Case 23
Case 23
Case 23
ecial provisions of law specifying some other disposition thereof such as, e.g.,
devolution or transmission of such powers, duties, functions, etc. to some othe
r identified successor agency or instrumentality of the Republic of the Philippi
nes. When the expiring agency is an incorporated one, the consequences of such e
xpiry must be looked for, in the first instance, in the charter of that agency a
nd, by way of supplementation, in the provisions of the Corporation Code. Since,
in the instant case, ISA is a non-incorporated agency or instrumentality of the
Republic, its powers, duties, functions, assets and liabilities are properly re
garded as folded back into the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and
hence assumed once again by the Republic, no special statutory provision having
been shown to have mandated succession thereto by some other entity or agency o
f the Republic.
In the instant case, ISA instituted the expropriation proceedings in its capacit
y as an agent or delegate or representative of the Republic of the Philippines p
ursuant to its authority under P.D. No. 272. The present expropriation suit was
brought on behalf of and for the benefit of the Republic as the principal of ISA
. Paragraph 7 of the complaint stated:
7. The Government, thru the plaintiff ISA, urgently needs the subject parcels of
land for the construction and installation of iron and steel manufacturing faci
lities that are indispensable to the integration of the iron and steel making in
dustry which is vital to the promotion of public interest and welfare. (Emphasis
The principal or the real party in interest is thus the Republic of the Philippi
nes and not the National Steel Corporation, even though the latter may be an ult
imate user of the properties involved should the condemnation suit be eventually
From the foregoing premises, it follows that the Republic of the Philippines is
entitled to be substituted in the expropriation proceedings as party-plaintiff i
n lieu of ISA, the statutory term of ISA having expired. Put a little differentl
y, the expiration of ISA's statutory term did not by itself require or justify t
he dismissal of the eminent domain proceedings