Spouses Theis Vs CA
Spouses Theis Vs CA
Spouses Theis Vs CA
Private respondent Calsons Development Corporation owns 3 adjacent parcels. Parcel 1 is covered by
TCT No. 15515, Parcel 2 covered by TCT No. 15516, and Parcel No. 3 is covered by TCT No. 15684.
Adjacent to parcel no. 3 is a vacant lot denominated as parcel no. 4.
In 1985, private respondent constructed a two-storey house on parcel no. 3. The other parcels remained
idle. However, in a survey conducted in 1985, parcel no. 3 was erroneously indicated as being covered by
TCT No. 15515, while the two idle lands were mistakenly surveyed to be located on parcel no. 4 and
covered by TCT No. 11516 and 15684.
On October 26 1987, unaware of the mistake, private respondent, through its authorized representative,
Atty. Tarcisio Calilung, sold parcel no. 4 to petitioners.
Upon execution of Deed of Sale, private respondent delivered TCT No. 15516 and 15684. Petitioners
immediately registered the same with the Registry of Deeds in Tagaytay. Petitioners did not immediately
occupy the parcels of land since they left for Germany.
In 1990, petitioners returned to the Philippines, and when they went to Tagaytay to plan the construction
of their house on the parcels of land, they discovered that parcel no. 4 was owned by another person. They
also discovered that parcels no. 2 and 3 were the ones sold to them and which the TCTs covered.
Petitioners insisted that parcel no. 4 be given to them, and since private respondent could not sell it to
them because it did not own the property. Private respondent offered to give parcels no. 1 & 2 instead, but
the petitioners rejected the offer and wanted parcel no. 3 insisted, whose value is far beyond the amount
paid by the petitioners.
Whether or not petitioners can validly take parcel no. 3 to compensate for the mistake.
Whether or not private respondents action for annulment of the deed of sale will prosper?
The SC held that private respondent obviously committed an honest mistake in selling parcel
no. 4. The good faith of the private respondent is evident in the fact that when the mistake
was discovered, it immediately offered two other vacant lots to the petitioners or to reimburse
them with twice the amount paid. That petitioners refused either option left the private
respondent with no other choice but to file an action for the annulment of the deed of sale on
the ground of mistake.
Said Parcel No. 3 cannot be the object of the sale between the parties as plaintiff-appellee's
house already stands in the said area even before defendants-appellants had chosen Parcel
No. 4 which was described to be on the right side of said plaintiff-appellee's house in Parcel
No. 3. There is no dispute that defendants-appellants wanted to buy Parcel No. 4 as testified
to by defendant-appellant Betty Theis, herself (p. 19, TSN, Nov. 8, 1991), which lot turned
out to be outside of the Transfer Certificates of Title of plaintiff-appellee. Defendantsappellants cannot now insist on Parcel No. 3 as the same was not the object of the sale
between the parties.
To allow the petitioners to take parcel no. 3 would be to countenance unjust enrichment.
Considering that petitioners intended at the outset to purchase a vacant lot, their refusal to
accept the offer of the private respondent to give them two (2) other vacant lots in exchange,
as well as their insistence on parcel no. 3, which is a house and lot, is manifestly
knowledge about the thing. The mistake committed by the private respondent in selling parcel
no. 4 to the petitioners falls within the second type. Verily, such mistake invalidated its
consent and as such, annulment of the deed of sale is proper.
Moreover, petitioner cannot demand the conveyance of parcel no. 3 since its value is way
beyond the amount they paid for parcel no. 4. Granting petitioners request would constitute
unjust enrichment.
Petition is dismissed.