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A Survey On Data Mining Approaches For Healthcare

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International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013), pp. 241-266


A survey on Data Mining approaches for Healthcare

Divya Tomar and Sonali Agarwal
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India
Data Mining is one of the most motivating area of research that is become increasingly
popular in health organization. Data Mining plays an important role for uncovering new
trends in healthcare organization which in turn helpful for all the parties associated with this
field. This survey explores the utility of various Data Mining techniques such as
classification, clustering, association, regression in health domain. In this paper, we present
a brief introduction of these techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. This survey
also highlights applications, challenges and future issues of Data Mining in healthcare.
Recommendation regarding the suitable choice of available Data Mining technique is also
discussed in this paper.
Keywords: Data Mining, Classification, Clustering, Association, Healthcare

1. Introduction
Data Mining is one of the most vital and motivating area of research with the
objective of finding meaningful information from huge data sets. In present era, Data
Mining is becoming popular in healthcare field because there is a need of efficient
analytical methodology for detecting unknown and valuable information in health data.
In health industry, Data Mining provides several benefits such as detection of the fraud
in health insurance, availability of medical solution to the patients at lower co st,
detection of causes of diseases and identification of medical treatment methods. It also
helps the healthcare researchers for making efficient healthcare policies, constructing
drug recommendation systems, developing health profiles of individuals etc. [1]. The
data generated by the health organizations is very vast and complex due to which it is
difficult to analyze the data in order to make important decision regarding patient
health. This data contains details regarding hospitals, patients, medical claims,
treatment cost etc. So, there is a need to generate a powerful tool for analyzing and
extracting important information from this complex data. The analysis of health data
improves the healthcare by enhancing the performance of patient management tas ks.
The outcome of Data Mining technologies are to provide benefits to healthcare
organization for grouping the patients having similar type of diseases or health issues so
that healthcare organization provides them effective treatments. It can also useful for
predicting the length of stay of patients in hospital, for medical diagnosis and making
plan for effective information system management. Recent technologies are used in
medical field to enhance the medical services in cost effective manner. Data Mining
techniques are also used to analyze the various factors that are responsible for diseases
for example type of food, different working environment, education level, living
conditions, availability of pure water, health care services, cultural ,environmen tal and
agricultural factors as shown in Figure 1.

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International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

Figure 1. Factors Responsible for Diseases [2]

2. Data Mining
Data Mining came into existence in the middle of 1990s and a ppeared as a powerful
tool that is suitable for fetching previously unknown pattern and useful information
from huge dataset. Various studies highlighted that Data Mining techniques help the
data holder to analyze and discover unsuspected relationship among their data which in
turn helpful for making decision [3]. In general, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
in Databases (KDD) are related terms and are used interchangeably but many
researchers assume that both terms are different as Data Mining is one of the most
important stages of the KDD process [4, 5]. According to Fayyad et al., the knowledge
discovery process are structured in various stages whereas the first stage is data
selection where data is collected from various sources, the second stage is pre processing of the selected data , the third stage is the transformation of the data into
appropriate format for further processing, the fourth stage is Data Mining where
suitable Data Mining technique is applied on the data for extracting valuable
information and evaluation is the last stage as shown in Figure 2 [4, 6].

Figure 2. Stages of Knowledge Discovery Process

Skills and knowledge are essential requirement for performing the Data Mining task
because the success and failure of Data Mining projects is greatly dependent on the
person who are managing the process due to unavailability of standard framework. The


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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

CRISP-DM (CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) provides a framework
for carrying out Data Mining activities. CRISP-DM divides the data mining task into 6
phases. The first phase is the understanding of the business activities while the data for
carrying out business activities are collected and analyzed in the second phase. Data
pre-processing and modelling is done in the third and fourth phase respectively. Fifth
phase evaluates the model and last phase is responsible for deployment of the construed
model. McGregor et al., proposed an extended CRISP-DM framework for improving
clinical care through integrating the temporal and multidimensional aspects. This model
supports the process mining in critical care [7]. Figure 3 represents the CRISP_TDM
model for patient care in clinical environment.

Figure 3. CRISP-TDM Model for Patient Care [7]

In present era various public and private healthcare institutes are producing
enormous amounts of data which are difficult to handle. So, there is a need of powerful
automated Data Mining tools for analysis and interpreting the useful information from
this data. This information is very valuable for healthcare specialist to u nderstand the
cause of diseases and for providing better and cost effective treatment to patients. Data
Mining offers novel information regarding healthcare which in turn helpful for making
administrative as well as medical decision such as estimation of me dical staff, decision
regarding health insurance policy, selection of treatments, disease prediction etc., [811]. Several studies identified with primary focus on various challenges and issues of
data mining in healthcare [12, 13]. Data Mining are also used for both analysis and
prediction of various diseases [14-23]. Some research work proposed an enhancement
in available Data Mining methodology in order to improve the result [24 -26] and some
studies develop new methodology [27, 28] and framework for healthcare system [2933]. It is also found that various Data Mining techniques such as classification,
clustering and association are used by healthcare organization to increase their
capability for making decision regarding patient health. There are ample of research
resources available regarding Data Mining tasks which are presented in subsequent
sections with their advantages and disadvantages.

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International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

2.1. Classification
Classification divides data samples into target classes. The classific ation technique
predicts the target class for each data points. For example, patient can be classified as
high risk or low risk patient on the basis of their disease pattern using data
classification approach. It is a supervised learning approach having known class
categories. Binary and multilevel are the two methods of classification. In binary
classification, only two possible classes such as, high or low risk patient may be
considered while the multiclass approach has more than two targets for example,
high, medium and low risk patient. Data set is partitioned as training and testing
dataset. Using training dataset we trained the classifier. Correctness of the classifier
could be tested using test dataset. Classification is one of the most widely used methods
of Data Mining in Healthcare organization. Hu et al. used different classification
method such as decision tree, SVM and ensemble approach for analyzing microarray
data [34]. This research work performed comparative analysis of above mentioned
classification method using 10-fold cross validation approach on the data set obtained
from Kent Ridge Bio Medical Dataset repository. The experiment results indicate that
among all classification method ensemble achieved good accuracy [34]. Further use of
classifier in medical field is discussed by Hatice et al., to diagnosis the skin diseases
using weighted KNN classifier [35]. Breast cancer is one of the fatal and dangerous
diseases in women. Potter et al. has performed experiment on the breast cancer data set
using Weka tool and then analyze the performance of different classifier using 10-fold
cross validation method [36]. The research work revealed that there is no single best
algorithm which yields better result for every dataset. Classification techniques are also
used for predicting the treatment cost of healthcare services which is increases with
rapid growth every year and is becoming a main concern for ever yone [37]. Bestsimas
et al. used classification tree approach to predict the cost of healthcare [38] by using the
dataset of 3 years collected from the insurance companies to perform the experiment.
The first two year data was used to train the classifier and last one year data was used
for comparing the predicted results of classifier. Following are the various classif ication
algorithms used in healthcare:
K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN)
K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) classifier is one of the simplest classifier that
discovers the unidentified data point using the previously known data points (nearest
neighbour) and classified data points according to the voting s ystem [8]. K-NN
classifies the data points using more than one nearest neighbour. K -NN has a number of
applications in different areas such as health datasets, image field, cluster analysis,
pattern recognition, online marketing etc. Jen et al., used K-NN and Linear
Discriminate Analysis (LDA) for classification of chronic disease in order to generate
early warning system. This research work used K-NN to analyze the relationship
between cardiovascular disease and hypertension and the risk factors of various chronic
diseases in order to construct an early warning system to reduce the complication
occurrence of these diseases as shown in figure 4 [39]. Shouman et al., used K-NN
classifier for analyzing the patients suffering from heart disease [40]. The data w as
collected from UCI and experiment was performed using without voting or with voting
K-NN classifier and it is found that K-NN achieve better accuracy without voting in
diagnosis of heart diseases as compare to with voting K-NN. Liu et al., proposed an
improved Fuzzy K-NN classifier for diagnosing thyroid disease. Particle Swarm


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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

Optimization (PSO) was also used for specifying fuzzy strength constraint and
neighbourhood size [41]. Zuo et al., also introduced an adaptive Fuzzy K-NN approach
for Parkinson disease [42].

Figure 4. K-NN Classifier for Chronic Disease [39]

Decision Tree (DT)
DT is similar to the flowchart in which every non-leaf nodes denotes a test on a
particular attribute and every branch denotes an outcome of that test and every leaf
node have a class label. The node at the top most labels in the tree is called root node.
For example we have a financial institution decision tree which is used to decide that a
person must grant the loan or not. Building a decision for any problem doesn't need any
type of domain knowledge. Decision Trees is a classifier that use tree -like graph. The
most common use of Decision Tree is in operations research analysis for calculating
conditional probabilities [43]. Using Decision Tree, decision makers can choose best
alternative and traversal from root to leaf indicates unique class separation based on
maximum information gain [44]. Decision Tree is widely used by many researc hers in
healthcare field. Figure 5 shows classification of a patient into high risk and l ow risk
category using decision tree.

Figure 5. Classification by Decision Tree Induction

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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

Khan et al., used decision tree for predicting the survivability of breast cancer patient
[45] and Chien et al., proposed a universal hybrid decision tree classifier for classifying
the activity of patient having chronic disease. They further improved the existing
decision tree model to classify different activities of patients in more accurate manner
[46]. In the similar domain, Moon et al. exemplify the patterns of smoking in adults
using decision tree for better understanding the health condition, distress, demographic
and alcohol [47]. Chang et al., also used an integrated decision tree model for
characterize the skin diseases in adults and children [48].
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
The concept of SVM is given by Vapnik et al., which is based on statistical learning
theory [49- 50]. SVMs were initially developed for binary classification but it could be
efficiently extended for multiclass problems [51-52]. The support vector machine
classifier creates a hyper plane or multiple hyper planes in high dimensional space that
is useful for classification, regression and other efficient tasks. SVM have many
attractive features due to this it is gaining popularity and ha ve promising empirical
performance. SVM constructs a hyper plane in original input space to separate the data
points. Some time it is difficult to perform separation of data points in original input
space, so to make separation easier the original finite dimensional space mapped into
new higher dimensional space. Kernel functions are used for non-linear mapping of
training samples to high dimensional space. Various kernel function such as
polynomial, Gaussian, sigmoid etc., are used for this purpose. SVM works on the
principal that data points are classified using a hyper plane which maximizes the
separation between data points and the hyper plane is constructed with the help of
support vectors. Figure 6 shows the working of SVM classification algorithm.

Figure 6. Support Vector Machine Classification

Figure 7 shows the classification of diabetic patients using SVM. In order to classify
the patient into high risk and low risk of having diabetes, SVM constructs a hyper -plane
that maximizes the distance between two classes.


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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

Figure 7. Classification of Diabetic Patients using Support Vector Machine

Soliman et al., used SVM classification approach for classification of various
diseases and SVM together with k-means clustering was applied on microarray data for
identifying the diseases [53]. SVM is one of the most popular approaches that are used
by researcher in healthcare field for classification. Fei proposed Particle Swarm
Optimization SVM (PSO-SVM) approach for analyzing arrhythmia cordis [54] and
Huang et al., build a predictive model for breast cancer diagnosis using hybrid SVM
based strategy [55]. E.Avci proposed a system using genetic SVM classifier for
analyzing the heart valve disease. This system extracts the important feature and
classifies the signal obatined from the ultrasound of heart valve [56]. A PSO based
SVM model is constructed by Abdi et al. for identifying erythemato -squamous diseases
which consists two stages. In the first stage optimal feature are extracted using
association rule and in second phase the PSO is used to discover best kernel parameters
for SVM in order to improve the accuracy of classifier model [57].
Neural Network (NN)
It is an algorithm for classification that uses gradient descent method and based on
biological nervous system having multiple interrelated processing elements known as
neurons, functioning in unity to solve specific problem. Rules are extracted from the
trained Neural Network (NN) help to improve interoperability of the learned network
[8]. To solve a particular problem NN used neurons which are organized processing
elements. Neural Network is used for classification and pattern recognition [58]. An NN
is adaptive in nature because it changes its structure and adjusts its weight in order to
minimize the error. Adjustment of weight is based on the information that flows
internally and externally through network during learning phase. In NN multiclass,
problem may be addressed by using multilayer feed forward technique, in which
Neurons have been employed in the output layer rather using one neuron. Er et al.,
construct a model using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for analyzing chest diseases
and a comparative analysis of chest diseases was performed using multilayer,
generalized regression, probabilistic neural networks [59]. Figure 8 shows diagnosis of
various chest diseases such as Lung Cancer, Asthma, Pneumonia etc., using Multilayer
Neural Network [59].

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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

Figure 8. Classification of Chest Diseases using Multilayer Neural Network [59]

An ensemble neural network methodology is proposed by Das et al., for diagnosis of
heart disease in order to develop effective decision support system [60]. Gunasundari et
al., used ANN for discovering the lung diseases. This research work analyze the chest
Computed Tomography (CT) and extract significant lung tissue feature to reduce the
data size from the Chest CT and then extracted textual attributes were given to neural
network as input to discover the various diseases regarding lung [61].
Bayesian Methods
The classification based on bayes theory is known as Bayesian classification. It is a
simple classifier which is achieved by using classification algorithm [8]. Bayes theorem
provides basis for Naive Bayesian Classification and Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN).
The main problem with Nave Bayes Classifier is that it assumes that all attributes are
independent with each other while in medical domain attributes such as patient
symptoms and their health state are correlated with each other. In spite of assumption of
attribute independence, Nave Bayesian classifier has shown great performance in terms
of accuracy so if attributes are independent with each other then we can use it in
medical field. Bayes theorem concentrates on prior, posterior and discrete probability
distributions of data items. Figure 9 shows the Bayesian Belief Network for patients
suffering from lung cancer. Bayesian Belief Network is widely used by many
researchers in healthcare field. Liu et al. develop a decision support system using BBN
for analyzing risks that are associated with health [62]. Curiac et al., analyze the
psychiatric patient data using BBN in making significant decision regarding patient
health suffering from psychiatric disease and performed experiment on real data obtain
from Lugoj Municipal Hospital [63].

Figure 9. Bayesian Belief Network for Lung Cancer Patients


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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

Advantage and disadvantage of different classification techniques are indicated in Table

Table 1. Advantage and Disadvantage of Various Classification Techniques

Decision Tree




1. It is easy to implement.
2. Training is done in faster manner.

1. There are no requirements of

construction of decision tree.
2. It minimizes the ambiguity of
complicated decisions and assigns
exact values to outcomes of
various actions.
3. It can easily process the data with
high dimension.
4. It is easy to interpret.
5. Decision tree also handles both
numerical and categorical data.
1. Better Accuracy as compare to
other classifier.
2. Easily handle complex nonlinear
data points.
3. Over fitting problem is not as much
as other methods.

1. Easily
relationships between dependent
and independent variables.
2. Able to handle noisy data.

1. It makes computations process

2. Have better speed and accuracy for
huge datasets.

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1. It requires large storage
2. Sensitive to noise.
3. Testing is slow.
1. It is restricted to one output
2. It
3. It is an unstable classifier i.e.
performance of classifier is
depend upon the type of
4. If the type of dataset is
numeric than it generates a
complex decision tree
1. Computationally expensive.
2. The main problem is the
selection of right kernel
function. For every dataset
shows different results.
3. As compare to other methods
training process take more
4. SVM was designed to solve
the problem of binary class. It
solves the problem of multi
class by breaking it into pair
of two classes such as oneagainst-one and one-againstall.
1. Local minima.
2. Over-fitting.
3. The processing of ANN
network is difficult to interpret
and require high processing
time if there are large neural
1. It does not give accurate
results in some cases where
there exists dependency
among variables.


International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

2.2. Regression
Regression is used to find out functions that explain the correlation among different
variables. A mathematical model is constructed using training dataset. In statistical
modeling two kinds of variables are used where one is called dependent variable and
another one is called independent variable and usually represented using Y and X.
There is always one dependent variable while independent variable may be one or more
than one. Regression is a statistical method which investigates relationships between
variables. By using Regression dependences of one variable upon others may be
established [64]. Based on number of independent variables regression is of two types,
one is Linear and another one is Non-linear. Linear regression identifies relation of a
dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is based on a model which
utilizes linear function for its construction. Linear regression finds out a line and
calculates vertical distances of points from the line and minimize sum of square of
vertical distance. In this approach dependent and independent variables are already
known and purpose is to spot a line that correlates between these variables [64]. But,
linear regression is limited to numerical data only and cannot be use for categorical
data. Logistic regression, a type of non-linear regression can accept categorical data and
predicts the probability of occurrence using logit function. Logistic regression is of two
types, one is Binomial and other is multinomial. Binomial regression predicts the result
for a dependent variable when there occurs only two possible outcomes such as either a
person is dead or alive while the multinomial handles the situation when dependent
variable has three or more outcome. For example either a patient is at low risk,
medium risk and high risk. Logistic regression does not consider linear relationship
between variables [65]. Regression is widely used in medical field for predicting the
diseases or survivability of a patient. Figure 10 represents an application of logistic
regression for the estimation of relative risk for various medical conditions such as
Diabetes, Angina, stroke etc [66]. In another research work, Weighted Support Vector
Regression (WSVR) is used for monitoring the daily activities of patient [67]. This
paper presents a model based on WSVR to overcome the over-fitting problem occurred
due to noise and outliers.

Figure 10. Example of Logistic Regression [66]


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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

In Figure 11, we represent the functioning of classification and regression

techniques. Both, classification and regression are used for predicting the class or
outcome of a function. The only difference between them is the nature of attributes. If
the attributes are categorical then one can use classification algorithms such as Nave
Bayes, SVM etc., and if the attributes are continuous then regression model using SVM
or linear regression achieves great performance.

Figure 11. Functioning of Classification and Regression Techniques

2.3. Clustering
Clustering is an unsupervised learning method that is different from classification.
Clustering is unlike to classification since it has no predefined classes. In clustering
large database are separated into the form of small different subgroups or clusters.
Clustering partitioned the data points based on the similarity measure [8]. Clustering
approach is used to identify similarities between data points. Each data points within
the same cluster are having greater similarity as compare to the data points belongs to
other cluster. Various clustering techniques are established and used over the last few
decades. As pointed out earlier clustering need less or no information for analyzing the
data. So it is mainly used for analyzing microarray data because very little details are
available for genes. Tapia et al. analyzed the gene expression data with the help of a
new hierarchical clustering approach using genetic algorithm [68].
Partitioned Clustering
In this clustering method the datasets having n data points partitioned into k
groups or clusters. Each cluster has at least one data point and each data point must
belong to only one cluster. In this clustering approach there is a need to define the
number of cluster before partitioning the datasets into groups. Based on the choice of
cluster centroid and similarity measure, partition clustering method is divided into two
categories-K-means and K-Mediods. K-Means clustering approach is one of the most
widely used approach that partition the given n data points into k cluster based on
similarity measure in such a way that data points belong to the same cluster have high
similarity as compare to the data points of other cluster [5].

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International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

It first selects the k-centroid randomly and then assign the data points to these k
centroid based on some similarity measure. For every iteration, a data point is handed
over to the cluster based on similarity of cluster mean (the distance between the data
points) [69, 70]. The latest mean is calculated and this step is recurred to accommodate
every newly arrived data points. The approach is intended to form compact clusters of
similar data points with fare dissimilarity with other clusters. Cluster similarity could
be characterized in the form of cluster mean which is also considered as centroid of the
cluster. It is a self organized approach and easily initiates clustering process, so many
complex clustering approach uses K means as beginning process. Unlike K -Means, Kmediods used medoids instead of mean for grouping the cluster. Medoid is one of the
most centrally located data point in the database. Initially arbitrarily select the medoids
for each cluster and after that data point is grouped with that medoid to which it is most
similar. Figure 12 represents the grouping of person on the basis of high blood pressure
and cholesterol level into high risk and low risk of having heart disease using K -means
clustering. Lenert et al., utilize the application of k-means clustering in the health
services of public domain [71] and Belciug et al. detect the recurrence of breast cancer
with the help of clustering technique [72]. Another research work explores the
application of Data Mining techniques in healthcare. Balasubramanian et al., analyze
the impact of ground water on human health using clustering technique. They
discovered the causes of risk related with the fluoride content in water with the help of
k-means clustering. Using this, author identified the valuable information in order to
make decision regarding human health [73]. Escudero et al., used k-means clustering to
classify the Alzheimers disease (AD) data feature into pathologic and non -pathologic
groups. This research work used the concept of Bioprofile and K -means clustering for
early detection of AD [74].

Figure 12. K-means Clustering for Heart Disease Patients

Hierarchical Clustering
Unlike partitioned clustering there is no need to define the number of cluster in
advance. Hierarchical Clustering algorithm decomposes the data points in hierarchical
way. It decompose the data points either using bottom up approach or top down
approach. Hierarchical clustering is classified into two categories Agglomerative and
Divisive that depends on the decomposition process. Agglomerative approach initia lly


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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

consider each data point as a separate group and further it merges the data points that
have some similarity with each other and repeat this process until all the data points are
merged into one group or class or until it gets some termination c ondition [5]. On the
other hand divisive approach assume all the data points as one group initially and
further it splits the data points into small group until it satisfy some termination
condition or each data point belongs to single cluster. Chipman et al., proposed the
hybrid hierarchical clustering approach for analyzing microarray data [75]. The
research work combines both top-down and bottom-up hierarchical clustering concepts
in order to effectively utilize the strength of this clustering approach. Chen et al.,
proposed an integrated approach for analyzing micro- array data. This study combined
both k-means and hierarchical clustering in order to improve the performance of
analyzing large micro array data [76]. Belciug use the hierarchical clustering approa ch
for grouping the patients according to their length of stay in the hospital that enhance
the capability of hospital resource management [77]. Figure 13 shows the grouping of
the patients into two cluster using 192-gene expression profile. Liu et al., predict the
severity of disease in patients using gene expression profile havi ng Rheumatoid
Arthritis [78].

Figure 13. Hierarchical Clustering for Grouping the Patients into Two Cluster
using 192-gene Expression Profile [78]
Density Based Clustering
The problem with partition and hierarchical clustering method is that they can handle
only spherical shaped cluster and are not suitable for discovering cluster of arbitrary
shapes. Density clustering methods remove this drawback and efficiently handle
outliers and arbitrary shaped cluster. DBSCAN and OPTICS are two approach of
Density based clustering which discover cluster on the basis of density connectivity
analysis. DENCLUE is another approach of density based clustering methods that form
the grouping of data points on the basis of distribution value analysis of density
function [5]. The research work [79] extracts the useful and interesting patterns from
biomedical images using density based clustering. This research discovers the area of
homogeneous colour in biomedical images. This method separates the unhealthy skin or

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Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

wound from healthy skin and discovers the sub regions of varied colour or spotted part
inside the unhealthy skin which is again useful for classification and association task
[79]. Figure 14 represents the clustering of wounded skin images using DBSCAN

Figure 14. Clustering of Skin Wound Image using DBSCAN [79]

Advantage and disadvantage of different clustering techniques are indicated in Table 2.
Table 2. Advantage and Disadvantage of various Clustering Techniques




1. Simple clustering approach.
2. Efficient.
3. Less complex method.

1. Easy to implement.
2. Having
3. There is no need to specify the
number of clusters in advance.

1. No need to specify number of

cluster in advance.
2. Easily
arbitrary shape.
3. Worked well in the presence of

1. Requires number of cluster in
2. Problem
categorical attributes.
3. Not discover the cluster with
non-convex shape.
4. Result varies in the presence of
1. Have cubic time complexity in
many cases so it is slower.
2. Decision regarding selection of
merge or split point. Once a
decision is made it cannot be
3. Not work well in the presence of
noise and outlier.
4. Not scalable.
1. Not handle the data points with
varying densities.
2. Results depend on the distance

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International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

2.4. Association
Association is one of the most vital approach of data mining that is used to find out
the frequent patterns, interesting relationships among a set of data items in the data
repository. It is also known as market basket analysis due to its capability of
discovering the association among purchased item or unknown patterns of sales of
customers in a transaction database. For example if a customer is buying a computer
then the chance of buying antivirus software is high. This information helps the
storekeeper to further enhance their sales [80-81]. Association also has great impact in
the healthcare field to detect the relationships among diseases, health state and
symptoms. Ji et al., used association in order to discover infrequent casual relationships
in Electronic health databases [82]. Healthcare organization widely used Association
approach for discovering relationships between various diseases and drugs. It is also
used for detecting fraud and abuse in health insurance. Association is also used with
classification techniques to enhance the analysis capability of Data Mi ning. Soni et al.,
used an integrated approach of association and classification f or analyzing health care
data. This integrated approach is useful for discovering rules in the database and then
using these rules an efficient classifier is constructed. This study performed experiment
on the data of heart patients and also generate rules using weighted associative
classifier [83]. Bakar et al., also construct a predictive model using various rule based
classifier for dengue occurrence. In this research work authors combine rough set, nave
bayes, decision tree and associative classifier to build a predictive model for enhancing
the early detection of dengue occurrence [84]. Doctors prescriptions and treatment
materials are produced large amount of data. Utah Bureau of Medicaid Fraud used this
data to discover hidden and useful information in order to detect fraud. This approach is
also helpful for identifying the improper prescriptions, irregular or fake patterns in
medical claims made by physicians, patients, hospitals etc.
Apriori Algorithm
Apriori algorithm for association is proposed by R.Agarwal et al., in 1994. It finds
out the relationships among item sets using two inputs-support and confidence. These
two inputs help to discriminate the frequent and infrequent item sets. The research work
filtered out those item from transaction database that are not satisfy some given criteria
such as frequent item set satisfy the minimum support and confidence constraint. This
algorithm is based on the principle that if an item does not fulfils minimum support
constraint or not frequent then its descendants are also not frequent so remove this item
from the transaction database because this item does not contribute in the construction
of association rules. Unlike classification and clustering, efficiency is the evaluation
factor of association mining. Various methods are used to improve the efficiency of
Apriori algorithm such as Hash table, transaction reduction, partitioning etc., [81] [82].
Patil et al. used apriori algorithm for generating association rule. Using these rules they
classify the patients suffering from type-2 diabetes. In this research, authors proposed
an approach for discretizing the attributes having continuous value using equal width
bining interval which is selected on the basis of medical experts opinion [85]. Figure
15 indicates the association rules for patients having diabetes. Another research work
analyzes the medical bill using apriori algorithm [86]. Abdullah et al., proposed some
modification in existing Apriori algorithm and then utilize its effectiveness in
constructed useful information in medical bill. Ilayaraja et al., also used Apriori
algorithm to discover frequent diseases in medical data. This study proposed a method

Copyright 2013 SERSC


International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

for detecting the occurrence of diseases using Apriori algorithm in particular

geographical locations at particular period of time [87].

Figure 15. Association Rules for Diabetic Patients [85]

Nahar et al., used Apriori, predictive apriori for generating the rules for heart disease
patients. In this research work rules are produced for healthy and sick people. Based on
these rules, this research discovered the factors which cause heart problem in men and
women. After analyzing the rules authors conclude that women have less possibility of
having coronary heart disease as compare to men [88]. Figure 16 indicates the rules
generation for healthy and sick people with the help of Apriori algorithm.

Figure 16. Rules Generation using Apriori for Healthy and Sick People [88]
Frequent Pattern Tree Algorithm
FP-tree algorithm identifying the frequent item sets without gene rating candidate
item-set. This algorithm has two steps-in the first step FP tree data structure is


Copyright 2013 SERSC

International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology

Vol.5, No.5 (2013)

constructed and in the second step frequent item set is fetched from this data structure.
Association analysis is helpful in finding out the hidden or previously unseen
relationship among attributes. Due to this nature it is widely used in medical field to
discover the correlation among different diseases and drugs. Noma et al., used FP-tree
algorithm for identifying interesting patterns in medical audiology data. This research
work proposed a knowledge discovery model containing five steps which is further
implemented using FP-tree technique in order to discover valuable information from
audiometric datasets [89].
The following table describes the summary of data mining approaches that are used
in health domain:
Table 3. Summary of Data Mining Approaches Used in Healthcare
Yan et al.[100]
Andreeva, P

Publication Year

Hara et al.[102]


Sitar-Taut et al.
Chang et al.[48]


Rajkumar et


Srinivas et al.


l, et al.[106]


Anbarasi, et


Fan et al. [108]


Copyright 2013 SERSC

Multilayer Perceptron
Nave Bayes
Decision Tree
Neural Network
Kernel Density
Automatically Defined Groups
Immune Multi-agent Neural
Nave Bayes
Decision Tree
Decision Tree
Artificial Neural Network
Decision Tree combined with
Decision Tree with sensitivity
ANN with sensitivity Analysis
Nave Bayes
Decision tree
Nave Bayes
One Dependency Augmented
Nave Bayes classifier
Back-Propagation Neural
Bayesian Neural Network
Probabilistic Neural Network
Linear Support Vector
Polynomial Support Vector
RBF- kernel Support Vector
Genetic with Decision tree
Genetic with Nave Bayes
Genetic with Classification via



International Journal of xxxxxx

Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

Sonali et

Osareh et al.



Fei [54]

Abdi et al.[57]


C & RT
C 5.0
One-against-many with POLY
One-against-many with
Gaussian kernel
M-SVM with polynomial kernel
M-SVM with Gaussian kernel
Selective Base Classifier on


3. Application of Data Mining in Health

Data mining provides several benefits to healthcare industry. Data Mining helps the
healthcare researchers to make valuable decision. Following are the several applications of
Data Mining in healthcare:
Effective management of Hospital resource: Data mining provides support for constructing
a model for managing the hospital resources which is an important task in healthcare. Using
data mining, it is possible to detect the chronic disease and based on the complication of the
patient disease prioritize the patients so that they will get effective treatment in timely and
accurate manner. Fitness report and demographic details of patients is also useful for utilizing
the available hospital resources effectively. An automated tool using data mining is proposed
by J.Alapont et al., for managing hospital resources such as physical and human resources
[90]. Group Health Cooperative provides various healthcare services at lower cost using data
mining techniques [1]. It is a non-profit organization of healthcare that offers patients to
online access their medical information, online fill the prescription form and allow safe
exchanging of e-mail with the healthcare provider. Seton Medical centre also used data
mining to enhance the healthcare quality, provide various details regarding patients health
and reduce admitted duration of the patients in the hospitals [91]. With the help of data
mining Blue Cross provide a system for managing the diseases efficiently and improve the
results and lower the cost of expenditure. Sierra Health Centre provides guidelines for
treatment, managing the cost of treatment and detects the areas for improving the health
quality using data mining [92].
Hospital Ranking: Different data mining approaches are used to analyze the various hospital
details in order to determine their ranks [93]. Ranking of the hospitals are done on the basis of
their capability to handle the high risk patients. The hospital with higher rank handles the high
risk patient on its top priority while the hospital with lower rank does not consider the risk


International Journal of xxxxxx

Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

Better Customer Relation: Data Mining helps the healthcare institute to understand the
needs, preferences, behavior, patterns and quality of their customer in order to make better
relation with them. Using Data Mining, Customer Potential Management Corp. develops an
index represent the utilization of Consumer healthcare. This index helps to detect the
influence of customer towards particular healthcare service.
Hospital Infection Control: A system for inspection is constructed using data mining
techniques to discover unknown or irregular patterns in the infection control data [93].
Association rules are used to produce unexpected and interesting information from the public
surveillance and hospital control data. To control the infection in the hospitals, this
information is reviewed further by an Expert.
Smarter Treatment Techniques: Using Data Mining, physicians and patients can easily
compare among different treatments technique. They can analyze the effectiveness of
available treatments and find out which technique is better and cost effective. Data Mining
also helps them to identify the side effects of particular treatment, to make appropriate
decision to reduce the hazard and to develop smart methodologies for treatment.
Improved Patient care: Large amount of data is collected with the advancement in
electronic health record. Patient data which is available in digitized form improve the
healthcare system quality. In order to analyze this massive data, a predictive model is
constructed using data mining that discover interesting information from this huge data and
make decision regarding the improvement of healthcare quality. Data mining helps the
healthcare providers to identify the present and future requirements of patients and their
preferences to enhance their satisfaction levels. Milley has also recommended that data
mining are useful to determine the requirement of particular patients for enhancing the
services provided by healthcare organization [94]. Hallick has suggested that Data mining
techniques are helpful to provide the information to patient regarding various diseases and
their prevention [95]. Kolar has identified that healthcare organization used data mining
techniques for patient grouping [96].
Decrease Insurance Fraud: Healthcare insurer develops a model to detect the fraud and
abuse in the medical claims using data mining techniques. This model is helpful for
identifying the improper prescriptions, irregular or fake patterns in medical claims made by
physicians, patients, hospitals etc. US taxpayers also reported to lost hundred dollars in 1997
due to fraudulent in the hospitals bill. ReliaStar financial corp. has improved the annual
savings by 20% by detected the fraud and abuse. Doctors prescriptions and treatment
materials are produced large amount of data. Utah Bureau of Medicaid Fraud used this data to
discover hidden and useful information in order to detect fraud [94]. Australian Health
Insurance Commission has also mined the huge data and reported millions of dollars of
annual saving [97]. Texas Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Detection System have also used data
mining techniques to discover the fraud and abuse and saved million dollars in 1998 [98].
Recognize High-Risk Patients: American Healthways system construct a predictive model
using data mining to recognize the patients having high risk. The main concern of this system
is to handle the diabetic patients, improve their health quality and also offers cost savings
services to the patient. Using Predictive model, healthcare provider recognize the patient
which require more concern as compare to other patients [99].
Health Policy Planning: Data mining play an important role for making effective policy of
healthcare in order to improve the health quality as well as reducing the cost for health


International Journal of xxxxxx

Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

services. COREPLUS and SAFS models were developed using data mining techniques to
analyze the results of medical care services provided by hospitals and treatment cost.

4. Data Mining Challenges in Healthcare

One of the most significant challenges of the data mining in healthcare is to obtain the
quality and relevant medical data. It is difficult to acquire the precise and complete healthcare
data. Health data is complex and heterogeneous in nature because it is collected from various
sources such as from the medical reports of laboratory, from the discussion with patient or
from the review of physician. For healthcare provider, it is essential to maintain the quality of
data because this data is useful to provide cost effective healthcare treatments to the patients.
Health Care Financing Administration maintains the minimum data set (MDS) which is
recorded by all hospitals. In MDS there are 300 questions which are answered by the patients
at check-in time. But this process is complex and patients face problem to respond the entire
questions. Due to this MDS face some difficulties such as missing information and incorrect
entries. Without quality data there is no useful results. For successful data mining,
complication in medical data is one the significant hurdle for analyzing medical data. So, it is
essential to maintain the quality and accuracy data for data mining to making effective
decision. Another difficulty with healthcare data is data sharing. Healthcare organizations are
unwilling to share their data due to privacy concern. Most of the patients do not want to
disclose their health data. So, the Health Maintenance Organization and Health insurance
Organization are not distributing their data for preserving the privacy of patient. This poses
hurdle in the fraud detection studies in health insurance. The startup cost of data warehouse is
very high. Before applying data mining techniques in healthcare data it is essential to collect
and record the data from different sources into a central data warehouse which is a costly and
time consuming process. Faulty data warehouse design does not contribute to effective data

5. Conclusion and Future Issues

The purpose of this section is to provide an insight towards requirements of health domain
and about suitable choice of available technique. Following are the guideline for using
different data mining techniques:

Before applying classification technique there is a need to recognize the redundant

and inappropriate attributes because these attributes act as a noise and outlier which
in turn slow down the processing task. These attributes also had an adverse affect on
the performance of classifier. Statistical methods are used for recognizing these
attributes. On the other hand the most relevant and useful attributes can be recognized
by feature selection methods which in turn enhance the performance and accuracy of
classification model.

We also analyzed that there is no single classifier which produce best result for every
dataset. In order to check the performance of classifier, a dataset is divided into two
parts- training and testing. So, a classifier is selected only when it produce better
performance among all classifiers. The performance of a classifier is evaluated using
testing data set. But there are also problem with testing data set. Some time it is
complex and some time it becomes easy to classify the testing data set. The
performance of classifier depends on testing data set. To avoid these problems we can
use cross validation method so that every record of data set is used for both training
and testing.


International Journal of xxxxxx

Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

We also analyze that clustering technique is used when there is no or less information
are available regarding data set. But what type of clustering algorithm is used is still a
problem. Hierarchical clustering is used when there is less information is available
about data because for this algorithm there is no need to specify number of clusters in
advance. Dendograms which is the output of hierarchical clustering should be
analyzed to find out the suitable number of cluster. But the problem with this
algorithm is that it is not scalable i.e. its performance varies as number of dataset
increase. To avoid these problems random sampling should be used so that
hierarchical clustering easily handles the reduced volume of data. To avoid the
problem of sampling biasness there is a need to repeat the sampling process several
times. Partitioned algorithm can be used after determining number of cluster.

The main focus of classification rules is to discover the class of attributes but it does
not take into account the relationships of attributes. While Association is useful for
identifying the relationship or association among various attributes and generates
association rules which in turn helpful for domain experts to remove insignificant
association rules and consider only those rules which are useful for making vital

We can also conclude that there is no single data mining techniques which give consistent
results for all types of healthcare data. The performance of data mining techniques depends
on the type of dataset that we have taken for doing experiment. So, we can use hybrid or
integrated Data Mining technique such as fusion of different classifiers, fusion of clustering
with classification or association with clustering or classification etc. for achieving better
performance. Apart from this we also observe that GA with clustering or classification, PSOSVM, Fuzzy KNN, AR-PSO_SVM, SBCB have accomplish good results as compare to
single traditional approach. So hybridization is a good option for getting better results. This
paper explore the application of data mining in healthcare organization, different techniques
and the challenges of Data Mining in healthcare and their future issues. Data Mining provides
benefit to all the people such as doctor, healthcare insurers, patients and organizations who
are engaged in healthcare industry. Using Data Mining knowledge Doctor can easily
recognize the effective cure, patients obtain cost effective treatments, healthcare industry
manages their customer and healthcare insurers discover any cases of fraud in medical claim.
Due to analytical and descriptive ability, Data Mining is widely used in medical field.
Healthcare providers utilize the data mining tools to make effective decision regarding how to
enhance the patient health, how to provide health care services at low cost and how to predict
fraud in health insurance etc. Healthcare researchers also face several challenges while using
Data Mining in medical field such as several Data Mining techniques required parameters
from user. These techniques are sensitive to users parameters. Its results vary according to
the parameters which are given by users. Sometime users do not have sufficient information
about selection and usage of parameters.
For effective utilization of data mining in health organizations there is a need of enhance
and secure health data sharing among different parties. Some propriety limitations such as
contractual relationships among researcher and health care organization are mandatory to
overcome the security issues. There is also a need of standardized approach for constructing
the data warehouse. In recent years due to enhancement of internet facility a huge datasets
(text and non-text form) are also available on website. So, there is also an essential need of
effective data mining techniques for analyzing this data to uncover hidden information.


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Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx





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Divya Tomar , she is research scholar in Information Technology
Division of Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT),
Allahabad, India under the supervision of Dr. Sonali Agarwal. She
held the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) degree in Computer
Science and Engineering from Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Lucknow, (UP) India and Masters of Technology
(M.Tech.) degree in Information Technology specialized in Human
Computer Interaction from Indian Institute of Information
Technology (IIIT), Allahabad, India. Her primary research interests
are in the areas of Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Support Vector
Machine especially with the application in the area of Medical

Dr. Sonali Agarwal, she is working as an Assistant Professor in the

Information Technology Division of Indian Institute of Information
Technology (IIIT), Allahabad, India. She received the Ph. D. Degree at
IIIT Allahabad and joined as faculty at IIIT Allahabad, where she was
teaching since October 2009. She held the Bachelor of Engineering
(B.E.) degree in Electrical Engineering from Bhilai Institute of
Technology, Bhilai, (C.G.) India and Masters of Engineering (M.E.)
degree in Computer Science from Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, India. She worked as Lecturer and
Assistant Professor at B.B.S. College of Engineering and Technology,
Allahabad from 2002 to 2009. Her primary research interests are in the
areas of Data Mining, Data Warehousing, E Governance and Software
Engineering. Her current focus in the last few years is on the research
issues in Data Mining application especially in E Governance and


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