Deliverance From Toronto Curse
Deliverance From Toronto Curse
Deliverance From Toronto Curse
A close friend who is very well known locally, informed me a few years
ago about a number of his close friends who got involved in the Toronto.
They wanted to get the “IT” because they said they needed it. His contacts
in Newcastle are quite substantial and he usually knows what going on and
were. He would inform me of people he knew very well and what happened
to them. Marriages that suddenly got into difficulty. People with health
issues. One individual who he had not seen for months and met casually on
the high street, Informed him that he had just come out of mental health
ward. Some had suffered from depression. The common denominator was
their involvement with the Toronto. I cant give you exact numbers or details.
It could also be argued that these issues could have been there before their
involvement. But if the Toronto was genuine then you would expect to see
some form of Healing and restoration. The long term involvement has done
nothing for such cases. Like a local pastor who was carrying on an
adulterous relationship with someone in his congregation. Quite often it is
what should happen that is not being seen. As my friend explained many of
those who got involved were close friends and suddenly they refuse to hear.
Friendships were broken.
I have also heard of Testimonies from People who needed to be delivered
after their involvement. I am also aware that this movement has affected
people differently. Some more harmful than others. Individuals who I am
aware were involved at the time, have never shown any greater spiritual
benefits from their involvement. If anything it is status quo.
Dear Friends,
They say what goes around comes around, and that is certainly true of the
so-called Florida Revival under Todd Bentley. Having watched the shenanigans
on the „Godless‟ channel, I am painfully and sharply reminded of my own
experiences whilst embroiled in „Toronto‟, and can only thank my Lord afresh
for opening my eyes to this gross deception, and, in His grace and His mercy,
leading me out and putting me back on the path of His choosing for me once
again. The enemy had sought to draw me off that path and onto a path which
would have ultimately led to death and destruction; I thank God so much that
he did not succeed.
There are many parallels and links between that and what is currently
happening in Florida. People are being deceived yet again. The flames of the
false anointing of Toronto died down, but now the enemy of our souls has
fanned them, and they are flaming once more. This is nothing less than false
Truly, truly, my friends, we are living in the Last Days. The Bible warns us of
these things in Matthew 24: 11 & 12, and in verse 24. Oh, how important it is
that we do what our Lord advises us in verse 13!
Amos 5:10 is certainly true for those of us who oppose these things and who
stand for truth - at best we experience defensiveness, and at worst, downright
hostility. Nevertheless, we need to continue to stand for that truth and to keep
our eyes fixed on Him, the Leader and the Source of our faith, allowing nothing
and no-one to distract us.
As I see this false revival gaining momentum, I am reminded once again of
our Lord‟s admonitions in the following passages: Matthew 7: 15 - 23 2
Corinthians 11: 3 & 4, 13 - 15.
In His love and service,
My involvement with Toronto first started in July 1994. At that time, I was in
a paid position of leadership in the Anglican church I attended, and on the
church Staff Team.
In July 1994, the leadership of many churches in west London received an
invitation to attend a meeting at a certain church in Acton, west London, which
was a Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) church plant. The purpose of this meeting,
the invitation letter explained, was for people to hear about and experience for
themselves what was described as the „new move‟ of the Holy Spirit happening
at the Airport Vineyard Church, Toronto and being known to some as the
Toronto Blessing. The letter stated that various members of HTB had recently
returned from Toronto and wanted to share all they had learnt there and then
pass it on in ministry afterwards.
Several of us in leadership in my church, including myself, attended. I
remember at the time feeling very excited because, if this was, as was being
claimed, a new move of the Holy Spirit, then I wanted to be part of it and to
experience everything that was on offer. Others in our party were a lot more
careful and cautious in their approach.
We arrived at the church where the meeting was to be held to find it full -
there were no spare chairs. Someone hastened to find some for us, and
meanwhile, the meeting started. There was a great sense of excited anticipation
in the air; so tangible was it, that it was almost electric in effect.
At that point, our chairs were brought to us, but owing to lack of space in the
church, the members of our party could not sit together. We were therefore
separated and given chairs in various locations round the church. I remember I
was sitting in the aisle, at the end of a row, and very near the front.
The meeting started with praise and worship before the various people who
had been to Toronto were brought to the front, and introduced, the notable
exception being Sandy Millar, Leading Minister at HTB. Every person at the front
was exhibiting various unusual manifestations such as jumping up and down
like pogo sticks, jerking, laughing, convulsing, etc. As you can imagine, it was
very difficult for these people to speak, and so the testimonies they gave were
somewhat disjointed, to say the least!
Each person said that it was a „new thing‟ that God was doing, that it was a
new move of the Holy Spirit, and that it was an empowering and anointing for
ministry. We were then told that the time for ministry had come, and so, having
invited the Holy Spirit to come, the various members of HTB and its associated
churches began to move amongst the congregation, laying hands on all they
could reach.
As I had a prominent position in the aisle, I was one of the first to have
hands laid on me. Immediately, I went down on the floor, seemingly with some
considerable force, and began to roll around on the floor, laughing
uncontrollably. I seemed to be filled with an exceedingly great joy, which I felt I
could hardly contain.
After some considerable time, during which I had been unable to stop rolling
around on the floor laughing uncontrollably, I tried to get up and return to my
seat. However, I felt very groggy and unsteady and could only manage to
clamber halfway into my seat. As I did so, someone came up to me, laid hands
on me and said, „Give her more, Lord, give her more!‟ I went down onto the
floor once again, and the whole process of rolling around and laughing
uncontrollably started once again. Altogether, this experience happened seven
times in total - each time I tried to get up from the floor, someone would come
along, lay hands on me, utter the now familiar words, „Give her more, Lord!‟,
and off I would go again.
Two particular occasions stand out in my mind as I remember that night and
this particular meeting. On the first occasion, I had just had hands laid on me
for the third or fourth time and had fallen on the floor. As I lay there, I was
aware that my skirt had ridden up, and was somewhere around my waist,
exposing my person in somewhat indecent fashion. However, in comparison to
what was happening, this seemed so very trivial that I could not be bothered to
put my skirt down. All I did was lie there, laughing uncontollably. Then someone
came along and tugged at my skirt to pull it down and make me decent. At this
point, I glanced up and saw that the person pulling my skirt down was none
other than Sandy Millar. For some reason, I found this uproariously funny, and
laughed the harder and the louder. I remember seeing, at the same time that
Sandy Millar pulled my skirt down, that various people in the congregation were
either lying down shaking and laughing, or staggering around, holding onto
articles of furniture to stop them from falling as they went.
On the second occasion, I remember having clambered onto a pew, where I
lay laughing and shaking uncontrollably. Once again, someone came up to me
and repeated the now very familiar words, „Give her more, Lord, give her
more!‟ Whereupon, I fell off the pew and onto the floor, where I lay
uncomfortably wedged between my own pew and the one in front, having
uncontollable hysterics yet again.
Eventually, it seemed, the meeting ended. By this time, my vicar and the
local Baptist minister had come over to me and were quite literally pulling me
up off the floor. I could hardly stand, and was falling, staggering and flopping
about like someone who had had too much to drink. It was very obvious to my
vicar and the Baptist minister that there was no way that I could walk unaided,
and so of one accord, they took one arm each, and supporting me on either
side, half led and half carried me out of the church. I was laughing
uncontrollably still, but as we left the church, I glanced round to see what was
happening. Some people were still lying on the floor laughing and shaking, and
others were staggering drunkenly about. Yet others stood with vacant or
bemused expressions on their faces as though wondering what to make of it all.
Meanwhile, we were going out through the church doors and into the car-
park. Still, the two leaders were half carrying me, and when we got to my
vicar‟s car, they had to open the back door and deposit me like a sack of
potatoes on the seat. None of the others, I noticed, had been touched in the
way I had. I remember thinking, „Poor things - they HAVE missed out!‟
When we got back to the block of flats where we live, I was helped out of the
car and to the main entrance. I remember I could not open the door, and our
next door neighbour‟s son, who happened to be standing just inside, saw me
and opened it for me.
He made an exclamation of astonishment and said I had obviously had too
much to drink! I remember at this point thinking how grateful I was that our flat
was on the ground floor, otherwise I would never have got up the stairs - our
block of flats has five floors, and the local council has not seen fit to install a lift!
I staggered into our flat and into the sitting-room, where my husband was
sitting watching television. He looked up at me as I entered, a look of
amazement and astonishment dawning on his face. „Are you drunk?‟ he
asked. „I thought you had been to a church meeting!‟ For some reason, I
found this remark highly amusing, and collapsed on the settee, laughing
uncontrollably. My poor husband! He just did not know what to make of it all,
and was very perturbed. Eventually, not being able to get any sense out of me,
he went to bed, leaving me to it. I remember, during one bout of hysterical
laughter, glancing at the wall-clock and seeing it said 2am. I must have fallen
asleep sometime after that because I awoke, around 5am in the morning, in a
stiff and awkward position on the settee. I still felt groggy, as though it was the
morning after the night before. Before I became a Christian, I had had a drink
problem, and used to get drunk almost every night of the week on a bottle of
wine or several strong beers. This experience seemed no different, except of
course, that I had had no alcohol!
After that initial meeting, it was as though I could not get enough of Toronto.
Toronto was like a drug to me, and I needed my „fix‟. The more I had, the
more I wanted. I couldn‟t do without it. It was like being on a permanent
„high‟. When I had been to a Toronto meeting and had been forward for yet
another anointing, the effects on me were similar to when I had dabbled with
drugs, especially cannabis, in the years before I had come to know the Lord.
Cannabis had given me a light, floaty, dissociated feeling, and this was the
same, except I didn‟t have to pay for it!
One particular meeting, out of all the Toronto meetings I attended, stands
out in my mind. This was the Times of Refreshing Conference at HTB in 1995,
and at which Nicky Gumbel was taking one session. I remember, I was sitting
with my friend Mandy just in front of the recording desk, when I began to jerk
and shake and jump up and down from my chair. I didn‟t seem able to stop
myself, despite holding tightly to the back of the chair in front of me. The next
thing I knew, I was jumping higher and higher each time. One or two others, I
noticed, were doing the same.
At this point, Nicky Gumbel stopped speaking and said, „There are people
here that God wants to anoint for a ministry of evangelism!‟ He beckoned for us
to come forward, which we did, I being the first to reach the front. Nicky
Gumbel laid hands on me and prayed for me, whereupon I collapsed in a heap
on the floor. Later, at that same conference, John and Eleanor Mumford from
the sw London Vineyard Church led a session. There was no preaching or
teaching - instead it was mostly Eleanor Mumford sharing her testimony of how
she had brought the Toronto Experience over from the Toronto Airport Vineyard
Church (as it was known then).
It was following this that Sandy Millar stepped forward and asked all present
(over 1,000) to take their chairs, and stack them up against the walls so that
ministry could begin. This having been done, he then invited the Holy
Spirit to come. Immediately, order flew out of the window and complete and
utter pandemonium reigned - people began falling like ninepins, including
myself, laughing, screaming and making various animal noises as they went.
Various anointings for various ministries were announced as the meeting
progressed, and there was total chaos as people tried to make their way to the
places where the various anointings were taking place, pushing their way
through the sea of bodies lying prostrate on the floor jerking, convulsing, rolling
and shaking. It was at this point that I experienced some stirrings of doubt and
misgiving, but I quickly pushed them away and went off to receive my anointing
or yet another ministry.
A few days after the Times of Refreshing Conference, I received a letter from
a lady whose ministry I supported. She was writing in response to a word of
knowledge I had had for her, and was sharing how that word had been
pertinent to her circumstances at that time. She had enclosed with her letter
various news and prayer letters from several ministries, including her own and
those of Prophetic Word Ministries and Moriel. All, without exception, were
about the Toronto experience, saying it was not a blessing at all, but a
deception and a delusion and an alien spirit.
When I look back, I cannot think of any reason as to why this lady saw fit to
send these news and prayer letters except that the Lord had laid it on her heart
to do so. Much as I admired the ministries of those who had sent them, I had
great difficulty in accepting what they said about Toronto. The lady whose
ministry I supported recommended a tape by David Noakes, so I wrote to him
requesting a copy. Meanwhile, I was determined to know the truth of the
matter, so I took a day off work and went for a walk by the river in Putney.
Here, I found a quiet spot to prostrate myself before the Lord and to ask Him to
show me whether these people were right or wrong in what they were saying
about Toronto. I didn‟t want them to be right, but at the same time I knew I
needed to come into truth - Biblical truth - about the matter. I never thought to
look at the Scripture references these ministers gave and check them for
The following day, I had the day off work anyway, and decided I would go to
Clapham Junction to do some shopping. I was going down Lavender Hill, when I
noticed a Christian bookshop called Cornerstone.
I went in and immediately noticed a section of books on Toronto - unusually,
books WARNING against it, not promoting it! One particular booklet, entitled
„No Laughing Matter‟ by Stanley Jebb, particularly caught my eye. I picked it
up, and began to look through it.
At that point, the proprietress of the bookshop came over and asked if she
could help me. I asked her about the booklet, and she said she could really
recommend it, as it went into great detail, with relevant Scripture references
provided, to point out the dangers of the Toronto Experience.
I told the proprietress that I had been heavily involved in Toronto, and that I
was trying to discover the truth of the matter as it seemed it might be different
from what I had been led to believe. As difficult as it might be, I told this lady, I
was duty-bound to find GOD‟S truth on the issue. The proprietress urged me to
take away the booklet and to look up the Scripture references therein for
myself. Meanwhile, she told me, she would pray for me, and ask the Lord to
bring me into truth.
The next day was the day my church‟s Intercession Group met. The four of
us in the group met as usual, and began to bring our church, its leaders,
ongoing issues etc. before the Lord, and to seek His face.
After a break in prayer, the Pastoral Worker at the church said that the
leadership of the church were considering sending our vicar to Toronto, and
were going to bring it up at the next meeting of the PCC. The PCC meeting was
a few days later.
I could not keep quiet, and told the others that I was having second
thoughts about Toronto, and that perhaps we should therefore reconsider the
decision to send our vicar to Toronto. I then showed the other members of the
group the materials I had been sent.
With one exception, my suggestion was met with derision and scorn. „Who
DID these people think they were?‟ they said. „How DARE they criticise a
mighty move of God!‟ And I was just as bad for even CONSIDERING that they
could be right!
We continued to pray, but I found it very difficult, as I no longer felt I was of
one mind with the others in the group, and that we were praying at cross-
purposes. Nevertheless, I soldiered on. It was then that the Lord gave me a
picture of a broken down stone wall of the sort that are common in Derbyshire
and the Peak District.
I brought this picture before the group and we asked the Lord what it meant.
However, He seemed to be saying that He would show us later, so we left it
there and continued to pray.
Upon returning home, I found that the postman had been and that I had
received David Noakes‟ tape. David had been to Toronto in October 1994 to
experience what was happening there and to report his findings, and this
was the tape recording what he had found there. I settled down to listen to it.
As David shared, I began to realise, through a witness in my spirit, that this
was indeed the truth of the matter, and that Toronto was indeed a delusion and
a deception. As David gave Scriptural references to back up what he was
saying, I checked them for myself and found them to be true. (Up until this
point, I had never checked the Toronto experience with the Word - rather, I had
just yielded myself up to it and had chased one new experience after another).
Then a phrase that David used caught my attention. „The walls of
scripture are being broken down’, he said.* Immediately, the picture of the
broken down stone wall came back to my mind, and I knew instantly that this
was that to which it referred. The Toronto proponents were taking Scripture out
of context and were making it fit the phenomena, instead of rightly testing it
against the Word.
David went on to say that, in his experience, anyone caught up in Toronto
inevitably needed ministry because of the strong, very dark spirits behind it. I
was very perturbed, and after praying, I wrote to David Noakes explaining the
fact that I had been heavily involved in Toronto, but now come out of it, and
asking him to pray for me.
Meanwhile, I had returned to Cornerstone, the Christian bookshop in
Clapham Junction, where Ulrike, the proprietess, suggested I have ministry to
cut me free from the Toronto spirit. I told her that I had written to David
Noakes, whom she knew, asking him if he might minister to me and that I was
awaiting his reply. She told me that she knew someone who would minister to
me if I did not want to wait to see David.
As the days went by, I became increasingly friendly with Ulrike and her
husband Brian, who owned and ran „Cornerstone‟. Ulrike took me under her
wing, and, like a mother of Israel, began to lead me in the way of truth
concerning not only Toronto, but other false teachings as well. She also
introduced me to „Intercessors for Britain‟, under whose auspices at the time
that I began to attend the Ladies‟ Prayer and Bible Days which were then at
Westminster Chapel and led by Pat Hughes, Patricia Gordon and Gay Hyde.
On my second visit to the Ladies‟ Prayer and Bible Days meeting, I was
chatting to Ulrike during the lunch break when Patricia Gordon came over to us.
Ulrike introduced me to Patricia, and told her about my involvement with
Toronto. Patricia then asked if I had had ministry to set me free. I told
Patricia that I was awaiting ministry with David Noakes, but she lovingly but
very firmly assured me that there was no time like the present, and that she,
Pat Hughes and Gay Hyde would minister to me after the meeting. She went on
to add that David Noakes, whom she knew and regarded very highly, would not
mind at all, saying that the Lord had provided the opportunity for me to have
ministry and that I should therefore make the most of it.
Before ministry began, Pat and Gay asked me some very searching questions
such as, what had Toronto done for me, what good had come from it and
whether, as many claimed they did, I had a greater hunger for God‟s word.
Their penetrating, but nevertheless very necessary, questions made me
realise that in fact the very opposite was true. Instead of having a greater
hunger for God‟s Word, I actually found it very difficult to pray, much less open
my Bible. I honestly had not been aware of this until these three dear and very
Godly ladies confronted me with it, so caught up had I been in chasing various
spiritual experiences.
The three ladies first of all led me in a prayer of repentance after which, my
having renounced my involvement with Toronto, proceeded to cut me free from
the Toronto spirit. As they did so, I can only describe what then occurred as a
heaviness going, a feeling of a large and very heavy blanket being lifted and a
fog dispersing. It was as though I could see clearly again!
Later on, I did see David Noakes for ministry as the Lord had showed me
that for me, Toronto was just the tip of the iceberg. Previous to becoming
embroiled and entangled with Toronto, I had been involved in other false
teaching and deceptive practices such as Restorationism and Name It and Claim
It and realised I needed ministry in order to be released from the detrimental
effects of these teachings. I saw David Noakes and his prayer partner in
January 1996, and in the ministry that followed, I was wonderfully and
gloriously cut free from the roots of all the deceptive practices and teachings I
had taken on board in the past.
Since coming into the truth concerning Toronto and my subsequent ministry,
I have had such a desire to walk in truth and holiness before the Lord, and to
set no unclean thing before me. Nothing less than this will do. Since then there
has always a „check‟ in my when something is not of God, even though there
are occasions when I cannot find the reasons why in my Bible.
The Lord has also made it very clear to me that, having come into truth and
having been set free (Gal. 5:1) that I am no longer to go to churches or
associate myself with ministries where Toronto and indeed other false
teachings, are promoted and accepted. This has meant that I have had to leave
my previous church where I had worshipped for seven and a half years. Toronto
was in evidence there, as well as other false teachings such as Replacement and
Dominion theology to name but two.
I thank God that, in the midst of this, He promised me that He had
„prepared a place for me, a place where I would continue to be nurtured and
fed and where the things that were now dear to my heart were practiced and
taught.‟ In June 1996, he led me to this place, a little independent chapel in nw
London where the teaching is sound, the ministry balanced and without
excesses and where I received a warm welcome and became part of a close-knit
church family. I AM used of the Lord there, but not in any of the supposed
„anointings‟ I received when I was caught up in Toronto. I got nothing from
these „anointings‟, despite all their promises of equipping for ministry. Instead,
I still have the gifts I have always had since being baptised in the Holy Spirit.
Sally Richardson June 2006
11 years on, and I am still at the same independent fellowship that the Lord
led me to in 1996. It is a precious little fellowship where the things of God are
faithfully taught and where the truth of Scripture is paramount. I am reminded
that it was at Shavuot (Pentecost) 11 years ago that I first attended a service at
this little church, and it was Shavuot last weekend. I owe so very much to the
Lord, and am grateful too for those dear folk who prayed for me and helped me
to come out of deception. Sadly, although our church has been extremely
careful to uphold Biblical practice and teaching, much of the church has not, and
in the last 11 years, I have seen error and deception proliferate and multiply.
The Lord has spoken to me much out of Ezekiel 13. Read it for yourself and
you will see how relevant and pertinent it is to the situation in much of the
Church in these days. When I look at verse 5, which reads YOU HAVE NOT
OF THE DAY OF THE LORD, it reminds me of David Noakes‟ warning on that
tape I listened to all those years ago where he said that the walls of Scripture
were being broken down.* Much of the church is in ruins because of false
teaching, false prophecies and deceptive practices, and yet they seem unaware
of their wretched state. People tell me that Toronto is over, but it has surely left
its legacy. So too, will the latest fads and teachings that many are so taken
with, the latest being Purpose Driven.
I can only pray for those caught up in false teaching and deception and
especially pray that He might open their eyes and bring them out as He brought
me out. Will you join me?
Sally Richardson
UK 07867 793253
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