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Subduction Dynamics

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Subduction dynamics and the origin of Andean

orogeny and the Bolivian orocline
F. A. Capitanio1, C. Faccenna2, S. Zlotnik1,3,4 & D. R. Stegman5

plate, below the Central Andes, the lithosphere is oldest (,50 Myr),
thickest, and most negatively buoyant, and progressively becomes
younger towards the north and south, where mid-ocean ridges are
subducting (Fig. 1a, b). Below the Central Andes, the dip of the
Nazca slab shallows to ,50u. Two segments of very shallow slab
border the Central Andes, but at depths greater than 200 km the slab
bends again to dips of 7080u (refs 4, 10). Faster subduction hinge
migration occurs along the limbs of the continent11. When extrapolated to a common time interval, geodetic and palaeomagnetic data on

b Nazca age at trench (Myr)

Longitude (degrees)
85 W
65 W 0






Latitude (degrees)


o r ocl i ne




















Elevation (km)

The building of the Andes results from the subduction of the oceanic
Nazca plate underneath the South American continent1,2. However,
how and why the Andes and their curvature, the Bolivian orocline,
formed in the Cenozoic era (65.5 million years (Myr) ago to present),
despite subduction continuing since the Mesozoic era3 (251.0
65.5 Myr ago), is still unknown. Three-dimensional numerical subduction models demonstrate that variations in slab thickness, arising from the Nazca plates age at the trench, produce a cordilleran
morphology consistent with that observed1,2. The age-dependent
sinking of the slab in the mantle drives traction towards the trench
at the base of the upper plate, causing it to thicken. Thus, subducting older Nazca plate below the Central Andes can explain the
locally thickened crust and higher elevations. Here we demonstrate
that resultant thickening of the South American plate modifies
both shear force gradients and migration rates along the trench to
produce a concave margin that matches the Bolivian orocline.
Additionally, the varying forcing along the margin allows stress belts
to form in the upper-plate interior, explaining the widening of the
Central Andes and the different tectonic styles found on their
margins, the Eastern and Western Cordilleras2. The rise of the
Central Andes and orocline formation are directly related to the local
increase of Nazca plate age and an age distribution along the margin
similar to that found today; the onset of these conditions only
occurred in the Eocene epoch4. This may explain the enigmatic delay
of the Andean orogeny, that is, the formation of the modern Andes.
Several outstanding issues concerning the Andean orogeny currently
remain unaddressed. Despite subduction and Western Cordillera
tectonics beginning as early as the Cretaceous period3, ,140 Myr ago,
widening to the Eastern Cordillera and Bolivian orocline formation
did not start until the Eocene5, ,45 Myr ago. The plateau region
sandwiched between the Cordilleras remained undeformed until the
Miocene epoch6, ,10 Myr ago, when the whole Central Andes rose to
reach modern elevations. Yet, it remains unexplained why the Andes
and the orocline formed only in the Cenozoic, why the deformation then leaped 500 km into the plates interior to the Eastern
Cordillera, and why and how it affected the plateau region much later.
Furthermore, an explanation is still lacking for the curvature of the
Bolivian orocline, one of the few concave convergent margins on Earth.
The Andean chain displays distinct topographic features with a
strong symmetry around the Central Andes7,8 (Fig. 1a). This segment
of the belt is the widest, ,600800 km, and hosts the highest elevations, ,5 km (Fig. 1b). Northwards and southwards, the altitude and
width of the chain decrease smoothly. The Central Andes comprise the
Western and the Eastern Cordilleras, both of similar elevation, separated by the Altiplano-Puna plateau (Fig. 1b, c). Crustal thicknesses of
6080 km are measured in this region, whereas values of 40 km are
found elsewhere9. The Central Andes corresponds to the largest curvature of the Bolivian orocline, marking a bend in the mountain chain.
The symmetry along the Andes correlates remarkably with the
symmetric features of the Nazca plate7,8. At the centre of this oceanic

Elevation (km)
Western Cordillera

2 3 4 5
Elevation (km)

Eastern Cordillera
Sub-Andean Ranges


Distance from trench (km)


Figure 1 | The Andes and South American subduction. a, Andes topography

(digital elevation model GTOPO30) and Nazca oceanic plate age4. The trench is
indicated by thick line with triangles (dashed line for flat slab segments10).
Dotted line, profile in c. b, Maximum along-margin Andes topography (black
line with brown shading), and Nazca plate age at trench (red line) in Myr.
c, Topographic profile across Central Andes. See a for location.

School of Geosciences, Monash University, Clayton, 3800 Victoria, Australia. 2Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Universita Roma Tre, 00146 Rome, Italy. 3School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash
University, Clayton, 3800 Victoria, Australia. 4Laboratori de Calcul Numeric, Departament de Matematica Aplicada III, UPC-Barcelona Tech, Jordi Girona 1-3 E-08034 Barcelona, Spain. 5Scripps Institution
of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, California 92093-0220, USA.
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both flanks of the Bolivian orocline are similar, showing that the
present-day margin motions and deformations are representative of
the long-term growth and bending of the Andes5,12.
The strong correlation between topography and extent of the
Andean Cordillera with corresponding variations in the Nazca slab
has long suggested a causal relationship with the underlying subduction
dynamics7,8. Several models have investigated how processes related to
subduction can shape the Andes. Shear stress at the plates interface13,
possibly due to friction1416, sub-lithospheric mantle flow17,18, or a combination of the two19, can reproduce the topography of the chain.
Alternatively, relative plate convergence20, lithospheric weakening15
and climate-driven surface processes14,21 have been invoked to explain
the Andean evolution. However, the models proposed are unable to
describe the evolution of the Andes and the Bolivian orocline as emerging features of a dynamic subduction system.
A regional-scale three-dimensional geodynamic model can help
address these questions, by testing the relative contributions of the
forces driving the motions and deformations around the convergent
margin. Here we use a numerical model of subduction22, in which an
overriding plate is coupled to a 6,000-km-wide plate subducting into
the mantle under the pull of its own negative buoyancy, and plate
motions and tectonic stresses are emergent quantities (Supplementary Information). We find that consideration of the third dimension
is the key to understanding the role of strong lateral stress gradients

due to the heterogeneities in the subducting Nazca plate age and the
South American plate thickness, along the convergent margin. In the
downgoing lithosphere, age-dependent thickness influences the
buoyancy, the largest driving force of subduction, and strength of
the plate, controlling the dips, whereas in the upper plate, thickness
affects the strength as well as the area of the margin interface, and
thereby the integrated shear force locally resists subduction. Therefore,
the subducting plate is modelled with either uniform thickness, or
with a central thickened region, corresponding to the oldest oceanic
lithosphere in the Nazca plate. Similarly, upper-plate model thickness
is either uniform (40 km), or includes a 6080 km thickened central
portion, similar to the estimated crustal thicknesses along the South
American margin9.
Results indicate, as expected, that the age of the downgoing
lithosphere has a first-order control on the velocity of subducting plate
and on the topography of the overriding plate. The larger negative
buoyancy force of an older and thicker subducted slab drives faster
convergence. Stress at convergent plate margins directly correlates to
the slab vertical sinking rate, modulated by the dependence of
buoyancy on age. This is because faster sinking drives more vigorous
flow in the mantle wedge, increasing traction at the base of the overriding plate and causing it to thicken. In the models, this is indicated by
vertical stresses and is a measure of the excess crust required to balance
the stress, which is directly reflected in increased topography.
Upper plate



z (km)


x (km)


4,000 0


z (km)


x (km)


4,000 0


x (km)


y (km)

4,000 0

Vertical stress, zz (MPa)


x (km)

z (km)


Figure 2 | Subduction models with slab morphologies, vertical stresses and

velocities, after 2,000 km of subduction. Left column, three-dimensional view
of the viscosity field contour (grey surface) and the vertical stress in the upper
plate above the trench (coloured surface above the model box). The model
space is a Cartesian box of 4,000 3 8,000 3 1,000 km respectively in length (x),
width (y) and height (z). Shown are the contour surface for the lower mantles
top (at z 5 340 km), the subducting slab (between depths of 1,000 and 340 km)
and plates at the surface (dark grey, z 5 1,000 km). The black line at


y (km)



z 5 1,000 km is the top surface of the model. Right column, two-dimensional

plan view of the surface, showing viscosity field contour (grey surface) and
velocity field (arrows). a, b, Model with subducting-plate thickness
heterogeneity. c, d, Model with upper-plate thickness heterogeneity. e, f, Model
with thickness heterogeneities in both subducting and upper plates. Solid line
with triangles, trench trace; dark shaded area, the thicker portion of the plates.
Velocity is 0 to 8 cm yr21 (blue to red). Top inset, initial configuration for
e, f. Plates are initially straight and change morphology during subduction.

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Second deviatoric
stress invariant, (MPa)



y (km)








Stress (MPa)

First, we tested the role that the older, thicker segment in the downgoing lithosphere has in subduction. This model includes a simplified
version of the present-day Nazca plate age gradient at the trench, and
generates several similarities with the Andean topography and Nazca
subducted plate morphology along the margin. In the models uniformly thick upper plate, vertical stresses reach a maximum of
,150 MPa (Fig. 2a), which are compensated by ,5,500 m of constant
density continental crust (2.75 kg m3), and are thus compatible with
Central Andean elevations. Also, vertical stresses decrease northwards
and southwards, comparable to the observed elevation drop. Dip of the
Nazca plate below the Central Andes, where oceanic lithosphere is
older, is consistent with our model, as well as the steeper deep slab
outwards, where the Nazca plate is younger. No flat slab occurs in our
models. It is likely that other mechanisms become relevant at smaller
scales23, although these cannot hamper the deeper sinking of the slab.
Faster subduction where the integrated slab pull is larger also promotes
faster rollback, and the trench eventually forms a convex margin
(Fig. 2b), opposite to the curvature of the Bolivian orocline.
The second model had a uniform subducting plate but included
variation of the upper-plate thickness. In contrast to the first model,
it did not reproduce northsouth variation of vertical stress above the
trench, but showed constant topography instead (Fig. 2c). This is related
to constant velocities and slab dips (Fig. 2d), resulting from constant
slab buoyancy and strength. In this model, upper-plate thickness variation along the trench reproduces realistic shear force gradients along
the South American margin, increasing by a factor of ,2 below the
Central Andes14 with respect to values further out. These gradients
cause rollback to be slowest in the central, thickest part, ultimately
causing bending in a concave morphology (Fig. 2d). This process might
explain the long-term bending of the Bolivian orocline around the
thicker Central Andean lithosphere.
When these heterogeneities are combined in a single model (Fig.
2e, f), the dynamics of the Nazca plate, the Andean topography and
Bolivian orocline can all be reconciled. Results demonstrate that symmetric changes in the age of the subducting plate, older and thicker in
its centre, cause symmetric changes in plate motions, dips and vertical
stresses, reflected as a topographic high in the Central Andes, decreasing symmetrically outwards. In turn, the symmetric variations in
thickness of the upper plate overcomes its natural tendency to bend
into a convex margin24, and instead forms a concave margin like the
Bolivian orocline (Fig. 2e, f).
These different mechanisms, related to the subduction dynamics,
can offer an explanation for the complexities in the Central Andean
tectonics. Isostatic equilibrium of a uniform felsic 7080 km crust9,
mostly thickened with negligible thrusting25, can account for the
Western Cordillera elevations2. Similar heights are explained by isostatic compensation of modelled vertical stresses above the trench.
Instead, in the Eastern Cordillera, large crustal thickness is achieved
by shortening along deep-seated thrusts25, thus requiring stress propagation far into the continents interior. Figure 3 shows intraplate
stress and dynamic pressure in the upper plate for the model that
includes both heterogeneities. Two zones of high shear stress develop
at an angle to the trench (Fig. 3a), above the thickest segment of the
downgoing plate. Along these belts the large horizontal stresses accommodate the different forcing at the margin. The distinct spatial localization of these mechanisms leaves an area in between where stress is
negligible (Fig. 3c). This may explain the different regimes underlying
the Western and the Eastern Cordilleras and their morphology, as well
as the lack of deformation in the plateau during the early stages of
Central Andes evolution. Additionally, the pressure gradient towards
the centre of the upper plate might drive orogeny-parallel crustal flow
towards the plateau26.
Further deformation only occurred subsequently (post-Oligocene),
migrating to the plateau and the outer sub-Andean ranges27. The results
from three models where the thickness of the upper plate was uniform
at 40, 60 or 80 km, show that thicker upper plates are stronger and


Dynamic pressure (MPa)



x (km)






Distance from trench (km)


Figure 3 | Surface stress and pressure from the model with heterogeneities
in both plates. This model shown in Fig. 2e, f; the upper plate is outlined in
white. a, Second deviatoric stress invariant, sII. High stress above the trench and
across the upper plate isolates a low-stress area. b, Dynamic pressure. Negative
pressure occurs above the denser subducting plate segment. Black line, contour
of zero pressure. c, Upper-plate stress, cross-section. Large vertical stress (szz,
red line) above the trench indicates thickening; high stress invariant (sII, blue
line with shading) in the plate interiors and zero vertical stress indicates
horizontal major stress. Profile location, dashed line in a.

compression propagates further into the plates interior (Fig. 4a), which
is required for outward orogen growth. Compression in the plateau is
accommodated by thrust tectonics in the Bolivian Altiplano6, as
opposed to pure-shear thickening in the Argentinean Puna6, achieved
by diffuse faulting. In the Puna, the thickened lithosphere has eventually
delaminated28. In the models, we found that the peak differential stress
deepens with the thickness of the modelled upper plate (Fig. 4b). Thus,
we argue that similar stress localization at subcrustal depths might have
triggered the delamination of the South American lithosphere. Stress
focusing occurs when the upper-plate model thickens uniformly, but
this might not be the case if plastic deformation continuously accommodates compression. This possibly explains why the lithosphere has
only delaminated under some parts of the plateau9, even if it has
similarly thickened and become unstable throughout.
Our models suggest that such diverse evolution can be reconciled
with the boundary conditions that the Nazca slab buoyancy imposed
on the South American continent. So the age of the subducted lithosphere going back in time might provide a first-order estimate of the
driving forces during the Cenozoic, which could be verified against the
timing of the Andean orogeny. The growth of both Cordilleras above
the trench requires an increase in the age of the subducting plate,
which would also drive a surge in the convergence. In contrast, the
widening of the central part of the orogen and the bending of the
orocline are both a response to the age gradients along the trench,
leading to heterogeneous thickening of the upper plate. The increase
of subducting plate age and the strong along-trench age gradients are
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Received 10 November 2010; accepted 26 September 2011.

Published online 23 November 2011.

F (1012 N m1)

40 km

60 km


80 km









Distance from trench (km)


Second deviatoric stress invariant, II (MPa)




Depth (km)


Upper plate 40 km


Upper plate 60 km


Upper plate 80 km
Distance from trench (km)


Figure 4 | Effects of upper-plate thickening. a, Integrated horizontal

compressive force, Fx, propagated from trench in the upper plate. Models
shown have overriding plates 40, 60 and 80 km thick. Compression propagates
farther from trench with thicker, stiffer plates. b, Cross-section of the second
deviatoric stress invariant. Profile location, dashed line in Fig. 3a.

conditions that might not occur at the same time, nor might they
correlate, thus it is a natural (not exceptional) consequence that orogen
growth occurred long after subduction had started.
Reconstructions of the Nazca plate age4 for the past 60 Myr
(Supplementary Data) show that a strong, along-trench age gradient
formed ,4540 Myr ago, between 30u and 45u S (ref. 4), where older
subducting plate entered the trench. The increased driving force can
explain the fast convergence during this period4,20 and the inception of
Eastern Cordillera tectonics27. The present-day age gradient was not
established until ,20 Myr ago4, when the Nazca plate migrated to its
present-day location. This positioned ,70-Myr-old lithosphere offshore from South America, which then became the oldest lithosphere
subducted under the Central Andes since the early Cenozoic. This
accounts for the second surge in the convergence rate4,20 as well as
the local growth of the topography, above the northern and southern
average elevation27. As prescribed by our models, the timing of crustal
growth matches the two major phases of oroclinal bending5. The progressive regional reduction in the age of the subducting Nazca plate
since 15 Myr ago explains the decline of convergence rates to presentday values. The current convergence velocity varies little along the
South American trench, reaching a maximum further south than the
Central Andes29, at 3540u S. This is possibly due to the increased pull
of the deeper slab at these latitudes, where older, denser lithosphere has
subducted before 25 Myr ago. Therefore, variations in the dominant
plate driving force, slab pull, that naturally arise from heterogeneities
in the seafloor age of oceanic plates, are linked to intervals of intense
tectonic activity and quiescence, and to the corresponding time-history of convergent motions.
Heterogeneities in the downgoing and upper plates are features
commonly found along all convergent margins. Thus, their controls
on Andean-type chains, plate margin morphologies and continental
deformation must have a global relevance.


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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at

Acknowledgements We thank M. Faccenda, R. F. Weinberg and J. P. Brun for
discussions. F.A.C. was supported by the Australian Research Councils Discovery
Projects DP0987374. D.R.S. was supported in part by the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation.
Author Contributions F.A.C. designed and performed the numerical modelling. F.A.C.
and S.Z. processed the models output and the data. All authors contributed to the
writing of the paper.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at
www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be
addressed to F.A.C. (fabio.capitanio@monash.edu).

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