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Bajko Paul Adela 1970 Poland ECC

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Bel Air,



Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing of
Christian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language Spiritual
Material and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland Relief Ministry
to Poland Training Foreign Students #New Testaments and Bibles
to Poland and Kiissia Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian and
Ukranian Languages Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners by
Correspondence Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies
Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America

Paul Bajko, Directo:

January, 1970.
Dear Friends?

During a watchnight service on December 31, 1^9, I heard the testimony of

a man with a very sick wife.

He said: "People wish me a better 1970 year, but I say, why better,


was a good year and if the Lord will bless me in 1970 like He did in
I will be very happy".


At that time I thought about myself and our work.

During the Christmas season we received many Christmas cards from


all over the world with best wishes and assurances that they pray for us.
At this time Dela, my wife, said: "Paul, I know that th5 Lord is blessing
us and we have it so good, because people pray for us."

We received over 300 cards and many are still

coming. If so many

pray for us -and I know that there are many more who do it also - we

expect God's blessings.


On our part we want to do our best for the Lord,

The year 1969 was one of the best in our lives: God gave us
good health,
we had an abundance of food, as a family we served the Lord and
had so
much to do in the Lord's Kingdom, that the days were flying with unnoticeable speed.
In addition to our activities, the account of which you will find
in the
minutes of the Advisory Committee, I was able to visit Poland,Czechoslova
kia , Belgium, France, Germany and other places with the Gospel of Christ.
Financially, the Lord blessed the Department of Missions above expectation
- God's people gave $ 51,934.63 toward the Lord's work, which were used

in a most careful and wise way for supporting the work in Poland, nrinting,
publishing, radio, shipping, etc.

For 1970 we have a few new projects and we trust that with the Lord's help,
all will be fulfilled as planned.

By this I would like to express ray sincere appreciation and thanks

your prayers, support and love, and ask you to continue to do so in


The house of worship

of the newest congre
gation in Poland.
Kostek Jakoniuk

his father are



stering there.


Paul Baiko

Director -

1. Office work - answered hundreds of letters concerning work and hundreds

of letters written to radio listeners and preachers.
2. Promotion - oublished newsletter every second month, slides, pictures &
displays were sent to many churches.

3. Publication - oublish regularly monthly 20 pages Polish magazine; 3,000

chorus books! 3,000 song books? 4,000 Life of Christ,vis.
and New Testament Heroes Visualized.

4. Bibles & N.T. - Bought 500 Russian Bibles, hundreds of N.T,, 200

Cze -

choslovakian Bibles and hundreds of Polish Bibles.

5. Sent out - all above mentioned literature and Bibles to Poland, Czecho
slovakia and other countries.

6. Relief ministry - shipped 400 packages of used clothing to needy fami

lies and TTiany packagTes with medicine.
7. Radio ministry - from Monte Carlo broadcast every Monday 15 minute pro
gram, there are thousands of listeners. Due to


ness of Bro, VTinnik, I had to prepare 12 programs.


8. Work in Poland - a/ regular support to 20 preachers. Reported


in every place.

b/ support of youth camps which resulted in 33 responses

to the Gospel invitation.
c/ bought 1 house of worship and renovated 2.

d/ bought prcfeesional tape recorder and musical instru

ments for youth.

9. Trip to Poland and Czechoslovakia was the greatest success.

10. College - taught one course in Mission, took part in administrative and
faculty meetings, and performed other duties.
11. Support of work in U.S. - Slavic Church of Christ, Baltimore; Church
of Christ, Wilmington, Del.; Eastern Christian
college; Fairfield Christian Church, Pa, and
student scholarship,

12. Speaking - a/ led 7 Faith Promise Rallies with success, b/ visited and
preached in 35 churches, c/ attended and preached at Na
tional Missionary Convention, d/ preached at 6 Missio nary Rallies, e/ Many souls responded to the Gospel in




with Christians in Poland

Adam Korenczuk minister of the Slavic Church of Christ. -

Bro*' Adam Korenczuk reported about the wonderful progress of the work


Baltimore.,. Xn_addition to the regular services, the church had festivals of

Christian music and Christian song, two special films for the youth.


programs and a Daily Vacation Bible School.

By the decision of the elders and deacons and approval of the congregation,
beginning Jan. 1, 1970, the Church became self-supported.

The radio program which was sponsored by the Church, from Jan. 1st will be
sponsored by the Department of Missions, so all funds designated
to the
Slavic Church and Adam will be applied toward the Russian-Ukrainian radio

program, the cost of which is over $ 2,500.00 per year.

Boleslaw Wlnnik, radio ministry -

Bro. Winnik reported that despite his illness in 1969, during which he spent almost 3 months in hospital and bed, he was able to prepare 40 radio
programs, sent to Poland 545 packages with literature, 703 packages to Cze
choslovakia, answer hundreds of letters and visit many churches.
He is also assisting Adam Korenczuk at the Slavic Church of Christ.

Dela Balko -

Dela edited 10 issues of Polish magazine, translated many songs, packed over 400 packages of used clothing, acknowledged all contributors, answered
hundreds of letters from Poland and other countries, and took
an active
part in all activities of the Slavic Chutch, in the Zolotai Club
of the
College and Bible study groups.



$ 16,195.00

Salaries for Staff

Paul Bajko
Boleslaw Winnik
S. Security and B.Cross
Polish Ministry
Polish preachers
Buildings in Poland
Polish literature & post.
Radio and relief




Supplies and postage

Telephone and insurace
Secretary and bookkeeping 1,820,00


Car service, fuel & ins.

News letters & conventions


New projects: radio time in Baltimore,

poem books, new song
books, etc.


Bel Air,



Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing of
Christian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language Spiritual
Material and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland Relief Ministry

to Poland Training Forei^ Students New Testaments and Bibles

to Poland and Russia Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian and
Ukranian Languages Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners by
Correspondence # Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies
Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the UnitedStates of America

Paul Bajko, Director

3 0 W70
March, 1970
Each day brings a new challenge and new opportunities to serve



We could write a long story for each day of the past 2 months, but I would
like to share only some of the more important events of our work.
1, The Faith Promise Rally with the West I^nsing Congregation in Lansing,
Mich, where Bro. W. Klages is the minister. In my last 6 years experien ce with at least 50 Faith Promise Rallies, this was the first one that la
sted 8 solid days. Each day was different - fellowship with missionaries,
preachers, students of Great Lakes Bible College, Campus ministry and each
night services. The spirit was building up each day and finally manifested

in great commitment time when around $ 14,000 was commited by faith to the
World-wide ministry. The goal was ecxeeded by over $ 5,000. It proves how
much dedicated Christians can do to His cause and how faith is victorious.

During the past two months I also spoke and preached about mission at the
Bryn Mawr Church of Christ, McKeesport, Pa., Christian Church, Mather,Pa.,
First Christian Church, Vlaynesboro, Pa.-and Mountain Christian Church, Bel
Air, Md.
2, The new Book of Poems.

It is customary for the young people in Poland to prepare special services

with youth participating and often directing those services. They

from the regular worship services, for there is usually prepared a special
program, which consists of choir numbers, special numbers in song, poem recitations, dialogs and often a Christian drama.
In the past years we received many requests from the young people for ade
quate material for such services and we promised them that we will do so
mething about it. Alas, there is just the two of us and the days have only
24 hours. We tried to help the young people by printing in each edition of
"The Guidepost" a couple of poems, a new song, and sometimes a dialog for

1 -

presentation during such youth programs. But we always wanted to do more


that particular field. Finally our dream came true and in February of 1970
with God's help we were able to publish a book of poems written by Dela.
The book contains poems for all occasions in the life of the Church, it con
tains also poems for adults as well as for the children.
The new books are on their way to Poland, Czechoslovakia and other countries,
and we believe that the poems will prove helpful and a blessing to the people
behind the Iron Curtain.

3. New houses of worship.

Additional support in the amount of $ 3,000 was sent to Poland in order to

complete the errection of houses of worship. We are happy to report that this
year there will be at least

3 special dedication services in Poland. 1 re -

ceived quite a few letters with invitations to take part in those services.
4. New organ to the Warsaw Church.
We purchased and shipped a new organ to the Warsaw Church of Christ. It will
be the first and only organ in our churches in Poland, /other churches
pianos, because it is impossible to get organs in Poland/.
5. Teaching at the College /both of us/, visiting people in Baltimore,corre
spondence, writing articles, translations, sending out literature.
etc. take lots of time also, so we can not complain on unemployment. We ha
ve to work many times about 16 hours a day, but this is our life.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to all of

regular contributors and those who help us partially. God's resources
unexhoustable when His children put trust and confidence in Him






"Dear Bro. Bajko! In January this year we had a special Bible training cou
se for Christian workers in B.P. The weather was very bad and due to hea
vy snow it was 5 days longer than normally scheduled because nobody was able
to return home. But it was a glorious time and we thank God for it. T.L.".


1'Dear Brethren: I got up the courage to write to you. If it is possible from

your side, please send me the Life of Christ, the New Testament Heroes, vis.
and other literature. But above all, I would like to ask you to send me your
Polish magazine "The Guidepost" regularly. I borrowed it from one of my clo
se friends and I would like to tell you that the contests of your magazine
are excellent with great emphasis on the spiritual side of man. People bor
row your magazine from each atibther and often one has to wait 3 months
his turn. Therefore I would like to have my oWn. May the Lord bless you. Am','

"Dear FriendsJ We thank you that you sent Bro. Bajko, who spent in Czechos
lovakia few days with us preaching the Gospel last Summer. We had a great time with him and we want to see him again in our country with the great
ssage from the Word of God. Brethren from H.S."

"Dear Friend Preacher! I would like to inform you that it is my great privi
lege to listen to your religious program "The Voice of Truth". I have
listening to it for 2 years and I thank God for it. God's Word is
our hearts. Your songs are so beautiful that it is hard to describe.If it Ijs
possible, please send me your song books, so our son could learn and
teach us. Also, if it is possible, please send us New Testaments in Russian,
Polish and Czechoslovaklan languages, which we would like to give to some of
our neighbours who would like to have the Word of God. Russian neighbour co
mes often to listen to your program.
I would like to tell you that I am a male nurse in the hospital in the psy -

chlatry vard and each time your program is on the air, I turn on the


and all the patients listen to it and ejijoy it very much and it helps


in their condition. I would like to telil you that you are doing a great work
for the Lord, and may the Lord bless yotu richly. O.M.".





"1 am sure many Christians across thisj land are interested in my work.


cause I still have difficulty with my English and I can not answer properly

to those who write to me, I would lik^j through this letter to share with you

news about ray work which is entrusted; to me by the Department of Missions


which I try to fulfill conscientiously and properly.

The first part of ray ministry is the ijadio programs which bring blessings to
thousands of listeners

who are scattered in many places throughout


Europe. We receive the news that man3| of our listeners quit their jobs ear
lier so they would not miss our prografm. People like not only the message
but also the Christian music which is touching their hearts.
The second part of my ministry is the distribution of Christian


We receive hundreds of letters from ojir radio listeners who ask to send them
Bibles, song books. Life of Christ, New Testament Heroes, the Guidepost -Po

lish monthly magazine, phlanelograph jnaterial, etc.

In order to meet all these requests I sent out each week about 500 pieces of
requested material. The request is sq great that the Department of Missions
has to repeat our publications every several months. Thousands of
penetrate into Eastern Europe bringii^g blessings and joy to many people.
New contacts are made and souls are Won for Christ.

The third part is the correspondence* We give attention to each letter


sonally and in this way many souls a^e also led to Christ.
Briefly,thiswhat I do. Please remember me in your prayers. Bro. Winnik."

"Dear Bro. Bajko! I wrote you several letters inviting you to Poland


year. We expect to have quite a few gatherings in: Warsaw, Bielsk-Podlaski &
Muratyn. You are the one who invested over $ 15,000 in building these places

of worship and we want you to be wilf:h us during the dedication services.

You helped us not only in this way but in many other ways - songs translated

by your wife and published by you a^e sung not only in our churches, but
every denomination including the Roman Catholic church.

Book of Acts, Polish magazine, clotjhing, medicine etc.

You do so much for us in Poland that even it is hard to count everything.
We know that you love us and we pray that the Good Lord will bless you.
Please come!

Brother P. Bajenski."

4 -


Life of Christ,vis.


C/^n44Uciit 0aUe^
Bel Air,



ovff mmunY:
Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing of
Christian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language Spiritual
Material and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland Relief Ministry
to Poland Training Forei^ Students New Testaments and Bibles
to Poland and Russia Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian and
Ukranian Languages Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners by
Correspondence # Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies
Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America

Paul Bajko, Director

May, 1970
Dear Friends:

The time flies fast. Till just a few days ago we did not realize that alrea
dy 10 years have passed of our intensive work in producing Christian litera
ture - especially to Polish people in Poland as well as to those who


outside of Poland like? Czechoslovakia, Germany, France, Belgium, Holand,Ca

nada, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, England,
U.S.A., etc.

This year we have already published,as you know,a new book of Poems entitled
"The Guideposts" which has already reached many people in Poland and
countries. Now we are preparing the second r>art of the Chorus Book with mu-

We receive many words of anpreciation from many countries. Although we

not expect praises and recognitions, knowing that all work is done for
glory of God and we just use our talents in building the Kingdom
od God,
nevertheless such letters encourage us and inspire us for an even

By the response, we know that our work is not in vain, and that the


hours of work are fruitful.

We realize that without God's heln and blessing, without your prayers
financial support we alone will not be able to achieve anything. Therefore
we thank you very, very much for everything you do for us and we ask you to
continue to labor with us for the glory of God,
We are happy to receive wonderful reports about the work in Poland and about

their plans for this Summer - especially in the work among young people.


will help them financially and also by supplying them with a new Chorus Book
and other material.

The work in Baltimore is progressing nicely since the church became

selfsuporting, and we thank God for that witnessing of the Slavic Church to many
who do not know Jesus in Baltimore.

Bro. Winnik is very busy in producing Radio programs and is constantly


ding out packages of literature to radio listeners and those who request it.
Such requests come in hundreds.
In addition to teaching and many other activities I am away almost
weekend with the message from God's Word and challenge for missions,



Due to many requests for an explanation concerning the editorial of Mr. B.J.
Hargis in his paper "Christian Crusade Weekly", of March 22.70, I would li
ke to publish in this news letter my answer to Mr. Hargis' editorial.I think
it is self explenatory.

"Dear Mr. Hargist With great regret I read your editorial of March 22,1970,
in which you quoted a part from my article to the "Christian Standard"
commented that my statement is hard to believe "in light of the evidence ga
thered by Mr. Voronaeff".
You never noticed that your editorial contradicts the statement of Mr. Voro

naeff. Please read in your "Christian Crusade Weekly" March 22,1970, his ar
ticle on page 6, "Deception"! "It is not very much an effort or problem

visit Poland... You do not have to smuggle Bibles into Poland either; they
can be bought openly in stores. Churches are being built openly... From Co
mmunist countiry to another Communist country there is a vast difference in
the attitude of the Communist government toward religion,"
mien I wrote my article I wrote from facts because I was in Poland last su
mmer and I preached there and saw the work, Mr. Voronaeff himself writes about "a vast difference" in the communistic countries, Dhat the reason


hind the freedom which exists now in Poland is not for me to question, but
as Mr, Voronaeff states there is freedom - you can buy Bibles openly, build
buildings of worship and preach the Gospel. As long as there is freedom we
shall preach, and the Lord is blessing the effort. People in Poland need the
Gospel of Christ as people in any other nation. I am sure that Mr. Voronaeff
did not find an "underground church" in Poland for there is no need for such,

By questioning publicly the truthfulness of my article you only put a

light on yourself, showing that you are completely ignorant of the situation
in Poland, and that the purpose of your paper is not truthfulness but slan
der \Aich does not befit a Christian. Sincerely yours, Paul Bajko,"





Dear Friendss I am happy that the Lord called you to serve Him, Much effort
and energy is used in such service, but you should know that your labor is
not in vain - it brings fruits. Your songs speak to our hearts and
those ^o are perishing. Your Polish magazine does its own great service.
It goes from house to house, and many young and old, children and sick find
food for their souls. May the Lord bless you richly that you may go on this
great ministry and that you might be a great fisherman who will catch many
for His Kingdom. I received 5 copies of your song book, we need more.Also,
I would like to ask you to send me several copies of the wonderful books of
Life of Christ, vis., and New Testament Heroes. This material reaches chil
dren for Christ. May the Lord bless you, P.R. Czechoslovakia."
"Dear Bro. and Sister Bajko! I greet you in the name of the Lord. I would
like to write to you and ask you for your magazine and song books. At the
present time, I am in Holland, far from my country and I feel lonesome. Ma
ny times I would like to cry. I do not have anyone whom I know and there is
no church. In times like these your literature brings the blessing to me.
Today by reading your articles and singing songs I felt that I am not alone,
I know that my Lord is with me. Please pray for me. A. Z. Holland"
"Dear Brother in Christ! I thank you for the 15 songbooks. It is a great
help and joy to us. Your songbooks "ONE SONG" and "Heavenly Sunshine" en
rich not only the repertory of our choir but also our souls. They draw us

closer to God. Last summer we sung from your songbooks not only in Czecho
slovakia but In Austria in Welfare Homes and special camps. There were Ger
mans, Austrians, Americans and many other nationalities. Alhough they did
not understand the words, they were very happy to listen to the


melodies. Please send us your magaizine and Bibles. Pastor R. Czechoslovakia"



"Dear and beloved Brothert I greet you in the name of our Redeemer. I thank
you very, very much for your care for us. It is hard for us to understand
the sacrifices and efforts you make for us here in Poland but we know that
you do it because of the love of our wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Being surrounded by such care and love from your side, we feel secure
blessed. We try to do our best in vanning souls for Christ in this

field. I do not know how we can replay you. We pray about you all the


and would like to see you among us; again. Yours, T.L. Poland."


"Beloved in our Lord Jesus Christ! 1 am writing to you, because we listen

to your program "The Voice of Truth
We are so glad, that during the week
we can also hear the Word of God, /ifor it is 40 km. to the church/.
sermons are very instructive and ex' tiortary. We can be glad and. rejoice that
God sent His Son that we may be fre B from punishment and the hell. We thank

God for His love and the strength tbatHe gives His children. There is


much joy in Him, but so many people prefer rather the world with its sin.

Jesus is still calling for us to come to the Living Waters, but people


sitate and they do not know how gopji it is to live with Jesus. We would li

ke to get better acquainted with you and we would like to ask you for


Christian literature. Entering into| this New Year we wish you and all the

servants of God many God's blessin^^ and fruits from your labor. T.L."

"Let God be glorified! I am very interested in your religious program


which I listen regularly. When I listen to your program it seems to me that

I am in the church. Your programs give me spiritual strength. You announce

religious literature. If it is possible, please send me a Bible and

literature which tells about Jesus Christ. I am still young - only 15
old, but I like to listen to religious broadcasts and I like to read
Jesus. I will not be able to repay you for the literature and Bible,

but I will be praying for you. I.O;"

"Dear Brethren Missionaries: I am listening to your programs constantly and

I tell others about it. I am very Iwppy that I can hear the Word of God.
Please send me a Bible and other Christian literature. G.A."

Bel air,




Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing of
Christian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language Spiritual
Material and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland Relief Ministry
to Poland Training Foreign Students New Testaments and Bibles
to Poland and Russia Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian and

Ukranian Languages

Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners by

Paul Bajko, Director

Correspondence Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies

Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America

July, 1970
Dear Brethren:




to share with you again the blessings and victories in the mini

stry for the Lord.

I just






for the last six months and

found that I:

1. preached in 15 churches and brought


18 messages.

took part in 11 Missionary Bailies, where I spoke 26 times.

held 5 successful Faith Promise Rallies where I brought 34 messages.
was the missionary speaker in one Service Camp.
during those services we witnessed 8 responses to the Gospel invitation.

During the same time wes

1. edited and published each month the Polish magazine.

2. sent out ovet 300 packages with literature.

3. publishe^a new songbook and book of poems, and repeated the publication

of two previously published songbooks.

taught at the college.
visited people and worked with the Slavic Church in Baltimore.
wrote and answered countless amounts of letters here and from overseas.
sent support and relief to preachers and brethren in Poland

Dela,my wife,in addition to her secretarial work at the Department of Mission!

1. taught German at Eastern Christian College.

2. wrote and edited a poem book with 88 poems.

3. translated, edited, wrote music, and typed a new songbook with


songs and choruses.

4. took an active part in the work of the Slavic Church by teaching

day School, singing in the choir, and playing in the orchestra.


5. packed over a hundred packagejs of used clothing to be sent to Poland.

Bro. Winnik, with unfading energy:

1. regularly prepares the Polish radio programs which bring wonderful re


does the follow-up work through correspondence.

sends out many packages of spiritual food to Poland,Czechoslovakia



other countries.

4. took part in a few missionary rallies and visited churches.

5. helps with the work in Baltimore.
The work in Baltimore, under the leadership of Bro. Adam Korenczuk, is progre*
ssing. The Church meets and even exceeds, the budget approved by the congre gation.



seven additions by transfer.

The church has a very active youth

group which has its own programs and special services with films. Special
programs like the Christian S6ng Festival, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Eas

ter, etc. are inspiring all of the people.

I would like to also mention that God is blessing our home with visitors who
are interested in our work, and it is our privilege to share, with all
visit us, our blessings in the work of the Lord.

Brother and Sister George Bajenski visited us twice and we had great fellow
ship with them. George spoke at the Slavic Church, at Eastern Christian

llege, and in other area churches. We| also had a good discussion concerning
mutual ministry in Poland. Our churches in Poland and the youth anxiously
wait George's return by next summer if the Lord is willing.


Bro. A1 Hamilton, director of Mission Services, spent two days with us, prea

ching in the Slavic Church, on his wa^ to Poland where he will stay

for 20

days visiting our churches and preaching in the youth camp.






report, I would like to share with you the


matters also.

1. During the six month period from January to June we re

ceived from churches, groups, and individuals

$ 28,000.00

2. At the same time expenditures are as follows:

a/ Living link support for Paul Bajko, Boleslaw Winnik,
secretarial and bookkeeping, social security, hos-

pitalization and insurances

b/ Funds sent to Poland /support for 22 preachers,
buildings, camps, etc./
c/ Travel expenses
d/ Office supplies
e/ Promotion - newsletters

$ 10,655.00
$ 11,170.72
$ 1,531.57

f/ Polish literature to Poland and Czechoslovakia

g/ Radio ministry
h/ Scholarship, etc.




All this work is done because of your sacrificial giving and your prayers
our behalf. Thank you very, very much. P.Bajko


+ 4--I- + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

We just received letters and pictures from Kostek. Above, you see the great
service during which they dedicated the house of worship of a newly establi
shed church where Kostek lives. Here are some lines from his letter?

"Beloved Brother and Sister Bajko: We thank you for remembering us. We
how much heart you put in the work here in Poland. Again, we received your
songbooks. Some were kept for the camp and many other were distributed in our
churches and among individuals. The Life of Christ and New Testament Heroes
are a great help in our Sunday School.

On May 10th, we had a great service in our place. We had over 200 people.


thank God that now we have our own house of worship thanks to you and the Bre
thren there. We are very busy. We expect guests including Bro. A1
whom you recommended to us. We will welcome him and keep him busy here
us in churches and camp. We are looking forward to two Christian Service Camps
this summer. We expect many young people. Please greet all the Christians in

America and thank them for their reme^rance and prayers."



"Dear Brethren.


I would


its great spiritual

On the

like to thank you for the last package with song-


popularity everywhere, because in addition to

depth, your

songbook contains songs for every occasion.

last Lord's Day, we liad ordination service during which we sang

from your book "Day by Day",

"It's Not an Easy Road", and

"So Send I You"^

Those songs moved listeners to tears. Thank you very, very much for your
great ministry. B.P."



"We received your



letter and thank you for your greetings, gift, and for

I am moved

very much by your love toward us and I do not

know how to express my appreciation.

I cried from joy when I started to

count everything that you do for us here. We really do not deserve that
attention as individuals, but we know that you do it because you love the

Lord, His cause and the work of Churches of Christ here is upon your heart,
and you help us to proclaim the Gospel and win souls for Christ. May the
Lord bless you and reward you greatly. M.K."



"I greet you with the peace of our Lord. I am a faithful listener of your
programs, "The Voice of Truth". It is wonderful. I would like to ask you
to send

me a Bible

with large

letters, because I am an invalid and it

hard to read small print. Your broadcasts are strengthening us and I

God for them. May the Lord bless you. W. St."




Bel A[r,



o m MfNfsmr;
Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing of
Christian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language Spiritual
Material and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland Relief Ministry
to Poland Training Foreign Students New Testaments and Bibles
to Poland and Russia Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian and
Ukranian Languages Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners by
Correspondence # Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies
Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America

Paul BajkO} Director

September, 1970
Dear Friends!

The Summer is almost gone. I am sure that all our friends had good time and
are back home from vacations.

We had very short vacation, only one week, but we thank God that we had ve

ry good rest for several days before starting our heavy schedule of activi
ties again.

During the summer months Lord richly blessed our workJ

The new chorus book, which we published in June, reached Poland in time


be used in the camps for the youth and it brougth to them great blessings.
There were 13 decisions for Christ in the Youth camp in Poland.
Bro. A1 Hamilton rendered great service to our churches and youth in Poland.

The Rock Lake Christian Assembly under the leadership of Bro. M. Harrel and
other faculty members will be never forgotten in my life. I was there
evening evangelistic-missionary speaker and Bro. R. Barter the morning mis
sionary speaker. There was not a single day without decisions for Christ.
Out of 66 Seniors 44 stepped forward - some for dedication of their
for specialized service, others to rededicate their lives for Christ and se
veral made confession and were immersed

into Christ.

Lake James School of Mission and Cumberland Christian Camp Meeting, where I
took part was also a great blessing to me.

During the summer I also preached in many churches, spoke twice at Indian
Christian Service Camp and was able to attend the North American Christian

Convention just for one day because of our busy schedule. It was so good to
meet so many friends at N.A.C.C.

I worked with the church In Baltlmt^re and preached there In the absence
Bro, Adam Korenczuk.


Dela led a very successful D.V.B.S. at the Slavic

Church with an averaga of 50 "street children" attending.

Again many visitors went through our home during the svmtmer and it was


blessed privilege to have them In c|ur home and share with them our ministry.
Our whole family is fine.

where she entered as a

August 23rd we took Yvonne to Kllllgan



We miss her at home and at the church where she taught children in the Sun
day School for several years, played organ, sung in the choir and
in the orchestra. But we are happy that she went to prepare herself for even greater ministry in the future and we are sure she will not miss the o-

pportunity to serve the Lord even tlhere at Mllllgan College.





"Dear Bro. and Sister Bajko! Let mie express my appreciation and thanks in
the name of all preachers and Christians in Poland to you as the servant of

the Lord and the Gospel of Christ who put your hearts in the great work for

Christ in our country. We all see j^our sacrifice and dedication and we he

re really appreciate it. Maybe many times we ar not able to express

properly, but we know that God sees everything and He will reward you great

Once more I would like.to thank you for the material support for our prea
chers which enables us to preach and also for the help in rebuilding
building of houses of worship like fn Ifarsaw, Bielsk-Podl., Muratyn, Blalogard, Siemlatycze, Szeszyly, Olsztyn and many other places.
Also we thank you for a beautiful organ which you sent to the
Church in
Ifersaw. Please greet all Christian friends there and my son George. Yours,

"Dear Friends? I just returned from W. where I saw at my friend's


package just received from you. Tha^ package contained your books? Life of
Christ, vis.. New Testament Heroes, vis., song books, Polish magazine and a
book of poems. What a treasure this is! I never saw such wonderful spiritual
material in my life. If it is possible I beg you to send me at least one co
py of each so I can use it in my parish and teach children about Jesus
His blessed hope from your books. Please do not refuse my petition. Priest L.

R Begin ing in late June, Iwasprivleged to






spend 20 days in the country of Poland

an evangelistic tour at the invitation


our Brother Paul Bajko.

Bro. Bajko arranged with the brethren in Po
land to meet me and set up the plans for my
work during the 20 day visit. I was met at
the airport in Warsaw,by a very enthusiastic
and kind group, and began a most
experience of service for our Lord in Poland
on June 11,

The first 10 days were spent in services in

various churches and homes in north and then south Poland. Although the peo
ple were very sad that Brother Bajko could not come, they greeted and
ceived me with every Christian kindness as an amba^dor for Christ.
It was more wonderful than can be described, how the brethren worked with me
to interpret my messages and discussions. Kostek Jakoniuk of the North
land area, and Emanuel Prowers, a young man 19 years of age in South Poland
and at the youth camp, did a very good job interpreting.
I taught lessons on Doctrine, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, conversion, etc.in
homes, at churches, and at the 8 days of service camp. On the Lord's Day of
July I2th, the entire camp youth and faculty gave me a lovely send off
America. We gathered at a resturant in Lidzbark, North Poland, and I vras pre

sented with a bouquet of flowers and gifts as reminders of our wonderful

Christian fellowship.

At the end of this visit I can recall that 9 young people made decisions for
Christ in the camp and the brethren seemed to feel that the very busy
tiring schedule of preaching had been a benefit to them all,
I dearly loved the church in Poland, and will always be grateful
church at Savannah, Georgia /Central Christian, who paid my fare to Poland/,
and to Paul Bajko for helping the Lord to make this trip possible. As Bro.
Bajko stated, there was much fellowship, teaching and joy experienced by us
all, very little sleep and much spiritual enrichment during that fast 20 day
visit to the brethren in Poland, A1 Hamilton "

Bro, Hamilton was a great inspiration

for our people in Poland, His name is
mentioned in almost every letter refrom Poland and



Especially warm words
thanks and appreciation we received
from the youth. They love him and say:
"We thank you for sending us uncle Al".

The title "uncle" from the youth of the age 16-25 is a great privilege,
means that they love him very much, P,B.




"Dear Friends in Christ; How wonderful it is to be a child of God, Our Chri

stian family is so great, wherever we go there are open hearts and doors and
for this we praise our God and thank Him.

8 months of our travelling, visiting churches, preaching, singing and wit

nessing for our Lord here in U.S. are over. God has safelly led us through,
and soon the day of our departure for Poland to continue our ministry there
will come. We are looking for\rd to that day, but still there are


things that we are concerncdabout, and for this reason we ask you to remember
us in your prayers as we both are preparing for this ministry.
One thing that we are concerned about, and so much depends from it - is our
financial situation. We are still short on our living - link funds and there
are not adequate funds for our Camp in Poland and other mission projects.
Therefore we would ask you to remember us in your prayers and your financial
help. Christians in Poland are waiting for us, because there is so much to
do, nevertheless they work with double strength. We are receiving good
ports about accomplishments and victories for Christ. Especially the
Service Camp program was so succesful. They need your prayers. George B."
We were very happy to have George among us again. He preached for us at the
Slavic Church of Christ Sunday morning Aug. 30th. Then a group of Christians

from Baltimore came to our home for fellowship and we had at the end a great
singspiration and made a special tape for the Polish youth.
Also we spent several hours in discussion about work in Poland. George is an
xious to return to Poland by next spring to serve the Lord in his country especially among the youth. Any assistance given by Christians in this coun
try to him will be appreciated very much. George and his wife Vera will attend Lincoln Christian College this year before returning to Poland. P.B.


Bel Air,



o m MfNfsmr;
Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing of
Christian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language Spiritual
Material and MoralSupport of Preachers in Poland Relief Ministry
to Poland TrainingForei^Students New Testaments and Bibles
to Poland and Russia Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian and
Ukranian Languages Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners by
Correspondence Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies
Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the UnitedStates of America

Paul Bajko, Director

November, 1970

Although in each newsletter our program is outlined under the title "Our Mini
stry" nevertheless I would like to introduce to you our working force and de
scribe their activities.

I was called in 1954 by Eastern Christian Institute in Orange, N.J. to estab

lish the Department of Missions in order to train students fofmissionary acti
vities and to carry the Gospel of Christ around the world. With great joy I
can say that God is with us and indeed the Gospel of Christ goes around

1. I teach Mission at E.C.C. and many students who took missions are missio
naries and preachers.
2. I speak at many Missionary Rallies, churches, Youth gatherings, Christian
Service Camps and Conventions and many young souls were challenged



their lives for specilized service and now serve on many mission fields.

Ve started the Slavic work in Baltimore and assisted in the est:ablishment

of the new congregations in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania.

4. I am the editor of a Polish Christian Magazine which reaches 30 countries
and goes as far as Australia, South Africa and each State in U.S. where Polish
people live.
5. We published Life of Christ, vis.. Book of Acts, vis. and severat editions

of Polish song books with music, from which people sing in Poland, Russia,Cze
choslovakia, Germany, Belgium, France, England, U.S. and many other countries.
6. We send Bibles and New Testaments to Poland, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Ruma
nia and other countries.


We support in Poland 26 preachers and 3 students who study theology.

We build and rebuild houses of worship, sponsor youth camps, send musical

instruments, medicine and clothing.


1 -

9. We broadcast the Gospel of Christ each Monday to Poland and other European
countries and also sponsor another broadcast in Baltimore, which sends the me
ssage of Christ to Russian and Ukrainian people each Sunday in the area of Ba

10. We answer thousands of letters from radio listeners, truth seeking peop
le, preachers, etc.
11. I made three missionary tours to Poland Czechoslovakia and other
Euro pean countries.

12. We raise over $50,000 per year for all our missionary activities. The De
partment of Missions is financially independent from Eastern Christian College.
We also raise our own living - link support.
We thank God for faithful supporters, who are our co-laborers in this work.
Many responses in confession and baptism, rededications etc., testify that our
work for the Lord is not in vain.

Hundreds of

letters from Poland and


countries,expressing appreciation,are our rewards.

Htere are just a few sentences from Bro. BajenskiJ "Dear Bro. and Sister Bajko.
How good it is to know that you remember us in your prayers and not
only in
prayers but also in your actions. The new houses of worship in Warsaw, Bialogard, Muratyn, Bielsk Podlaski and the buildings rebuilt in Siemiatycze, Szeszyly, Olsztyn and other places stay as memorials of your work. Your faithful
support of all of us, of the youth camps, giving us an organ etc.,all this te
stify about your love and concern. The Church of Christ in Poland is indebted
to you and the Christians in America who help us to carry the message of Christ"

ADELA BAJKO works in the Department of Missions

the begining.


She is the author of the Polish poem book


"Drogo -




She translated and compiled A song books with music

^ song book without music of which at least 20,000
copies went behind the Iron Curtain.

She translates and writes each month articles


poems for our Polish magazine and does the general cor-

rection of it.
A. She teaches German at Eastern Christian College.
5. She packs hundreds of packages of clothing for needy people in Poland and South America.

6. She works in the Slavic Church and is n the charge

of the D.V.B.S.


She writes many letters to Poland and does secretarial work for the Depar

tment of Missions

It will be hard to publish all letters which we receive

in connection


her ministry but here are just few words from one preacher: "Dear Brother and
Sister in Christ. Thank you very, very much for remembering me, and for sending

me your wonderful poem book and song books. I read many poems in my life, but
yours are connected with life, nature and the Lord and speak to the heart.
wish I can have such gift like you. You bring blessing to all of us through

your work and I know that everyone who will take in the hand your work will be
lifted up spiritually. May the Lord bless you richly. W.B."

ADAM KORENCZUK is one of those who were brought to

United States from Argentina by the Department
Missions to be trained for the ministry.
He received training at Eastern Christian College &

Milligan College and joined us In the work





minister of the Slavic Church of Christ in 1961.


The work in Baltimore among Slavic people was started in 1960 by us with the help of two Polish
students whom we brought from Poland to be trained for
native ministry - George Bajenski and Kostek Jako-

The Slavic Church of Christ is very(uniqu^ and it is

the only Church of its kind in our Brotherhood



Under the leadership of Bro. Adam Kore^czuk the Sla

vic Church now is self-supported and has 35 members.

1. Bro. Adam preaches each Lord's Day in Russian and English, but the
ces are in Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and English languages.



He produces and directs a Russian - Ukrainian broadcast each Lord's Day,


He leads the Church choiT,

The Church has an orchestra,


He teaches voice and leads the choir at Eastern Christian College.


The church has a well organized youth group from which 6 young


are studying in Colleges and Universities and 4 young men are in the
forces of


this country.

7. T';e Church has each year

special programs like song festival, music fe
stival, harvest day, special New Year, Easter, and Christmas programs. Daily
Vacation Bible School for children from the streets, and special films



The Church in Baltimore is a shining light for many.

We thank God for Bro. Adam Korenczuk and his faithful ministry

The Slavic Church of Christ is located at 5 South Broadway.

The services

are! Prayer meeting - Saturday at 5 IW. Worship and Sunday School Sunday
10 AM.



came from Poland to United States

in 1967 in order to take over the radio ministry of the g

Department of Missions.
Even in Poland Bro. fTinnik, as one of our faithful ministers, was associated with us. Through him we

able to publish our first song book with music directly

in Poland in 1957, and also he was in charge of

tian literature there.



At the present time:


He is the producer of our Polish programs which

broadcast through the Monte Carlo station each



to thousands


He does the follow up work by correspondence.

He sends out thousands of copies of literature


radio listeners and to those who ask for it.

As of his last report in the time since he came to the

States he sent out over 30,000 pieces of Christian li
terature and wrote over 3,000 letters. Here is a letter from one of those who

benefits from this ministry: "Dear Bro. Winnik. Thank you for sending us won
derful song books, which all of us, old and young, here in Poland sing,Also we
thank you for your great radio program. He need messages like yours. It helps
us to grow spiritually and also it stirs many to accept Christ. Please
nue your fruitful ministry. Yours, P."





In 1968 the Department of Missions called into existance the Guidance Committee,

At the present time this committee consists of 10 members? 2 from the Depar
tment of Missions; 2 from the Eastern Christian College and 6 preachers.
The Committee meets once a year in September in order:


To hear reports about the activities of the Department of Missions*

To approve the budget for the next year.


To make recommendations.


To be aqualnted with the total program and work of the Department



of Mis-

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