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LABOR LAW Bar Questions


- VI (5 Points)

Bar Exam Questions in Labor and Social


Procedurally, how do you stay a decision,

award or order of the Labor Arbiter? Discuss

-I(5 Points)

- VII (5 Points)

a. What



a. May the NLRC or the courts take
compromise agreements/settlements
involving labor matters?

b. What, if any, is the basis under the

Constitution for adopting it?
- II (5 Points)

b. How sacrosanct are statements/data

made at conciliation proceedings in
the Department of Labor and
Employment? What is the philosophy
behind your answer?

a. Discuss the statutory restrictions on
the employment of minors?
b. Maya househelp be assigned to nonhousehold work?

- VIII (5 Points)

- III (5 Points)

Discuss in full the jurisdiction over the civil and

criminal aspects of a case involving an unfair
labor practice for which a charge is pending
with the Department of Labor and

a. Discuss the types of illegal recruitment
under the Labor Code.

- IX (5 Points)

b. In initiating actions against alleged

illegal recruiters, may the Secretary of
Labor and Employment issue search
and arrest warrants?

Discuss the legal requirements of a valid


- IV (5 Points)

-X(5 Points)

4. Explain

Discuss briefly the instances when noncompliance by the employer with a

reinstatement order of an illegally dismissed
employee is allowed.

a. The Globe Doctrine.

b. The Community of Interest Rule.

- XI (5 Points)

-V(5 Points)


May non-lawyers appear before the NLRC or

Labor Arbiter? May they charge attorney's fee
for such appearance provided it is charged
against union funds and in an amount freely
agreed upon by the parties? Discuss fully.

a. A rule, when is retirement due?

b. When
underground miners?



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

- XII (5 Points)

- XVIII (5 Points)


Inday was employed by mining company X to

perform laundry service at its staffhouse. While
attending to her assigned task, she slipped
and hit her back on a stone. Unable to
continue with her work, she was permitted to
go on leave for medication, but thereafter she
was not allowed to return to work. She filed a
complaint for illegal dismissal but her employer
X contended that Inday was not a regular
employee but a mere househelp. Decide.

a. How do you execute a labor judgment

which, on appeal, had become final
and executory? Discuss fully.
b. Cite two instances when an order of
execution may be appealed.
- XIII (5 Points)

- XIX (5 Points)

May a decision of the Labor Arbiter which has

become final and executory be novated
through a compromise agreement of the

Cite five grounds for disciplinary action by the

Administration (POEA) against overseas

- XIV (5 Points)

- XX (5 Points)

AB, single and living-in with CD (a married

man), is pregnant with her fifth child. She
applied for maternity leave but her employer
refused the application because she is not
married. Who is right? Decide.

AB, a non-resident American, seeks entry to

the country to work as Vice-President of a
local telecommunications company. You are
with the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE). What permit, if any, can the DOLE
issue so that AB can assume as VicePresident
company? Discuss fully.

- XV (5 Points)
Some officers and rank-and-file members of
the union staged an illegal strike. Their
employer wants all the strikers dismissed. As
the lawyer, what will you advise the employer?
Discuss fully.

-I1. What is the purpose
legislation? 2.5%



2. What is the concept of liberal

approach in interpreting the Labor
Code and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations in favor of labor? 2.5%

- XVI (5 Points)
A carpenter is employed by a private university
in Manila. Is the carpenter a regular or a
casual employee? Discuss fully.

3. What property right is conferred upon

an employee once there is an
Discuss briefly. 5%

- XVII (5 Points)

- II -

P.D. 1508 requires the submission of disputes

before the Barangay Lupong Tagapamayapa
prior to the filing of cases with the courts or
other government bodies. May this decree be
used to defeat a labor case filed directly with
the Labor Arbiter? Discuss fully.

Wonder Travel and Tours Agency (WTTA) is a

well known travel agency and an authorized
sales agent of the Philippine Air Lines. Since
majority of its passengers are overseas
workers, WTTA applied for a license for
recruitment and placement activities. It stated

LABOR LAW Bar Questions

in i.ts application that its purpose is not for
profit but to help Filipinos find employment

Inday hired you as her counsel. In preparing

the position paper to be submitted to the Labor
Arbiter, explain the standards of due process
which should have been observed by Herrera
Home in terminating your client's employment.

Should the application be approved? 5%

- VIII - III -

The modes of determining an exclusive

bargaining agreement are:

Can an overseas worker refuse to remit his

earnings to his dependents and deposit the
same in the country where he works to gain
more interests? Explain. 5%

a. voluntary recognition
b. certification election

- IV c.
For humanitarian reasons, a bank hired
several handicapped workers to count and sort
out currencies. Their employment contract was
for six (6) months. The bank terminated their
employment on the ground that their contract
has expired prompting them to file with the
Labor Arbiter a complaint for illegal dismissal.
Will their action prosper? 5%

consent election

Explain briefly how they differ from one

another. 5%
- IX Armstrong Corporation, a foreign corporation,
intends to engage in the exploration of
Philippine natural resources. Mr. Antonio
Reyes offered the forest land he owns to the
president of the corporation. May Armstrong
Corporation enter into a financial and technical
assistance agreement (FTAA) with Mr. Reyes
to explore, develop, and utilize the land?
Explain. 5%

-VCan an employer and an employee enter into

an agreement reducing or increasing the
minimum percentage provided for night
differential pay, overtime pay, and premium
pay? 5%

-X- VI ABC Tomato Corporation, owned and

managed by three (3) elderly brothers and two
(2) sisters, has been in business for 40 years.
Due to serious business losses and financial
reverses during the last five (5) years, they
decided to close the business.

1. When is there a wage distortion ?

2. How should a wage distortion be
3. Can the issue of wage distortion be
raised in a notice of strike?Explain.

1. As counsel for the corporation, what

steps will you take prior to its closure?

- VII -

2. Are the employees

separation pay? 2.5%

Inday was employed by Herrera Home

Improvements, Inc. (Herrera Home) as interior
decorator. During the first year of her
employment, she did not report for work for
one month. Hence, her employer dismissed
her from the service. She filed with the Labor
Arbiter a complaint for illegal dismissal alleging
she did not abandon her work and that in
terminating her employment, Herrera Home
deprived her of her right to due process. She
thus prayed that she be reinstated to her



If the reason for the closure is due to old age

of the brothers and sisters:
1. Is the closure allowed by law? 2.5%
2. Are the employees entitled
separation benefits? 2.5%
- XI -


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

As a result of bargaining deadlock between
ROSE Corporation and ROSE Employees
Union, its members staged a strike. During the
strike, several employees committed illegal
acts. The company refused to give in to the
union's demands. Eventually, its members
informed the company of their intention to
return to work. 10%

3. A 15-year old girl working as a library

assistant in a girls' high school.
4. A 16-year old girl working as a model
promoting alcoholic beverages.
5. A 17-year old boy working as a dealer
in a casino.

1. Can ROSE Corporation refuse to

admit all the strikers?

- XV -

2. Assuming the company admits all the

strikers, can it later on dismiss those
employees who committed illegal

As a condition for her employment, Josephine

signed an agreement with her employer that
she will not get married, otherwise, she will be
considered resigned or separated from the

3. If due to the prolonged strike, ROSE

Corporation hired replacements, can it
refuse to admit the replaced strikers?

Josephine got married. She asked Owen, the

personnel manager, if the company can
reconsider the agreement. He told Josephine
he can do something about it, insinuating
some sexual favors. She complained to higher
authorities but to no avail. She hires you as
her counsel. What action or actions will you
take? Explain. 5%

- XII During their probationary employment, eight

(8) employees were berated and insulted by
their supervisor. In protest, they walked out.
The supervisor shouted at them to go home
and never to report back to work. Later, the
personnel manager required them to explain
why they should not be dismissed from
employment for abandonment and failure to
qualify for the positions applied for . They filed
a complaint for illegal dismissal against their


As a Labor Arbiter, how will you resolve the

case? 10%
- XIII 1. Can a "no-union" win in a certification
election? 2.5%
2. When does a "run-off" election occur?

As Human Resources Department (HRD)

manager of EZ Components, an
unorganized manufacturer of electric and
electronic component for household
appliances, you are suddenly confronted
with demands for recognition and
collective bargaining negotiations from
two competing labor unions. They both
claim to represent all the rank and file
employees. Union A is led by a moderate
faction, while Union B is affiliated with a
militant federation identified with leftist
Which of the following courses of action
should you take to best protect to interest
of your company and employees?

- XIV -

a. Recognize Union A as the rightful

bargaining representative because
it will be more reasonable to deal
b. Recognize Union B because you
do not want to antagonize its leftist
connections and foment interunion conflicts.
c. Ignore the demands of either
union since you cannot be

Determine whether the following minors

should be prohibited from being hired and from
performing their respective duties indicated
hereunder: 5%
1. A 17-year old boy working as a miner
at the Walwaldi Mining Corporation.
2. An 11-year old boy who is an
accomplished singer and performer in
different parts of the country.

LABOR LAW Bar Questions

compelled legally to deal with
them at this stage; or
d. Petition the Bureau of Labor
Relations to conduct a certification
election to determine which union
really represents the majority of
the employees in the bargaining



Little Hands Garment Company, an

unorganized manufacturer of childrens
apparel with around 1,000 workers,
suffered losses for the first time in history
when its US and European customers
shifted their huge orders to China and
Bangladesh. The management informed
its employees that it could no longer
afford to provide transportation shuttle
services. Consequently, it announced that
a nominal fare would be charged
depending on the distance traveled by the
workers availing of the service.

Please explain your answers briefly.

2. Mariano Martillo was a mason employed
by the ABC Construction Company. Every
time that ABC had a project, it would enter
into an employment contract with Martillo
for a fixed period coincided with the need
for his services, usually for a duration of
three to six months.

Was the Little Hands Garments Company

within its rights to withdraw this benefit
which it had unilaterally been providing to
its employees? Select the best answer(s)
and briefly explain your reason(s)
a. Yes, because it can withdraw a
benefit that is unilaterally given;
b. Yes, because it is suffering losses
for the first time;
c. Yes,
management prerogative which is
not due to any legal or contractual
d. No, because this amounts to a
diminution of benefits which is
prohibited by the Labor Code;
e. No, because it is a fringe benefit
that has already ripened into a
demandable right or entitlement.

Since the last project involved the

construction of a 40-storey, Martillo was
contracted for 14 months. During this
period, ABC granted wage increases to its
regular employees, composed mostly of
engineers and rank and file construction
workers as a result of the just concluded
CBA negotiations. Feeling aggrieved and
discriminated against, Martillo and other
demanded that the increase be extended
to them, inasmuch as they should now be
members of the bargaining unit.



1. During the open forum following your

lecture to a group of manager and HRD
personnel, you were asked the following



perpetrators to a penalty
of life imprisonment and
a fine of at least
Is the commission of an
unfair labor practice by
an employer subject to
criminal prosecution?
How are the portability
provisions of Republic
Act No. 7699 beneficial
or advantageous to SSS
and GSIS members in
terms of their creditable
employment services in
the private sector or the
government, as the case
may be, for purposes of

If you were ABCs legal

counsel, how would you
respond to this demand?
How is a project worker
different from a casual or
contractual worker?

Briefly explain your answers.


1. Antonio Antuquin, a security guard, was
caught sleeping on the job while on duty at
the Yosi Cigarette Factory. As a result, he
was dismissed from employment by the
Wagan Security Agency, an independent

LABOR LAW Bar Questions

contractor. At the time of his dismissal,
Antonio had been serving as a watchman
in the factory for many years, often at
stretches of up to 12 hours, even on
Sunday s and holidays, without overtime,
nighttime and rest day benefits. He
thereafter filed a complaint for illegal
dismissal and non-payment of benefits
against Yosi Cigarette Factory, which he
claimed was his actual and direct

of P300,000.00. The program had been airing

for almost two years when sponsors
advertising revenues dwindled, constraining
the network to cancel the show upon the
expiration of its latest contract with Ms. Vartan.
discontinuance of her monthly talent fee,
claiming that it was tantamount to her illegal
dismissal from the network since she has
already attained the stats of a regular
a. As the networks legal
counsel, how would you
justify its decision to
program which in effect
terminated her services in
the process?
b. As counsel for the talkshow, how would you
argue your case?

As the Labor Arbiter assigned to hear

the case, how would you correctly resolve
the following:
a. Antonios charge of illegal
dismissal; and
b. Antonios
2. Mans Weto had been an employee of
Nopolt Assurance Company for the last
ten (10) years. His wife of six (6) years
died last year. They had four (4) children.
He then fell in love with jovy, his coemployee, and they got married.

During the open forum following your lecture
before members of various unions affiliated
with a labor federation, you were asked the
following questions:

In October this year, Wetos new wife

is expected to give birth of her first child.
He has accordingly filed his application for
paternity leave, conformably with the
provisions of the Paternity Leave Law
which took effect in 1996. The HRD
manager of the assurance firm denied his
application, on the ground that Weto
argued that he has a new wife who will be
giving birth for the first time, therefore, his
entitlement to paternity leave benefits
would begin to run anew.

a. Araw ng Kagitingan and Good

Friday are among the 10 paid
regular holidays under Article 94
of the Labor Code. How much will
an employee receive when both
holidays fall on the same day?
b. May a rank and file employee,
who is not a member of the union
representing his bargaining unit,
avail of the wage increases which
the union negotiated for its
c. Under what conditions may a
schedule be legally authorized as
an exception to the eight hour a
day requirement under the Labor

a. Whose
correct, Weto or the HRD
b. Is
maternity leave benefits?

State your







Marlyn Vartan is a well-known radio-TV

talkshow host. She signed a contract with XYZ
Entertainment Network to host a one-hour
daily talk show where she interviews various
celebrities on topical subjects that she herself
selects. She was paid a monthly remuneration

A group of employee in XYZ Factory belonging

to a religious sect, in conformity with the
teachings and dictates of their religion, refused
to join the labor union in the factory. The labor
union was able to negotiate a substantial wage
increase in its collective bargaining agreement

LABOR LAW Bar Questions

with the management. A provision therein
stated that the wage increase would be paid to
the members of the union only in view of a
closed shop union security clause in the new
agreement. The members of the sect
protested and demanded that the wage
increase be extended to them. The officers of
the union countered by demanding their
termination from the company pursuant to the
closed shop provision in the just-concluded

He invited her to spend the night with him

in his rest house. She politely declined.
Undaunted, Mr. Winkle renewed his
invitation, and Carissa again declined. He
then warned her to watch out because
she might regret it later on. A few days
later, Carissa found that her third and last
rating was again below average.
Carissa then filed a complaint for sexual
harassment against Mr. Winkle with the
DOLE. In his counter-affidavit, he claimed
that he was enamored with Carissa. He
denied having demanded, much less
received any sexual favors from her in
outstanding rating. He also alleged that
the complaint was premature because
Carissa failed to refer the matter to the
Committee on Decorum and Discipline for
investigation and resolution before the
case against him was filed. In her reply
affidavit, Carissa claimed that there was
no need for a prior referral to the
Committee on Decorum and Discipline of
her complaint.

a. Is the CBA provision valid?

b. Should the company comply with
the unions demand of terminating
the members of the religious sect?
1. Ricky Marvin had worked for more than
ten (10) years in IGB Corporation. Under
the terms of personnel policy on
retirement, any employee who had
reached the age of 65 and completed at
least ten (10) years of service would be
compulsory retired and paid 30 days pay
for every year of service.

Resolve the case with reasons.

Ricky Marvin, whose immigrant visa to the

USA had just been approved, celebrated
his 60th birthday recently. He decided to
retire and move to California where the
son who petitioned him had settled. The
company refused to grant him any
retirement benefits on the ground that he
had not yet attained the compulsory
retirement age of 65 years as required by
its personnel policy; moreover, it did not
have a policy on optional or early


Taking up the cudgels for Ricky Marvin,

the union raised the issue in the grievance
machinery as stipulated in the CBA. No
settlement was arrived at, and the matter
was referred to voluntary arbitration.

1. Odeck, a policeman, was on leave for a

month. While resting in their house, he
heard two of his neighbors fighting with
each other. Odeck rushed to the scene
intending to pacify the protagonists.
However, he was shot to death by one of
the protagonists. Zhop, a housemaid, was
Odecks surviving spouse whom he had
abandoned for another woman years
back. When she learned of Odecks death,
Zhop filed a claim with the GSIS for death
benefits. However, her claim was denied
because (a) when Odeck was killed, he
was on leave; and (b) she was not the
dependent spouse of Odeck when he

If you were the Voluntary Arbitrator, how

would you decide? Briefly explain.

Resolve with reasons whether GSIS is

correct in denying the claim.

2. Carissa, a comely bank teller, was due for

her performance evaluation which is
conducted every six months. A rating of
outstanding is rewarded with a merit
increase. She was given a below
average rating in the last two periods.
According to the banks personnel policy, a
third rating of below average will result in
termination. Mr. Perry Winkle called
Carissa into his new office a few days
before submitting her performance ratings.

2. Maryrose Gandas application for the

renewal of her lcense to recruit workers for
overseas employment was still pending
with the POEA. Nevertheless, she reruited
Ala and her three sisters, Ana, Joan and
Mavic, for employment as housemaids in
Saudi Arabia. Maryrose represented to the
sisters that she had a license to recruit
Maryrose also demanded and received
P30,000.00 from each of them for her

LABOR LAW Bar Questions

services. However, Maryroses application
for the renewal of her license was denied,
and consequently failed to employ the four
sisters in Saudi Arabia.

wanted to get rid of him because it

required him to take a neuropsychiatric evaluation test by Mahusay
Medical Center. RS said he already
submitted the result of his evaluation
test by Brent Medical Clinic as
precondition to a new assignment, but
the report was rejected by the Agency.
RS added that Mahusay Medical
Center had close ties with Stars
president. It could manipulate test to
favor only those guards whom the
Agency wanted to retain. Star
defended its policy of reliance on
Mahusay Medical Center because it
has been duly accredited by the
Philippine National Police. It is not one
of those dubious testing centers
issuing ready-made reports. Star cited
its sad experience last year when a
guard amuck and shot an employee of
management prerogative in assigning
its guards, and prayed that RS
complaint be dismissed.

The sisters charged Maryrose with large

scale illegal recruitment. Testifying in her
defense, Maryrose declared that she acted
in good faith because she believed that
her application for the renewal of her
license would be approved. Maryrose
adduced in evidence the Affidavits of
Desistance which the four private
complainants had executed after the
prosecution rested its case. In the said
affidavits, they acknowledged receipt of
the refund by Maryrose of the total amount
of P120,000.00 and indicated that they
were no longer interested to pursue the
case against Maryrose.
Resolve the case with reasons.
Kitchie Tempo was one of approximately 500
Semiconductors, Inc., an export-oriented
enterprise whose business depended on
orders for computer chips from overseas. She
was hired as a contractual employee four
years ago. Her contracts would be for a
duration of five (5) months at a time, usually
after one-month interval. Her re-hiring was
contingent on her performance for the
immediately preceding contract.

What are the issues? Identify and

resolve them.
B. A spinster school teacher took pity on
one of her pupils, a robust and
precocious 12-year old boy whose
poor family could barely afford the cost
of his schooling. She lives alone at her
house near the school after her
housemaid left. In the afternoon, she
lets the boy do various chores as
cleaning, fetching water and all kinds
of errands after school hours. She
gives him rice and P30.00 before the
boy goes at 7:00 every night. The
school principal learned about it and
charged her with violating the law
which prohibits the employment of
children below 15 years of age. In her
defense, the teacher stated that he
work performed by her pupil is not
hazardous, and she invoked the
exception provide in the Department
Order of DOLE for the engagement of
persons in domestic and household

Six months after the expiration of her last

contract, Kitchie went to HITECs personnel
department to inquire why she was not yet
being recalled for another temporary contract.
She was told that her performance during her
last stint was below average
Since there was no union to represent her,
Kitchie seeks your advice as a labor lawyer
about her chances of getting her job back.
What will your advice be?

Is her defense tenable? Reason.

A. RS, a security guard, filed a complaint
for illegal dismissal against Star
Security Agency. He alleged he was
constructively dismissed after ten
years of service to the Agency. Having
been placed on off-detail and
floating status for 6 months already,
he claimed the Agency just really


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

A. Distinguish clearly but briefly
1. Sympathy
general strike.
2. Company union and union
3. Lock-out and closed shop.
4. Consent election and
certification election.
5. Social security and union

agencies of the government
allegedly confirmed the report.
Upon being alert by the DFA, the
canceling the licenses of XYZ, and
imposing an immediate travel ban
on its recruits for the Middle East.
XYZ appealed to the Office of the
President to reverse and set aside
the DOLE orders, citing damages
from loss of employment of its
recruits, and violations of due
process including lack of notice
and hearing by DOLE. The DOLE
in its answer claimed the
existence of an emergency in the
Middle East which required
prompt measures to protect the
life and limb of OFWs from a clear
and present danger posed by the
ongoing war against terrorism.

B. Enumerate and discuss briefly:

1. What are the statutory
requisites for a valid strike
by the workers? Should
substantially or strictly?
2. What are the authorized
dismissal by the employer
of an employee? Why are
they distinct from the just

Should the DOLE

upheld or set aside?



A. Which of the following may be
considered among industries most
vital to national interest as to be
assumption of jurisdiction by the
Employment or certification for
compulsory arbitration in case of
strike or work stoppage arising fro
a labor dispute?

A. Under a seamans contract of

employment with a local manning
agent of a foreign shipping
company. Capt. TROY embarked
on an ocean-going vessel in good
health. One stormy night at sea,
he was drenched with rainwater.
contracted fever which lasted for
days. He suffered loose bowel
movement, lost his appetite, and
eventually he died before a
scheduled airlift to the nearest

1. Bulletin daily newspaper

publishing company.
2. Local franchise of Jollibee
and Starbucks.
3. Shipping and port service
in Cebu and Manila.
4. Enchanted
Boracay Resort.
5. LBC, DHL and FedEx

Subsequently, the widow of Capt.

TROY complained against the
local manning agent and its
foreign principal before the
Regional Arbitration Branch of
DOLE, for actual and exemplary
damages and attorneys fees. She
invoked the Labor Code provision
which requires the employer to
provide all necessary assistance
to ensure the adequate and
necessary medical and treatment
of the injured or sick employee in
case of emergency.

Justify you answer or choice.

B. Concerned
workers in the Middle East
reported to the Department of
Foreign Affairs (DFA) that XYZ, a
private recruitment and placement
agency, is covertly transporting
extremist to terrorist training

Respondents moved to dismiss

the complaint on the ground that

LABOR LAW Bar Questions

the Labor Arbiter has no
jurisdiction over the complaint for
damages arising from the illness
and death of Capt. TROY abroad.
Resolve the motion with reasons.

been recently promoted as

supervisors and resigned from the
Union. But according to the Union,
resignations outside the freedom
period after the 1996-2000 CBA
expired on June 30, 2000. The
Union argued that the Hotel
Management could not skirt its
implement the union security
clause by promoting the three
employees. That could be viewed
as rewarding employees for their
disloyalty to the union, said the
union officers.

B. Pedrito Masculado, a college

graduate from the province tried
his luck in the city and landed a
job as utility/maintenance man at
the warehouse of a big shopping
mall. After working as a casual
employee for six months, he
signed a contracrt for probationary
employment for six months. Being
well built and physically attractive,
his supervisor, Mr. Hercules
Barak, took special interest to
probationary period was about to
expire, he was surprised when
one afternoon after working hours,
Mr. Barak followed him to the
mens comfort room. After seeing
that no one else was around, Mr.
Barak placed his arm over
Pedritos shoulder and softly said:
You have great potential to
become regular employee and I
think I can give you a favorable
recommendation. Can you come
over to my condo unit on Saturday
evening so we can have a little
drink? Im alone, and Im sure you
want to stay longer with the

Does the union security clause

sufficiently justify the demand for
dismissal of the three employees
Management validly refuse the
Unions demand?
B. The CBA between the Company
and the rank and file Union
contained the following provision:
ALLOWANCE. The Company
agrees to grant a MEAL
(P10.00) to al l employees who
render at least TWO (2) hours or
more of actual overtime on a
workday, and FREE MEALS, as
presently practiced, not exceeding
after THREE (3) hours of actual
overtime work.

Is Mr. Barak liable for sexual

harassment committed in a work
related environment?

Dispute in the interpretation of the

above provision arose as the
Company asserts that the phrase
after three (3) hours of actual
overtime work does not mean
after exactly three (3) hours of
actual overtime work; it means
after more than three (3) hours of
actual overtime work. The Union,
on the other hand, maintained that
after three (3) hours of actual
overtime work simply means after
rendering exactly, or no less than,
three (hours) of actual overtime

A. MPH Labor Union is the duly

certified bargaining representative
of the rank and file employee of
MM Park Hotel since the 1970s.
agreement contained union shop
security provisions. After the
signing of the 2000-2005 CBA, the
Union demanded the dismissal of
3 employees, XX, YY and ZZ,
pursuant to the union security
clauses in the CBA.
The Hotel Management replied
that it was legally impossible to
comply with the demand of the
Union. It might even be construed
as unfair labor practice. For it
appeared that XX, YY, and ZZ had

Which interpretation do you think

should prevail?


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

and unfair
against SSI.

A. Gabriela Liwanag has been

working as a bookkeeper at
Great Foods, Inc., which
operates a chain of high-end
restaurants throughout the
country, since 1970 when it
was still small eatery at
Binondo. In the early part of
the year 2003, Gabriela, who
was already 50 years old,
reported for work after a
week-long vacation in her
province. It was the height of
the SARS (Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome) scare,
and management learned that
the first confirmed SARS
death case in the Philippines,
a balikbayan nurse from
Canada, is a townmate of
memorandum was issues by
the management terminating
the services of Gabriela on the
ground that she is a probable
carrier of SARS virus and that
her continued employment is
prejudicial to the health of her



SSI learned that FXs group

was not registered. No strike
vote and strike notice were
filed prior to the picket. The
guards were told not to allow
FX entry to the company
premises as management
considered him effectively
members were accepted back
to work by SSI.
Was the dismissal of FX for a
valid cause? Was due process
A. Gil Bates, a computer analyst and
programmer of
Company, works eight hours a
day for five days a week at the
main office providing customers
On Saturdays, however, the
company requires him to keep his
cellular phone open from 8:00
A.M. to 5:00 P.M. so that the
Management could contact him in
case of heavy work load or
emergency problems needing his

Is the action taken by the

employer justified?
B. President FX, head of a newly
formed labor union composed
of 1/3 of the total number of
rank and file employee in
Super Stores, Inc., agitated
his fellow employees to
demand fro management pay
increases and overtime pay.
His supervisor summoned him
to explain his tardiness and
refusal to obey regulations.
gathered 20 of his members
and staged a 2-day picket in
front of the shopping mall.
Security staff arrived and
dismantled the placards and
employees entry to the mall.
In retaliation, FX threw stones
at the guards, but the other
striking workers just stood by
watching him. Seven days
after the picket, FX who had
gone absent without leave
returned to the mall and
announced that he had file a
complaint for illegal dismissal

May said hours on Saturdays be

considered compensable working
hours while on call? if so, should
said compensation be reported to
the Social Security System?
B. TRX, a local shipping firm,
maintains a fleet of motorized
boats plying the island barangay
of AP, a coastal town. At days end
the boat operators/crew members
turn over to the boat owner their
cash collections from cargo fees
and passenger fares, less the
expenses for diesel fuel, food,
landing fees and spare parts.
Fifty percent (50%) of the monthly
income or earnings derived from
the operations of the boats are
given to the boatmen by way of
compensation. Deducted from the
individual shares of the boatmen


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

are their cash advance and peso
value of their absences, if any.

association prepared a petition for
increasing the daily pay of its
members in compliance with
minimum wage rates for their
sector in the region, and for
granting benefits to which they are
entitled under the law.

Are these boatmen entitled to

overtime pay, holiday pay, and 13 th
month pay?
A. Clean Manpower Inc. (CMI) had
provided janitorial services to the
National Economic Development
Authority (NEDA) since April 1988.
Its service contract was renewed
every three months. However, in
the bidding held on July 1992,
excluded. In 1993, six janitors of
CMI formerly assigned at NEDA
filed a complaint for underpayment
of wages. Both CMI and NEDA
were impleaded as respondents
for failure to comply with NCR
Wage Orders Nos. 01 and 02,
which took effect on November 1,
1990 and January 2, 1992,

However, the workers became

restless and anxious after the
owner-manager threatened them
with mass lay-off if the association
would press for their demands.
Most of its members have worked
in the mill for 10 to 15 years with
no improvement in working
conditions and monetary benefits.
The leaders of the workers
association approached you and
asked: what legal steps could they
take to protect their security of
tenure? What advice could you
give them?
B. A,B,C
respectively), regular employees
of a private educational institution,
were administratively charged for
their participation in a picket held
in front of the campus after office
hours. Several faculty members,
non-academic staff and students
joined the peaceful prayer rally
employees to protest certain
alleged abuses of the incumbent
School Director. Subsequently, the
succeeded in forming the first and
only union of the School.

Should NEDA, a government

agency subject to budgetary
solidarily with CMI for the payment
of salary differentials due to the
complainants? Cite the legal basis
of your answer.
B. Atty. CLM, a dedicated and
efficient public official, was the top
executive of a government owned
(GOCC). While inspecting an
ongoing project in a remote village
in Mindanao, she suffered a stroke
and since then had been confined
to a wheelchair. At the time she
stopped working because of her
illness in line of duty, Atty. CLM
was only sixty years old but she
had been an active member of the
GSIS for thirty years without any
break in her service record.

During the investigation, the

administration discovered that two
(2) days prior to the rally, A,B,C
and D attended the meeting of the
Schools employees association
which planned the protest activity.
organizers/leaders of a national

What benefits could she claim

from the GSIS? Cite at least five

A,B,C and D were dismissed by

the School on the Ground of
violating the Labor Code which
prohibits managerial employees to

A. Around 100 workers of a mill in

themselves for the purpose of
prompting their common interest


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

join, assist or form any labor

claimed that the Constitution

shielded them from any penalty
because their walk-out was a
concerted action pursuant to their
rights guarantees by the basic law.

Is the contention of the School

tenable? Is the dismissal of A, B,
C and D valid? Explain.

Is the position taken by the walkout leaders and participants

legally correct? Reason briefly.

A. Employees of ABC declared a
strike after filing a Notice of Strike
with the DOLE. They barricaded
company gates and damaged
premises. On the second day of
the strike, ABC filed a petition with
the DOLE Secretary to intervene
through the issuance of an
Secretary may issue when a strike
or lock-out will adversely affect
national interest. ABC furnished
the Secretary with evidence to
show that company vehicles had
been damaged; that electric power
had been cut off; and equipment
and materials were damaged
because electric power was not
forecast that the countrys supply
of chlorine for water treatment
(which the company produces)
would be affected adversely if
ABCs operations were closed
down by the strikers.

May social justice as a guiding
principle in labor law be used by the courts in
sympathy with the working man if it collides
with the equal protection clause of the
Constitution? Explain.
Pablo was a farm-hand in a plantation
owned by ABC & Co., working approximately 6
days a week for a good 15 years. Upon
Pablos death, his widow filed a claim for burial
grant and pension benefits with the SSS. The
claim was denied on the ground that Pablo
had not been registered member-employee.
Pablos widow filed a petition before the SSS
asking that ABC & Co. be directed to pay the
premium contributions of Pablo and that his
name be reported for SSS coverage. ABC &
Co. countered that Pablo was hired to plow,
harrow and burrow, using his own carabao and
other implements and following his own
schedule of work hours, without any
supervision from the company. If proven,
would this factual setting advanced by ABC &
Co. be a valid defense gainst the petition?

Could the DOLE Secretary

intervene, assume jurisdiction and
issue a Temporary Restraining
Order? Briefly justify your answer.
B. Because of alleged unfair labor
practices by the management of
GFI System, a government-owned
corporation, its employees walked
out from their jobs and refused to
management would grant their
union official recognition and start
negotiations with them.

In a labor dispute, the Secretary of
Labor issued an Assumption Order. Give the
legal implications of such an order.
Magdalo, a labor union in Oakwood, a
furniture manufacturing firm, after failing in its
negotiations with Oakwood, filed with the
DOLE a notice of strike. The DOLE summoned
Magdalo and Oakwood for conciliation
hearings to resolve the deadlock. Unable to
agree despite efforts of the DOLE, Magdalo
called a strike participated in by its officers and
union members including Cesar Tino, a rankand-file employee who led the walk out.
Oakwood filed a petition to declare illegal the
strike which the Magdalo staged without

The leaders of the walked-out

were dismissed, and the other
participants were suspended for
sixty days. In arguing their case
Commission, they cited the
principle of social justice for
workers and the right to self
organization and collective action,
including the right to strike. They


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

observing the seven-day strike ban under the
Labor Code. Oakwood claimed that the strike
being illegal, all those who participated therein,
including Cesar Tino, could be dismissed as,
in fact, they were so dismissed by Oakwood.
Decide the case.

At what particular point does a labor

organization acquire a legal personality?
(a) On the date the agreement to
organize the union is signed by
the majority of all its members; or
(b) On the date the application for
registration is duly filed with the
Department Of Labor; or
(c) On the date appearing on the
Certificate of Registration; or
(d) On the date the Certificate of
Registration is actually issued; or
(e) None of the above.

The Labor Code treats differently in
various aspects the employment of (i)
managerial employees, (ii) supervisory
employee, and (iii) rank-and-file employees.
State the basic distinguishing features of each
type of employment.

Choose the correct answer.


A case against an employer company

was filed charging it with having violated the
prohibition against offsetting undertime for
overtime work on another day. The
complainants were able to show that, pursuant
to CBA, employees of the union had been
required to work overtime on Saturday but
were paid only at a regular rates of pay on the
thesis that they were not required to complete,
and they did not in fact complete, the eighthour work period daily from Monday through
Friday. Given the circumstances, the employer
contended that the employees were not
entitled to overtime compensation, i.e., with
premium rates of pay. Decide the controversy.

XYZ Employees Association filed a

complaint against ABC Bank for wrongful
diminution of benefits. It alleged that the bank
had been providing for a mid-year bonus
equivalent to one-month basic pay and a
Christmas bonus equivalent to one-month
basic pay since 1971. Upon the effectivity of
P.D. No. 851 in 1975 which granted the 13 th
month pay, the bank started giving its
employees a one-month basic pay as a midyear bonus, one-month basic pay as
Christmas bonus, and one-month basic pay as
13th month pay. In 1980, the bank was placed
under conservatorship and by virtue of a
monetary board resolution of the Central Bank,
the bank only gave one month basic pay
mandated by P.D. 851, and it no longer gave
its employees the traditional mid-year and
Christmas bonuses. Could ABC Bank be
compelled, given the circumstances, to
continue paying its employees the traditional
mid-year and Christmas bonuses in addition to
13th month pay?

There are instances when a
certification election is mandatory. What is the
rationale for such a legal mandate?


The employer company, in a directive

to the union president, ordered the transfer of
some of its employees, including a number of
union officials, to its plant offices. The order
was opposed by the union. Ultimately, the
union filed an unfair labor practice against the
company alleging that the purported transfer of
its union officials was unjust and in violation of
the CBA. Pursuant to the terms of the CBA,
the dispute was referred to a voluntary
arbitrator who later ruled on the issues raised
by the parties. Could it later be validly asserted
that the decision of the voluntary arbitrator
would have no compulsory effect on the
parties? Explain.

How do the provisions on labor

relations interrelate, if at all, with the provisions
pertaining to labor standards?
Premiere Bank, a banking corporation,
being the creditor mortgagee of XYZ & Co., a
garment firm, foreclosed the hypothecated
assets of the latter. Despite the foreclosure,
XYZ & Co. continued its business operations.
A year later, the bank took possession of the
foreclosed property. The garments firms
business operations ceased without a
declaration of bankruptcy. Jose Gaspar, an
employee of XYZ and Co., was dismissed
from employment due to the cessation of
business firm. He filed a complaint against



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

XYZ & Co. and the bank. The Labor Arbiter,
after hearing, so found the company liable, as
claimed by Jose Gaspar, for separation pay.
Premiere Bank was additionally found
subsidiarily liable upon the thesis that the
satisfaction of labor benefits due to the
employee is superior to the right of a
mortgagee of property. Was the Labor Arbiter
correct in his decision?

disagreement with the following statement and
explain your answer briefly: A criminal case
filed against an employee does not have the
effect of suspending or interrupting the running
of the prescriptive period for the filing of an
action for illegal dismissal.
disagreement with the following statement and
explain your answer briefly: The period of
prescription in article 291 of the Labor Code
applies only to money claims so that the
period of prescription for other cases of injury
to the rights of employees is governed by the
Civil Code. Thus, an action for reinstatement
for injury to an employees rights prescribes in
four (4) years as provided in article 1146 of the
Civil Code.

Daisys Department Store hired Leo as
a checker to apprehend shoplifters. Leo later
became Chief of the Checkers Section and
acquired the status of a regular employee. By
way of cost-cutting measure, Daisys decided
to abolish the entire Checkers Section. The
services of Leo, along with those of his coemployees working in the same section, were
terminated on the same day. A month after the
dismissal of Leo, Daisys engaged the services
of another person as an ordinary checker and
with a salary much lower than that which Leo
used to receive. Given the above factual
established), could the dismissal of Leo be
successfully assailed by him?

Design Consultants, Inc. was engaged
by the PNCC to supervise the construction of
the South Expressway Extension. Design
Consultants, Inc. hired Omar as a driver for
two (2) years. After his two-year contract
expired, he was extended another contract for
nine (9) months. These contracts were entered
into during various stages and before the
completion of the extension project. Omar
claims that because of these repeated
contracts, he is now a regular employee of
Design Consultants, Inc. Is he correct? Explain

Oscar Pimentel was an agent
supervisor, rising from the ranks, in a
corporation engaged in real estate. In order to
promote the business, the company issued a
memorandum to all agent supervisors
requiring them to submit a feasibility study
within their respective areas of operation. All
agent supervisors complied except Oscar.
Reminded by the company to comply with the
memorandum, Oscar explained that being a
drop-out in school and uneducated, he would
not be able to submit the required study. The
company found the explanation unacceptable
and terminated his employment. Aggrieved,
Oscar filed a complaint for illegal dismissal
against the company. Decide the case.

Socorro is a clerk-typist in the
Hospicio de San Jose, a charitable institution
dependent for its existence on contributions
and donations from well wishers. She renders
work eleven (11) hours a day but has not been
given overtime pay since her place of work is a
charitable institution. Is Socorro entitled to
overtime pay? Explain briefly.



Can an individual, the sole proprietor

of a business, be said to have violated the
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 if he
clearly discriminates against women in the
adoption of policy standards for employment
and promotions in the enterprise? Explain.

Pandoy, an electronics technician,

worked within the premises of Perfect Triangle,
an auto accessory shop. He filed a complaint
for illegal dismissal, overtime pay and other
benefits against Perfect Triangle, which
refused to pay his claims on the ground that
Pandoy was not its employee but was an
independent contractor. It was common
practice for shops like Perfect Triangle to
collect the service fees from the customers
and pay the same to the independent
contractor at the end of each week. The autos



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

hop explained that Pandoy was like a partner
who worked within his premises, using parts
provided by the shop, but otherwise Pandoy
was free to render service in the auto shops.
On the other hand, Pandoy insisted that he still
was entitled to the benefits because he was
loyal to Perfect Triangle, it being a fact that he
did not perform work for anyone else. Is
Pandoy correct? Explain briefly.

neither tools and equipment nor capital for the

job. Arnold, on the other hand, hired his
friends, relatives and neighbor for the job.
Their wages were paid by Sta. Monica
Plywood corp. to Arnold, based on their
production or the number of workers and the
time used in certain areas of work. All work
activities and schedules were fixed by the
A. Is Arnold a job contractor? Explain
B. Who is liable for the claims of the
workers hired by Arnold? Explain

Nermia earns P7.00 for every
manicure she does in the barber shop of a
friend which has nineteen (19) employees. At
times she takes home P175.00 a day and at
other times she earns nothing. She now claims
holiday pay. Is Nemia entitled to this benefit?
Explain briefly.

Lyric Theater Corp. issued a
memorandum prohibiting all ticket sellers from
encashing any check from their cash collectors
and requiring them instead to turn over all
cash collections to the management at the end
of the day. In violation of this memorandum,
Melody, a ticket seller, encashed five (5)
Subsequently the checks were dishonored
when deposited in the account of Lyric
Theater. For this action, Melody was placed
under a 20-day suspension and directed to
explain why she should not be dismissed for
violation of the companys memorandum. In
her explanation, she admitted having
encashed the checks without the companys
permission. While the investigation was
pending, Melody filed a complaint against Lyric
Theater for backwages and separation pay.
The Labor Arbiter ordered Lyric Theater to pay
Melody P115,420.79 representing separation
pay and backwages. The NLRC affirmed the
ruling of the Labor Arbiter. Is the ruling of the
NLRC correct? Explain briefly.

A. Malou is the Executive Secretary of the Senior
Vice-President of a bank while Ana is the
Legal Secretary of the banks lawyer. They and
other executive secretaries would like to join
the union rank and file employees of the bank.
Are they eligible to join the union? Why?
Explain briefly.
B. Mang Bally, owner of a shoe repair shop with
only nine (9) workers in his establishment,
received proposals for collective bargaining
from the Bally Shoe Union. Mang Bally refused
to bargain with the workers for several
reasons. First, his shoe business is just a
service establishment. Second, his workers
are paid on a piecework basis (i.e., per shoe
repaired) and not on a time basis. Third, he
has less than ten (10) employees in the
establishment. Which reason or reasons is/are
tenable? Explain briefly.


Eaglestar Company required a 24hours

requirement in the employment contracts of its
employees. The employee agreed to work on
Sundays and holidays if their work schedule
required them to do so for which they would be
paid additional compensation as provided by
law. Last March 2000, the union filed a notice
of strike. Upon Eaglestars petition, the
Secretary of Labor certified the labor dispute
to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration. On
April 20, 2000 (Maundy Thursday), while
conciliation meetings were pending, the union
officers and members who were supposed to
be on duty did not report for work. Neither did
they report for work on April 21 (Good Friday)

The union deducted P20.00 from

Rogelios wages for January. Upon inquiry he
learned that it was for death aid benefits and
that the deduction was made pursuant to a
board resolution of the directors of the union.
Can Rogelio object to the deduction? Explain
Sta. Monica Plywood corporation
entered into a contract with Arnold for the
milling of lumber as well as the hauling of
waste wood products. The company provided
the equipment and tools because Arnold had


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

and on April 22 (Black Saturday), disrupting
the factorys operations and causing huge
losses. The union denied it had gone on strike
because the days when its officers and
members were absent from work were legal
holidays. Is the contention of the union
correct? Explain briefly.

rest day of Bonifacio whose daily rate is

A. If Bonifacio is required to work by
his employer on that day for eight
hours, how much should he be
paid for his work? Explain.
B. If he works for ten (10) hours on
that day, how much should he
receive for his work?

Tomas and Cruz have been employed
for the last 22 years in various capacities on
board the ships of BARKO Shipping Company.
Their employment was made through a local
manning company. They have signed several
ten (10)-month employment contracts with
BARKO Shipping. The NLRC ruled that they
were contractual employees and that their
employment was terminated each time their
contracts expired. Is the ruling of the NLRC
correct? Explain your answer fully.


The owners of FALCON Factory, a
company engaged in the assembling of
automotive components, decided to have their
building renovated. Fifty (50) persons,
composed of engineers, architects and other
construction workers, were hired by the
company for this purpose. The work was
estimated to be completed in three (3) years.
The employees contented that since the work
would be completed after more than one (1),
they should be subject to the compulsory
coverage under the Social Security Law. Do
you agree with their contention? Explain your
answer fully.

When is illegal recruitment

considered a crime of economic
sabotage? Explain briefly.
Is a corporation, seventy percent
(70%) of the authorized and
voting capital of which is owned
and controlled by Filipino citizens,
allowed to engage in the
recruitment and placement of
workers, locally or overseas?
Explain briefly.

A. How many times may a male
employee go on Paternity Leave?
Can he avail himself of this
benefit, for example, 50 days after
the first delivery of the wife?
B. The projected bonus for the
employees of Suerte Co. was 50%
of their monthly compensation.
Unfortunately, due to the slump in
the business, the president
reduced the bonus to 5% of their
compensation. Can the company
unilaterally reduced the amount of
bonus? Explain briefly.

A. As a tireman in a gasoline station,
open twenty four (24) hours a day
with only five (5) employees,
Goma worked from 10:00 P.M.
until 7:00 A.M. of the following
day. He claims he is entitled to
night shift differential. Is he
correct? Explain briefly.
B. On orders of his superior, Efren, a
technician, worked on May 1,
Labor Day. If he worked eight (8)
hours on that day, how much
should he received if his daily rate
is P400.00?

A. How should a wage distortion be
resolved (1) in case there is a
collective bargaining agreement
and (2) in cases there is none?
Explain briefly.
B. You were asked by a paint
manufacturing company regarding
the possible employment as a
mixer of
a person,
seventeen (17), who shall be
directly under the care of the
section supervisor. What advice
would you give? Explain briefly.

This year, National Heroes Day
(August 25) falls on a Sunday. Sunday is the


LABOR LAW Bar Questions


dismissal and damages as a

consequence thereof. The Arbiter
reinstatement, backwages, and
included an award for attorneys
fees. On appeal to the NLRC, the
Commission affirmed the Arbiters
decision but deleted the award for
attorneys fees since fees were
not claimed in As complaint. Who
was correct, the Arbiter or the
NLRC? Why?
C. Would your answer be different if
the attorneys fees awarded by the
Arbiter was over fifteen percent of
the total award? Why?

A. Distinguish managerial employees

from supervisory employees.
B. Do employees of a cooperative
have a right to form a union?
Explain briefly.
A. On what ground or grounds may a
union member be expelled from
the organization?
B. May the general manager of a
company be held jointly and
severally liable for backwages of
an illegally dismissed employee?

A worked for company B as a rank
and file employee until April 1990 when As
services were terminated due to loss of
confidence in A. However, before effecting As
dismissal, B accorded A due process including
full opportunity to answer the charges against
him in the course of the investigation. Was B
justified in dismissing A after the investigation?

A. An
reinstated with backwages. Is he
entitled to the benefits and
increases granted during the
period of his lay-off? Explain
B. Aside from the just causes
enumerated in Article 282 of the
Labor Code for the termination of
employment, state three (3) lawful
or authorized cause for the
dismissal of an employee.



constitute backwages for a rank and file
employee? Are these components equally
applicable to a managerial employee?

Company A and Union B had a 3-year

CBA that expired on June 12, 1990.
Negotiations proved futile so the unresolved
issues were referred to an Arbiter who
rendered a decision on March 15, 1992
retroactive to December 14, 1990. Is the
Arbiters decision providing for retroactivity
tenable or not? Why?

A was hired by company B in

January 1980 until A was illegally dismissed on
April 30, 1990 as found by a Labor Arbiter who
ordered reinstatement and full backwages
from April 30, 1990 until As reinstatement. The
Arbiters decision was promulgated on April
29, 1995. B appealed claiming, among others,
that the award for backwages was excessive
in that it went beyond three-year rule set forth
in Mercury Drug v. CIR (56 SCRA 696). Is Bs
contention tenable? Why?

A. Company A contracts out its
clerical and janitorial services. In
the negotiations of its CBA, the
union insisted that, henceforth, the
company may no longer engage in
contacting out these types of
services, which services the union
claims to be necessary in the
companys business, without prior
consultation. Is the unions stand
valid or not? For what reason(s)?
B. A, an employee, sued B for
unfair labor practice, illegal

Company A was engaged in the
manufacture of goods using the by products of
coconut trees and employed some fifty
workers who lived in the coconut plantation in
Quezon Province. The land upon which A
conducted its operation was subjected to land
reform under R.A. 6657 for distribution to the
tenants and residents of the land.
Consequently, A had to close its operations
and dismiss its workers. The union


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

representing the employees demanded that A
pay the dismissed workers separation pay
under Article 283 of the Labor Code that
requires, among others, the payment of
separation pay to employees in cases closing
or cessation of operations of the establishment
or undertaking. Is the unions claim correct or
not? Why?

favor of A, the Labor Arbiter sought to levy on

Bs office equipment. B filed an action for
damages and injunction against the Labor
Arbiter before the Regional Trial Court of the
province where Bs offices are located. Is Bs
action tenable? Why?


A. What damages can an illegally

dismissed employee collect from
his employer?
B. May the Labor Arbiter, NLRC or
Court of Appeals validly award
attorneys fees in favor of a
complainant even if not claimed or
proven in the proceeding? Why?

Company A and Union B

negotiated the last two years of their five-year
CBA on April 1, 1990 to expire on March 31,
1992. Considering the amicable relations
between the parties, neither one moved for the
extension or termination of the agreement.
Sometime in 1995, some disgruntled
employees filed a complaint demanding that
they be paid the annual salary increases and
other related annual increases specified in the
CBA of April 1990, citing the provision of
Article 253 of the Labor Code which requires
that parties to xxx keep the status quo and to
continue in full force and effect the terms and
conditions of the existing agreement during the
60 day period and/or until a new agreement is
reached by the parties.

A. What limitations, if any, do the law
and jurisprudence impose on an
employers right to terminate the
B. What requisites must a Union
comply with before it can validly
against its members for incidental
representation expenses and the

A, however, maintained that the

annual salary increases and related benefits
specifically provided for in the CBA were,
pursuant to contract and law, effective only for
the terms specified therein, namely, until
March 31, 1992 only.
Who is correct? State the reasons(s)
for your answer.


The affected members of the rank and
file elevated a Labor Arbiters decision to the
NLRC via a petition for review filed after the
lapse of the ten-day reglamentary period for
perfecting an appeal. Should the NLRC
dismiss the petition outright or may the NLRC
take cognizance thereof?
Company A, within the reglamentary
period, appealed the decision of the Labor
Arbiter directing reinstatement of an employee
and awarding backwages. However, As cash
bond was filed beyond the ten day period.
Should the NLRC entertain the appeal? Why?


A was able to obtain a judgment
against his former employer, Company B, for
P750,000.00. In executing the judgment in


X is a bona fide service

contractor providing manpower
services to various companies,
possessing the necessary capital
commitments. Y is an employee
of X and assigned to work as
janitor in company Z. In the
course of Ys assignment, Zs
supervisors and employees would
give verbal instructions to Y as to
how and where to perform his
Subsequently, Ys services were
terminated by X. Y sued Z for
illegal dismissal. May Ys case
against prosper? Why?
In 1960, Juan hired Pablo to drive
for the formers lumber company.
In 1970, Pablo got sick and was
temporarily laid-off. In 1972,
Pablo recovered and resumed
working for the same lumber
company, now run by Juans wife
since Juan had already passed
away. In 1996, Pablo retired.

LABOR LAW Bar Questions

retirement benefits with the SSS
that same year, he discovered
that the lumber company never
enrolled him as an employee;
contributions that were deducted
from his salary. The lumber
company agreed to pay for
penalties but maintained that
most of Pablos claim had already
prescribed under Article 1150 of
the Civil Code. (Art. 1150
prescription of all kinds of actions,
when there is no special
otherwise, shall be counted from
the day they may be brought.). Is
the Lumber companys contention
correct? Why?

actual reinstatement. The case

was elevated all the way to the
Supreme Court. By the time the
Supreme Courts decision became
final and executory, b had closed
down and was in the process of
winding up. Nonetheless, B paid A
his backwages and separation
pay. A complained that Bs
computation was erroneous in that
As allowances was not included.
Is A correct in his claim? For what
B. Soon after the Asian meltdown
began in October 1997, ABC
terminated nearly a third of its
regular workforce. The affected
termination arguing that the action
was precipitate in that ABC had
not proved that it sustained any
losses. Is the claim of the
employees correct? Explain your

Company A and Union B could not
resolve their negotiations for a new CBA. After
conciliation proceedings before the NCMB
proved futile, B went on strike. Violence during
the strike prompted A to file charges against
striker-member of B for their illegal acts. The
Secretary of Labor assumed jurisdiction,
referred the strike to the NLRC and issued a
return-to-work order. The NLRC directed the
parties to submit their respective position
papers and documentary evidence. At the
initial hearing before the NLRC, the parties
agreed to submit the case for resolution after
the submission of the position papers and

A. What conditions must prevail and
what requirements, if any, must an
justify/effect a valid retrenchment
B. What conditions must prevail and
what requirements if any, must an
employer comply to justify/effect a
valid redundancy program?
C. Is the seniority rule or last in first
out policy to be strictly followed in
effecting a retrenchment or
redundancy program?

Subsequently, the NLRC issued an

arbitral award resolving the disputed
provisions of the CBA and ordered the
dismissal of certain strikers for having
knowingly committed illegal acts during the
strike. The dismissed employees elevated their
dismissal to the Court of appeals claiming that
they were deprived of their right to due
process and that the affidavits submitted by A
were self-serving and of no probative value.
Should the appeal prosper? State the
reason(s) for your answer clearly.

A. Eduardo Santiago, a project
worker, was being assigned by his
employer, Bagsak Builders, to
Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Santiago
refused to comply with the transfer
claiming that it, in effect,
dismissal because it would take
him away from his family and his
usual work assignments in Metro
Manila. The labor Arbiter found
that there was no constructive
dismissal but ordered the payment
of separation pay due to strained
relations between Santiago and
Bagsak Builders plus attorneys

A. A, an employee of company B
was found to have been illegally
dismissed and was ordered to be
reinstated and paid backwages
from the time of dismissal until


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

fees equivalent to ten percent
(10%) of the value of Santiagos
separation pay.

UNIDAD, a labor organization claiming

to represent the majority of the rank and file
workers of BAGSAK Toyo manufacturing Corp.
(BMTC), filed a petition for certification election
during the freedom period obtaining in said
corporation. Despite the opposition thereto by
SIGAW Federation on the ground that
UNIDAD was not possessed with all the
attributes of a duly registered union, the MedArbiter issued an Order calling for a
certification election on July 25, 2001.

Is the award of attorneys fees

valid? State the reasons for your
B. Could the labor arbiter have
exemplary damages to Santiago
instead of attorneys fees? Why?

This Order was promulgated and

served on the parties on July 12, 2001. On
July 14, 2001, UNIDAD submitted and served
the required documents for its registration as
an independent union, which documents were
approved by the DOLE on July 15, 2001.

A. Under what conditions may the

Secretary of Labor or his duly
authorized representative inquire
into the financial activities of
legitimate labor organizations?
B. Some disgruntled members of
Bantay Labor Union filed with the
Regional Office of the DOLE a
written complaint against their
union officers for mismanagement
of union funds. The Regional
Director did not rule in the
complainants favor. Not satisfied,
the complainants elevated the
Regional Directors decision to the
NLRC. The union officers moved
to dismiss on the ground of lack of
jurisdiction. Are the union officers
correct? Why?

During the elections, UNIDAD won

over SIGAW. SIGAW questioned UNIDADs
victory on the ground that UNIDAD was not a
duly registered union when it filed the petition
for a certification election. Shall SIGAWs case
prosper or not? Why?
Ms. Sara Mira is an unwed mother
with three children from three different fathers.
In 1999, she became a member of the SSS. In
August 2000, she suffered a miscarriage, also
out of wedlock, and again by a different father.
Can Ms. Mira claim maternity benefits under
the Social Security Act of 1997? Reason.

A. B. Ukol was compulsorily retired
by his employer, Kurot Bottling
Corporation, upon the formers
reaching 65 years of age, having
rendered 30 years of service.
Since there was no CBA, B.Ukol
was paid his retirement benefits
computed 15 days pay for every
year of service, based on B.Ukols
highest salary during each year of
his employment. Not satisfied,
B.Ukol filed an action with the
Arbitration Branch of the NLRC
claiming that his retirement
benefits were not computed
components of his retirement
B. What exception(s) do(es) the law
on retirement benefits provide(s) if

The CBA of the Golden Corporation
Inc. and the Golden Corporation Workers
Union provides a package of welfare benefits
far superior in comparison with those provided
for in the Social Security Act of 1997. The
welfare plan of the company is funded solely
by the employer with no contributions from the
employees. Admittedly, it is the best welfare
plan in the Philippines. The company and the
union jointly filed a petition with the SSS for
exemption from coverage. Will the petition for
exemption from coverage prosper? Reason.
Banco de Manila and the Ang Husay
Janitorial and Pest Control Agency entered
into an Independent Contractor Agreement
with the usual stipulations: specifically, the
absence of employer-employee relationship,
and the relief from liability clauses. Can the



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Bank, as client, and the Agency, as an
independent contractor, stipulate that no
employer-employee relationship exist between
the Bank and the employees of the Agency
who may be assigned to work in the Bank?


A. Do the workers have a right not to
join a labor organization?
B. Do the following workers have a
Employees of nonstock,
Alien employees?


Professor Juan Dela Cruz, an author
of the textbook commentaries on the labor
Code of the Philippines, citing an American
case, wrote: It is said that the prohibition
against the issuance of a writ of injunction in
labor cases creates a substantive and not
purely procedural law. Is there any statutory
basis for the statement/comment under
Philippine law?

Nova Banking Corporation has a

resthouse and recreational facility
in the highlands of Tagaytay City
for the use of its top executives
and corporate clients. The
caretaker, two cooks and a
laundrywoman. All of them are
reported to the SSS as domestic
or household employees of the
resthouse and recreational facility
and not of the bank. Can the bank
legally consider the caretaker,
cooks and landrywoman as
domestic employees of the
resthouse and not of the bank?
Mrs. Josie Juan is the confidential
secretary of the Chairman of the
board of the bank. She is
presently on maternity leave. In
an arrangement where the
Chairman of the Board can still
have access to her services, the
bank allows her to work in her
residence during her leave. For
this purpose, the bank installed a
fax machine in her residence, and
gave her a cellphone and a
homeworker under the law?

Distinguish between the dismissal of

an employee for just cause and termination of
employment for authorized cause. Enumerate
examples of just cause and authorized cause.

A. An exclusive school for girls, run

by a religious order, has a policy
of not employing unwed mothers,
women with live-in partners, and
lesbians. Is the policy violative of
any provision of the Labor Code
on employment of women?
B. The same school dismissed two
female faculty members on
account of pregnancy out of
wedlock. Did the school violate
any provision of the Labor Code
on employment of women?

Ana Cruz has a low IQ. She has to be
told at least three times before she
understands her daily work assignment.
However, her work output is at least equal to
the output of the least efficient worker in her
work section. Is Ms. Cruz a handicapped
worker? Explain.

A. What is the rationale for the State
regulation of strike activity and
what are the interest involved that
the State must balance and
B. Cite two (2) examples on how the
law regulates the use of the strike
as a form of concerted activity.

A. A Personnel Manager, while

interviewing an attractive female
applicant for employment, stared
directly at her for a prolong
periods, albeit in a friendly
manner. After the interview, the
applicant to the door, shook her
hand and patted her on the



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

shoulder. He also asked the
applicant if he could invite her for
dinner and dancing at some future
time. Did the Personnel Manager,
by the above acts, commit sexual
harassment? Reason.
B. In the course of an interview,
another female applicant inquired
Manager if she had the physical
attributes required for the position
she applied for. The Personnel
Manager replied: You will be
more attractive if you will wear
micro-mini dresses without the
normally wear. Did the Personnel
Manager, by the above reply,
commit an act of
harassment? Reason.

Distinguish between Certification

Election, Consent Election and Run-off
A. The Ang Sarap Kainan Workers
Union appointed Juan Javier, a
law student, as a bargaining
representative. Mr. Javier is
neither an employee of Ang Sarap
Kainan Company nor member of
the union. Is the appointment of
Mr. Javier as a bargaining
representative in accord with the
law? Explain.
B. A CBA was signed between Ang
Sarap Kainan Company and the
Ang Sarap
Kainan Workers
Union. Should the CBA be
registered with the Bureau of
Labor Relations? If so, why?

A. Can redundancy exist where the
same is due to the companys
failure to properly forecast its
manpower requirement?
B. Can redundancy exist where the
work performed by twelve (12)
workers can be performed as
efficiently by ten (10) workers by
increasing the speed of a machine
without detriment and safety of the

A. The
Manggagawa sa Pids and Co. Inc
lost its majority status in the
bargaining unit one year after the
signing of the CBA. Bickerings
among all the three other unions
in the bargaining unit were a daily
occurrence, with each union
asserting majority status. To
resolve this pestering problem, the
Company and the three other
unions agreed to hold a consent
election under the supervision of
the Bureau of Relations. In the
consent election, Pids and Co.
Workers Union won, and was
accordingly recognized by the
bargaining representative in the
bargaining unit. Is Pids and Co.
Workers Union bound by the CBA
signed between the company and
Manggagawa Sa Pids and Co.
Inc.? Explain.
B. Shortly after the consent election,
Pids and Co. Inc. sold the
Groceries division to Metro Manila
Grocery Inc. The employees of the
sold division formed part of the
bargaining unit described in the
CBA, and all were absorbed by
Metro Manila Grocery Inc. Is
Metro Manila Grocery Inc. as the
new employer, bound by the CBA

Metro Grocery Inc. arranged with Mr.
Juan Dado, a Barangay Chairman, to provide
the grocery with workers who will work as
cashiers, bag boys, shelf counter helpers and
sanitation workers. The grocery will pay Mr.
Dado an amount equivalent to the direct and
hidden costs of the wages of each worker
assigned, plus ten percent (10%) to cover the
arrangement. Mr. Dado, in turn, will pay
directly he workers their wages. As far as the
workers are concerned, Mr. Dado is their
employer. A group of concerned workers
consulted you if Mr. Dado is really under the
law their employer.

How will you analyze the problem

in order to formulate your
What is the legal significance, if
any, of the question of the
concerned workers as to who is
their employer?


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

existing at the time of the sale?

The petition filed by SMCT showed

that out of its 50 members, 15 were rank and
filers and two (2) were managers.

Tabaco filed a Motion to Dismiss on
the ground that the SCMT union is composed
of supervisory and rank and file employees
and, therefore, cannot act as bargaining agent
for the proposed unit.

A division manager of a company

taunted a union officer two days after the union
submitted to the DOLE the result of the strike
vote. The division manger said: your union
threat of an unfair labor practice is phony or a
bluff. Not even ten percent (10%) of your
members will join the strike. To prove union
member support for the strike, the union officer
immediately instructed its members to cease
working and walk out. Two hours after the
walkout, the workers voluntarily returned to

SMCT filed an opposition to the said

Motion alleging that the infirmity, if any, in the
membership of the union can be remedied in
the pre-election conference thru the exclusioninclusion
employees who are occupying rank and file
positions will be excluded from the list of
eligible workers.

A. Was the walkout a strike? And if

so, was it a valid activity?
B. Can the union officer who led the
short walk-out. But who likewise
voluntarily led the workers back to
work, be disciplined by the

1. Should the Motion to

Dismiss filed by the
Tobaco be granted or
denied? Explain.
2. Can the two (2) Managers
be part of the bargaining
unit? Why?

The workers engaged in picketing
activity in the course of a strike.

1. Distinguish between contract bar

rule and deadlock bar rule.
2. What is the automatic renewal
clause in a collective bargaining

A. Will the picketing be legal if nonemployees of the strike-bound

employer participate in the
B. Can picketing activity be curtailed
when illegal acts are committed by
the picketing workers in the
course of the activity?

FACTS: Solar Plexus Bar and Night
Club allowed by tolerance fifty (50) Guest
Relations Officers (GRO) to work without
compensation in its establishment under the
direct supervision of its Manager from 8:00
p.m. to 4:00 a.m. everyday, including Sundays
and holidays. The GROs, however are free to
ply their trade elsewhere at anytime but once
they enter the premises of the night club, they
are required to stay up to closing time. The
GROs earned their keep exclusively from
commission for food and drinks, and tips from
generous customers. In time, the GROs
formed the Solar Ugnayan ng mga
Kababaihang Inaapi (SUKI), a labor union duly
registered with DOLE. Subsequently, SUKI
filed a petition for certification election in order
to be recognized as the exclusive bargaining
agent of its members. Solar Plexus opposed
the petition for certification election on the
singular ground of absence of employeremployee relationship between the GROs on
one hand and the night club on the other hand.

Manggagawa sa Companya ng Tabaco
(SMCT) filed a Petition for Certification
Election among the supervisory employees of
the Tabaco Manufacturing Company (Tabaco)
before the NCR Regional Office of the
Department of Labor and Employment. It
alleged, among other things, that it is a
legitimate labor organization, a duly chartered
local NAFLU; that Tobaco is an organized
establishment; and that no certification
election has been conducted within one year
prior to the filing of its petition for certification


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

May the GROs form SUKI as a labor
organization for purposes of collective
bargaining? Explain briefly.

In the meantime, a power struggle

occurred within the national union PAFLU and
its National President, Manny Pakyao, and its
National Security General, Gabriel Miro. The
representation issue within PAFLU is pending
resolution before the Office of the Secretary of

1. In what instance may a petition for
certification election be filed
outside the freedom period of a
2. Are
entitled to vote in a certification
election? Why?

By reason of this intra-union dispute

within PAFLU, J & J obstinately and
consistently refused to offer any counter
proposal and to bargain collectively with JEUPAFLU until the representation issue within
PAFLU shall have been resolved with finality.
JEU-PAFLU filed a Notice of Strike. The
Secretary of Labor subsequently assumed
jurisdiction over the labor dispute.

FACTS: Mariet Demetrio was a clerktypist in the Office of the President of a multinational corporation. One day she was berated
by the President of the company, the latter
shouting invectives at her in the presence of
employees and visitors for a minor infraction
she committed. Mariet was reduced to tears
out of shame and felt so bitter about the
incident that she filed a civil case for damages
against the company president before the
regular courts. Soon thereafter, Mariet
received a memorandum transferring her to
the office of the Gneral Manager without
demotion in rank or diminution in pay. Mariet
refused to transfer.

1. Will the representation

issue that has arisen
involving the national
union PAFLU, to which the
duly registered local union
JEU is affiliated, bar the
negotiation with J & J?
Explain briefly.
2. Can the Secretary of
Labor decide the labor
dispute by awarding the
JEU CBA Proposals as
the CBA of the parties?
Explain briefly.

With respect to the civil suit for

damages, the company lawyer filed a Motion
to Dismiss for lack of jurisdiction considering
the existence of an employer-employee
relationship and therefore, it is claimed that the
case should have been filed before the Labor

FACTS: Marvin Patrimonio is a caddy
rendering caddying services for the members
and guest of the Barili Golf & Country Club. As
such caddy, he is subject to Barili Golfs rules
and regulations governing caddies regarding
conduct, dress, language, etc. however, he
does not have to observe any working hours,
he is free to leave anytime he pleases; and he
can stay away for as long as he likes.
Nonetheless, if he is found remiss in the
observance in the observance in the club
rules, he can be disciplined by being barred
from the premises of the Barili Golf.

1. Will Mariet Demetrios refusal to

transfer constitute offense of
insubordination? Explain briefly.
2. Rule on the Motion to Dismiss.
Should it be granted or denied?
Explain briefly.

Is Marvin within the

coverage of the SSS? Why?

FACTS: Jenson & Jenson (J & J) is a

domestic corporation engaged in the
manufacturing of consumer products. Its rank
and file workers organized the Jenson
Employees Union (JEU), a duly registered
local unin affiliated with PAFLU, a national
union. After having been certified as the
exclusive bargaining agent of the appropriate
bargaining unit, JEU-PAFLU submitted its
proposals for a Collective Bargaining
Agreement with the company.


Polaris Drug Compay had an existing
CBA with Polaris Workers Union (PWU) which
was due to expire on May 31, 1999. PWU had
a total membership of one hundred (100) rank
and file employees of the company. Mike
Barcela, a militant member of the union,
suspected that the union officers were


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

misappropriating union funds as no financial
report was given to the general membership
during the unions general assembly. Hence,
Mike Barela prepared a sworn written
complaint and filed the same with the Office of
the Secretary of Labor on May 10, 1999,
petitioning for an examination of the financial
records of PWU.

Lastimoso Group of Companies. The three (3)

corporations were owned and controlled by
members of the Lastimoso Family; their
incorporators and directors all belonged to the
Lastimoso family. The three (3) corporations
were engaged in the same line of business,
under one management, and used the same
equipment including manpower services.

1. Is the Secretary of Labor

authorized by law to
examine the financial
records of the union? If
so, what power? If not,
why not?
2. Under the facts given
examination or audit of
the financial records of the
union be ordered? Why?

Teofilo Lacson and his co-employees

filed a complaint with the Labor Arbiter against
LBM, RL Realty and Lastimoso Construction to
hold them jointly and severally liable for
backwages and separation pay.
Lastimoso Construction, Inc. and RL
Realty & Development Corporation interposed
a Motion to dismiss contending that they are
juridical entities with distinct and separate
Corporation and therefore, they cannot be held
jointly and severally liable for the money
claims of workers who are not their

FACTS: In the illegal dismissal case
file the Sharon Cometa against Up & Down
Company, the Labor Arbiter rendered a
decision directing her immediate reinstatement
and payment of full backwages. The company
appealed to the NLRC. Following her lawyers
advice that the reinstatement aspect of the
decision is immediately executory, Sharon
Cometa went to the HRD Office of the
reinstatement. When the company refused,
her lawyer, Atty. Maximiano Anunciacion, filed
a motion to cite the employer in contempt.
Acting on the motion, the NLRC ordered the
payroll reinstatement of Sharon Cometa.

Rule on the motion to Dismiss. Should

it be granted or denied? Why?
Corporation (IMC) undertook a reorganization
of the company and right-sizing of its
personnel complement due to the current
financial crisis. The affected employees were
given the option to resign with corresponding
generous benefits attending such option. The
said employees opted to resignation on
account of these negotiated benefits; and after
receipt of which, they executed quitclaims in
favor of IMC. Immediately thereafter, the
employees voluntarily resigned for valuable
consideration and that, in any case, they have
executed quitclaims in favor of the company.
The employees, however, claimed that they
were forced to resign, and that they executed
the quitclaims only because of dire necessity.
1. Is the company guilty of
illegal dismissal? Why?
2. Can the quitclaim be
annulled on the ground of
dire necessity? Why?

1. Can the company or any of its

officials be cited for contempt for
refusing to reinstate Sharon
Cometa? Why?
2. May the NLRC order the payroll
reinstatement of Sharon Cometa?

FACTS: Teofilo Lacson was one of
more than one hundred (100) employees who
were terminated from employment due the
closure of LBM Construction Corporation

1. Can a final and executory
judgment be compromised under
a Release and Quitclaim for a
lesser amount?
2. May an ordinary rank and file
employee be terminated for loss of

LBM was a sister company of

Lastimoso Construction, Inc. and RL Realty &
Development Corporation. All three (3) entities
formed what came to be known as the


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

trust and confidence? If so, what
proof is required? If not, why not?

directly to the Security Department of Baron.

The pay slips of the security guards bore
Barons logo and showed that Baron deducted
therefrom the amount for SSS premiums,
medicare contributions and withholding taxes.
Assignments of security guards, who should
be on duty or on call, promotions,
suspensions, dismissal and award citations for
meritorious services, were all done upon
approval by Barons Chief Security officer.

FACTS: On September 3, 1998, the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
extracted from Joko Diaz without the
assistance of counsel a sworn statement
which made it appear that Joko, in cahoots
with another employee, Reuben Padilla, sold
ten (10) cash registers which had been
P50,000.00 and divide the proceeds therefrom
in equal shares between the two of them.

After the expiration of the contract with

Asia, Baron did not renew the same and
instead executed another contract for security
services with another agency. Asia placed the
affected security guards on floating status on
no work no pay basis. Having been displaced
from work, the Asia security guards filed a
case against the Baron Hotel for illegal
dismissal, overtime pay, minimum wage
differentials, vacation leave and sick leave
benefits, and 13th month pay.

On September 10, 1998, Joko was

requested by Rolando Bato, the Bank
manager, to appear before the Disciplinary
Board for an investigation in the following
tenor; You are hereby requested to come on
Thursday, September 14, 1998, at 11:00 a.m.
the Board Room, without counsel or
representative, in connection with the
investigation of the foreclosed cash registers
which you sold without authority.

Baron Hotel denied liability alleging

that Asia is the employer of the security guards
and therefore, their complaint for illegal
dismissal and payment for money claims
should be directed against Asia. Nevertheless,
Baron filed a Third Party Complaint against

Mr. Batos himself conducted the

investigation, and two (2) days thereafter, he
dismissed Joko. The Bank premised its action
in dismissing Joko solely on the latters
admission of the offense imputed to him by the
NBI in its interrogation on September 3, 1998.
Aside from his sworn statement, no other
evidence was presented by the bank to
establish the culpability of Joko in the
fraudulent sale of the banks foreclosed

1. Is there an employeremployee
between the Baron Hotel,
on one hand, and the Asia
security guards, on the
2. Assuming that ASIA is the
employer, is the act of
ASIA in placing the
floating status lawful?

1. Is the dismissal of Joko

Diaz by North-South Bank
legally justified? Explain
2. Can Reuben Padillas
fraudulent sale of the
properties be made to rest
solely on the unilateral
declaration of Joko Diaz?

FACTS: The Labor Arbiter dismissed
the complaint for illegal dismissal filed by
Genevieve Cruz against Bulag Optical Inc.
(BOI) which denied her prayer for
assistance in her favor. BOI appealed the
decision of the Labor Arbiter to the NLRC
within the reglamentary period. Genevieve
filed an opposition to the appeal. The NLRC
affirmed in toto the decision of the Labor
Arbiter. Both the BOI and Genevieve are not
satisfied with the decision of the NLRC.

FACTS: Asia Security & Investigation
Agency (ASIA) executed a one-year contract
with Baron Hotel (BARON) for the former to
provide the latter with twenty (20) security
guards to safeguard the persons and
belongings of hotel guests, among others. The
security guards filled up Baron application
form and submitted the executed forms


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

1. What is the remedy, if any, of BOI
and before what forum? Explain
2. Can Genevieve Cruz avail herself
of the same remedy as that of
BOI? Why?

unsatisfactory by the company and JV was

peremptorily dismissed without hearing.
The day following the termination from
employment, JV filed a case for illegal
dismissal against SSS. During the hearing
before the Labor Arbiter, SSS proved by
substantial evidence JVs misappropriation of
company funds and various infractions
detrimental to the business of the company.
JV, however, contented that his dismissal was
illegal because the company did not comply
with the requirements of due process.

FACTS: In a certification election
conducted by the Department of Labor,
associated Workers Organization in Laguna
(AWOL) headed by Cesar Montayo, won over
Pangkat ng mga Manggagawa sa Laguna
(PML), headed by Eddied Graciaa. Hence,
AWOL was certified as the exclusive
bargaining agent of the rank and file employee
of the Laguna Transportation Company (LTC).

1. Did SSS comply with the

requirements of procedural due
process in the dismissal from
employment of JV? Explain briefly.
2. If you were the Labor Arbiter, how
would you decide the case?
Explain briefly.

Shortly, thereafter, a CBA was

concluded by LTC and AWOL which provided
for a closed shop. Consequently, AWOL
demanded that Eddie Graciaa and all the PML
members be required to become members of
AWOL as a condition for their employment;
otherwise, they shall be dismissed pursuant to
the closed shop provision of the CBA.

FACTS: Lowland Cement & Factory
Company (LCFC) borrowed P500M from the
Development Bank of the Philippines and
mortgaged the entire company, inclusive of its
land, buildings and equipment, to guarantee
the payment of the loan. However, because of
the economic conditions, LCFC incurred heavy
and eventually failed to pay DBP the required
monthly amortizations over a period of more
than one (1) year. In due time, DBP foreclosed
the mortgaged assets of LCFC resulting in the
closure of the company and the displacement
of all its employees for want of work.

The union security of the CBA also

provided for the dismissal of employees who
have not maintained their membership in the
union. For one reason or another, Francis
Magallona, a member of AWOL, expelled from
the union membership for acts inimical to the
interest of the union. Upon receipt of the notice
that Francis Magallona failed to maintain his
membership in good standing with AWOL, LTC
summarily dismissed him from employment.

The LCFC Labor Union (union) filed in

behalf of the displaced workers a labor case
against DBP as the new owner of the of the
defunct cement factory for wage differentials,
retirement pay and other monetary claims. The
Labor Arbiter decided in favor of the Union.
DBP appealed to the NLRC.

1. Can Eddie Graciaa and all the

PML members be required to
become members of the AWOL
pursuant to the closed shop
provision of the CBA? Why?
2. Is
employment of Francis Magallona
by LTC lawful? Why?

DBP contended in its appeal that its

acquisition of the mortgaged assets of LCFC
through sale did not make it the owner of the
defunct Lowland Cement, and that the doctrine
of successor-employee is not applicable in this
case, since DBP did not continue the business
operation of LCFC.

FACTS: Joseph Vitriolo (JV), a cashier
of Seaside Sunshine Supermart (SSS), was
found after an audit, to have cash shortages
on his monetary accountability covering a
period of about five months in the total amount
of P48,000.00. SSS served upon JV the
written charge against him via a memorandum
order of preventive suspension, giving JV 24
hours to subit his explanation. As soon as JV
submitted his written explanation within the
given period, the same was deemed

The NLRC while finding merit in DBPs

contention, nonetheless held DBP liable to the
extent of the proceeds of the foreclosure sale
since the Unions claims in behalf of the
workers constitute a first preference with
respect thereto pursuant to article 110 0f the
Labor Code.


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Is the NLRC correct in holding DBP
liable to the extent of the proceeds of the
foreclosure sale? Explain briefly.

treatment but was pronounced dead on arrival.

The death certificate showed that he died of
cardiac arrest due to accidental electrocution.


Pepay Palaypay (Pitoy Morderos

common-law wife for more than twenty years)
and a Pitoy Mordero Jr. (his only son) filed a
claim for death benefits with the GSIS, which
was denied on the ground that Pitoy Morderos
death did arise out of and in the course of
employment and therefore not compensable
because the accident occurred in his hose and
not in the school premises.

Ventures (HIV) adopted a redundancy
program to streamline operations. Positions
which overlapped each other, or which are in
excess of the requirements of the service,
were declared redundant. This program
resulted in the reduction of manpower
complement and consequent termination of
fifteen (15) employees, which included the
secretary of the local union and the companys
Pollution control Officer.

1. Is
entitled to file a claim for
death benefit with the
GSIS? Why?
2. Is the cause of death of
Pitoy Mordero (cardiac
arrest due to accidental
electrocution in his house)
compensable? Why?

Ilaw at Bukod ng Mangagawa (IBM),

questioned the termination of the 15
employees, contending that the same
constituted union busting and therefore illegal,
if the same is undertaken without prior union
1. Is IBM correct in its
implemented by HIV only
approval? Why?
2. Can the position of
Pollution Control Officer
be declared redundant?

What are the salient features of the
protection to labor provision of the

FACTS: Pitoy Mondero was employed
as a public school teacher at the Marinduque
High School from July 1, 1983 until his
untimely demise on May 27, 1997.

A Recruitment and Placement Agency
declared voluntary bankruptcy. Among its
assets is its license to engage in business.

On April 27, 1997, a memorandum

was issued by the school principal, which
reads: You are hereby designated to prepare
the MODEL DAM project, which will be the
official entry of school the forthcoming Division
Search for Outstanding Improvised Secondary
Science Equipment for teachers to be held in
Manila on June 4, 1997. you are hereby
instructed to complete this MODEL DAM on or
before the scheduled date of the contest.

Is the license of the bankrupt agency

an asset which can be sold in public action by
the liquidator?
A lady worker was born with physical
deformity, specifically, hard of hearing, speech
impaired and color blind. However, these
deficiencies do not impair her working ability.

Mordero complied with his superiors

instruction and constructed an improvised
electric microdam, which he took home to
enable him to finish it before deadline. On May
27, 1997, while working on the MODEL DAM
Project in his house, he came to contact with a
live wire and was electrocuted. He was
immediately brought to a clinic for emergency

Can the employer classify the lady

worker as a handicapped worker so that her
daily wage will only be seventy-five percent
(75%) of the applicable daily minimum wage?


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

What would be your advice to your
client, a manufacturing company, who asks for
your legal opinion on whether or not the 13 th
Month Pay Law (P.D. 851) covers a casual
employee who is paid a daily wage?

A ladies dormitory run or managed by

a charitable non-profit organization claims that
it is exempt from the coverage of the Weekly
Rest Period provision of the Labor Code.
Is the claim valid?

At any given time, approximately
ninety percent (90%) of the production
workforce of a semi-conductor company are
females. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the
female workers are married and of child
bearing years. It is imperative that the
Company must operate with a minimum
number of absences to meet strict delivery
schedules. In view of the very high number of
lost working hours due to absences for family
reasons and maternity leaves, the Company
adopted a policy that it will employ married
women as production workers only of they are
at least thirty-five (35) years of age.

An explosion in a mine site resulted in

the death of fifty (50) miners. At the time of the
1. The Mining Company has
not yet paid the wages,
overtime, holiday and rest
day compensation of the
deceased miners;
2. All the deceased miners
Cooperative Union sums
of money;
3. The Mining Company was
served by a sheriff Writs
of Garnishment of Wages
of some of the deceased
miners by virtue of final
collection suits.

Is the policy violative of any law?

An airline which flies both international
and domestic routes requested the Secretary
of Labor and Employment to approve the
polivy that all female attendants upon reaching
the age forty (40) with at least fifteen (15)
years of service shall be compulsorily retired;
however, flight attendants who have reached
the age forty (40) but have not worked for
fifteen years will be allowed to continue
working in order to qualify for retirement
benefits, but in no case will extension exceed
four (4) years.

After the accident, the wives,

paramours, brothers, sisters and parents of
the deceased miners filed their claims for
unpaid wages, overtime, holiday and rest day
Company has acknowledged its obligation.
However, it is in a quandary as to how to
adjudicate the conflicting claims; and whether
it can deduct from the monies due the miners
their unpaid debts with the credit union.

Does the Secretary of Labor and

Employment have the authority to approve the

How will you advice the Mining

Company on the following:


1. Can the Mining Company

defer payment of the
money claims until an
appropriate court has
ruled on the conflicting
2. Can the Mining Company
deduct from the amount
due to each miner an
amount equivalent to their
debt and remit the same
to the Credit Union?

The weekly work schedule of a driver

is as follows:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Drive
the family car to bring and fetch the children to
and from school.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Drive
the family van to fetch the merchandise from
suppliers and deliver the same to a boutique in
a mall owned by the family.
Is the driver a househelper?


The same driver claims for that work

performed on Tuesday, Thursday and


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Saturday, he should be paid the minimum daily
wage of a driver of a commercial

The Company Legal Counsel advised
the Board of Directors as follows: A company
cannot retrench to prevent losses until actual
losses occur. The Company must wait until the
end of the Business Year when its Books of
Accounts, Profits and Loss Statements
showing the actual loss and Balance Sheet
have been audited by an independent auditing

Is the claim of the driver valid?

The services of an employee were
terminated upon the completion of the
probationary period of employment for failure
to qualify for the position. The employee filed a
complaint for Illegal Dismissal on the ground
that the employer failed to inform him in writing
the reasonable standards for regular

Is the legal advice of counsel correct?

employment, after receipt of a Notice to
Terminate Employment of one hundred (100)
workers, enjoined the employer from
implementing their termination.

Will the complaint for Illegal Dismissal


Has the secretary of Labor and

Employment the authority to enjoin the
employer from terminating the employment of
the workers? If so, on what grounds?

A Construction Group hired Engineer
A as a Project Engineer in 1987. He was
assigned to five (5) successive separate
projects. All five (5) Contracts of Employment
he signed, specified the name of the project,
its duration, and the temporary-project nature
of the engagement of his services. Upon
completion of the fifth (5th) project in
August 1998, his services were terminated. He
worked for a total of ten (10) years (19871998) in the five (5) separate projects.

A labor union lawyer opined that a
labor organization is a private and voluntary
organization; hence, a union can deny
membership to any and all applicants.
Is the opinion of counsel in accord
with law?

Six months after his separation, the

Group won a bid for a large construction
project. The group did not engage the services
of Engineer A as a Project Engineer for this
new project; instead, it engaged the services
of Engineer B. Engineer A claims that by
virtue of the nature of the functions, i.e.,
Engineer in a Construction Group, and his
long years of service he had rendered to the
Group, he is a regular employee and project
engineer at the time he was first hired.
Furthermore, the hiring of engineer B
showed that there is a continuing need for his

What is an appropriate bargaining unit

for purposes of collective bargaining?


required that an employerrelationship

and the employees in the
election can be ordered? If so,


Is the claim of engineer A correct?

Can the Bureau of Labor Relations

certify a union as the exclusive bargaining
representative after a showing proof of
majority representation thru union membership
cards without conducting an election?

Assuming the existence of valid
grounds for dismissal, what are the
requirements before an employer can
terminate the services of an employee?


LABOR LAW Bar Questions


due to financial losses. Robert Suarez, aside

from his monthly salary, receives commissions
on the sales he makes. He also receives
allowances. The existing CBA between Star
Pharmaceuticals and the union, of which
Robert Suarez is a member, states that any
employee separated from employment for
causes not due to the fault of the employee
shall receive from the company a retirement
gratuity in an amount equivalent to one
months salary per year of service.

The day following the workers

voluntary return to work, the Company
Production Manager discovered an unusual
and sharp drop in workers output. It was
evidently clear that the workers are engaged in
a work slowdown activity.
Employment, after assumption of jurisdiction
over a labor dispute in an airline issued a
return to Work Order. The airline filed a Motion
for Reconsideration of the Order and pending
resolution of the motion, deferred the
implementation of the Order.

Robert Suarez contends that in

computing his separation pay, his sales
commission and his allowances should be
included in the monthly salary. Do you agree?

implementation of the Return to Work Order
pending resolution of the motion for

Ruben Padilla entered into a written
agreement with Gomburza College to work for
the latter in exchange for the privilege studying
in said institution. Rubens work was confined
to keeping clean the lavatory facilities of the
school. One schoolday, Ruben got into a
fistfight with a classmate, Victor Monteverde,
as a result of which the latter sustained a
fractured arm.

Differentiate labor standards law from
labor relations law. Are the two mutually

Victor Monteverde filed a civil case for

damages against Ruben Padilla, impleading
Gomburza College due to the latters alleged
liability as an employer of Ruben Padilla.

Danilo Flores applied for the position
of driver in the motorpool of Gold Company, a
multinational corporation. Danilo was informed
that he would frequently be working overtime
as he would have to drive for the companys
executives even beyond the ordinary eighthour work day. He was provided with a
contract of employment wherein he would be
paid a monthly rate equivalent to 35 times his
daily wage, regular sick and vacation leaves, 5
day-leave with pay every month and time off
with pay when the companys executives using
the cars do not need Danilos service for more
than eight hours a day, in lieu of overtime.

Under the circumstances, could

Gomburza College be held liable by Victor
Monteverde as an employer of Ruben Padilla?

agreement. Does it differ from
an agency shop agreement
Are the above agreement legal?

The Kilusang Kabisig, a newly-formed

labor union claiming to represent a majority of
the workers in the Microchip Corporation,
proceeded to present a list of demands to the
management for purposes of collective
bargaining. The Microchip Corporation, a
multinational corporation engaged in the
production of computer chips for export,
declined to talk with the union leaders, alleging
that they had not as yet presented any proof of
majority status.

Are the above provisions of the

contract of employment in conformity with, or
violative of, the law?
Robert Suarez is a salesman for Star
Pharmaceuticals. Star Pharmaceuticals has
applied with the Department of Labor and
employment for clearance to terminate (by
way of retrenchment) the services of Suarez


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

The kilusang Kabisig the charge
Microchip Corporation with unfair labor
practice, and declared a wildcat strike
wherein means of ingress and egress were
blocked and remote and isolated acts of
destruction and violence were committed.

dismissed without due process. New Wave

filed a Motion to Dismiss based on lack of
Resolve the motion.


Are the principal officers of a

corporation liable in their personal capacity for
non-payment of unpaid wages and other
monetary benefits due its employees?

On 01 August 1992, Pro-Knit, a

corporation engaged in the manufacture of
textile garments, entered into a collective
bargaining agreement with the Kamao Union
in representation of the rank and file
employees of the corporation.

Atty. Facundo Veloso was retained by
Welga Labor Union to represent it in the
collective bargaining negotiations. It was
agreed that Atty. Veloso would be paid in the
sum of P20,000.00 as attorneys fees for his
assistance in the CBA negotiations.

The CBA was effective up to 20 June

1995 Kamao Union submitted to Pro-Knits
renegotiations of a new CBA. The next day,
Pro-Knit had entered into a merger with Eagle
Garments, a corporation also engaged in the
manufacture of textile garments. Eagle
Garments assumed all the assets and
liabilities of Pro-Knit.

negotiations, Welga Labor Union collected
from its individual members the sum of
P100.00 each to pay for Atty. Velosos fees
and another sum of P100.00 each for services
rendered by the union officers. Several
members of the Welga Labor Union
approached you to seek advice on the
following matters.

Kamao filed complaint with the

Regional Trial Court for specific performance
and damages with a prayer for preliminary
injunction against Pro-Knit and Eagle

Pro-Knit and Eagle Garments filed a
Motion to Dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction.
How would you rule on the Motion to Dismiss?


(a) Define Wage Distortion

(b) May a wage distortion, alleged by
the employees but rejected by the
employer to be such, be valid
ground for staging strike?

Whether or not the

collection of the amount
individual members to
answer for the Attorneys
fees was valid.
Whether or not the
assessment of P100.00
members of the Welga
Labor Union for services
rendered by the union
officers in the CBA
negotiations was valid.

The general manager of Junk Food
Manufacturing Corporation dismissed Andrew
Tan, a rank-and-file employee, on the ground
of insubordination. The general manager
served on Andrew Tan the letter of termination
effective upon receipt which was on 08 March
1992. Shocked by his unexpected dismissal,
Andrew Tan confronted the general manager
and hit the latter on the head with a leap pipe.

Mr. Jonathan Pe, a registered

stockholder of New Wave Beauty Shop, Inc.
was elected Vice-President of New Wave at a
regular monthly meeting.
At a subsequent meeting of the Board
of Directors, it was resolved to dismiss
Jonathan as Vice-President due to loss of trust
and confidence. Jonathan Pe filed with the
National Labor Relations Commission a
complaint for illegal dismissal with damages
against New Wave claiming that he was

Junk Food Manufacturing filed a

complaint in court against Andrew Tan for less
serious physical injuries. Somehow, Andrew


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Tan was acquitted by the court assigned to
hear the criminal case. A few days following
his acquittal, or on 01 March 1996, Andrew
Tan filed complaint against the company for
illegal dismissal, reinstatement and the
payment of backwages and damages.

Distinguish between job contracting

and labor-only contracting.
Lita Cruz, a full time professor in San
Ildefonso Univesity, is paid on a regular
monthly basis. Cruz teaches for a period of ten
months in a school year, excluding the two
months summer break.

(a) Was the complaint filed by

Andrew Tan for illegal dismissal
granted by law?
(b) What reliefs may Andrew Tan be
entitled to if the Labor Arbiter
finds just cause for termination
but that the requirements of
notice and hearing are not
complied with?

During the semestral break, the

University did not pay Lita Cruz her
emergency Cost of Living allowance (ECOLA)
although she received her regular salary since
the semestral break was allegedly no an
integral part of the school year and no
teaching service were actually rendered by
her. In short, the University invoked the
principle of no work, no pay.

State the cases when a labor dispute
would fall under the jurisdiction of voluntary
arbitrators or panel of voluntary arbitrators.

Lita Cruz seeks your advice on

whether or not she is entitled to receive her
ECOLA during semestral breaks. How would
you respond to the query?



The Secretary of Labor assumed

jurisdictions over a strike in Manila Airlines and
eventually issued a return-to-work. The Manila
Airlines Employees Union defied a return-towork order and continued with their strike. The
management of Manila Airlines then declared
all the employees who participated in the strike
dismissed from employment.

Urongsulong are employed as truck drivers of
Line Movers, Inc. Usually, Lito is required by
the personnel manager to just stay at the head
office after office hours because he could be
called to drive the trucks. While at the head
office, Lito merely waits in the managers
reception room. On the other hand, Bong is
allowed to go home after office hours but is
required to keep his cellular phone on so that
he could be contacted whenever his services
as driver become necessary.


Was the act of Manila Airlines

management in dismissing the
participants in the strike valid?
What are the effects of an
assumption of jurisdiction by the
Secretary of Labor upon the
striking employees and Manila

Would the hours that Lito and Bong

are on call be considered compensable
working hours?


Dinna Ignacio was hired by Stag

Karaoke Club as a guest relations officer.
Dinna was also required to sing and dance
with the guests of the club.

A strike was staged in Mella

Corporation beause of a deadlock in CBA
negotiations over certain economic provisions.
During the strike, Mella Corporation hired
replacements for the workers who went on
strike. Thereafter, the strikers decided to
resume their employment.

In Dinna Ignacios employment

contract, which she signed, the following
stipulations appeared:

Can Mella Corporation be obligated to

reinstate the returning workers to their
previous positions?

commissions coming from guests


shall be subjected to 15% deduction.



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Hours of work
A.M. daily including Sundays

5 P.M. up to 2

2) Give three (3) examples of unfair

labor practices on the part of the
employer and three (3) examples
of unfair labor practices on the
part of the labor union.

Other conditions
a body weight of 95 lbs.,

Must maintain

remain single. Marriage or pregnancy

1) What matters are considered

mandatory subjects of collective
2) What jurisdictional pre-conditions
must be present to set in motion
the mechanics of a collective

be considered as a valid
ground for a


A year later, Dinna Ignacio requested
to go on leave because she would be getting
married to one of the clubs regular guests.
The management of the club dismissed her.


Dinna filed a complaint for illegal

shift differential pay,
backwages, overtime pay and holiday pay.
Discuss the merits of Dinnas complaint.
State the respective coverage of (a)
the Social Security Law; (b) the Revised
Government Service Insurance act and (c) the
Employees Compensation Act.

Was the award of the separation

pay proper? Explain.



1) When
employeremployee relationship exist?
2) What are e rights of an employer
and an employee?
1) What is the importance of labor
2) How does the
selforganization differ from that of the
employees in the private sector?



Jose applied with Mercure Drug

Company for the position of Sales
Clerk. Mercure Drug Company
maintains chain of drug stores
that are open everyday till late at
night. Jose was informed that he
had work on Sundays and
holidays at night as part of the
regular course of employment. He
was presented with a contract of
employment setting forth his
compensation on an annual basis
with an express waiver of extra
Sundays and holidays, which
Jose signed.
Is such a waiver binding on Jose?


Daisy, the branch manager of

tropical footwear Inc., was
dismissed for serious misconduct.
She filed a complaint for illegal
dismissal and damages. The labor
dismissal but awarded her
separation pay based on social
justice and as an act of
compassion considering her 10year service with the company.




Marimar is a teacher in Santibanez
High School. She is the class adviser of the
senior batch where Sergio is enrolled. Since it
is the policy of the school to extend remedial
instructions to its students, Sergio is imparted
such instructions in school by Marimar after
regular class hours. In the course thereof,


1) Define unfair labor practice.


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Marimar and Sergio fell in love with each other
and shortly after got married. Marimar is 31
years old while Sergio is only 16.

reassignment is tantamount to an illegal
constructive dismissal.

Santibanez High School thereafter

seeks to terminate the employment of Marimar
for abusive and unethical conduct unbecoming
of a dignified school teacher and that her
continued employment is inimical to the best
interest and would downgrade the high moral
values of the school. Marimar, according to the
school, recklessly took advantage of her
position as a teacher by luring a graduating
student under her advisory section and 15
years her junior into an amorous relationship,
in violation of the Code of Ethics for teachers
which states, among others, that a school
official or teacher should never take advantage
of his/her position to court a pupil or student.
While no one directly saw Marimar and Sergio
doing anything acts inside the classroom, the
school nonetheless maintains that the
marriage between the two is the best proof
which confirms the suspicion that Marimar and
Sergio indulged in amorous relations inside
the classroom after class hours.

Do you agree with Mansueto? Explain.

Sergio, an employee of Encantadio
Philippines, Inc. (EPI), was at the company
canteen when Corazon, a canteen helper,
questioned him for his use of somebody elses
identification card (ID. Sergio flared up and
shouted atCorazon Wala kang pakialam!
Kung gusto mo, itapon o itong mga pagkain
nyo!. When Sergio noticed thats some people
where staring at him rather menacingly, he left
the canteen but returned a few minutes later
for remark challengingly Sino ba ang
nagagalit. Sergio then began smashing some
food items that were o display for sale in the
canteen, after which he slapped Corazon
which caused her to fall and suffer contusions.
The incident prompted Corazon to file a written
complaint with Gustavo, the personnel
manager of EPI, against Sergio.

Marimar, on the other hand, contends

that there is nothing wrong with a teacher
failing in love with her pupil and consequently,
contracting marriage with him.

Gustavo required Sergio to explain in

writing why no disciplinary action should be
taken against him. In his written explanation,
Sergio admitted his conduct but tried to
explain it away by saying that he was under
the influence of liquor at the time of the
incident. Gustavo thereafter issued a letter of
termination from the employment of Sergio for
Serious misconduct.

How would you decide the case?

Mansueto was hired by the Philippine
Packing Company (PPC) sometime in 1960 as
an hourly paid research field worker as its
pineapple plantation in Bukidnon. In 1970, he
was transferred to the general crops plantation
in Misamis Oriental. Mansueto was promoted
to the position of a monthly paid regular
supervisor four years after.

Sergio now files a complaint for illegal

dismissal, arguing that his acts did not
constitute serious misconduct that would
justify his dismissal.

Subsequently, research activity in

Misamis Oriental was phased out in March of
1982 for having become unnecessary.
Mansueto therafter received a written
memorandum from the PPC, reassigning him
to the Bukidnon plantation effective April 1,
1982, with assurance that his position of
supervisor was still there for him to hold.

A deadlock in the negotiations for the
collective bargaining agreement between X
College and the Union prompted the latter,
after duly notifying the DOLE, to declare a
strike on November 5 which totally paralyzed
the operations of the school.

When Mansueto continuously failed to

report for work at the Bukudnon plantation,
PPC terminate his employment by reason of
his refusal to accept his new assignment.

The Labor Secretary immediately

assumed jurisdiction over the dispute and
issued on the same day (November 5) a return
to work order. Upon receipt of the order, the
striking union officers and members on
November 7, filed a motion for reconsideration


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

thereof questioning the Labor Secretarys
assumption of jurisdiction, and continued with
the strike during the pendency of their motion.

assessed P1,000.00 to be deducted from the

lump sum of P10,000.00 which each employee
was to receive under the CBA. Sergio, a Union
member, protested and refused to sign the
authorization slip for the deduction. X Union
then passed a resolution expelling Sergio from
the union. Sergio filed a complaint before the
Labor Arbiter for illegal deduction and
expulsion from the union.

On November 30, the Labor Secretary

denied reconsideration of his return to work
order and further noting the strikers failure to
immediately return to work terminated their
In assailing the Labor Secretarys
decision, the Union contends that:

Will the complaint prosper? Explain.


1) The
dispute since X College
could not be considered
an industry indispensable
to national interest;
2) The strikers were under
immediately comply with
the November 5 return to
work order because of
their then pending motion
for reconsideration of
such order; and
3) The strike being legal, the
employment of the striking

PT & T Supervisory Employees Union

filed a petition for the holding of a certification
election among the supervisory employees of
the PT & T Company. The company moved to
dismiss the petition on the ground the Union
functions and were not merely supervisory
employees. The company also alleged that a
certified bargaining unit existed among its rank
and file employees which barred the filing of
the petition.
1) Does the company have
the standing to file the
2) If you were the MedArbiter, how would you
resolve the petition?
3) What is the proper
remedy of an employer to
employees are qualified to

Rule on these contention. Explain.

Diego, Executive Vice-President of
Evergreen Development Corporation (EDC)
was dismissed by the Board of Directors for
his involvement in irregularities prejudicial to
EDCs interest. He filed a complaint for illegal
dismissal with the Labor Arbiter, praying foor
reinstatement with backwages, P5 million
pesos as moral damages, P1 million pesos as
exemplary damages and attorneys fees. EDC
questioned the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter.
Diego, in turn contended that the Labor Arbiter
has jurisdiction over the case as it involves the
termination of an employee and claims for
backwages, benefits and damages.

Efrenia Reyes was a classroom
teacher assigned by the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) in
Panitan, Capiz. She has been in the
government service since 1951 up to
November, 1985 when she retired at 55 due to
poor health.
In March, 1982, while she was
teaching her Grade 1 pupils the proper way of
scrubbing and sweeping the floor, she
accidentally slipped. Her back hit the edge of a
desk. She later complained of a weak lower
extremities and difficulty in walking. After an Xray examination, she was found to be suffering
from Potts disease and was advised to
undergo an operation. In 1985, she filed with
the GSIS a claim for disability benefits under
Presidential Decree No. 626, as amended.

The national council of X Union, the
exclusive bargaining representative of all daily
paid workers of Z Corp., called a general
meeting and passed a resolution which
provides that each union member was to be


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

The GSIS granted claim and awarded Efrenia
permanent partial disability benefits.

Describe and give an example of

each classification.
2. Is there any distinction between
labor legislation and social
legislation? Explain.

After she underwent a surgical

operation on her spine in November, 1985, her
condition worsened.

In 1990, Efrenia filed with the GSIS a
petition for conversion of her disability status
corresponding adjustment of benefits. GSIS
denied the claims stating that after Efrenias
retirement, any progression of her ailment is
no longer compensable.


Is he GSIS correct in denying the

claim? Explain.


Gary, a salesman of Astro

Chemical Company (ASTRO),
was reported to have committed
some serious anomalies in his
sale and distribution of company
products. ASTRO designated its
Chief Legal Officer to investigate
Gary. Instead of submitting to the
investigation, Gary filed a petition
to enjoin the investigation on the
ground that ASTRO would
appear to be his accuser,
prosecutor, and judge at the
same time.
Will the petition to enjoin the
investigation prosper? Discuss

Sara has been working as housemaid

for the Bojilov spouses for three (3) years. In
the early morning of July 28, the spouses and
Sara were watching the live coverage of the
finals Olympic boxing match between a
Bulgarian and a Filipino which the foreign
fighter won on points. Peeved by Saras angry
remarks that the scoring was unfair, the Bojilov
spouses fired her on the spot.


Sara thereafter filed a complaint with

the Regional Director of the DOLE for the
unpaid salaries totaling P5,500.00. The Bojilov
spouses moved to dismiss the complaint on
the belief that Saras claim falls within the
jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. Sara, however,
claimed that the Regional Director can decide
on her claim by virtue of his plenary visitorial
powers under Art. 128 and of Art. 129 of the
Labor Code, as amended, which empowers
the Regional Director to hear and decide,
among others, matters involving recovery of

Phil-Norksgard Company, Inc., a

domestic corporation engaged in
the optics business, imported
from Sweden highly sophisticated
and sensitive instruments for its
instruments and operate them,
the company intends to employ
technician sojourning as a tourist
in the Philippines.
As a lawyer of the company, what
measures will you take to ensure
the legitimate employment of
Borja Anders and at the same time
protect Philippine labor? Discuss
1.) What is a bonus? When is it
demandable as a matter of
right? Explain.
2.) Give at least five (5) instances
when an illegally dismissed

1) Whose position will you

sustain? Explain.
2) Will your answer be the
same if Saras claim is
reinstatement? Explain.


Universal Milling Company

(UNIVERSAL) and Maras Canteen (MARAS)
executed an agreement that UNIVERSAL
employees patronizing MARAS could buy food

1. What are the three (3) general

classifications of labor statutes?


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

on credit and enjoy 25% discount provided
that they present their Identification Card (ID)
and wear their company uniform.

neither was he informed of the nature of the

charge against him. He was simply barred
from entering company premises by the

Nikko, an employee of UNIVERSAL,

used the ID of Galo, a co-employee, in buying
food at MARAS. An alert employee of MARAS
discovered the misrepresentation of Nikko but
not without engaging him in a heated
argument. Nikko boxed MARAS employee
resulting in serious physical injuries to the
latter. UNIVERSAL dismissed Nikko from the
company. Nikko sued UNIVERSAL for illegal

Juan Dukha asks for immediate

reinstatement with full back wages and without
loss of seniority rights.
1.) Will the complaint of Juan
Dukha of illegal dismissal
prosper? Explain.
2.) Assuming that he cannot
be reinstated, what right
assert his employer?

As Labor Arbiter, how would you

decide the case? Discuss fully.

Pablo Bagsakin, a law graduate who
got tired of taking the bar examinations after
several unsuccessful attempts, joined the
Investigation Division of Warak Transport
Company. From the beginning Pablo never
liked his manager because the latter always
made fun of the formers accident reports.
When Pablos patience ran out he walked up
to his manager who was reviewing the
investigators assignments and workload and
boxed him until the latter collapsed. The
incident happened during office hours at the
Investigation Division without any investigation
and was no longer allowed to enter the
company premises.

A supervisors union filed a petition for

certification election to determine the exclusive
bargaining representative of the supervisory
employees of Farmers Bank. Included in the
list of supervisory employees attached to the
petition are the Department Managers, Branch
Managers, Cashiers and Comptrollers.
Farmers Bank questioned the list arguing that
Department Managers, Branch Managers,
Cashiers and Comptrollers inherently possess
the powers enumerated in Art. 212 par. (m), of
the Labor Code, i.e., the power and
prerogative to lay down and execute
management policies and/or to hire, transfer,
suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or
discipline employees.

The manager filed a complaint for

damages against Pablo before the Pasig
Regional Trial Court (RTC). In turn Pablo filed
a case for illegal dismissal with the Labor
Arbiter against the manager and the transport
company. Pablo asked for reinstatement
without loss of seniority rights with full back
wages. Pablo also filed before the Pasig RTC
a motion to dismiss the damages suit against
him alleging that the Labor Arbiter before
whom the case for illegal dismissal was
pending had exclusive jurisdiction over both
Discuss fully.




1.) Is the contention of Farmers Bank

correct? Discuss fully.
2.) Is there any statutory basis for the
petition of the union? Explain.
Roman had been a driver of DoubleTen Corporation for ten (10) years. As early as
his fifth year in the service he was already
commended as a Model Employee and given
a salary increase. On his seventh year, he
became a steward of his labor union. Since
then he became disputatious and obstinate
and his performance fell below par. One day
his manager told him to pick up some
documents from a certain bank which were
needed to close a business transaction.
Roman did not obey. He said he had an
important personal engagement. Moreover, he
did not want to drive a vehicle that was not
airconditioned. When his immediate supervisor
asked him in the afternoon to drive an


Juan Dukha, a bill collector of Ladies
Garments Company, was dismissed because
he did not remit his collections. He filed a case
against his company for illegal dismissal.
During the hearing, the President of the
Company admitted that Juan was never
formally investigated for his dishonesty;


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

airconditioned car, Roman again refused. He
said he did not want to drive as he wanted to
leave the office early.

ILECO is an electric cooperative which

accepted fresh graduates from a vocational
school as lineman trainees for six (6) months
after which they were hired as probationary
employees for another ten (10) months.
employees. These employees then sought
entitlement to salary increases under the
existing CBA which were given at the time
when they were not yet regular employees,
hence, not yet members of the employees
union. ILECO denied their claims because
they were not yet regular members when the
CBA took effect and therefore not entitled to
wage adjustments thereunder.

Roman was asked to explain. After

hearing his explanation, Roman was
dismissed for willful disobedience. Roman filed
a case for illegal dismissal against the DoubleTen Corporation with prayer for reinstatement
and full backwages without loss of seniority
rights, plus moral and exemplary damages
and attorneys fees. Roman contended that
since there was no emergency situation and
there were other drivers available, his refusal
to drive for the manager, and later for his
supervisor, was not serious enough to warrant
his dismissal. On the other hand, he claimed
that he was being punished because of his
activities as a steward of his union.

Resolve the issue. Discuss fully.

If you were the Labor Arbiter, would

you sustain Roman? Discuss fully.

Fifty percent (50%) of the employees
of Grandeur Company went on strike after the
negotiations for a collective bargaining
agreement ended in a deadlock. Grandeur
Company, being a public utility, immediately
petitioned the Secretary of Labor and
Employment to assume jurisdiction and certify
the case to the NLRC. On the fourth day of the
strike and before the DOLE Secretary could
assume jurisdiction or certify the case to the
NLRC, the strikers communicated in writing
their offer to return to work. Grandeur
Company refused to accept the offer of the
strikers because it realized that they were not
at all capable of paralyzing the operations of
the company. The strikers accused Grandeur
Company of illegal lockout.

1. Give the original and exclusive
jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters.
2. How are cases arising from the
interpretation or implementation of
collective bargaining agreements
handled and disposed?
3. What is the jurisdiction of the
1. Under the Labor Code, is the right
of first preference a lien on the
property of the insolvent debtor in
favor of the workers? Explain.
2. Distinguish the mortgage created
under the Civil Code from the right
of first preference created by the
Labor Code as regards the unpaid
wages of the workers. Explain.

committed the act charged by refusing to
accept the offer of the strikers to return to
work? Discuss fully.



1. What is the extent of an

employers intervention in the
compensation process and the
payment of benefits to employees
under the Statement Insurance
Fund? Explain.
2. Is it necessary for an employee to
litigate in order to establish and
enforce his right to compensation?



What are the objectives of the

Employment in certifying a labor
dispute to the NLRC for
compulsory arbitration? Explain.
Are the strikers in an illegal strike
entitled to reinstatement under
the Labor Code? Explain.
If the strike is declared illegal, will
the strikers be entitled to their
wages for the duration for the
strike? Explain.


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Fil-Aire Aviation Company (FIL-AIRE)
is a new airline company recruiting flight
attendant for its domestic flights. It requires
that the applicant be single, not more than 24
years old, attractive, and familiar with three (3)
major Visayan dialects, viz; Ilongo, Cebuano,
Waray. Lourdes, 23 years old, was accepted
as she possessed all the qualifications. After
passing the probationary period, Lourdes
disclosed that she got married when she was
18 years old but the marriage was already in
the process of being annulled on the ground
that her husband was afflicted with sexually
transmitted disease at the time of the
celebration of their marriage. As result of this
revelation, Lourdes was not hired as a regular
flight attendant. Consequently, she filed a
complaint against FIL-AIRE alleging that the
pre-employment qualifications violate relevant
provisions of the Labor Code and are against
public policy.

2) Distinguish the liabilities of an

employer who engages the
independent contractor from one
who engages a labor-only
3) Distinguish between an award for
backwages and an award for
unpaid wages.


Is the contention of Lourdes tenable?

Discuss fully.

substantive and the procedural
requirements for the dismissal of
an employee.
reinstatement of a dismissed
employee even if the prayer of
the complaint did not include
such relief?

1) Distinguish salary from wages.

2) Are these subject to attachment
and execution?
3) Distinguish
members of a managerial staff.

Big Foot Company of Paete, Laguna,
has been in the business of manufacturing
wooden sandals for export since 5 November
1980. On 5 January 1994 it employed an
additional labor complement of thirty workers,
two supervisors and two department
managers. On 5 February 1994 it hired five
carpenters to fix the roof and the walls of its
factory which were destroyed by typhoon

1) Can an employer legally oppose
the inclusion of confidential
employees in the bargaining unit
of rank and file employees?
2) Would your answer be different if
the confidential employees are
sought to be include in the
supervisory union?

Who among the aforementioned

persons are compulsorily covered by the SSS
and when should they be considered
effectively covered? Discuss fully.

Concepcion Textile Co. included to
overtime pay, night-shift differential pay, and
the like in the computation of its employees
13th month pay. Subsequently, with the
promulgation of the decision of the Supreme
Court in the case of San Miguel Corporation
vs. Inciong (103 SCRA 139) holding that these
other monetary claims should not be included
in the computation of the 13th month pay.
Concepcion Textile Co. sought to recover
under the principle of solutio indebitis its
overpayment of its employees 13th month pay,
by debiting against future 13 th month payments
whatever excess amounts it had previously

Reconcile the compulsory nature of

the closed shop provision in a CBA with the
constitutional guarantee of freedom of
association. Discuss fully.

1) What is a labor-only contract?

1. Is the Companys action



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

2. With respect to the
payment of the 13th month
pay after the San Miguel
Corporation ruling, what
arrangement, if any, must
the Company make in
order to exclude from the
13th month pay all earning
and remunerations other
than the basic pay.

the dispute between the parties. While the

NCMB was
proceedings, the Union proceeded to conduct
a strike vote as provided for under the Labor
Code. After observance of the procedural
processes required under the Code, the Union
declared a strike.
1) Is the strike valid?
2) Can the employer unilaterally
declare those who participated in
the strike as having lost their
employment status?
3) What
employees (declared by the
employer to have lost their
employment status) have, if any?

Atty. Oliza heads the legal department
of Company X with the rank and title of ViePresident. During his leave of absence, his
assistant took over as acting head of the legal
department. Upon his return, Atty. Oliza was
informed in writing that his services were no
longer needed, it appearing that the Company
had lost so many cases by default due to his
incompetence. Atty. Oliza filed a case for
illegal dismissal.

company, and Union Y were in the process of
negotiating a new CBA to replace the one
which expired on March 15, 1990. The
negotiations reached an impasse on economic
issues on June 30, 1990. The Secretary of
Labor assumed jurisdiction over the dispute
and certified the same to the NLRC for proper
disposition. Proceedings before the NLRC
ended on November 30, 1990 and a decision
was rendered on December 15, 1990. The
said decision made retroactive to March 15,
1990 the new CBA containing the issues
resolved by the NLRC, as well as those
concluded and agreed upon by the parties
prior to their arriving at a deadlock in their
negotiations. Company X questioned the
retroactivity of the CBA, alleging that the same
contravenes Art. 253-A of the Labor Code,
which provides for the automatic retroactivity
of the renewed CBA only if the same is
entered into within six (6) months from expiry
date, and, if not, the parties must agree on the
duration of retroactivity.

1. Will his case prosper?

2. Pending hearing, may Atty. Oliza
ask the Secretary of Labor to
suspend the effects of the
termination of the services of an
employee and to order his
temporary reinstatement?
The Secretary of Labor assumed
jurisdiction over a strike under Art. 263 (g) of
the Labor Code and issued a return to work
order. The Union defied the return to work
order and continued the strike. The Company
proceeded to declare all those who
participated in the strike as having lost their
employment status.
1. Was the Companys action valid?
2. Was the Company still duty bound
to observe the requirements of
due process before declaring
those who participated in the
strike as having lost their
employment status?

1. Is Company Xs position correct?

2. Would your answer be different if
the assumption of jurisdiction by
the Secretary of Labor was at the
request or instance of Company

Union A filed a Notice of Strike with
the National Conciliation and Mediation Board
(NCMB) of the Department of Labor and
Employment. Upon a motion to dismiss by the
Company on the ground that the acts
complained of in the notice of strike are non
strikeable, the NCMB dismissed the Notice of
Strike but continued to mediate the issues
contained therein to prevent the escalation of

Bulacan Medical Hospital (BMH)

entered into a CBA with its Union, wherein it is
expressly stipulated in the Management
Prerogative Clause that BMH shall, in the
exercise of its management prerogatives, heve
the sole and exclusive right to promulgate,
amend and modify rules and regulations for
the employees within the bargaining unit. A


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

year after the contract was signed, BMH
issued its Revised Rules and Regulations and
furnished a copy thereof to the Union for
dissemination to all employees covered by the
CBA. The Union wrote BMH demanding that
the Revised Rules and Regulations be first
discussed with them before implementation.
BMH refused. So, the Union filed an action for
unfair labor practice (ULP) against BMH.

ground of prescription, invoking Article 290 of

the Labor Code.
If you were the Labor Arbiter, how
would you resolve the Companys Motion to
Tina Aquino, a domestic helper in the
household Fidel Aldeguer, filed an action in the
Regional Office of the Department of Labor
and Employment (DOLE) recovery of unpaid
wages amounting to P3,500.00 and P1,499.00
as moral damages. Aquino claimed that the
amount of P3,500.00 is equivalent to the
P500.00 a month she failed to receive for the
last seven months of her employment with
Aldeguer based on their agreed P2,500.00
monthly salary. Aldeguer moved to have
Aquinos complaint dismissed, alleging that as
a domestic helper Ms. Aquino should have first
brought the matter to the Lupong Barangay.

1) Is the Union correct?

2) Assuming that the CBA was
signed or executed before the
1987 Constitution was ratified,
would your answer to the
preceding question be different?
Aldrich Zamora, a welder, was hired
on February 1972 by Asian Contractors
Corporation (ACC) for a project. He was made
to sign a contract stipulating that his services
were being hired for the completion of the
project, but not later than December 30, 1972,
whichever comes first.

If you were the Regional Director, how

would you resolve the matter?

After December 1972, Zamora, being

a man of many talents, was hired for different
projects of ACC in various capacities, such as
carpenter, electrician and plumber. In all of
these engagements, Zamora signed a contract
similar to his first contract except for the
estimated completion dates of the project for
which he was hired.

manufactures audio/video record players,
compact discs, video discs, cassettes and the
like. CRPs shareholdings is 40% foreign and
60% domestic. CRP signed a CBA with its
rank and file workers for three years starting
from January 1, 1990 and ending on
December 31, 1993.

What is Zamoras status with ACC? Is

he a contract worker, a project employee, a
temporary or a regular employee? State your

Before the expiration of the CBA,

CRP decided to sell all its assets to Lyra Music
Corporation effective September 30, 1993. In
this regard, notice was sent on August 30,
1993 to each employee advising them of the
sale of the Companys assets to Lyra Music
Corporationand the closure of the companys
operations effective September 30, 1993.
CRP, likewise, requested that each employee
receive his separation pay equivalent to one
and one-half (1 & ) months pay per year of
service, exclusive of all unused leaves which
were also concerted to ash, and his 13 th month
pay for 1993.

On October 30, 1980, A, an employee,
was served a notice of dismissal allegedly for
gross dishonesty. Forthwith, the Union to
which A was a member raised As dismissal
with the grievance machinery as provided for
in the CBA. At that point, negotiation for a new
CBA was in progress. Hence, both the Union
and the Company had a very little time to
address As grievance. In fact, said grievance,
as it were, slept the sleep of the dead, being
resolved only with finality on November 23,
1983 when the General Manager of the
Company affirmed As dismissal on the fifth
and the last step of the grievance machinery.

respective separation pay under protest and
thereafter filed an action against CRP and Lyra
Music Corporation for unfair labor practice
(ULP). The Arbiter ruled in favor of the workers
and ordered Lyra Music Corporation to absorb
the former workers of CRP.

A filed an action for illegal dismissal

with the Arbitration Branch of the NLRC on
immediately filed a motion to dismiss on the


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Was the Labor Arbiter correct in his

by his superiors of the possible merger

between Company A and Company B. Fearing
that he might lose his job upon the merger of
the two companies, he looked for and found
another job. Upon resignation he was given a
separation pay equivalent to one months pay
per year of service, although technically
speaking, he is not entitled thereto being a
resigned employee. Mr. Santos executed a
quitclaim and waiver upon receipt of his
separation pay benefits.

A CBA between Company A and its
employees provides for optimal retirement
benefits for employees who have served the
company for over 25 years regardless of age,
equivalent to one and one-half months pay per
year of service based on he employees last
pay. The CBA further provides that employees
whose services are terminated, except for
cause, shall receive said retirement benefits
regardless of age or service record with the
company or to the applicable separation pay
provided by law, whichever is higher. The
Company, due to poor business conditions,
decided to cease operations and gave its
employees the required one months advance
notice as well as notice to DOLE, with further
advice that each employee may claim his
corresponding separation or retirement
benefits whichever is higher after executing
the required waiver and quitclaim.

The merger of the two companies

turned out to be buy-out by the latter of the
former. At this point, Company As employees,
save for handful, dismissed upon payment of
separation pays equivalent to three (3) months
for every year if service because of the Unions
efforts on the workers behalf. Feeling
aggrieved, Santos subsequently charged
Company A with discrimination, constructive
The Labor Arbiter and the NLRC
sustained Company As position that Santoss
quitclaim is valid, and that as a manager he
knew the import of what he was signing and,
therefore, estopped from claiming otherwise.

Dino Ramos and his co-employees

who have all rendered more than 25 years of
service, received their retirement benefits.
Soon after, Ramos and others similarly
situated demanded for their separation pay.
The Company refused, claiming that under the
CBA they cannot receive both benefits.

Are the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC


Who is correct, the employee or the


Harbor View Hotel has an existing
CBA with the Union of rank and file employees
consisting, among others, of bartenders,
waiters, roomboys, housemen and stewards.
During the lifetime of the CBA, Harbor View
Hotel, for reasons of economy and efficiency,
decided to abolish the position of housemen
and stewards who do the cleaning of the
hotels public area. Over the protest of the
Union, the Hotel contracted out the
aforementioned job to the City Service
Janitorial Company, a bona fide independent
contractor which has a substantial capital in
the form of janitorial tools, equipment,
machineries and competent manpower.

In 1990, Vic Garcia was hired by the
International Labor Organization (ILO) Office in
Manila as a bookkeeper for five years. On
January 5, 1994, he was advised that his
services were being terminated for loss of
Garcia questioned his dismissal by
ILO-Manila as arbitrary and without benefit of
due process.
1) If you were counsel for
should you put up?
2) If you were the Labor
Arbiter, how would you
decide the case?

Is the action of the Harbor View Hotel

legal valid?


In the CBA between Royal Films and

its rank and file Union (which is directly
affiliated with MFF, a national federation), a
provision on the maintenance of membership
expressly provides that the Union can demand

Nonoy Santos was employed as a

middle management employee in Company A.
in the course of his employment he was told


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

the dismissal of any member employee who
commits acts of disloyalty to the Union as
provided for in its Constitution and By-Laws.
The same provision contains an undertaking
by the Union (MFF) to hold Royal Films free
from any and all claims of any employee

In the general assembly meeting held
on September 5, 1992, a BANK UNION with a
majority of its 1,500 rank and file members
attending, ratified and confirmed the decision
of its UNION OFFICERS engage the services
of one ATTY. DAYOS to assist them in the
negotiation of a new 3-year CBA, to replace
the expiring CBA. A contractual undertaking
was signed by the UNION OFICERS providing
payment of attorneys fees to ATTY. DAYOS in
the amount equivalent to ten percent (10%) of
the total package benefits that may be secured
from the BANK. The BANK was authorized to
deduct or check-off said attorneys fees and to
turnover the proceeds directly to ATTY.

During the term of the CBA, MFF

discovered that certain employee members
were initiating a move to disaffiliate for MFF
and join a rival federation, FAMAS. Forthwith,
MFF sought the dismissal of its employee
members initiating the disaffiliation movement
from MFF to FAMAS. Royal
Films, relying on the provision of the
aforementioned CBA, complied with MFFs
request and dismissed the employees
identified by MFF as disloyal to it.
1. Will an action for illegal
dismissal against Royal
Films and MFF prosper of
2. What are the liabilities of
Royal and MFF to the
dismissed employee, if

After the conclusion and signing of the

new CBA between the BANK UNIN and the
BANK MANAGEMENT, many of the members
of the BANK UNION who attended the general
assembly meeting on September 5, 1992,
objected to the payment of ATTY. DAYOS
attorneys fees for various reasons: (1) Some
claimed that the UNIONs contract to pay
attorneys fees, negotiation fees or similar
charges of any kind arising from any CBA
negotiations or conclusion of the CBA,
imposed on the individual members of the
contracting UNION, was null and void; (2)
Some also claimed that they never attended
the UNIONs general assembly meeting of
September 5, 1992, and even if they were
present, then they would have opposed to the
payment of attorneys fees to ATTY. DAYOS;
(3) Others claims that although they signed the
resolution authorizing the payment of the
attorneys fees, they were withdrawing such
authorizations. On the other hand, the UNION
OFFICERS insisted on paying UNIONs
counsel 10% attorneys fees alleging that its
rank and file members in their general
assembly meeting held on September 5, 1992,
authorized and ratified their contractual
undertaking to pay 10% to ATTY. DAYOS for
services rendered.

Samson Security Agency (SAMSON)
undertook to porvode 24 hours security
service to Jarillo Realty (JARILLO) in the
latters construction operations. The contract
between SAMSON and JARILLO expressly
stipulated that Samsons security guards are
its employees and not that of JARILLO.
SAMSON undertook to hold JARILLO free
from any liability whatsoever resulting from
injuries which its (SAMSONs) guards may
suffer or be exposed to suffer as guards of
JARILlOs construction operations.
To facilitate payment, JARILLO
undertook to pay directly to the guards the
agreed wages, which are subsequently
deducted from the monthly payments to
SAMSON under its contract with JARILLO.
JARILLO, in turn, charges SAMSON for the
equipment supplied to the guards such as
uniforms, pistols and ammunition and cost of
training of guards JARILLO wants replaced.

1) Discuss and justify the stand or

position of the recalcitrant or
opposition UNION members.
2) Discuss and justify the stand or
position of the UNION OFFICERS

During the storm, several scaffoldings

of JARILLO fell and killed two (2) guards
whose families later sued JARILLO. JARILLO,
in turn, impleaded SAMSON as third party
defendants before the Arbiter.

Decide who should be liable.


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

When the CBA negotiations between
in a deadlock, both parties agreed to submit
their dispute to voluntary arbitration stipulating,
among other things, that the decision of the
unappealable and executory conformable with
the provisions of Art. 262 of the Labor Code.

By way of answer to the complaint,

TAPANG claims that there is no employeremployee relationship, since it has only two (2)
office employees whose duties are to monitor
their assignment and hours of work and to pay
the salaries under the agency contract of the
security guards fro the funds remitted by
DAVAO GOLD, keeping a certain percentage
of the amount for the office expenses and
supervisory fees, the true and real employer
being DAVAO GOLD. On the other hand,
DAVAO GOLD maintains that it has no
TAPANGs security guards assigned to secure
its mining area since it has no control over
hiring/dismissal of its guards. TAPANG is a
duly licensed security guard agency and a
bona fide independent contractor.

The Voluntary Arbitrator rendered his

decision or award as follows:
a sum total package benefits to COMPUTER
WORKERS UNION in the amount of TWENTY
MILLION (P20,000,000.00) PESOS for the
three year period of the CBA, the distribution
and availment per year to be suggested by the
subject to the approval of the
CORPORATION, seeing to it that the decretal
benefits shall first be satisfied above all

1) Who is deemed an employee for

purpose of coverage under the
SSS law?
2) Under the above facts whose duty
is it t bring the security guards for
compulsory coverage pursuant to
the SSS law? Discuss.

The UNION filed a Motion for

Clarification claiming that the package benefit
award of P20-million does not cover the
decretal benefits granted by the Wage Order
No. 2 which was issued on the same day
when the arbitration award was made. The
Arbitrator issued an order which impose upon
the CORPORATION an additional burden of
decretal benefits given by Wage Order No. 2.
The CORPORATION assailed the Arbitrators
modification of the original award claiming that
the modification of the original award was null
and void and without or in excess of the
Arbitrators authority and brought the issue to
the Supreme Court by petition for certiorari.

Agency (BSSA) employed ten security guards
and assigned them to Surot Theater which
contracted BSSA for its security needs.
On November 3, 1988, the ten (10)
security guards of BSSA addressed to the
Office of the President, a letter-complaint
against their employer for non-compliance with
R.A. 6640 providing for an increase in the
statutory minimum wage and salary rates of
employees and workers in the private sector.
The letter was endorsed to the Secretary of
Labor who, in turn, referred the matter to the
Regional Director of Makunat City in
Region XII where the ten (10) security guards
reside and where their employer conducts
business. The Office of the Regional Director
conducted an investigation and called for a
hearing with all the parties present. Therefrom,
the Regional Director found that there were
indeed violations committed by BSSA against
the ten (10) security guards, such as
underpayment of wages, non-integration of
cost of living allowance, underpayment of 13 th
month pay and underpayment of five (5) days
incentive pay BSSA and Surot Theater were
directed to comply with the labor standards
and ordered BSSA and Surot Theater to pay
jointly and severally to the ten (10) security
guards their respective claim of P10,000.00
each or an aggregate amount of P100,000.00.
BSSA and Surot Theater filed a Petition for

1) Are decisions or award of the

Voluntary Arbitration appealable?
2) Has the Voluntary Arbitrator the
authority to modify his original
award under the above-narrated
facts? Discuss.
Seventy (70) private security guards of
CORPORATION, assigned to guard the area
complaint against both their direct employer,
TAPANG SECURITY, and their indirect
employer, DAVAO GOLD, when they
discovered they could not avail of the benefits
of the SSS law for the failure of respondents
TAPANG or DAVAO GOLD to remit its
contribution to the System.


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

Certiorari before the Supreme Court seeking
to annul the decision of the Regional Director
on the ground of grave abuse of discretion in
assuming jurisdiction over the case. Will the
Petition for Certiorari prosper? Decide with

In cases involving monetary award,

why does the law require an employer to post
a cash or surety bond as an indispensable
condition for the perfection of an appeal?

Julie is a branch of Bangko
Bangkarute National, rising from the ranks
through her 21 years employment. On
November 25, 1992, she filed an application
for a total 60 years leave of absence; 15 days
with pay (regular annual vacation leave),
starting December 1 to 15, and 45 days
without pay (personal leave), starting
December 16 to January 30, which she
submitted to the Vice President for Branch
Unfortunately, the Vice President for the
Branch Banking Department disapproved her
request for personal leave without pay 0f 45
days, citing as reason the anticipated heavy
work load brought about by the onset of the
Christmas season. Nonetheless, he approved
her regular annual leave with pay of 15 days.
Realizing that the leave granted her (15 days)
is not sufficient she filed a motion for
reconsideration only by way of formality since
she is bent on taking a leave for 60 days,
irrespective of whether the bank management
allows her personal leave without pay for 45
days. Without waiting for the decision of the
Vice President for branch banking division,
which denied her Motion for Reconsideration,
Julie proceeded to take her leave commencing
on December 1, 1992.

Mr. Esto Pido is employed as a

medical representative of Tayapa Laboratories.
By nature of his work, he was allowed to avail
of the companys car loan policy whereby the
company advanced the purchase price of the
car to be paid back by the employee through
monthly deductions from his salary with the
company retaining ownership of the motor
vehicle until it shall have been fully paid.
Six months after the availment by Mr.
Esto Pido of Typa Laboratories car loan policy,
he was dismissed from the service for having
participated in an illegal strike. In the Notice of
Dismissal sent to him by his employer, he had
been directed to either return the car to the
company or settle the remaining balance of
the cost of the car. Esto Pido filed an action
against Taypa Laboratories for illegal dismissal
before the Arbitration branch of the NLRC. The
Labor Arbiter, however, upheld the legality of
his dismissal hence he appealed his case
before the NLRC.
In the meantime, Taypa Laboratories
filed before the Regional Trial Court a civil suit
to recover possession of the car which Esto
Pido refused to return and/or settle the
remaining balance. The RTC thereafter
directed the Deputy Sheriff to take unto his
custody the motor vehicle from Esto Pido.

Having exhausted her 60 days leave

of absence, she reported back for work but
was presented a letter dated December 16,
1992, from the Vice President for Branch
Banking Division, informing her of her
termination effective December 16, 1992. She
filed a case for illegal dismissal and prayed for
reinstatement and damages against Bangko
Bangkarute National.

To counter the order of the RTC, Esto

Pido sought a temporary restraining order in
the NLRC to stop the Taypa Laboratories from
collecting their monthly amortization pending
final resolution of his appeal in the illegal
dismissal case. According to him, had he not
been dismissed he would not have defaulted
in his amortization. NLRC granted the relief
prayed for by Esto Pido by restraining Taypa
Laboratories from collecting the monthly
amortization pending resolution by the NLRC
of the illegal dismissal case. Taypa
Laboratories filed a Petition for Certiorari
alleging that NLRC gravely abused its
discretion in issuing the temporary restraining
order. NLRC argues that it has the power to
issue an injunction based on Art. 218 of the
Labor Code. Decide the controversy with

1) Is the severance of Julies

employment for a just cause?
2) Is she entitled to reinstatement?
3) Are damages recoverable from
Bangko Bangkarute National?
Borloloy & Co. is engaged in the
construction business which hired the services
of Ispongklong as mason and Agaton as
carpenter in 1977. Everytime their services are



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

needed, Ispongklong and Agaton are issued
notices of employment by Borloloy & Co. in the
following tenor:

coordinating with the said department

establishment. Pursuant to the requirement of
the Omnibus Energy Conservation Law, Mer
Alco was appointed by Vetsin Factory Inc. as
Energy Manager. Except for the above duties
enjoined by law to be performed by the Energy
Manager, Mer Alco is practically doing the
same responsibilities attached to the position
of a staff engineer. For three (3) years, Mer
Alco performed the role of an Energy Manager
receiving the same salary as that received by
him when he was still a Staff Engineer. In
1986, Mer Alco filed a complaint before the
NLRC for underpayment of salary for three (3)
years claiming that his promotion from Staff
Engineer to Energy Manager necessarily
entitled him to a corresponding salary increase
even though B.P. Blg. 73 (Omnibus Energy
Conservation Law) did not provide for the
salary increase or increases in salary of the
employee to be appointed as Energy Manager.
Mer Alco invoked the principle that doubts in
the interpretation and implementation of Labor
Laws should be resolved in favor of labor.

This is to inform you that you have

been hired at Lahar Bldg., as a mason and
salary/daily or hourly of P12.40. Your
employment shall be deemed automatically
terminated either at the completion of the
project or upon the completion of the work
requiring your respective services to start May
12, 1977.

Such an arrangement continued
wherein both Agaton and Spongklong became
members of the work pool from where Borloloy
& Co. draws manpower to work on various
projects. After each project they have been
assigned is completed, Borloloy & Co.,
reported the names of Ispongklong and
Agaton to the SSS for registration.

The Labor Arbiter sustained Engineer

Mer Alcos position and ordered Vetsin Factory
Inc. to increase his salary commensurate to
the position he was appointed and promoted

In 1987 (or after ten years of service)

they received a notice from Borloloy & Co.
informing them that their services are no
longer needed. Ispongklong and Agaton
immediately filed a case for illegal dismissal
alleging that they are regular and permanent
workers of Borloloy & Co. having worked for it
in ten (10) years hence prayed for
reinstatement and backwages. Borloloy & Co.
on the other hand, claims that Agaton and
Ispongklong are project employees whereby
their employment is automatically terminated
either at the completion of the phase of work
requiring their respective service as stated in
their Notice of Employment the sample test of
which is quoted above. If you are the Labor
Arbiter assigned to the case, how will you
decide the controversy?

Write a dissenting opinion on the

decision of the Labor Arbiter upholding Mer
Alcos position that his salary should be
correspondingly raised by reason of his
promotion as well as in sustaining the
applicability of the principle of that the
interpretation and implementation of Labor
Laws should be resolved in favor of labor.
Pedro Sisid is a seaman who was
employed in 1990 by Kuhol Ocean Transport.
In May 1993, he was discharged and
correspondingly paid vacation pay, terminal
pay and overtime pay for the number of hours
he actually rendered services in the excess of
is eight (8) working hours a day. Pedro Sisid,
however, is dissatisfied with his overtime pay
contending that he is on board a vessel 24
hours a day, or even beyond his eight (8)
working hours which circumstance renders
him on call whenever his service is needed.
Therefore, he insists that he be paid 16 hours
a day by way of overtime. Is the contention of
seaman Pedro Sisid tenable? Why?

Mer Alco is a staff engineer of Vetsin
Factory, Inv., since September 1980. in 1982,
Batas Pambansa 73, otherwise known as The
Omnibus Energy Conservation Law, was
passed, requiring establishments such as
Vetsin Factory Inc. to appoint an employee as
its Energy Manager whose duties consist of
evaluating the conservation activities of the
company, submitting energy consumption
reports to the Department of Energy and



LABOR LAW Bar Questions

How much attorneys fees may a
lawyer assess a culpable party in cases of
unlawful withholding of wages?

improve his performance, Y Co. instead of

terminating Mr. Xs services, extended, with
Xs consent, the probation period for another
three months. This extension notwithstanding,
his performance did not improve, on account
of which, Y co. terminated Mr. Xs services at
the end of the extended period. Mr. X filed a
case for illegal dismissal contending that he
was already regular at the time of his dismissal
pursuant to Art. 281 of the Labor Code, the
particular portion of which provides:

What matters may be taken up by the
National Labor Relations commission (NLRC)
En Banc?
Johnny Torres is an employee of
M.C.U. hospital having worked therein as
janitor for 12 years. Sometime in March 1993,
he was suspected of conniving with some
medical students in the theft of laboratory
equipment for which reason, the management
of M.C.U. Hospital ordered is employment
terminated for loss of confidence. Johnny
Torres filed before the Arbitration Branch of the
NLRC a case for illegal dismissal against the
hospital. After hearing, the Labor Arbiter
cleared Johnny Torres of any involvement in
the theft and rendered a decision declaring the
order of dismissal illegal thereby ordering the
hospital to reinstate Johnny Torres to his
former position and to pay him full backwages,
which he would have received were it not for
the illegal dismissal.

xxx, An employee who is allowed to

work after a probationary period shall be
considered a regular employee.
Therefore, he could not have been lawfully
dismissed for failure to meet company
standards as a probationary worker. Decide
with reason.
What is the purpose of a certification
Jose and Pedro were utility workers
employed by Yellow Farms, Inc. On 13
January 1984, they were picked up by the
companys guards in connection with the theft
of polyethylene bags belonging to the
company. They were detained at the Baybay
Municipal Jail. Initial investigation of the police
yielded no prima facie case against them,
resulting in their release. However, after
further investigation, as amended complaint
was formally filed against them and the two
others, charging them with theft before the
Municipal Court. The company terminated
Jose and Pedro due to loss of confidence.
Consequently, the two filed a complaint for
illegal dismissal on the ground that their
dismissal is based on the criminal complaint
did not justify their termination. Is the filing of
the criminal complaint against Jose and Pedro
sufficient ground for their termination? What is
the quantum of proof necessary to terminate
an employee for loss of confidence? What if
the criminal complaint was dismissed on the
ground of reasonable doubt?

MCU Hospital filed a Motion for

Reconsideration alleging that the Labor Arbiter
gravely abused his discretion in ordering a
reinstatement which is no longer possible
under the strained relations principle, a
hostility that developed between the parties as
a result of the litigation. Is the legal argument
poised by MCU Hospital tenable?
In what manner do the Labor laws
show its solicitous compassionate policy
towards the working man? Explain your
Which takes precedence in conflicts
arising between employers MANAGEMENT
PREROGATIVE and the employees right to
security of tenure? Why?

Jerome Marcelo was hired as a 4th
Engineer by Masipag Shipping Services, Inc.
for and in behalf of Captains Maritime Co.,
Ltd., work aboard the M/V White Cloud for a
period of one year. Marcelo reported for duty
aboard the vessel on July 13, 1987. On
January 16, `988 at about 3:00 p.m. while the

Mr. X was hired by Y Company on

probation for six moths as general utility
worker. On the expiration of the probationary
period, Mr. X was informed by Y Co. that his
work was unsatisfactory and failed to meet the
required standard. To give him a chance to


LABOR LAW Bar Questions

vessel was docked alongside Pier 39, San
Francisco, U.S.A., Marcelo arrived and
boarded the ship from shore visibly drunk. He
went to the mess hall and took a fire axe
challenged those eating therein.

October 26, 1988, the wife of Marcelo filed

complaint against Masipag and Captains with
POEA for payment of death benefits, burial
expenses, unpaid salaries on board and
overtime pay with damages. Are Masipag and
Captains liable for the death benefits of
seaman Marcelo?

He was pacified by is shipmates who

led him to his cabin. However, later he went
out of his cabin and proceeded to the mess
hall. He became violent. He smashed and
threw the cup at the head of an older Renato
Pobre. Pobre touched his head and noticed
blood. This infuriated Pobre which led to a fight
between the two. After the shipmates broke
the fight, Marcelo was taken to the hospital
where he passed away on January 17, 1988.
Pobre was arrested by the American
authorities and jailed in San Francisco. On


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