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10GE Module

Business and Carrier Ethernet Service Test Set

The RxT 10GE delivers the industrys most compact and powerful
10 Gigabit Ethernet multifunction test set for the installation and
maintenance of carrier-grade Ethernet and Internet Protocol (IP)
services. The RxT 10GE performs simultaneous and independent
tests at full line rate over its three test ports for 10/100M, Gigabit
and 10 Gigabit Ethernet. The packet-technology-specific user
interface optimizes testing time and minimizes test configuration
and training time.

Key Features
One XFP port for full line rate Ethernet traffic generation, or
smart loopback at up to 10 Gigabits, LAN (10.3125 Gbps) or
WAN (9.953 Gbps)

Performs three independent tests in parallel

Two 100/1000BASE-X SFP ports, and two 10/100/1000BASE-T

RJ45 ports

Stores test results and transfers files locally or remotely

Multi-port and multi-rate capability for network element

pre-qualification testing
IntelliSAM Service Activation Methodology
RFC 2544 Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss, and Back-to-back tests

User-defined thresholds and test profiles make for fast

efficient and consistent turn-up of services
No PC required to maintain instrument software, manage
test configurations, process measurement results, or generate
customer test reports
Field replaceable high-capacity Li-Ion battery pack extends
testing time

BER testing at Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3 (IP) and Layer 4 (TCP/UDP)

IP verification with Ping, Trace Route, HTTP, and FTP
Throughput across a routed network


Class of Service (CoS) via VLAN P-bit and IP Type of Service

(TOS)/DSCP traffic prioritization settings

Complete solution for Installation & Maintenance (I&M) of

Ethernet and IP services

Bidirectional monitoring of live Ethernet networks

Simplifies testing of Complex QoS settings for verifying Metro

Ethernet services and Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Control/Respond Loopback feature loops-up/down any far end

Sunrise Telecom Ethernet test set

Tests and troubleshoots via remote control using web browser

Measurements presented intuitively, including test graphics

Standardized and customizable RFC 2544 benchmarking

Color, high resolution touch-screen is easy to use in all

lighting conditions

Test profile storing and loading for one button testing

Meets demanding environments and test conditions in a

robust, handheld chassis
Designed for field engineers who install and maintain
next-generation Ethernet services
Directly linked to back office applications, workforce
management, via Ethernet

Fully integrated graphical report generation

Completely interoperable with entire Sunrise Telecom Ethernet
test family for multi-service deployments
Tests Higher Layer Protocols and applications with Packet

realACCESS allows seamless remote access from any

computing device using a web browser

Test modes and applications

Turn Up Test
The most common method of turning up and qualifying Ethernet
services is to perform a throughput test using packets that are fully
configurable in such a way to allow maximum realism and detailed
measurement of network performance. The RxT 10GE generates test
traffic at a specified bandwidth to the far end, where the frames are
either looped or analyzed by another test set. By measuring Loss Rate,
Delay, Delay Variation, and Errors Rate, compliance to a level of service
can be confirmed. Stressing the network is achieved by generating
traffic with multiple streams with different parameters, such as
varying the frame length, sending constant or bursty traffic, and by
intentionally introducing errors and stressing the network or link.

or Router
Switch or Router
(Layer 2/3, MPLS, EoS)
Switch or Router
Switch or Router


Bidirectional network monitoring


Test modes and Applications

Troubleshoot Tough to Find Problems
To find problems consistently in the ever changing world of Ethernet
and IP, you must have visibility into all messages and layers of the stack
and in order to make sense of all of it, advanced filter and capture
capabilities are required. The RxT 10GE can capture the data on any
port, during any test or monitor session and analyze it locally or export
in industry standard pcap file format for analysis on a PC using industry
leading decode engines.


Test Interfaces
Service Activation Test
ITU-T Y.1564 - IntelliSAM

ITU-T Y.1564 is the official Ethernet Service Activation Test Methodology,

designed to verify the correct configuration and performance of business
and carrier Ethernet services at the time of service activation. RxT 10GEs
IntelliSAM Service Activation Test offers bandwidth profile testing with
CIR, CBS, EIR, EBS, CM, and Traffic Policing testing capabilities.

XFP port: 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GBASE-R/W, LAN/WAN)

2 SFP ports: Gigabit and 100M Ethernet (100BASE-X, 1000BASE-X)
2 RJ-45: Ethernet (10/100/1000BASE-T) Automatically detects and
adapts to straight or cross-over cables

10 Gigabit Ethernet

XFP: 10-Gigabit small form-factor pluggable

Connector: LC

10GBASE-SR/SW, 850 nm

Originally designed for device benchmarking, RFC 2544 has been a defacto methodology for testing Ethernet service. To optimize the speed
and efficiency of these tests, the RxT 10GE allows users to modify the
test parameters from their standard values. Test results are shown in
both tabular and graphical form, following RFC 2544 specifications.

10GBASE-LR/LW, 1310 nm

Transport and Application Layer Tests

The complexity of a routed IP network can make traditional throughput
testing cumbersome and time consuming. Ping and trace route verify
Layer 3 connectivity without the detailed stream generation found in
BER testing. HTTP and FTP upload and download tests server response
time as well as network health. IP tests have an advantage in that they
work on any routed networks, and do not require a second test set.
Unlike similar functions available on a PC, the RxT 10GE can perform
this test directly into an optical Gigabit or 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface.

Gigabit Ethernet

Loopback mode allows the Ethernet port to send incoming Ethernet
frames back to the sender for end-to-end testing. Performing
loopback tests is a common means of verifying the roundtrip delay of
the network. The Ethernet loopback functions have been designed to
emulate those used in traditional T-carrier networks. Manual mode
immediately sets the port into loopback, whereas Responder mode
allows the near end unit to send loop up and loop down commands.

100BASE-FX, 1300 nm

RxT 10GE Module

10 GBASE-ER/EW, 1550 nm


Connectors: LC or UTP

1000BASE-SX, 850 nm
1000BASE-LX, 1310 nm


1000BASE-ZX, 1550 nm
10/100/1000 BASE-T



Aggregate Defects

Results displayed showing link partner status, local & remote pause settings
Auto-negotiation: Enable/Disable
Pause: Enable/Disable, Independent Tx/Rx Pause
10/100M Advertisement: 10M or 100M, Half or Full-Duplex
1000M Advertisement: 1000M, Full-Duplex

Data Errors: FCS/CRC, IP Checksum, TCP/UDP Checksum, Lost Frames,

Out of Sequence, Duplicate
Loss of Signal Seconds: Aggregate, Current, Minimum, Maximum, Average
Loss of Sync Seconds: Aggregate, Current, Minimum, Maximum, Average

Hardware LEDs

BER/Throughput Test

Total Frames, Total Bytes, Utilized Line Rate, Information Rate

Frame Rate and Utilized Line Rate: Current, Minimum, Maximum,
Frame Types: Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast, Test Traffic (Rx Only), Non
Test Traffic (Rx Only), Keep Alive, Invalid, Total VLAN, Single-Tagged,
Multi-Tagged, IPv4, Unicast IPv4, Multicast IPv4, Broadcast IPv4,
TCP, UDP, Flow control
Frame Size Counters: Under 64, 64, 65-127, 128-255, 256-511, 5121023, 1024-1518, Over 1518

Test Layer

Tx/Rx Per Stream Defects

Layer 1 Unframed
Layer 2 PRBS + FCS
Layer 2 MAC
User-defined EtherType/Length field
Optional LLC and SNAP Header
Layer 3 MAC + IP
User-defined IP Header
TOS, ID, Fragmentation, TTL, Protocol
Layer 4 MAC + IP + TCP/UDP
User-defined TCP Ports and Header
User-defined UDP Ports

Data Errors: FCS/CRC, IP Checksum, TCP/UDP Checksum, Lost Frames,

Out of Sequence, Duplicate, Bit, Loss of Pattern seconds, No BERT
traffic seconds
Service Disruption: Based on maximum packet interval measured
during tests, Events, and Duration: Minimum, Maximum, Average

10 GigE: Link, Activity, Laser On, LOS

SFPs: Link, Activity, Laser On, LOS
Copper/UTP: Link, Activity

Software LEDs

Link, Activity, Error, Pattern, Bit, Remote Fault, Local Fault


VLAN ID: 0 to 4095

Priority: 0 to 7
Stacked VLAN: Up to 3 VLAN tags

Tx/Rx Traffic Statistics

Per Stream Only Measurements

Latency: Minimum, Maximum, Average

Frame Gap: Minimum, Maximum, Average
Frame Delay Variation: Minimum, Maximum, Average
Error Injection
FCS/CRC, Bit, IP Checksum, TCP/UDP Checksum, Out of Sequence
frame, Lost frame, Duplicate frame
Broadcast Error across all streams or send on selected stream only
Modes: Single, Burst, Rate


Up to 3 MPLS tags
Unicast or Multicast
Frame Length
60 to 12,000 bytes
Test Patterns

231-1, 223-1, 220-1, 215-1

Pattern inversion
User Patterns

Pre-defined: 1111, 0000, 1010

User-defined: 32 bits, 1024 bits, 10 stored patterns per port
Traffic Generation

Traffic Shapes: Constant, Ramp, Burst

Bandwidth: 0.01% to 100.00%
Minimum IPG

10GigE: 9.6 ns
1GigE: 96.0 ns
100M: 0.96 s
10M: 9.6 s
Traffic Streams

IntelliSAM Ethernet Service Activation Test


Business and Carrier Ethernet Services Activation tests are based on

ITU-T Y.1564, the official Ethernet Service Activation Test Methodology
for verifying the correct configuration and performance of business
and carrier services at the time of service activation. The IntelliSAM
Service Activation Test offers:
Service Configuration and Service Performance Testing
Tests up to 16 services simultaneously
Tests CIR, EIR, CBS, EBS, CM bandwidth profile parameters, as

described in MEF 10.2
Tests Traffic Policing
Supports color-aware and non-color-aware service testing
Tests according to the bursty nature of Ethernet traffic
Availability per ITU-T Y.1563
Frame Delay on every frame
Frame Loss Ratio
Frame Delay Variation
Tests a bandwidth profile to Service Level Agreements (SLA)
* Refer to the IntelliSAMs Data Sheet for further details
and availability

16 per port
Measurement Summary

Gives date and time for all errors and conditions

Signal: Vendor, Wavelength, Rx Power
Signal measurements are dependent upon optical plug-in module,
and may not be supported by modules not purchased through
Sunrise Telecom.

Test Parameters

Ping Response
Automatically responds to incoming Echo requests; runs continuously
in background while an IP connection is in place.


Trace Route Test Configuration

RFC 2544

Duration: 1 to 9999 seconds or 1k to 150,000,000k frames

Starting Rate: 0.01 to 100%
Resolution: 0.01%

Duration: 4 to 3600 seconds

Warm-up Period: 1 to 60 seconds
Repetitions: 1 to 50
Test Rate: Measured throughput rate or user-defined
Frame Loss Rate

Duration: 1 to 99999 seconds or 10k to 1,000k frames

Starting Rate: 0.01 to 100%
Step Size: 0.01 to 100%
Back-to-back Frames

Duration: 2 to 100 seconds

Repetitions: 1 to 100
Frame Configuration

Preset Frame Lengths: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 4096, 12000
All frame lengths are user-configurable
Extended Features
The following features go beyond the RFC 2544 standards, improving
the ease, speed, and interpretation of the tests.
Quick Latency

The Quick Latency test is an alternative to the time-consuming RFC

2544 standard. When enabled, the Quick Latency test measures the
latency of the frames during the Throughput test and requires no
additional testing time.

Maximum Hops: 1 to 30
Timeout: 1 to 5 seconds
Destination: IP Address or URL

HTTP web page download and FTP file download: Server response
time, download size and duration, average, minimum, maximum,
download rate
FTP file upload with user defined file size: Server response time, upload
duration, average, minimum, maximum upload rate

Loopback Layers
Layer 1 (with FCS/CRC): Frames are looped without any modification
Layer 2: Frames are looped with their MAC Source and Destination
addresses swapped
Layer 3: Frames are looped with their MAC and IP Source and
Destination addresses swapped
Loopback Modes
Manual: Fully compatible with all other Ethernet devices
Responder: Loops up or down based on commands received
from any other Sunrise Telecom Ethernet Test Set
Loopback Commands: Loop Up, Loop Down


The RxT 10GE provides in-service monitoring of live traffic. All

throughput measurements including signal status, Rx statistics,
and defects (excluding bit errors) are available.

The thresholds for Throughput and Latency provide a pass/fail

indication for service compliance so that the RFC 2544 test results can
be interpreted quickly and easily.

Monitoring ports
Copper and SFP: One bidirectional test, two unidirectional tests
10GigE: One unidirectional test

Network Element Test

Results and Reports

The tests are performed as a ramp test, incrementally stepping through

rates, rather than finding optimum throughput rate. The user defines
the step size and duration, as well as the starting and stopping rates.
This is designed for burn-in testing, and avoids problems associated
with testing at maximum throughput rates.
Estimated Test Time

The length of time the RFC 2544 test will take is estimated as the
configuration is changed. Allows user to weigh the detail of the RFC
test vs. the time it will take.

Advanced IP Test
Ping Test Configuration

Ping Rate: 1 to 10 pings per second

Number of Pings: 1 to 9999 or Continuous
Frame Length: 64 to 1518 bytes
T TL: 0 to 255
Timeout: 1 to 5 seconds
Ping Destination: IP Address or URL
Ping Results

Sent: Number of pings sent to the network

Received: Number of correct Echo Response packets received
Unreachable: Number of Echo Response packets w/unreached label receive
Lost: Number of Echo Response packets missing
Roundtrip: Measure of roundtrip delay, current, average, maximum,

RxT 10GE Module

Test reports can be saved in PDF or CSV format, for easy retrieval
and sharing, and for ease of use in data analysis. Results can be
downloaded or uploaded from realGATE.

10GbE WAN Features (RxT-5000SW-10GW)

10GbE WAN-PHY encapsulates the Ethernet traffic into an SDH/SONET

frame. 10G port can be configured to use SDH or SONET terminology.
Alarm Generation / Detection
Error Detection and Rate Calculation
B1, B2, REI-L, B3, REI-P
B1, B2, MS-REI, B3, HP-REI

Packet Capture and Decoding (RXT5000SW-PCAP)

Wire-speed packet capture

Programmable capture filters for efficient problem isolation,
diagnostics, and troubleshooting
Saves capture file in industry-standard libpcap file format
Remote users can save capture files to their local hard drives
Pre-installed free copy of Wireshark1 network protocol analyzer
Off-line deep protocol decoding, powerful filtering, and service
Direct launch from RxT 10GE Test Applications test records
No need to transfer files or use separate PC for analysis
Exports capture files to leading protocol analyzer formats, as well as
TXT, CSV, XML, PostScript

Wireshark and the fin logo are registered trademarks of the Wireshark Foundation.

General Specifications
Module Size (W x H x D):
208 x 158 x 31 mm (8.2 x 6.2 x 1.2 inches)
Module Weight:
0.92 kg (2.0 Lb)


Operating Temperature:
0 to 40C [32 to 104F]
Storage Temperature:
-20 to 70C [-4 to 158F]
5% to 90% non-condensing

Order Information
RXT5022E . . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Test Set - GigE Version
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Test
Module for 10/100/1000BASE-T and
100/1000BASE-X Ethernet Testing. Offers dual
10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ45) electrical and dual
100/1000BASE-X (SFP) optical interfaces; up to
16 streams per test. Field upgradeable to 10GE.
RXT5100E . . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Test Set - 10GE Version
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Test Module for
10GE Ethernet LAN Testing. Offers 10GBASE-X
(XFP) optical interfaces; up to 16 streams per
test. Field upgradeable to GigE.
RXT5122E . . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Test Set - GigE and 10GE Version
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Test Module
for 10/100/1000BASE-T, 100/1000BASE-X,
and 10GE Ethernet LAN Testing. Offers dual
10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ45) electrical, dual
100/1000BASE-X (SFP) optical, and 10GBASE-X
(XFP) optical interfaces; up to 16 streams per test.
RXT5000ER . . . . . . . . . . RxT 10GE Ethernet Responder Set
RxT Platform with RxT 10GE Responder Module
for 10/100/1000BASE-T, 100/1000BASE-X, and
10GE Ethernet LAN Loop Responder. Offers
dual 10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ45) electrical, dual
100/1000BASE-X (SFP) optical, and 10GBASE-X
(XFP) optical interfaces; layer 1, 2, and 3
loopback capabilities. Field upgradeable to
Ethernet testing capabilities.
RXT5000SW-1GE2 . . . Dual GigE Ethernet Testing
Adds dual 10/100/1000BASE-T and
100/1000BASE-X Ethernet testing capabilities
to RXT5100E or RXT5000ER.
RXT5000SW-10GE . . . 10G Ethernet LAN Testing
Adds 10GBASE-X Ethernet testing capabilities
to RXT5022E or RXT5000ER.
RXT5000SW-10GW . . 10G Ethernet WAN Testing
Adds 10G Ethernet WAN testing capabilities to
RXT5122E or RXT5100E.
RXT5000SW-IP . . . . . . Advanced IP Test
Provides IP Ping, Traceroute, FTP, and HTTP tests
RXT5000SW-PCAP . . . Packet Capture and Decoding
RXT5000SW-SAM . . . . IntelliSAM - Y.1564 Service Activation
Testing for Carrier Ethernet Services
Enables Y.1564-based SLA verification testing
for CIR, EIR, CBS, EBS in color-aware and noncolor-aware modes on all enabled Ethernet
interfaces (formerly known as Y.156sam)


For more information or a directory of sales offices: Phone: +1-800-701-5208 or +1-408-363-8000

info@sunr isetelecom.com I www.sunr isetelecom.com

2011 Sunrise Telecom Incorporated. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective corporations.
Sunrise Telecom San Jose and Taiwan facilities are ISO 9001 certified. Do not reproduce, redistribute, or repost without written permission from Sunrise Telecom. C_0194 RxT 10GE Data Sheet Rev.C May 26, 2011

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