Charles Martel
Charles Martel
Charles Martel
This article is about the Frankish ruler. For other uses, considered to be part of their fathers paternal family, the
see Charles Martel (disambiguation).
Pippinids, who since the early seventh century had dominated the politics of Francia.
Charles Martel (c. 688 or 686, 680 22 October
741) was a Frankish statesman and military leader who,
as Duke and Prince of the Franks and Mayor of the
Palace, was de facto ruler of Francia from 718 until his
After the reign of Dagobert I (629639) the Merovingians eectively ceded power to the Pippinids, who ruled
the Frankish realm of Austrasia in all but name as Mayors of the Palace. They controlled the royal treasury,
dispensed patronage, and granted land and privileges in
the name of the gurehead king. Martels father, Pepin,
was the second member of the family to rule the Franks.
Pepin was able to unite all the Frankish realms by conquering Neustria and Burgundy. He was the rst to call
himself Duke and Prince of the Franks, a title later taken
up by Charles.
Martel is considered to be the founding gure of the European Middle Ages. Skilled as an administrator and warrior, he is often credited with a seminal role in the development of feudalism and knighthood. Martel was a
great patron of Saint Boniface and made the rst attempt
at reconciliation between the Papacy and the Franks. The
Pope wished him to become the defender of the Holy See
and oered him the Roman consulship. Martel refused
the oer.[9][10]
Although Martel never assumed the title of king, he divided Francia, like a king, between his sons Carloman
and Pepin. The latter became the rst of the Carolingians,
the family of Charles Martel, to become king. Martels
grandson, Charlemagne, extended the Frankish realms to
include much of the West, and became the rst Emperor
since the fall of Rome. Therefore, on the basis of his
achievements, Martel is seen as laying the groundwork
for the Carolingian Empire.[11] In summing up the man,
Gibbon wrote that Martel was the hero of the age,
whereas Guerard describes him as being the champion
of the Cross against the Crescent.[12][13]
Martel was born as the illegitimate son of Pepin of Herstal and his concubine Alpaida.[14][15] He had a brother
named Childebrand, who later became the Frankish dux
of Burgundy. The brothers, being illegitimate, were not
to his own advantage, Plectrude had him imprisoned in 2.1.3 Battle of Vincy
Cologne, the city which was destined to be her capital.
This prevented an uprising on his behalf in Austrasia, but After the victory at Amblve, Martel took time to rally
more men and prepare. By the following spring, Marnot in Neustria.
tel had attracted enough support to descend in full force
on the Neustrians.[17] He chose the time and location.
Charles eventually followed them and dealt them a se2.1 Civil war of 715718
rious blow at Vincy on 21 March 717. He pursued the
king and mayor to Paris, before turning back
In 715, the Neustrian nobles proclaimed Ragenfrid mayor
with Plectrude and Cologne. He took her city
of their palace
on behalf of, and apparently with
her adherents, but allowed both Plectrude
the support of, Dagobert III, who in theory had the leand
Theudoald to live and treated them with
gal authority to select a mayor, though by this time the
for those times, when mercy to a forMerovingian dynasty had lost most such powers.
mer gaoler, or a potential rival, was rare.
The Austrasians were not to be left supporting a woman
success, he proclaimed Chlotar IV king of
and a young child. Before the end of the year, Charles On this [16]
in opposition to Chilperic and deposed the
Martel had escaped from prison and been acclaimed
Reims, Rigobert, replacing him with Milo,
mayor by the nobles of that kingdom.
That year,
Dagobert died and the Neustrians proclaimed Chilperic
II, the cloistered son of Childeric II, king.
3 Consolidation of power
Battle of Cologne
Battle of Amblve
In 725 and 728, he again entered Bavaria. In 730, he
marched against Lantfrid, duke of Alemannia, who had
also become independent, and killed him in battle. He
forced the Alemanni capitulation to Frankish suzerainty
and did not appoint a successor to Lantfrid. Thus, southern Germany once more became part of the Frankish
kingdom, as had northern Germany during the rst years
of the reign.
By 731, the realm secure, Charles began to prepare exclusively for the coming crises from the south and west.
4 Prelude to Tours
4.1 Lead-up
The Saracen Army outside Paris, 730-32, in an early nineteenthcentury depiction by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
Raising an army
all the way to Morocco in the seventh century
resulted in the permanent imposition by force
of Islamic culture onto a previously Christian
and largely non-Arab base. The Visigothic
kingdom fell to Muslim conquerors in a single
battle at the Battle of Guadalete on the Rio Barbate in 711, and the Hispanic Christian population took seven long centuries to regain control
of the Iberian Peninsula. The Reconquista, of
course, was completed in 1492, only months
before Columbus received ocial backing for
his fateful voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
Had Charles Martel suered at Tours-Poitiers
the fate of King Roderick at the Rio Barbate, it
is doubtful that a do-nothing sovereign of the
Merovingian realm could have later succeeded
where his talented major domus had failed. Indeed, as Charles was the progenitor of the Carolingian line of Frankish rulers and grandfather of Charlemagne, one can even say with
a degree of certainty that the subsequent history of the West would have proceeded along
vastly dierent currents had Abd ar-Rahman
been victorious at Tours-Poitiers in 732.[25]
It is important to note however that modern Western historians, military historians, and writers, essentially fall
into three camps. The rst, those who believe Gibbon
was right in his assessment that Martel saved Christianity and Western civilization by this battle are typied by
Bennett, Paul Davis, Robert Martin, and educationalist
Dexter B. Wakeeld who writes in An Islamic Europe:
The nal camp of Western historians believe that the importance of the battle is dramatically overstated. This
A Muslim France? Historically, it nearly
view is typied by Alessandro Barbero, who writes, Tohappened. But as a result of Martels erce
day, historians tend to play down the signicance of the
opposition, which ended Muslim advances and
battle of Poitiers, pointing out that the purpose of the
set the stage for centuries of war thereafter, IsArab force defeated by Charles Martel was not to conquer
lam moved no farther into Europe. European
the Frankish kingdom, but simply to pillage the wealthy
schoolchildren learn about the Battle of Tours
monastery of St-Martin of Tours.[26] Similarly, Toma
in much the same way that American students
Mastnak writes:
learn about Valley Forge and Gettysburg.[24]
The second camp of contemporary historians believe that
a failure by Martel at Tours could have been a disaster,
destroying what would become Western civilization after the Renaissance. Certainly all historians agree that no
power would have remained in Europe able to halt Islamic
expansion had the Franks failed. William E. Watson, one
of the most respected historians of this era, strongly supports Tours as a macrohistorical event, but distances himself from the rhetoric of Gibbon and Drubeck, writing,
for example, of the battles importance in Frankish and
world history in 1993:
There is clearly some justication for ranking Tours-Poitiers among the most signicant
events in Frankish history when one considers the result of the battle in light of the remarkable record of the successful establishment by Muslims of Islamic political and cultural dominance along the entire eastern and
southern rim of the former Christian, Roman
world. The rapid Muslim conquest of Palestine, Syria, Egypt and the North African coast
nicance of this one battle as the event that saved Christianity, do not dispute that Martel himself had a huge effect on Western European history. Modern military historian Victor Davis Hanson acknowledges the debate on
this battle, citing historians both for and against its macrohistorical placement:
Recent scholars have suggested Poitiers, so
poorly recorded in contemporary sources, was
a mere raid and thus a construct of western
myth-making or that a Muslim victory might
have been preferable to continued Frankish
dominance. What is clear is that Poitiers
marked a general continuance of the successful
defense of Europe (from the Muslims). Flush
from the victory at Tours, Charles Martel went
on to clear southern France from Islamic attackers for decades, unify the warring kingdoms into the foundations of the Carolingian
Empire, and ensure ready and reliable troops
from local estates.[28]
After Tours
bards. Nmes, Agde, and Bziers, held by Islam since The Caliphate believed it would take a generation, but
725, fell to him and their fortresses were destroyed.
Martel managed it in ve years. Prepared to face the
He crushed one Umayyad army at Arles, as that force sal- Frankish phalanx, the Muslims were totally unprepared
lied out of the city, and then took the city itself by a direct to face a mixed force of heavy cavalry and infantry in
and brutal frontal attack, and burned it to the ground to a phalanx. Thus, Charles again championed Christianity
prevent its use again as a stronghold for Umayyad expan- and halted Muslim expansion into Europe. These defeats,
sion. He then moved swiftly and defeated a mighty host plus those at the hands of Leo III of the Byzantine Emoutside of Narbonnea at the River Berre, but failed to take pire in Anatolia, were the last great attempt at expansion
by the Umayyad Caliphate before the destruction of the
the city. Military historians believe he could have taken
it, had he chosen to tie up all his resources to do sobut dynasty at the Battle of the Zab, and the rending of the
Caliphate forever, especially the utter destruction of the
he believed his life was coming to a close, and he had
much work to do to prepare for his sons to take control Umayyad army at River Berre near Narbonne in 737.
of the Frankish realm.
A direct frontal assault, such as took Arles, using rope
ladders and rams, plus a few catapults, simply was not
sucient to take Narbonne without horric loss of life
for the Franks, troops Martel felt he could not lose. Nor
could he spare years to starve the city into submission,
years he needed to set up the administration of an empire
his heirs would reign over. In addition, he faced strong
opposition from regional lords such as the patrician Maurentius, from Marseille, who revolted against the Frankish leader. Moreover, the Aquitanian duke Hunald threatened his lines of communication with the north, so deciding him to withdraw from Septimania and destroy several
strongholds (Bziers, Agde, etc.).[29] He left Narbonne
therefore, isolated and surrounded, and his son would return to conquer it for the Franks.
Notable about these campaigns was Charles incorporation, for the rst time, of heavy cavalry with stirrups to
augment his phalanx. His ability to coordinate infantry
and cavalry veterans was unequaled in that era and enabled him to face superior numbers of invaders, and to
decisively defeat them again and again. Some historians
believe the Battle against the main Muslim force at the
River Berre, near Narbonne, in particular was as important a victory for Christian Europe as Tours.[30]
Further, unlike his father at Tours, Rahmans son in 736
737 knew that the Franks were a real power, and that
Martel personally was a force to be reckoned with. He
had no intention of allowing Martel to catch him unaware
and dictate the time and place of battle, as his father had.
He concentrated instead on seizing a substantial portion
of the coastal plains around Narbonne in 736 and heavily
reinforced Arles as he advanced inland.
Abdul Rahmans son planned from there to move from
city to city, fortifying as they went, and if Martel wished
to stop them from making a permanent enclave for expansion of the Caliphate, he would have to come to them, in
the open, where, he, unlike his father, would dictate the
place of battle. All worked as he had planned, until Martel arrived, albeit more swiftly than the Moors believed he
could call up his entire army. Unfortunately for Rahmans
son, however, he had overestimated the time it would take
Martel to develop heavy cavalry equal to that of the Muslims.
6.2 Interregnum
In 737, at the tail end of his campaigning in Provence and
Septimania, the king, Theuderic IV, died. Martel, titling
himself maior domus and princeps et dux Francorum, did
not appoint a new king and nobody acclaimed one. The
throne lay vacant until Martels death. As the historian
Charles Oman says (The Dark Ages, pg 297), he cared
not for name or style so long as the real power was in his
Gibbon has said Martel was content with the titles of
Mayor or Duke of the Franks, but he deserved to become
the father of a line of kings, which he did. Gibbon also
says of him, in the public danger, he was summoned by
the voice of his country.
The interregnum, the nal four years of Charles life, was
more peaceful than most of it had been and much of
his time was now spent on administrative and organisational plans to create a more ecient state. Though, in
738, he compelled the Saxons of Westphalia to do him
homage and pay tribute, and in 739 checked an uprising in
Provence, the rebels being under the leadership of Maurontus. Charles set about integrating the outlying realms
of his empire into the Frankish church.
He erected four dioceses in Bavaria (Salzburg,
Regensburg, Freising, and Passau) and gave them
Boniface as archbishop and metropolitan over all Germany east of the Rhine, with his seat at Mainz. Boniface
had been under his protection from 723 on; indeed
the saint himself explained to his old friend, Daniel of
Winchester, that without it he could neither administer
his church, defend his clergy, nor prevent idolatry. It was
Boniface who had defended Charles most stoutly for his
deeds in seizing ecclesiastical lands to pay his army in
the days leading to Tours, as one doing what he must to
defend Christianity.
In 739, Pope Gregory III begged Charles for his aid
against Liutprand, but Charles was loath to ght his onetime ally and ignored the Papal plea. Nonetheless, the Papal applications for Frankish protection showed how far
Martel had come from the days he was tottering on excommunication, and set the stage for his son and grandson to rearrange Italian political boundaries to suit the
Death (741)
Charles Martel died on October 22, 741, at Quierzy-surOise in what is today the Aisne dpartement in the Picardy
region of France. He was buried at Saint Denis Basilica in
Paris. His territories were divided among his adult sons
a year earlier: to Carloman he gave Austrasia and Alemannia (with Bavaria as a vassal), to Pippin the Younger
Neustria and Burgundy (with Aquitaine as a vassal), and
to Grifo nothing, though some sources indicate he intended to give him a strip of land between Neustria and
amazingly, to defeat them repeatedly, especially when, as
at Tours, they were far superior in men and weaponry, and
at Berre and Narbonne, when they were superior in numbers of ghting men. Charles had the last quality which
denes genuine greatness in a military commander: he
foresaw the dangers of his foes, and prepared for them
with care; he used ground, time, place, and erce loyalty
of his troops to oset his foes superior weaponry and tactics; third, he adapted, again and again, to the enemy on
the battleeld, shifting to compensate for the unforeseen
and unforeseeable.
Gibbon, whose tribute to Martel has been noted, was
not alone among the great mid era historians in fervently
praising Martel; Thomas Arnold ranks the victory of
Charles Martel even higher than the victory of Arminius
in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in its impact on all
of modern history:
Charles Martels victory at Tours was
among those signal deliverances which
have aected for centuries the happiness of
History of the later Roman Commonwealth,
vol ii. p. 317.
forces were light infantry. It was not till Abdul Rahman Al Ghaqi brought a huge force of Arab and Berber
cavalry with him when he assumed the emirate of AlAndulus that the Muslim forces became primarily cavalry.
Military legacy
Heavy infantry and permanent army
Martel analysed what would be necessary for him to withstand a larger force and superior technology (the Muslim horsemen had adopted the armour and accoutrements
of heavy cavalry from the Sassanid warrior class, which
made the armored mounted knight possible). Not daring to send his few horsemen against the Islamic cavalry,
he had his army ght in a formation used by the ancient
Greeks to withstand superior numbers and weapons by
discipline, courage, and a willingness to die for their
cause: a phalanx. He had trained a core of his men year
round, using mostly Church funds, and some had been
with him since his earliest days after his fathers death.
It was this hard core of disciplined veterans that won the
day for him at Tours.
Hanson emphasizes that Martels greatest accomplishment as a general may have been his ability to keep his
troops under control. Iron discipline saved his infantry
from the fate of so many infantrymensuch as the Saxons at Hastingswho broke formation and were slaughtered piecemeal. After using this infantry force by itself
at Tours, he studied the foes forces and further adapted to
them, initially using stirrups and saddles recovered from
the foes dead horses, and armour from the dead horsemen.
10 Conclusion
Auda, Aldana, or Alane, married Thierry IV, Count [10] The Frankish Kingdom. 2001. The Encyclopedia of
World History
of Autun and Toulouse.
Pepin the Short
His second wife was Swanhild. They had the following [12] Edward Gibbon, The history of the decline and fall of the
Roman empire, Volume 6, p. 197.
[13] Albert Guerard, France: A Modern History.
Charles Martel also had a mistress, Ruodhaid. They had
the following children:
Bernard (b. before 732787)
Remigius, archbishop of Rouen (d. 771)[38]
[1] Sculpted in marble by Debaye, pere in 1839, and rst displayed at the Salon in 1839. Height 2.09m. (E. Soulie,
Notice des peintures..., 1855)
[2] Schulman, Jana K. (2002). The Rise of the Medieval World, 5001300: A Biographical Dictionary.
Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 101. ISBN 0-31330817-9.
[14] Mark Grossman (2007). World military leaders: a biographical dictionary. Facts on File. p. 63. ISBN 978-08160-4732-1. Retrieved 2 June 2011.
[15] Kurth, Godefroid. Charles Martel. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. New York: Robert Appleton Company,
1908. 20 Jul. 2014
[16] Strauss, Gustave Louis M., Moslem and Frank; or, Charles
Martel and the rescue of Europe, Oxford University, 1854
[17] Costambeys, Marios, Innes, Matthew, and MacLean, Simon. The Carolingian World, Cambridge University
Press, 2011
[18] Davis, P. K. (1999). Tours (Poitiers)". 100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present. Oxford University Press. p. 104. ISBN 978-0-19-514366-9. OCLC
[19] Pokes Fifteen Decisive Battles
[22] Santosuosso, A. (2004). Barbarians, marauders, and indels : the ways of medieval warfare. Westview Press.
ISBN 978-0-8133-9153-3. OCLC 433381450.
[8] Durant, Will. The Age of Faith. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1950. OCLC 225699907. Page 461. Originally
published 1939, ISBN 978-0-671-41800-7.
[30] In Barbarians, Marauders, and Indels, Antonio Santosuosso, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of
Western Ontario, and considered an expert historian in the
era in dispute, puts forth an interesting modern opinion
on Martel, Tours, and the subsequent campaigns against
Rahmans son in 736737. Santosuosso presents a compelling case that these later defeats of invading Muslim
armies were at least as important as Tours in their defence
of Western Christendom and the preservation of Western
monasticism, the monasteries of which were the centers
of learning which ultimately led Europe out of her Middle
Ages. He also makes a compelling argument, after studying the Arab histories of the period, that these were clearly
armies of invasion, sent by the Caliph not just to avenge
Tours, but to begin the conquest of Christian Europe and
bring it into the Caliphate.
[31] Created under Louis IX; cf. R.E. Giesey, The royal funeral ceremony in Renaissance France (1960), p. 31 n.
13; E.A.R. Brown, The Oxford collection of the drawings
of Roger de Gaignires and the royal tombs of Saint-Denis
(1988), p. 11 n. 15.
14 External links
Ian Meadows, The Arabs in Occitania: A sketch
giving the context of the conict from the Arab point
of view. Pokes edition of Creasys 15 Most Important Battles Ever
Fought According to Edward Shepherd Creasy
Chapter VII. The Battle of Tours, A.D. 732.
Richard Hooker, Civil War and the Umayyads
Tours, Poiters, from "Leaders and Battles Database"
Durant, Will. The Age of Faith. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950. OCLC 225699907. Page
461. Originally published 1939, ISBN 978-0-67141800-7.
Watson, William E., The Battle of Tours-Poitiers
Revisited, Providence: Studies in Western Civilization, 2 (1993)
Poke,The Battle of Tours, from Sir Edward Creasy,
MA, Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World From
Marathon to Waterloo
Riche, Paul (1993). The Carolingians: A Family
Who Forged Europe. University of Pennsylvania
Press. ISBN 0-8122-1342-4
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