Key Features
One XFP port for full line rate Ethernet traffic generation, or
smart loopback at up to 10 Gigabits, LAN (10.3125 Gbps) or
WAN (9.953 Gbps)
or Router
Switch or Router
(Layer 2/3, MPLS, EoS)
Switch or Router
Switch or Router
Bidirectional network monitoring
Test Interfaces
Service Activation Test
ITU-T Y.1564 - IntelliSAM
10 Gigabit Ethernet
10GBASE-SR/SW, 850 nm
Originally designed for device benchmarking, RFC 2544 has been a defacto methodology for testing Ethernet service. To optimize the speed
and efficiency of these tests, the RxT 10GE allows users to modify the
test parameters from their standard values. Test results are shown in
both tabular and graphical form, following RFC 2544 specifications.
10GBASE-LR/LW, 1310 nm
Gigabit Ethernet
Loopback mode allows the Ethernet port to send incoming Ethernet
frames back to the sender for end-to-end testing. Performing
loopback tests is a common means of verifying the roundtrip delay of
the network. The Ethernet loopback functions have been designed to
emulate those used in traditional T-carrier networks. Manual mode
immediately sets the port into loopback, whereas Responder mode
allows the near end unit to send loop up and loop down commands.
100BASE-FX, 1300 nm
10 GBASE-ER/EW, 1550 nm
Connectors: LC or UTP
1000BASE-SX, 850 nm
1000BASE-LX, 1310 nm
1000BASE-ZX, 1550 nm
10/100/1000 BASE-T
Aggregate Defects
Results displayed showing link partner status, local & remote pause settings
Auto-negotiation: Enable/Disable
Pause: Enable/Disable, Independent Tx/Rx Pause
10/100M Advertisement: 10M or 100M, Half or Full-Duplex
1000M Advertisement: 1000M, Full-Duplex
Hardware LEDs
BER/Throughput Test
Test Layer
Layer 1 Unframed
Layer 2 PRBS + FCS
Layer 2 MAC
User-defined EtherType/Length field
Optional LLC and SNAP Header
Layer 3 MAC + IP
User-defined IP Header
TOS, ID, Fragmentation, TTL, Protocol
Layer 4 MAC + IP + TCP/UDP
User-defined TCP Ports and Header
User-defined UDP Ports
Software LEDs
Up to 3 MPLS tags
Unicast or Multicast
Frame Length
60 to 12,000 bytes
Test Patterns
10GigE: 9.6 ns
1GigE: 96.0 ns
100M: 0.96 s
10M: 9.6 s
Traffic Streams
16 per port
Measurement Summary
Test Parameters
Ping Response
Automatically responds to incoming Echo requests; runs continuously
in background while an IP connection is in place.
RFC 2544
Preset Frame Lengths: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 4096, 12000
All frame lengths are user-configurable
Extended Features
The following features go beyond the RFC 2544 standards, improving
the ease, speed, and interpretation of the tests.
Quick Latency
Maximum Hops: 1 to 30
Timeout: 1 to 5 seconds
Destination: IP Address or URL
HTTP web page download and FTP file download: Server response
time, download size and duration, average, minimum, maximum,
download rate
FTP file upload with user defined file size: Server response time, upload
duration, average, minimum, maximum upload rate
Loopback Layers
Layer 1 (with FCS/CRC): Frames are looped without any modification
Layer 2: Frames are looped with their MAC Source and Destination
addresses swapped
Layer 3: Frames are looped with their MAC and IP Source and
Destination addresses swapped
Loopback Modes
Manual: Fully compatible with all other Ethernet devices
Responder: Loops up or down based on commands received
from any other Sunrise Telecom Ethernet Test Set
Loopback Commands: Loop Up, Loop Down
Monitoring ports
Copper and SFP: One bidirectional test, two unidirectional tests
10GigE: One unidirectional test
The length of time the RFC 2544 test will take is estimated as the
configuration is changed. Allows user to weigh the detail of the RFC
test vs. the time it will take.
Advanced IP Test
Ping Test Configuration
Test reports can be saved in PDF or CSV format, for easy retrieval
and sharing, and for ease of use in data analysis. Results can be
downloaded or uploaded from realGATE.
Wireshark and the fin logo are registered trademarks of the Wireshark Foundation.
General Specifications
Module Size (W x H x D):
208 x 158 x 31 mm (8.2 x 6.2 x 1.2 inches)
Module Weight:
0.92 kg (2.0 Lb)
Operating Temperature:
0 to 40C [32 to 104F]
Storage Temperature:
-20 to 70C [-4 to 158F]
5% to 90% non-condensing
Order Information
RXT5022E . . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Test Set - GigE Version
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Test
Module for 10/100/1000BASE-T and
100/1000BASE-X Ethernet Testing. Offers dual
10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ45) electrical and dual
100/1000BASE-X (SFP) optical interfaces; up to
16 streams per test. Field upgradeable to 10GE.
RXT5100E . . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Test Set - 10GE Version
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Test Module for
10GE Ethernet LAN Testing. Offers 10GBASE-X
(XFP) optical interfaces; up to 16 streams per
test. Field upgradeable to GigE.
RXT5122E . . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Test Set - GigE and 10GE Version
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Test Module
for 10/100/1000BASE-T, 100/1000BASE-X,
and 10GE Ethernet LAN Testing. Offers dual
10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ45) electrical, dual
100/1000BASE-X (SFP) optical, and 10GBASE-X
(XFP) optical interfaces; up to 16 streams per test.
RXT5000ER . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Ethernet Responder Set
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Responder Module
for 10/100/1000BASE-T, 100/1000BASE-X, and
10GE Ethernet LAN Loop Responder. Offers
dual 10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ45) electrical, dual
100/1000BASE-X (SFP) optical, and 10GBASE-X
(XFP) optical interfaces; layer 1, 2, and 3
loopback capabilities. Field upgradeable to
Ethernet testing capabilities.
RXT5000SW-1GE2 . . . Dual GigE Ethernet Testing
Adds dual 10/100/1000BASE-T and
100/1000BASE-X Ethernet testing capabilities
to RXT5100E or RXT5000ER.
RXT5000SW-10GE . . . 10G Ethernet LAN Testing
Adds 10GBASE-X Ethernet testing capabilities
to RXT5022E or RXT5000ER.
RXT5000SW-10GW . . 10G Ethernet WAN Testing
Adds 10G Ethernet WAN testing capabilities to
RXT5122E or RXT5100E.
RXT5000SW-IP . . . . . . Advanced IP Test
Provides IP Ping, Traceroute, FTP, and HTTP tests
RXT5000SW-PCAP . . . Packet Capture and Decoding
RXT5000SW-SAM . . . . IntelliSAM - Y.1564 Service Activation
Testing for Carrier Ethernet Services
Enables Y.1564-based SLA verification testing
for CIR, EIR, CBS, EBS in color-aware and noncolor-aware modes on all enabled Ethernet
interfaces (formerly known as Y.156sam)
2011 Sunrise Telecom Incorporated. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective corporations.
Sunrise Telecom San Jose and Taiwan facilities are ISO 9001 certified. Do not reproduce, redistribute, or repost without written permission from Sunrise Telecom. C_0194 RxT 10GE Data Sheet Rev.C May 26, 2011