Gacayan Vs Pamintuan PDF
Gacayan Vs Pamintuan PDF
Gacayan Vs Pamintuan PDF
the Court had long granted the accuseds Motion for Leave to File Demurrer to Evidence
and that the hearing being conducted is supposed to be a hearing on the Demurrer to Evidence,
not [the] presentation of prosecutions evidence; and
the hearing for that day insofar as the Sarol case had been adjourned and terminated.
On June 17, 1998, respondent Judge ordered the arrest of one Mirriam Dominguez whom he
described as an eyewitness to the incident. This was done without any motion from the
Prosecution and though there is no record whatsoever supporting said conclusion that she is an
eyewitness. Thereafter respondent Judge talked alone to said witness in his chambers
In view of the unusual interest exhibited by the respondent Judge in favor of the prosecution and
the highly unusual procedure he was then conducting the hearing on the Demurrer to Evidence,
they filed a Motion to Suspend further Proceedings on the Demurrer to Evidence until the
Motion for Inhibition is resolved by the Honorable Court.
Considering that there is no resolution yet on his Motion for Inhibition as well as the pending
Motion to Suspend Further Proceedings, complainant Atty. Gacayan did not appear in the
hearing on the Demurrer to Evidence.
The minutes of the hearing on June 23, 1998 shows that the respondent Judge made the
following orders:
ORDERING the prosecution to present the witness who was ordered arrested by the
Honorable Court though:
1. There was no valid motion complying with the requisites of Rule 15 of the Rules
of Court, filed by the prosecution praying that it be allowed to present further
evidence assuming such a procedure is allowed considering that it had long rested
its case and there is a pending DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE;
2. There is no resolution yet on the demurrer to evidence.
ORDERING the PAO lawyer who was then present in court to act as counsel de officio
without giving said lawyer sufficient time to study the case.
ORDERING the continuation of hearing of said case to June 24, 1998 at 8:30 in the
morning and 2 oclock in the afternoon.
In the morning of June 24, 1998 at 8:30, respondent Judge again called the above case for
hearing despite the fact that there was no notice sent to complainant Atty. Gacayan. At 2:00
oclock in the afternoon of June 24, 1998, he appeared as counsel for the accused and right then
and there, he was ordered by the respondent Judge to conduct the cross-examination of the
witness he ordered arrested despite:
his vigorous objections to the unprocedural manner in which the hearing on the Demurrer
to Evidence is being conducted by the respondent judge;
his objection that there was no motion duly set for hearing for the re-opening of the
prosecutions evidence;
the fact that he has not heard the testimony of the witness presented by the prosecution
who was ordered arrested by the respondent Judge without any motion from the prosecution;
the fact that there was no transcript of records of the testimony of the witness ordered
arrested by the respondent Judge on his own without any motion from the prosecution.
Consequently, respondent Judge agreed to the resetting of the cross-examination of the witnesses
but ordered the resumption of the hearing of said case on July 1, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. despite his
(Atty. Gacayans) vigorous objection considering his obvious partiality. This is so because as
early as June 22, 1998, respondent informed the lawyers that the calendar of the court is already
full, yet he scheduled for June 24, 1998 at both 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. the Sarol case when the
testimony of the witness he ordered arrested was not completed on June 23, 1998. Complainants
contend that the act of respondent Judge is highly unusual to say the least and a blatant violation
of the unwritten rule on how a judge shall conduct himself.
Complainants stressed that considering the patent disregard by the respondent Judge of the basic
rules governing the trial of the criminal case, they were left with no other recourse but to bring
the matter to the attention of this Honorable Court in order for it to exercise its function as well
as its disciplinary powers over men in robes who are causing litigants to lose trust in our judicial
On August 7, 1996, Hon. Court Administrator Benipayo directed respondent Judge Fernando Vil
Pamintuan to comment on the complaint of Atty. Lauro Gacayan and Mr. Noel Sarol.
Respondent Judge in his comment alleged in sum that:
He was a newly-appointed Judge of barely a few months when introduced to Criminal
Case No. 14549-R, it was still on a hearing stage on accuseds Demurrer to Evidence;
On May 4, 1998, as the new Judge inquired into the nature of the case and called for the
Public Prosecutor Benedicto T. Carantes and counsel for the accused, Atty. Lauro D. Gacayan, in
his Chamber and informed them that he would need time to examine the testimony of the
witnesses and other evidence already on record. Thus, the hearing of the Demurrer to Evidence
was reset on May 25, 1998, at 8:30 oclock in the morning with the agreement of both Public
Prosecutor and counsel for the accused. However, he takes exception to counsel for the
accuseds allegation that he would not dismiss the case for insufficiency of evidence. He simply
said that he had to study the record of this case and see the witnesses and the private
complainant/relatives of the victim in Court so that he could be properly oriented as to the
evidence in this case;
On May 25, 1998, only two (2) prosecutions witnesses appeared, Restituto Abuan and
Alejandro Castaneda, whose presence were (sic) known to counsel for the accused, Atty. Lauro
D. Gacayan. These witnesses affirmed that they did not see the killing of the victim. This was in
the presence of counsel for the accused, Atty. Lauro D. Gacayan. Then, he issued an order
requiring the witnesses who failed to appear to show cause why they should not be cited in
contempt of court. The hearing on the Demurrer to Evidence was reset to June 23, 1998, at 8:30
oclock in the morning. Again, said resetting was with the consent of the Public Prosecutor and
counsel for the accused.
For failure of the prosecutions witnesses Mirriam Dominguez and Joseph Sarol to appear
in Court, despite notice, and again failure to show cause why they should not be cited in
contempt of court, the Court issued a warrant for their arrest. Mirriam Dominguez was arrested
on June 16, 1998. Since the next hearing on the Demurrer to Evidence was still on June 23,
1998, Mirriam Dominguez could have been detained at the Baguio City Jail until the said next
hearing. That was the reason why she had to see him for her possible release before June 23,
1998. Had he not granted an audience to prosecution witness Mirriam Dominguez, she could
have been detained at the Baguio City Jail from June 17, 1998 to June 23, 1998. With the
commitment that she would appear on the June 23, 1998 hearing, and further commitment to
bring along [the] prosecutions eyewitness Neil Joseph Sarol, she was released. This occasion
was transparent and properly recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of June 17, 1998;
On June 23, 1998, [the] prosecutions eyewitness Joseph Sarol appeared in Court and
upon motion of the Public Prosecutor that the prosecutor is resting its case (sic) be set aside
given the appearance of an eyewitness to the crime who could not be found before, the Court
granted the same in the interest of justice. His act in allowing the prosecution to introduce an
eyewitness in a crime despite the fact that the prosecution had already rested its case is supported
by a legion of cases in jurisprudence.i[1]
Also in the scheduled hearing, counsel for the accused, Atty. Lauro D. Gacayan, failed to appear,
despite notice. Prompting him to appoint a counsel de officio for the accused in the person of
Atty. Reynaldo Banta [the] detailed PAO lawyer in court. Testimony of the eyewitness Neil
Joseph Sarol on direct and initial cross-examination was completed.
On June 24, 1998 for the continuance of the cross-examination of eyewitness Neil Joseph
Sarol, said eyewitness manifested that he had a class examination at 11:00 oclock in the
morning and understanding the plight of said eyewitness, he reset the hearing for the afternoon of
June 24, 1998;
On June 24, 1998, in the afternoon, the hearing was cancelled on the ground that counsel for the
accused, Atty. Lauro D. Gacayan, had to study the transcript of stenographic notes of the direct
testimony of eyewitness Neil Joseph Sarol and moved for resetting of this case which the Court
granted. This case was reset to July 1, 1998, at 2:00 oclock in the afternoon.
On July 1, 1998, at 2:00 in the afternoon, counsel for the accused, Atty. Lauro D. Gacayan,
manifested that he did not have a copy of the transcript of stenographic notes of the testimony of
eyewitness Neil Joseph Sarol and he had to study the same, and moved for the resetting of the
hearing which the Court granted, so that the cross-examination was reset to September 9, 1998 at
8:30 oclock in the morning SHARP.
On the matter of his inhibition, the same has been denied and extensively discussed in the
Order dated June 23, 1998.
for good reasons, in the furtherance of justice, may permit them to offer evidence upon their
original case, and its ruling will not be disturbed in the appellate court where no abuse of
discretion[6] So, generally, additional evidence is allowed when it is newly discovered
or where it has been omitted through inadvertence or mistake or where the purpose of the
evidence is to correct evidence previously offered.vii[7]
In the light of the foregoing jurisprudence, it is thus necessary to determine whether respondent
judge acted within the bounds of his authority.
There is no doubt as borne by the previous resolutions of this Honorable Court thru (sic)
respondent Judge may in his own initiative order the reopening of a case or upon motion of one
of the parties for the orderly administration of justice. It must not, however, be done
whimsically, capriciously and/or unreasonably.
The records show that the subject case was filed on September 27, 1996. It took the prosecution
no less than one (1) year and four (4) months to adduce evidence against the accused, and when
the defense filed a Demurrer to Evidence due to an apparent failure of the prosecution to prove
its case, respondent all of a sudden reopened the case. He subpoenaed witnesses to appear before
him and directed them to testify on what they know about the case. This he made because of the
fact that there lies a dead victim and he is to determine who is responsible thereof. Thus, in so
doing his actuation was viewed as partial by the complainants. He acted as though he was
actively prosecuting the case at the expense of the accused.
Moreover, there was no paramount interest of justice to speak of in this case which would have
justified the actuations of respondent in reopening the case. The prosecution was given all the
opportunity to present its evidence and to order anew the presentation of additional evidence is
but a superfluity, especially so that the same will not materially affect the position of the
Hence, the complainants have all the reasons to doubt the impartiality of respondent Judge.
It is, thus well to remind the members of the Judiciary:
x x x to so conduct themselves as to be beyond reproach and suspicion and be free from any
appearance of impropriety in their personal behavior not only in the discharge of their official
duties but also in their everyday life, for as we have earlier stressed no position exacts a greater
demand on [the] moral righteousness and uprightness of an individual than a seat in the Judiciary
so that (a) magistrate of the law must comport himself at all times in such a manner that his
conduct, official or otherwise, can bear the most searching scrutiny of the public that looks up to
him as the epitome of integrity and justice.viii[8]
We agree with the factual findings of the OCA. However, the penalty recommended, i.e.,
reprimand, is too light given the facts of the case.
Apropos the charge of partiality, the Court pointed out in Dawa v. De Asaix[9] that the
[p]eoples confidence in the judicial system is founded not only on the magnitude of legal
knowledge and the diligence of the members of the bench, but also on the highest standard of
integrity and moral uprightness they are expected to possess.x[10] It is towards this sacrosanct
goal of ensuring the peoples faith and confidence in the judiciary that the Code of Judicial
Conduct mandates the following:
RULE 2.01 A judge should so behave at all times to promote public confidence in the integrity
and impartiality of the judiciary.
RULE 3.01 A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence.
RULE 3.02 In every case, a judge shall endeavor diligently to ascertain the facts and the
applicable law unswayed by partisan interests, public opinion or fear of criticism.
The Canons of Judicial Ethics further provides that: [A] judges official conduct should be free
from the appearance of impropriety, and his personal behavior, not only upon the bench and in
the performance of judicial duties, but also his everyday life should be beyond reproach. Thus,
the Court in taking the respondent to task in Sarah B. Vedana v. Judge Eudarlo B. Valencia,xi[11]
minced no words when it said:
. . . his being a public official, holding a position in the Judiciary and specifically entrusted with
the sacred duty of administering justice, breached Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Conduct and
Canon 3 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics which mandate respectively, that a judge should avoid
impropriety in all activities, and that a judges official conduct should be free from the
appearance of impropriety, and his personal behavior, not only upon the bench and in the
performance of judicial duties, but also in everyday life, should be beyond reproach. These most
exacting standards of decorum are demanded from magistrates if only, in the language of Rule
2.01 of Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Conduct, to promote public confidence in the integrity
and impartiality of the judiciary.
The spirit and philosophy underlying these Canons is best expressed in Castillo v. Calanogxii[12]
The Code of Judicial Ethics mandates that the conduct of a judge must be free of a whiff of
impropriety not only with respect to his performance of his judicial duties, but also to his
behavior outside his sala and as a private individual. There is no dichotomy of morality; a public
official is also judged by his private morals. The Code dictates that a judge, in order to promote
public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary, must behave with propriety at
all times. As we have very recently explained, a judges official life can not simply be detached
or separated from his personal existence. Thus:
Being the subject of constant public scrutiny, a judge should freely and willingly accept
restrictions on conduct that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen.
A judge should personify judicial integrity and exemplify honest public service. The personal
behavior of a judge, both in the performance of official duties and in private life should be above
Verily, no position is more demanding as regards moral righteousness and uprightness of any
individual than a seat on the Bench. Within the hierarchy of courts, trial courts stand as an
important and visible symbol of government, especially considering that as opposed to appellate
courts, trial judges are those directly in contact with the parties, their counsel and the
communities which the Judiciary is bound to serve. Occupying as he does an exalted position in
the administration of justice, a judge must pay a high price for the honor bestowed upon him.
Thus, the judge must comport himself at all times in such manner that his conduct, official or
otherwise, can bear the most searching scrutiny of the public that looks up to him as the epitome
of integrity and justice.xiv[14] In insulating the Bench from the unwarranted criticism, thus
preserving our democratic way of life, it is essential that judges, like Caesars wife, should be
above suspicion.
A judge is not only required to be impartial; he must appear to be impartial.xv[15] Fraternizing
with litigants tarnishes this appearance.xvi[16] It was, thus, held that it is improper for a judge to
meet privately with the accused without the presence of the complainant.xvii[17] Talking
privately alone to an alleged eyewitness to the incident in the seclusion of his chambers, as what
transpired in this case, likewise taints this image much more so considering the circumstances
surrounding the production of said witness.
Verily, [n]o position exacts a greater demand on [the] moral righteousness and uprightness of an
individual than a seat in the judiciary. A magistrate of the law must comport himself at all times
in such a manner that his conduct, official or otherwise can bear the most searching scrutiny of
the public that looks up to him as an epitome of integrity and justice.xviii[18] Indeed, more than
simply projecting an image of probity, a judge must not only appear to be a good judge; he
must also appear to be a good person.xix[19]
As has been stated by this Court in Ruperto v. Banquerigoxx[20] [T]he office of a judge exists
for one solemn end to promote the ends of justice by administering it speedily and impartially.
The judge as the person presiding over that court, is the visible representation of the law and
justice. These are self-evident dogmas which do not even have to be emphasized, but to which
we are wont to advert when some members of the judiciary commit legal missteps or stray from
the axioms of judicial ethics x x x.
The rule on inhibition and disqualification of judges is laid down in Section 1, Rule 137 of the
Rules of Court, which states:
SECTION 1. Disqualification of judges. No judge or judicial officer shall sit in any case in
which he, or his wife or child, is pecuniarily interested as heir, legatee, creditor, or otherwise, or
in which he is related to either party within the sixth degree of consanguinity or affinity, or to
counsel within the fourth degree, computed according to the rules of civil law, or in which he has
been executor, administrator, guardian, trustee or counsel, or in which he has presided in any
inferior court when his ruling or decision is the subject of review, without the written consent of
all parties in interest, signed by them and entered upon the record.
A judge may, in the exercise of his sound discretion, disqualify himself from sitting in a case, for
just and valid reasons other than those mentioned above.
While the second paragraph does not expressly enumerate the specific grounds for inhibition and
leaves it to the sound discretion of the judge, such should be based on just and valid
reasons.xxi[21] The import of the rule on voluntary inhibition of judges is that the decision on
whether or not to inhibit is left to the sound discretion and conscience of the trial judge based on
his rational and logical assessment of the circumstances prevailing in the case brought before
him. It points out to members of the bench that outside of pecuniary interest, relationship or
previous participation in the matter that calls for adjudication, there might be other causes that
could conceivably erode the trait of objectivity, thus calling for inhibition for, indeed, the factors
that lead to preferences and predilections are many and varied.xxii[22]
Considering the high-handed manner in which the respondent resolved the motion seeking his
inhibition vis--vis his manifest partiality in favor of the prosecution in Criminal Case No.
14549-R, his attention is called to the pronouncement of the Court in Pimentel v. Salangaxxiii[23]
reiterated in Gutang v. Court of Appeals:xxiv[24]
All the foregoing notwithstanding, this should be a good occasion as any to draw attention of all
judges to appropriate guidelines in a situation where their capacity to try and decide a case fairly
and judiciously comes to the fore by way of challenge from any one of the parties. A judge may
not be legally prohibited from sitting in a litigation. But when suggestion is made of record that
he might be induced to act in favor of one party or with bias or prejudice against a litigant
arising out of circumstance[s] reasonably capable of inciting such a state of mind, he should
conduct a careful self-examination. He should exercise his discretion in a way that the peoples
faith in the courts of justice is not impaired. A salutary norm is that he reflect on the probability
that a losing party might nurture at the back of his mind the thought that the judge
unmeritoriously tilted the scales of justice against him. That passion on the part of a judge may
be generated because of serious charges of misconduct against him by a suitor or his counsel, if
not altogether remote. He is a man subject to the frailties of other men. He should, therefore,
exercise great care and caution before making up his mind to act or withdraw from a suit where
that party or counsel is involved. He could in good grace inhibit himself where that case could
be heard by another judge and where no appreciable prejudice would be occasioned to the
others involved therein. On the result of his decision to sit or not to sit may depend on a great
extent the all-important confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary. If after reflection he
should resolve to voluntarily desist from sitting in a case where his motives and fairness might be
seriously impugned, his action is to be interpreted as giving meaning and substance to the second
paragraph of Section 1, Rule 137. He serves the cause of the law who forestalls miscarriage of
A presiding judge, to be sure, must maintain and preserve the trust and faith of the partieslitigants. He must hold himself above reproach and suspicion. At the very first sign of lack of
faith and trust in his actions, whether well-grounded or not, the judge has no other alternative but
to inhibit himself from the case.xxv[25] He should exercise his discretion in a way that the
peoples faith in the Courts of Justice is not impaired. The better course for the judge under such
circumstances is to disqualify himself. That way, he avoids being misunderstood, his reputation
for probity and objectivity is preserved. What is more important, the ideal of impartial
administration of justice is lived up to.xxvi[26]
Anent the charge of gross ignorance of the law, it needs be stressed that to be able to render
substantial justice and to maintain public confidence in the legal system, judges are expected to
keep abreast of all laws and prevailing jurisprudence,xxvii[27] consistent with the standard that
magistrates must be the embodiment of competence, integrity and independence.xxviii[28]
As aptly stated in Borromeo v. Marianoxxix[29] [O]ur conception of good judges has been, and
is, of men who have a mastery of the principles of law, who discharge their duties in accordance
with law x x x. Thus, it has been held that when the judges inefficiency springs from a failure
to consider so basic and elemental a rule, a law or a principle in the discharge of his duties, a
judge is either too incompetent and undeserving of the position and title he holds or he is too
vicious that the oversight or omission was deliberately done in bad faith and in grave abuse of
Indeed, everyone, especially a judge, is presumed to know the law. When, as in this case, the
law is so elementary, not to be aware of it constitutes gross ignorance of the law.xxxi[31] Judges
are expected to exhibit more than just a cursory acquaintance with statutes and procedural rules.
They must know the laws and apply them properly in all good faith. Judicial competence
requires no less.xxxii[32] It is imperative that a judge be conversant with basic legal principles and
that he be aware of well-settled authoritative doctrines.xxxiii[33] He should strive for excellence
exceeded only by his passion for truth, to the end that he be the personification of justice and the
rule of law.xxxiv[34]
Needless to state, respondent was in this instance wanting in the desired level of mastery of a
fundamental rule on criminal procedure.
In Cortes v. Judge Catral;xxxv[35] this Court found respondent judge therein guilty of gross
ignorance of the law for granting bail to the accused without the requisite hearing. The
respondent judge was ordered to pay a fine of P20,000.00 with the warning that a repetition of
the same or similar acts in the future would be dealt with more severely. In Mamolo, Sr. v.
Narisma,xxxvi[36] the Court held respondent judge guilty of gross ignorance of the law and
penalized him with a fine of P20,000.00. The same penalty was imposed by this Court on
respondent judge in Buzon, Jr. v. Velasco,xxxvii[37] who was found to have fallen short of the
standard set forth in Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of Judicial Conduct, thereby eroding the
litigants confidence in his competence and knowledge.
Based on the foregoing jurisprudence, We find the recommended penalty of reprimand not
commensurate with the misdeed committed. A fine of P10,000.00 and reprimand, with a
warning that a commission of similar acts in the future shall be dealt with more severely is a
more appropriate penalty.
Furthermore, in view of the prevailing circumstances in this case, the Court deems it the better
course for respondent Judge to inhibit himself from further hearing Criminal Case No. 14549-R.
In that way, he avoids being misunderstood, his reputation for probity and objectivity is
preserved. Most important of all, the ideal of impartial administration of justice is lived up
WHEREFORE, for violations of Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Conduct and Canon 3 of the
Code of Judicial Ethics which amount to grave misconduct, conduct unbecoming of an officer of
the Judiciary and conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the service, respondent Judge
FERNANDO VIL PAMINTUAN, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, Branch 3, Baguio
City, is hereby FINED the amount of P10,000.00. He is likewise REPRIMANDED and sternly
WARNED that a repetition of the foregoing or similar transgressions shall be dealt with more
severely. Finally, he is ORDERED to inhibit himself from further hearing Criminal Case No.
14549-R. The Executive Judge is ordered to re-raffle the case with dispatch to another sala.