Money & You: Learn To Grow Your Wealth
Money & You: Learn To Grow Your Wealth
Money & You: Learn To Grow Your Wealth
Flexible investments
guarantee your future
It is only
prudent to
shield against
the risk of
MCIS comprehensive investment product caters to all your different life stages.
l On protection
It is only prudent to shield
against the risk of economic
fluctuations. With the 5 Years
Guaranteed Coverage, this plan
shields you against policy lapsation
your credit
YOUR credit score can have a major impact
on your life and finances. Everyone should
take time to review, manage and boost their
credit score.
Your credit score will not only affect
whether you can get mortgages, credit cards
and loans, it can also affect attainment of
mobile phone contracts, monthly insurance
premiums, opening of bank accounts, job
applications and more.
Every individual has a unique credit score.
It is a three digit number calculated based on
the credit history from your credit report. A
credit score makes it easier for individuals to
comprehend their credit standing.
Five components determine the outcome
of your credit score payment history, length
of credit history, credit limit utilisation, new
credit applications, legal history trace.
In many instances of interactions with
consumers by RAM Credit Information Sdn
Bhd (Ramci), an accredited credit reporting
agency in Malaysia, consumers shared that
credit reports can be a bit confusing as they
contain a huge amount of data.
It is also sometimes difficult for an
individual to determine which part of the
data is considered important to lenders.
Nonetheless, a numerical expression in
the form of a credit score can help explain
how a persons credit standing is categorised.
The credit score developed by Ramci
ranges from 201 to 781. A higher score
makes a consumer more credit-worthy.
Generally, a score of 621 or higher indicates
that you have managed your credit well.