1 (C/V ).
Exceptional isomorphisms3
Example 6.4.2 (A1 ' B1 ). Define a pairing on sl2 by hx, yi = tr(xy) (the Killing
form). One easily verifies that the adjoint action of SL(2) on sl2 preserves this
form. Moreover, a general theorem of linear algebra tells us that any non-degenerate
bilinear symmetric pairing on a three-dimensional vector space is isomorphic to
the orthogonal pairing. It follows that Aut(sl2 , h, i) ' O(3), at least over an
algebraically closed field. Since SL(2) is connected, ad(SL(2)) SO(3). A dimension
count tells us that SL(2)/2 ' SO(3). Again, this only works over an algebraically
closed field.
Example 6.4.3 (D2 ' A1 A1 ). We need to show that SO(4) and SL(2) SL(2)
are isogenous. Let std : SL(2) , GL(2) be the standard representation, and consider
the representation std std of SL(2) SL(2). There is an obvious bilinear form
hu1 u2 , v1 v2 i = (u1 , v1 )(u2 , v2 ),
V2 2
where is the determinant pairing k 2 k 2
k ' k given by (x, y) 7 x y.
The group SL(2) SL(2) acts on std std by (g, h)(v w) = (gv) (gw). Thus we
have a representation SL(2) SL(2) GL(4). The image preserves h, i, hence (by
linear algebra) lies inside O(4), By connectedness and a dimension count, we see
that this is an isogeny SL(2) SL(2) SO(4).
(q(u + v) q(u) q(v)).
Definition 6.5.1. A composition algebra is a pair (C, q), where C is a unital, notnecessarily associative k-algebra and q is a multiplicative non-degenerate quadratic
on C.
In other words, we require q(xy) = q(x)q(y) for all x, y C. Since by [SV00,
1.2.4], q is determined by the multiplicative strucure of C, we will just refer to a
composition algebra C. Write e for the unit of C. Every composition algebra comes
with a natural involution x 7 x
, defined by x
= hx, ei x.
Theorem 6.5.2. Let C be a composition algebra. Then dim(C) {1, 2, 4, 8}.
Proof. This is [SV00, 1.6.2].
We call an 8-dimensional composition algebra an octobian algebra. If C is an
octonian k-algebra, we define an algebraic group Aut(C) by putting
Aut(C)(A) = {g GL(C A) : g is a morphism of normed A-algebras},
for all (commutative, unital) k-algebras A. There is an obvious embedding Aut(C) ,
O(C, q).
Theorem 6.5.3. Let C be an octonian k-algebra. Then Aut(C) is a connected
algebraic group of type G2 .
Proof. We mean that after base-change to an algebraic closure of k, Aut(C) becomes
isomorphic to G2 . This is [SV00, 2.3.5].
If C is a composition algebra and = (1 , 2 , 3 ) (k )3 , we define a new
algebra HC, to be as a set the collection of matrices
11 3 c2
21 1 c3
ci k and zi k.
3 2 c1
Give HC, the product xy = 12 (x y + y x) and quadratic form q(x) =
tr(x2 ).
Spin groups5
The motivation for spin groups is as follows. Recall that up to isogeny, the simple
algebraic groups are SL(n), Sp(2n), SO(n), or one of the exceptional groups. Recall
that each isogeny class has two distinguished elements, the simply connected and
adjoint. For SO(n), we should expect there to be a simply connected group Spin(n) =
(Dn )sc , which is a double cover of SO(n).
Work over a field k of characteristic not 2. Let V be a k-vector space, q a
quadratic form on V . The Clifford algebra Cl(V, q) is the quotient of the tensor
algebra T (V ) by the ideal generated by {v v q(v) : v V }. There is an obvious
injection V , Cl(V, q), and k-linear maps f : V A into associative k-algebras
lift to f : Cl(V, q) A if and only if f (v)f (v) = q(v) for all v V . This univeral
property clearly characterizes Cl(V, q). For brevity, write Cl(V ) = Cl(V, q).
Example 6.6.1. Let V = R4 , q be the indefinite form of signature (3, 1), i.e. q(v) =
v12 + v22 + v32 + v42 . We write Cl(1,3) (R) for the Clifford algebra Cl(V, q); it has
Cl(1,3) (R) = Rhe1 , e2 , e3 , e4 i/(e21 = 1, e22 = e23 = e24 = 1).
5 Benjamin
This is used in the Dirac equation, which unifies special relativity and quantum
There is a clear action O(V, q) Aut Cl(V ). In particular, the involution
(v) = v induces an involution (also denoted ) of Cl(V ). This induces a grading
Cl(V ) = Cl0 (V ) Cl1 (V ), where
Cl0 (V ) = {x Cl(V ) : (x) = x}
Cl1 (V ) = {x Cl(V ) : (x) = x}.
We define some algebraic groups via their functors of points:
Pin(V, q)(A) = {g Cl(V, q)A : q(g) 2 (A)}
Spin(V, q) = Pin(V, q) Cl0 (V ).
: Pin(V, q) O(V, q), given by ad(g)(v)
A good source for differential Galois theory is [PS03]. Recall that if A is a ring,
a derivation on A is an additive map : A A satisfying the Liebniz rule:
(ab) = a(b) + (a)b. We write Der(A) for the group of derivations A A.
Definition 6.7.1. A differential ring is a pair (R, ), where Der(R) is such
that 1 2 = 2 1 for all 1 , 2 .
If = {}, we write r0 = r for r R. The ring C = {c R : c = 0 for all
} is called the ring of constants. If R is a field, we call (R, ) a differential field.
differential ideals. Note that simple differential rings need not be fields, e.g. (k[t], t
Definition 6.7.5. Let A Mn (k). A Picard-Vessiot ring for the equation y 0 = Ay
is pair (R, Z), where R is a simple differential k-algebra which has a fundamental
solution matrix Z for y 0 = Ay, such that R is generated as a k-algebra by the entries
of Z and det1 Z .
It is easy to prove that Picard-Vessiot rings exist. Let S be the differential ring
constructed above. For any maximal differential ideal m S, the quotient R = S/m
is a Picard-Vessiot ring. By [PS03, 1.20], Picard-Vessiot rings (for a given equation
y 0 = Ay) are unique.
Definition 6.7.6. Let (k, ) be a differential field, A Mn (k). The differential
Galois group of the equation y 0 = Ay is DGal(R/k) = Aut(k, )(R) for any PicardVessiot ring R (for the equation y 0 = Ay).
Lemma 6.7.7. The group DGal(R/k) is linear algebraic.
Proof. See [PS03, 1.26].
Example 6.7.8. If k = C(x) and we consider the equation y 0 = x y for =
then the Picard-Vessiot ring is R = C(xn/m ) and DGal(R/k) = Z/m.
It is shown in [TT79] that over C, all linear algebraic groups arise as differential
Galois groups. The modern approach to differential Galois theory uses D-modules
and Tannakian categories.
Let k be a field, Lie be the category of Lie algebras over k, and Ass be the category
of unital associative k-algebras. There is an easy functor L : Ass Lie, that sends a
k-algebra A to the Lie algebra LA whose underlying vector space is A, with bracket
[a, b] = a b b a.
7 Daoji
This has a left adjoint, denoted U. That is, for each Lie algebra g, there is an
associative algebra Ug with a k-linear map i : g Ug satisfying i[x, y] = [i(x), i(y)],
such that for any algebra A and linear map f : g A satisfying f [x, y] = [f (x), f (y)],
there is a unique extension f : Ug A such that f = f i.
can construct the universal enveloping algebra Ug directly. Let T g =
L We n
be the tensor algebra of g. It is easy to see that Ug is the quotient of T g
n>0 g
by the relations {x y y x [x, y] : x, y g}.
There is an obvious filtration on T g, for which Tm g = m>n gm . It induces a
filtration on Ug. The Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem is an explicit description of
the graded ring gr U(g).
Define a map : T g gr(Ug) by the obvious surjections
T m g = gm U m g grm U(g).
This is a homomorphism of graded k-algebras. Moreover, since, for x U2 g, we have
U2 3 x y y x = [x, y] U1 ,
it follows that the map factors through the symmetric algebra Sg.
Theorem 6.8.1 (Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt). Let g be a Lie algebra over k. The map
: S(g) gr U(g) is an isomorphism of graded k-agebras.
Proof. This is [Lie13 , I 2.7 th.1].
More concretely, suppose g has a basis x1 , . . . , xn of g. The PBW theorem tells
us that every element of Ug can be written uniquely as a sum
i xei ,
where i ranges over all tuples (i1 , . . . , ir ) for which 1 6 i1 < < ir 6 n. Here we
xei = xei11 xeirr .
The PBW theorem is used in many places one application is a simpler (though
less transparent) construction of free Lie algebras than the one in [Lie13 , II 2].
Ran Chen
H0 (T , N )
H0 (T , G)
H0 (T , G/N )
H1 (T , N )
H1 (T , G)
H1 (T , G/N ).
i.e. RK/k G
is a k-form of K . Interesting k-forms of G can often be obtained by taking
appropriate subgroups of RK/k G.
Example 6.9.2. Apply the previous general construction to the extension C/R.
The group S = RC/R Gm comes with a norm map N : S Gm , coming from the
usual norm N : C R. Then SN=1 is a R-form of Gm .
Example 6.9.3. Let k be a field. A central simple algebra over k is a (possibly
non-commutative) k-algebra R that is simple and has Z(R) = k. The obvious
examples are Mn (k), but there are others, for example any division algebra D with
Z(D) = k. If R is any central simple algebra, then Rksep ' Mn (k sep ) for some n.
There is a norm map N : R k, which we can use to define a group SL(R) by
SL(R)(A) = ker (R k A)
A ,
for all k-algebras A. Since R splits over k sep , we have SL(R)ksep ' SL(n)ksep .
H1 (Gal(k/k),
Autksep (G)). Let G0 be a k-form of G. Choose an isomorphism
: G0ksep
Gksep , and define c : Gal(k sep /k) Autksep (G) by c = () 1 . It
turns out that the class of c in H1 (k, Aut G) does not depend on the choice of . In
fact, we have the following result.
Theorem 6.9.4. Let k be a field, G/k an algebraic group. Then the correspondence
defined above induces a natural bijection between the set of equivalence classes of
k-forms of G and the pointed set H1 (k, Aut G).
Proof. This is Lemma 7.1.1 in [Con].
Example 6.9.5. As above, let k = R, G = SL(2). Then Aut G = PSL2 and
Gal(C/R) = Z/2. So the set of R-forms of SL(2) is in bijection with H1 (R, PSL2 ) '
H2 (R, 2 )[2], which classifies quaternion algebras over R. It is well-known that there
are only two such algebras, namely M2 (R) and H. So our list above is complete. .
Arithmetic subgroups9
Consider for a moment how we might try to use algebraic geometry to construct
simple abstract groups. Clearly, if G/S is a group scheme, then G(X) is an abstract
group for any X/S . If x X is a point, then there is a natural homomorphism
G(X) G(k(x)), probably with nontrivial kernel, so it makes sense to only study
G(k) for k a field and G/k an algebraic group. The unipotent radical RG is normal
in G, so we may as well require that RG = 1, i.e. that G be semisimple. Simple
factors of G yield big normal subgroups, so we finally arrive at the case where G is
a simple algebraic group. One would think that we should look at Gad (k), where
Gad = G/ Z(G), but from the long exact sequence
1 Z(k) Gsc (k) Gad (k) H1 (k, Z) ,
we see that Gad (k) will have an abelian quotient, namely (a subgroup of) H1 (k, Z).
Thus, it makes sense to consider
im(Gsc (k) Gad (k)).
If R is a root system, write Gsc
R/Z (resp. GR/Z ) for the unique simply connected
(resp. adjoint) Chevalley-Demazure group scheme over Z with root system of type
R. If q is a prime power, we define
R(q) = im Gsc
Note that R(q) is not the Fq -points of an algebraic group. We will use this construction to give a complete (up to finitely many) list of all finite simple groups.
Theorem 6.11.1 (Classification theorem). Every finite simple group is one of the
cyclic: Z/p
alternating: An (n > 5)
Chevalley groups:
An (q), n > 1
Bn (q), n > 2
Cn (q), n > 2
Dn (q), n > 3
E6 (q), E7 (q), E8 (q), F4 (q), and G2 (q)
Steinberg groups:
2 An (q 2 ), n > 2
2 Dn (q 2 ), n > 2
2 E6 (q 2 ), 3 D4 (q 3 )
Suzuki groups: 2 B2 (22n+1 ), n > 1
Ree groups: 2 F4 (22n+1 ), n > 1 and 2 G2 (32n+1 ), n > 1.
Tits group: 2 F4 (2)1 .
The 26 sporadic groups.
Here, q ranges over all primes powers.
See the table in Chapter 1 of [GLS94] for a complete list that includes all the
sporadics. The groups of Lie type which are not simple are All of these groups
are simple, except A1 (2), A1 (3), B2 (2), G2 (2), and 3 A2 (22 ).
Example 6.11.2 (type An ). One has An (q) = im(SLn+1 (Fq ) PGLn+1 (Fq )).
This group is often written PSLn (q), but as we have discussed elsewhere, this
notation is misleading. For example, An (2f ) = SLn+1 (F2f ).
Example 6.11.3 (type Dn ). Recall that the simply-connected form of Dn is
Spin(2n), and the adjoint form is SO(2n)/2 . Thus Dn (q) is an index-two subgroup
of SO2n (Fq )/{1}.
Example 6.11.4 (type 2 An ). These are constructed via unitary groups. Recall
that SL(n + 1) has Dynkin diagram
(n vertices).
This has an automorphism (flip accross vertical axis). The induced outer automorphism of SL(n + 1) is g 7 t g 1 . One puts
SU(n) = {g SLn (C) : g = t g 1 }.
For a finite field Fq , the appropriate analogue of complex conjugation is the unique
nontrivial element Gal(Fq2 /Fq ). Put
One obtains the other Steinberg groups similarly: they are of the form
{g R(q 2 ) : (g) = (g)},
where is an automorphism of Dyn(R) of order 2. For 3 D4 (q), one chooses a generator Gal(Fq3 /Fq ) and an outer automorphism of D4 of order 3. Essentially
the same construction can be done with and .
The Suzuki and Ree groups come from the so-called special isogenies in
characteristics 2 and 3. Roughly, these come from the fact that in characteristic p,
a directed multi-arrow in a Dynkin diagram should be replaced with p undirected
edges. Thus in characteristic 2, the Dynkin diagram for B2 is = , which has
a nontrivial automorphism. Similarly, in characteristic 2, The Dynkin diagram of
type F4 should be = , which also has an automorphism. Finally, in
characteristic 3, Dyn(G2 ) should be .
Finite simple groups of exceptional Lie type can be quite large. For example,
#E8 (2) 3.3 1074 . In contrast, the Monster group has cardinality 8.1 1053 .
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