Obli Con - Article 1172 PDF
Obli Con - Article 1172 PDF
Obli Con - Article 1172 PDF
Before Us, is a Petition for Review by certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals, modifying the
decision of the trial court in a civil case for recovery of damages against petitioner corporation by
reducing the award to private respondent Loreto Dionela of moral damages from P40,000 to Pl5,000,
and attorney's fees from P3,000 to P2,000.
The basis of the complaint against the defendant corporation is a telegram sent through its Manila
Office to the offended party, Loreto Dionela, reading as follows:
115 PM
(p. 19, Annex "A")
Plaintiff-respondent Loreto Dionela alleges that the defamatory words on the telegram sent to him not
only wounded his feelings but also caused him undue embarrassment and affected adversely his
business as well because other people have come to know of said defamatory words. Defendant
corporation as a defense, alleges that the additional words in Tagalog was a private joke between the
sending and receiving operators and that they were not addressed to or intended for plaintiff and
therefore did not form part of the telegram and that the Tagalog words are not defamatory. The
telegram sent through its facilities was received in its station at Legaspi City. Nobody other than the
operator manned the teletype machine which automatically receives telegrams being transmitted. The
said telegram was detached from the machine and placed inside a sealed envelope and delivered to
plaintiff, obviously as is. The additional words in Tagalog were never noticed and were included in the
telegram when delivered.
The trial court in finding for the plaintiff ruled as follows:
There is no question that the additional words in Tagalog are libelous. They clearly
impute a vice or defect of the plaintiff. Whether or not they were intended for the
plaintiff, the effect on the plaintiff is the same. Any person reading the additional words
in Tagalog will naturally think that they refer to the addressee, the plaintiff. There is no
indication from the face of the telegram that the additional words in Tagalog were sent
as a private joke between the operators of the defendant.
The defendant is sued directly not as an employer. The business of the defendant is to
transmit telegrams. It will open the door to frauds and allow the defendant to act with
impunity if it can escape liability by the simple expedient of showing that its employees
acted beyond the scope of their assigned tasks.
The liability of the defendant is predicated not only on Article 33 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines but on the following articles of said Code:
ART. 19.- Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his
duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
ART. 20.-Every person who, contrary to law, wilfully or negligently causes damage to
another, shall indemnify the latter for the same.
There is sufficient publication of the libelous Tagalog words. The office file of the
defendant containing copies of telegrams received are open and held together only by a
metal fastener. Moreover, they are open to view and inspection by third parties.
It follows that the plaintiff is entitled to damages and attorney's fees. The plaintiff is a
businessman. The libelous Tagalog words must have affected his business and social
standing in the community. The Court fixes the amount of P40,000.00 as the reasonable
amount of moral damages and the amount of P3,000.00 as attorney's fee which the
defendant should pay the plaintiff. (pp. 15-16, Record on Appeal)
The respondent appellate court in its assailed decision confirming the aforegoing findings of the lower
court stated:
The proximate cause, therefore, resulting in injury to appellee, was the failure of the
appellant to take the necessary or precautionary steps to avoid the occurrence of the
humiliating incident now complained of. The company had not imposed any safeguard
against such eventualities and this void in its operating procedure does not speak well
of its concern for their clientele's interests. Negligence here is very patent. This
negligence is imputable to appellant and not to its employees.
The claim that there was no publication of the libelous words in Tagalog is also without
merit. The fact that a carbon copy of the telegram was filed among other telegrams and
left to hang for the public to see, open for inspection by a third party is sufficient
publication. It would have been otherwise perhaps had the telegram been placed and
kept in a secured place where no one may have had a chance to read it without
appellee's permission.
The additional Tagalog words at the bottom of the telegram are, as correctly found by
the lower court, libelous per se, and from which malice may be presumed in the
absence of any showing of good intention and justifiable motive on the part of the
appellant. The law implies damages in this instance (Quemel vs. Court of Appeals, L22794, January 16, 1968; 22 SCRA 44). The award of P40,000.00 as moral damages is
hereby reduced to P15,000.00 and for attorney's fees the amount of P2,000.00 is
awarded. (pp. 22-23, record)
After a motion for reconsideration was denied by the appellate court, petitioner came to Us with the
The Honorable Court of Appeals erred in holding that Petitioner-employer should
answer directly and primarily for the civil liability arising from the criminal act of its
The Honorable Court of Appeals erred in holding that there was sufficient publication of
the alleged libelous telegram in question, as contemplated by law on libel.
The Honorable Court of Appeals erred in holding that the liability of petitioner-companyemployer is predicated on Articles 19 and 20 of the Civil Code, Articles on Human
The Honorable Court of Appeals erred in awarding Atty's. fees. (p. 4, Record)
Petitioner's contentions do not merit our consideration. The action for damages was filed in the lower
court directly against respondent corporation not as an employer subsidiarily liable under the
provisions of Article 1161 of the New Civil Code in relation to Art. 103 of the Revised Penal Code.
The cause of action of the private respondent is based on Arts. 19 and 20 of the New Civil Code
(supra). As well as on respondent's breach of contract thru the negligence of its own employees. 1
Petitioner is a domestic corporation engaged in the business of receiving and transmitting messages.
Everytime a person transmits a message through the facilities of the petitioner, a contract is entered
into. Upon receipt of the rate or fee fixed, the petitioner undertakes to transmit the message
accurately. There is no question that in the case at bar, libelous matters were included in the
message transmitted, without the consent or knowledge of the sender. There is a clear case of
breach of contract by the petitioner in adding extraneous and libelous matters in the message sent to
the private respondent. As a corporation, the petitioner can act only through its employees. Hence the
acts of its employees in receiving and transmitting messages are the acts of the petitioner. To hold
that the petitioner is not liable directly for the acts of its employees in the pursuit of petitioner's
business is to deprive the general public availing of the services of the petitioner of an effective and
adequate remedy. In most cases, negligence must be proved in order that plaintiff may recover.
However, since negligence may be hard to substantiate in some cases, we may apply the doctrine of
RES IPSA LOQUITUR (the thing speaks for itself), by considering the presence of facts or
circumstances surrounding the injury.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the judgment of the appellate court is hereby AFFIRMED.
A stabbing incident on 30 August 1985 which caused the death of Carlitos Bautista while on the
second-floor premises of the Philippine School of Business Administration (PSBA) prompted the
parents of the deceased to file suit in the Regional Trial Court of Manila (Branch 47) presided over by
Judge (now Court of Appeals justice) Regina Ordoez-Benitez, for damages against the said PSBA
and its corporate officers. At the time of his death, Carlitos was enrolled in the third year commerce
course at the PSBA. It was established that his assailants were not members of the school's
academic community but were elements from outside the school.
Specifically, the suit impleaded the PSBA and the following school authorities: Juan D. Lim
(President), Benjamin P. Paulino (Vice-President), Antonio M. Magtalas (Treasurer/Cashier), Col.
Pedro Sacro (Chief of Security) and a Lt. M. Soriano (Assistant Chief of Security). Substantially, the
plaintiffs (now private respondents) sought to adjudge them liable for the victim's untimely demise due
to their alleged negligence, recklessness and lack of security precautions, means and methods
before, during and after the attack on the victim. During the proceedings a quo, Lt. M. Soriano
terminated his relationship with the other petitioners by resigning from his position in the school.
Defendants a quo (now petitioners) sought to have the suit dismissed, alleging that since they are
presumably sued under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, the complaint states no cause of action against
them, as jurisprudence on the subject is to the effect that academic institutions, such as the PSBA,
are beyond the ambit of the rule in the afore-stated article.
The respondent trial court, however, overruled petitioners' contention and thru an order dated 8
December 1987, denied their motion to dismiss. A subsequent motion for reconsideration was
similarly dealt with by an order dated 25 January 1988. Petitioners then assailed the trial court's
disposition before the respondent appellate court which, in a decision * promulgated on 10 June
1988, affirmed the trial court's orders. On 22 August 1988, the respondent appellate court resolved to
deny the petitioners' motion for reconsideration. Hence, this petition.
At the outset, it is to be observed that the respondent appellate court primarily anchored its decision
on the law ofquasi-delicts, as enunciated in Articles 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code. 1 Pertinent
portions of the appellate court's now assailed ruling state:
Article 2180 (formerly Article 1903) of the Civil Code is an adoption from the old Spanish
Civil Code. The comments of Manresa and learned authorities on its meaning should
give way to present day changes. The law is not fixed and flexible (sic); it must be
dynamic. In fact, the greatest value and significance of law as a rule of conduct in (sic)
its flexibility to adopt to changing social conditions and its capacity to meet the new
challenges of progress.
Construed in the light of modern day educational system, Article 2180 cannot be
construed in its narrow concept as held in the old case of Exconde
vs. Capuno 2 and Mercado vs. Court of Appeals; 3hence, the ruling in the Palisoc 4 case
that it should apply to all kinds of educational institutions, academic or vocational.
At any rate, the law holds the teachers and heads of the school staff liable unless they
relieve themselves of such liability pursuant to the last paragraph of Article 2180 by
"proving that they observed all the diligence to prevent damage." This can only be done
at a trial on the merits of the case. 5
While we agree with the respondent appellate court that the motion to dismiss the complaint was
correctly denied and the complaint should be tried on the merits, we do not however agree with the
premises of the appellate court's ruling.
Article 2180, in conjunction with Article 2176 of the Civil Code, establishes the rule of in loco parentis.
This Court discussed this doctrine in the afore-cited cases of Exconde, Mendoza, Palisoc and, more
recently, in Amadora vs.Court of Appeals. 6 In all such cases, it had been stressed that the law
(Article 2180) plainly provides that the damage should have been caused or inflicted by pupils or
students of he educational institution sought to be held liable for the acts of its pupils or students
while in its custody. However, this material situation does not exist in the present case for, as earlier
indicated, the assailants of Carlitos were not students of the PSBA, for whose acts the school could
be made liable.
However, does the appellate court's failure to consider such material facts mean the exculpation of
the petitioners from liability? It does not necessarily follow.
When an academic institution accepts students for enrollment, there is established
a contract between them, resulting in bilateral obligations which both parties are bound to comply
with. 7 For its part, the school undertakes to provide the student with an education that would
presumably suffice to equip him with the necessary tools and skills to pursue higher education or a
profession. On the other hand, the student covenants to abide by the school's academic requirements
and observe its rules and regulations.
Institutions of learning must also meet the implicit or "built-in" obligation of providing their students
with an atmosphere that promotes or assists in attaining its primary undertaking of imparting
knowledge. Certainly, no student can absorb the intricacies of physics or higher mathematics or
explore the realm of the arts and other sciences when bullets are flying or grenades exploding in the
air or where there looms around the school premises a constant threat to life and limb. Necessarily,
the school must ensure that adequate steps are taken to maintain peace and order within the campus
premises and to prevent the breakdown thereof.
Because the circumstances of the present case evince a contractual relation between the PSBA and
Carlitos Bautista, the rules on quasi-delict do not really govern. 8 A perusal of Article 2176 shows that
obligations arising from quasi-delicts or tort, also known as extra-contractual obligations, arise only
between parties not otherwise bound by contract, whether express or implied. However, this
impression has not prevented this Court from determining the existence of a tort even when there
obtains a contract. In Air France vs. Carrascoso (124 Phil. 722), the private respondent was awarded
damages for his unwarranted expulsion from a first-class seat aboard the petitioner airline. It is noted,
however, that the Court referred to the petitioner-airline's liability as one arising from tort, not one
arising from a contract of carriage. In effect, Air Franceis authority for the view that liability from tort
may exist even if there is a contract, for the act that breaks the contract may be also a tort. (AustroAmerica S.S. Co. vs. Thomas, 248 Fed. 231).
This view was not all that revolutionary, for even as early as 1918, this Court was already of a similar
mind. InCangco vs. Manila Railroad (38 Phil. 780), Mr. Justice Fisher elucidated thus:
The field of non-contractual obligation is much broader than that of contractual
obligation, comprising, as it does, the whole extent of juridical human relations. These
two fields, figuratively speaking, concentric; that is to say, the mere fact that a person is
bound to another by contract does not relieve him from extra-contractual liability to such
person. When such a contractual relation exists the obligor may break the contract
under such conditions that the same act which constitutes a breach of the contract
would have constituted the source of an extra-contractual obligation had no contract
existed between the parties.
Immediately what comes to mind is the chapter of the Civil Code on Human Relations, particularly
Article 21, which provides:
Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner that is contrary to
morals, good custom or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage.
(emphasis supplied).
Air France penalized the racist policy of the airline which emboldened the petitioner's employee to
forcibly oust the private respondent to cater to the comfort of a white man who allegedly "had a better
right to the seat." In Austro-American, supra, the public embarrassment caused to the passenger was
the justification for the Circuit Court of Appeals, (Second Circuit), to award damages to the latter.
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that should the act which breaches a contract be done in bad
faith and be violative of Article 21, then there is a cause to view the act as constituting a quasi-delict.
In the circumstances obtaining in the case at bar, however, there is, as yet, no finding that the
contract between the school and Bautista had been breached thru the former's negligence in
providing proper security measures. This would be for the trial court to determine. And, even if there
be a finding of negligence, the same could give rise generally to a breach of contractual obligation
only. Using the test of Cangco, supra, the negligence of the school would not be relevant absent a
contract. In fact, that negligence becomes material only because of the contractual relation between
PSBA and Bautista. In other words, a contractual relation is a condition sine qua nonto the school's
liability. The negligence of the school cannot exist independently of the contract, unless the
negligence occurs under the circumstances set out in Article 21 of the Civil Code.
This Court is not unmindful of the attendant difficulties posed by the obligation of schools, abovementioned, for conceptually a school, like a common carrier, cannot be an insurer of its students
against all risks. This is specially true in the populous student communities of the so-called "university
belt" in Manila where there have been reported several incidents ranging from gang wars to other
forms of hooliganism. It would not be equitable to expect of schools to anticipate all types of violent
trespass upon their premises, for notwithstanding the security measures installed, the same may still
fail against an individual or group determined to carry out a nefarious deed inside school premises
and environs. Should this be the case, the school may still avoid liability by proving that the breach of
its contractual obligation to the students was not due to its negligence, here statutorily defined to be
the omission of that degree of diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and
corresponding to the circumstances of persons, time and place. 9
As the proceedings a quo have yet to commence on the substance of the private respondents'
complaint, the record is bereft of all the material facts. Obviously, at this stage, only the trial court can
make such a determination from the evidence still to unfold.
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the petition is DENIED. The court of origin (RTC,
Manila, Br. 47) is hereby ordered to continue proceedings consistent with this ruling of the Court.
Costs against the petitioners.
toward his left, that being the proper side of the road for the machine. In so doing the defendant assumed
that the horseman would move to the other side. The pony had not as yet exhibited fright, and the rider had
made no sign for the automobile to stop. Seeing that the pony was apparently quiet, the defendant, instead of
veering to the right while yet some distance away or slowing down, continued to approach directly toward the
horse without diminution of speed. When he had gotten quite near, there being then no possibility of the
horse getting across to the other side, the defendant quickly turned his car sufficiently to the right to escape
hitting the horse alongside of the railing where it as then standing; but in so doing the automobile passed in
such close proximity to the animal that it became frightened and turned its body across the bridge with its
head toward the railing. In so doing, it as struck on the hock of the left hind leg by the flange of the car and the
limb was broken. The horse fell and its rider was thrown off with some violence. From the evidence adduced
in the case we believe that when the accident occurred the free space where the pony stood between the
automobile and the railing of the bridge was probably less than one and one half meters. As a result of its
injuries the horse died. The plaintiff received contusions which caused temporary unconsciousness and
required medical attention for several days.
The question presented for decision is whether or not the defendant in maneuvering his car in the manner
above described was guilty of negligence such as gives rise to a civil obligation to repair the damage done; and
we are of the opinion that he is so liable. As the defendant started across the bridge, he had the right to
assume that the horse and the rider would pass over to the proper side; but as he moved toward the center of
the bridge it was demonstrated to his eyes that this would not be done; and he must in a moment have
perceived that it was too late for the horse to cross with safety in front of the moving vehicle. In the nature of
things this change of situation occurred while the automobile was yet some distance away; and from this
moment it was not longer within the power of the plaintiff to escape being run down by going to a place of
greater safety. The control of the situation had then passed entirely to the defendant; and it was his duty
either to bring his car to an immediate stop or, seeing that there were no other persons on the bridge, to take
the other side and pass sufficiently far away from the horse to avoid the danger of collision. Instead of doing
this, the defendant ran straight on until he was almost upon the horse. He was, we think, deceived into doing
this by the fact that the horse had not yet exhibited fright. But in view of the known nature of horses, there
was an appreciable risk that, if the animal in question was unacquainted with automobiles, he might get exited
and jump under the conditions which here confronted him. When the defendant exposed the horse and rider
to this danger he was, in our opinion, negligent in the eye of the law.
The test by which to determine the existence of negligence in a particular case may be stated as follows: Did
the defendant in doing the alleged negligent act use that person would have used in the same situation? If
not, then he is guilty of negligence. The law here in effect adopts the standard supposed to be supplied by the
imaginary conduct of the discreet paterfamilias of the Roman law. The existence of negligence in a given case
is not determined by reference to the personal judgment of the actor in the situation before him. The law
considers what would be reckless, blameworthy, or negligent in the man of ordinary intelligence and prudence
and determines liability by that.
The question as to what would constitute the conduct of a prudent man in a given situation must of course be
always determined in the light of human experience and in view of the facts involved in the particular case.
Abstract speculations cannot here be of much value but this much can be profitably said: Reasonable men
govern their conduct by the circumstances which are before them or known to them. They are not, and are
not supposed to be, omniscient of the future. Hence they can be expected to take care only when there is
something before them to suggest or warn of danger. Could a prudent man, in the case under consideration,
foresee harm as a result of the course actually pursued? If so, it was the duty of the actor to take precautions
to guard against that harm. Reasonable foresight of harm, followed by ignoring of the suggestion born of this
prevision, is always necessary before negligence can be held to exist. Stated in these terms, the proper
criterion for determining the existence of negligence in a given case is this: Conduct is said to be negligent
when a prudent man in the position of the tortfeasor would have foreseen that an effect harmful to another
was sufficiently probable to warrant his foregoing conduct or guarding against its consequences.
Applying this test to the conduct of the defendant in the present case we think that negligence is clearly
established. A prudent man, placed in the position of the defendant, would in our opinion, have recognized
that the course which he was pursuing was fraught with risk, and would therefore have foreseen harm to the
horse and the rider as reasonable consequence of that course. Under these circumstances the law imposed on
the defendant the duty to guard against the threatened harm.
It goes without saying that the plaintiff himself was not free from fault, for he was guilty of antecedent
negligence in planting himself on the wrong side of the road. But as we have already stated, the defendant
was also negligent; and in such case the problem always is to discover which agent is immediately and directly
responsible. It will be noted that the negligent acts of the two parties were not contemporaneous, since the
negligence of the defendant succeeded the negligence of the plaintiff by an appreciable interval. Under these
circumstances the law is that the person who has the last fair chance to avoid the impending harm and fails to
do so is chargeable with the consequences, without reference to the prior negligence of the other party.
The decision in the case of Rkes vs. Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Co. (7 Phil. Rep., 359) should perhaps be
mentioned in this connection. This Court there held that while contributory negligence on the part of the
person injured did not constitute a bar to recovery, it could be received in evidence to reduce the damages
which would otherwise have been assessed wholly against the other party. The defendant company had there
employed the plaintiff, as a laborer, to assist in transporting iron rails from a barge in Manila harbor to the
company's yards located not far away. The rails were conveyed upon cars which were hauled along a narrow
track. At certain spot near the water's edge the track gave way by reason of the combined effect of the weight
of the car and the insecurity of the road bed. The car was in consequence upset; the rails slid off; and the
plaintiff's leg was caught and broken. It appeared in evidence that the accident was due to the effects of the
typhoon which had dislodged one of the supports of the track. The court found that the defendant company
was negligent in having failed to repair the bed of the track and also that the plaintiff was, at the moment of
the accident, guilty of contributory negligence in walking at the side of the car instead of being in front or
behind. It was held that while the defendant was liable to the plaintiff by reason of its negligence in having
failed to keep the track in proper repair nevertheless the amount of the damages should be reduced on
account of the contributory negligence in the plaintiff. As will be seen the defendant's negligence in that case
consisted in an omission only. The liability of the company arose from its responsibility for the dangerous
condition of its track. In a case like the one now before us, where the defendant was actually present and
operating the automobile which caused the damage, we do not feel constrained to attempt to weigh the
negligence of the respective parties in order to apportion the damage according to the degree of their relative
fault. It is enough to say that the negligence of the defendant was in this case the immediate and determining
cause of the accident and that the antecedent negligence of the plaintiff was a more remote factor in the case.
A point of minor importance in the case is indicated in the special defense pleaded in the defendant's answer,
to the effect that the subject matter of the action had been previously adjudicated in the court of a justice of
the peace. In this connection it appears that soon after the accident in question occurred, the plaintiff caused
criminal proceedings to be instituted before a justice of the peace charging the defendant with the infliction of
serious injuries (lesiones graves). At the preliminary investigation the defendant was discharged by the
magistrate and the proceedings were dismissed. Conceding that the acquittal of the defendant at the trial
upon the merits in a criminal prosecution for the offense mentioned would be res adjudicata upon the
question of his civil liability arising from negligence -- a point upon which it is unnecessary to express an
opinion -- the action of the justice of the peace in dismissing the criminal proceeding upon the preliminary
hearing can have no effect. (See U. S. vs. Banzuela and Banzuela, 31 Phil. Rep., 564.)
From what has been said it results that the judgment of the lower court must be reversed, and judgment is her
rendered that the plaintiff recover of the defendant the sum of two hundred pesos (P200), with costs of other
instances. The sum here awarded is estimated to include the value of the horse, medical expenses of the
plaintiff, the loss or damage occasioned to articles of his apparel, and lawful interest on the whole to the date
of this recovery. The other damages claimed by the plaintiff are remote or otherwise of such character as not
to be recoverable. So ordered.
America (now Philipppine Commercial International Bank), and the August 8, 1995 Resolution,2 ordering the
collecting bank, Philippine Commercial International Bank, to pay the amount of Citibank Check No. SN-04867.
In G.R. No. 128604, petitioner Ford Philippines assails the October 15, 1996 Decision3 of the Court of Appeals
and its March 5, 1997 Resolution4 in CA-G.R. No. 28430 entitled "Ford Philippines, Inc. vs. Citibank, N.A. and
Philippine Commercial International Bank," affirming in toto the judgment of the trial court holding the
defendant drawee bank, Citibank, N.A., solely liable to pay the amount of P12,163,298.10 as damages for the
misapplied proceeds of the plaintiff's Citibanl Check Numbers SN-10597 and 16508.1wphi1.nt
I. G.R. Nos. 121413 and 121479
The stipulated facts submitted by the parties as accepted by the Court of Appeals are as follows:
"On October 19, 1977, the plaintiff Ford drew and issued its Citibank Check No. SN-04867 in the
amount of P4,746,114.41, in favor of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue as payment of plaintiff;s
percentage or manufacturer's sales taxes for the third quarter of 1977.
The aforesaid check was deposited with the degendant IBAA (now PCIBank) and was subsequently
cleared at the Central Bank. Upon presentment with the defendant Citibank, the proceeds of the check
was paid to IBAA as collecting or depository bank.
The proceeds of the same Citibank check of the plaintiff was never paid to or received by the payee
thereof, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
As a consequence, upon demand of the Bureau and/or Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the plaintiff
was compelled to make a second payment to the Bureau of Internal Revenue of its
percentage/manufacturers' sales taxes for the third quarter of 1977 and that said second payment of
plaintiff in the amount of P4,746,114.41 was duly received by the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
It is further admitted by defendant Citibank that during the time of the transactions in question,
plaintiff had been maintaining a checking account with defendant Citibank; that Citibank Check No. SN04867 which was drawn and issued by the plaintiff in favor of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
was a crossed check in that, on its face were two parallel lines and written in between said lines was
the phrase "Payee's Account Only"; and that defendant Citibank paid the full face value of the check in
the amount of P4,746,114.41 to the defendant IBAA.
It has been duly established that for the payment of plaintiff's percentage tax for the last quarter of
1977, the Bureau of Internal Revenue issued Revenue Tax Receipt No. 18747002, dated October 20,
1977, designating therein in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, as the authorized agent bank of Metrobanl,
Alabang branch to receive the tax payment of the plaintiff.
On December 19, 1977, plaintiff's Citibank Check No. SN-04867, together with the Revenue Tax Receipt
No. 18747002, was deposited with defendant IBAA, through its Ermita Branch. The latter accepted the
check and sent it to the Central Clearing House for clearing on the samd day, with the indorsement at
the back "all prior indorsements and/or lack of indorsements guaranteed." Thereafter, defendant IBAA
presented the check for payment to defendant Citibank on same date, December 19, 1977, and the
latter paid the face value of the check in the amount of P4,746,114.41. Consequently, the amount of
P4,746,114.41 was debited in plaintiff's account with the defendant Citibank and the check was
returned to the plaintiff.
Upon verification, plaintiff discovered that its Citibank Check No. SN-04867 in the amount of
P4,746,114.41 was not paid to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Hence, in separate letters dated
October 26, 1979, addressed to the defendants, the plaintiff notified the latter that in case it will be reassessed by the BIR for the payment of the taxes covered by the said checks, then plaintiff shall hold
the defendants liable for reimbursement of the face value of the same. Both defendants denied
liability and refused to pay.
In a letter dated February 28, 1980 by the Acting Commissioner of Internal Revenue addressed to the
plaintiff - supposed to be Exhibit "D", the latter was officially informed, among others, that its check in
the amount of P4, 746,114.41 was not paid to the government or its authorized agent and instead
encashed by unauthorized persons, hence, plaintiff has to pay the said amount within fifteen days from
receipt of the letter. Upon advice of the plaintiff's lawyers, plaintiff on March 11, 1982, paid to the
Bureau of Internal Revenue, the amount of P4,746,114.41, representing payment of plaintiff's
percentage tax for the third quarter of 1977.
As a consequence of defendant's refusal to reimburse plaintiff of the payment it had made for the
second time to the BIR of its percentage taxes, plaintiff filed on January 20, 1983 its original complaint
before this Court.
On December 24, 1985, defendant IBAA was merged with the Philippine Commercial International
Bank (PCI Bank) with the latter as the surviving entity.
Defendant Citibank maintains that; the payment it made of plaintiff's Citibank Check No. SN-04867 in
the amount of P4,746,114.41 "was in due course"; it merely relied on the clearing stamp of the
depository/collecting bank, the defendant IBAA that "all prior indorsements and/or lack of
indorsements guaranteed"; and the proximate cause of plaintiff's injury is the gross negligence of
defendant IBAA in indorsing the plaintiff's Citibank check in question.
It is admitted that on December 19, 1977 when the proceeds of plaintiff's Citibank Check No. SN048867 was paid to defendant IBAA as collecting bank, plaintiff was maintaining a checking account
with defendant Citibank."5
Although it was not among the stipulated facts, an investigation by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
revealed that Citibank Check No. SN-04867 was recalled by Godofredo Rivera, the General Ledger Accountant
of Ford. He purportedly needed to hold back the check because there was an error in the computation of the
tax due to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). With Rivera's instruction, PCIBank replaced the check with
two of its own Manager's Checks (MCs). Alleged members of a syndicate later deposited the two MCs with the
Pacific Banking Corporation.
Ford, with leave of court, filed a third-party complaint before the trial court impleading Pacific Banking
Corporation (PBC) and Godofredo Rivera, as third party defendants. But the court dismissed the complaint
against PBC for lack of cause of action. The course likewise dismissed the third-party complaint against
Godofredo Rivera because he could not be served with summons as the NBI declared him as a "fugitive from
On June 15, 1989, the trial court rendered its decision, as follows:
"Premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
"1. Ordering the defendants Citibank and IBAA (now PCI Bank), jointly and severally, to pay the
plaintiff the amount of P4,746,114.41 representing the face value of plaintiff's Citibank Check
No. SN-04867, with interest thereon at the legal rate starting January 20, 1983, the date when
the original complaint was filed until the amount is fully paid, plus costs;
"2. On defendant Citibank's cross-claim: ordering the cross-defendant IBAA (now PCI Bank) to
reimburse defendant Citibank for whatever amount the latter has paid or may pay to the
plaintiff in accordance with next preceding paragraph;
"3. The counterclaims asserted by the defendants against the plaintiff, as well as that asserted
by the cross-defendant against the cross-claimant are dismissed, for lack of merits; and
"4. With costs against the defendants.
Not satisfied with the said decision, both defendants, Citibank and PCIBank, elevated their respective petitions
for review on certiorari to the Courts of Appeals. On March 27, 1995, the appellate court issued its judgment
as follows:
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the court AFFIRMS the appealed decision with modifications.
The court hereby renderes judgment:
1. Dismissing the complaint in Civil Case No. 49287 insofar as defendant Citibank N.A. is
2. Ordering the defendant IBAA now PCI Bank to pay the plaintiff the amount of P4,746,114.41
representing the face value of plaintiff's Citibank Check No. SN-04867, with interest thereon at
the legal rate starting January 20, 1983, the date when the original complaint was filed until the
amount is fully paid;
3. Dismissing the counterclaims asserted by the defendants against the plaintiff as well as that
asserted by the cross-defendant against the cross-claimant, for lack of merits.
Costs against the defendant IBAA (now PCI Bank).
PCI Bank moved to reconsider the above-quoted decision of the Court of Appeals, while Ford filed a "Motion
for Partial Reconsideration." Both motions were denied for lack of merit.
Separately, PCIBank and Ford filed before this Court, petitions for review by certiorari under Rule 45.
In G.R. No. 121413, PCIBank seeks the reversal of the decision and resolution of the Twelfth Division of the
Court of Appeals contending that it merely acted on the instruction of Ford and such casue of action had
already prescribed.
PCIBank sets forth the following issues for consideration:
I. Did the respondent court err when, after finding that the petitioner acted on the check drawn by
respondent Ford on the said respondent's instructions, it nevertheless found the petitioner liable to
the said respondent for the full amount of the said check.
II. Did the respondent court err when it did not find prescription in favor of the petitioner. 8
In a counter move, Ford filed its petition docketed as G.R. No. 121479, questioning the same decision and
resolution of the Court of Appeals, and praying for the reinstatement in toto of the decision of the trial court
which found both PCIBank and Citibank jointly and severally liable for the loss.
In G.R. No. 121479, appellant Ford presents the following propositions for consideration:
I. Respondent Citibank is liable to petitioner Ford considering that:
1. As drawee bank, respondent Citibank owes to petitioner Ford, as the drawer of the subject
check and a depositor of respondent Citibank, an absolute and contractual duty to pay the
proceeds of the subject check only to the payee thereof, the Commissioner of Internal
2. Respondent Citibank failed to observe its duty as banker with respect to the subject check,
which was crossed and payable to "Payee's Account Only."
3. Respondent Citibank raises an issue for the first time on appeal; thus the same should not be
considered by the Honorable Court.
4. As correctly held by the trial court, there is no evidence of gross negligence on the part of
petitioner Ford.9
II. PCI Bank is liable to petitioner Ford considering that:
1. There were no instructions from petitioner Ford to deliver the proceeds of the subject check
to a person other than the payee named therein, the Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue; thus, PCIBank's only obligation is to deliver the proceeds to the Commissioner of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue.10
2. PCIBank which affixed its indorsement on the subject check ("All prior indorsement and/or
lack of indorsement guaranteed"), is liable as collecting bank. 11
3. PCIBank is barred from raising issues of fact in the instant proceedings. 12
4. Petitioner Ford's cause of action had not prescribed. 13
II. G.R. No. 128604
The same sysndicate apparently embezzled the proceeds of checks intended, this time, to settle Ford's
percentage taxes appertaining to the second quarter of 1978 and the first quarter of 1979.
The facts as narrated by the Court of Appeals are as follows:
Ford drew Citibank Check No. SN-10597 on July 19, 1978 in the amount of P5,851,706.37 representing the
percentage tax due for the second quarter of 1978 payable to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. A BIR
Revenue Tax Receipt No. 28645385 was issued for the said purpose.
On April 20, 1979, Ford drew another Citibank Check No. SN-16508 in the amount of P6,311,591.73,
representing the payment of percentage tax for the first quarter of 1979 and payable to the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. Again a BIR Revenue Tax Receipt No. A-1697160 was issued for the said purpose.
Both checks were "crossed checks" and contain two diagonal lines on its upper corner between, which were
written the words "payable to the payee's account only."
The checks never reached the payee, CIR. Thus, in a letter dated February 28, 1980, the BIR, Region 4-B,
demanded for the said tax payments the corresponding periods above-mentioned.
As far as the BIR is concernced, the said two BIR Revenue Tax Receipts were considered "fake and spurious".
This anomaly was confirmed by the NBI upon the initiative of the BIR. The findings forced Ford to pay the BIR a
new, while an action was filed against Citibank and PCIBank for the recovery of the amount of Citibank Check
Numbers SN-10597 and 16508.
The Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 57, which tried the case, made its findings on the modus
operandi of the syndicate, as follows:
"A certain Mr. Godofredo Rivera was employed by the plaintiff FORD as its General Ledger Accountant.
As such, he prepared the plaintiff's check marked Ex. 'A' [Citibank Check No. Sn-10597] for payment to
the BIR. Instead, however, fo delivering the same of the payee, he passed on the check to a coconspirator named Remberto Castro who was a pro-manager of the San Andres Branch of PCIB.* In
connivance with one Winston Dulay, Castro himself subsequently opened a Checking Account in the
name of a fictitious person denominated as 'Reynaldo reyes' in the Meralco Branch of PCIBank where
Dulay works as Assistant Manager.
After an initial deposit of P100.00 to validate the account, Castro deposited a worthless Bank of
America Check in exactly the same amount as the first FORD check (Exh. "A", P5,851,706.37) while this
worthless check was coursed through PCIB's main office enroute to the Central Bank for clearing,
replaced this worthless check with FORD's Exhibit 'A' and accordingly tampered the accompanying
documents to cover the replacement. As a result, Exhibit 'A' was cleared by defendant CITIBANK, and
the fictitious deposit account of 'Reynaldo Reyes' was credited at the PCIB Meralco Branch with the
total amount of the FORD check Exhibit 'A'. The same method was again utilized by the syndicate in
profiting from Exh. 'B' [Citibank Check No. SN-16508] which was subsequently pilfered by Alexis
Marindo, Rivera's Assistant at FORD.
From this 'Reynaldo Reyes' account, Castro drew various checks distributing the sahres of the other
participating conspirators namely (1) CRISANTO BERNABE, the mastermind who formulated the
method for the embezzlement; (2) RODOLFO R. DE LEON a customs broker who negotiated the initial
contact between Bernabe, FORD's Godofredo Rivera and PCIB's Remberto Castro; (3) JUAN VASTILLO
who assisted de Leon in the initial arrangements; (4) GODOFREDO RIVERA, FORD's accountant who
passed on the first check (Exhibit "A") to Castro; (5) REMERTO CASTRO, PCIB's pro-manager at San
Andres who performed the switching of checks in the clearing process and opened the fictitious
Reynaldo Reyes account at the PCIB Meralco Branch; (6) WINSTON DULAY, PCIB's Assistant Manager at
its Meralco Branch, who assisted Castro in switching the checks in the clearing process and facilitated
the opening of the fictitious Reynaldo Reyes' bank account; (7) ALEXIS MARINDO, Rivera's Assistant at
FORD, who gave the second check (Exh. "B") to Castro; (8) ELEUTERIO JIMENEZ, BIR Collection Agent
who provided the fake and spurious revenue tax receipts to make it appear that the BIR had received
FORD's tax payments.
Several other persons and entities were utilized by the syndicate as conduits in the disbursements of
the proceeds of the two checks, but like the aforementioned participants in the conspiracy, have not
been impleaded in the present case. The manner by which the said funds were distributed among
them are traceable from the record of checks drawn against the original "Reynaldo Reyes" account and
indubitably identify the parties who illegally benefited therefrom and readily indicate in what amounts
they did so."14
On December 9, 1988, Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 57, held drawee-bank, Citibank, liable for the
value of the two checks while adsolving PCIBank from any liability, disposing as follows:
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered sentencing defendant CITIBANK to reimburse plaintiff
FORD the total amount of P12,163,298.10 prayed for in its complaint, with 6% interest thereon from
date of first written demand until full payment, plus P300,000.00 attorney's fees and expenses
litigation, and to pay the defendant, PCIB (on its counterclaim to crossclaim) the sum of P300,000.00 as
attorney's fees and costs of litigation, and pay the costs.
Both Ford and Citibank appealed to the Court of Appeals which affirmed, in toto, the decision of the trial
court. Hence, this petition.
Petitioner Ford prays that judgment be rendered setting aside the portion of the Court of Appeals decision
and its resolution dated March 5, 1997, with respect to the dismissal of the complaint against PCIBank and
holding Citibank solely responsible for the proceeds of Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597 and 16508 for
P5,851,706.73 and P6,311,591.73 respectively.
Ford avers that the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing the complaint against defendant PCIBank considering
I. Defendant PCIBank was clearly negligent when it failed to exercise the diligence required to be
exercised by it as a banking insitution.
II. Defendant PCIBank clearly failed to observe the diligence required in the selection and supervision
of its officers and employees.
III. Defendant PCIBank was, due to its negligence, clearly liable for the loss or damage resulting to the
plaintiff Ford as a consequence of the substitution of the check consistent with Section 5 of Central
Bank Circular No. 580 series of 1977.
IV. Assuming arguedo that defedant PCIBank did not accept, endorse or negotiate in due course the
subject checks, it is liable, under Article 2154 of the Civil Code, to return the money which it admits
having received, and which was credited to it its Central bank account. 16
The main issue presented for our consideration by these petitions could be simplified as follows: Has
petitioner Ford the right to recover from the collecting bank (PCIBank) and the drawee bank (Citibank) the
value of the checks intended as payment to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue? Or has Ford's cause of
action already prescribed?
Note that in these cases, the checks were drawn against the drawee bank, but the title of the person
negotiating the same was allegedly defective because the instrument was obtained by fraud and unlawful
means, and the proceeds of the checks were not remitted to the payee. It was established that instead of
paying the checks to the CIR, for the settlement of the approprite quarterly percentage taxes of Ford, the
checks were diverted and encashed for the eventual distribution among the mmbers of the syndicate. As to
the unlawful negotiation of the check the applicable law is Section 55 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL),
which provides:
"When title defective -- The title of a person who negotiates an instrument is defective within the
meaning of this Act when he obtained the instrument, or any signature thereto, by fraud, duress, or
fore and fear, or other unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it in
breach of faith or under such circumstances as amount to a fraud."
Pursuant to this provision, it is vital to show that the negotiation is made by the perpetator in breach of faith
amounting to fraud. The person negotiating the checks must have gone beyond the authority given by his
principal. If the principal could prove that there was no negligence in the performance of his duties, he may
set up the personal defense to escape liability and recover from other parties who. Though their own
negligence, alowed the commission of the crime.
In this case, we note that the direct perpetrators of the offense, namely the embezzlers belonging to a
syndicate, are now fugitives from justice. They have, even if temporarily, escaped liability for the
embezzlement of millions of pesos. We are thus left only with the task of determining who of the present
parties before us must bear the burden of loss of these millions. It all boils down to thequestion of liability
based on the degree of negligence among the parties concerned.
Foremost, we must resolve whether the injured party, Ford, is guilty of the "imputed contributory negligence"
that would defeat its claim for reimbursement, bearing ing mind that its employees, Godofredo Rivera and
Alexis Marindo, were among the members of the syndicate.
Citibank points out that Ford allowed its very own employee, Godofredo Rivera, to negotiate the checks to his
co-conspirators, instead of delivering them to the designated authorized collecting bank (Metrobank-Alabang)
of the payee, CIR. Citibank bewails the fact that Ford was remiss in the supervision and control of its own
employees, inasmuch as it only discovered the syndicate's activities through the information given by the
payee of the checks after an unreasonable period of time.
PCIBank also blames Ford of negligence when it allegedly authorized Godofredo Rivera to divert the proceeds
of Citibank Check No. SN-04867, instead of using it to pay the BIR. As to the subsequent run-around of unds of
Citibank Check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508, PCIBank claims that the proximate cause of the damge to Ford lies
in its own officers and employees who carried out the fradulent schemes and the transactions. These
circumstances were not checked by other officers of the company including its comptroller or internal auditor.
PCIBank contends that the inaction of Ford despite the enormity of the amount involved was a sheer
negligence and stated that, as between two innocent persons, one of whom must suffer the consequences of
a breach of trust, the one who made it possible, by his act of negligence, must bear the loss.
For its part, Ford denies any negligence in the performance of its duties. It avers that there was no evidence
presented before the trial court showing lack of diligence on the part of Ford. And, citing the case
of Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals,17 Ford argues that even if there was a finding therein that the drawer was
negligent, the drawee bank was still ordered to pay damages.
Furthermore, Ford contends the Godofredo rivera was not authorized to make any representation in its
behalf, specifically, to divert the proceeds of the checks. It adds that Citibank raised the issue of imputed
negligence against Ford for the first time on appeal. Thus, it should not be considered by this Court.
On this point, jurisprudence regarding the imputed negligence of employer in a master-servant relationship is
instructive. Since a master may be held for his servant's wrongful act, the law imputes to the master the act of
the servant, and if that act is negligent or wrongful and proximately results in injury to a third person, the
negligence or wrongful conduct is the negligence or wrongful conduct of the master, for which he is
liable.18 The general rule is that if the master is injured by the negligence of a third person and by the
concuring contributory negligence of his own servant or agent, the latter's negligence is imputed to his
superior and will defeat the superior's action against the third person, asuming, of course that the
contributory negligence was the proximate cause of the injury of which complaint is made.19
Accordingly, we need to determine whether or not the action of Godofredo Rivera, Ford's General Ledger
Accountant, and/or Alexis Marindo, his assistant, was the proximate cause of the loss or damage. AS defined,
proximate cause is that which, in the natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient, intervening
cause produces the injury and without the result would not have occurred. 20
It appears that although the employees of Ford initiated the transactions attributable to an organized
syndicate, in our view, their actions were not the proximate cause of encashing the checks payable to the CIR.
The degree of Ford's negligence, if any, could not be characterized as the proximate cause of the injury to the
The Board of Directors of Ford, we note, did not confirm the request of Godofredo Rivera to recall Citibank
Check No. SN-04867. Rivera's instruction to replace the said check with PCIBank's Manager's Check was not in
theordinary course of business which could have prompted PCIBank to validate the same.
As to the preparation of Citibank Checks Nos. SN-10597 and 16508, it was established that these checks were
made payable to the CIR. Both were crossed checks. These checks were apparently turned around by Ford's
emploees, who were acting on their own personal capacity.
Given these circumstances, the mere fact that the forgery was committed by a drawer-payor's confidential
employee or agent, who by virtue of his position had unusual facilities for perpertrating the fraud and
imposing the forged paper upon the bank, does notentitle the bank toshift the loss to the drawer-payor, in the
absence of some circumstance raising estoppel against the drawer. 21 This rule likewise applies to the checks
fraudulently negotiated or diverted by the confidential employees who hold them in their possession.
With respect to the negligence of PCIBank in the payment of the three checks involved, separately, the trial
courts found variations between the negotiation of Citibank Check No. SN-04867 and the misapplication of
total proceeds of Checks SN-10597 and 16508. Therefore, we have to scrutinize, separately, PCIBank's share of
negligence when the syndicate achieved its ultimate agenda of stealing the proceeds of these checks.
G.R. Nos. 121413 and 121479
Citibank Check No. SN-04867 was deposited at PCIBank through its Ermita Branch. It was coursed through the
ordinary banking transaction, sent to Central Clearing with the indorsement at the back "all prior
indorsements and/or lack of indorsements guaranteed," and was presented to Citibank for payment.
Thereafter PCIBank, instead of remitting the proceeds to the CIR, prepared two of its Manager's checks and
enabled the syndicate to encash the same.
On record, PCIBank failed to verify the authority of Mr. Rivera to negotiate the checks. The neglect of PCIBank
employees to verify whether his letter requesting for the replacement of the Citibank Check No. SN-04867 was
duly authorized, showed lack of care and prudence required in the circumstances.
Furthermore, it was admitted that PCIBank is authorized to collect the payment of taxpayers in behalf of the
BIR. As an agent of BIR, PCIBank is duty bound to consult its principal regarding the unwarranted instructions
given by the payor or its agent. As aptly stated by the trial court, to wit:
"xxx. Since the questioned crossed check was deposited with IBAA [now PCIBank], which claimed to be
a depository/collecting bank of BIR, it has the responsibility to make sure that the check in question is
deposited in Payee's account only.
As agent of the BIR (the payee of the check), defendant IBAA should receive instructions only from its
principal BIR and not from any other person especially so when that person is not known to the
defendant. It is very imprudent on the part of the defendant IBAA to just rely on the alleged telephone
call of the one Godofredo Rivera and in his signature considering that the plaintiff is not a client of the
defendant IBAA."
It is a well-settled rule that the relationship between the payee or holder of commercial paper and the bank to
which it is sent for collection is, in the absence of an argreement to the contrary, that of principal and
agent.22 A bank which receives such paper for collection is the agent of the payee or holder.23
Even considering arguendo, that the diversion of the amount of a check payable to the collecting bank in
behalf of the designated payee may be allowed, still such diversion must be properly authorized by the payor.
Otherwise stated, the diversion can be justified only by proof of authority from the drawer, or that the drawer
has clothed his agent with apparent authority to receive the proceeds of such check.
Citibank further argues that PCI Bank's clearing stamp appearing at the back of the questioned checks stating
because it made it pass through the clearing house and therefore Citibank had no other option but to pay it.
Thus, Citibank had no other option but to pay it. Thus, Citibank assets that the proximate cause of Ford's injury
is the gross negligence of PCIBank. Since the questione dcrossed check was deposited with PCIBank, which
claimed to be a depository/collecting bank of the BIR, it had the responsibility to make sure that the check in
questions is deposited in Payee's account only.
Indeed, the crossing of the check with the phrase "Payee's Account Only," is a warning that the check should
be deposited only in the account of the CIR. Thus, it is the duty of the collecting bank PCIBank to ascertain that
the check be deposited in payee's account only. Therefore, it is the collecting bank (PCIBank) which is bound
to scruninize the check and to know its depositors before it could make the clearing indorsement "all prior
indorsements and/or lack of indorsement guaranteed".
In Banco de Oro Savings and Mortgage Bank vs. Equitable Banking Corporation, 24 we ruled:
"Anent petitioner's liability on said instruments, this court is in full accord with the ruling of the PCHC's
Board of Directors that:
'In presenting the checks for clearing and for payment, the defendant made an express guarantee on
the validity of "all prior endorsements." Thus, stamped at the back of the checks are the defedant's
such warranty, plaintiff would not have paid on the checks.'
No amount of legal jargon can reverse the clear meaning of defendant's warranty. As the warranty has
proven to be false and inaccurate, the defendant is liable for any damage arising out of the falsity of its
Lastly, banking business requires that the one who first cashes and negotiates the check must take some
percautions to learn whether or not it is genuine. And if the one cashing the check through indifference or
othe circumstance assists the forger in committing the fraud, he should not be permitted to retain the
proceeds of the check from the drawee whose sole fault was that it did not discover the forgery or the defect
in the title of the person negotiating the instrument before paying the check. For this reason, a bank which
cashes a check drawn upon another bank, without requiring proof as to the identity of persons presenting it,
or making inquiries with regard to them, cannot hold the proceeds against the drawee when the proceeds of
the checks were afterwards diverted to the hands of a third party. In such cases the drawee bank has a right to
believe that the cashing bank (or the collecting bank) had, by the usual proper investigation, satisfied itself of
the authenticity of the negotiation of the checks. Thus, one who encashed a check which had been forged or
diverted and in turn received payment thereon from the drawee, is guilty of negligence which proximately
contributed to the success of the fraud practiced on the drawee bank. The latter may recover from the holder
the money paid on the check.26
Having established that the collecting bank's negligence is the proximate cause of the loss, we conclude that
PCIBank is liable in the amount corresponding to the proceeds of Citibank Check No. SN-04867.
G.R. No. 128604
The trial court and the Court of Appeals found that PCIBank had no official act in the ordinary course of
business that would attribute to it the case of the embezzlement of Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597 and
16508, because PCIBank did not actually receive nor hold the two Ford checks at all. The trial court held, thus:
"Neither is there any proof that defendant PCIBank contributed any official or conscious participation
in the process of the embezzlement. This Court is convinced that the switching operation (involving the
checks while in transit for "clearing") were the clandestine or hidden actuations performed by the
members of the syndicate in their own personl, covert and private capacity and done without the
knowledge of the defendant PCIBank"27
In this case, there was no evidence presented confirming the conscious particiapation of PCIBank in the
embezzlement. As a general rule, however, a banking corporation is liable for the wrongful or tortuous acts
and declarations of its officers or agents within the course and scope of their employment. 28 A bank will be
held liable for the negligence of its officers or agents when acting within the course and scope of their
employment. It may be liable for the tortuous acts of its officers even as regards that species of tort of which
malice is an essential element. In this case, we find a situation where the PCIBank appears also to be the victim
of the scheme hatched by a syndicate in which its own management employees had particiapted.
The pro-manager of San Andres Branch of PCIBank, Remberto Castro, received Citibank Check Numbers SN10597 and 16508. He passed the checks to a co-conspirator, an Assistant Manager of PCIBank's Meralco
Branch, who helped Castro open a Checking account of a fictitious person named "Reynaldo Reyes." Castro
deposited a worthless Bank of America Check in exactly the same amount of Ford checks. The syndicate
tampered with the checks and succeeded in replacing the worthless checks and the eventual encashment of
Citibank Check Nos. SN 10597 and 16508. The PCIBank Ptro-manager, Castro, and his co-conspirator Assistant
Manager apparently performed their activities using facilities in their official capacity or authority but for their
personal and private gain or benefit.
A bank holding out its officers and agents as worthy of confidence will not be permitted to profit by the frauds
these officers or agents were enabled to perpetrate in the apparent course of their employment; nor will t be
permitted to shirk its responsibility for such frauds, even though no benefit may accrue to the bank therefrom.
For the general rule is that a bank is liable for the fraudulent acts or representations of an officer or agent
acting within the course and apparent scope of his employment or authority. 29 And if an officer or employee
of a bank, in his official capacity, receives money to satisfy an evidence of indebetedness lodged with his bank
for collection, the bank is liable for his misappropriation of such sum. 30
Moreover, as correctly pointed out by Ford, Section 531 of Central Bank Circular No. 580, Series of 1977
provides that any theft affecting items in transit for clearing, shall be for the account of sending bank, which in
this case is PCIBank.
But in this case, responsibility for negligence does not lie on PCIBank's shoulders alone.
The evidence on record shows that Citibank as drawee bank was likewise negligent in the performance of its
duties. Citibank failed to establish that its payment of Ford's checjs were made in due course and legally in
order. In its defense, Citibank claims the genuineness and due execution of said checks, considering that
Citibank (1) has no knowledge of any informity in the issuance of the checks in question (2) coupled by the fact
that said checks were sufficiently funded and (3) the endorsement of the Payee or lack thereof was
guaranteed by PCI Bank (formerly IBAA), thus, it has the obligation to honor and pay the same.
For its part, Ford contends that Citibank as the drawee bank owes to Ford an absolute and contractual duty to
pay the proceeds of the subject check only to the payee thereof, the CIR. Citing Section 62 32 of the Negotiable
Instruments Law, Ford argues that by accepting the instrument, the acceptro which is Citibank engages that it
will pay according to the tenor of its acceptance, and that it will pay only to the payee, (the CIR), considering
the fact that here the check was crossed with annotation "Payees Account Only."
As ruled by the Court of Appeals, Citibank must likewise answer for the damages incurred by Ford on Citibank
Checks Numbers SN 10597 and 16508, because of the contractual relationship existing between the two.
Citibank, as the drawee bank breached its contractual obligation with Ford and such degree of culpability
contributed to the damage caused to the latter. On this score, we agree with the respondent court's ruling.
Citibank should have scrutinized Citibank Check Numbers SN 10597 and 16508 before paying the amount of
the proceeds thereof to the collecting bank of the BIR. One thing is clear from the record: the clearing stamps
at the back of Citibank Check Nos. SN 10597 and 16508 do not bear any initials. Citibank failed to notice and
verify the absence of the clearing stamps. Had this been duly examined, the switching of the worthless checks
to Citibank Check Nos. 10597 and 16508 would have been discovered in time. For this reason, Citibank had
indeed failed to perform what was incumbent upon it, which is to ensure that the amount of the checks
should be paid only to its designated payee. The fact that the drawee bank did not discover the irregularity
seasonably, in our view, consitutes negligence in carrying out the bank's duty to its depositors. The point is
that as a business affected with public interest and because of the nature of its functions, the bank is under
obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with meticulous care, always having in mind the fiduciary
nature of their relationship.33
Thus, invoking the doctrine of comparative negligence, we are of the view that both PCIBank and Citibank
failed in their respective obligations and both were negligent in the selection and supervision of their
employees resulting in the encashment of Citibank Check Nos. SN 10597 AND 16508. Thus, we are constrained
to hold them equally liable for the loss of the proceeds of said checks issued by Ford in favor of the CIR.
Time and again, we have stressed that banking business is so impressed with public interest where the trust
and confidence of the public in general is of paramount umportance such that the appropriate standard of
diligence must be very high, if not the highest, degree of diligence.34 A bank's liability as obligor is not merely
vicarious but primary, wherein the defense of exercise of due diligence in the selection and supervision of its
employees is of no moment.35
Banks handle daily transactions involving millions of pesos. 36 By the very nature of their work the degree of
responsibility, care and trustworthiness expected of their employees and officials is far greater than those of
ordinary clerks and employees.37 Banks are expected to exercise the highest degree of diligence in the
selection and supervision of their employees.38
On the issue of prescription, PCIBank claims that the action of Ford had prescribed because of its inability to
seek judicial relief seasonably, considering that the alleged negligent act took place prior to December 19,
1977 but the relief was sought only in 1983, or seven years thereafter.
The statute of limitations begins to run when the bank gives the depositor notice of the payment, which is
ordinarily when the check is returned to the alleged drawer as a voucher with a statement of his
account,39 and an action upon a check is ordinarily governed by the statutory period applicable to instruments
in writing.40
Our laws on the matter provide that the action upon a written contract must be brought within ten year from
the time the right of action accrues.41 hence, the reckoning time for the prescriptive period begins when the
instrument was issued and the corresponding check was returned by the bank to its depositor (normally a
month thereafter). Applying the same rule, the cause of action for the recovery of the proceeds of Citibank
Check No. SN 04867 would normally be a month after December 19, 1977, when Citibank paid the face value
of the check in the amount of P4,746,114.41. Since the original complaint for the cause of action was filed on
January 20, 1984, barely six years had lapsed. Thus, we conclude that Ford's cause of action to recover the
amount of Citibank Check No. SN 04867 was seasonably filed within the period provided by law.
Finally, we also find thet Ford is not completely blameless in its failure to detect the fraud. Failure on the part
of the depositor to examine its passbook, statements of account, and cancelled checks and to give notice
within a reasonable time (or as required by statute) of any discrepancy which it may in the exercise of due
care and diligence find therein, serves to mitigate the banks' liability by reducing the award of interest from
twelve percent (12%) to six percent (6%) per annum. As provided in Article 1172 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines, respondibility arising from negligence in the performance of every kind of obligation is also
demandable, but such liability may be regulated by the courts, according to the circumstances. In quasidelicts, the contributory negligence of the plaintiff shall reduce the damages that he may recover. 42
WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 25017
areAFFIRMED. PCIBank, know formerly as Insular Bank of Asia and America, id declared solely responsible for
the loss of the proceeds of Citibank Check No SN 04867 in the amount P4,746,114.41, which shall be paid
together with six percent (6%) interest thereon to Ford Philippines Inc. from the date when the original
complaint was filed until said amount is fully paid.
However, the Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 28430 are MODIFIED as follows:
PCIBank and Citibank are adjudged liable for and must share the loss, (concerning the proceeds of Citibank
Check Numbers SN 10597 and 16508 totalling P12,163,298.10) on a fifty-fifty ratio, and each bank
is ORDEREDto pay Ford Philippines Inc. P6,081,649.05, with six percent (6%) interest thereon, from the date
the complaint was filed until full payment of said amount.1wphi1.nt
Costs against Philippine Commercial International Bank and Citibank N.A.
building under construction thereby crushing the victim of death, save his two (2) companions who
luckily jumped out for safety.
It is thus manifest that Jose A. Juego was crushed to death when the [p]latform he was then on board
and performing work, fell. And the falling of the [p]latform was due to the removal or getting loose of
the pin which was merely inserted to the connecting points of the chain block and [p]latform but
without a safety lock.1
On May 9, 1991, Jose Juegos widow, Maria, filed in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig a complaint for
damages against the deceaseds employer, D.M. Consunji, Inc. The employer raised, among other defenses,
the widows prior availment of the benefits from the State Insurance Fund.
After trial, the RTC rendered a decision in favor of the widow Maria Juego. The dispositive portion of the RTC
decision reads:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered ordering defendant to pay plaintiff, as follows:
1. P50,000.00 for the death of Jose A. Juego.
2. P10,000.00 as actual and compensatory damages.
3. P464,000.00 for the loss of Jose A. Juegos earning capacity.
4. P100,000.00 as moral damages.
5. P20,000.00 as attorneys fees, plus the costs of suit.
On appeal by D. M. Consunji, the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the decision of the RTC in toto.
D. M. Consunji now seeks the reversal of the CA decision on the following grounds:
Petitioner maintains that the police report reproduced above is hearsay and, therefore, inadmissible. The CA
ruled otherwise. It held that said report, being an entry in official records, is an exception to the hearsay rule.
The Rules of Court provide that a witness can testify only to those facts which he knows of his personal
knowledge, that is, which are derived from his perception. 4 A witness, therefore, may not testify as what he
merely learned from others either because he was told or read or heard the same. Such testimony is
considered hearsay and may not be received as proof of the truth of what he has learned. 5 This is known as
the hearsay rule.
Hearsay is not limited to oral testimony or statements; the general rule that excludes hearsay as evidence
applies to written, as well as oral statements. 6
The theory of the hearsay rule is that the many possible deficiencies, suppressions, sources of error and
untrustworthiness, which lie underneath the bare untested assertion of a witness, may be best brought to
light and exposed by the test of cross-examiantion.7 The hearsay rule, therefore, excludes evidence that
cannot be tested by cross-examination.8
The Rules of Court allow several exceptions to the rule,9 among which are entries in official records. Section
44, Rule 130 provides:
Entries in official records made in the performance of his duty made in the performance of his duty by
a public officer of the Philippines, or by a person in the performance of a duty specially enjoined by law
areprima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
In Africa, et al. vs. Caltex (Phil.), Inc., et al.,10 this Court, citing the work of Chief Justice Moran, enumerated the
requisites for admissibility under the above rule:
(a) that the entry was made by a public officer or by another person specially enjoined by law to do so;
(b) that it was made by the public officer in the performance of his duties, or by such other person in
the performance of a duty specially enjoined by law; and
(c) that the public officer or other person had sufficient knowledge of the facts by him stated, which
must have been acquired by him personally or through official information.
The CA held that the police report meets all these requisites. Petitioner contends that the last requisite is not
The Court notes that PO3 Villanueva, who signed the report in question, also testified before the trial court.
InRodriguez vs. Court of Appeals,11 which involved a Fire Investigation Report, the officer who signed the fire
report also testified before the trial court. This Court held that the report was inadmissible for the purpose of
proving the truth of the statements contained in the report but admissible insofar as it constitutes part of the
testimony of the officer who executed the report.
x x x. Since Major Enriquez himself took the witness stand and was available for cross-examination, the
portions of the report which were of his personal knowledge or which consisted of his perceptions and
conclusions were not hearsay. The rest of the report, such as the summary of the statements of the
parties based on their sworn statements (which were annexed to the Report) as well as the latter,
having been included in the first purpose of the offer [as part of the testimony of Major Enriquez], may
then be considered as independently relevant statements which were gathered in the course of the
investigation and may thus be admitted as such, but not necessarily to prove the truth thereof. It has
been said that:
"Where regardless of the truth or falsity of a statement, the fact that it has been made is
relevant, the hearsay rule does not apply, but the statement may be shown. Evidence as to the
making of such statement is not secondary but primary, for the statement itself may constitute
a fact in issue, or be circumstantially relevant as to the existence of such a fact."
When Major Enriquez took the witness stand, testified for petitioners on his Report and made himself
available for cross-examination by the adverse party, the Report, insofar as it proved that certain
utterances were made (but not their truth), was effectively removed from the ambit of the
aforementioned Section 44 of Rule 130. Properly understood, this section does away with the
testimony in open court of the officer who made the official record, considers the matter as an
exception to the hearsay rule and makes the entries in said official record admissible in evidence
as prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. The underlying reasons for this exceptionary rule
are necessity and trustworthiness, as explained in Antillon v. Barcelon.
The litigation is unlimited in which testimony by officials is daily needed; the occasions in which
the officials would be summoned from his ordinary duties to declare as a witness are
numberless. The public officers are few in whose daily work something is not done in which
testimony is not needed from official sources. Were there no exception for official statements,
hosts of officials would be found devoting the greater part of their time to attending as
witnesses in court or delivering deposition before an officer. The work of administration of
government and the interest of the public having business with officials would alike suffer in
consequence. For these reasons, and for many others, a certain verity is accorded such
documents, which is not extended to private documents. (3 Wigmore on Evidence, Sec. 1631).
The law reposes a particular confidence in public officers that it presumes they will discharge
their several trusts with accuracy and fidelity; and, therefore, whatever acts they do in
discharge of their duty may be given in evidence and shall be taken to be true under such a
degree of caution as to the nature and circumstances of each case may appear to require.
It would have been an entirely different matter if Major Enriquez was not presented to testify on his
report. In that case the applicability of Section 44 of Rule 143 would have been ripe for determination,
and this Court would have agreed with the Court of Appeals that said report was inadmissible since the
aforementioned third requisite was not satisfied. The statements given by the sources of information
of Major Enriquez failed to qualify as "official information," there being no showing that, at the very
least, they were under a duty to give the statements for record.
Similarly, the police report in this case is inadmissible for the purpose of proving the truth of the statements
contained therein but is admissible insofar as it constitutes part of the testimony of PO3 Villanueva.
In any case, the Court holds that portions of PO3 Villanuevas testimony which were of his personal knowledge
suffice to prove that Jose Juego indeed died as a result of the elevator crash. PO3 Villanueva had seen Juegos
remains at the morgue,12 making the latters death beyond dispute. PO3 Villanueva also conducted an ocular
inspection of the premises of the building the day after the incident 13 and saw the platform for himself.14 He
observed that the platform was crushed15 and that it was totally damaged.16 PO3 Villanueva also required
Garcia and Fabro to bring the chain block to the police headquarters. Upon inspection, he noticed that the
chain was detached from the lifting machine, without any pin or bolt. 17
What petitioner takes particular exception to is PO3 Villanuevas testimony that the cause of the fall of the
platform was the loosening of the bolt from the chain block. It is claimed that such portion of the testimony is
mere opinion. Subject to certain exceptions,18 the opinion of a witness is generally not admissible. 19
Petitioners contention, however, loses relevance in the face of the application of res ipsa loquitur by the CA.
The effect of the doctrine is to warrant a presumption or inference that the mere fall of the elevator was a
result of the person having charge of the instrumentality was negligent. As a rule of evidence, the doctrine
of res ipsa loquituris peculiar to the law of negligence which recognizes that prima facie negligence may be
established without direct proof and furnishes a substitute for specific proof of negligence. 20
The concept of res ipsa loquitur has been explained in this wise:
While negligence is not ordinarily inferred or presumed, and while the mere happening of an accident
or injury will not generally give rise to an inference or presumption that it was due to negligence on
defendants part, under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, which means, literally, the thing or
transaction speaks for itself, or in one jurisdiction, that the thing or instrumentality speaks for itself,
the facts or circumstances accompanying an injury may be such as to raise a presumption, or at least
permit an inference of negligence on the part of the defendant, or some other person who is charged
with negligence.
x x x where it is shown that the thing or instrumentality which caused the injury complained of was
under the control or management of the defendant, and that the occurrence resulting in the injury was
such as in the ordinary course of things would not happen if those who had its control or management
used proper care, there is sufficient evidence, or, as sometimes stated, reasonable evidence, in the
absence of explanation by the defendant, that the injury arose from or was caused by the defendants
want of care.21
One of the theoretical based for the doctrine is its necessity, i.e., that necessary evidence is absent or not
The res ipsa loquitur doctrine is based in part upon the theory that the defendant in charge of the
instrumentality which causes the injury either knows the cause of the accident or has the best
opportunity of ascertaining it and that the plaintiff has no such knowledge, and therefore is compelled
to allege negligence in general terms and to rely upon the proof of the happening of the accident in
order to establish negligence. The inference which the doctrine permits is grounded upon the fact that
the chief evidence of the true cause, whether culpable or innocent, is practically accessible to the
defendant but inaccessible to the injured person.
It has been said that the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur furnishes a bridge by which a plaintiff, without
knowledge of the cause, reaches over to defendant who knows or should know the cause, for any
explanation of care exercised by the defendant in respect of the matter of which the plaintiff
complains. The res ipsa loquitur doctrine, another court has said, is a rule of necessity, in that it
proceeds on the theory that under the peculiar circumstances in which the doctrine is applicable, it is
within the power of the defendant to show that there was no negligence on his part, and direct proof
of defendants negligence is beyond plaintiffs power. Accordingly, some court add to the three
prerequisites for the application of the res ipsa loquitur doctrine the further requirement that for the
res ipsa loquitur doctrine to apply, it must appear that the injured party had no knowledge or means of
knowledge as to the cause of the accident, or that the party to be charged with negligence has superior
knowledge or opportunity for explanation of the accident. 23
The CA held that all the requisites of res ipsa loquitur are present in the case at bar:
There is no dispute that appellees husband fell down from the 14th floor of a building to the basement
while he was working with appellants construction project, resulting to his death. The construction
site is within the exclusive control and management of appellant. It has a safety engineer, a project
superintendent, a carpenter leadman and others who are in complete control of the situation therein.
The circumstances of any accident that would occur therein are peculiarly within the knowledge of the
appellant or its employees. On the other hand, the appellee is not in a position to know what caused
the accident. Res ipsa loquitur is a rule of necessity and it applies where evidence is absent or not
readily available, provided the following requisites are present: (1) the accident was of a kind which
does not ordinarily occur unless someone is negligent; (2) the instrumentality or agency which caused
the injury was under the exclusive control of the person charged with negligence; and (3) the injury
suffered must not have been due to any voluntary action or contribution on the part of the person
injured. x x x.
No worker is going to fall from the 14th floor of a building to the basement while performing work in a
construction site unless someone is negligent[;] thus, the first requisite for the application of the rule
of res ipsa loquitur is present. As explained earlier, the construction site with all its paraphernalia and
human resources that likely caused the injury is under the exclusive control and management of
appellant[;] thus[,] the second requisite is also present. No contributory negligence was attributed to
the appellees deceased husband*;+ thus*,+ the last requisite is also present. All the requisites for the
application of the rule of res ipsa loquitur are present, thus a reasonable presumption or inference of
appellants negligence arises. x x x.24
Petitioner does not dispute the existence of the requisites for the application of res ipsa loquitur, but argues
that the presumption or inference that it was negligent did not arise since it "proved that it exercised due care
to avoid the accident which befell respondents husband."
Petitioner apparently misapprehends the procedural effect of the doctrine. As stated earlier, the defendants
negligence is presumed or inferred25 when the plaintiff establishes the requisites for the application of res ipsa
loquitur. Once the plaintiff makes out a prima facie case of all the elements, the burden then shifts to
defendant to explain.26 The presumption or inference may be rebutted or overcome by other evidence and,
under appropriate circumstances disputable presumption, such as that of due care or innocence, may
outweigh the inference.27 It is not for the defendant to explain or prove its defense to prevent the
presumption or inference from arising. Evidence by the defendant of say, due care, comes into play only after
the circumstances for the application of the doctrine has been established.1wphi1.nt
In any case, petitioner cites the sworn statement of its leadman Ferdinand Fabro executed before the police
investigator as evidence of its due care. According to Fabros sworn statement, the company enacted rules
and regulations for the safety and security of its workers. Moreover, the leadman and the bodegero inspect
the chain block before allowing its use.
It is ironic that petitioner relies on Fabros sworn statement as proof of its due care but, in arguing that private
respondent failed to prove negligence on the part of petitioners employees, also assails the same statement
for being hearsay.
Petitioner is correct. Fabros sworn statement is hearsay and inadmissible. Affidavits are inadmissible as
evidence under the hearsay rule, unless the affiant is placed on the witness stand to testify thereon. 28 The
inadmissibility of this sort of evidence is based not only on the lack of opportunity on the part of the adverse
party to cross-examine the affiant, but also on the commonly known fact that, generally, an affidavit is not
prepared by the affiant himself but by another who uses his own language in writing the affiants statements
which may either be omitted or misunderstood by the one writing them. 29 Petitioner, therefore, cannot use
said statement as proof of its due care any more than private respondent can use it to prove the cause of her
husbands death. Regrettably, petitioner does not cite any other evidence to rebut the inference or
presumption of negligence arising from the application of res ipsa loquitur, or to establish any defense relating
to the incident.
Next, petitioner argues that private respondent had previously availed of the death benefits provided under
the Labor Code and is, therefore, precluded from claiming from the deceaseds employer damages under the
Civil Code.
Article 173 of the Labor Code states:
Article 173. Extent of liability. Unless otherwise provided, the liability of the State Insurance Fund
under this Title shall be exclusive and in place of all other liabilities of the employer to the employee,
his dependents or anyone otherwise entitled to receive damages on behalf of the employee or his
dependents. The payment of compensation under this Title shall not bar the recovery of benefits as
provided for in Section 699 of the Revised Administrative Code, Republic Act Numbered Eleven
hundred sixty-one, as amended, Republic Act Numbered Six hundred ten, as amended, Republic Act
Numbered Forty-eight hundred sixty-four as amended, and other laws whose benefits are
administered by the System or by other agencies of the government.
The precursor of Article 173 of the Labor Code, Section 5 of the Workmens Compensation Act, provided that:
Section 5. Exclusive right to compensation. The rights and remedies granted by this Act to an
employee by reason of a personal injury entitling him to compensation shall exclude all other rights
and remedies accruing to the employee, his personal representatives, dependents or nearest of kin
against the employer under the Civil Code and other laws because of said injury x x x.
Whether Section 5 of the Workmens Compensation Act allowed recovery under said Act as well as under the
Civil Code used to be the subject of conflicting decisions. The Court finally settled the matter in Floresca
vs.Philex Mining Corporation,30 which involved a cave-in resulting in the death of the employees of the Philex
Mining Corporation. Alleging that the mining corporation, in violation of government rules and regulations,
failed to take the required precautions for the protection of the employees, the heirs of the deceased
employees filed a complaint against Philex Mining in the Court of First Instance (CFI). Upon motion of Philex
Mining, the CFI dismissed the complaint for lack of jurisdiction. The heirs sought relief from this Court.
Addressing the issue of whether the heirs had a choice of remedies, majority of the Court En Banc,31 following
the rule in Pacaa vs. Cebu Autobus Company, held in the affirmative.
WE now come to the query as to whether or not the injured employee or his heirs in case of death
have a right of selection or choice of action between availing themselves of the workers right under
the Workmens Compensation Act and suing in the regular courts under the Civil Code for higher
damages (actual, moral and exemplary) from the employers by virtue of the negligence or fault of the
employers or whether they may avail themselves cumulatively of both actions, i.e., collect the limited
compensation under the Workmens Compensation Act and sue in addition for damages in the regular
In disposing of a similar issue, this Court in Pacaa vs. Cebu Autobus Company, 32 SCRA 442, ruled
thatan injured worker has a choice of either to recover from the employer the fixed amounts set by the
Workmens Compensation Act or to prosecute an ordinary civil action against the tortfeasor for higher
damages but he cannot pursue both courses of action simultaneously. [Underscoring supplied.]
Nevertheless, the Court allowed some of the petitioners in said case to proceed with their suit under the Civil
Code despite having availed of the benefits provided under the Workmens Compensation Act. The Court
With regard to the other petitioners, it was alleged by Philex in its motion to dismiss dated May 14,
1968 before the court a quo, that the heirs of the deceased employees, namely Emerito Obra, Larry
Villar, Jr., Aurelio Lanuza, Lorenzo Isla and Saturnino submitted notices and claims for compensation to
the Regional Office No. 1 of the then Department of Labor and all of them have been paid in full as of
August 25, 1967, except Saturnino Martinez whose heirs decided that they be paid in installments x x x.
Such allegation was admitted by herein petitioners in their opposition to the motion to dismiss dated
may 27, 1968 x x x in the lower court, but they set up the defense that the claims were filed under the
Workmens Compensation Act before they learned of the official report of the committee created to
investigate the accident which established the criminal negligence and violation of law by Philex, and
which report was forwarded by the Director of Mines to then Executive Secretary Rafael Salas in a
letter dated October 19, 1967 only x x x.
WE hold that although the other petitioners had received the benefits under the Workmens
Compensation Act, such my not preclude them from bringing an action before the regular court
because they became cognizant of the fact that Philex has been remiss in its contractual obligations
with the deceased miners only after receiving compensation under the Act. Had petitioners been
aware of said violation of government rules and regulations by Philex, and of its negligence, they would
not have sought redress under the Workmens Compensation Commission which awarded a lesser
amount for compensation. The choice of the first remedy was based on ignorance or a mistake of fact,
which nullifies the choice as it was not an intelligent choice. The case should therefore be remanded to
the lower court for further proceedings. However, should the petitioners be successful in their bid
before the lower court, the payments made under the Workmens Compensation Act should be
deducted from the damages that may be decreed in their favor. [Underscoring supplied.]
The ruling in Floresca providing the claimant a choice of remedies was reiterated in Ysmael Maritime
Corporation vs. Avelino,32 Vda. De Severo vs. Feliciano-Go,33 and Marcopper Mining Corp. vs. Abeleda.34 In the
last case, the Court again recognized that a claimant who had been paid under the Act could still sue under the
Civil Code. The Court said:
In the Robles case, it was held that claims for damages sustained by workers in the course of their
employment could be filed only under the Workmens Compensation Law, to the exclusion of all
further claims under other laws. In Floresca, this doctrine was abrogated in favor of the new rule that
the claimants may invoke either the Workmens Compensation Act or the provisions of the Civil Code,
subject to the consequence that the choice of one remedy will exclude the other and that the
acceptance of compensation under the remedy chosen will preclude a claim for additional benefits
under the other remedy. The exception is where a claimant who has already been paid under the
Workmens Compensation Act may still sue for damages under the Civil Code on the basis of
supervening facts or developments occurring after he opted for the first remedy. (Underscoring
Here, the CA held that private respondents case came under the exception because private respondent was
unaware of petitioners negligence when she filed her claim for death benefits from the State Insurance Fund.
Private respondent filed the civil complaint for damages after she received a copy of the police investigation
report and the Prosecutors Memorandum dismissing the criminal complaint against petitioners personnel.
While stating that there was no negligence attributable to the respondents in the complaint, the prosecutor
nevertheless noted in the Memorandum that, "if at all," the "case is civil in nature." The CA thus applied the
exception in Floresca:
x x x We do not agree that appellee has knowledge of the alleged negligence of appellant as early as
November 25, 1990, the date of the police investigators report. The appellee merely executed her
sworn statement before the police investigator concerning her personal circumstances, her relation to
the victim, and her knowledge of the accident. She did not file the complaint for "Simple Negligence
Resulting to Homicide" against appellants employees. It was the investigator who recommended the
filing of said case and his supervisor referred the same to the prosecutors office. This is a standard
operating procedure for police investigators which appellee may not have even known. This may
explain why no complainant is mentioned in the preliminary statement of the public prosecutor in her
memorandum dated February 6, 1991, to wit: "Respondent Ferdinand Fabro x x x are being charged by
complainant of "Simple Negligence Resulting to Homicide." It is also possible that the appellee did not
have a chance to appear before the public prosecutor as can be inferred from the following statement
in said memorandum: "Respondents who were notified pursuant to Law waived their rights to present
controverting evidence," thus there was no reason for the public prosecutor to summon the appellee.
Hence, notice of appellants negligence cannot be imputed on appellee before she applied for death
benefits under ECC or before she received the first payment therefrom. Her using the police
investigation report to support her complaint filed on May 9, 1991 may just be an afterthought after
receiving a copy of the February 6, 1991 Memorandum of the Prosecutors Office dismissing the
criminal complaint for insufficiency of evidence, stating therein that: "The death of the victim is not
attributable to any negligence on the part of the respondents. If at all and as shown by the records this
case is civil in nature." (Underscoring supplied.) Considering the foregoing, We are more inclined to
believe appellees allegation that she learned about appellants negligence only after she applied for
and received the benefits under ECC. This is a mistake of fact that will make this case fall under the
exception held in the Floresca ruling.35
The CA further held that not only was private respondent ignorant of the facts, but of her rights as well:
x x x. Appellee [Maria Juego] testified that she has reached only elementary school for her educational
attainment; that she did not know what damages could be recovered from the death of her husband;
and that she did not know that she may also recover more from the Civil Code than from the ECC. x x
Petitioner impugns the foregoing rulings. It contends that private respondent "failed to allege in her complaint
that her application and receipt of benefits from the ECC were attended by ignorance or mistake of fact. Not
being an issue submitted during the trial, the trial court had no authority to hear or adjudicate that issue."
Petitioner also claims that private respondent could not have been ignorant of the facts because as early as
November 28, 1990, private respondent was the complainant in a criminal complaint for "Simple Negligence
Resulting to Homicide" against petitioners employees. On February 6, 1991, two months before the filing of
the action in the lower court, Prosecutor Lorna Lee issued a resolution finding that, although there was
insufficient evidence against petitioners employees, the case was "civil in nature." These purportedly show
that prior to her receipt of death benefits from the ECC on January 2, 1991 and every month thereafter,
private respondent also knew of the two choices of remedies available to her and yet she chose to claim and
receive the benefits from the ECC.
When a party having knowledge of the facts makes an election between inconsistent remedies, the election is
final and bars any action, suit, or proceeding inconsistent with the elected remedy, in the absence of fraud by
the other party. The first act of election acts as a bar. 37 Equitable in nature, the doctrine of election of
remedies is designed to mitigate possible unfairness to both parties. It rests on the moral premise that it is fair
to hold people responsible for their choices. The purpose of the doctrine is not to prevent any recourse to any
remedy, but to prevent a double redress for a single wrong. 38
The choice of a party between inconsistent remedies results in a waiver by election. Hence, the rule
in Florescathat a claimant cannot simultaneously pursue recovery under the Labor Code and prosecute an
ordinary course of action under the Civil Code. The claimant, by his choice of one remedy, is deemed to have
waived the other.
Waiver is the intentional relinquishment of a known right.39
[It] is an act of understanding that presupposes that a party has knowledge of its rights, but chooses
not to assert them. It must be generally shown by the party claiming a waiver that the person against
whom the waiver is asserted had at the time knowledge, actual or constructive, of the existence of the
partys rights or of all material facts upon which they depended. Where one lacks knowledge of a right,
there is no basis upon which waiver of it can rest. Ignorance of a material fact negates waiver, and
waiver cannot be established by a consent given under a mistake or misapprehension of fact.
A person makes a knowing and intelligent waiver when that person knows that a right exists and has
adequate knowledge upon which to make an intelligent decision.
Waiver requires a knowledge of the facts basic to the exercise of the right waived, with an awareness
of its consequences. That a waiver is made knowingly and intelligently must be illustrated on the
record or by the evidence.40
That lack of knowledge of a fact that nullifies the election of a remedy is the basis for the exception
in Floresca.
It is in light of the foregoing principles that we address petitioners contentions.
Waiver is a defense, and it was not incumbent upon private respondent, as plaintiff, to allege in her complaint
that she had availed of benefits from the ECC. It is, thus, erroneous for petitioner to burden private
respondent with raising waiver as an issue. On the contrary, it is the defendant who ought to plead waiver, as
petitioner did in pages 2-3 of its Answer;41 otherwise, the defense is waived. It is, therefore, perplexing for
petitioner to now contend that the trial court had no jurisdiction over the issue when petitioner itself pleaded
waiver in the proceedings before the trial court.
Does the evidence show that private respondent knew of the facts that led to her husbands death and the
rights pertaining to a choice of remedies?
It bears stressing that what negates waiver is lack of knowledge or a mistake of fact. In this case, the "fact"
that served as a basis for nullifying the waiver is the negligence of petitioners employees, of which private
respondent purportedly learned only after the prosecutor issued a resolution stating that there may be civil
liability. InFloresca, it was the negligence of the mining corporation and its violation of government rules and
regulations. Negligence, or violation of government rules and regulations, for that matter, however, is not a
fact, but aconclusion of law, over which only the courts have the final say. Such a conclusion binds no one until
the courts have decreed so. It appears, therefore, that the principle that ignorance or mistake of fact nullifies a
waiver has been misapplied in Floresca and in the case at bar.
In any event, there is no proof that private respondent knew that her husband died in the elevator crash when
on November 15, 1990 she accomplished her application for benefits from the ECC. The police investigation
report is dated November 25, 1990, 10 days after the accomplishment of the form. Petitioner filed the
application in her behalf on November 27, 1990.
There is also no showing that private respondent knew of the remedies available to her when the claim before
the ECC was filed. On the contrary, private respondent testified that she was not aware of her rights.
Petitioner, though, argues that under Article 3 of the Civil Code, ignorance of the law excuses no one from
compliance therewith. As judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution form part of
the Philippine legal system (Article 8, Civil Code), private respondent cannot claim ignorance of this Courts
ruling inFloresca allowing a choice of remedies.
The argument has no merit. The application of Article 3 is limited to mandatory and prohibitory laws. 42 This
may be deduced from the language of the provision, which, notwithstanding a persons ignorance, does not
excuse his or her compliance with the laws. The rule in Floresca allowing private respondent a choice of
remedies is neither mandatory nor prohibitory. Accordingly, her ignorance thereof cannot be held against her.
Finally, the Court modifies the affirmance of the award of damages. The records do not indicate the total
amount private respondent ought to receive from the ECC, although it appears from Exhibit "K" 43 that she
received P3,581.85 as initial payment representing the accrued pension from November 1990 to March 1991.
Her initial monthly pension, according to the same Exhibit "K," was P596.97 and present total monthly pension
was P716.40. Whether the total amount she will eventually receive from the ECC is less than the sum of
P644,000.00 in total damages awarded by the trial court is subject to speculation, and the case is remanded to
the trial court for such determination. Should the trial court find that its award is greater than that of the ECC,
payments already received by private respondent under the Labor Code shall be deducted from the trial
court' award of damages. Consistent with our ruling in Floresca, this adjudication aims to prevent double
WHEREFORE, the case is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City to determine whether the award
decreed in its decision is more than that of the ECC. Should the award decreed by the trial court be greater
than that awarded by the ECC, payments already made to private respondent pursuant to the Labor Code shall
be deducted therefrom. In all other respects, the Decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED.
December 8, 2003
and was told by the PAL personnel that they cannot be accommodated. Fojas who was also at the counter
then removed the boarding passes inserted in private respondents tickets as well as the tags from their
Manuel Baltazar, a former Acting Manager of petitioner in Legaspi City in May 1988, testified that based on his
investigation, the private respondents, although confirmed passengers, were not able to board PR 178 in the
morning of May 8, 1988 because there were "go-show" or "waitlisted" and non-revenue passengers who were
accommodated in said flight. He also noted that there was overbooking for PR 178. 13
On the other hand, petitioner contends that private respondents are not entitled to their claim for damages
because they were late in checking-in for PR 178; and that they were only chance or waitlisted passengers for
PR 180 and were not accommodated because all confirmed passengers of the flight had checked-in. In support
thereof, petitioner presented Lloyd Fojas, who testified, as follows:
In the morning of May 8, 1988, he was on duty at the check-in counter of the Legaspi Airport. He was the one
who attended to the tickets of private respondents which were tendered by Salvador Gonzales at 7:05 a.m.
when the counter was already closed. The clock at the check-in counter showed that it was already 7:05 and
so he told Gonzales that they are already late and wrote "late check-in, 7:05" on private respondents tickets.
The flight was scheduled to leave at 7:10 a.m. and checking-in is allowed only until 30 minutes before
departure time. At the time private respondents went to the check-in counter, passengers were already
leaving the pre-departure area and going towards the plane and there were no more passengers in the checkin area, not even waitlisted passengers. The baggages of the passengers have been loaded in the aircraft.
Gonzales left and later came back with Atty. Amor who pleaded that plaintiffs be accommodated in the flight.
He told Atty. Amor to go to his supervisor to re-book the tickets because there were no more boarding passes
and it was already time for boarding the plane. Atty. Amor then left the counter. 14
On cross-examination, Fojas testified that he did not know how many waitlisted or non-revenue passengers
were accommodated or issued boarding passes in the 7:00 a. m. and in the afternoon flight of May 8, 1988.15
After trial, the RTC rendered judgment upholding the evidence presented by private respondents, the
dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
(a) ordering the defendant to reimburse the plaintiffs the amount of P1,171.60 representing the
purchase price of the four (4) plane tickets;
(b) condemning the defendant to pay plaintiffs Judy Amor and Jane Gamil the amount of P250,000.00
each as moral damages, P200,000.00 as exemplary damages, plus P100,000.00 as actual damages;
(c) for the defendant to pay plaintiffs the amount of P30,000.00 as attorneys fees, plus P500.00 for
every appearance, or a total of P10,500.00 for 21 actual appearance (sic) in court, P2,000.00 as
incidental litigation expenses, and to pay the cost of the suit.
Aggrieved, petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals (CA for brevity) which affirmed the judgment of the
trial court in toto and denied petitioners motion for reconsideration.
awarded in favor of private respondents are excessive, unreasonable and unconscionable. The primary
object of an award of damages in a civil action is compensation or indemnity or to repair the wrong
that has been done. Damages awarded should be equal to, and commensurate with, the injury
(4) It was erroneous to award damages in favor of Jane Gamil when she never appeared before the
trial court to prove her claim for damages.
In their Comment, private respondents stress that the fact they were not late in checking-in for PR 178 has
been substantially established in the hearing before the trial court and affirmed by the CA. They maintain that,
contrary to the assertion of petitioner, they have established their case not only by a preponderance of
evidence but by proof that is more than what is required by law justifying the factual findings of the trial court
and the CA.
Private respondents point out that since the issues raised by this petition are factual and do not fall under
exceptional circumstances, there is nothing left to be reviewed or examined by the Supreme Court.
As to the damages awarded, private respondents contend that the amounts awarded are not excessive,
unconscionable or unreasonable because of the high-handed, malicious, dictatorial and savage act of
petitioners employee which caused them untold mental anguish, excruciating pain, public contempt and
ridicule, sleepless nights and other forms of moral suffering.
In its Reply, petitioner reiterates its earlier points and questions once more the credibility of private
respondents witnesses, particularly Atty. Owen Amor, Salvador Gonzales and Manuel Baltazar who are
related to the respondents by blood or affinity.
In their Rejoinder, private respondents aver that the findings of facts of the courts a quo were based not only
on the testimonies of their witnesses but also on petitioners own employee, Lloyd Fojas, who testified that
there were non-revenue, go-show and waitlisted passengers who were accommodated in PR 178. They
reiterate their position that where there is a question regarding the credibility of witnesses, the findings of
trial courts are generally not disturbed by appellate courts. Finally, as to the damages awarded, private
respondents claim that there was substantial basis in awarding such amounts.
Evidently, in resolving the two issues raised in the present petition, it is inevitable and most crucial that we
first determine the question whether or not the CA erred in upholding the RTC ruling that private respondents
were late in checking-in. Both issues call for a review of the factual findings of the lower courts.
In petitions for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, the general rule is that only questions
of law may be raised by the parties and passed upon by this Court. 18 Factual findings of the appellate court are
generally binding on us especially when in complete accord with the findings of the trial court. 19 This is
because it is not our function to analyze or weigh the evidence all over again.20 However, this general rule
admits of exceptions, to wit:
(a) where there is grave abuse of discretion; (b) when the finding is grounded entirely on speculations,
surmises or conjectures; (c) when the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or impossible; (d) when
the judgment of the Court of Appeals was based on a misapprehension of facts; (e) when the factual findings
are conflicting; (f) when the Court of Appeals, in making its findings, went beyond the issues of the case and
the same are contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee; (g) when the Court of Appeals
manifestly overlooked certain relevant facts not disputed by the parties and which, if properly considered,
would justify a different conclusion; and, (h) where the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are contrary to
those of the trial court, or are mere conclusions without citation of specific evidence, or where the facts set
forth by the petitioner are not disputed by the respondent, or where the findings of fact of the Court of
Appeals are premised on the absence of evidence and are contradicted by the evidence on record. 21
Petitioner invokes exception (b).
As to the first issue: Whether or not private respondents checked-in on time for PR 178. The determination of
this issue is necessary because it is expressly stipulated in the airline tickets issued to private respondents that
PAL will consider the reserved seat cancelled if the passenger fails to check-in at least thirty minutes before
the published departure time.22
After a careful review of the records, we find no reason to disturb the affirmance by the CA of the findings of
the trial court that the private respondents have checked-in on time; that they reached the airport at 6:20
a.m., based on the testimonies of private respondent Judy Amor, and witnesses Salvador Gonzales and Atty.
Owen Amor who were consistent in their declarations on the witness stand and corroborated one anothers
statements; and that the testimony of petitioners lone witness, Lloyd Fojas is not sufficient to overcome
private respondents evidence.
We have repeatedly held that the truth is established not by the number of witnesses but by the quality of
their testimonies.23 In the present case, it cannot be said that the quality of the testimony of petitioners lone
witness is greater than those of the private respondents. Fojas testified that when respondents went to the
check-in counter, there were no more persons in that area since all the passengers already boarded the
plane.24 However, the testimonies of Manuel Baltazar and Judy Amor together with the manifest, Exhibits "E",
"E-1" and "E-2", point to the fact that many passengers were not able to board said flight, including confirmed
passengers, because of overbooking.25
It is a well-entrenched principle that absent any showing of grave abuse of discretion or any palpable error in
its findings, this Court will not question the probative weight accorded by the lower courts to the various
evidence presented by the parties. As we explained in Superlines Transportation Co. Inc., vs. ICC Leasing &
Financing Corporation:26
The Court is not tasked to calibrate and assess the probative weight of evidence adduced by the parties during
trial all over againSo long as the findings of facts of the Court of Appeals are consistent with or are not
palpably contrary to the evidence on record, this Court shall decline to embark on a review on the probative
weight of the evidence of the parties.27 (Emphasis supplied)
It is also well established that findings of trial courts on the credibility of witnesses is entitled to great respect
and will not be disturbed on appeal except on very strong and cogent grounds.28 Petitioner failed to
demonstrate that the trial court committed any error in upholding the testimonies of private respondents
witnesses. We find that the CA committed no reversible error in sustaining the findings of facts of the trial
Private respondents who had confirmed tickets for PR 178 were bumped-off in favor of non-revenue
passengers. Witness Manuel Baltazar, a former Acting Manager of petitioner, evaluated the manifest for PR
178 and found that there were non-revenue passengers allowed to go on board. He specifically identified the
family of Labanda, a certain Mr. Luz, petitioners former branch manager, and, a certain Mr. Moyo. 29 Although
petitioner had every opportunity to refute such testimony, it failed to present any countervailing evidence.
Instead, petitioner merely focused on assailing the credibility of Baltazar on the ground that he was a
disgruntled employee and a relative of private respondents. Apart from the bare allegations in petitioners
pleadings, no evidence was ever presented in court to substantiate its claim that Baltazar was a disgruntled
employee that impelled him to testify against petitioner.
As to his relationship with private respondents, this Court has repeatedly held that a witness relationship to
the victim does not automatically affect the veracity of his or her testimony.30 While this principle is often
applied in criminal cases, we deem that the same principle may apply in this case, albeit civil in nature. If a
witness relationship with a party does not ipso facto render him a biased witness in criminal cases where the
quantum of evidence required is proof beyond reasonable doubt, there is no reason why the same principle
should not apply in civil cases where the quantum of evidence is only preponderance of evidence.
As aptly observed by the CA which we hereby adopt:
Ironically for the defendant, aside from appellants assumption that Baltazar could be a disgruntled former
employee of their company and could be biased (which same reason could be attributed to Lloyd Fojas) due to
a distant relationship with the plaintiff, it offered no proof or evidence to rebut, demean and contradict the
substance of the testimony of Baltazar on the crucial point that plaintiffs-appellees were bumped off to
accommodate non-revenue, waitlisted or go-show passengers. On this fact alone, defendants position
weakens while credibly establishing that indeed plaintiffs arrived at the airport on time to check-in for Flight
PR 178. Further emphasis must be made that Lloyd Fojas even affirmed in court that he can not recall how
many PR 178 boarding passes he had at the check-in counter because management has authority to
accommodate in any flight and correspondingly issue boarding passes to non-revenue passengers (pages 1516, TSN, January 24, 1990).31
Indeed, petitioner, through its lone witness Fojas, could only answer during his examination on the witness
stand that he is unable to recall the circumstances recommending the issuances of boarding passes to
waitlisted and that it is the management which has the authority to issue boarding passes to non-revenue
passengers.32 Even in the afternoon flight, PR 180, Fojas could not squarely deny that confirmed paying
passengers were bumped-off in favor of non-revenue ones.33
The CA likewise correctly concluded that there was overbooking in the morning flight on the basis of the
testimony of private respondents witness Manuel Baltazar, to wit:
Q- There was a memorandum order of the PAL prohibiting overbooking. Are you aware of CAB Regulation No.
7 on boarding passengers?
A- Yes.
Q- You will agree with me that this regulation allows only overbooking by 10%?
A- Yes, that is a government regulation and the company regulation is different.
Q- But in the morning flight of May 8, 1988, granting that the government regulation allows only 10%
overbooking, can you tell the Court from the manifest itself whether it exceeded the 10% overbooking allowed
by the regulation reckoning from the 109 passenger seater?
A- With the capacity of 109, 10% of it will be 10 or 11, so if we add this it will not exceed 120 passengers.
Q- In that flight how many were confirmed?
Q- In that flight those passengers that were confirmed have a total of 126.
Q- Even if when allowed the government regulation of overbooking, you will still exceed the allowable
overbooking number?
A- Yes.34 (Emphasis supplied)
This fact of overbooking, again, was not adequately refuted by petitioners evidence.
The appellate court aptly sustained the trial court in giving probative weight to the testimony of private
respondent Judy Amor that there were other passengers who were not accommodated in flight PR 178, to wit:
Q: And how about you, what did you do when you arrived at the Legaspi Airport at 6:20 while Salvador
Gonzales was at the check-in counter to pay the tickets?
A: I went to the Office of the OIC Manager at the right side of the Legaspi Terminal.
check-in counter, with four persons still ahead of him, Lloyd Fojas asked him to approach the counter, took
private respondents tickets and wrote something on them. It was only later on when his turn came, that he
found out that what Fojas wrote on the tickets was "late check-n 7:05". On cross-examination, Gonzales
testified that it was only after the four persons ahead of him were accommodated that Fojas wrote on the
tickets "late check-in 7:05". However, upon clarificatory questions propounded by the trial court, Gonzales
was able to clarify that Fojas had written the time on the ticket before the four persons ahead of him were
entertained at the counter.36Understandably, the lower courts found no cogent reason to discredit the
testimony of witness Gonzales.
We have held in an earlier case that a witness may contradict himself on the circumstances of an act or
different acts due to a long series of questions on cross-examination during which the mind becomes tired to
such a degree that the witness does not understand what he is testifying about, especially if the questions, in
their majority are leading and tend to make him ratify a former contrary declaration. 37
In fine, the findings of fact of the trial court, as sustained by the CA, have to be respected. As we have
consistently held, trial courts enjoy the unique advantage of observing at close range the demeanor,
deportment and conduct of witnesses as they give their testimonies. Thus, assignment to declarations on the
witness stand is best done by them who, unlike appellate magistrates, can weigh firsthand the testimony of a
Anent the second issue as to whether or not the damages awarded are excessive, we rule in the affirmative.
The Court of Appeals committed an error in sustaining the ruling of the trial court requiring petitioner to
reimburse private respondents the amount of four plane tickets, including the ticket for private respondent
minor Carlo Benitez.
As admitted by private respondent Judy in her testimony, the only confirmed tickets for the morning flight (PR
178) are the tickets for herself, her infant son, Gian Carlo and her sister Jane Gamil. They had another ticket
which Judy bought for a certain Dra. Emily Chua who backed out and whose ticket they had intended to be
transferred to Carlo Benitez.39 Although it is clearly stated in the ticket that the same is nontransferrable,40 Judy testified that a PAL employee issued another ticket in the name of Carlo Benitez in lieu of
the ticket issued for Dra. Chua. However, an examination of the ticket issued, Exhibit "C", discloses that it does
not state therein the flight number or time of departure. Consequently, in the absence of competent
evidence, private respondent Carlo Benitez complaint should be dismissed.
We find no justifiable reason that warrants the award of P100,000.00 as actual damages in favor of all private
respondents. Article 2199 of the Civil Code, provides that actual or compensatory damages may only be given
for such pecuniary loss suffered by him as he has duly proved. We explained in Chan vs. Maceda41 that:
A court cannot rely on speculations, conjectures or guesswork as to the fact and amount of damages, but
must depend upon competent proof that they have been suffered by the injured party and on the best
obtainable evidence of the actual amount thereof. It must point out specific facts which could afford a basis
for measuring whatever compensatory or actual damages are borne.42
All that was proved by herein private respondents was the amount of the purchase price of the plane tickets
of private respondents Judy, Jane and Gian Carlo. Only said amounts should therefore be considered in
awarding actual damages. As borne by the records, private respondent Judy Amor paid P466.00 each for her
ticket and that of Jane; while she paid P46.60 for her infant Gian Carlo.43 The amount of actual damages
should therefore be reduced to P978.60, payable to private respondent Judy Amor.
As to moral damages.
It should be stressed that moral damages are not intended to enrich a plaintiff at he expense of the defendant
but are awarded only to allow the former to obtain means, diversion or amusements that will serve to
alleviate the moral suffering he has undergone due to the defendants culpable action.44 We emphasized
in Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals that moral damages are not punitive in nature but are
designed to somehow alleviate the physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched
reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation and similar injury unjustly caused to a person.
We have held that even though moral damages are incapable of pecuniary computation, it should
nevertheless be proportional to and in approximation of the suffering inflicted. And, to be recoverable, such
damage must be the proximate result of a wrongful act or omission the factual basis for which is satisfactorily
established by the aggrieved party. 45
In the case at bar, private respondent Judy Amor testified that she felt "ashamed" when the plane took off and
they were left at the airport since there were many people there who saw them including dentists like her.
She also related that she missed the Philippine Dental Convention scheduled on the 8th of May, 1988 where
she was supposed to attend as a dentist and officer of the Sorsogon Dental Association. They tried to look for
buses bound for Manila but missed those scheduled in the morning. They went back to the airport but still
failed to take an afternoon flight. Hence, she was forced to take a bus that evening for Manila which did not
allow her to sleep that night.46 Private respondent Judy however did not miss the whole convention as she
was able to leave on the night of the first day of the week-long convention.
While there is no hard and fast rule for determining what would be a fair amount of moral damages, generally,
the amount awarded should be commensurate with the actual loss or injury suffered. 47
The CA erred in upholding the trial courts award of moral damages based on Judy Amors claim that there was
a denigration of her social and financial standing. Private respondent Judy failed to show that she was treated
rudely or disrespectfully by petitioners employees despite her stature as a dentist. As we held in Kierulf vs.
Court of Appeals48
The social and financial standing of Lucila cannot be considered in awarding moral damages. The factual
circumstances prior to the accident show that no "rude and rough" reception, no "menacing attitude," no
"supercilious manner," no "abusive language and highly scornful reference" was given her. The social and
financial standing of a claimant of moral damages may be considered in awarding moral damages only if he or
she was subjected to contemptuous conduct despite the offenders knowledge of his or her social and
financial standing.49 (Emphasis supplied)
Nevertheless, we hold that private respondent Judy Amor is entitled to moral damages. In a number of cases,
we have pronounced that air carriage is a business possessed with special qualities. In Singson vs. Court of
Appeals,50 we explained that:
A contract of air carriage is a peculiar one. Imbued with public interest, common carriers are required by law
to carry passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, using the utmost diligence of a very
cautious person, with due regard for all the circumstances.1wphi1 A contract to transport passengers is quite
different in kind and degree from any other contractual relation. And this because its business is mainly with
the traveling public. It invites people to avail of the comforts and advantages it offers. The contract of carriage,
therefore, generates a relation attended with a public duty. Failure of the carrier to observe this high degree
of care and extraordinary diligence renders it liable for any damage that may be sustained by its passengers. 51
As the lower courts have found, evidence positively show that petitioner has accommodated waitlisted and
non-revenue passengers and had overbooked more than what is allowed by law, to the prejudice of private
respondents who had confirmed tickets. Overbooking amounts to bad faith52 and therefore petitioner is liable
to pay moral damages to respondent Judy Amor.
Considering all the foregoing, we deem that the award of P250,000.00 as moral damages in favor of private
respondent Judy Amor is exorbitant. Where the damages awarded are far too excessive compared to the
actual losses sustained by the aggrieved party, the same should be reduced to a more reasonable
amount.53 We find the amount of P100,000.00 to be sufficient, just and reasonable.
We consider the award of actual damages in favor of private respondent Jane Gamil to be inappropriate
considering the testimony of Judy Amor that she was the one who paid for the tickets. 54 Likewise, the
appellate court erred in sustaining the award of moral damages in favor of Jane Gamil as she never testified in
court. It has been held that where the plaintiff fails to take the witness stand and testify as to his social
humiliation, wounded feelings and anxiety, moral damages cannot be recovered".55
As to the award of exemplary damages, Article 2234 of the Civil Code provides that the claimant must show
that he would be entitled to moral, temperate or compensatory damages before the court may consider the
question whether or not exemplary damages should be awarded.
Consequently, private respondent Jane Gamil, not being entitled to actual and moral damages, is not entitled
to exemplary damages.
The award of exemplary damages in favor of private respondent Judy Amor is warranted in this
case.56 Waitlisted and non-revenue passengers were accommodated while private respondent Judy Amor who
had fully paid her fare and was a confirmed passenger was unduly deprived of enplaning. Petitioner was guilty
of overbooking its flight to the prejudice of its confirmed passengers. This practice cannot be countenanced
especially considering that the business of air carriage is imbued with public character. We have ruled that
where in breaching the contract of carriage, the airline is shown to have acted in bad faith, as in this
case,57 the award of exemplary damages in addition to moral and actual damages is proper. 58 However, as in
the matter of the moral damages awarded by the trial court, we consider the amount of P200,000.00 as
exemplary damages to be far too excessive. The amount of P25,000.00 is just and proper.
We find the award of attorneys fees in this case to be in order since it is well settled that the same may be
awarded when the defendants act or omission has compelled the plaintiff to litigate with third persons or to
incur expenses to protect his interest.59
WHEREFORE, we affirm the decision of the Court of Appeals with the following MODIFICATIONS:
1. Petitioner is ordered to pay private respondent Judy Amor the amount of P978.60 as and for actual
damages; P100,000.00 as moral damages; P25,000.00 as exemplary damages; and attorneys fees in
the amount of P30,000.00 plus P500.00 for every appearance of private respondents lawyer, or a total
ofP10,500.00 for 21 actual appearances in court; P2,000.00 as incidental litigation expenses; and costs
of suit.
2. The claim for damages of private respondent Jane Gamil is DENIED for lack of evidence.
3. The complaint of private respondent Carlo Benitez is DISMISSED for lack of cause of action.
No pronouncement as to costs.
February 6, 2003
Petitioners would contend that the appellate court ignored the evidence and the factual findings of the trial
court by holding them liable on the basis of a sweeping conclusion that the presumption of negligence on the
part of a common carrier was not overcome. Petitioners would insist that Escartins assault upon Navidad,
which caused the latter to fall on the tracks, was an act of a stranger that could not have been foreseen or
prevented. The LRTA would add that the appellate courts conclusion on the existence of an employeremployee relationship between Roman and LRTA lacked basis because Roman himself had testified being an
employee of Metro Transit and not of the LRTA.
Respondents, supporting the decision of the appellate court, contended that a contract of carriage was
deemed created from the moment Navidad paid the fare at the LRT station and entered the premises of the
latter, entitling Navidad to all the rights and protection under a contractual relation, and that the appellate
court had correctly held LRTA and Roman liable for the death of Navidad in failing to exercise extraordinary
diligence imposed upon a common carrier.
Law and jurisprudence dictate that a common carrier, both from the nature of its business and for reasons of
public policy, is burdened with the duty of exercising utmost diligence in ensuring the safety of
passengers.4 The Civil Code, governing the liability of a common carrier for death of or injury to its passengers,
"Article 1755. A common carrier is bound to carry the passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons, with a due regard for all the circumstances.
"Article 1756. In case of death of or injuries to passengers, common carriers are presumed to have been at
fault or to have acted negligently, unless they prove that they observed extraordinary diligence as prescribed
in articles 1733 and 1755."
"Article 1759. Common carriers are liable for the death of or injuries to passengers through the negligence or
willful acts of the formers employees, although such employees may have acted beyond the scope of their
authority or in violation of the orders of the common carriers.
"This liability of the common carriers does not cease upon proof that they exercised all the diligence of a good
father of a family in the selection and supervision of their employees."
"Article 1763. A common carrier is responsible for injuries suffered by a passenger on account of the willful
acts or negligence of other passengers or of strangers, if the common carriers employees through the exercise
of the diligence of a good father of a family could have prevented or stopped the act or omission."
The law requires common carriers to carry passengers safely using the utmost diligence of very cautious
persons with due regard for all circumstances.5 Such duty of a common carrier to provide safety to its
passengers so obligates it not only during the course of the trip but for so long as the passengers are within its
premises and where they ought to be in pursuance to the contract of carriage. 6 The statutory provisions
render a common carrier liable for death of or injury to passengers (a) through the negligence or wilful acts of
its employees or b) on account of wilful acts or negligence of other passengers or of strangers if the common
carriers employees through the exercise of due diligence could have prevented or stopped the act or
omission.7 In case of such death or injury, a carrier is presumed to have been at fault or been negligent,
and8 by simple proof of injury, the passenger is relieved of the duty to still establish the fault or negligence of
the carrier or of its employees and the burden shifts upon the carrier to prove that the injury is due to an
unforeseen event or to force majeure.9 In the absence of satisfactory explanation by the carrier on how the
accident occurred, which petitioners, according to the appellate court, have failed to show, the presumption
would be that it has been at fault,10 an exception from the general rule that negligence must be proved. 11
The foundation of LRTAs liability is the contract of carriage and its obligation to indemnify the victim arises
from the breach of that contract by reason of its failure to exercise the high diligence required of the common
carrier. In the discharge of its commitment to ensure the safety of passengers, a carrier may choose to hire its
own employees or avail itself of the services of an outsider or an independent firm to undertake the task. In
either case, the common carrier is not relieved of its responsibilities under the contract of carriage.
Should Prudent be made likewise liable? If at all, that liability could only be for tort under the provisions of
Article 217612 and related provisions, in conjunction with Article 2180,13 of the Civil Code. The premise,
however, for the employers liability is negligence or fault on the part of the employee. Once such fault is
established, the employer can then be made liable on the basis of the presumption juris tantum that the
employer failed to exercise diligentissimi patris families in the selection and supervision of its employees. The
liability is primary and can only be negated by showing due diligence in the selection and supervision of the
employee, a factual matter that has not been shown. Absent such a showing, one might ask further, how then
must the liability of the common carrier, on the one hand, and an independent contractor, on the other hand,
be described? It would be solidary. A contractual obligation can be breached by tort and when the same act or
omission causes the injury, one resulting in culpa contractual and the other in culpa aquiliana, Article 219414 of
the Civil Code can well apply.15 In fine, a liability for tort may arise even under a contract, where tort is that
which breaches the contract.16 Stated differently, when an act which constitutes a breach of contract would
have itself constituted the source of a quasi-delictual liability had no contract existed between the parties, the
contract can be said to have been breached by tort, thereby allowing the rules on tort to apply. 17
Regrettably for LRT, as well as perhaps the surviving spouse and heirs of the late Nicanor Navidad, this Court is
concluded by the factual finding of the Court of Appeals that "there is nothing to link (Prudent) to the death of
Nicanor (Navidad), for the reason that the negligence of its employee, Escartin, has not been duly proven x x
x." This finding of the appellate court is not without substantial justification in our own review of the records
of the case.
There being, similarly, no showing that petitioner Rodolfo Roman himself is guilty of any culpable act or
omission, he must also be absolved from liability. Needless to say, the contractual tie between the LRT and
Navidad is not itself a juridical relation between the latter and Roman; thus, Roman can be made liable only
for his own fault or negligence.
The award of nominal damages in addition to actual damages is untenable. Nominal damages are adjudicated
in order that a right of the plaintiff, which has been violated or invaded by the defendant, may be vindicated
or recognized, and not for the purpose of indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss suffered by him. 18 It is an
established rule that nominal damages cannot co-exist with compensatory damages.19
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the appellate court is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION but only in that (a)
the award of nominal damages is DELETED and (b) petitioner Rodolfo Roman is absolved from liability. No
After her husband was discharged from the MMC, he was attended by a physical therapist at home.
Later, he was admitted at the Chinese General Hospital. Due to financial difficulties, however,
respondent brought her husband home again. In the morning of April 13, 1990, Ernani had fever and
was feeling very weak. Respondent was constrained to bring him back to the Chinese General
Hospital where he died on the same day.
On July 24, 1990, respondent instituted with the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 44, an action
for damages against petitioner and its president, Dr. Benito Reverente, which was docketed as Civil
Case No. 90-53795. She asked for reimbursement of her expenses plus moral damages and
attorneys fees. After trial, the lower court ruled against petitioners, viz:
WHEREFORE, in view of the forgoing, the Court renders judgment in favor of the plaintiff Julita
Trinos, ordering:
1. Defendants to pay and reimburse the medical and hospital coverage of the late Ernani
Trinos in the amount of P76,000.00 plus interest, until the amount is fully paid to plaintiff who
paid the same;
2. Defendants to pay the reduced amount of moral damages of P10,000.00 to plaintiff;
3. Defendants to pay the reduced amount of P10,000.00 as exemplary damages to plaintiff;
4. Defendants to pay attorneys fees of P20,000.00, plus costs of suit.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court but deleted all awards for
damages and absolved petitioner Reverente. 4 Petitioners motion for reconsideration was
denied.5 Hence, petitioner brought the instant petition for review, raising the primary argument that a
health care agreement is not an insurance contract; hence the "incontestability clause" under the
Insurance Code6 does not apply.1wphi1.nt
Petitioner argues that the agreement grants "living benefits," such as medical check-ups and
hospitalization which a member may immediately enjoy so long as he is alive upon effectivity of the
agreement until its expiration one-year thereafter. Petitioner also points out that only medical and
hospitalization benefits are given under the agreement without any indemnification, unlike in an
insurance contract where the insured is indemnified for his loss. Moreover, since Health Care
Agreements are only for a period of one year, as compared to insurance contracts which last
longer,7 petitioner argues that the incontestability clause does not apply, as the same requires an
effectivity period of at least two years. Petitioner further argues that it is not an insurance company,
which is governed by the Insurance Commission, but a Health Maintenance Organization under the
authority of the Department of Health.
Section 2 (1) of the Insurance Code defines a contract of insurance as an agreement whereby one
undertakes for a consideration to indemnify another against loss, damage or liability arising from an
unknown or contingent event. An insurance contract exists where the following elements concur:
1. The insured has an insurable interest;
2. The insured is subject to a risk of loss by the happening of the designated peril;
I hereby authorize any person, organization, or entity that has any record or knowledge of my
health and/or that of __________ to give to the PhilamCare Health Systems, Inc. any and all
information relative to any hospitalization, consultation, treatment or any other medical advice
or examination. This authorization is in connection with the application for health care
coverage only. A photographic copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the
original.12 (Underscoring ours)
Petitioner cannot rely on the stipulation regarding "Invalidation of agreement" which reads:
Failure to disclose or misrepresentation of any material information by the member in the
application or medical examination, whether intentional or unintentional, shall automatically
invalidate the Agreement from the very beginning and liability of Philamcare shall be limited to
return of all Membership Fees paid. An undisclosed or misrepresented information is deemed
material if its revelation would have resulted in the declination of the applicant by Philamcare
or the assessment of a higher Membership Fee for the benefit or benefits applied for. 13
The answer assailed by petitioner was in response to the question relating to the medical history of
the applicant. This largely depends on opinion rather than fact, especially coming from respondents
husband who was not a medical doctor. Where matters of opinion or judgment are called for, answers
made in good faith and without intent to deceive will not avoid a policy even though they are
untrue.14 Thus,
(A)lthough false, a representation of the expectation, intention, belief, opinion, or judgment of
the insured will not avoid the policy if there is no actual fraud in inducing the acceptance of the
risk, or its acceptance at a lower rate of premium, and this is likewise the rule although the
statement is material to the risk, if the statement is obviously of the foregoing character,
since in such case the insurer is not justified in relying upon such statement, but is obligated to
make further inquiry. There is a clear distinction between such a case and one in which the
insured is fraudulently and intentionally states to be true, as a matter of expectation or belief,
that which he then knows, to be actually untrue, or the impossibility of which is shown by the
facts within his knowledge, since in such case the intent to deceive the insurer is obvious and
amounts to actual fraud.15 (Underscoring ours)
The fraudulent intent on the part of the insured must be established to warrant rescission of the
insurance contract.16 Concealment as a defense for the health care provider or insurer to avoid
liability is an affirmative defense and the duty to establish such defense by satisfactory and
convincing evidence rests upon the provider or insurer. In any case, with or without the authority to
investigate, petitioner is liable for claims made under the contract. Having assumed a responsibility
under the agreement, petitioner is bound to answer the same to the extent agreed upon. In the end,
the liability of the health care provider attaches once the member is hospitalized for the disease or
injury covered by the agreement or whenever he avails of the covered benefits which he has prepaid.
Under Section 27 of the Insurance Code, "a concealment entitles the injured party to rescind a
contract of insurance." The right to rescind should be exercised previous to the commencement of an
action on the contract.17 In this case, no rescission was made. Besides, the cancellation of health
care agreements as in insurance policies require the concurrence of the following conditions:
1. Prior notice of cancellation to insured;
2. Notice must be based on the occurrence after effective date of the policy of one or more of the
grounds mentioned;
3. Must be in writing, mailed or delivered to the insured at the address shown in the policy;
4. Must state the grounds relied upon provided in Section 64 of the Insurance Code and upon request
of insured, to furnish facts on which cancellation is based. 18
None of the above pre-conditions was fulfilled in this case. When the terms of insurance contract
contain limitations on liability, courts should construe them in such a way as to preclude the insurer
from non-compliance with his obligation.19 Being a contract of adhesion, the terms of an insurance
contract are to be construed strictly against the party which prepared the contract the insurer.20 By
reason of the exclusive control of the insurance company over the terms and phraseology of the
insurance contract, ambiguity must be strictly interpreted against the insurer and liberally in favor of
the insured, especially to avoid forfeiture. 21 This is equally applicable to Health Care Agreements. The
phraseology used in medical or hospital service contracts, such as the one at bar, must be liberally
construed in favor of the subscriber, and if doubtful or reasonably susceptible of two interpretations
the construction conferring coverage is to be adopted, and exclusionary clauses of doubtful import
should be strictly construed against the provider. 22
Anent the incontestability of the membership of respondents husband, we quote with approval the
following findings of the trial court:
(U)nder the title Claim procedures of expenses, the defendant Philamcare Health Systems Inc.
had twelve months from the date of issuance of the Agreement within which to contest the
membership of the patient if he had previous ailment of asthma, and six months from the
issuance of the agreement if the patient was sick of diabetes or hypertension. The periods
having expired, the defense of concealment or misrepresentation no longer lie. 23
Finally, petitioner alleges that respondent was not the legal wife of the deceased member considering
that at the time of their marriage, the deceased was previously married to another woman who was
still alive. The health care agreement is in the nature of a contract of indemnity. Hence, payment
should be made to the party who incurred the expenses. It is not controverted that respondent paid all
the hospital and medical expenses. She is therefore entitled to reimbursement. The records
adequately prove the expenses incurred by respondent for the deceaseds hospitalization, medication
and the professional fees of the attending physicians. 24
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition is DENIED. The assailed decision of the Court of
Appeals dated December 14, 1995 is AFFIRMED.