Certificate of Fitness Template Revised April 2015
Certificate of Fitness Template Revised April 2015
Certificate of Fitness Template Revised April 2015
certificate of fitness:
1. A letter from the applicant addressed to the President of the Law Association of
Trinidad &Tobago requesting the Certificate of Fitness to be issued.
a) Applicants letter head
b) Mr. Seenath Jairam S.C, President
The Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago
95-97 Frederick Street,
Port of Spain
Dear Sir,
Re: Application for a Certificate of Fitness
I refer to the matter at caption
Body of the letter (requesting the issue of the certificate of fitness)
List of items enclosed
Preferably from two (2) members of the Law Association of at least five (5) years
standing who hold a valid practising certificate one of whom must have known the
applicant for a period of at least one (1) year
One testimonial from a member of the Law Association of at least five (5) years
standing and who holds a valid practising certificate one of whom must have known
the applicant for a period of at least one (1) year
One testimonial of a person (whose occupation falls into the categories set out
below), of good standing in Trinidad and Tobago, who must have known the
applicant for a period of not less than five (5) years
{Senior Public Officers, Ministers of Religion, Managing Directors or Directors and
Managers of Financial Institutions, Professionals, Members of Parliament, Mayors,
Chairpersons and Members of Local Government Bodies, Notaries Public, Justices
of the Peace, Principals and Vice Principals of Schools and University Lecturers.
(Endorsement of official stamps are necessary)}.
(personal or professional).
The opportunity which the writer of the testimonial has had to form
the opinions expressed. (A bare statement that the applicant is known for a
period of years and is considered a fit and proper person will not suffice).
It should certify the applicants fitness to practise and specifically
or alternatively the practising certificate for the preceding year and the receipt
for the current years annual fees must be attached to the letter of certification.)
It should also state that the person is fit and proper to be admitted to
the bar.
At the very least one of the testimonials should be made by a person other than someone
who has known the applicant solely through in-service training or as a student at Law
In the case of someone who has known the applicant as a student it should state what
opportunity the writer had to evaluate the applicant other than in the classroom.
4. A photograph of the applicant.