Applied Technical Math: Course Description
Applied Technical Math: Course Description
Applied Technical Math: Course Description
ATM will provide students with a math program that will enable them to develop Real World
Problem Solving Skills through an experiential and application process, thematically based on
construction technology.
Measuring tools: metric and standard, how to read and use
Maps: how to interpret, create, and use
Environmental Technology
1. Students will understand that concepts of measurement can be applied in multiple dimensions.
2. Students will understand that the characteristics and properties of geometric figures can be
used to solve problems.
3. Students will understand that spatial relationships can be used to define and describe physical
entities and attributes in the real world.
4. Students will understand that geometric patterns and relationships can be used to represent
information, interpret data, and make predictions.
5. Students will understand that geometry connects to the other strands of mathematics and to
other disciplines.
6. Students will understand that models can be used to represent and understand quantitative
7. Students will understand that tables, graphs, and equations are ways for depicting and
analyzing patterns of change in data.
8. Students will understand that algebra is the language through which much of mathematics,
science, and technology are communicated.
1. Students will understand that a variety of problem-solving strategies can be used to
investigate everyday as well as increasingly complex mathematical situations.
2. Students will understand that exploring, justifying, and synthesizing mathematical
conjectures are part of systematic reasoning which is common to all content areas and a defining
feature of mathematics.
3. Students will understand that actively exploring, investigating, describing, and explaining
mathematical ideas promotes communication which leads to greater comprehension of
mathematical concepts.
4. Students will understand that mathematical connections will help them become aware of the
usefulness of mathematics, serve to bridge the concrete and the abstract, and enable deeper
understanding of important ideas.
C.A.C.E.S. Course Competencies/Assessment MODEL
Course Competencies
Process Skills
Sample Performance
Assessment SPA#1
Topics in SPA#1 (covered in
this assessment)
C.A.C.E.S. Course Competencies/Assessment MODEL
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Geometry and Measurement Strand-Stem 2
~ Applies trigonometric formulas (e.g., Law of Sines, Law of Cosines, ) to find
angles, lengths and areas of polygons.
Course Competencies
Process Skills
1. Students will understand that a variety of problemsolving strategies can be used to investigate everyday as
well as increasingly complex mathematical situations.
2. Students will understand that exploring, justifying, and
synthesizing mathematical conjectures are part of
systematic reasoning which is common to all content areas
and a defining feature of mathematics.
3. Students will understand that actively exploring,
investigating, describing, and explaining mathematical ideas
promotes communication which leads to greater
comprehension of mathematical concepts.
4. Students will understand that mathematical connections
will help them become aware of the usefulness of
C.A.C.E.S. Course Competencies/Assessment MODEL
Sample Performance
Assessment SPA#1
Topics in SPA#1 (covered in
this assessment)
Process Skills in SPA#1
(covered in this assessment)
Course Competencies in
SPA#1 (covered in this
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Geometry and Measurement Strand - Stem 3
~ Solves problems involving perimeter, circumference, or area of two-dimensional
figures (including composite figures) or surface area or volume of threedimensional figures (including composite figures) within mathematics or across
disciplines or contexts.
Course Competencies
Process Skills
1. Students will understand that a variety of problemsolving strategies can be used to investigate everyday as
well as increasingly complex mathematical situations.
2. Students will understand that exploring, justifying, and
synthesizing mathematical conjectures are part of
systematic reasoning which is common to all content areas
and a defining feature of mathematics.
3. Students will understand that actively exploring,
investigating, describing, and explaining mathematical ideas
promotes communication which leads to greater
C.A.C.E.S. Course Competencies/Assessment MODEL
Sample Performance
Assessment SPA#1
Topics in SPA#1 (covered in
this assessment)
Process Skills in SPA#1
(covered in this assessment)
Course Competencies in
SPA#1 (covered in this
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Data, Statistics, and Probability - Stem 4
~ Interprets a given representation(s) (e.g., box-and-whisker plots, scatter plots, bar
graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, histograms, frequency charts) to make
observations, to answer questions, to analyze the data to formulate or justify
conclusions, critique conclusions, make predictions, or to solve problems within
mathematics or across disciplines or contexts (e.g., media, workplace, social and
environmental situations).
Course Competencies
Process Skills
Sample Performance
Assessment SPA#1
Topics in SPA#1 (covered in
this assessment)
C.A.C.E.S. Course Competencies/Assessment MODEL
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Functions and Algebra - Stem 5
~ Demonstrates conceptual understanding of linear and nonlinear functions and
relations (including characteristics of classes of functions) through an analysis of
constant, variable, or average rates of change, intercepts, domain, range, maximum
and minimum values, increasing and decreasing intervals and rates of change (e.g.,
the height is increasing at a decreasing rate); describes how change in the value of
one variable relates to change in the value of a second variable; or works between
and among different representations of functions and relations (e.g., graphs, tables,
equations, function notation).
Course Competencies
Electrical energy
1. Students will understand that concepts of measurement can
be applied in multiple dimensions.
2. Students will understand that models can be used to
represent and understand quantitative relationships.
3. Students will understand that tables, graphs, and equations
are ways for depicting and analyzing patterns of change in
4. Students will understand that algebra is the language
through which much of mathematics, science, and technology
are communicated.
Process Skills
1. Students will understand that a variety of problemsolving strategies can be used to investigate everyday as
well as increasingly complex mathematical situations.
2. Students will understand that exploring, justifying, and
synthesizing mathematical conjectures are part of
systematic reasoning which is common to all content areas
and a defining feature of mathematics.
3. Students will understand that actively exploring,
investigating, describing, and explaining mathematical ideas
promotes communication which leads to greater
comprehension of mathematical concepts.
C.A.C.E.S. Course Competencies/Assessment MODEL
Sample Performance
Assessment SPA#1
Topics in SPA#1 (covered in
this assessment)
Process Skills in SPA#1
(covered in this assessment)
Course Competencies in
SPA#1 (covered in this
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1