Optics Exam Questions
Optics Exam Questions
Optics Exam Questions
microscope and in the retina of the observer. For an object of 1mm, how large are the
two images? are they inverted?
10- Explain what dysfunction has a myopic eye and how it can be corrected. What is the
far point? A myopic person cannot focus properly objects placed at distances longer
than 225 cm from his eye. Which is the optical power of the lenses he needs to see
distant objects properly?
11- Name the types of telescope you know and explains its basic operation.
12- Find graphically and
numerically the three
images of the candle
created by his optical
system. Specify the
characteristics of each
one. The radius of the
mirror is 80cm, the focal
length of the lens is 40cm
and the candle is located
at 20cm from the lens.
(the grid is 10cm).
22-Explain the resolution limit introduced by light diffraction and give some examples.
23- Explains the basis of holography and how a hologram is recorded and read.
24- What is a delay plate? which ones are the most common ones? Consider light from
an incandescent bulb passing through two crossed polarizers. Explain the so-called
interference colors observed at the output of the assembly when plastics, adhesive tape
or tensioned transparent materials are located between the two polarizers.
25- Explains the phenomena of dichroism and birefringence. Define the optical axis of a
uniaxial crystal, the ordinary and the extraordinary rays?
26- Defines the polarization of light and describes the different types of polarization
that we can have.
27- Consider a beam passing through two polarizers with orthogonal axis (crossed
a) Suppose that the light beam has natural polarization. How much light will pass
through the second polarizer? How much light will pass through in case of a linear
polarized incident light?
b) Consider again a light beam with natural polarization. What can be introduced
between the two polarizers for that the light passing the first polarizer also passes the
second one? Does it matter that the light is monochromatic or not?
28- Name and explain the main modulators using induced birefringence and optical
29- Explain the difference between thermal and non-thermal emitters. Name the
principal light sources.
30- Describe the different photon-atom interaction processes.
31- Name and explain the basic elements of a laser and laser operation. Which are the
main characteristics of laser light?
32-Explain the longitudinal and transverse mode selection in lasers.
33- List the different techniques to generate laser pulses. Estimates the duration of the
pulses in each case.
34- Name the different laser-matter interaction types in industrial applications.
35- Describe and explain the different industrial applications of the laser. Advantages
and drawbacks
36- - What are modes of waveguides and why they appear? What is the propagation
constant of modes? Explain the appearance of modes in waveguides. Limit of modes
number in a waveguide.
37.- Explain how light is introduced in fibres and the coupling between fibres.
38- Optical fibers. Types of fibers. Causes of signal attenuation in fibers.