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Edge Runners

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Based on the original Edge Runners by Erik


E d i t i o n

E d i t e d

b y

G u r t h

On tonights episode of 30-30, we will be talking to
Erik S. Jameson, a rising star in the land of cyberspace.
How are you tonight Erik?
Mr. Jameson please. And Im doing quite well, thank you.
Why is it that you are becoming such a hot item in
I personally loathe the free usage of the word cyberspace,
but Ill answer your question anyway. I am rather fond of
the game Shadowrun, and have been writing new material
for it, unofficially of course, for several years now. Not until
recently have I started posting these writings onto the Internet. I started with America Online, and I am currently
branching out to the real Internet.
Hmmm. But is there a correlation to the real world?
Not likely. I am a graduate of the University of Arizona, I
am a lifeguard and an Emergency Medical Technician Basic.
I lift weights and hold political aspirations. Not exactly
what you normals might expect from someone active on
the Internet.
Not entirely. You earned a reputation for a while as
list.member.grumpy; would you explain that for us?
We wouldnt mind at all. One of the features of the Internet is that it is so wide open. This leads to people asking
the same question, giving the same answers, and in general, not reading the manuals. After a time, this becomes
rather tiresome.
Add upon this the stress of making sure I graduated
from Arizona, and you can see why I became grumpy. That
phase is largely past me however.
I see. And if you were to be reincarnated as an animal,
what would it be? And why?
I must agree with a past guest of yours, Count von Doom,
that this is a pedantic, even moronic, question. And since I
must limit myself to real animals, the answer is easy.
And that would be?
A cat. Because they just dont give a damn.

Contestant number one, please tell us something
about yourself!
Well, Im 21 years old...
You come from Zoutelande, dont you? Could you
explain where that is exactly, for the viewers whove never
heard of it?
Its a small town in the south-west of the Netherlands. I
was coming to that just before you interrupted, you know.
Look, do you want me to tell you about myself or not?
Well, yes. We want to meet our contestants, of
Anyways, Im pretty active on the ShadowRN mailing list,
and got made NERPS Project Leader on 21 August 1995.
Isnt that your birthday as well? And talking about that,
Im pretty sure Gurth isnt the name your parents gave
you, is it?
YES, it is my birthdaythat was my twenty-first to be
exact, in case you wondered. I picked that name myself,
yes. While playing Wing Commander, if you must know.
And no, Im not going to tell you my real name. Now can I
get on with it?
We wouldnt want you to think were not interested,
you know!
Right. Thats it. Ive had enough of this nonsense, I have a
NERPS book to finish, so Ill be off. Goodbye and dont
bother calling me again.
But... But...

I^WZemhkd is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. The

game sells pretty good, I understand.
The articles in this book are copyright 1995/1996 by the original
authors. The copyright to this compilation is held by Gurth, 1996.
Feel free to give a copy of the file to
anyone who wants one, just dont
charge any money for it apart from
that needed to cover reproduction

:[i_]dWdZMh_j_d]0 Erik Jameson <Gkoth2258@AOL.com>
Eh_]_dWb;Z_jeh0 Erik Jameson (list.member.grumpy)
D;HFI;Z_jeh0 Gurth <Gurth@xs4all.nl>
;Z_jeh_WbWdZMh_j_d]7ii_ijWdY[\hec0 Michael Ruane, Scott Harders
7ZZ_j_edWbMh_j_d]7ii_ijWdY[\hec0 James Cueno
If[Y_WbJ[Y^d_YWb7ii_ijWdY[0 Jani Fikouras, J.D. Falk, Michael Ruane
Michael Ruane <Nethicus@AOL.com>
Dave Jordan <dave_jordan@intuit.com>
Shadow <diamant@jardin.ens-info.uvsq.fr>
James Cueno <james-cueno@augustana.edu>
Rin Parks <GungaDon@aol.com>
Mike Goldberg <m_goldberg@cc.colorado.edu>
Gurth <Gurth@xs4all.nl>

Scott Harders <YUBM21a@prodigy.com>

Brion Waters <bdw@nauvax.ucc.nau.edu>
Brandon Riddle <briddle@marsh.vinu.edu>
James Prier <PRIER@ubaclu.unibas.ch>
Paul E. Buchanan <JVXNSYA@grove.iup.edu>
Jani Fikouras <feanor@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

;h_aiDej[i0 This is a catalogue of some of the real characters being played

today in I^WZemhkd, by people all over the world. Many of these characters
are also in use on the I^WZemJA role-playing mailing list. With this in mind,
when using these characters as NPCs in your own campaign, be as true as
possible to their original intent. In other words, be nice.
These characters are intended to be very high powered players in the Sixth
World. The increased Attributes x1.5 Optional Rule was used in a number of
cases, and one character even has Delta-grade cyberware. There are also
some new spells and a new house rule regarding how contacts get gear and
information. This optional rules and spells will all be explained at the end of
the chapter. In addition, all bonuses have all ready been added to statistics
and skills, unless otherwise noted. If you still cant find something, contact
the individual who created the character via e-mail.
And again, a special thanks to all those who contributed to this catalogue.
I wouldnt have been able to do it without you (obviously). Some of you people are very sick... ;-) I may have changed something about your character, but
I tried to keep with the original spirit of the character. And in some case, I exaggerated the personality traits to try and make the character more interesting
and different. Not to mention in almost every case I made the character
stronger. In some cases, what seem like mistakes (such as a wrong birthplace)
was deliberate deception. In other words, Counselor and friends got it wrong,
and they dont know any better. In almost all cases their errors have been
addressed in the Dej[i0section.
A very special thanks to Mike, Dave, and Scott. Weve burned a lot of
karma on each other.

Page 3

The people included in ;Z][Hkdd[hi079ehfehWj[=k_Z[jej^[I^WZemi

represent some of the best, and the worst, running the shadows today. Not all
are shadowrunners. Included are a number of fixers of various talents. But
most indeed are what has come to be called shadowrunners. They are talented and diverse, and there is bound to be at least one runner who will fit
your blackest operation. Keep in mind that the information included was accurate at the time of publication, but may have changed as recently as today.
Much of it was taken from messages on the illegal Shadowland, with our
decryption computers working 24 hours a day for well over four months to
break them open so we could bring them to you. So go ahead, sit back, have
the butler bring in a scotch, and take a look at your secret weapons, before
your enemies do.
>>>>>[In other words, some corp whores like Counselor got together and put together a catalogue of the best
and brightest running the shadows today. Now, dont get too upset. I think we all know there isnt a truly safe
data encryption invented yet. And it took them so long to crack the files open that most of what they found is
out of date and obsolete by now. So dont worry too much. All they did was take all the available corporate
dossiers and files that exist on each and one of us, and added the Shadowland dirt. Counselor and friends
just put a bunch of them together, into one compilation. Then we decided to crack their encryption (soooo
easy!) and add some of our own dirt to this catalogue, and give it to you out there on Shadowland. Now, if
some Mr. Johnson starts to read you like a book, you now know why. Because he has. So you have been
warned. Information is Power.]<<<<<
St. Stan (15:57:02/1-15-56)
>>>>>[Personally, I look at this thing as free advertising. I expect my business to increase by over 50% within
the first month this is out. People will come to me...]<<<<<
Johnny Rotten (21:23:21/1-15-56)
>>>>>[Yeah, and it may not be for business you slag.]<<<<<
Corsendonk (00:10:35/1-16-56)

Page 4

Ia_bbi0 The primary use of Archangel is not in his security
company. Rather, he is a prime candidate for a combat
decker. He has formidable fighting skills and is a proficient
decker. There are better deckers available, and better
street samurai, but very few have the combination of skills
that Archangel has.

Nick Fikouras (submitted by Jani Fikouras

>>>>>[And few will piss you off quite like Archangel will. His favorite phrase,
uttered whenever possible, is Shut the f*ck up! He is irritable, mean, testy,
and very good at what he does. Too bad hes dead. Insect spirits will do that
to you.]<<<<<
White Buffalo (17:12:03/12-29-55)

Name: I[Wd:k^Wd
Aliases: 7hY^Wd][b
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Residence: I[Wjjb[!K97I
Height: '$/,c
Weight: .&a]
Eyes: ]h[[d
Hair: Xhemd
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: kdademd
Birthplace: J_hJW_hd]_h[
Psychological Profile: Whhe]WdjWdZXhWi^![Wi_bo_hh_"
Known Allergies: ded[ademd
Lifestyle: >_]^

>>>>>[Youre right on everything except his demise. They did go up against

a Hive, right in the middle of the recent chaos surrounding the Universal
Brotherhood, the insect spirits, and Chicago. I still havent heard how, but
the Fallen Angels managed to stay alive, if barely.]<<<<<
McSchlueter (23:07:36/1-3-56)


8WYa]hekdZ0 Archangel, Alek Hune, and Peregrine Myrtin

(the group calling themselves Fallen Angels) are all believed to be dead from unknown causes. There are persistent rumors to the contrary however, so all three members
are included.
The reasons behind Sean Duhans exile from Tir
Tairngire are unclear. Duhan is believed to have been a
member of a secret cell of the Young Elven Technologist,
and his father was a prominent computer scientist in Tir
Tairngire. It is believed that during this time he received his
custom cyberware and his martial training. It would appear
that Duhan was being trained as a covert agent or a black
operations specialist. Shortly after the death of Duhans
parents in an fiery automobile accident however, he was
exiled from Tir Tairngire.
Further investigation reveals that the death of Duhans
parents may not have been an accident. A confidential
autopsy revealed that both bodies had been doused in a
gasoline or a similar refined petroleum product and burned
previous to the vehicles accident. Rumors also indicate
that Duhans father was working on a top secret government project at the time. Further information on the accident/murder is not available.
Duhan apparently began a desperate search for those
responsible for killing his parents. It is believed that Duhan
may have pushed too far, or may have learned something
he wasnt intended to, and so was exiled. Due to the fact
that he is still alive we believe that someone, possibly an
associate, within either Tir Tairngire or the Young Elven
Technologist was afraid Duhan might uncover sensitive
information, and took steps to make sure he didnt.
Duhan went to Seattle, UCAS, when exiled where he
joined a former acquaintance from Y.E.T. (Peregrine Myrtin)
and Alek Hune to form the Fallen Angels and begin
shadowrunning. Several years ago, Duhan started Archangel Securities, a small Seattle based security operation (see
document 12564.523.6-Alpha for further information on
Archangel Security). Archangel Security was just recently
awarded the Seattle security contract for the simsense
entertainer Maria Mercurial.

Body: 7
Quickness: 8(12)
Strength: 7(11)
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 6(8)
Willpower: 5
Reaction: 7(16)
Body Index: 6
Essence: 0
Initiative: 16+4D6
Threat/Professional: 5/4

Computer (Software, Decking): 7
Computer Theory: 6
Electronics: 6
Etiquette (Street): 6
Firearms: 7(8)
Speretiel: 3

Softlink (4)
Wired Reflexes (3)

Cerebral Booster (2)
Enhanced Articulation
Muscle Augmentation (4)
Suprathyroid Gland

(Archangel does not really have a set group of gear, however he does prefer the Savalette Guardian, the Ruger
Thunderbolt, and the various models of shotguns.)
Linguasoft (German: 9)
Harley Scorpion Motorcycle
Fairlight Excalibur Cyberdeck
Analyze: 8
Attack: 10
Deception: 6
Evaluate: 4
Shield: 6
Sleaze: 8
Smoke: 6
Dej[i0 Archangel is a jerk, and he is very irritable. Not to
mention arrogant. But he is good at what he does, and he
knows it. He is a capable street samurai, and a capable
decker, but he is clearly not the best. However, the combination of talents make him a very valuable NPC.
Archangel and the rest of the Fallen Angels are indeed
alive, having barely escaped from a assault on the primary
Insect hive of the Salish-Sidhe council lands. Exactly what
shape they are in can be determined by the individual GM.

Page 5


The GREAT Cornholio


Name: 7dZ_<ehX[i
Aliases: 7h_W
Sex: \[cWb[
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Residence: I[Wjjb[!K97I
Height: '$.+c
Weight: -+a]
Eyes: Xbk[
Hair: Xhemd
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: kdademd!(&)&
Birthplace: kdademd
Psychological Profile: kdademd!_dik\\_Y_[djZWjW$
Known Allergies: ded[
Lifestyle: >_]^
8WYa]hekdZ0Aria is known to have been a rigger for Gaetronics Seattle for some time before being asked to leave
by her boss, a man referred to by her only as Mr. Smith.
After leaving Gaetronics she began shadowrunning, working mostly as a combat rigger.
Aria ran the shadows for approximately one year. During this time, it is believed that she earned enough money
to buy a vehicle repair shop. It is believed that she began
doing retrofits and repairs for other shadowrunners, and
dealing in gray market vehicles.
After only several months, Aria was approached by
Gomer, Leslie, and Mr. Shortwrench, all mechanics
and riggers, with a business proposition. Gomer had
spent time in Germany and knew of a forgotten government
mothball yard, filled with old, broken aircraft. These craft,
and later many others, were recovered, brought back to
Seattle, and repaired to working condition. This was the
beginning of the Underworld Opera, a quasi-legal operation specializing in retrieving and repairing old military and
security craft, often from the previous century. The Underworld Opera is licensed for security grade vehicles and
weaponry, but it is also believed that they do some illegal
military conversions also.
The Underworld Opera currently has four warehouses
and workshop facilities. They are considered to be one of
the premier vehicle retrofit and repair companies in the
Seattle areas, and they have a broad and impressive clientele. They also have issued a small amount of stocks which
are currently being traded on the Seattle Exchange.
Ia_bbi0 Arias primary use lies in her ability, with the Underworld Opera, to perform almost any conversion or repair at reasonable prices. She still is a very competent
rigger, but rarely does she do shadowruns any more.
>>>>>[Aria is a little frightening to some people. She has a strong personality and doesnt take crap from anyone. Add to this her sexual orientation,
and her intense love of the opera, and the fact she cant sing but is always
trying...and some drek-brained idiots get a little spooked.]<<<<<
Red Wolf (14:13:46/12-28-55)
>>>>>[Yeah, but who cares? The only thing of any real importance here is
the Underworld Opera. Ever seen their catalogs? They have fraggin fighter
Page 6

jets from the 1980s for sale!! And I keep hearing they are going to put out a
catalog devoted to old tanks and APCs and such, which should be out
Red Rock Aussie (11:29/50/1-3-56)

Erik Jameson


Body: 6
Quickness: 6(10)
Strength: 4(8)
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 4
Willpower: 6
Reaction: 5(9)
Body Index: 5.4
Essence: 2.1
Initiative: 9+3D6*
Threat/Professional: 6/4
* 12+3D6 when rigged
Flare Compensation
Vehicle Control Rig (2)

Aircraft B/R: 7
Armed Combat: 5(6)
Bike: 6
Car: 5
Etiquette (Corporate): 3
Etiquette (Street): 4
Firearms: 7(8)
Ground Vehicles B/R: 8
Gunnery: 4(5)
Motorboat: 4
Negotiation: 4
Rotorcraft: 7
Truck: 4
Winged: 4
Enhanced Articulation
Muscle Augmentation (4)
Synaptic Accelerator (2)

(Since she doesnt actively shadowrun anymore, she can
have whatever is needed. Vehicles she owns are listed
below. All have been heavily modified.)
Ford Bison
Dassault-Embry Mistral
Yamaha Rapier
Ford America (not modified)
Dej[i0 Aria is the primary spokeswoman for the Underworld Opera. They do shadow modifications, but before
they do, they subject the potential customer to a very thorough background check.
Aria is a slightly different character. She is very active in
sports, lives for opera, and is not very feminine. She is
indeed a lesbian, but she is not open about it. She just
isnt very subtle in general. And besides, why should it be
a problem in the enlightened 21st century?
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 7
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 5
L[^_Yb[7Ygk_i_j_edHWj_d]0 10

Name: C_Y^W[b8Whi_d_
Sex: cWb[
Current Residence: 9^_YW]e!K97I
Height: '$-&c
Eyes: Xhemd
Distinguishing Features:;njh[c[boim[Wjo$8Whi_d_^Wi
Birthplace: 9^_YW]e!K97I
Psychological Profile:l[hoh[j_Y[dj!cej_lWj[ZXobeoWbjo
Known Allergies:ded[
Lifestyle: C_ZZb[
8WYa]hekdZ0 Michael Barsini was orphaned on the streets
of Chicago at the age of 5 when his parents were killed by
a bomb meant for the Don of his neighborhood. Out of
compassion and a feeling of debt, the Don adopted Michael, and brought him into the business early, at the
age of 14. Michael showed very early on however that he
lacked the leadership skills necessary to be the Don. He
did show an aptitude for planning and for target shooting.
Realizing this, and to save some honor, the Don had Michael trained as a Mafia assassin. For the next 8 years, he
served as an apprentice, learning about weapons, bombs,
and how to plan assassinations. At the age of 22, he went
off on his own, and worked for the Mafia down in Atlanta.
By the time he was 28, he had earned enough of a reputation that he was recalled back to Chicago by the capo de
capo of the North American Mafia, and he has worked for
whoever has held that position since that point.
A major point of interest is the fact that he has never
spent even an hour in jail, and in fact, has never been
caught or even officially accused of a crime. It is a testament to the level of planning and perfection he demands
from himself, and those select few he will work with.
Barsini does do some free-lance, corporate work, but
only if the objective will also benefit the interests of the
Barsini knows that he is one of the best, and he will not
suffer fools. He very much wants to find a cure for his
sweat problem, but modern medicine has no answer, and
he has an extreme distrust of magic.
Ia_bbi0 Barsini does little else other than assassinations.
However, he can kill a man in a whole variety of ways. He
is highly proficient with the sniper rifle, explosives, and
with poisons. He also knows exactly how to cover his
tracks, probably one of the reasons he has never been
>>>>>[Barsini may sweat like a pig, but no one is smoother on the job then
his is. Well, okay, those Tir na n g hitmen with those special rifles are
better, but they arent exactly for hire.]<<<<<
Page 7

Black Dog (03:16:14/12-29-55)
>>>>>[Ugh. He may be good, but those sweaty hands of his tend to wander...]<<<<<
Plain Janetta (12:18:01/1-6-56)
>>>>>[What separates Barsini is the fact he really has no specific modus
operandi. I dont think hes ever used the same weapon twice. And those
few over-the-counter weapons hes used have all been heavily customized.]<<<<<
Dreher (19:09:19/1-7-56)

Body: 2
Quickness: 2
Strength: 3
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 7
Willpower: 5
Reaction: 4
Essence: 6
Initiative: 4+1D6
Threat/Professional: 7/4

Armed Combat: 2
Chemistry: 8
Demolition: 10
Electronics: 4
Etiquette (Corporate): 3
Etiquette (Street): 6
Etiquette (Mafia): 8
Firearms: 6
Firearms (Rifles): 10
Firearms B/R: 9
Gunnery: 7
Stealth: 10
Unarmed Combat: 2

Armor Clothing, three-piece suit (3/0)
Firearms B/R kit
Chemistry (Demolition) B/R kit
(Barsini has the resources and the connections to get almost any items short of military grade weaponry. Whatever the situation demands, he will use the weapon
most appropriate for that situation.)
Dej[i0 Barsini is totally loyal to the Mafia, and nothing can
change that. He is one of the best in the business, and will
take weeks, even months planning a hit. Sometimes he will
craft his own, one-shot weapon for just that job. Barsini
also knows that he is not cut out for normal combat, and
so avoids it at all costs. Remember, he hasnt been caught
for a reason, so make sure to play him that way.
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 4
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 6
CW\_W?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 8



Name: CWjj^_Wi;c[d[]][h
Aliases: 8Wi_b_ia
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Residence: I[Wjjb[!K97I
Height: '$-(c
Weight: ,*a]
Eyes: Xbk[
Hair: XbedZ!i^ehjWdZif_a[Z_dj^[c_ZZb[
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: CWo(*!(&(/
Birthplace: 8Wi[b!Im_jp[hbWdZ
Psychological Profile:kdademd!^_]^boijhkd]
Known Allergies: ded[
Lifestyle: Bem
8WYa]hekdZ0 The circumstances surrounding Matthias
Emenegger, known as Basilisk, are made somewhat difficult by the obscure information protection laws of Switzerland. We have been able to retrieve much of the basic
information, but other information, such as where Emenegger went to school, or was employed, is unavailable.
A person matching Emeneggers description worked for
Sandoz, the Swiss/European corporation, working in the
Cyberware/Bioware development division as a research
decker. It is believed that his father also worked for Sandoz in a similar department, which may explain why no
official records of Emeneggers employment exist. It has
been guessed that it was during his employment at Sandoz
that he acquired his cyberware, bioware, and the spare
parts he has apparently used to construct his own cyberdeck.
Little else is known about Emenegger. He has been
seen for the past several months in Seattle, UCAS, and it
can be safely assumed that he has taken up residence
Ia_bbi0 Basilisk is a decker, and cannot be expected to
enter physical combat. He does have a good scientific
background, which may come to play on certain black
projects. His primary usage is as a proficient decker however. One possible drawback/advantage is his relative
newness and naivet. He lacks much of the paranoia common to the vast majority of shadowrunners, which could be
a possible advantage.
>>>>>[Have you ever seen some of this guys posts to Shadowland? His
command of the English language is, shall we say, less than commanding.]<<<<<
Lindemann (22:51:23/12-28-55)
>>>>>[Oh, come on, cut him some slack. Hes doubly cursed; first hes not
a native speaker, and second, he grew up learning that bastardized gobbledygook they call Swiss German. Besides, hes good enough to slash your
credit rating to the red, real quick. Not that he would. Hes too damn
Samichlaus (10:44:25/1-4-56)

Page 8

>>>>>[And something else about Basilisk. He may not know his English
very well, but he does know his medicine well enough to have saved those
Whidbey Island orks a little while back. He might not be able to say it himself, but a lot of families owe him their lives.]<<<<<
San Miguel (17:41:15/1-9-56)

Body: 3
Athletics: 4
Quickness: 6
Biology: 6
Strength: 3
Biotech: 8
Charisma: 5
Car: 4
Intelligence: 6(8)
Computer (Software): 10
Willpower: 5
Computer B/R: 7
Reaction: 6(7)
Computer Theory: 7
Body Index: 2.1
Cybertechnology B/R: 6
Essence: 5.52
Etiquette (Corporate): 4
Initiative: 7+2D6*
Etiquette (Street): 4
Threat/Professional: 1/3**
Firearms (Pistols): 3
Stealth (Urban): 7
* 11+3D6 when decking Unarmed Combat (Boxing): 3
** 6/3 when decking
English: 3
French: 4
German: 5
Swiss German: 6
(all beta grade)
2x Datajack (4)
Softlink (4)

Cerebral Booster (2)
Damage Compensator (5)
Synaptic Accelerator (1)

Narcojet Pistol
(Basilisk has other gear, but the only item of note is his
MPCP: 10/8/8/7/7
Hardening: 4
Active Memory: 300
Storage Memory: 1,500
I/O Speed: 50
Response: 2
2 Hitcher Jacks
Detachable Vidscreen
Dej[i0Basilisk is something of a mystery man. But he is a
helpful, normal, and generally nice person, who might fit in
as an NPC in almost any campaign.
Basilisks icon is a multicolored, photo-realistic metallic
cockatrice, with all programs (all rating 6) appearing to
emanate from the cockatrice in a suitable medieval fashion.
Of note is the fact that the custom deck will allow
someone with two datajacks, as Basilisk has, to project a
second ghost persona into the Matrix. This ghost can do
little other than function as an observer, but it does allow
Basilisk to be in two places at once. This does impose a
large (+4) penalty on all actions in the primary persona
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 6



Name: A[bboM_dj^hef
Current Residence:I[Wjjb[!K97I
Height: kdademd
Weight: kdademd
Eyes: kdademd
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: kdademd!(&)&
Birthplace: kdademd!feii_XboI[Wjjb[!K97I
Psychological Profile:_dik\\_Y_[djZWjW
Known Allergies: ikdb_]^j!i[l[h[
Lifestyle: >_]^
8WYa]hekdZ0 Little facts are known, but it would appear
that Black Widow is the daughter of Renraku VicePresident James Winthrop. When sent away to private
school, she ran away from home (age 14), where she became a part of the Black Angels street gang. It is believed
that she rapidly acquired a position of leadership within
the gang. Several years later, an assassin by the name of
Max the Shooter led her away from the street life, and
taught her how to be an assassin. It is believed that he was
a father figure for the young Ms. Winthrop. He was killed
when she was only 18. She carried on his legacy, and
quickly became one of the top snipers of the North American region. The peak of her assassination career came
when she was 22, with the infamous Farewell Speech
assassination. Her victim was outgoing UCAS Senator Farwell, who was in the midst of making his farewell speech
to Congress, and was going to announce his candidacy for
President. Since that time, she has mostly laid low, quietly
running the shadows. It is during this time that she acquired her vehicular skills.
The only other item of note was that the daughter of
James Winthrop was not elven. The Black Widow most
clearly is elven however. The question of whether this
means that the Black Widow is really not Kelly Winthrop
has not been satisfactorily answered at this time, due to
conflicting evidence.
Ia_bbi0 Black Widow is a consummate professional. She
appears to prefer acting as a sniper, but she has shown
that she is very capable in close combat. She also has displayed a more than adequate talent as a rigger, using her
Mitsubishi Nightsky to great affect on several occasions. It
also appears the Black Widow is attempting to gain some
facility as a decker, as it is known that she has hired a
Matrix instructor on several occasions.
>>>>>[Black Widow is pretty good. Shes not exactly an elite in anything,
but her versatility more than makes up for it. Im just curious to see what her
Matrix icon will look like.]<<<<<
Xingu (15:21:52/12-30-55)
>>>>>[True enough, but she relies on her skillwires a wee bit too much.
One of these days, shell want to do something those damn wires of hers
Page 9

wont let her do, and shell pay dearly. And I dont want to be around to see
that day.]<<<<<
Thomas Hardy (12:27:22/1-4-56)
>>>>>[What I dont get is how she became an elf. I mean, that sort of thing
is genetic. Been proven a thousand fold times. But little Ms. Winthrop took
off to Japan with some of her chummers, and next thing you know, she
comes back and shes got pointy ears. I really need to know.]<<<<<
Leeuw (21:02:54/1-7-56)

Body: 6(7)
Quickness: 7(8) [10]
Strength: 5(6) [8]
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 5 [7]
Reaction: 6(8) [12]
Body Index: 3
Essence: 0
Initiative: 8 [12] +3D6
Threat/Professional: 5/4

Armed Combat: 6
Biotech: 4
Car: 6
Computer: 6
Computer B/R: 3
Etiquette (Street): 5
Firearms: 7(8)
Firearms (Pistols, UltraPower): 10
Gunnery: 4

[ ] denotes stat with

adrenal bonuses

Athletics: 3
Bike: 3
Car B/R: 6
Electronics B/R: 6
Etiquette (Corporate): 3
Interrogation: 6
Negotiation: 6
Psychology: 3
Stealth: 6
Unarmed Combat: 6

Flare Compensation
Electronic Mag. (3)
Datajack (1)
Fingertip Compartment
(2, one with monowhip spooled inside)
Skillwires Plus (6)
Softlink (4)
Vehicle Control Rig (2)

Adrenal Pump (2)
Reflex Recorder (Firearms)
Suprathyroid Gland
Synaptic Accelerator (2)
Browning UltraPower (smartlink, customized, firing APDS
Remington 950 (smartlink, customized)
Ares Viper (smartlink)
Armor Jacket (5/3)
Hunt Ball Gown (2/3)
Retro Business Suit (3/1)
2 Radio Headsets (encrypted Rating 6)
Thermographic Goggles (made to look like sunglasses)
Mitsubishi Nightsky (as standard, plus rigger control gear,
roll bars, HMG in pop-up turret, Body at 6 and Armor to

Page 10

Dej[i0 The Black Widow may not really seem like much
stat-wise, but she makes up for it with her unusual skill
diversity and careful planning and intelligent tactics,
something a large number of shadowrunners forget about.
She doesnt run very often anymore, content with her luxury life style. But when she does, she prefers to work with
people she knows and trusts, such as Lincoln, a cat shaman.
Kelly Winthrop did start life as a Homo Sapiens. Due to
bizarre circumstances involving a dark ritual centered in
the toxic zone of Hiroshima, for unknown reasons, both
Lincoln and Black Widow did indeed change into elves.
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 4
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 4


The GREAT Cornholio

>>>>>[This guy is seriously bad news. I heard he caught a grenade in his

hand, looked at it as it went off, and there wasnt even a singe mark on him.
Wherever he is from, he is not to be fragged with.]<<<<<
LaTrobe (23:14:05/12-30-55)


Distinguishing Features:ded[_d^kcWd\ehc$I[[X ["
Psychological Profile:kdademd!i[[cijeX[W
]kWhZ_Wdif_h_j!Xkjj^WjYbWii_\_YWj_ed_idej_dYb k"
Known Allergies:ded[
>>>>>[Alexander Boaz does not really fit in here. He is an incredibly powerful free spirit (I use that term loosely) that at least rivals the power of the
great dragons. He has hired a number of runners, and he seems likely to
hire more as some great cataclysm he fears draws nearer. If Alexander
Boaz hires you, do exactly what he tells you to. It could mean your
St. Stan (21:41:44/12-20-55)
8WYa]hekdZ0 Boaz is, to most observers, obviously a free
spirit. There is a great deal of debate about exactly what
kind of spirit however. He is not from this plane, and it has
been theorized that he is from another dimension entirely,
or perhaps another metaplane.
In his human form (see above), Alexander Boaz works
at the Seattle Museum of Natural History. It is believed that
the curator knows that Boaz is a powerful free spirit, and
often consults with him. Boaz has a small office there,
which is filled with books on history and magic. The contents of the shelves change nearly every week, as Boaz
reads inhumanly fast, and he is a voracious reader.
Boaz has been known to hire powerful shadowrunners
for strange missions. The objectives of these shadowruns
are often obscure to the normal observer, and seem to
make very little sense. It has also been guessed that some
of these shadowruns involve journeys to the metaplanes.
In his natural form, Boaz appears as a 2.5 m tall
glossy black skinned humanoid, with large wings and red
glowing eyes. Despite this demonic appearance, Boaz is
generally considered to be good and a protector of humanity. He has never, to our knowledge, attacked anyone.
Ia_bbi0Alexander Boaz is a very powerful spirit. He cannot
be coerced to use these formidable powers however. He is
not a mercenary and has no apparent desire for power or
wealth. Instead, Boaz serves as an incredible source of
knowledge. It can be presumed that there are none that
know more about magic or history.

>>>>>[And what is up with those strange missions he sends people on? He

only hires the best (which means not me), and he sends them all over Gods
green earth. I heard the last time he hired runners, he was working with
some other alien spirit like him call Epis Darcalus or something and
Dunkelzahn, and the Carib state of Technos. They all got together with
some shadowrunners down in Tir Tairngire, and did some strange things. I
dont really want to know who else was involved, or what they did or
Nagoma Awooyo (12:44:19/1-10-56)

Body: 14
Archeology: 35
Quickness: 20
Armed Combat: 20
Strength: 14
Biology: 20
Charisma: 18
Chemistry: 15
Intelligence: 28
History: 35
Willpower: 26
Magical Theory: 35
Reaction: 14
Mathematics: 20
Essence: 16
Parabiology: 30
Initiative: 24+6D6
Physics: 15
Threat: 15, possibly more Projectile Weapons: 15
Sorcery: 25
Stealth: 20
Assume Any Form
Banish (vs. spirits)
Destruction (attack, 16D vs. Body, area effect)
Detect Invisibility
Detect Life
Detect Magic
Fireball (16S, as spell)
Force Field (Barrier spell, as Force 16)
Gateway (opens gate to Metaplanes)
Immunity to Normal Weapons (48 points of armor)
Immunity to Weapon Foci (16 points of armor)
Linguistic Mastery (can speak any language)
Linguistic Understanding (understand any language)
Spell Absorption (absorbs up to 16 force points per day)
Subdual (16D stun, individual affect)
Telepathy (resisted test, Boazs Essence vs. Targets Willpower)
Teleport (to anywhere)
Resurrection (can bring back others to life once per day)
(Boaz doesnt really have a need for gear. However, he
does possess a weapon focus.)
Klisma [16M, Reach 0]
Flame Projection 20 meters, for 10M damage
Dancing (attacks on own, as if Boaz was attacking)
Summons to Boaz at his will
Linguistic Understanding
Dej[i0 No, Boaz does not really conform to the normal
rules. But he doesnt really break them that much either,
especially since he should never have to use his powers.
His main purpose is to involve the characters in a very long
Page 11

and drawn out battle between his people, who are the
good guys, and the evil spirits (also from his home
time/dimension) led by Nethicus. For reasons that are still
fuzzy to Boaz, the battle is to be fought on Earth, and so
Boaz is here to study us and to help us fight the battle. This
battle is not going to happen for a very long time, but the
characters dont need to know that.
Dont want to have a strange, dark battle in the distant
future? Then Boaz can be used as an alien spirit with a vast
thirst for knowledge. He will send the runners on quests
for strange information and to strange places. At least he
pays well.
Boaz will NOT attack anyone unless first attacked by
someone else. He first will try to Subdue the offenders, but
if that is not enough, he may decide to kill them.
In addition, Boaz cannot be fooled. He does not suffer
fools, and does not help those who merely wish to serve
their own greed. He is interested in protecting humanity,
not destroying it.
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 24

Dave Jordan


Name: @kb_Wd<edjW_d[
Aliases: :W_i^_!CWZ9Wj!7fWY^[
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Residence: 8[bb[lk[!I[Wjjb[!K97I
Height: kdademd
Weight: kdademd
Eyes: ]h[[d
Hair: XbedZ
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: kdademd!(&(*
Psychological Profile: kdademd$IkX`[Yj^Wi[n^_X_j[Z
Known Allergies: ded[
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 Despite the fact that Julian Fontaine has
changed his identity several times, he has been very easy
to track. His fighting style and personality have changed
very little over the last decade, making tracking him relatively easy.
Fontaine was left on Makah lands when he was only
two years old, where he was raised much as any other
youth. When he came of age, he left his adopted family
and went to Seattle in search of his blood parents. Needless to say, he was not successful. However, his did meet
Tommy, a fixer of some repute. Tommy recognized Fontaines potential and began to expand on Fontaines weapons training. After some time spent as Tommys bodyguard,
Fontaine left and began to run the shadows as Apache.
Apache soon began to develop a reputation for being
almost psychotic. He would do anything and everything to
complete a mission, which would sometimes include
charging strait into incoming fire, or attacking elementals
with his bare fists. He also developed a reputation for being very loyal to his friends and for being something of a
party animal.
The major turning point in Apaches life came during an
attempted run into Salish-Sidhe lands. The team (which
included Darkwolf, Facet, Paladin, and Spellslinger) had
been set up, and was arrested at the border crossing.
However, the weapons search was not very thorough, and
Apache was left with a Predator II. At some undetermined
point, Apache went into what can be described as a
beserker rage and began to shoot his way out of the
border station. After a very intense firefight, the group
managed to escape. However, due to the political ramifications (relations between the UCAS and the Salish-Sidhe
council were tense for several months), all the members of
the team were forced to change their appearance and
identities. Most of the other members later reclaimed their
good names, but Apache did not. Instead, Apache underwent complete and extreme cosmetic surgery and became
MadCat, a black man with a chrome skull plate.
Now as MadCat, his career went much as it had before,
becoming something of a street legend. He achieved an

Page 12

expertise in killing few had ever achieved, and completed
mission after mission with little or no error.
Several months ago MadCat voluntarily changed his
identity to Daishi (a corruption of a Japanese word meaning
Great Death) and again underwent complete and extreme
cosmetic surgery. He is now a tall blond man with green
eyes, as mentioned previously.
Daishi is currently under retainer by the Carib League
nation of Technos. He currently functions as a arms and
tactics advisor. He rarely takes freelance missions anymore,
but will occasionally do so if it involves a new challenge or
protecting his friends.
Ia_bbi0 Daishi is considered to be one of the pre-eminent
street samurai running the shadows today. While his motivations are unknown, he is extremely good and highly
professional. He can be recommended for any mission.
>>>>>[Need something blown up? Ive got the C-12. Need someone killed?
I got the G-12. Need anything else? See a mage.]<<<<<
Daishi (14:51:38/12-28-55)
>>>>>[Uh, yeah. Dont hurt me, okay? Daishi is the most complete killing
machine ever born and made. He fraggin scares the livin drek outta me,
and thats no lie.]<<<<<
Grenzquell (09:02:59/12-30-55)

Body: 9(13)
Armed Combat: 6(7)
Quickness: 9(14)
Athletics: 7(8)
Strength: 9(14)
Demolitions: 7
Charisma: 7
Electronics: 6
Intelligence: 8(12)
Etiquette (Street): 7
Willpower: 9
Firearms: 11(12)
Reaction: 8(21)
Gunnery: 8(9)
Body Index: 8.4
Interrogation: 5
Essence: .05
Interrogation (Torture): 6
Initiative: 21+4D6
Military Theory: 5
Threat/Professional: 13/4 Negotiation: 6
Parazoology: 5
Projectile Weapons: 9(10)
(all beta grade)
Rotorcraft: 5
Commlink X
Special Skill: Set Snares: 6
Stealth (Urban): 8(9)
Throwing Weapons: 4(5)
Unarmed Combat: 8(9)
Makah: 6
Electronic Mag. (3)
Flare Compensation 8_emWh[
Cerebral Booster (2)
Damage Compensator (8)
Datajack (4)
Enhanced Articulation
Dermal Plating (3)
Muscle Augmentation (4)
Encephalon (4)
Suprathyroid Gland
Internal Voice Mask
Symbiotes (1)
Retractable Spur (dikoted)
Trauma Damper
Skillwires Plus (3)
Smartlink II
Softlink (3)
Wired Reflexes (3)

Deluxe Gyro-mount
Form Fitting Body Armor lvl 3 (4/1)
H&K G12 (gas vent 4, smartlink II, fires APDS)
Hughes Stallion
Ingram Smartgun (gas vent 4, smartlink II, fires APDS)
M107 GPHMG (gas vent 4, smartlink II, fires APDS
MagLock Passkey (7)
Medium Military Grade Armor (full tactical sensor suite)
(16/12 hardened)
Ranger-X Bow (smartlink II)
Savalette Guardian (smartlink II, fires APDS)
Steel Lynx Drone (voice command)
Yellowjacket F series
Dej[i0 Lets just say that Daishi is a little out there. He is
hyper and doesnt have a very long attention span (maybe
something to do with his Suprathyroid gland). He is also
very intense. This makes him a very interesting running
companion. There are times when he is so wound up when
its not clear who he will kill, friend or foe. He has, however, never killed any of his running mates, despite their
Daishi is the ultimate killing machine. You name it, he
can kill it. Make sure you present him that way, but remember, he isnt arrogant. He just knows hes the best.

Ares Dragon
Armor Jacket (gel-pack) (5/3 hardened)
Page 13



>>>>>[Is this the chick that killed 10 of my buddies plus about three dozen
others with one spell, that one time in Columbia? Anyone have her address?]<<<<<
Widow-Pretender (15:16:42/1-29-56)

Maurice Francke (submitted by Gurth


Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diFkc_b_e"
Weight: -&a]
Hair: XbWYa
Distinguishing Features:el[hm[_]^j
Psychological Profile:fem[h^kd]ho!bWpo
Known Allergies:kdademd
Lifestyle: >_]^
8WYa]hekdZ0 Maya Finnic was born and raised in Brooklyn,
NY; her exact birthdate is unknown. In 2052 she moved to
Seattle, and through various means came to running the
shadows, first as a freelancer working for whoever paid,
and then as the shaman in a group of four (see Steve
Lewis, page xx).
Maya Finnic is overweight and not very fasta situation
she appears to have found a solution for by frequent use
of a Levitate Person spell, which also seems to make her
even more lazy than she already is.
She is a Gator shaman, normally providing combat
magic support to the rest of the team she runs the shadows with. She is a high-grade initiate and appears intent
on initiating to an ever-higher level. Maya Finnic is a member of the magical group known as the Swampsters, which
consists completely of Gator shamans. She has conjured an
ally spirit at some point, which takes the form of a neatly
dressed, negroid elf when ordered to manifest in the
physical world. Finnics main use for this spirit is to guard
herself and her apartment.
Ia_bbi0 Maya Finnics main strength is in sorcery. She hardly
ever carries a firearm, relying instead on her spells to take
down any opposition.
>>>>>[Her ally also does the shopping, which he seems to like a lot, by the
Steve (01:27:05/1-19-56)
>>>>>[Has anyone ever seen these Swampsters in action? Its not a
pretty sight, let me tell you...]<<<<<
French (19:35:17/1-23-56)
>>>>>[What do you mean? Too violent?]<<<<<
mARILYN (13:28:09/1-24-56)
>>>>>[I know what youre thinking, these are Gator shamans so theyre
bound to kill things, but its the other major trait of the Gator totem you have
to look at: they eat like pigs.]<<<<<
Mike The Lounge Staring (22:52:10/1-24-56)

Page 14

Body: 4
Quickness: 3
Strength: 2(6)
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 4
Willpower: 7
Reaction: 3
Essence: 6
Magic: 12(14)
Initiative: 3+1D6*
Threat/Professional: 5/4
Initiate Grade: 6

Conjuring (Nature Spirits): 6
Etiquette (Street): 2
Firearms: 4
Magical Theory (Design,
Shamanic): 5
Singing: 2 [Centering]
Sorcery (Spellcasting): 7

* 3+4D6 with spell lock

Flying Ball: 4 EX
Force: 3
Improved Invisibility:
Body: 4
4 EX, RF
Quickness: 4
Leviatate Person: 4 RF
Strength: 3
Lift & Push: 3 EF
Charisma: 4
Mana Bolt: 6 EX
Intelligence: 2
Mana Cloud: 4 EF
Willpower: 7
Mayas Flame Burst: 2 RF
Reaction: 3
Mob Mind: 5 EF
Multi-Target: 2 EF
3D Movement
Personal Bullet Barrier:
Immunity to Normal Weapons
6 EX
Power Bolt: 6 EX
Shapechange: 4 RF
Telepathic Link
Small Meteors: 4
Treat: 4 EX
Power Missile: 2 EX
Wall of Fire: 5
DocWagon Contract (Platinum)
Enchanting Shop
Expendable Fetishes
Lift & Push
Mana Cloud
Mob Mind
Forged SIN (4)
Form-Fitting Armor: 3 (4/1)
Medicine Lodge (6)
Power Focus (2)
Reusable Fetishes
Improved Invisibility
Levitate Person
Mayas Flame Burst
Secure Jacket (5/3)
Spell Lock: Increase Reflexes +3D6 (1)
Spell Lock: Increase Strength +4 (1)
Wrist Phone with Screen
Dej[i0 Maya tends to show off her magical capabilities,
such as using Levitate spells on the cars of opponents

(with them in it, usually), the intention being to frighten the
Her aura is always masked to appear as an uninitiated

James Cueno

8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 1
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 2
CW]_Y?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 6


Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diDeX_b_i
Residence: IWd<hWdY_iYe!9<I
Weight: -&a]
Hair: kdademd
Distinguishing Features:c_ii_d]Xej^[Whj_fi!Z[if_j[
Psychological Profile: Wd_dikbj_d]ZhkdaWhZ!^Wi[n^_X"
Known Allergies:ikdb_]^j!ceZ[hWj[
Lifestyle: >_]^
>>>>>[Freddy, sad to say, was not in the original corp version, which would
probably suit him just fine. Imperial Japan and the Imperial Marines apparently wanted him censored, and Counselor and Co. were more than happy
to do so. But we all thought he belonged here, so we nabbed an Imperial
Marine (the I-Marines) dossier on Mr. Frypp. We kept it mostly intact, but we
did edit it somewhat. And you know what, it really loses a lot in the translation from Japanese, but those I-Marines really dont like him...]<<<<<
St. Stan (22:23:18/12-20-55)
TO: Office of the Imperial Governor
FR: Imperial Marine Expeditionary Force Intelligence Command
RE: Frederick Freddy Frypp
COMPILED BY: Sho-sa Kiro Okinaga, Imperial Expeditionary Force Intelligence - September 15, 2055
SOURCES: Imperial Marine Expeditionary Force Intelligence Assets,
I.M.E.F. Irregular Intelligence Assets, Corporate Intelligence Asset, Public
BACKGROUND: The subjects birthdate and metaspecies categorize him
as a possible spike baby. This category automatically is subject to Class
IX surveillance by all Imperial Intelligence.
Little is documented of the subjects early life, with the exception of birth
At the age of seventeen, the organization later to become the Xavier
Foundation (document 19254.a.7-Delta) brought civil suit against the subjects parents in the Oregon State Court. The unprecedented case resulted
in the Foundation being declared the subjects legal guardian. Little in the
court records indicate why this decision was made, or why is was upheld in
appellate court.
No documentation exists for the period of time he was the ward of the
Xavier Foundation. Intelligence assets assume (based on later events) that
during this period the subject received magical training in pre-Awakening
hermetic magic. Documented experiences with pre-Awakening magic is
documented in 4692.v.2-Iota.
The subject next appears in the public record in 2009 in a marriage certificate. The womans name is curiously unavailable, though rumor suggests
that she was killed in the 2014 anti-magic riots in Portland.
Again, no official documentation appears until his second marriage, to
one Josephine Carter in 2032.
Page 15

Upon further investigation, the subject has been positively identified in
photographs of Sean Laverty (document 195247.a.1-Alpha), Lugh Surehand
(document 195200.a.1-Lambda), and in photos taken of Walter Bright Water
(document 11235.a.1-Zeta) just prior to Bright Waters death. Analysts
strongly doubt that the subject was acting in any sort of advisory capacity.
Rather, it would appear that he was acting as a bodyguard.
After the secession of Tir Tairngire, the subjects presence has been
confirmed by photographic evidence at several high level diplomatic conferences around North America, again acting as bodyguard.
California Free State border control records indicate that the subject
entered Sacramento just prior to Tir Tairngires 2036 California Offensive,
as part of a Tir diplomats entourage. After the Battle of Redding the diplomat and his entourage were expelled, and the subject returned to Portland.
Rumors persist that the subjects wife, Josephine Carter, took part in
the Battle of Redding as part of the Tirs paranormal assets. She was listed
among the official list of casualties.
Within five days of returning to Portland and the death of his wife, the
subject applied for permanent residence in the CFS. The subject came into
the employ of the Bay Area Security Corporation, based in San Francisco,
as an advisor on magical affairs.
Evidence exists to support the conclusion that the subject has not engaged in any magical activities since the death of his wife. Imperial Marine
Irregular Assets believe that the subject lost his powers as a result of extensive cybernetic modification.
The subject remained in San Francisco after the Imperial Marine Expeditionary Force made its presence in response to President Treacles
request. Due to the subjects position within the corporation, management
sponsored a residence permit for the subject.
In mid 2046, the subject arranged for the purchase of the B.A.S.C. with
funds from an untraceable source, believed to be Zurich-Orbital. Upon
transference of ownership, the subject removed all Japanese Homo Sapiens Sapiens from the work force. The corporation was also renamed Frypp
Security, Inc.
Today, the subject is suspected to be a major part of the so-called Undergrounds terrorist activities. Irregular Intelligence suspects that the subject is the head of the Metahuman Action Committees Family Stone
The Family Stones activities have been directly linked to numerous
anti-Marine, anti-police, and anti-Japanese attacks. Internal records show
that these attacks have been responsible for the deaths of over 80 Imperial
Marines, 25 members of the San Francisco Police Department, and over
200 Japanese civilians.
In addition to his legitimate business activities, the subject is believed to
have built an extensive smuggling operation, arming the East Bay communities in preparation for a general uprising.
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: The subject is an insulting drunkard and is
generally considered to be quite offensive by all but his accomplices. He
has been known to exhibit homicidal rages mercilessly killing innocents.
EVALUATION: It is the opinion of this office that the Imperial Marine Expeditionary Force should assign additional assets to the surveillance of the
subject, based on evidence on suspected criminal activities against the
Empire. It is also the opinion of this office that the subject, and those he
controls, is a genuine threat to the Empire, and plans should be made
immediately to remove the subject as a threat.
>>>>>[Yea, hes a bastard, but he keeps giving me a paycheck every other
week, and for that, me and my family are grateful. Hes done a lot for us
East Bay orks.]<<<<<
Buffalo Bill (21:33:43/1-11-56)
>>>>>[Frederick Frypp must be eliminated as a threat to the Empire and the
Emperor. I am officially authorized to place a substantial bounty on the head

Page 16

of Mr. Frypp, payable only if he is brought to us alive, so that he may stand

trial for his crimes against the Empire.]<<<<<
Col. Akage Tokugawa (13:43:49/1-12-56)
>>>>>[Ah, blow it out your hoop, ya fraggin Imperial S.O.B.!!]<<<<<
NGok (16:48:44/1-12-56)

Body: 5
Armed Combat: 8
Quickness: 7
Car: 6
Strength: 6 (7)
Computer: 3
Charisma: 5
Etiquette (Corporate): 9
Intelligence: 7(8)
Etiquette (Mercenary): 7
Willpower: 7
Etiquette (Military): 7
Reaction: 7
Etiquette (SF Underground): 9
Essence: 3.15
Etiquette (Street): 8
Magic: 8
Etiquette (Tir Tairngire): 7
Initiative: 7+1D6
Firearms: 6
Threat/Professional: 8/4 Firearms (Shotguns): 9
Initiate Grade: 5
Negotiations: 9
Special Skill (CFS Shadowrunners):4
Special Skill (Pissing off half
Cyberarm (right)
the room): 12
Increased Strength (1)
Special Skill (Pissing off the
half of the room): 8
Datajack (4)
Special Skill (SF Geography): 8
Encephalon (1)
Special Skill (SF Power Groups): 9
Special Skill (Wiseass Crack): 8
(Freddy has access to the entire assets of Frypp Security,
Inc., but below are his favorites)
Ceska Black Scorpion
Enfield AS-7 with 50 round drum
Eurocar Westwind Turbo
Form Fitting Armor lvl 3 (4/1)
French linguasoft lvl 6
Fuchi Cyber-4 with no applicable utilities
Handset portable phone
Mortimer of London Great Coat (4/2)
Ruger Thunderbolt
Dej[i0 While Freddy is still very capable of using magic, he
will never use it except under very extreme circumstances.
He has a geas, his wedding ring from his second marriage,
that he must have in order to even use his magic. Since it is
in a safe deposit box in Portland, it would be very difficult
(a run in itself) to get it.
The Family Stone and even the Metahuman Action
Committee do not exist (unless you, as GM, decide otherwise). But in any case, Freddy has no part in them.
As advertised, Freddy is a jerk, but he does wield a lot
of power in San Francisco, so most people let him get away
with it. He claims to know every shadowrunner in CFS, and
quite a few everywhere else. Knowing Freddy, this is a
stretch of the truth, but not a very big stretch.
Frypp Security, Inc. is a small security corporation based
in the Bay Area. There are large number of metahumans
(orks and trolls), and a small percentage of shadowrunners
on the payroll. Given Freddys nature, both Matrix and
Magical assets are lax, but that is slowly changing.

8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 11
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 10

John Pandelides. (submitted by Jani Fikouras

Name: 7b[a>kd[
Aliases: <_h[Xh_d][h
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z7c[h_dZ_Wd>eceI W"
Residence: I[Wjjb[!K97I
Height: '$.&c
Weight: .&a]
Eyes: Xhemd
Hair: XbWYa!i^ehj
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: kdademd!ehf^Wd[Z
Birthplace: kdademd!feii_XboIWb_i^"I_Z^[9ekdY_b
Psychological Profile: kdademd!YbW_cikdkikWbboYbei[
Known Allergies: ded[
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 Alek Hune, Firebringer, is the only known
human member of the Fallen Angels group, which is believed by most to be dead. Rumors persist, however, that
Hune and the other member of Fallen Angels are indeed
alive and in hiding.
Nothing is highly unusual about the background of Alek
Hune. He was found on the doorstep of Brand Hune, who
raised the infant as his own son. Alek appears to have had
a normal childhood, and a largely normal adult life.
During his teens it was discovered that Alek had magical powers. He received no formal training, and holds no
Thaumaturgical degrees. At some point in his late teens,
early twenties, he claimed to have seen a vision in which
he spoke directly with his totem spirit, Coyote. Due to the
nature of his claim, we are unable to check the veracity of
this statement. What we do know is that after this vision,
he left his tribal lands and traveled to Seattle where he
claims he is to do a special task. What that task is remains to be seen.
Ia_bbi0 Hune is a crafty and capable shaman. It is not
known where the name Firebringer came from, as he is
not believed to know any fire spells. It is thought perhaps
that it is a tribal name of some type. He does however
prefer the use of Sleep. His list of known spells is limited, however he does have some facility with conjuring
and with Firearms. As a whole, Hune is not as capable a
mage as some of the other mages found elsewhere in this
compilation. As a member of the Fallen Angels, however,
he is more powerful than mages with similar skills and
>>>>>[Damn it, what the frag was Counselor thinking? The Fallen Angels
are dead. They got scragged by the bugs. I dont know why everyone wants
to believe theyre still around. Bunch of irritable, nasty drekheads anyway.]<<<<<
Ol Yeller (15:32:04/12-29-55)
>>>>>[The best word to describe Hune is random. Out of the blue hell do
something unexpected, and then say that Coyote felt like it. Not that he
Page 17

felt like doing it. No, that would be too normal. Instead, he claims his actions
are driven by a damn dog.]<<<<<
Watney (09:46:11/1-3-56)


>>>>>[Best place to find him, and get the attention of the Fallen Angels
(dead or not) is to head down to the Alabaster Maiden, the club down in the
Raku Arcology. Until he died they had a special table for him.]<<<<<
Kingfisher (21:32:05/1-10-56)

Body: 6
Quickness: 6
Strength: 2
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 6
Reaction: 6
Essence: 6
Magic: 7
Initiative: 6+1D6*
Threat/Professional: 4/4

Bike: 3
Conjuring: 7
Dance (Salish-Sidhe Tribal): 6
Firearms: 5
Firearms (SMGs, HK 227): 8
Magical Theory: 5
Sorcery (Spellcasting): 6

* 6+4D6 with spell lock

Initiate Grade 1
Barrier: 6
Fashion: 3
Improved Invisibility: 6
Increased Reflexes +4D6: 3
Makeover: 3
Manabolt: 8
Physical Mask: 8
Sleep: 9
Sterilize: 3
HK 227 (laser sight)
Heavily Modified BMW Blitzen
Tres Chic Wardrobe
Tribal Knife stacked Power Focus (6)/Weapon Focus (6)
Dej[i0Hune is a coyote shaman, and not much more need
be said. He is random, haphazard, and follows his totem.
Or perhaps a better phrasing is that he lives his totem.
Hune is a member of the Circle of Power magical group
that also includes Peregrine Myrtin.

Page 18

Brion Waters


Aliases: ?h_i^!IWh][!@ei[f^A_d]!C_a[ImWhjp
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diFkc_b_e"
Height: '$*&c
Weight: kdademd
Eyes: ]hWo
Hair: h[Z
Distinguishing Features:i[l[hWb\WY_WbiYWhi!dkc[heki
Birthplace: =[d[lW!M_iYedi_d!K97I$
Psychological Profile:;njh[c[bofhej[Yj_l[e\\h_[dZi
Known Allergies:i_bl[h!i[l[h[
Lifestyle: C_ZZb[
8WYa]hekdZ0 As an ex-mercenary, Irish has seen most of
the North and South America. He was initially recruited out
of high-school for the UCAS marines, and qualified for
assignment into a covert operations unit. He eventually
achieved the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. Soon after this
promotion, a new CO (the only son of UCAS senator William Forsyth Smyth III) was placed in charge of the platoon
for a covert operation into Aztlan. The new lieutenant led
the platoon into an ambush, and then deserted, leaving the
rest of the platoon to die (as he officially reported). For six
months, Irish and the surviving members of the platoon
were brutally tortured, which killed four more members of
the platoon. After six months of torture, Irish was able to
escape with the other members of the platoon. Once back
in the UCAS, Irish brutally attacked Lt. Smyth IV, beating
him unconscious. For reasons still not known, Irish was not
court-martialed and was instead given a medical discharge.
For the next three years Irish worked as a mercenary in
South America, finally quitting the business in 2045. Between 2045 and 2047 Irish worked with MCT-Boston in
one of their Desert Wars forces. He was then allowed to
resign, and gained a position within Ares Seattle, in their
Security Division until 2052. He was then allowed to resign
again, and spent the next year in retirement. After a year of
no action, Irish soon found himself bored, and turned to
Irish has worked with a number of different shadowrunner groups, including ENIGMA. He does not seem to
have very good luck with these groups. The first group he
ran with was almost killed to a man in the Salish-Sidhe
lands, and ENIGMA broke up in 2055. This seems to be a
general trend for groups that Irish has been a member of.
There are no apparent reasons for this phenomenon.
The only other item of note is that Irish has an adopted
daughter, currently aged 16. Erika, an elf, was adopted in
Ia_bbi0Irish, as is to be expected, is a combat specialist. He
is proficient in light and heavy weapons, and is a martial

arts expert. What separates him from other street samurai
is the number of contacts he has. He has contacts within
every corporation and organization he has been a member
of, and he maintains contacts in Panama City, New York,
Boston, and Seattle.
>>>>>[To say he hates the Azzies is kinda like saying water is wet. It goes
without saying. Must have something to do with being their prisoner for six
months. But what I dont understand is his homicidal hatred of BTL dealers.]<<<<<
High Roller (10:25:57/12-28-55)
>>>>>[Maybe some dealer tried to put a move on Erika, his daughter. Hell, I
know I would.]<<<<<
Edgefield (18:43:28/1-3-56)
>>>>>[Uh, you had better not Edgefield. Last kid (he was only 16!) that
made serious moves on her got his nose broken. Of course, he also made
fun of Irishs height...I just wish I could understand Irishs damn
Thunderhead (11:48:34/1-5-56)

Body: 8(11)
Quickness: 5(7)
Strength: 7(9)
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 6
Reaction: 5(8)
Body Index: 7.8
Essence: 2.25
Initiative: 8+3D6
Threat/Professional: 5/4

Armed Combat: 3(4)
Car: 5
Computer: 3
Demolition: 3
Etiquette (Corporate): 4
Etiquette (Military): 6
Etiquette (Street): 4
Firearms: 8(9)
Gunnery: 7(8)
Leadership: 3
Military Theory: 3
Motorboat: 2
Rotorcraft: 4
Stealth: 7
Unarmed Combat 5(6)
Unarmed Combat (Tae Kwon
Do): 6(7)
City Speak: 2
Japanese: 3
Spanish: 3

Flare Compensation
Optical Mag. (3)
Titanium Bone Lacing
(alpha grade)

Damage Compensator (9)
Enhanced Articulation
Muscle Augmentation (1)
Orthoskin (3)
Suprathyroid Gland
Synaptic Accelerator (2)

Panther Assault Cannon (smartlink)

Platinum DocWagon contract
Pocket Secretary
Remington 900 (recoil compensation 1, laser sight)
Savalette Guardian (smartlink, recoil compensation 3)
Secure Jacket (5/3)
SPAS-22 (recoil compensation lvl 2)
Ultrasound goggles, and modular projector (will fit any
Extra clips for all weapons
Dej[i0 Irish has a wide variety of contacts within Ares,
MCT, and the UCAS military. He also keeps in close touch
with a number of the individuals in South and Central
America that he met as a mercenary. In addition, he has a
number of contacts in New York. If the information has
something to do with the military, theres a pretty good
chance that Irish either knows it or knows someone who
might. On the flip side, he has made powerful enemies in
Aztlan and Aztechnology (whom he hates) and the Senator
Smyth III is not exactly a friend either.
Irish is very protective of his family and friends, and will
do almost anything to protect them. He also has a strangely
pathological hatred of BTL dealers.
Irish is a formidable foe, and with his titanium bone
lacing, he packs quite a punch in close. Need a likable
equalizer? Irish is your man.
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 5
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 5

Ares Squirt (smartlink, with DMSO/Hyper)
Colt M22A2 (smartlink, recoil compensation 5)
False identities for all known aliases
Full Heavy Armor (8/6), with EnviroSeal, and electronics
sensor suite
Grapple Gun, with 200 m line and rappelling gear
Ingram Smartgun (smartlink, recoil compensation 4)
Lined Coat (4/2)
Nomad Truck, with HMG in pop-up turret
Page 19




Name: CWiWWa_>_hei^_je
Aliases: @[m[b[h
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies: Ced]ebe_Z@WfWd[i[>eceIWf_[diI W"
Height: '$-.c
Weight: -.a]
Eyes: Xhemd
Hair: XbWYa
Distinguishing Features: [nj[di_l[ZhW]edWdZj_][h
Birthdate: 7k]kij'.!(&'Birthplace: I[Wjjb[!K97I
Psychological Profile: f[h\[Yj_ed_ij![cej_edb[ii
Known Allergies: ded[
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 In many ways, the man known as the Jeweler
is a traditional, even stereotypical yakuza member. He is
almost without emotion, and rarely raises his voice. He is a
strict traditionalist, and it is known that he has little respect for the younger generation of yakuza. He also is
known to be very disdainful of metahumans, orks and
trolls in particular. He has also been seen in the private VIP
boxes at the Summer Jazz Festival and the Downtown Performance Center. And, like many of the older yakuza, he is
perfectly groomed.
What separates Jeweler from many other yakuza is that
for a number of years he was merely on the fringes of the
organization, and during this time he worked as one of the
early shadowrunners. During these years his direct contact
with the yakuza was minimal, and it is believed that he
may even have done some work for the Seattle Mafia. At
some point during his late twenties, he quit shadowrunning and began fixing, or information brokering, for the
yakuza. It was from this point on that his relationship with
the yakuza was sealed. Since that time he has risen
through the ranks, to what is now believed to be the special advisor to his oyabun.
Ia_bbi0 Given the Jewelers level of professionalism and
perfectionism, he could function as an excellent contact
with the Seattle yakuza. He is one of the pre-eminent information brokers in Seattle, having access to a great deal
of rumors and facts. He may not be up to the quality of the
best brokers in Denver, but Jeweler doesnt have access to
the Nexus either.
>>>>>[I dont know what it is about him, but Jeweler scares the livin drek
outta me! Its almost like he aint human. Frag, maybe he isnt...]<<<<<
Okocim (19:45:39/12-30-55)
>>>>>[Yeah, well you have a strange phobia of dwarves also. Jeweler is
the only man to see when you need serious dirt. Need building plans? Need
to know why Knight Errant is putting out the heat? Need to know when and
where Concrete Dreams are going to do their next surprise concert? Jeweler is your man.]<<<<<
Toohey (08:25:23/1-5-56)

Page 20

>>>>>[If you have the right balance on your credstick. Remember, hes a
broker. Which also means he often hires runners out to retrieve that information. Which means he sometimes sends runners out to die.]<<<<<
Double Diamond (14:54:26/1-7-56)

>>>>>[Which is true of any Mr. Johnson. Jeweler is at least professional.

What is also important to know about him is that he does NOT deal with
drugs, guns, or armor. The only physical items he deals with are rare, exotic
St. Stan (17:32:25/1-15-56)

Body: 5
Quickness: 5
Strength: 5
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 6
Reaction: 5(8)
Body Index: 3.9
Essence: 3.39
Initiative: 8+3D6
Threat/Professional: 7/4

Armed Combat (Whips,
Mono-Whip): 8(9)
Athletics: 4(5)
Car: 5
Etiquette (Corporate): 10
Etiquette (Street): 9
Etiquette (Yakuza): 12
Firearms: 4(5)
Firearms (Pistols): 5(6)
Interrogation: 9
Leadership: 10
Negotiation: 10
Psychology: 5
Stealth (Urban): 6(7)
Unarmed Combat (Cyber
Implants, Spurs): 7(8)

(all beta grade)
Boosted Reflexes (3)
Flare Compensation
Datajack (4)
Retractable Spur (ceramic/
Softlink (4)
(all cultured)
Enhanced Articulation
Synthcardium (2)

Ares Predator II (smartlink)
Monowhip (concealed holster)
Toyota Elite (with driver when
Tailored Pheromones (2) Ultra Tres Chic wardrobe
Dej[i0 If contact with the Yakuza is required, then the
Jeweler makes a very good choice. He will not screw over
the PCs, but he will not really help them unless it is in his
own best interests. In other words, he is a cold-hearted
bastard, but hes a bastard you want to know and know
hes on your side. He is very professional and insists on
formalities and tradition, and if you dont accept that, then
chances of doing business just went south.
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]02/8 (rare objects)




Name: 9^Whb[iBWdZWk
Aliases: ded[
Height: ($'&c[ij_cWj[Z
Weight: '*&a][ij_cWj[Z
Eyes: kdademd
Hair: ded[
Distinguishing Features: ceijc[Wjh[fbWY[ZXoc[jWb
Birthdate: EYjeX[h'+!(&)(
Psychological Profile:l[hoYed\ki[Z!l[hol_eb[dj
Known Allergies0ded[
Lifestyle: Ijh[[j
>>>>>[Charlie is, or maybe was, an ork. A small-time street samurai, he
was born and raised in the Seattle Plex, and did what he could to get out of
the miserable Redmond Barrens he lived in as a kid. He tried to do this by
hanging out with a local gang, eventually getting some cyberware to make
life a little easier. From there on, he more or less rolled into the
shadowrunning business, and got more chromed all the time. When he was
22 years old, he fragged up a run against Fuchi real bad, leaving most of
the team dead. One managed to get out, heavily wounded, with Charlie the
only other survivor but inable to get away from the compound because both
his legs had been blown up.
Some Fuchi cybertechnologists decided to save his life in order to try
out some of their latest techniques, turning Charlie into a cybermancy test
subject, whether he liked it or not. He wasnt in a position to complain
When he woke up several months later, they had replaced most of his
body with top-of-the-notch cyber- and bioware, making him faster, stronger,
and more agile than he'd ever been in his life. Unfortunately, they proved
inable to keep him under control (or maybe that was intentional...), allowing
him to flee out of the building and into the surrounding countryside,
somewhere in the NAN. Over time, he managed to make his way back to
Seattle, leaving more or less a trail of dead and maimed behind him
Charlie quickly found out that if you got in his way, he had the means to put
you out of his way again. In Seattle, he dug up some weapons he had
stashed away to protect himself. He doesnt really know what he wants to
do, and lives in a sewer under Redmond at the moment. He wanders the
Seattle streets aimlessly at night.
Maybe the fact that hes been roaming Seattle for more than a month
now is either a testimony to Fuchis inability to stop him, or to the fact that
they want to see how he reacts to the world around him.]<<<<<
Foetsie (05:15:32/1-2-54)
>>>>>[Aaarrggghhh!!! Who let this thing loose in our city?!?!]<<<<<
Deraks (10:28:42/1-4-56)
>>>>>[Hah! Ill have him for breakfast!]<<<<<
Ed (02:09:54/1-10-54)

Body: 8 (20)*
Quickness: 6 (11)

Armed Combat: 6
Biotech (First Aid): 4

Strength: 8 (13)
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 5 (7)
Willpower: 6
Body Index: 2.8
Essence: 3.025
Reaction: 5 (15)
Initiative: 15+4D6
* 8 points Hardened

Car: 2
City Speak: 7
Cybertechnology: 2
Electronics: 2
Etiquette (Street): 3
Firearms: 7
Gunnery: 6
Sociology: 1
Unarmed Combat: 6
English: 3

(note: some of the cyberware is from Cyberpunk 2020s

Chromebooks, adapted to Shadowrun.)
Cerebral Booster (2)
Extended Volume (3)
Cranial Area Bomb (8D) Pain Editor
Cyberarm Gyromounts
Toxin Extractor (5, cultured)
(left + right, delta)
Body Enhancement (+3)
Flame Thrower (left arm)
Quick Change Mounts for all fingers
Quickness Enhancement (+5, delta)
Retractable Spur (right)
Strength Enhancement (+5, delta)
Cyberfacial Remount: Twoface (delta)
Datajack (4, delta)
Hearing Amplification (delta)
Softlink (4, delta),
Spatial Recognizer (delta)
Cyberlegs (left + right, delta)
Body Enhancement (+2)
Quickness Enhancement (+5, delta)
Strength Enhancement (+5, delta)
Cyberskull (delta)
Cybertorso (delta)
Hard Armor (8 points)
Dermal Sheath (2, delta)
Headware Telephone (delta)
Crypto Circuit HD (8, delta)
Invoked Memory Stimulator (delta)
Orientation System (delta)
Skillwires+ (6, delta)
Smartlink II (delta)
Verbal Eyes Windows of the Soul, Customized (delta)
Flare Compensation (delta)
Image Link (delta)
Low-Light (delta)
Protective Covers (delta)
Retinal Clock (delta)
Thermographic (delta)
Wired Reflexes (3, delta)
Barret 121
Savalette Guardian (gas vent 2, smartlink II)
Dej[i0 Think Robocop. Charlie has four very obvious
9oX[hj[Y^debe]o), a cybertorso and -skull (both under his
skin, granted), a cyberfacial remount (kind of a built-in
helmet), plus dermal sheathing that covers nearly all
Page 21

remaining flesh. He can walk around totally naked and
nobody would arrest him for indecent exposure (not that
they would survive their attempts, anyway...).
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 0
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 0



Name: Ij[l[dB[m_i@kd_eh
Aliases: ded[
Height: '$/)c
Weight: -.a]
Eyes: Y^hec[eh_]_dWb0Xhemd
Hair: XbWYa!bed]
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: CWhY^'-!(&)&
Psychological Profile:m^eYWh[i5Wjj_jkZ[!\_hcX ["
Known Allergies0ikdb_]^j!c_bZ
Lifestyle: C_ZZb[
8WYa]hekdZ0 Coming from a family with money, why Steve
Lewis started to run the shadows is not something even he
appears to know. Most likely he doesnt care much about
that question either. It is known he has had some ties with
a minor Seattle gang in the past, but is currently running as
the rigger/samurai in a group of four shadowrunners based
in Seattle. (See Maya Finnic, page xx.) This group disappeared somewhere in the UCAS in late 2055, but reappeared in Seattle some months later. Where they went and
what they did there is not known.
Steve Lewis is mainly a car-rigger, although he can pilot
helicopters as well. This interest started when he bought
his first car in 2046, which he rebuilt and fine-tuned
whenever he had the money to buy spare parts. After he
started shadowrunning he had a vehicle control rig implanted to work with his vehicle more efficiently; this led
to more cyberware after losing his eyes to stray bullet, and
eventually a new right hand because of the increased possibilities it offered. (Lewis has various replacable fingers
with him at all times, each with different tools or gadgets
built in. He fits the ones he is likely to need into the hand.)
Lewis likes obvious cyberware. His body is heavily enhanced, although the majority of his cyberware consists of
small pieces for various uses. Most of the visible cyberware
has a high-chrome finish, which he regularly polishes. He
believes people will do what you want if you can make
them think they should be afraid of you, using his cyberware to this end often removing one or more fingers
from his right (cyber) hand and replacing them by others,
or toying with his spurs, in full sight of the people he is
dealing with.
Ia_bbi0 Steve Lewis can do a lot of different things, though
he doesnt stand out in any of them. He started his shadowrunning carreer as a rigger, but gradually had so much
cyberware installed that he can function as a street samurai
with little trouble. On top of that, he has recently started
playing the guitar, though his skills in this area leave a lot
to be desired...

Page 22

>>>>>[It seems the UCAS government had something to do with that
disappearance. During the time they were missing, Steve & buddies were
apparently spotted in Quebec commiting various felonies, but theyve not
been arrested. The UCAS government denies ever having heard of them,
but soon after they left, a front company for an undercover CIA team in
Quebec ceased trading, too. Not to mention there was a large explosion at
the site of a charity organization in Quebec city.]<<<<<
ASDF (**:**:**/#-#-##)

Body: 5(6) [7]
Quickness: 7
Strength: 5
Charisma: 8(12)
Intelligence: 6(8)
Willpower: 6
Reaction: 6(8)
Body Index: 2.85
Essence: 0
Initiative: 8+1D6*
Threat/Professional: 4/4
[ ] denotes active
artificial heart
* 11+3D6 when rigged

Car (Passenger Vehicles): 5(6)
Computer: 4(5)
Etiquette (Corporate): 2(6)
Etiquette (Street): 3(7)
Firearms: 4(5)
Ground Vehicles B/R: 5(6)
Guitar: 2
Gunnery: 4(5)
Musical Composition: 3
Rotorcraft (Fixed Rotor): 4
Stealth: 4(5)
Unarmed Combat: 4(5)
American Sign Language: 4

Militech Crusher shotgun (smartlink II, fires Explosive

Pocket Computer (70 Mp)
Saab Dynamit (Body 5, Armor 3, other modifications)
Secure Long Coat (4/2)
Sig-Sauer P300 pistol (customized, rangefinder, smartlink II)
Sikorski-Bell Microskimmer
Vehicle Facility
Wrist Phone with Screen
Dej[i0 Steve has developed some pyromaniacal tendencies
lately. Not that hes setting fire to buildings just for the hell
of it, but if something needs to be done that can be done
by setting fire to it (or to something else), thats what hell
try if given the chance.
He also has this tendency to only just notice things
that is, to roll just one success on most Perception tests he
makes, regardless of the target number.
The American Sign Language is used to communicate
silently with another team member during runs; Steves
never been deaf, but the two thought sign language would
come in handy sometimes.
Oh, and he has a passionate hatred for racism, and especially against hate-groups promoting it.

(note: some of the gear, bioware and cyberware is from

Cyberpunk 2020s Chromebooks, adapted to Shadowrun.)
Cybereyes (Alpha grade) Cerebral Booster (1)
Flare Compensation Enhanced Articulation
Pacesetter Sport Heart
Reflex Recorder (Car, Passenger
Cyberhand (right)
Removable Fingers
Tailored Phermones (2) (cultured)
Datajack (3)
Encephalon (2)
FIFF Memory (57 Mp)
Athletics: 3
Plastic Bone Lacing
Biotech (First Aid): 3
Retractable Spur (dikoted)
Etiquette (Corporate): 3
Skillwires Plus (3)
Etiquette (Elven): 3
Smartlink II
Etiquette (Media): 3
Softlink (2)
Etiquette (Street): 3
Vehicle Control Rig (2)
Etiquette (Tribal): 3
Wearman #2 Speakers
Salish: 4
Spanish: 4
Stealth (Urban): 3
Tupi: 3
Vectored Thrust (GMC Banshee): 3
Winged: 4
Armor Jacket (5/3)
Cheap Electric Guitar
Cyber-controlled Remote Control Deck, 1 port
Forearm Guards
Ingram Smartgun SMG (rangefinder, smartlink II, fires APDS)
Leyland-Rover Transport (enclosed-box cab, Body 6, Armor
6, pop-up turret with LMG and HMG, many other modifications)
MCT-Nissan Rotodrone (security variant, with shotgun and
assault rifle)
Page 23

that he is not a physical adept, just a highly proficient athlete.

Erik Jameson


Name: 7dZh[@WYaied
Aliases: BehZ<_d[ii[
Sex: cWb[
Height: '$/&c
Weight: /&a]
Eyes: 8bk[
Hair: 8bWYa
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate: @kbo((!(&(Birthplace:Bei7d][b[i!9<I
Psychological Profile:Yecfb[j[boWcehWbWdZhkj^b[ii
Known Allergies0WffWh[dji[l[h[h[WYj_edjeceij
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 Not much is known about this individual,
aside from his official records. He attended Fremont High
School in the South Central area, where it is believed that
he became involved with the South Central Crips street
gang. Jackson is on record as not only having graduated
from high school, but also being a three sport letterman
(football, basketball, and baseball). He was recruited by the
University of Southern California for football as a running
back, but for unknown reasons he turned down their full
For several years the only information on Andre Jackson
is from police records, where the alias Lord Finesse is
first recorded. From 2046 to 2052, Jackson was arrested
numerous times, all for minor charges such as misdemeanor disturbing the peace and misdemeanor drug possession. He was also arrested, but then released and never
charged, with a string of homicides. The official reason he
was released was lack of evidence.
It is believed that somewhere between 2051 and 2052
he took control of the Crips street gang organization, controlling by proxy and murder Crips gangs across the continent. Once his grip on the Crips was solidified, he began
to make attempts to control other Los Angeles street gangs.
He did this with money, drugs, and murder. By the beginning of 2055 he was in control, directly or indirectly, of
over 70% of all criminal activity in the Los Angeles area.
The only significant resistance in Los Angeles comes from
the Bloods street gang. Police, city officials, and the vast
majority of citizens believe the gangs are as fractured as
they ever where.
Ia_bbi0 If something shadowy or criminal goes on in Los
Angeles, there is great likelihood that Lord Finesse knows
about it. He has access to large amounts of manpower,
weaponry, and drugs, and is quite willing to sell them if
the price is right.
There are also persistent rumors that Lord Finesse is a
physical adept. His physical skills in high school give some
credence to that rumor, but he has never tested positively
for magical skills of any kind. At this time, it is assumed

>>>>>[Finesse is the dopest flyest pimp-gangster-O.G. hard-core mutha

fucka livin today. Aint nobody f*ck witim, or they get killed, pointblank!]<<<<<
Chilly-D (04:24:54/12-27-55)
>>>>>[Uh, yeah, what he said. Lord Finesse is to be feared, but only because he has managed to unify most of the Los Angeles criminal underground. Now that is frightening.]<<<<<
Nordik Wolf (14:26:42/12-29-55)
>>>>>[Yeah, right. The real power on the streets is the Ancients. Its true
anywhere you go.]<<<<<
Red Stripe (00:02:57/1-2-56)
>>>>>[Who do you think controls them in L.A.? Thats right Red-face. Lord
Nordik Wolf (15:13:23/1-5-56)

Body: 8
Quickness: 9
Strength: 7
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 8
Willpower: 8
Reaction: 8
Essence: 6
Magic: 11
Initiative: 9+4D6
Threat/Professional: 6/4

Initiate Grade 5, always masking

Improved Ability (Athletics +4)
Increased Reflexes (+3D6)
Pain Resistance (4 points)
(Lord Finesse has access to almost any item that costs less
than a million nuyen through his street gangs. Below is
what is normally with him.)
Savallete Guardian (customized, laser sight, recoil compensation 2, APDS rounds)
Armored Raiders Jacket (5/3)
Saab Dynamit
Dej[i0 For the right price, Lord Finesse will buy or sell
almost anything, including people. The problem is convincing him that you wont try and turn him into the police.
If he thinks youre going to double-cross him, watch out.
Hell come at you with everything he has. He has no pity,
and no remorse.
Part of Lord Finesses abject fear of cyberware is the
fact that he is a physical adept. However, he is unaware of
the fact that he is magically active, and his constant masking make sure that no one else will discover the facts either.

Page 24

Armed Combat: 7
Athletics: 10(14)
Car: 4
Etiquette (Gang): 10
Etiquette (Street): 8
Firearms: 7
Gunnery: 2
Leadership: 8
Negotiation: 8
Throwing: 6
Unarmed Combat: 9

Iekj^[hd9Wb<h[[=Wd]?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 12

Mark Steedman


Name: kdademd
Aliases: M_bZBeh[
Sex: CWb[
Residence: I[Wjjb[!K97I
Height: '$.c
Weight: -&a]
Eyes: 8bk[
Hair: :Wha8hemd
Distinguishing Features:Dej^_d]dej[WXb[
Birthdate: ;Whbo(&))
Birthplace: I[Wjjb[!K97I
Psychological Profile:7h[WiedWXb[]ko!fhe\[ii_edWb
Known Allergies: Ded[
8WYa]hekdZ0 Wild lore appeared on the Seattle running
scene in June 2052. He was teamed up with three other
runners none of them noted at the time. The first significant run the group are attributed with carrying out was a
visit to the city of Phoenix in October which was notable
for a large explosion on corporate premesis. The exact
cause is not known but witnesses reported the group active in the area moments later. Shortly thereafter Rose
coproration, the site of the blast suffered an internal takeover.
The group next appeared working for Aztechnology in
Seattle raiding a Biogene facility. There are plenty of press
reports on the coporate activity that resulted but not on the
Work seems to have been quiet for a while after that,
possibly due to a couple of complications, the first maybe
a corporate strike against the team for several were seen
near DocWagon high threat resonse teams one day. They
also gained a 5th member of the team arround this time.
Then three team members showed up in a magical battle
aboard a semibalistic flight from Seattle to Phoenix in May
2053 but promptly vanised on arrival without getting arrested.
The team next hit the runner news a year later with a
raid on a paddle steamer and JV research corporate complex in quick succession in New Orleans. Only notable for
JV being the new name of the ex Rose corporation and the
battle on the steamer which were rather quietly done.
Then on the 27th June the top floor of the JV tower in
Phoenix exploded days after the team left Seattle again. A
body was noted to fall from the tower but it is suspected
things did not go well as the corporation seemed unaffected and the team vanished though the bounties the
coproration were offering were niether collected or suspended.
Ia_bbi0 Mr. Lore is noted for his talents as a mage. Exactly
what what he is capable of is generally unknown but extensive experience of magic known to the runner community is assumed. He certainly has at least one very powerful
combat stun spell in his capabilities, which seems to be a
Page 25

favourite though more drastic means are noted as available.
Unlike some magicians he can handle both guns and computers when the need arrises though he prefers magic. He
also has a grounding in a number of other abilities of use
to an active shadowrunner.

Stun Cannon: 6
Treat: 1

>>>>>[The obvious question is just what has gotten between this gentleman, his friends and JV, no one seems to know but the sides seem to trade
damage runs and bounties from time to time though it stays professional.]<<<<<
Investigator-Y (14:46:53/8-6-54)
>>>>>[Does anyone know what happened in Phoenix in June?, the body
was jumped on so fast by site security no one outside got an ID.]<<<<<
The hammer (33:14:29/10-8-54)
>>>>>[Any truth to the rumor of a link with Aztechnology?]<<<<<
Investigator-Y (17:25:46/10-20-54)
>>>>>[Purely professional work as far as we know, they pay well.]<<<<<
Pyramid Two (01:17:54/10-21-54)

Body: 2 (6)
Quickness: 4
Strength: 2
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 4
Willpower: 6
Reaction: 4
Essence: 6
Magic: 9 (11)
Initiative: 4+4D6
Threat/Professional: 6/4

Armor: 2
Fireball: 2 EF, EX
Flamebomb: 2 EF, EX
Flamethrower: 4
Heal: 3
Ice Arrow: 1 RF, EX
Improved Invisibility: 3
Increase Body +4: 1
Increase Reflexes +3D6:
Levitate Item: 1
Levitate Person: 1 EF
Makeover: 1
Mana Bolt: 2 EF, EX
Mana Bolt: 4
Manadart: 4
Mask: 1+2 EX
Mind Probe: 2 EF, EX
Powerball: 2 EF, EX
Power Bolt: 4
Powerdart: 4
Sleep: 4
Page 26

Biology (Parazoology): 4
Car: 2
Computer: 3
Conjuring: 3
Etiquette (Street): 2
Firearms: 3
Magical Theory: 4
Negotation: 3
Sorcery: 6
Stealth: 3
English: 5
French: 3
Latin: 4 [Centering skill]

shock pads, 3 clips Regular, 1

1 clip Flechette)
Fine Clothes (0/0)
Ford Americar (level 2 improved
Forearm Guards (0/+1)
Formfitting Armor level 3 (4/1)
HK227 (laser sight, gas vent 4, 9
clips Regular, 1 clip Flechette,
clip APDS)
Knife (concealable sheath)
Lined Coat (4/2)
Power Focus (2)

Dej[i0 Typical clothing for Wild Lore is a plain black

leather jacket and black trousers.
This gentleman has seen a lot. He knows all about the
Brotherhood and their secrets though despite a serious
attempt to disrupt their cover most folks would not know
this as no one knows who did the operation. He is a member of a magical group (accepts mages, shamans and
physical adepts; strictures: Exclusive Membership, Exclusive Ritual, Obedience, Material Link, Oath). He is the head
and generally only uses the obedience for secrecy as its a
lot less trouble than the stricture of that name to him. The
group structure below that is the inner circle, which are
those initated in the group, and the outer circle, which
consists of the other members. Presently there are two
other members in outer circle: Arnol Blon and Randolph
Wild Lore has taken these Initiation ordeals: Grade 0
thesis, Grade 1 oath, Grade 2 quest, Grade 3 meditation.
He masks his aura to appear as a human mage with no
connections to the astral plane. Normal operation is three
spell locks active and masked, only using the power focus
when astral perception is up.
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 2
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 5

Armor Clothing (3/0)
Bug Scanner (5)
Colt Manhunter (concealable
holster, 9 clips Regular)
Conjuring Library (7) hardcopy
DocWagon Contract (Platimum)
Enfield AS7 (gas vent 4, laser


Ranger Arms SM3 (118 rounds

Real Leathers (0/2)
Secure Ultra Vest (3/2)
Sorcery Library (6) disk
Spell Lock: Detect Enemies (1)
Spell Lock: Increase Body +4 (1)
Spell Lock: Increase Reflexes
+3D6 (1)
Tabletop Computer (300 Mp) with
Vest with Plates (4/3)
Wrist Phone with Screen

Logger (17:36:03/2-1-56)

Paul J. Adam


Name: @WiedHkdd_d]Meb\BodY^
Aliases: @Wc[iBWii_j[h!9^h_ijef^[hC_jY^[bb!7dZh[m
Residence: <[Z[hWb:_ijh_Yje\9ebkcX_W!K97I
Height: '$.-c
Weight: .*a]
Hair: 8bWYa]e_d]]h[o
Distinguishing Features:I[l[h[iYWhh_d]Yel[h_d]ceij
Psychological Profile:Fhe\[ii_edWbiebZ_[h$>Wid[l[h
Known Allergies: Ded[
8WYa]hekdZ0Lynch began his career as a mercenary at the
age of fourteen, and more by luck than skill survived a few
ghastly assignments. However, with survival came experience, and he became sufficiently respected that when Ares
needed victimssorry, experimental subjectsfor the
then-newly developed Wired Reflexes II system in 2044,
Lynch was willing to try it.
He was one of the 60% who survived the operations in
a functional state: implantation of this experimental hardware then was not all it is now. Now, he was one of the
fastest individuals alive, and Ares contracted him to work
for their Security Division.
In 2049, his contract expired, Lynch tried his hand at
shadowrunning. He soon earned a reputation... whether it
was a good or bad one is open to question. A series of
assassination attempts in 2051 led to the first of several
attempts to retire. However, it appeared that whoever had
targeted him wanted him dead, not retired, and so a return
to the shadows was almost essential for survival. The second attempt to retire was in 2054, when he accepted an
instructor's post with Lone Star. A clash with several
rogue elements left him jobless, though owed a number
of favours by LS Internal Affairs. His third attempt to put
the shadows behind him has so far been fairly successful,
as he made contact with the FBI in a matter of extreme
sensitivity concerning a popular cult and ended up being
offered a post there: hence, his move to DC.
Ia_bbi0 Lynch remains a formidable opponent in combat,
and a skilled helicopter pilot willing to extract comrades
from almost any situation. Now, he keeps his abilities
honed supporting the FBI's anti-terrorism units.
>>>>>[There used to be a saying in Seattle, If you need it done quiet, dont
hire Lynch. If you need it done, hire Lynch. Still true now. If you run into
him, or worse, get teamed with him, wear your Kevlar underpants because
youre gonna get a ringside seat at a bulletfest. He tends to end up on those
extreme prejudice missions.]<<<<<

>>>>>[One of those guys who ought to have Bad Mother Fragger (okay,
bowdlerised for our younger audience) tattooed on his forehead. The worst
of it is, like a lot of his type, you'll never see him copping a tude or showing
off. Just a greying old guy in a ratty leather jacket and those damn black
aviator shades he never takes off. Try to start a fight with him, he agrees
youre right and walks away. Kind of frustrating after a while.]<<<<<
Fenris (18:41:24/2-1-56)
>>>>>[Just a combat grunt, although a very competent one. Heavily cybered and biowared, much of it custom-grade. Good at what he does, which
is killing people and breaking things. And extracting team-mates from the
jaws of death. Fenris, youre lucky he keeps walking away. I've seen him
get really, really angry about three times. That was two times too
Silver (23:56:38/1-2-56)
>>>>>[Dont confuse knows his limits with stupid, though. One thing
Lynch seems to have learned and learned well: choose your team-mates
well, and know when to retreat and call for backup. All right, thats two
things. So sue me.]<<<<<
Barak (01:22:51/2-2-56)

Body: 5(6)
Quickness: 6(8)
Strength: 6(8)
Charisma: 4(8)
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 6
Reaction: 7
Essence: 0.55
Initiative: 12+3D6*
Threat/Proffessional: 8/4

Armed Combat: 8
Biotech: 5
Demolitions: 6
Etiquette (Corporate): 5
Etiquette (Street): 7
Firearms: 10
Gunnery: 6
Leadership: 5
Military Theory: 5
Motorbike: 5
Rotorcraft: 7
* 8+2d6 while rigging
Special Skill: Musician (Fender
Stratocaster): 7
Special Skill: Military History: 6
Damage Compensator (5) Stealth: 8
Enhanced Articulation
Throwing Weapons: 6
Extended Volume (3)
Unarmed Combat: 9
Symbiotes (3)
Cityspeak: 6
Synthacardium (2)
English: 8
Tailored Pheromones (3) Finnish: 4
Japanese: 6
Russian: 5
Spanish: 5
Amplified Hearing
Armor Jacket (5/3) (old leather
Basic Eye Lights
Colt Python (9M, SA, 6(cy),
Display Link
concealability: 5, smartlink II,
Flare Compensation
improved gas vent 2)
Low Light
2 Ares Predators, (smartlink II,
Optical Mag (3)
improved gas vent 2)
FN-HAR (shock pads, smartlink II,
improved gas vent 4, bipod)
BMW Blitzen 2050 (grey, rather
Hand Blade (Dikoted)
Hearing Damper
DocWagon Contract (Platinum)
Page 27

Plastic Bone Lacing
Commlink X
Crypto Circuit (9)
Scramble Breaker (8)
Retractable Spur (Dikoted)
Select Sound Filter (5)
Skillwires (3)
2x Smartlink II
Vehicle Control Rig (1)
Wired Reflexes (2)
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 5
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 7

Erik Jameson


Distinguishing Features:ded[
Psychological Profile:ademdjeik\\[h\hec7jj[dj_ed
Known Allergies:ded[
8WYa]hekdZ0 The childhood of Kevin Brazos was marked
by the complete lack of any negative, or unique, events.
Completely happy, completely normal. His parents, Micheal
and Marissa Brazos, both worked for Yamatetsu North
America in New York. Kevin himself joined the corporation
as a entry-level executive when he turned 18. At age 20,
however, the trid perfect life was shattered. The entire
family was fired for reasons still not known. It appears that
the shock of the event caused the entire family to attempt
suicide. Both parents were successful. Kevin was saved by
DocWagon paramedics.
From 2050 to 2053 there are no records of Kevin Brazos,
or any of his aliases. Then, in February 2054, the man now
known as Memorex emerged as a corporate data courier
for Yamatetsu. By early 2055, Memorex was free-lancing for
anybody that could afford him. It is believed that all the
first tier corporations have made frequent use of his skills,
as have many second tier corporations.
Ia_bbi0 Clearly, Kevin Brazos has one primary usage, as a
data courier. He can carry up to 5,000 Mp of data in his
headware, and has all the necessary locks to ensure safe
transport. In addition, due to his value to the Big-8 he is
generally allowed safe passage.
>>>>>[Wouldnt want to destroy an expensive asset, now would we? But
just in case, his necessary locks include a cortex kink bomb. Another
reason the corps tend not to frag with him.]<<<<<
Red Sky (12:57:34/1-3-56)
>>>>>[And dont underestimate his combat abilities. He knows to protect
whats in his head.]<<<<<
DunkelAlt (17:47:34/1-3-56)
>>>>>[Want to know something odd? He didnt suffer from ADD until he
became a courier. And he doesnt remember anything about 2050. Yeah,
thats right, when he was 20. I just wonder if Yamatetsu did that, or his own
St. Stan (09:35:34/1-4-56)

Page 28


Body: 5
Quickness: 5
Strength: 5
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 5
Essence: 0.402
Body Index: 2.6
Initiative: 5+1D6(3D6)
Threat/Professional: 4/4

Armed Combat: 3
Bike: 3
Car: 4
Computer: 4
Etiquette (Corporate): 7
Firearms: 5
Unarmed Combat: 7

(If Memorex needs weapons, remember he on very good
terms with the Big-8)
High-flow datacord
Tres chic business suits (0/0)
9oX[hmWh[X[jW]hWZ[ 8_emWh[
Datajack (4)
Synaptic Enhancer (2)
Data Filter
Memnonic Enhancer (5)
Data Lock
SPU: Data Management (4)
2,500 Mp Memory (FIFF)
Cranial Kink Bomb (headware)
Dej[i0 Bland looks, bland personality. Just another corpsuit, right? Wrong. Hasnt life in the shadows taught you
Memorex can effectively carry 5,000 Mp of data with the
Data Management chip.
The cranial kink bomb is set to destroy all headware
memory if the data lock is interfered with, which is probably the primary reason nobody tries to mess with him.
The entire year of 2050 was in fact erased by Yamatetsu, at his own request.
Unfortunately, this also caused his Acute Attention
Deficit Disorder. The fact he cant concentrate on anything
for longer than a few seconds (except when his life is on
the line) makes him almost useless in society. This also
makes him a source of great infuriation to the street professionals who work with him. However, the corporate
execs who have no knowledge of such activities think
his disorder makes him ideal; somehow they believe if he
cannot concentrate, he cant remember anything. And amnesia is a popular trait in certain corporate circles. Which
in the case of Memorex, clearly isnt true. Even before his
bioware enhancement, he had a powerful memory.
And he remembers a lot about a great many people...
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 2
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 5

Sebastian Wiers


Aliases: Ced]ee[i!P_f]kd
Residence: 9^_YW]e!K97I
Height: ($'c
Weight: .*a]
Eyes: ]h[[d
Hair: bbWYa
Distinguishing Features:kd[l[dia_dYebeh\hecXkhd
Birthdate: @WdkWho'!(&)'
Birthplace: kdademd!9^_YW]e5
Psychological Profile:^of[hWYj_l[!WffWh[djboijWXb[
Known Allergies:i_bl[h!i[l[h[
8WYa]hekdZ0 Martin OCoowat was born to an unknown
prostitute and spent most of his formative years bouncing
between various pimps, clients, and street gangs his
mother worked for or had contacts with. It appears that he
had two siblings, a younger sister (deceased) and an older
brother (whereabouts unknown).
OCoowat apparently faced a great deal of discrimination as a child, both from being an elf and from being an
illegitimate child of a prostitute. This may have led to his
later joining the Ancients and being pro-seperation (an
attitude he has since distanced himself from). While a child
on the streets, OCoowat learned petty crime and streetfighting.
Upon his mothers death (approximately 2048) he joined
the Ancients street gang and soon showed a talent for
bodyguarding. After several years OCoowat left the Ancients on good terms and began shadowrunning (exact year
unknown) under the handle Mongoose.
He is currently believed to be working with the Lancers, a smuggling ring based out of Chicago. Intelligence is
insufficient to indicate whether or not OCoowat or the
Lancers are involved with smuggling in the Chicago Containment Zone.
Ia_bbi0 Mongoose is a capable street samurai. Physically, he
is strong and extremely quick, making him a valuable asset
for almost any contract. However, he does rely heavily on
chipped skills, which does make his overall utility questionable.
>>>>>[You must have the wiring in your mind before you go out and get
wired in the body. All the cybernetics in the world mean nothing if you dont
know how to use it.]<<<<<
Whistle Stop (12:09:43/2-7-57)
>>>>>[Who gave you the right to lecture? Huh? You think youre so bad,
then0.9Mp deleted by Sysop]<<<<<
Charmer (14:11:24/2-7-57)
>>>>>[Mongoose is incredibly fast. And hyper (must be a suprathyroid),
which is mondo weird when you realize this speedfreak is as calm as
Page 29

Duvel Dunkel (17:46:35/2-7-57)

Body: 6(7)
Quickness: 7(11)
Strength: 5(9)
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 6
Essence: 0
Body Index: 1.1
Initiative: 16+4D6
Skillwire Plus (3)
Softlink (3)
Wired Reflexes (3)
Enhanced Articulation
Muscle Augmentation (3)
Platelet Factory
Reflex Recorder (Stealth,
Suprathyroid Gland

Armed Combat: 5(6)
Firearms: 6(7)
Stealth (Urban): 5(7)
Athletics: 5
Biotech (First Aid): 5
Computer: 4
Electronics: 3
Etiquette (Aztechnology): 5
Etiquette (Corporate): 3
Magical Theory: 2
Science (General): 2
Unarmed Combat: 3
Japanese: 3
Spanish: 6
Sperethiel: 4
Zulu: 3
Mongoose tends to favor nonlethal weapons such as the YaPulsar or a Net Gun.
Armor Jacket (5/3)
Forearm Guards
Gaz-Niki White Eagle Motorcycle
Ingram Smartgun
Remington Roomsweeper

Dej[i0 Mongoose is the sort of fighter who prefers to stop

fights rather than start them, which is part of the reason he
will often load gel rounds into his firearms. He isnt afraid
to break out the APDS however.
Mongoose does have several contacts within the Containment Zone, including at least one ghoul. This, combined with his earlier attitudes towards elven seperation
have made him enemies within Chicago Humanis and the
so-called Purity League.
Mongoose has good contacts through all levels of society. When his chrome becomes obsolete or he loses his
edge, he might make a very good fixer.
8bWYacWha[jHWj_d]0 7
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 4

Page 30

Jani Fikouras


Aliases: ded[
Sex: CWb[
Height: '$/c
Weight: ,+a]
Hair: kdademdjof_YWbbocWia[Z
Distinguishing Features: h[Z[o[i!WbX_dejof_YWbbo
Birthdate: kdademd
Birthplace: kdademd!X[b_[l[ZjeX[iec[m^[h[_d
Psychological Profile: Wd[bl[dhWY_ij!^_]^h[b_WdY[ed
Known Allergies:ikdb_]^j!i[l[h[
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 Myrtin is allegedly dead, but there are persistent rumors that he is indeed alive. Background on Myrtin, as is usual for shadowrunners, is somewhat vague. In
this case however we believe he is being protected by
elements within the Tir Tairngire government.
Myrtin was raised in Tir Tairngire, and it is believed that
he attended one of the state magical academies from the
age of 7 until age 18. It is known that he then attended the
University of Portland, where he gained a Bachelors degree
in Applied Thaumaturgy and in Elven History. Strangely, the
graduation date has been omitted. It is believed that during
his time at the University he was heavily involved with
various elven student groups, possibly including the Young
Elven Technologists. It is then believed that after graduation
Myrtin was sent to Seattle as a delegate for one of the
unnamed student groups, where he then allegedly had an
incident with Lone Star involving a racial homicide. It was
apparently this incident that drove him to stay in Seattle,
fighting what he saw as injustices against the obviously
superior elven race.
At this point, there are no details, only rumors. During
the last several years, it is believed that he has run with a
group calling themselves Fallen Angels. It is also believed
that he helped found a magical group called the Circle of
Power. Sources also indicate that somewhere during this
time, Myrtin spent two years constructing a powerful magical artifact. The Fallen Angels and the Circle of Power
is rumored to have spent this time guarding Myrtin. It is
believed that this artifact was later destroyed, allegedly by
a female dragon. This is where Myrtin claims he acquired
his limp.
As noted, Myrtin is an albino, with strange red eyes.
Due to his disturbing appearance, he prefers to use magic
to mask his appearance most of the time.
Ia_bbi0 Peregrine Myrtin is a dangerous individual. This is
more because of his connections within Tir Tairngire than
because of his magical prowess. He is a powerful mage,
but lacks any kind of physical prowess, thus limiting some

of his usefulness. Despite this, he is not to be underestimated.
>>>>>[Persistent rumors my hoop. Myrtin and the other Fallen Angels got
killed going up against an Insect Hive. THEY ARE DEAD!!! Just deal with
Ol Yeller (16:29:45/12-29-55)
>>>>>[Yeah, well OlYeller is dead!! Why cant you just deal with it
Bandit (12:19:05/12-31-55)
>>>>>[You know, racists like Myrtin are just as bad as those Humanis
slags, maybe more so. Theres just something about those damn Tir racists
that just gets under my skin.]<<<<<
Samuel Adams (17:43:52/1-2-56)
>>>>>[Like you can really talk white-sheet. But I do have to admit that there
is something vaguely unsettling about racists like Myrtin. I dont know what
it is. Maybe its their aura of supreme confidence...like they know a whole
hell of a lot more than you do.]<<<<<
Black Hawk (22:54:53/1-6-56)

(bracelet imbedded in
right wrist)
Tres Chic Wardrobe
Dej[i0 Myrtin is a capable hermetic mage, but his true
potential lies with his extensive contacts within Tir
Tairngire. He knows a number of government officials, and
he even knows one of the Princes. It is in fact this Prince
that protects Myrtin from people prying too closely into his
affairs. Note however that Myrtin is an elven racist, and so
will protect the Tir with his life is necessary.
Myrtin has on call eight Force 10 elementals, two of
each type, each with one service, that he may call upon. He
is also a founder of the small, private Circle of Power
magical group. This group is dedicated to magical power
and luxury resources. In addition, as is obvious from the
above list of gear, the artifact Myrtin spent two years
working on was not destroyed.
J_hJW_hd]_h[?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 7

>>>>>[Just whatever you do, dont frag with him. If any of his Tir handlers
finds out, you may wake up one morning dead. I lost a good friend that
Red Tail (09:54:27/1-10-56)

Body: 5
Quickness: 5
Strength: 1
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 7
Willpower: 7
Reaction: 6
Essence: 6
Magic: 8(20)
Initiative: 6+1D6*
Threat/Professional: 7/4

Conjuring: 7
Firearms: 4
Magical Theory: 8
Sorcery: 9
Sperethiel: 7
Sperethiel Poetry: 7 [Centering]

Barrier: 8
Chaotic World: 7 EF
Control Thoughts: 8
Detect Enemies (Extended): 6 EF
* 6+4D6 with spell lock Fashion: 3 EF
Initiate Grade 2
Improved Invisibility: 8
Increase Reflexes +3D6: 3 EF
Levitate Object: 4 EF
Ares Viper Slivergun
Levitate Person: 4 EF
Expendable Fetishes
Light: 3
Detect Enemies (Ext.) Makeover: 8 EF
Manaball: 8 RF
Increase Reflexes +3D6
Physical Mask: 7
Ram: 7
Shadow: 3
Reusable Fetishes
Shapechange: 3
Chaotic World
Sterilize: 3 EF
Levitate Object
Treat: 8 RF
Levitate Person
Stacked Power Focus (12)/
Spell Lock with Barrier (8)/
Spell Lock with Improved
Invisibility (8)/ Spell Lock
with Increased Reflexes (3)
Page 31


Rin Parks


Name: CWn\_[bZB[^_d[dE8hWZW_]^
Aliases: G$I$Ib_Ya[
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diDeX_b_i
Residence: 7dZ[hied!9<I
Height: ($&.c
Weight: /'a]
Eyes: XbWYa
Hair: XbWYa
Distinguishing Features: _d\[Yj[Zm_j^Wfh[l_ekibok d"
Birthdate: X[b_[l[ZjeX[WjehWhekdZ(&'(
Birthplace: ?h[bWdZJ_hdWd]
Psychological Profile: kdademd
Known Allergies: ikdb_]^j!i[l[h[
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0Maxfield was born sometime shortly after the
Awakening in what was Ireland. Sometime after his birth
(exact time frame is unclear) his family moved to France.
His alcoholic father died in a drunken driving accident
when Maxfield was only 13. His mother later remarried, but
the family remained in poverty.
It is believed that very soon after the death of his father
Maxfield began to run wild on the streets of Paris, acting as
a prostitute (joyboy) for the WarfRatz street gang. After
several years of this, Maxfield was found by a wealthy Tir
Tairngire businessman, believed to be Maxfields uncle.
Maxfield was then moved to Astonia, Tir Tairngire. During
this time and the several years at the University of Washington he acquired the reputation of being an extreme
party animal and in general of being a troublemaker.
Seattle Police Department records exist to show that during
his time at UW he was arrested numerous times for prostitution. After being kicked out of UW for misconduct and
poor grades he stayed in Seattle as a professional escort
and was arrested for prostitution several more times.
Somewhere during this Maxfield began shadowrunning
with MercurIan (mage, believed to be a cousin) and
$ilverado (Australian mercenary), and gave up prostitution.
Maxfield has settled in Anderson, CalFree, where he
operates the Hinton house, an orphanage which some
claim to be a front for a Seoulpa ring style criminal organization. This is mere speculation however, and Maxfield is a
well respected member of the Anderson community.
Maxfield became infected with the Human-MetaHuman
Vampiric Virus (HMHVV) approximately twelve years ago. It
is believed that Maxfield does not take unwilling victims,
and there is strong evidence that he is registered with the
CFS authorities. However, given the Nobilis tendency towards becoming Banshees when infected by HMHVV, it
is unclear as to the exact nature of Maxfield. There is the
possibility that he is a heretofore never seen species of
Banshee. The possibility also exists that he has been infected with mutant or variant HMHVV. Given the lack of
reliable facts, either solution is equally as likely.

Page 32

Ia_bbi0 It is unclear as to how Q.S. Slicke could be utilized

most effectively. He is a proficient mage, and he has demonstrated a high level of proficiency in mundane combat
skills. As a vampire he also has unique skills not available
to the average shadowrunner. He would be a powerful
addition to any team. However, his vampirism could be a
great liability. Many shadowrunners would be very fearful
and cautious of a vampire, and there exists dedicated vampire hunters such as Martin DeVries. Therefore, Q.S. Slicke
cannot be recommended for any operation. It is suggested
that others, such as Daishi, Reaver, Shadowdancer, or the
Whistler be hired instead.
>>>>>[GODDAMN RIGHT!!!! There is NO way on Gods green earth that I
would work with a fraggin vampire! No fraggin way!]<<<<<
Grenzquell (09:48:24/12-30-55)
>>>>>[Wow! Chiller out chummer! Actually, Slicke isnt that bad. He survives mainly on blood from blood banks, and selected willing victims. So
you actually could work with him without wearing garlic and wielding silver
crosses and holy water.]<<<<<
33 (14:03:46/1-2-56)
>>>>>[That may be the case, but there is something distinctly evil about
Slicke. I dont know what it is, I cant put my finger on it, but he is just
Warsteiner (21:55:41/1-5-56)
>>>>>[Okay, whatever. What I really want to know is how an elf, a Nobilis,
became a vampire (Sanguisaga Europa) when infected with the HMHVV,
instead of a banshee (Noxplorator Letalis). It goes against almost everything we know about the retrovirus. Obviously some other mechanism is in
effect with Maxfield OBradaigh, and hes not willing to be tested.]<<<<<
Wicked Pete (17:00:02/1-8-56)

Body: 5
Quickness: 9
Strength: 4+essence
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 5
Reaction: 7
Body Index: 2
Essence: variable
Magic: 6+essence
Initiative: 8 +3D6
Threat/Professional: 8/4

Armed Combat: 10
Bike: 5
Boat: 5
Business Administration: 5
Car: 5
Conjuring: 8
Demolitions: 4
Etiquette (Corporate): 6
Etiquette (Street): 8
Firearms: 8
Interrogation (Verbal): 3
Magical Theory: 7
Projectile Weapons: 5
Grade 6 Initiate
Psychology (Child): 5
Psychology (Criminal): 3
Sorcery: 10
Special Skill (Antiques): 4
Stealth: 8
Retractable Hand Razors Swimming: 6
Thrown Weapons: 5
Unarmed Combat: 12
Synaptic Accelerator (2) Dutch: 3
Trauma Damper
French: 8
German: 5
Irish Gaelic: 5
(None are listed, but
Japanese: 5
remember that Slicke is a
Latin: 4

vampire, and has all the Sperethiel: 9
powers thereof. If
you need him to have a
spell, he has it.)

Scott Harders <YUBM21a@prodigy.com>

(Anything short of military grade gear.)
Dej[i0Q.S. Slicke, MercurIan, and $ilverado are all related
to the Lady Brane Deigh, but from the black sheep side of
the family.
Slicke was infected by a vampire named Siren, who
Slicke later destroyed. He does only feed from a blood
bank and from willing and well informed volunteers.
Slickes orphanage is in fact a front for a Seoulpa ring
style criminal organization. However, no one in the town of
Anderson knows about this.

Name: CWh^Wkbj;biZhW]ed
Metaspecies/Race: D[]he_Z>eceIWf_[diDeX_b_i
Residence: JWh_ibWh!I[Wjjb[!K97I
Weight: kdademd
Eyes: H[Z
Hair: I_bl[h
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Birthdate:kdademd!(&(Birthplace: kdademd!feii_XboJ_hdWd]
Psychological Profile:\WdWj_YWbbobeoWbjeXej^J_hdW
Known Allergies: ded[
Lifestyle: >_]^
8WYa]hekdZ0There is very little factual information regarding Reaver, which leads us to believe that either the Tir na
ng government is covering something, or he is not who
he claims to be. Either solution appears equally likely.
Those who know Reaver report that at one time he was
involved in a secret Tir na ng organization, possibly a spy
or a covert operative. While on an assignment in England,
apparently his mission and his cover were blown. He was
then secretly smuggled to Seattle, UCAS with a shipment of
computer parts and hardware slated for the then new Tir
na ng embassy. From there, he quickly set up operations
in the Tarislar section of the Puyallup Barrens in Seattle. He
controls what could be called a gang, or a vigilante force,
called the Taigan Rangers. Working with this gang and
other local residents he has been working to clean up and
green up Tarislar. They have succeeded to a moderate
degree. It is also rumored that a great spirit of some kind
now helps protect the borders of Tarislar.
Reaver also owns a medium sized club/bar within
Tarislar, named the Underdark. This club has become
popular in recent months with rich elven businessmen who
wish to go slumming. Only Tarislar citizens may work
there, and a portion of the profits go directly back into the
community. Due to Reavers efforts he commands a great
deal of respect within the Tarislar community.
Ia_bbi0 Reaver is a highly capable mage and as proficient in
arms as some street samurai. He is a known initiate, and he
has a large amount of cyberware. He also has a fair amount
of skill in decking. However, he currently has no cyberdeck.
>>>>>[Despite his alleged affiliations with Tir na n g, Reaver is one of the
few genuine nice guys running the shadows. I mean, this guy actually
believes in helping people! Just look at what hes done in Tarislar!]<<<<<
Kinnikinick (12:43:18/12-29-55)
>>>>>[If you honestly believe that, then I have a piece of swampland down
in Florida that Id like to sell you. Reaver is a professional. The only difference is that he has a public moral code.]<<<<<
the Whistler (16:24:33/1-9-56)

Page 33

>>>>>[I just want to know what the frag kind of spirit he has guarding
Tarislar. I didnt exactly stick around long enough to get a close look, but it
looked big and it looked nasty.]<<<<<
Nagoma Awooyo (13:28:53/1-10-56)
>>>>>[Relax Whistler. You may run with him and know the guy better than
most of us, and you might be right, but even still, be nice to Kinni.]<<<<<
St. Stan (18:34:44/1-15-56)

Body: 6 [10]
Quickness: 7 [9]
Strength: 6 [8]
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 8(10)
Willpower: 6 [8]
Reaction: 7
Body Index: .6
Essence: 1.21
Magic: 7
Initiative: 10+1D6*
Threat/Professional: 8/4

Armed Combat: 2(3)
Armed Combat (Edged): 5(6)
Armed Combat B/R: 1
Athletics: 5(6)
Biology: 2
Biotech: 6
Biotech (First Aid): 10
Calculus: 7 [Centering]
Computer: 6
Comuter B/R: 4
Computer Theory: 2
Conjuring: 6
Demolitions (Plastic Explosives): 1
[ ] denotes quickening Electronics: 6
* 13+4D6 with quickening
Enchanting: 5
Initiate Grade 6
Etiquette (Corporate): 3
Etiquette (Street): 3
Firearms: 5(6)
Armor: 4
Gunnery (Machine Guns): 2(3)
Blade Barrier: 7
Magical Theory: 5
Combat Sense: 6
Military Theory: 2
Cure D Disease: 4
Negotiation: 2
Fireball: 6
Physical Sciences: 3
Heal: 7
Projectile Weapons (Bow): 3(4)
Improved Invisibility: 6 Sorcery: 7
Increased Initiative +3: 5 Stealth: 3(4)
Increased Reaction +3D6:5
Throwing Weapons: 2(3)
Increased Willpower +2: 6
Unarmed Combat (NinJitsu): 3(4)
Levitate Item: 5
Arabic: 3
Mana Blast: 5
Cherokee: 3
Personal Bullet Barrier: 8 Sperethiel: 3
Personal Combat Sense: 6
Summerian: 3
Physical Mask: 4
Shapechange: 6
Sleep: 5
Treat: 4
(all Beta-grade)
Video Link
Datajack (3)
Display Link
Encephalon (3)
FIFF memory (75 Mp)
Skillwire Plus (3)
Smartlink II
Softlink (2)
SPU: I/O (4)
SPU: Math (4)
Page 34

Enhanced Articulation
Ares HVAR (customized,
smartlink II)
Light Military Armor (dikoted,
full electronics suite, Enviro2x MGL-6 Grenade Launcher
Spell Lock with Bullet Barrier (6)
Spell Lock with Bullet Barrier (7)
Spell Lock with Bullet Barrier (8)
Walther PB-120 (smartlink II, fires

Weapon Focus (5) [katana]

Dej[i0Marhault Elsdragon, a.k.a. Reaver, really is someone
else, someone who was forced to disappear. He isnt really
actually an elf, but actually a human, named Delivan Harders (a.k.a. Paladin), former executive for arms manufacturer
Novastar, Inc. However, there is NO way that the players
will ever learn this, so for all intents and purposes, he is
the elf Reaver.
Regardless of who he really is, he has a undying loyalty
to both Tir na ng and Duchess Glendower of Wales. He
will only sacrifice his life for those causes. He also never
speaks about those causes, so it is unlikely that players
will be able to take advantage of them.
Reaver is the classic good guy, and will aid those
who require help, as long as they have noble ambitions
themselves. He will not help someone just for money, and
he has been known to take on runs for no money at all, if
it was noble enough.
Reaver currently runs with Daishi, Spellslinger, and the



Erik Jameson


Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Distinguishing Features:ded[
Psychological Profile:kdademd$>Wi[l_Z[dY[Zfeii _"
Known Allergies: ded[
8WYa]hekdZ0 Johnny Rotten grew up on the streets of the
Redmond Barrens in Seattle. Being very thin he was often
picked on by most of the other, larger children. The only
way he was able to survive was by making deals. He had a
talent for not only finding wanted items, but also for getting the best prices on them. Little else is known about
Rotten, save the fact that he has a long-standing freelance
relationship with Fuchi Seattle.
Johnny Rotten is a thoroughly disagreeable man, often
wearing torn and tattered clothes and purposefully not
bathing for days on end before a business meeting. He has
never given an answer for his behavior, but it is assumed
that he delights in offending people, especially corporate
Ia_bbi0 It is believed that Rotten has very little, if any, combat abilities. However, he has a distinct talent for acquiring
goods, regardless of their legality or rarity.

Body: 3
Quickness: 2
Strength: 2
Charisma: 1/6
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 5
Reaction: 4
Essence: 4.3
Initiative: 4 +1d6
Threat/Professional: 2/2

Armed Combat: 1
Etiquette (Corporate): 7
Etiquette (Street): 11
Firearms: 3
Negotiation: 12
Stealth: 3
Unarmed Combat: 2

(Rotten rarely carries his merchandise with him, and what
is listed are merely his favorites)
Ares Predator (customized, laser sight, APDS)
Armored Leather Duster (4/2)
Pocket Secretary
Dej[i0 Rottens Charisma is dreadful. He however, is persuasive, and has a certain aura about him. Depending on
the situation, use either the higher or lower number as his
Charisma. While Negotiating, use the higher number. In
other Social situations (picking up on women), use the
lower number.
Need an item, or need someone new to hire the PCs?
Rotten is your man if you are also looking for someone
who is incredibly obnoxious.

>>>>>[He he. This guy is great. Not only can he get almost anything you
could want, but he loves to annoy those corp types. Seeing their faces is
worth the price of admission.]<<<<<
Steelhead (17:01:53/12-30-55)
>>>>>[Yeah, well I just wish he would learn to bath more often. Sometimes
I think he goes out and looks for foul stenches to roll in.]<<<<<
Okie Girl (06:37:44/1-7-56)
>>>>>[The best place to find him is at the Neon Blue Iguana, a small
modern jazz club Downtown that is a favorite of corp-types, especially Fuchi
suits and the runner called the Whistler. Great club, but I have no clue as
to why they even let Rotten in the door. They even have a special booth
reserved for him.]<<<<<
Albert Damn (12:44:43/1-10-56)

Page 35




Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Hair: XbWYa
Distinguishing Features:[njh[c[bofWb[!WbceijWbX_de
Birthplace: kdademd!97I
Psychological Profile: WcehWbWdZhkj^b[ii!feii_Xbo
Known Allergies:ded[
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 As with many shadowrunners, facts are difficult to come by. However, what complicates the situation is
that there a great number of conflicting rumors about
Shadowdancer. First we shall start with what is known.
A Daniel Rawlings was an infantry soldier in the Confederate American States for an unspecified period of time
before going AWOL. He is still wanted by the CAS Army.
He has performed extractions of top-level cybernetics
scientist from both Renraku and Yamatetsu. It is an extremely high possibility that from those extractions he received custom cyberware. It is also believed that he has
worked as a freelancer in conjunction with top level Tir na
ng covert operations and assassinations teams. It is also
believed that he is primarily fixing now, having semi-retired
from shadowrunning.
Aside from these facts and partially substantiated rumors, very little is certain. Some claim that he is actually a
vampire, perhaps even the vampire that infected Martin
DeVries, the vampire hunter. Others claim that he is a front
man of sorts for either Renraku or Yamatetsu. Some have
even claimed that Shadowdancer is actually a physical
adept or an android. None of these rumors have been substantiated in any way, and so it is assumed that they are
just misinformation.
Ia_bbi0 Shadowdancers main talents lie in the area of combat. He is also highly proficient in all areas of warfare. He
is also a very good fixer, but it may be easier to go through
Johnny Rotten or Freddy Frypp. However, if none of these
individuals are available, then Shadowdancer will be more
than adequate.
>>>>>[Bad things man, bad things. I have nightmares about Shadowdancer. Hell kill you if you even look at him funny!]<<<<<
the Ref (04:09:33/12-26-55)
>>>>>[Whoa there! Relax chummer. Shadowdancer is a bad customer, but
he aint that bad. Just hope that hes on your side, or better yet, pray that he
doesnt even know you exist.]<<<<<
Bad Brown Bear (21:42:12/1-4-56)

>>>>>[Yeah, well, as long as you keep your garlic and a wooden stake with
you, your fine. Hes a fraggin vampire. and I have proof!]<<<<<
the First Horseman (23:59:26/1-6-56)

Body: 9(12)
Armed Combat: 10(11)
Quickness: 8(13)
Athletics: 7(8)
Strength: 8(13)
Bike: 3
Charisma: 7(9)
Biotech (First Aid): 4
Intelligence: 9(11)
Car: 4
Willpower: 8
Demolition (Plastique, C12): 8
Reaction: 8(20)
Electronics: 8
Body Index: 9
Electronics B/R: 8
Essence: .04
Etiquette (Corporate): 10
Initiative: 20 +4d6
Etiquette (Street): 8
Threat/Professional: 12/4 Firearms: 12(13)
Gunnery: 7(8)
Interrogation: 7
(all Delta-grade)
Military Theory (Small Unit
Tactics): 9
Negotiation: 9
Stealth: 12(13)
High Frequency
Throwing Weapons: 8(9)
Low Frequency
Unarmed Combat (Tae
Kwon Do): 10(11)
Flare Compensation Japanese: 10
Sperethiel: 10
Optical Mag. (3)
Cerebral Booster (2)
Datajack (1)
Enhanced Articulation
Memory (100 Mp)
Muscle Augmentation (4)
Olfactory Booster (6)
Orthoskin (3)
Orientation System
Pathogenic Defense (8) (4)
Retractable Spur (dikoted)
Suprathyroid Gland
Smartlink II
Tailored Pheromones (2)
SPU: Data Management(4)Toxin Exctrator (8) (4)
Tactical Computer (2)
(Max Targets: 13, 20 dice)
Titanium Bone Lacing
(Can acquire almost anything, but some favorites are listed
Ares Predator II (customized, smartlink II)
AUG-CSL weapon system (smartlink II)
DocWagon Contract (Platinum)
Form Fitting Body Armor lvl 3 (4/1)
Katana (dikoted)
Panther Assault Cannon
Extra clips of APDS for all weapons
Dej[i0 While Reaver may be the typical nice-guy, Shadowdancer is the complete opposite. He is very cold and
ruthless, and is only interested in himself.
None of the rumors are true about Shadowdancer. He is
not a vampire, despite the fact he has very pale skin and
cannot tan.
Shadowdancer is not to be messed with. He is a very
nasty fragger, and will kill without any thought or compunction.

Page 36


The GREAT Cornholio


Aliases: If[bbib_d][h
Metaspecies/Race: Ced]ebe_ZDWlW`e>eceIWf_[di
Height: '$--c
Weight: ,.a]
Eyes: Xhemd
Hair: XbWYa
Distinguishing Features: ded[
Psychological Profile: kdYb[Wh1Wff[WhijeX[dec_dWbbo
Known Allergies:ded[
Lifestyle: C_ZZb[
8WYa]hekdZ0Aurthur Bright Morning is a true oddity in the
shadows, in that he is known to have his original System
Identification Number. In fact, he is comparatively open
about who he is.
It is known that Bright Morning served as an officer in
the Pueblo Corporate Councils Security Force, but it is not
believed that he was part of any elite force (such as the
Sioux Wildcats), or was even part of an all-magic unit. For
reasons that remain unclear, after several years of service,
Bright Morning resigned his commission and moved to
Seattle. There are no records of any disciplinary action, or
any concrete reasons as to why Bright Morning would
abruptly quit.
Once in Seattle, Bright Morning quickly began running
the shadows with several of the Seattle elite, being Mad
Cat (now Daishi, see pg. xx), the deceased mage Paladin,
the deceased combat mage Doom, the mage Darkwolf, and
the mercenary Facet. He is now known to associate with
Daishi, Reaver, and the Whistler. The other associates,
Darkwolf and Facet, are missing and believed dead.
The other element that separates Bright Morning from
other shadowrunners is that he is a graduate student at the
University of Seattle, in the Thaumaturgy department. He is
also a graduate teaching assistant for a 100 level class
every semester. Bright Morning has written several well
respected papers on the nature of magic, the latest being a
treatise on the nature of metamagical initiation. He is also
known to have designed over a dozen new spells, almost
all of which are non-lethal.
Bright Morning commands respect from other shadowrunners, and from corporations and law enforcement
agencies. It is our opinion that a shadowrunner such as
Archangel or Shadowdancer would not be allowed to live
as openly as does Bright Morning, and it is further our
belief that this is because of his non-lethal methods.
Ia_bbi0 Bright Morning, Spellslinger, is often not considered
to be as capable a combat mage as the Whistler. It is true
that Spellslinger is not as proficient in mundane combat,
but is at least his equal in the magical arts. Spellslinger
almost specializes in non-lethal combat spells, and often
Page 37

achieves admirable results. Spellslinger is a very capable
mage, is very professional, and can be recommended for
any job.
>>>>>[What a fraggin geek!! He actually stays home on school nights, and
I almost never see him at any of the hot spots! I mean, what is life in the
shadows if you arent out there partying!]<<<<<
Yuengling (00:19:26/12-29-55)
>>>>>[Stupid little fragger. You dont even have a very good fake ID, but
thats got nothing to do with Spellslinger. He and those he runs with (mostly
just Daishi and the Whistler anymore) are almost all 30 or over, and you
dont get to be that old in this business without being very good. And Spellslinger gets away with a lot, like being a graduate student, because he is
not only very good, but he also very rarely kills. In other words, he hasnt
given anyone a real reason to get pissed off about him.]<<<<<
P. Urquell (12:25:03/1-4-56)
>>>>>[And that ally spirit of his, Bjork, I hear she makes a mean burger
(and those fries!!!!), among other exquisite edibles!]<<<<<
Fischer (14:36:12/1-7-56)
>>>>>[This probably doesnt mean anything to anyone else, but Spellslinger is one of the few individuals I can truly trust. I am proud to call him
my friend, even if he does study too damn much. I mean, he was writing a
paper on the way to South America when we went down there for a run
back in September, instead of prepping for the mission.]<<<<<
the Whistler (18:15:12/1-9-56)

Body: 5 [9]
Quickness: 6 [10]
Strength: 4 [8]
Charisma: 6 [10]
Intelligence: 6 [10]
Willpower: 6 [10]
Essence: 5
Magic: 11
Initiative: 6+1D6*
Threat/Professional: 9/4

Archeology: 5
Armed Combat: 5
Bike: 1
Conjuring: 7
Etiquette (Tribal): 4
Firearms: 4
Magical Theory: 7
Sorcery: 7
Special Skill (Magical Instruction):
Special Skill (Navajo Tribal Chant):

Throwing Weapons: 2
[ ] denotes locks or
* 14+4D6 with quickening Force: 6
Initiate Grade 5
Body: 7
Quickness: 3
Strength: 3
Acid Stream: 4
Charisma: 4
Coma: 9
Intelligence: 9
Energy Torpedo: x
Willpower: 10
Fire Missile: 4
Improved Invisibility: 4
Sorcery: 6
Increase Attributes +4
(for all attributes): 1
Manabolt: 5
Increase Initiative +3d6: 5 Stun Bomb: 5
Increase Reaction +4: 1
Treat: 5
Lock Guard: 5
Mana Bolt: 9
3D Movement
Personal Gravity
Immunity to Normal Weapons
Restriction (Fly): 6
Physical Mask: 4
Page 38

Powerbolt: 9
Spell Barrier: 4
Spirit Bolt: 5
Spirit Hose: 8
[rarely used]
Stun Relief: 5
TAG: 4
Transposition: 5
Treat: 5

Telepathic Link
2x Colt Manhunter (laser sight)
Combat Spell Focus (3)
Fire Elemental Focus (8)
Light Security Armor (7/6)
Power Focus (6)
Weapon Focus (2) [knife]
Weapon Focus (sword, sentient)

Personal Grav. Restriction Increase Attributes +1 [all] (1)
Improved Invisibility
Increase Reaction +4 (1)
Increase Initiative +3d6 Increase Initiative +3D6 (8)
Physical Mask
Dej[i0Spellslinger, most of the time, is a nice enough guy.
He prefers to knock opponents out rather than killing
them, and he doesnt have the attitude that many other
shadowrunners have. He also tends to be somewhat studious, and he has an understanding of magical theory unlike
many others. He may not know as much asArthur Garrett or
other famous theoriticians, but he understands theories
The weapon focus Killishandra is something of an
enigma. It appears to be an ally trapped in a sword-like
form. It also seems to be a spirit from the Fourth Age. Exact
stats can be developed by the individual GM, but one thing
that should stay the same: Killishandra drains essence.


Paul Mageck Buchanan


Name: I[dhW<_d[h[Wb
Aliases: IJH;;JMEB<
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diDeX_b_i
Residence: I[Wjjb[
Height: ($'&c
Weight: /&a]
Eyes: XbedZ!kikWbbobed]
Hair: ]h[[d
Distinguishing Features: ^Wih[jhWYjWXb[YoX[h\Wd]i
Birthdate: 7fh_b'!(&)(
Birthplace: J_hdWd]
Psychological Profile: ikX`[Yj^Wi[n^_X_j[Ziocfjeci
el[hYed\_Z[dY[$7bieademdjeZ_ih[]WhZeXl _"
Known Allergies: ikdb_]^j!dk_iWdY[
Lifestyle: C_ZZb[
8WYa]hekdZ0The use of STREETWOLF is questionable, given
his apparent deep psychosis. He is a capable combat
mage, however, he may not be wholly reliable.
Senra Finereals parents are some of the few humans
that were allowed to stay in Tir na ng, apparently because
of their value to an unnamed Tir na ng corporation. His
parents have provided for his education at the University of
Seattle, his apartment, and the Rapier motorcycle that he
still rides. The relationship with his parents appears to be
somewhat strained, as he often refuses the gifts that they
send him. Further details are unavailable.
The events at the University of Seattle appear to have
greatly shaped how he is today, and perhaps are the cause
for his psychosis, as he was allowed a very normal childhood within the Tir, despite his obvious magical prowess.
The first traumatic experience for Senra was the rough
integration into Seattle society, and the university life. He
knew very little English, and he still speaks with a somewhat thick accent. After the first semester however, the
Thaumaturgy department latched onto the elven exchange
student. During the next several years, he was asked, as an
undergraduate, to take part in studies and experiments
normally reserved for graduate students only. This experience in and of itself appears to have had minimal longterm impact on Senra.
During the first several years at the University of Seattle,
Senra was paired with an English tutor, an English graduate
student named Marissa Luiego. During this time the two
became romantically involved. The name Marissa Luiego
may be somewhat familiar, as she was raped and murdered on November 12, 2052 (Senras junior year). Official
campus security records indicate that the officer in charge,
one David Wilkins, believed that the alarm that went out
was merely part of a fraternity prank, and ordered the security officers not to respond. The subsequent scandal and
investigation caused Wilkins to lose his job, and it is believed that this is what led him to kill three people before
being gunned down by Lone Star in a Stuffer Shack.

It is believed that it was at this point, the rape and

murder of his girlfriend, that Senra began to have deep
psychological difficulties. He has never sought counseling,
instead slowly retreating from all social activities, including
eventually the special projects given to him by the Thaumaturgy department.
It is believed that somewhere after this point Senra became STREETWOLF. He is known to have rescued several
women from attackers, including most notably Melissa
ONeal, secretary for an unnamed Mitsuhama Seattle vicepresident.
As an other item of note, it appears that STREETWOLF is
the cousin of THE Nexus, on his mothers side. It is not
known if they remain in contact with each other.
Ia_bbi0STREETWOLF is a capable combat mage, with a definite affinity for fire-based spells. However, as noted above,
STREETWOLF is considered by most to be unstable, with a
great deal of past emotional baggage that could endanger assignments.
>>>>>[Fraggers got more than just one screw loose. I mean, I could understand a deep depression, or becoming an alcoholic if you lost a fianc . But
to become totally unhinged? Something else is going on here, and I doubt
STREETWOLF has a clue as to what that is.]<<<<<
Eldridge Pope (12:54:52/12-31-55)
>>>>>[I think youre right. But I think that Counselor and Co. are little harsh
on him. Yea, hes out to lunch and forgot his wallet at home, but hes never
put a run in danger that I know of. He might be loony, but hes still professional.]<<<<<
MacAndrews (09:56:28/1-6-56)

Body: 4 [9]
Quickness: 6
Strength: 5
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 6 [10]
Reaction: 6 [10]
Essence: 5.75
Magic: 9
Initiative: 6+1D6
Threat/Professional: 5/4

Armed Combat: 4 (7)
Bike: 4
Conjuring: 5
Firearms: 5
Magical Theory: 8
Singing: 5 [Centering]
Sorcery: 8
Stealth: 5
English: 4
Irish Gaelic: 6
Sperethiel: 8

[ ] denotes spell locks

* 10+4D6 with spell lock
Initiate Grade 4
Electronic Mag. (3)
Flare compensation
Retractable Cyberfangs (mostly cosmetic)
Armor: 4
Detect Life: 2
Flamethrower: 8
Heal: 6
Improved Invisibility: 4

Ares Viper (smartlink, fires
Armor Jacket (5/3)
DocWagon Contract (Platinum)
Pocket Secretary
Page 39

Increase Initiative +3D6: 2
Power Focus (3)
Increase Reaction +4: 2 Smart goggles (fashioned as
Increase Willpower +4: 2
Levitate Person: 4
Spell Lock: Armor (4)
Manabolt: 6
Spell Lock: Increase Initiative
Power Ball: 8
+3D6 (2)
Treat: 4
Spell Lock: Increase Reaction +4
Spell Lock: Increase Willpower
+4 (2)
Weapon Focus (3) [Short Sword]
Wrist Phone
Uzi III (smart, flechette rounds)
Yamaha Rapier
Dej[i0 STREETWOLF, while capable, is a disturbed individual. He doesnt talk to himself, or to aliens, but at least for
now, he is psychotic. He is still in a state of shock from the
death of Marissa, his girlfriend and soon to be fianc. He is
withdrawn and often overconfident, but manages to survive.

Page 40

Rin Parks (GungaDon@aol.com)

Name: I[Wd"9kbb[dE]E8h[Yed
Aliases: J>;D[nki!D[n!A[hhWd;bZh_jY^E9eddeh
Sex: cWb[
Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diDeX_b_i
Residence: I[Wjjb[!K97IWdZ7dZ[hied9<I
Height: ($&&c
Weight: ''*a]
Eyes: ]h[[d
Hair: Xkh]kdZo"XbWYa
Distinguishing Features: dkc[hekiiYWhi![nj[di_l[
Birthdate: CWhY^(+!(&)(
Birthplace: Kbij[h!J_hdWd]
Psychological Profile: kdademd!feii_Xb[iY^_pef^h[d_Y
Known Allergies: ikdb_]^j!c_bZ
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 THE Nexus is considered to be mentally insane, and has not been seen or heard from since August,
2055. However, he is included here in this compilation
because he has been a major player for a number of years
and it is believed that he is still alive. He is also included
because there are a great deal of questions surrounding
the exact nature of THE Nexus.
Sean-Cullen Og OBrecon was born to Allen Sean Og
OBrecon and Tara Anne Silversong three months premature. However, later secret tests indicate that Allen is not
his father, and Tara Anne may not be his mother, but perhaps a relative. It is not believed that Sean-Cullen has any
knowledge of this.
Sean-Cullen was a small and sickly child who was often
abused and picked-on by other children. It is thought that
he began to demonstrate his prowess as a physical adept
as young as three years old. However, he has never received any formal training.
During 2038 the Og OBrecon family moved to Chicago.
Sean-Cullen quickly became friends with the Frankie
Badilano, the nine-year-old daughter of Frank Badilano the
right hand man of Don James OToole. The fall of the IBM
Towers on Feb. 10, 2039, forced the family to move and
caused them to lose their jobs. Badilano then got both
Allen and Tara new jobs and assisted in finding a new
By the age of ten, Sean-Cullens abilities had caught the
eye of Don OToole and began running errands for the
Mafia. He also began to learn burglary and how to pickpocket. At the onset of puberty, at age twelve, Sean-Cullen
began to really fill out and began to run BTL chips. At this
time he also caught the eye of Daniel Truman, of Truman
Technologies and was recruited for the urban brawl team,
The Sensations. He played for the team, playing a variety of
positions, and began to act as an enforcer and an assassin
for the Mafia.
Shortly after his sixteenth birthday, the Og OBrecon
family was brutally murdered. His father, mother, and six-

year-old brother, Jamie Allen, were killed by a group of
orks and trolls. Sean-Cullen was nearly killed, and it is
believed that he still bears the scars. His sister, Holly, survived but is believed to be in the psychiatric ward of the
exclusive Lake Wilderness Clinic. The attack cost SeanCullen both of his natural eyes, and possibly his sanity.
Certain evidence indicates that the attack was not random,
but hired hit. It is not known who hired the killers, but
evidence leads to Tir na ng.
After a long stay in the hospital, Sean-Cullen was sent
to Seattle by Don OToole, where he quickly fell in with the
Ancients street gang. Eventually he made his way to Los
Angeles with the gang at the age of 17. While in Los Angeles it is believed that he was used by the Ancients as a
joyboy, spending much of his time in a drug, chip and
alcohol induced stupor. This information has only come to
light recently, from Los Angeles Police Department records
and from a collection of rumors. It is also believed that
during this time Sean-Cullen was admitted to a psychiatric
ward for several months, after another long stay in a hospital.
Sean-Cullen re-emerged in Seattle two years later. In
the almost five years since he has been an extremely active
shadowrunner. He has worked for the UCAS Central Intelligence Agency, saved the life of the UCAS Vice-President,
and saved the lives of numerous other shadowrunners.
In the past several years Sean-Cullen has also managed
to successfully assume the identity of Kerran Eldritch
OConner, the rocker. He and his band, BloodRunn, has
achieved an international cult following.
However, after the last world tour, which ended in
August, Sean-Cullen disappeared.
Ia_bbi0 THE Nexus is an enigma. He has skills as a decker,
and is highly proficient in most forms of combat. He is also
an accomplished musician and athlete. However, he is
highly unstable, with the mentality of a teen-ager. He has
fathered several children by different women, and has left
behind a long string of women and broken relationships.
He is very talented, but due to these other elements we
cannot recommend THE Nexus for any job. It is instead
recommended that another shadowrunner of similar capabilities, such as Shadowdancer or Daishi, be hired instead.
>>>>>[Egads. For someone so beautiful and talented, its a damn shame
hes so screwed up. I have a feeling that THE Nexus has some deep dark
skeletons he keeps buried in a locked closet. And Im not sure I want to find
the key for that closet...]<<<<<
Brahma Chopp (01:03:43/12-29-55)
>>>>>[You would only have to look at his relationships with women to know
hes screwed up. He fathered a child by Lisa Redhawk when he was only
16, had a on-again-off-again relationship with Lady Siam who is over twenty
years older than he is, Foxey Roxey, at least one male lover, and a whole
string of female lovers we dont have the bandwidth to list. Hes a slut who
never mentally made it out of puberty. Hes gonna crash and burn, and I
want to be around to see it.]<<<<<
John Bull (13:49:13/1-6-56)
>>>>>[It may seem harsh, but I think I have to agree with Counselor and
Co. Thats neither here nor there. I do, however, have late-breaking news!
THE Nexus has been sighted, and it is believed that he is back. Hes
stranger than ever, and seems to have the apparent ability to cast spells,
but this is still unconfirmed.]<<<<<
St. Stan (19:02:18/1-15-56)

Body: 5(6)
Animal Handling: 6
Quickness: 9(10)
Armed Combat: 6(7)
Strength: 4(5)
Artistic Composition: 5
Charisma: 7
Athletics: 4(5)
Intelligence: 5
Bike: 6
Willpower: 5
Biology: 6
Reaction: 5(6)
Boat: 4
Body Index: .575
Car: 5
Essence: 4.72
Computer: 5
Magic: 10
Conjuring: 6
Initiative: 10+3D6
Electronics: 8
Threat/Professional: 12/4 Etiquette (Corporate): 4
Etiquette (Street): 6
Grade 7 Initiate
Firearms: 7(8)
(see Notes)
Interrogation (Brute Force): 4
Leadership: 4
F^oi_YWb7Z[fj7X_b_j_[i Magical Theory: 4
Astral Perception
Military Theory: 3
Full-band Hearing
Musical Composition (Hard Rock):
Increased Reflexes +2D6 Negotiation: 5
Killing Hands: (Str)S
Parabiology: 3
Missile Parry
Psychology: 3
Olfactory Boosting
Sorcery: 6
Pain Resistance (3)
Special Skill: Modern Dance: 4
Special Skill: Play Drums: 3
Special Skill: Play Keyboards: 5
Cybereyes (changeable Special Skill: Play Guitar: 6
colors and patterns) Special Skill: Play Urban Brawl: 7
Cyberfangs (retractable, Special Skill: Vox, Hard Rock: 6
Stealth: 11(12)
Datajack (4)
Thrown Weapons: 4(5)
Hand Razors (retractable) Unarmed Combat: 9(10)
Hearing Damper
Aztecan: 3
Retractable Spurs (dikoted)
French: 3
Smartgun Link II
Irish Gaelic: 10
Japanese: 4
Latin: 2
Enhanced Articulation
Perkins-Athabascan Sign
Suprathyroid Gland
Language: 3
Symbiotes (2)
Sperethiel: 8
Trauma Damper
Ares Predator II (fires APDS)
Barrett 121 Sniper Rifle
Custom-made Rifle [16S]
2x Ingram Smartgun (fire explosive rounds)
White Phosphorus Grenades (as many as needed)
2x Weapon Focus (3) [Katana]
Dej[i0 Okay settle in for the long haul...THE Nexus is the
son of Neil Torrence Allister (aka SteelTower), an abusive
physical adept (whom he later killed), and Corrine
OConnor, the Lady of Ulster. For reasons too convoluted to
go into here, she was forced to give up her son Torrey
Vaughan Silversong-OConnor, known to the rest of us as
THE Nexus. THE Nexus does not know about his true lineage, but may eventually lay claim to it.
The death of his adoptive family (Allen and Tara) was
indeed a contracted hit. Micheal OConnor, head of the
clan, found out about young Sean-Cullen and wanted the
Page 41

whole family killed. Sean-Cullen only by a miracle survived.
THE Nexus is a sixth grade initiate in the Time Stalkers, an ancient order of physical adepts. He is now also a
first grade initiate into Children of the Rising Storm, an
ancient order to which one can only be born into. Or more
correctly, reincarnated into. In order to actually be a part of
this order (which had been dead for over 300 years), one
must die a sacrificial death and then be reborn. This is
what THE Nexus has been doing in the months since his
disappearance. However, THE Nexus really has very little
idea of what is going on. He was already very unstable
mentally, with his harsh youth, but the strange dreams,
dying and being reborn, his new white dragon tattoo he
was reborn with, and everything else have totally driven
him over the edge. Add to this the fact that he is now,
because of his recent initiation, a full fledged mage casting
spells without any conscious thought (it just happens!) he
has totally lost it, and really is a hazard to anyone around
Add to it all the fact that he has been sexually abused,
in some form or other, from the age of 3 up until almost
five years ago, and you have a true powder keg with a
microscopic fuse. Mentally he is only about 16 years old,
and it shows.
An additional item of note is that THE Nexus almost always has a death-rattle snake with him, and he has become immune to the deadly effects of their poison. He also
has two pet ravens and a pet attack hellhound.

Page 42

Erik Jameson


Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Distinguishing Features:jWjjeee\j^[M[bi^ZhW]eded
Psychological Profile:fh_cWh_bo_dj[h[ij[Z_dfem[h
Known Allergies:ded[
Lifestyle: Bknkho
8WYa]hekdZ0 There appears to be a great deal of confusion
of about the history of the Whistler. It is apparent to certain observers that the Whistler is not who he claims to be.
One point of fact is that Harry Turnbull was born in Detroit.
However, the Whistler has stated several times that he was
born in Los Angeles. Harry Turnbull officially works for
IronStar Corporation, a small security company. The Whistler has been seen at their headquarters, but he has said
that he works for a certain black operations unit within
Fuchi Seattle.
The following are the known facts about the Whistler.
He is an ex-corporate combat mage, who owns and controls Trans-Latveria Enterprises, a holding corporation of a
net worth of over ten million nuyen (for further information
see document 12564.958.7Tau). He is ruthless and is
very cutthroat, but not compassionless. He is very loyal to
his friends, and has spent large sums of money to aid
those friends.
The Whistlers family is dead, killed a number of years
ago. Harry Turnbulls family died when he was three in an
automobile accident. He has, however, told several close
friends that his family was actually brutally raped and murdered in a race riot when he was 24. This would appear to
be the truth, given his well-documented hatred of orks and
trolls. Apparently, he also had a fianc that was murdered
in the Spring of 2054. This also coincides with the first
appearance of the Whistler, so he may be hiding from
someone, or running from something.
Since that time, and perhaps before, he is known to
have traveled the world for shadowruns, and is reputed to
have had contacts with Dunkelzahn, Rhonabwy, the Welsh
High Druid, Samantha Villiers, Miles Lanier, and several
British nobles.
Ia_bbi0The Whistler is the consummate combat mage. He is
very proficient in mundane combat skills, and his spells are
almost all combat oriented. He also has access to a great
deal of information, from contacts and from the TransLatveria Enterprises mainframe computer, NSC-68, which is
designed exclusively for capability analysis.


>>>>>[The original bastard. The Whistler, just like any other corporate
whore, only sees the rest of us as a means to an end. And thats final.]<<<<<
Reckless Red (17:17:53/12-30-55)
>>>>>[What is really interesting is that there is a small group of cultists that
actually worships him as their Black Messiah, an appellation he is not very
keen on. Apparently these guys believe in some sort of satanic-Cthulhu type
drek. And to them, the Whistler is their savior, the Dark Stranger as they call
it. The Whistler kills these slags whenever he can, but they only see that as
a further sign that he is their messiah. Spooky.]<<<<<
St. Brendan (23:34:38/1-9-56)
>>>>>[What I find even more fascinating is the fact that he is one of the few
mortals who has had a direct, physical audience with Rhonabwy. What is
more peculiar is the fact that the Whistler is known to the Dragon and to the
High Druid as Rhodri ab Iorweth, a Welsh name he has apparently used
somewhat frequently.]<<<<<
St. Stan (19:24:42/1-15-56)

Body: 6 [14]
Armed Combat: 4(5)
Quickness: 8
Athletics: 3
Strength: 6
Bike: 3
Charisma: 7
Car: 2
Intelligence: 10
Computer: 3
Willpower: 9
Conjuring: 5
Reaction: 9
Demolitions: 3
Essence: 4.01
Electronics: 2
Magic: 12
Enchanting: 4
Initiative: 9+1D6
Etiquette (Corporate): 4
Threat/Professional: 11/4 Etiquette (Yakuza): 4
Field Forensics: 3
[ ] denotes locks or
Firearms: 6
Gunnery: 3
* 12+4D6 with quickening
Magical Theory: 4
Initiate Grade: 8
Negotiations: 4
Sorcery: 8
Stealth: 5
(all Beta-grade)
Unarmed Combat: 2
Arabic: 2
Display Link
Chinese: 2
Electronic Mag. (3)
French: 3
Flare Compensation German: 3
Greek: 2
Japanese: 5
Latin: 3
Datajack (4)
Russian: 2
Encephalon (4)
Sperethiel: 2
FIFF Memory (60 Mp)
Welsh Gaelic: 5 [Centering]
Smartlink II
Reflex Recorder (Armed Combat)
Full Spectrum Immunization
Death Touch: 5
Fireball: 10
Hellblast: 5
Manabolt: 10
Mana Bomb: 10

(Has access to almost any item
short of military gear)
Ares Alpha Assault Rifle
customized, smartlink II)
Artemis Nightglider

Powerbolt: 10
BMW Blitzen 2050
Ram Touch: 10
Combat Spell Focus (6) [bracer]
Slay Elf: 8
Datajack Scanner Radio
Slay Ork: 8
DocWagon Contract (Platinum)
Sleep: 4
Form Fitting Body Armor 3 (4/1)
Spirit Bolt: 8
Light Military Armor (14/11
Sterilize: 1
hardened, full electronic sensor
Personal Combat Sense: 4 suite, full tactical computer
Mask: 3
suite, EnviroSeal, powered
Antidote Deadly Toxin: 3
assist [removes encumbrance
Heal: 5
Increased Reflexes +3d6:5
Greatcoat (4/2)
Treat: 5
Saab Dynamit
Armor: 5
Savalette Guardian (customized
Control Thoughts: 5
smartlink II)
Levitate Person: 4
Spell Lock: Armor (4) [ring]
Magic Fingers: 4
Spell Lock: Personal Combat
Spell Barrier: 6
(4) [ring]
Stacked Power Focus (6)/Earth
Elemental Conjuring Focus (5)
[intricate dragon torc]
Stealth Grapple Gun with 200m
Tres Chic Armor Jacket (5/3)
Watcher Conjuring Focus (4)
Weapon Focus (6) [Short sword]
Dej[i0 The Whistler is not Harry Turnbull. He is actually
Darrick Erding, former employee of Fuchi Internal SecuritySeattle, former fianc of Kyrie Ireland, aspiring model (and
elf). However, there is NO way that the PCs can find this
out. This is GM information only. This may come into play,
however, because the Whistler still doesnt know who
murdered his fianc.
The Whistler is the combat model of the corporate
boardroom warrior. He takes no prisoners and no chances.
He, like Shadowdancer and Daishi, is not to be crossed.
The Whistler does maintain contacts with all those personalities mentioned above, and in particular Rhonabwy
and the Welsh High Druid, Meradoc Griffyn. As a point of
fact, he is one of the few mortals who has seen Rhonabwy
in person. The main reason for this is he is descended
from the bloodline of the Welsh royal bloodline, the house
of Aberffraw, and can lay a legitimate claim to the (now
non-existent) throne of Wales. He has no current plans to
act on this, but the dreams (he learned his true, Welsh
name, Rhodri ab Iorweth, from one of those dreams) and
the other portents are becoming more common and
stronger. He is radically opposed to the Duchess Glendower, and may eventually make a move to remove her
from power, with the blessings of both the Druids and
Rhonabwy. Please note that only he and Rhonabwy know
anything about this at this time.

Page 43




Metaspecies/Race: 9WkYWie_Z>eceIWf_[diIWf_[di
Distinguishing Features:WbmWoim[WhiWXbWYaYWf
Psychological Profile:Wbb"hekdZd_Y[]ko
Known Allergies:ded[
Lifestyle: >_]^
8WYa]hekdZ0 Jack Williams comes from a poor area of
Redmond, Seattle, UCAS. He grew up in a world of gangs
and violence, making him seek for any way possible to get
out. How he came to be a shadowrunner is not known, but
by 2050 he could be counted among the better ones. Williams retired in 2051 after making a small number of
highly profitable shadowruns. What went down during
these runs is something Williams declines to discuss, likely
for fear of whoever he dealt with during that time catching
up with him, if he opens his mouth about them (or it).
From the money they made as shadowrunners, Williams
and one of his teammates (a street samurai named Bill
Bailey) opened a bar-annex-shop in Seattle, known as
Runners Delight. The shop and bar are linked by an open
doorway, with the shop selling all kinds of strictly-legal
things that shadowrunners might find useful.
Ia_bbi0 Although Jack Williams once was a shadowrunner,
his skills are not what they once were, which is what can
be expected after a number of years in virtual retirement. A
brief spell as a decker, in 2051, left him with the basic
skills needed for that line of work.
Williams has spent five years running his bar, and although it has been raided by both Lone Star and Knight
Errant on a number of ocassions, no illegal equipment or
substances of any kind have ever been found. Whether he,
therefore, deals in more than just the obvious is something
that cannot be proven. The suspicion is there, though.
>>>>>[As youll have guessed, legal drek isnt all they sell. If they know
you, youll be allowed a look at their not-so-legal stocks of the things a
shadowrunner really needs.]<<<<<
Bullet (17:36:03/1-28-56)

Body: 6
Quickness: 6
Strength: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 5
Page 44

Armed Combat: 5
Biotech: 4
Car: 2
Computer (Software, Decking): 5
Electronics (Maglocks spec.): 4
Etiquette (Corporate): 4

Reaction: 6
Essence: 4.1
Initiative: 6+2D6
Threat/Professional: 3/4

Etiquette (Street): 7
Firearms: 6
Negotiation: 5
Rotorcraft: 2
Special Skill: Evaluate: 6
Special Skill: Run Bar: 5
Boosted Reflexes (1)
Throwing Weapons: 4
Electronic Magnification(3)
Unarmed Combat: 4
Flare Compensation
City Speak: 5
Fingertip Compartment
with Monowhip
Retractable Hand Razors
with Improved Blades
2050-vintage Fuchi Cyber-6
Armor Jacket (5/3)
Browning MaxPower (smartlink)
CMDT (shock pads, smartlink)
DocWagon Contract (Gold)
Fine Clothing (0/0)
Lined Coat (4/2)
Wrist Phone
Dej[i0 Runners Delight not only sells legal gear; in the
back room is a lot of the sort of equipment shadowrunners
typically use. This is only sold to people known to the
owners, so getting at it might prove a bit hard. It is not
known how or where this gear is hidden during police
raids, but somehow they manage this every time.
8bWYaCWha[jHWj_d]0 8
?d\ehcWj_edHWj_d]0 6


Scott Harders


Distinguishing Features:Wbceijm^_j[ia_d
Psychological Profile:kdademd!_dik\\_Y_[djZWjW
Known Allergies:ded[
8WYa]hekdZ0Wizshade is something of an enigma. He has
no known history, and has no known permanent residence.
He functions exclusively as an information and magic items
specialist fixer. He is known to have sent shadowrunners
on missions to recover magical items and rare books all
over the world. He does seem to specialize in the Olde
World however.
It is not known if he is magically active himself. He has
never displayed any magical aptitude, but those that have
looked at him astrally report a great number of quickenings
laced about him.
The only clue to his past is a slight European accent.
This accent is so slight and so general, no further information can be gathered.
Ia_bbi0 Wizshade is possibly the best talismonger known
today. While he doesnt often deal with conventional magic
items, he does have an incredible amount of knowledge
about old books and magical locations. He also does seem
to know about the location of magical artifacts, but he
does not often deal with them himself.

Not really applicable, but he carries with him:
Cougar Short Fineblade Knife
Browning Ultra Power (smartlink II, fires APDS)
Dej[i0 Need that old book on magic, or that old artifact?
Got a question about magic before the Awakening?
Wizshade is your man.
Wizshade is effectively immortal. He probably isnt
really, but hes close enough for a human. He has been
around since about 650 B.C., and has been a part of magical and alchemical research for almost his entire life. He
knew Paracelcus, he was a Cabalist in Italy, he worked
with John Dee. Of course, needless to say, he doesnt advertise this fact. He is magical, but not really in the same
way we understand it. For game purposes, he cannot cast

Body: 9
Biology: 6
Quickness: 10
Computer: 6
Strength: 8
Enchanting: 6
Charisma: 8
Etiquette (Street): 5
Intelligence: 10(14)
Firearms: 5
Willpower: 11
History (Africa): 5
Reaction: 10(15)
History (Britain): 8
Body Inex: .8
History (France): 6
Essence: 4
History (Germany/Poland): 7
Magic: ?
History (North America): 5
Initiative: 15 +3d6
History (Spain):7
Threat/Professional: 14/4 History (Russia): 6
Magical Theory: 9
Negotiation: 8
Datajack (4)
Sorcery: 9
Encephalon (4)
Memory (FIFF 100Mp)
Smartgun Link II
Cerebral Booster (2)
Page 45


So how exactly do you determine if a contact can get a
hold of that Ares Alpha Assault Rifle? Or determine if that
corporate secretary knows about EvilCorps dastardly
plans? Is it a function of one of the various Etiquette skills?
Perhaps not...
The Tucson Game Room group has come up with a
good, simple, workable system that can be easily implemented, even into current campaigns. It is of course, very
optional, but we think youll like it.
In essence, every contact is given two ratings, similar to
skill ratings. Contacts can have specialty ratings pertaining
to their own unique abilities, but everyone has a Black
Market rating and an Information rating.
The Black Market rating is similar to the Acquire Item
skill that the Fixer contact has. It represents the ability of
the contact to buy, beg, borrow, or steal items, such as
weapons, armor, and so on. In game terms, the rating represents the number of dice rolled against the Availability
Rating. Everyone, even corporate secretaries has this skill
(imagine a mousy little secretary that has access to military
The Information skill is similar to the Rumormill skill
that the Bartender contact has. This represents the number

of dice used for Legwork. Everyone knows dirt, everyone

hears rumors, and so everyone has the Information skill.
Specialty ratings usually represent areas of extreme
prowess. For example, Metalman, the Humanis contact,
may have an Information rating of 5, but also have a Humanis Information rating of 8.
Initial ratings are determined by 2D6. In existing campaigns, the GM can raise or lower the numbers to reflect
past experience. As a side note, in our campaign, a 6 rating
was considered pretty good.
These ratings can be raised by using Good Karma, in the
same fashion that personal skills can be raised (rating x2).
This represents the extra amount of time that the PC
spends cultivating the relationship with his contact. Optionally, an amount of nuyen equal to the new rating may
be required in addition to the karma.
The ratings for all characters have been placed at the
end of each character description, in the Dej[i, so that if
you do want to use them they will be easy to find, and if
you dont want to use them, theyll be easy to ignore.

Otherwise known as Spellslingers Spellbook. With the
introduction of J^[ =h_ce_h[, otherwise known as the
Grimmythingy, spell design has been very easy. Many, many
magician characters have at least one special spell that
they designed themselves. What follows is an unofficial
addendum to the CWdkWb e\ FhWYj_YWb J^WkcWjkh]o (&+,
(otherwise known as J^[=h_ce_h[). Please note that not all
the spells submitted made it into here. Only those that we
felt were both useful and in the spirit of FASA were included.

A bolt of magical energy which causes Deadly Stun damage.
Jof[0 Mana
HWd][0 LOS
JWh][j0 Willpower
:WcW][B[l[b0 D
:khWj_ed0 Instant :hW_d0 [(F2)1]D

An area affect damaging manipulation spell which causes
Deadly Physical damage by invoking a violent blast affect.
The spell hits an area (or target) and explodes and weakens
barriers by (Force + Successes). Against vehicles, the spell
is an opposed test with the force brought down by any

vehicular armor to a minimum of Force 2. All moving vehicles hit by this spell must make a Control Test due to the
extreme blast of the spell. Against living beings, the procedure is the same and all targets hit must also resist knockdown with a target number equal to the force of the spell.
Jof[0 Physical
HWd][0 LOS
JWh][j0 4
:WcW][B[l[b0 D
:khWj_ed0 Instant :hW_d0 [(F2)+5]D

A spell that causes Light damage to a single target, using
the elemental effect of ice.
Jof[0 Physical
HWd][0 LOS
JWh][j0 4
:WcW][B[l[b0 L
:khWj_ed0 Instant :hW_d0 [(F2)+1]M

This specialized spell erects a barrier around a lock in
astral space to increase security against astral attacks
against locks and foci. Due to its specific nature, the spell
has little drain. The barrier prevents spells from penetrating
the focus or lock by adding its force rating to the target
number for attack or grounding through the focus. The
spell, as should be obvious, can only be cast for foci and
locks, and does not help against quickenings or anchorings.

Page 46

Jof[0 Physical
HWd][0 Limited
JWh][j0 6
:khWj_ed0 Sustained :hW_d0 [(F2)+2]L

An area affect spell causing Serious physical damage.
Jof[0 Mana
HWd][0 LOS
JWh][j0 Willpower
:WcW][B[l[b0 S
:khWj_ed0 Instant :hW_d0 (F2)D

Basically a fly spell, the spell allows the magician to restrict
gravity in his area while telekinetically propelling himself.
The complicity of using the two effects is reflected in the
drain. However, since the gravitational effect virtually negates weight, control is easier. One drawback is that if the
spell is locked, anchored, or sustained by an elemental, an
+1 modifier is imposed on all the magicians tests to control his movement (the magician must always give thought
to where he is going). Maximum speed is the spell rating
plus the number of successes generated. This number
equals the number of meters per round the mage may fly.
Jof[0 Physical
HWd][0 Personal JWh][j0 4
:khWj_ed0 Sustained :hW_d0 [(F2)+2]S

An area affect spell which attacks spirits only.
Jof[0 Mana
HWd][0 LOS
JWh][j0 Force
:WcW][B[l[b0 D
:khWj_ed0 Instant :hW_d0 [(F2)+1]D

An area affect spell causing Deadly Stun damage.
Jof[0 Mana
HWd][0 LOS
JWh][j0 Willpower
:WcW][B[l[b0 D
:khWj_ed0 Instant :hW_d0 [(F2)+1]D

A spell that causes Deadly Stun damage.
:WcW][B[l[b0 D
:khWj_ed0 Instant :hW_d0 [(F2)1]D

Light Stun

4 turns

Jof[0 Mana
HWd][0 Limited
:khWj_ed0 Permanent
1]Wound Level

JWh][j0 10Essence

This detection spell tags a target with a barely visible
astral thread that leads back to the caster. In order for it to
be used, it must first be detected. The line can be detected
on a roll of (2 + Force of the spell) for the caster, or a (4 +
Force of the spell) for the target. This is a resisted test that
is determined at the initial casting. If the caster gets more
successes, the astral thread is invisible to the target. If the
target later looks into astral space, he gains another chance
to detect the astral thread, using the same resisted test as
above. Mundanes that are tagged cannot detect the spell.
Background count does add to the target numbers to see
the thread.
Jof[0 Mana
HWd][0 LOS (initial) JWh][j0 4
:hW_d0 (F2)M

Transposition shifts the magician from one location to another through a minor dimensional shift. The spell is only
LOS but it has the range effects for target numbers found
in the =h_ce_h[?? on pg. 111. Scopes and binoculars have
no effect. Also remember the spell does not effect the
forces of gravity. The spell also disorients the caster for 3
combat phases (1 phase for every success on an Intelligence check against a target number of 4). The orientation
target number is also affected by the range modifiers. Target numbers while disoriented are at +2.
Failure to get a success on the initial casting has no ill
effects; the caster merely fails to bridge the dimensional
Jof[0 Physical
HWd][0 LOS
JWh][j0 6
:khWj_ed0 Instant
:hW_d0 [(F2)+1]D

The Stun Relief spell works to repair stun damage, fatigue,
or drain (in the Stun Condition Monitor only). In physical
terms, this means a number of things, including removal of
ammonia and other toxins from muscles and an injection
of fresh oxygen, among other real effects. Due to the
temporary nature of stun damage and fatigue, the spell has
to be cast within 30 minutes of the stun damage or the
spell has no affect. The spell cannot heal physical damage
(despite its physical nature) caused from stun damage
overflow. The spell can only be cast once per target.
The spell must be sustained for the following number
of turns before taking effect:
Deadly Stun
16 turns
Serious Stun
12 turns
Moderate Stun
8 turns
Page 47

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