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Instruction-level Parallelism

Report for Software View of Processor Architectures

Godfrey van der Linden

1. Introduction
When people make use of computers, they quickly consume all of the processing power available. It is the
nature of computers; their flexibility quickly leads to ideas for more automation, which then lead to more and
more ideas, until the processing resources available are exhausted. In addition software development is
agglomerative, it is easier to add software and hence CPU load than it is to remove it. This is a fundamental
asymmetry in software development. As we software developers have developed more sophisticated ideas for
developing and layering our software; and users have demanded more of our software infrastructure, more
demands have been made of the underlying hardware.
A very simple equation quantifies the performance of hardware.
Instructionspersecond = instructionspercycle x cyclespersecond
Fortunately Moores law has given us a formidable, non-linear, improvement in performance for some time.
Hardware design has been incredibly competitive between teams of engineers in companies. For a long time the
primary metric to measure performance was cycles-per-second (CPS), which caused the megahertz myth. Intel
has done more to explore the boundaries of CPS in common CPUs than any other company. Customers of Intel
found that another metric than CPU frequency had become increasingly important in their buying decisions
however, the metric of instructionspersecondperwatt.
In parallel with research into everincreasing cyclespersecond, designers have also been improving the
instructionspercycle (IPC) that their hardware is capable of. When they crossed the boundary of greater than
one instructionpercycle (IPC > 1) they entered the world of instruction-level parallelism (ILP). This paper
describes the primary techniques used by hardware designers to achieve and exploit instruction-level
This report is organised as follows: in the next section I shall quickly outline pipeliningwhich is required
background to understanding any instruction-level parallelism implementation. Section 3 discusses the several
hazards that instruction-level parallelism (ILP) uncovers and techniques for working around the hazard or
otherwise minimising the impact of them; it also discusses extensions to ILP such as superscalar processors.
Section 4 describes the theoretical limit of ILP attainable by ideal and potentially realisable processors. In the
conclusion I discuss what impact these techniques have on operating system development.
In this document I shall be discussing RISC based instruction architectures. This is not especially constraining
as it is possible to map the registermemory/memorymemory CISC instruction-set to a series of RISC partial
instructions. This can be done mechanically and is used by Intel and IBM in the Pentium & Power processor

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

2. Backgroundpipelining
When a CPU executes an instruction, it transitions through number of stages to complete. These basic stages (or
phases) are: instruction fetch, instruction decode, register fetch, execution/effective-address computation,
memory access and write back to registers.
Instruction fetch (IF)use the current program counter (PC) to index into memory and fetch the
instruction. The act of fetching from memory may cause an exception and other complicated
interactions with the hardware memory optimisations.
Instruction decode/Register fetch (ID) this phase combines decoding of the next instruction with the
latching of the current register values from the register file with the interpretation of the operation to be
executed. A suitably designed instruction-set architecture it is possible to determine the registers
operated on by the command independently of what the actual instruction is, which allows the register
fetch to occur in parallel with the instruction decode.
Execution/effective-address computation (EXE)the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is central to
instruction execution. Given the decoded operation and latched operands, the ALU performs the
required operation, which can be either register arithmetic or an effective-address computation. The
result is then latched for the next phase of execution.
Memory access (MEM)either store a latched operand into memory indexed by the effectiveaddress(EA) computed in the previous phase or load and latch a value from the computed EA.
Write back to registers (WBR)Tranfer the latched output of the memory access or execution phases
to the required register. Some instructions do not need a WBR phase.
A simple CPU implementation would perform each phase in a clock cycle and every instruction would take up
to 5 clock cycles to complete. Not all instructions require all phases, for instance a simple register indirect store
instruction does not need to perform the execution or the write back phases and can complete in 3 cycles.
Early computer designers realised that this implementation leaves most of the CPU idle for most of the time and
does not use the resources efficiently. In 1960 the designers of the IBM-7030 (Stretchbecause it was supposed
to be a stretch in the state of the art) introduced the concept of an instruction pipeline. As Figure 1 below
shows, a pipeline can overlap the execution phases of an instruction with previous instructions.



























Figure 1: Simplified instruction pipeline, with instruction overlap it is possible to complete one instruction per
clock cycle.

2.1. Pipeline hazards

The simple pipeline presented in Figure 1 is very easy to implement. Consider the vertical bars between phases
for the i-th instruction in the figure. In a simple multi-clock design these bars are latches that store the output of
one phase across a clock cycle. To pipeline such a processor, all that is required is to use the latches insulate the
execution of one insturction phase from the next instruction another. Hence the IF unit latches the output of the
i-th instruction on cycle 1 and the next instruction in cycle 2. A wonderful, elegant, design that achieves a five
times performance improvement in instruction throughput.
Unfortunately this solution is over-simple and will not work. When one stage of a pipeline depends on the
results of an earlier still incomplete instruction, the later instruction will execute with wrong results.
Technically this is a hazard is known as a read after write (RAW) data hazard. As execution is in order we will
not address other possible hazards such as write after write or write after read until later.

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

When a branch needs to be taken then the next instruction cannot be determinedin this simple designuntil
the instruction pointer (IP) register WBR phase has been completed. This is known as a control hazard, though
in this case it is a variant of a data hazard, as the pipeline continues executing a simple linear instruction stream
for a brief period after the branch.
It is also possible that two instructions need to use the same hardware in the same cycle; this is called a
structural hazard. For instance on hardware with a single memory interface then the MEM phase of a load
instruction will interfere with the IF phase of a later instruction.

2.2. Solutions to pipeline hazards

2.2.1. Instruction pipeline stalling
An obvious solution for any of the hazard as described earlier is to stall the pipeline until the hazard clears. For
instance, if an ID phase requires a register to be read and that register is being modified by an earlier instruction
then stall the ID phase until the WBR phase of the earlier instruction completes. This slows a pipeline down
and increases the cycles per instruction (CPI) but we have achieved some overlapping of instructions. As not all
instructions would suffer this hazard we will lower the CPI on average.
Competitive pressure between hardware design teams led to the development of alternatives to stalling the
pipeline for hazards, the goal being to have and maintain a CPI of one. Remember in the limiting case of too
many pipeline stalls, the processor will degrade to a simple multi-clock cycle processor and with no significant
overlap and a CPI of around five.

2.2.2. Duplicate units or functionality to avoid structural hazards

When the hazard is structural there is little that can be done to avoid it, no hardware can do two jobs at once.
The only solution for structural hazards is to add more hardware or to duplicate it. For example the Harvard
architecture of separate code and data caches can be considered a duplication of memory caches. It clears the
structural hazard between the IF phase and the MEM phase by dual porting access to main memory.
The simple pipeline above already duplicates some ALU functionality. A simple adder in the IF phase allows
the fetcher to compute the next inline instruction without using the ALU. However this is going to cause a
control hazard if the instruction being fetched by the IF phase follows a branch. Control hazards will be
discussed in more detail in the branch prediction later.

2.2.3. Register forwarding around data hazards

A data hazard can often be bypassed by forwarding the result from one of the cross-phase latches directly to the
input of a phase in a later instruction. Consider the following code fragment:
add r1, r2, r3
sub r4, r1, r5

A data hazard exists between the computation of r1 in the add and the use of r1 in the sub instruction
following it. The problem is that the register file is not updated until the WBR phase some two clock cycles
after the result was computed by the EXE phase of the add instruction. Using multiplexers it is possible to
forward the result of the add EXE phase into the next EXE phase for the subsequent sub instruction. This
technique recognises, that although the value has not yet been committed to the register file, it has been
computed and is available in a latch when an EXE phase completes.

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

Unfortunately not all data hazards can be resolved in this way. Consider the fragment
ld r1, [r2]
add r2, r1, r1

Remember, from Figure 1, that the memory phase of the i-th instruction and the execution phase of next
instruction are on the same clock cycle. As the ld's data will not be available until the end of the MEM phases
clock cycle but the add EXE phase needs it at the beginning of the same clock. We must stall the pipeline for
this hazard.

2.2.4. Minimising control hazards

Any branch in the instruction stream for the simple pipeline will cause not only a stall but also an unnecessary
fetch of the next instruction after the branch, which could trigger an memory exception that isn't real. For
instance if the very last instruction of the last text page is a branch to the beginning of a loop then the fetch unit
will still attempt to read the following instruction and could trip a page fault. One possible solution is to refetch
the next instruction after a branch and ignore any earlier page faults thus turning the instruction effectively into
a stall. If we take a stall for every branch that taken we would be introducing a 1030% decrease in instruction
throughput depending on the branch frequency.
There are a few different methods of dealing with control hazards and minimising the occurrence of branch
stalls. They are more or less complex and are in any case superseded in modern processors with branch
prediction, which will be described in a later section.

3. Instruction-level parallelism

Most processors since 1985 have used the pipeline method just described to overlap instructions. The
background material discussed a simple pipeline and how to achieve instruction overlap, this section will
discuss far more sophisticated approaches to processors. Achieving not instruction overlap but the actual
execution of more than one instruction at a time through dynamic scheduling and how to maximise the
throughput of a processor. It will be useful to re-visit the various dependencies and hazards again, before
discussing these more powerful techniques for identifying and exploiting more ILP.
All of the subsequent techniques in this paper exploit parallelism among instructions. The amount of
parallelism available within a single basic block is really quite small; for typical RISC processors, without
extraordinary optimisation techniques by the compiler, the dynamic branch frequency is between 15% and 25%,
which means that the average basic block is between 3 and 7 instructions long. These instructions usually
depend on each other too and as a result the amount of overlap is further limited. The upshot of these
observations is that some way must be found to exploit parallelism across multiple basic blocks.
In this section I shall discuss a number of techniques that the processor can use alone. The compiler can also be
of assistance in generating larger basic blocks by various techniques, such as loop unrolling. The compiler
techniques available are in common with the VLIW/EPIC techniques and will not be covered in this paper.

3.1. Dependencies and hazards

Determining how one instruction relates to another is critical to determining how much parallelism is available
to exploit in an instruction stream. If two instructions are not dependent then they can execute
simultaneouslyassuming sufficient resources that is no structural hazards. Obviously, if one instruction
depends on another, they must execute in order though they may still partially overlap. It is imperative then, to
determine exactly how much and what kind of dependency exists between instructions. The following sections
will describe the different kinds of non-structural dependency that can exist in an instruction stream.

[Hennessy03] p172

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

There are three different types of dependencies: data dependencies (aka true dependencies), name dependencies
and control dependencies.

3.1.1. Data dependencies

An instruction j can be considered data dependent on instruction i as follows: directly, where instruction i
produces a result that may be used by instruction j or indirectly, where instruction j is data dependent on
instruction k and k is data dependent on i etc. The indirect data dependence means that one instruction is
dependent on another if there exists a chain of dependencies between them. This dependence chain can be as
long as the entire program! If two instructions are data dependent, they cannot execute simultaneously nor be
completely overlapped.
A data dependency can be overcome in two ways: maintaining the dependency but avoiding the hazard or
eliminating a dependency by transforming the code. Code scheduling is the primary method used to avoid a
hazard without altering the dependency. Scheduling can be done in hardware or by softwarein this paper, in
the interests of brevity, only the hardware-based solutions will be discussed. The VLIW/EPIC report will cover
software-based code scheduling.
A data value may flow between instructions through registers or memory locations. When registers are used,
detecting the dependence is reasonably straightforward as register names are encoded in the instruction stream.
Dependencies that flow through memory locations are much more difficult to detect as the effective-address of
the memory location needs to be computed and the EA cannot be determined during the ID phase. Compilers
can be of great help in detecting and scheduling around these sorts of hazards; hardware can only resolve these
dependencies with severe limitations.

3.1.2. Name Dependencies

The second type of dependence is a name dependency. A name dependency occurs when two instructions use
the same register or memory location, called a name, but there is no flow of data between them. There are two
types of name dependencies between an instruction i that proceeds instruction j: an anti-dependence occurs
when j writes a register/memory that i reads (the original value must be preserved until i can use it) or an output
dependence occurs when i and j write to the same register/memory location (in this case instruction order must
be preserved.)
Both anti-dependencies and output dependencies are name dependencies, as opposed to true data dependency, as
there is no information flow between the two instructions. In fact these dependencies are a direct result of repurposing registers, hence an instruction-set architecture with sufficient registers can minimise the number of
name dependencies in an instruction stream. Since name dependencies are not truly dependent they can execute
simultaneously or be reordered, if the name used in the instruction is changed so that they do not conflict. This
technique is known as register renaming and uses a bank of additional temporary registers in addition to the
register file.

3.1.3. Data Hazards

A data hazard is created whenever there is a data dependency between instructions and they are close enough to
cause the pipeline to stall or some other reordering of instructions. Because of the dependency, we must
preserve program order, that is, the order in which the instructions would execute in a non-pipelined sequential
processor. A requirement of ILP must be to maintain the correctness of a program and reorder/overlap
instructions only what correctness is not at risk.
There are three types of data hazards: read after write (RAW)j tries to read a source before i writes itthis is
the most common type and is a true data dependence; write after write (WAW)j tries to write an operand
before it is written by ithis corresponds to the output dependence; write after read (WAR)j tries to write a
destination before i has read itthis corresponds to an anti-dependency. Self evidently the read after read
(RAR) case is not a hazard.

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

3.1.4. Control Dependencies

The last type of dependency is a control dependency. A control dependency determines the order of an
instruction i with respect to a branch, so that i is executed in correct program order only if it should be. The first
basic block in a program is the only block without some control dependency. Consider the statements:
if (p1)
if (p2)

S1 is control dependent on p1 and S2 is control dependent on p2 but is not dependent on p1. In general there
are two constraints imposed by control dependencies: an instruction that is control dependent on a branch cannot
be moved before the branch and, conversely, an instruction that is not control dependent on a branch must not be
moved after the branch in such a way that its execution would be controlled by the branch.
A control dependency does not in itself limit performance fundamentally. We can execute an instruction path
speculatively, provided we guarantee that speculatively executed instructions do not effect the program state
until branch result is determined. This implies that the instructions executed speculatively must not raise an
exception or otherwise cause side effects.

3.2 Overcoming data hazards with dynamic scheduling

3.2.1. Scoreboarding
Simple pipelines fetch an instruction and issue it unless there is a hazard that can't be hidden or forwarded
around as described earlier. Sometimes a compiler may choose to generate a stream of instructions in such a
way as to avoid hazards, this is known as compiler or static scheduling. Many processors use another approach,
that of hardware or dynamic scheduling. In 1964 Control Data introduced the CDC6600, which was unique in
many ways. It was the first processor to make extensive use of multiple functional units, dynamic scheduling
and out-of-order instruction execution.
All of the techniques described so far use, in order instruction issue, which means that when an instruction is
stalled in the pipeline, no later instruction can proceed. However we would like, as far as possible, for
instructions to be issued when they are ready, not necessarily in order, hence out-of-order execution. To
implement out-of-order issue we need to split the instruction decode phase into two: issuedecode instructions
and check for structural hazards; read operandswait until no data hazards obtain then read the operands and
start executing.
When dynamically scheduling a pipeline, all instructions pass through the issue phase in order; however they
can stall or bypass each other in the read operands phase and enter, or even, complete out of order. The
CDC6600 used a scoreboard to keep track of the instructions while they are waiting to start or as they complete
their execution phase. The goal of a scoreboard is to maintain processor throughput of one instruction per clock
cycle (when there are no structural hazards) by executing instructions as early as possible. Hence, if the next
instruction would stall then store it on a queue and start with a later instruction. The scoreboard takes full
responsibility for instruction issue and execution. To take advantage of out-of-order execution multiple
functional units were needed to clear structural hazards, the CDC6600 had 16 separate functional units.
Every instruction goes through the scoreboard, where the data dependencies are recorded. The scoreboard then
determines when the instruction can safely read its operands and begin execution. If the scoreboard decides the
instruction cannot execute immediately, it monitors the results of all functional units until the dependencies are
satisfied and then executes the delayed instruction. In the meantime it can issue other, non-dependent,

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

3.2.2. Tomasulo's solution for dynamic scheduling

Tomasulo introduced a natural extension to the scoreboarding solution for the design of the IBM 360/91, which
was introduced in 1966. Invented by Robert Tomasulo, the scheme tracks operands to avoid RAW hazards and
introduces register renaming, to eliminate WAW and WAW hazards. Many modern processors use variations
on this scheme now..
RAW hazards are avoided by executing instructions only when operands are available. While an instruction is
waiting it is stored in a reservation station. Reservation stations keep track of pending instructions and are
implemented as a little queue of instructions waiting for functional unit and operand availability. Register
renaming eliminates WAR and WAW hazardswhich arise from name dependencies. This allows a processor
to use a much larger register file than the instruction-set architecture can describe, for instance the Power4 has
32 general purpose registers in its instruction set but internally it has some 80 physical registers.
Tomasulo architecture executes instructions in three phases; each phase may take more than one clock cycle:
Phase 1issuegets the next instruction from the fetch unit. If there is a reservation station available
then insert the instruction with the currently ready operands, if there is no matching station then a
structural hazard exists and the instruction stream is stalled until a station becomes available.
Phase 2executeeach reservation station monitors the output of the functional units and as each
operand becomes available the station stores it. When all operands are available, the appropriate
functional unit can execute the instruction. By delaying instructions in this phase we eliminate RAW
hazards. To preserve exception behaviour, no instruction is allowed to initiate execution until all
proceeding branches are finalised. This guarantees that an instruction causing an exception really
would be executed but at a cost. This cost can, mostly, be avoided by using speculation.
Phase 3write resultswhen the execution finishes and the results are available, write them onto the
internal common bus and route them into both the register file and any reservation stations that depend
on the result. A memory store is usually saved in a separate queue until both address and data are
available and then they are sent to the memory unit.

3.2.2. Control dependenciesbranch prediction

Having dealt with data dependencies using Tomsulo's approach, we still need to deal with the other source of
pipeline stalls, that of control dependencies. As we achieve more ILP it becomes vital to find a solution to
control dependency stalls. As noted earlier, a basic block tends to be from 37 instructions long, if we can only
achieve as little as three instructions per cycle (IPC) we would need to taking a pipeline stall either every cycle
or every other cycle! Branch prediction is used to guess the outcome of a branch before we know for certain
and is usually performed by the instruction fetch unit so that it doesnt have to stall the pipeline.
In modern architectures branch prediction is quite complicated and consists of a pair of individual predictors
that are selected between. A predictor is a simple saturating n-bit counter, such that 0 1 = 0 and maximum
value (2n-1) + 1 = maximum value. Each time a particular branch is taken its entry is incremented otherwise it
is decremented. If the most significant bit in the counter is set then predict that the branch is taken. Although
the general n-bit solution is given here, it has been shown that a simple 2-bit counter does nearly as well. For
local branch prediction, the entries index is generated from the least significant bits of the address of the
instruction after the branch.
A global branch predictor tracks the result of the last n branches in a n-bit shift register, that is if a branch is
taken then a 1 is shifted in otherwise a 0 is entered. The shift register value is used as an index into a table of nbit predictors. A final level of branch prediction is often used, that of the tournament predictor. The tournament
predictor is a table of predictor entries which tracks correctness of global or local predictors, but is otherwise a
standard n-bit predictor. The tournament table is often indexed using the local branch predictor method, though
the Power4 xors the lower addressing bits with the global predictors shift register value.
In this paper I shall not describe the history and development of various branch prediction strategies, rather I
shall describe the strategy used by the Alpha 21264. The 21264 used the most sophisticated branch predictor
available in 2001 and it is still a very good predictor. The branch predictor is implemented as a tournament
between global and local predictors. The global predictor is implemented as a shift register of the last twelve

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

branches; this 12-bit number is used to index a 4K-entry table of 2-bit predictors. The local predictor has two
levels: the top level is a 1024 entry local history table, indexed by 10-bits of the branch address . Each entry
consists of the outcome of the 10 most recent branches. This 10-bit history allows patterns of up to 10 branches
to be discovered and predicted. The history is used to select an entry in another table of 1024 3-bit saturating
counters. Finally the tournament between global and local predictors uses a table of 4096 2-bit predictors
indexed by the branch address. For the SPECfp95 benchmarks the predictions were only wrong less than once
per thousand completed instructions, the SPECint95 was slightly worse at 11.5 times per 1000 completed

3.2.3. Even more ILP using multiple issue/superscalar processors

Even with dynamic scheduling and branch prediction, instructions can stall in the issue phase if there are no
reservation stations available for the instruction. Having dealt with data and control dependencies, hardware
designers turned to the addition of additional functional units to clear structural hazards. An obvious, in
hindsight, extension to Tomasulo's algorithm is to create multiple reservation station queues, one queue for each
functional unit. A dynamically scheduled processor that can support multiple issue to a number of functional
units is called superscalar.
This is causes additional complexity though, as each functional unit probably runs in a different number of
clock cycles and has different pipeline characteristics. For instance an FP add can be done in a two cycles and a
FP multiply a few cycles more, both the add and multiply units would be pipelined allowing multiple
instructions to overlap. However, a traditional divide unit can take tens of cycles and almost certainly cannot be
However, multiple units and multiple threads of execution within an instruction stream makes the delivery of
precise exceptions extremely difficult. Many hardware specifications require exceptions to be delivered at
precisely the instruction that caused the exception, as the software developed for earlier iterations of the
hardwares family came to rely on it. This is impossible when a later instruction has completed out-of-order on
one of the other functional units. Speculation and in order committing of instructions avoids this problem on
multiple issue processors, see below.
Once multiple instructions per cycle can be executed, branch prediction is no longer sufficient to keep
all of the functional units in a superscalar CPU busy. Designers also needed a high-speed instruction fetch unit
and wider pipes to memory. This leads to the promotion of IF phase section into to a sophisticated functional
unit in its own right with complex branch and target prediction hardware.

3.2.4. Speculation
The use of superscalar techniques in combination with typical branch frequencies implies that a processor will
execute a branch every clock cycle to maintain efficient use of hardware resources. We must overcome the
limitations imposed by control dependencies to exploit the superscalar hardware efficiently. With the accuracy
achieved by modern branch prediction units, hardware now can execute instructions speculatively, with a near
certainty that this speculation will be used. This technique involves executing post branch instructions as if the
prediction is correct and unwinding any speculation if it later turns out that prediction was wrong. The higher
the accuracy of the branch predictors, the more leeway designers have in the number of cycles it take to get the
instruction stream back on track after a prediction failure.
The hardware to support speculative execution is, yet another, extension to Tomasulo's basic design. The
extension separates the flow of results between instructions from the completion and writing back of those
results. While a series of instructions are still speculative, results are passed directly from instruction to
instruction and the result is only stored in the register file when the instruction is no longer speculative. This
additional phase is called the instruction commit phase.

These bits are the least significant bits of the branch address / SizeInst + 1.

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

The key ideas are to allow instructions to execute out of order but to force them to commit in order and also to
prevent any irrevocable action until they commit. Adding this commit phase to Tomasulo's approach uses a set
of hardware buffers to temporarily hold the results of finished but not yet committed instructions. These buffers
are called reorder buffers (ROB). They are also used to pass intermediate results among speculative
instructions as they execute. The updated 4 phases in instruction execution follows:
Phase 1issueget an instruction from the instruction queue. Issue it if there is a reservation station
available and there is a spare slot in the ROB. Cache the currently available operands from either the
register file or earlier ROB entries into the reservation station.
Phase 2executewait until all of the operands are available for one of the reservation stations, then
execute the operation. Instructions may use multiple clock cycles in this stage, hence may complete in
any order.
Phase 3write resultswhen the result is available, write it on the bus tagged with the ROB index of
the destination register, the reservation stations that are monitoring the bus for any operands so tagged
will snap up the operand and store it for execution.
Phase 4committhere are two possible actions to be taken at commit, depending on whether the
instruction is a branch or not. The commit phase takes the instruction from the head of the ROB queue
and if it is a regular instruction then the result is stored in either the register file or memory.
Alternatively if the instruction is a branch we must know by now if it was predicted correctly or not. If
the branch was predicted correctly then no further action need be taken otherwise when prediction fails
then the entire ROB queue is flushed and the IF unit is re-started at the new IP.
The use of reorder buffers and in order commits vastly simplifies the generation of precise exceptions. While an
instruction is speculative any exception is temporarily stored in the ROB but when the instruction reaches the
head of the ROB queue, the processor can then raise the exception, flush the ROB and start the IF unit at the
exception handler.
The biggest advantage of speculation is its ability to uncover events that would otherwise stall the pipeline early,
such as cache misses. This advantage can work against us when the operation that is being speculated implicitly
takes a long time, for instance a costly exceptional event. To maintain as much of the advantage as possible and
minimise the disadvantage, most processors will only speculate about low cost exceptions such as first-level
cache misses. When a potentially expensive exception occurs, such as a high level cache or TLB miss the
processor will stall until the instruction causing the event is no longer speculative.

4. Limitations of ILP
To evaluate the maximum potential instruction-level parallelism possible, an instruction stream needs to be run
on an ideal processor with no significant limitations. The ideal processor always predicts branches correctly,
has no structural hazards and has an infinite number of ROB buffers and renaming registers. This eliminates all
control and name dependencies, leaving only true data dependencies. This model means that any instruction can
be scheduled on the cycle immediately following the execution of the predecessor on which it depends. It
further implies that it is possible for the last dynamically executed instruction in the program to be scheduled on
the first cycle.
To measure the available ILP, a set of programsin this case the SPEC benchmarkswhere compiled and
optimised with a standard optimising compiler. The programs were then instrumented and executed to produce
a trace of the instruction and data references. Every instruction in the trace is then scheduled as early as
possible given the assumptions of perfect branch prediction and no hardware limits. Table 1 shows the average
amount of parallelism available for 6 of the SPEC92 benchmarks. Three of these benchmarks are FP intensive
and the other three are integer programs.
Instructions issued
Table 1: Table of SPEC benchmark and average instructions issued for an ideal processor.

Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

Obviously the ideal processor is not realisable; a realisable but ambitious processor can achieve much less than
the ideal processor. Table 2 explores a processor which can issue 64 instructions per clock with no issue
restrictions, a tournament branch predictor of substantial size, perfect disambiguation of memory reference, 64
additional renaming registers for both integer and FP.
























Table 2: Average instruction issue of SPEC Benchmark versus window size for instruction decode
The most startling observation is that with realistic processor constraints listed above, the effect of the window
size for the integer programs is not as severe as for FP programs, this points to the key difference between these
two types of programs, it seems that most FP programs are vector-based and can use loop-level parallelism to a
much greater extent than the typical integer program.

5. Conclusion
Li et al in [Li03] discovered, when instrumenting power consumed by particular operating system routines, that
instruction-per-cycle statistics could be used to predict the power consumed by a particular routine, i.e. IPC and
power consumption are highly correlated. They explroed this correlation a little using a power accurate
simulator of the MIPS R10000 and found that some 50% of the power used by a routine could be directly
attributed to the data-path and pipeline structures in a processor. These structures are used to control the ILP
being exploited by the CPU. Unfortunately this interesting correlation was not explored further in their paper.
To make maximum use of the superscalar structures of a CPU is quite complicated and a good compiler is
essential. One illustrative example can be found in [Gray05] which found that the gcc Itanium code generation
was not very good. Using the Itanium performance tools, such as perfmon, they hand optimised a particularly
important portion of the IPC path. The basic development iteration was to measure the stalls in the processor
pipeline, develop a different instruction sequence to avoid the stalls, assemble, test and start to measuring again.
In this way they reduced the cycles used by the portion of the IPC path from 508 cycles to an, astounding, 36
cycles. Although the Itanium is not a traditional RISC superscalar processor, many of the techniques used to
order the operations on Itanium are directly applicable to superscalar processors through a combination of static
and dynamic scheduling.
Interestingly hardware designers also use the fundamentally iterative technique of: measure, design, build, test
and measure again; as a basic performance improving process too. They try to find a typical load for the CPU,
called benchmarks, measure stalls and other problems and design a solution to the difficulties uncovered, build
and test it. This leads to a cycle of ever improving benchmarks; unfortunately what hasnt been demonstrated is
that benchmarks improvements lead to improvements in real production software. Everything depends on how
representative of typical workloads the benchmarks are.
As operating system developers we can study the benchmarks used by hardware designers and classify them in
terms of how representative they are of a typical OS implementation. I would suggest using the li lisp based
intSPECmark is the starting point. The nature of operating systems is to use tables of pointers to functions, to
implement OS services. A classic example of this would be Unixs CDEVSW table that maps system calls to
particular drivers as a table of function pointer vectors. Lisp is essentially implemented in this way with tables
of function pointers linking objects together. Unfortunately Tables 1 and 2, indicate that modern processors
cannot exploit much ILP on these types of workload. It would be interesting do instrument an OS and see how
many pipeline stalls are generated in normal, typical, operation. Perhaps Apples Shark performance tool would
be appropriate.


Instruction-Level Parallelism


Godfrey van der Linden

Current research in microprocessor design seems to have reached the limit of ILP exploitation for a single
thread. This has lead to exploration of thread-level parallelism (TLP). TLP is easier to exploit using multiple
processors, though now designers are also taking advantage of idle superscalar hardware by using symmetric
multi-threading. As the theoretical study demonstrated it is very difficult to uncover significant ILP in any
given instruction stream. It is much easier to execute two independent instruction streams and as they are
independent they cannot suffer from data and control hazards with respect to each other.
In practice it seems that superscaling a processor beyond a certain amount leads to decreasing performance per
watt. In todays microprocessor marketplace, the laptop is the highest margin computer being sold by
manufacturers. Since a laptop can run from batteries the power consumed by CPUs has become a major system
integration issue. Superscalar ILP increases the base power draw of a CPU by introducing vast number of gates
to support it, this is a very active field of research now among the processor manufactures and seems to be
emerging as the new metric against which a processor is judged. This bodes well for future performance versus
power consumption of upcoming processors.

A. References
[Gray05] Gray, Chapman, Chubb, MosbergerTang, Heiser (2005). ItaniumA System Implementors Tale.
In Proceedings 2005 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (Anaheim, CA, USA April, 2005)
[Hennessy03] Hennessy and Patterson (2003). Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 3rd Edition,
(Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2003)
[Li03] Tao Li, Lizy Kurian John (2003). Runtime Modeling And Estimation Of Operating System Power
Consumption, SIGMETRICS03 June 1014, 2003, San Diego, Ca, USA, 2003


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