Lab Report (Amylase)
Lab Report (Amylase)
Lab Report (Amylase)
Observation Conclusion
Solution A
Benedicts test:
Iodine test:
Solution B
Benedicts test:
Iodine test:
The coloration turn into dark blue coloration. Starch is present in solution B.
Table 2:
10 ml solution B
1 ml saliva 37
Blue coloration turned into translucent green.Blue coloration
turned to green and finally moderate amount of brick red precipitate suspended
in solution. The solution was opaque.
10 ml solution B
The blue coloured solution remains unchanged.
coloured solution remains unchanged.
The blue
10 ml solution B
White coloured translucent suspension formed in moderate
A very big amount of white suspension formed which is very
opaque. Turned back into translucent and remaining solution was blue which is
10 ml solution B
1 ml saliva 95
The blue coloured solution remains unchanged.
coloured solution remains unchanged as well.
The blue
Discussion :
In the experiment, the enzyme amylase was involved. Amylase breaking down
the starch suspension into maltose and maltose into glucose when HCL was
added into solution B .This is because solution B was hydrolyzed and the H+ ions
present break down the bond in between molecules of the solution B.
Saliva enzyme works the best at the optimum temperature which at 37C.
Therefore, the solution B in test tube 1 is broken down completely by the saliva
enzyme. At temperature 95C , salivary amylase which was present in saliva
content denatured .This is because high temperature would break down the bond
holding the tertiary structure and destroyed the 3D structure of salivary amylase
enzyme. The active sites of enzyme therefore changed and were no longer
complementary to the substrate (carbohydrates). No simple sugar was produced,
hence no reaction between sugar and Benedicts solution took place caused the
solution to remain blue.
Benedicts test was used to indicate the presence of sugar. Benedict's Solution
which contains the blue copper ions (II) (Cu2+), are hydrolyzed by reducing
sugars into red-brown copper (I) ions (Cu+), which is insoluble in solution. As a
result, red-brown precipitate is formed.
The results of Benedict's test and iodine test for solution A is positive and
negative respectively, which concludes that solution A is a reducing sugar. For
solution B, the results are negative and positive respectively, which concludes in
solution B being starch suspension. Therefore, solution B is more complex
comparing to solution A. This is because starch is made up of large number of
glucose units and has more complex structure.