Badin Thesis
Badin Thesis
Badin Thesis
Supervised by
Dr.Mubarik Ali
Co-supervised by
Prof.Mujeeb Ahmed
Submitted by
Kamran Ramzan
Enroll. # 02-262122-007
1. Introduction
The southernmost part of the Indus basin is known as Lower Indus
basin, Badin Block or adjacent areas are also part of this basin. The
approximate limits are south of Khairpur High and extends into the
Arabian Sea, Petroleum exploration started in back in 1950s in the
Lower Indus basin. The first gas discovery was Sari-Hundi in Kirthar
Range; district Dadu whereas first major oil struck in early 1980's at
Khaskheli, near Badin where several large and small oil and gas fields
have been discovered since then.
The Lower Indus basin can be divided into areas where Neogene to
Cretaceous rocks are exposed; western part along Kirthar Range and
into the areas where no surface geology exposed or minor at lesser
extent geological units of Neogene to Pleistocene are cropping out;
Badin Block are areas nearby all are without surface geological
In Badin area, early Cretaceous Sembar Formation is considered as the
principal source rock whereas clastics of the Early Cretaceous age
Lower Goru Formation is the main reservoir.
Traps in the Badin area is generally tilted fault blocks associated with
normal faults developed during Late Cretaceous and Early Paleocene
rift phase. The cap rock is invariably all the time is impermeable marl
and shale sequence of Upper Goru Formation whereas the Earlu
Paleocene volcanic flow, known as Deccan basalt, believed to be the
reason for providing
increasing temperature to the underlying
sediments including source rock (Sembar and Goru)which help to
generate hydrocarbon from the source and the process of the oil
expulsion started to take place.
Oil of Badin is very high quality, it is sweet and paraffinic with API
gravity range from 32 to 55 and easy to flow. Though oil in the
southern part of the Badin area found to be heavy and waxy. The oil
reservoir depth is from 2000ft to 13500ft. Khaskeli, Golarchi, Bhatti,
Turk, Tando Alam, Bobby and Pasakhi are the large oil and gas fields of
this area.
Badin area is considered favorable for oil and gas whereas western
part of the Lowwer Indus Basin (Kirthar hills and mountains)and
adjacent area known for its gas potential. In Lower Indus, so far more
than 12TCF (trillion Cubic feet# gas reserves and more than 100
million barrels oil have been discovered in Lower Indus Basin whereas
more than 90% oil production is from Badin area. The oil operators in
this region are, OGDCL and BP. Khaskeli is the first and the largest
oilfield in Badin Area so far.
2. Location of study area
Kadanwari Gas Field, located in the Central Indus Basin Sindh province
of Pakistan, as shown in Map and satellite image below.
in the rock conductivity, Ct. Hence, cation exchange capacity, which represents the clay
ability to conduct electricity, has a considerable effect on the evaluation of hydrocarbonbearing formations. Consequently, the use of clean sand models to estimate the water
saturation results in inaccurate estimation of the potential of hydrocarbon zones. The
result is usually higher water saturation than actually present in the formation.
Volume of shale
Saturation of water
Saturation of hydrocarbon
7. Central Indus basin
Proposal submission
Data collection
Studying log curves
Manual interpretation
Data processing
Data interpretation
Correlation of wells
Thesis writing
Thesis submission
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