Plaza Case Study
Plaza Case Study
Plaza Case Study
| Option 2
| Rotterdam | Zaragoza
| 24
| 0.5 | 1.5 |
| 27
The average time to reach the port was averaged for each option 1 from the data
Demand, Inventory and Safety Stock
| Option 1
| Option 2
| Rotterdam | Zaragoza
Annual Demand (D) (units)
| 100000
| 30
| 100000
| 30
| 8219.178082
| 4088.071522
| 8219.17808
| 10000
| 3951.76396
| Q
| T+L =
d es 10000.
Safety Stock(SS) (units/review period)
| SS = 1.64* T+L |
| 6704.437296
| 6480.89289
T+L es lo que calcuas arriba (S.D. during Lead Time) y 1,64 que es la
distribucin normal estandarizada para un sercicio de 95%.
Average Inventory per review period(Q*)
| Q* = (Q/2) + SS |
Average Inventory (Q**)(in units)
of review periods/year
| 10814.02634
| 10814
| 10590
| 10590.4819
| Q**= Q* * No.
| 282 | 282 |
8219 (Q) / (175 unidades * 2 TEU por camion) *12 que son los pedidos por
Transportation Costs
Transportation Costs
| Option 1
| Rotterdam | Zaragoza
| Option 2
| 145 | 0
| 335 | 305 |
| 495 |
| 1220.7
| 1245.114
| 1.2 | 1.02 |
| 2045.114
| 289358.2779
| 576313.926
| Option 1
| Rotterdam | Zaragoza
Unit Price ( C )
| Option 2
| 100 | 100 |
| 26
| 18
| 281164.6848
| Option 1
| option 2
| 8% | 8% |
| 31
| 27
| 8219.178082
| 100 | 100 |
| 8219.17808
| 4863.95196
| P.C =
Total Costs
Total costs = Inventory Holding Cost + Cost of the Inventory + Transportation
Cost + Pipeline Inventory Cost
Total Cost
| Option 1
| Option 2
| Rotterdam | Zaragoza
| 281164.7
| 190628.675
| 289358.3
| 576313.9
| 4864.0
| 5584.5
| 1059048.19
| 1657510.1 | 1830854.7 |
Here we need to remember that the transportation cost considered was starting
from the respective ports but not from the initial point manufacturer
Cost Difference
Final Cost Difference
| -173344.6 |
In this case (with 1 TEU = 175 units) the cost of option 2 (Zaragoza) is more than
cost of option 1 (Rotterdam)
So, for the given TEU, I would recommend the Rotterdam Port.
| Cost difference
250 | -87257.9
300 | -53779.8
350 | -29866.8
400 | -11932.1
440 | -519.1
442 | -2.6 |
443 | 253.8
445 | 763.3
500 | 13176.6
550 | 22307
600 | 29915
Based on our above analysis, we recommend the following to the CEO of
Zaragoza Logistics Park (Who should they try to sell their idea/option)
* Zaragoza should target customers with high number of units/TEU
* They should target customers with high product costs
* They should target customers whose demand uncertainty is high
* They should target customers with high annual demand rates
* They should target customers who have preference for high service rates