Teaching For Learner Differences: Literature Review
Teaching For Learner Differences: Literature Review
Teaching For Learner Differences: Literature Review
Literature Review
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Culture, ethnicity and race have all been used to characterize learner differences. Children
develop certain learning preferences and ways of learning, in part, because of their
experiences within their cultural or ethnic group. Race, as a subgroup, is often used to
characterize a learner difference, as if the performance of all students within a racial group
can be explained simply by examining skin color (Losen & Orfield, 2005). According to
the National Center for Education Statistics, 2009, Hispanic and African-American
students are less likely to score proficient on academic achievement measures, than Asian
and Caucasian students. This does not mean, however, that all low performers are from
specific cultural/ racial/ ethnic subgroups, and not all children within those specific
subgroups are low performers.
Gender is often used as a category to explain learner differences. Gurian (2110) writes
about differences in the way boys and girls learn. He sites research from Baron-Cohen
that notes the existence of a wide spectrum of male and female brains as well as the
existence of males and females in middle of that spectrum (p.14). As a subgroup,
elementary school-aged girls tend to perform lower than boys on mathematics
achievement tests (National Center for Education Statistics, 2009). This does not mean,
however, that all elementary school-aged girls have low mathematic achievement scores,
and all elementary school-aged boys have high mathematic achievement scores.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2009), test results of students
whose dominant language is not English tend, as a group, to reflect lower percentages of
proficient performance than students whose dominant language is English. However, not
all English language learners fail to meet proficiency standards.
The reality is, regardless which subgroup students belong to, every student comes to
school with wide variations in background knowledge, strengths and preferences, skills
and levels of family support and involvement. Not all learners within a particular
subgroup will learn best in the same way. Teaching for learner differences requires that
teachers assess each students unique learning needs and then respond by planning and
facilitating instruction that supports their learning strengths and allows them to grow in
areas of weakness.
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The high school graduation rate in the United States- which is about 70% of the age
cohort- is now well behind that of countries such as Denmark (96 percent), Japan (93
percent), and even Poland (92 percent) and Italy (79 percent) (p.xix).
Only about a third of U.S. high school students graduate ready for college today, and
the rates are much lower for poor and minority students (p.xix).
Approximately 85 percent of current jobs and almost 90 percent of the fastestgrowing and best-paying jobs now require postsecondary education.
In the 25-44 age group, the U.S. now ranks 10th among industrial nations in our
college completion rate.
Of the 400 plus employers surveyed regarding readiness for work, less than 25
percent reported that new employees with four-year college degrees have "excellent"
basic knowledge and applied skills.
Almost 50 percent of employers, who hire graduates right out of high school, said that
their overall preparation was "deficient."
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and answering important system level questions. Some examples of important systems
questions are:
What are the expected levels of performance in the essential concepts and skills?
How are all students doing in relationship to those expected levels of performance?
Are there important patterns in the results regarding for whom the core is or is not
Is any diagnostic assessment information needed to make instructional decisions?
What will we do to supplement or enhance within the core for those students who do
not meet or who exceed the expectations of core instruction?
Did the changes to instruction have the intended impact on student performance?
How will we formatively assess students at the core, supplemental and intensive
instruction levels?
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20 to 40 minutes of supplemental, intensive, systematic instruction, three-to-five times
per week. At the secondary level, there is strong evidence that explicit vocabulary
instruction, explicit comprehension instruction, and intensive (individualized)
interventions for struggling readers, effects performance in a positive way (Kamil,
Borman, Dole, Kral, Salinger, & Torgesen, 2008). Kamil et al. (2008) report moderate
research evidence for providing opportunities for extended discussion of text meaning and
increasing motivation and engagement.
Practices related to addressing behavior problems that have strong research evidence
include: modifying the classroom environment or schedule, and teaching and reinforcing
appropriate skills (Epstein, Atkins, Cullinan, Kutash, K., & Weaver, 2008). Analyzing
the antecedents and consequences of behavior, building a support network of adults and
peers, and adopting school-wide behavior supports, have moderate research evidence.
In math, practices with strong effect include: (a) explicit and systematic instruction that
provides models of proficient problem solving, think-aloud processing, guided practice,
corrective feedback, and frequent cumulative review, and (b) include instruction on word
problems (Gersten et al., 2009). Practices with moderate research evidence include: (a)
materials that emphasize visual representation, and (b) 10 minutes daily devoted to
RTI practices also have proven effect on English-language learners (Gersten, Baker et al.,
2007). The research evidence supports formative assessment using English language
measures of phonological processing, letter knowledge, and word and text reading. In
addition, there is strong evidence that focused, intensive instruction in small groups,
incorporating phonological awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary, and
comprehension, delivered through explicit, direct instruction, impacts reading. Other
practices with a strong research base include vocabulary instruction infused into all
content areas, instructing on unfamiliar phrases, and cooperative learning tasks for about
90 minutes per week.
According to Heacox (2009), gifted learners have a unique learning profile that varies
significantly from average learners (p.136). Gifted learners often require a differentiated
advanced tier of instruction because they need both rigor and complexity in their
learning (p.145). As teachers design instruction to meet the needs of gifted learners, it is
important that they not only consider the grade level expectations for learning the
essential skills and concepts, but also plan for how to go beyond those expectations based
on the students unique learning needs.
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Even when using a system level approach to addressing learner differences, instructional
effectiveness is a critical component to meeting the needs of diverse learners. The
effectiveness of instruction is dependent on teachers having instructional skills and tools
to address students needs in a manner that ensures learning. There is a large body of
work on effective instruction for all learners, including those with learner differences.
(Yesseldyke, 2002). Because teachers time is limited, efficiency in meeting the needs of
all learners is essential.
There are effective, research-based instructional methods that teachers need to know,
understand and practice to address the needs of diverse learners. In reviews of expert
panels, and of the school change research, several strategies with moderate to high effect
on learning for students with differences or who are at-risk of school failure or drop-out
are identified.
Hall (2002) summarizes research from Kameenui and Carnine (1998) that identifies
specific examples of instructional methods and strategies that are applicable to meet the
learning needs of all students, including:
Big Ideas: Big ideas function as the keys that unlock content for the range of diverse
learners. Those concepts, principles, or heuristics facilitate the most efficient and
broadest acquisition of knowledge. Teaching using big ideas is one promising means of
striking a reasonable balance between unending objectives and no objectives at all.
Conspicuous Strategies: People accomplished at complex tasks apply strategies to solve
problems. Empirical evidence suggests that all students in general, and diverse learners in
particular, benefit from having good strategies made conspicuous for them. This, paired
with great care taken to ensure that the strategies are well-designed, result in widely
transferable knowledge of their application.
Mediated Scaffolding : This temporary support/guidance is provided to students in the
form of steps, tasks, materials, and personal support during initial learning that reduces
the task complexity by structuring it into manageable chunks to increase successful task
completion. The degree of scaffolding changes with the abilities of the learner, the goals of
instruction, and the complexities of the task. Gradual and planful removal of the scaffolds
occurs as the learner becomes more successful and independent at task completion. Thus,
the purpose of scaffolding is to allow all students to become successful in independent
activities. There are at least two distinct methods to scaffold instruction; teacher
assistance and design of the examples used in teaching.
Strategic Integration: An instructional design component, strategic integration, combines
essential information in ways that result in new and more complex knowledge.
Characteristics of strategic instruction include: a) curriculum design that offers the learner
an opportunity to successfully integrate several big ideas, b) content learned must be
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applicable to multiple contexts, and c) potentially confusing concepts and facts should be
integrated once mastered. The strategic integration of content in the curriculum can help
students learn when to use specific knowledge beyond classroom application.
Judicious Review: Effective review promotes transfer of learning by requiring application
of content at different times and in different contexts. Educators cannot assume that once
a skill is presented and "in" the learner's repertoire that the skill or knowledge will be
maintained. Planned review is essential to ensure that students maintain conceptual and
procedural "grasp" of important skills and knowledge (Big Ideas). Judicious review
requires that the teacher select information that is useful and essential. Additionally,
review should be distributed, cumulative, and varied. Requirements for review will vary
from learner to learner. To ensure sufficient judicious review for all learners, teachers must
regularly monitor progress of the students to inform continued instruction and needed
review activities. Review that is distributed over time, as opposed to massed in one
learning activity/unit, contributes to long-term retention and problem solving.
Primed Background Knowledge: Acquisition of new skills and knowledge depends largely
upon a) the knowledge the learner brings to the task, b) the accuracy of that information,
and c) the degree to which the learner can access and use that information. Priming
background knowledge is designed to cultivate success by addressing the memory and
strategy deficits learners may bring to the new task. The functions of priming background
knowledge are to increase the likelihood that students will be successful on new tasks by
making explicit the critical features, and to motivate learners to access knowledge they
have in place.
Flexible Grouping
Flexible grouping is an instructional method that can be used to address diverse student
needs and increase motivation. Flexible groups are temporary groups organized by the
educator to maximize learning related to a lesson, objective, or whole unit. Groups should
be flexible and changing - organized and reorganized to meet the changing needs of the
students. Flexible groups take into consideration the dynamics of and advantages inherent
in each type of group including both teacher-led and student-led groups. Typically,
groups are formed based on students age, skills, activities, instructional goals, interests
and/or knowledge in a subject area. Groups can be put in place for a day, a week, several
weeks, or an entire school year if needed. In addition to skills and knowledge, flexible
grouping encourages important social skills including problem-solving, cooperation,
discussion, and critical thinking skills. (Radencich & McKay, 1995).
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Effective instruction requires that teachers have a way to design instruction that will
support the learning needs of all students. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
framework that guides teachers in the development of flexible lesson plans that ensure
that all students have equal opportunities to learn. Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) is a research-based framework for designing curriculathat is, educational goals,
methods, materials, and assessmentsthat enable all individuals to gain knowledge, skills,
and enthusiasm for learning. This is accomplished by simultaneously providing rich
supports for learning and reducing barriers to the curriculum, while maintaining high
achievement standards for all students. (Source: www.CAST.org)
The concept of universal design first emerged in the world of architecture (Center for
Universal Design, 1997), when building designers determined prior to construction, how
structures would be accessible for all people, including those with physical disabilities.
Design features like ramps rather than stairs, elevators, push button door entry, automatic
door entry, cut out street curbs, and lever door handles, represent a universal design
approach. By incorporating these features, building designers created structures that
eliminated access barriers for people using wheelchairs or walkers.
UDL includes a set of principles for curriculum development that provides a map for
creating and designing instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that can be
customized and adjusted for individual needs. The three principles of UDL include:
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tasks that students can perform with a high rate of success. Low success rates correlate
negatively with student learning outcomes.
Through research on how children learn, we know that children learn when material is
engaging, related to things they know about, presented at a pace that keeps them engaged,
and that children master content when they are more correct in their responses than
incorrect. Generally, children are thought to be in the appropriate zone for learning when
they can answer questions or respond correctly at least 8 out of 10 opportunities.
Therefore, teachers need to design lessons to minimize incorrect guessing, and incorporate
immediate feedback to children about when they are correct and immediate error
correction when children are not correct.
For many students with learning challenges it is so important that they are not given the
opportunity to make mistakes when learning a new skill. Errorless learning refers to
teaching procedures that are designed in such a way that the learner does not have to
and does not make mistakes as he or she learns new information or new procedures.
Errorless learning may be more effective for students who frequently make mistakes, who
lack confidence, and/or who do not remember their learning experiences and the feedback
that they receive.
Practices with moderate to strong research support include: (a) review key elements
several weeks to months after initial exposure and mastery (moderate), (b) structure
materials to have alternating formats of already worked solutions and students solving
problems on their own (moderate), (c) combining graphs and figures with text (moderate),
(d) use concrete representation to link abstract concepts (moderate), (e) using quizzes to
re-expose students to key content (strong), and (f) asking questions to promote deeper
understanding (strong) (Pashler et al., 2007).
Instructional conferencing is another strategy encouraged in inclusive settings. This
strategy relies on teachers working individually with students in the classroom and
assisting them with assignments and personal development (Learned, Dowd, & Jenkins,
2009). This method works well in classrooms that incorporate a co-teaching model or
team teaching. With this model, teachers conference with students individually and
differentiate their instruction with the goal of assessing student understanding of the
material. Teachers can also take this opportunity to organize their work, break down
assignments, re-teach the content, or provide encouragement and motivation.
Teaching Academic Survival Skills
As was summarized in the introduction, learner differences exist because children bring
different background experiences to schools. In order for instruction to be effective, it
must include strategies that support activation of knowledge and opportunities for
students to make connections between previously learned and about to be learned
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information. Educators can strengthen those connections through the use of specific
techniques and strategies that allow students to organize, store and retrieve relevant
information. Effective strategies help students attend to tasks, focus on relevant task
features, rehearse information---positive and negative examples, elaborate on information,
monitor levels of understanding---check for understanding, take corrective actions, cue
learners to retrieve information, maintain favorable climate conducive to learning----avoid
stress level and low success rate.
An emerging body of research is proving that pre-teaching new vocabulary and academic
language, helps students in particular from poor and language-learning backgrounds,
access content that students from more language-rich or academic-rich backgrounds, bring
to school (Reese, Thompson, & Goldenberg, 2008).
Marzano & Pickering (2005) identified key vocabulary that they believe, if explicitly
taught to children, will reduce the achievement gap. While not proven through extensive
research, Marzano & Pickering use the research to promote a strategy with some degree
of effect. The idea is that by teaching students complicated words that they do not hear at
home, teachers give students access to knowledge that students otherwise would not
New vocabulary words are pre-taught (tell students how to read and pronounce the
words and what the words mean), before the students start to read text, hear content, and
complete assignments on the topic. Teachers also build in use of the key words, using
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multiple choice, written response, or application of words in essays or verbal responses,
so that children get many opportunities to use the words properly.
Progress Monitoring
Teachers make on-demand decisions about student mastery on a daily bases, through
formal and informal means. For most high achieving students, these checks are sufficient
to promote high levels of learning, as long as the teacher uses the information to determine
what content needs to be presented in other formats or needs more time, or what types of
extension are necessary to assure learning targets are met.
For struggling students, progress monitoring is a proven practice at the elementary levels
to support teachers in making decisions about necessary instructional changes. Progress
monitoring involves more structured, scheduled administration of brief skills probes that
result in a score. Teachers plot the scores on a graph, and examine the performance against
the desired level of performance. When performance falls below the goal over a course of
several weeks, the teacher increases the time of instruction, or the pace of responding, or
examines other means for presenting material or assessing response (as in UDL).
Progress Monitoring is different than on-demand assessment or rubrics because a
structured probe is administered. Research in human learning has proven that expert
learners are much more automatic in their responses than novice learners. This is why it is
important to maintain the same skills in each probe, the same response format in each
probe, and the same administration time. Being able to more sensitively measure
performance is the reason why curriculum-based measures (CBM, Shinn, 1989) use
atypical scoring methods. Social performance in general is difficult to measure, and either
direct observations or rating scales, can be acceptable measures for use in progress
monitoring (Walker & Sprague, 1999).
Research on progress monitoring has demonstrated very powerful learning outcomes
when teachers use the information to make instructional changes (Fuchs & Fuchs, 1986).
It is important to note that instructional change does not mean more of the same.
Maximizing instructional time, as described above, involves deciding if lessons need to be
changed. There are various ways to change instruction including; more structure, more
practice, change in pace of instructional presentation, adaptation of materials (mixing
tasks already mastered with those being taught so that the child remains more accurate in
their responses than not), different presentation formats (like stories or internet
information using read-aloud technology), or different response formats (verbal retell).
Being attentive to appropriate instructional changes will allow for instructional efficiency
and will provide children with the learning experiences, practice, and feedback, that they
need to master content.
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Teaching for learner differences includes a broad continuum of characteristics. By
definition, all students have differences regardless of the various subgroups that have been
identified. So, why teach for learner difference? The education system in the United
States of America is unique in the fact that all students are valued and deserving of equal
academic opportunities. Therefore, educators are responsible for identifying academic
and behavior needs for each student. The goal is that every student has opportunities for
success while in school, but more importantly, for life beyond schoolwhether that
includes higher education or not. How is ensuring the success of each and every student
accomplished? This can be accomplished through a systemic approach that carefully
identifies, monitors, and targets student needs. Finally, how do educators determine the
best methods of instruction that will address learner differences? Through practice,
collaborative inquiry of research, and through the support that educators can provide each
other, teaching for learner differences will be the standard mode of operation in all schools
across America.
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