BVC 1-3 Chapter
BVC 1-3 Chapter
BVC 1-3 Chapter
Definition of Logistics:
The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow and
storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from
point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of meeting customer requirements.
at the right time at the right place for the right price and to the right target customers
(consumer); and it is the science of process having its presence in all sectors of the industry.
The goal of logistics work is to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains and
resultant efficiencies. Logistics is concerned with getting (or transmitting) the products and
services where they are needed or when they are desired. It is difficult to accomplish any
marketing or manufacturing without logistical support.
Objective of Logistics Management:
The primary objective of logistics management is to effectively and efficiently move the
supply chain so as to extend the desired level of customer service at the least cost. Supplies.
These can be described as follows:
1. Improving customer service:
An important objective of all marketing efforts, including the physical distribution activities,
is to improve the customer service.
2. Rapid Response:
Rapid response is concerned with a firm's ability to satisfy customer service requirements in a
timely manner. Information technology has increased the capability to postpone logistical
operations to the latest possible time and then accomplish rapid delivery of required
3. Reduce total distribution costs:
The cost of physical distribution consists of various elements such as transportation,
warehousing and inventory maintenance, and any reduction in the cost of one element may
result in an increase in the cost of the other elements..
4. Generating additional sales:
A firm can attract additional customers by offering better services at lowest prices. For
example, by decentralizing its warehousing operations or by using economic and efficient
modes of transportation, a firm can achieve larger market share.
impact on the organizations profitability than a similar increase in sales revenue considerably
because profit earned through sales is only a small percent of sales revenue. Hence, a rupee
saved in logistics is a rupee increase in the companys profit.
Typical logistics framework mainly consists of Physical Supply, Internal Operations and
Physical Distribution of Goods and Services. To put it more simply, the material supply
logistics starts from the base level of generation of the demand, through the process of
purchase and supply of material from the vendor right through to final acceptance and
payments to the supplier and issue to the indenter and has to be considered as a one
whole activity with each stage having an impact on price/cost of material supply, Logistics
is, in itself, a system; it is a network of related activities with the purpose of managing the
orderly flow of material and personnel within the logistics channel.
When comparing US logistics with the global logistics it accounts US$900 billion
which is valued 25% of total global logistics 3.5US$ trillion. Whereas India is
estimated to be around 13% of its GDP, which is valued around US$94 billion in
Air transport industry contributes over 0.2% of the GDP keeping the prices constant
(1999-2007) Domestic air cargo has growing at CAGR of 12.80% where as
international cargo traffic has been moving at 13%. According to the planning
commission, countrys cargo movement would grow about CAGR of 11.5% from
2007-08 to 2013-14.
Marine sector contributes over 0.2% of the GDP at a constant prices(1999-2007)
major ports in India have handled about 463.84 tonnes of cargo in 2009-10 a growth
of 9.51 that of the previous year. According to the planning commission of India, the
shipping fleet will be increased up to 15mGRT by the end of 2013-2014.
The major plan of Indian railways is to develop Logistic parks which it has a potential
to optimize the supply chain and reduces the cost .The Indian railways would have to
innovate the new train services so that the customer shifts from road to rail.
Almost 80% of the products in India are transported through roads. One innovation
could be the introduction of time tabled parcel trains and container trains which is
essential to have few time tabled freight trains because it reduces the inventory levels
and thereby improves customer satisfaction.
Future challenges:
Unfair competitions:
Unorganised players get away without paying
Dont follow the operating norms stipulated
Solution /opportunity:
Implies that a truck load loss of goods is
always round the corner. Organized
players can cash in by providing the
Diseconomies of scale:
Differential sales tax structure in different
Apart from non- uniform LSPS (logistic
service provider) have to pay other kinds of
taxes like octrois.
Governments failure in implementation of
VAT since 1 April 2005.
Face multiple check post:
This delays the process of delivery.
Compliance with varying documentation
requirements of different states is certainly a
Solution /opportunity:
Proposal for implementation of GST.
With uniform taxation across all states
companies could focus on supply chain
efficiency rather tax avoidance
Solution /opportunity:
Integration of IT into the process like EDI
could greatly speed up the whole process
and bring in the required efficiency.
Low IT penetrations:
Lack of communication infrastructure.
Lack of visibility.
Lack of real time tracking ability.
Solution /opportunity:
Penetration of 3PL players and high level
of investments into technology like GPRS
would change the scenario.
Solution /opportunity:
Value added services provide a great
opportunity to increase the margins.
Accounting is the recording and reporting of transaction. It records the day to day events
relating to business in terms of money in various books of accounts additionally. It
communicates the results of business operation to management, shareholder, creditors, banks,
and financial institutions etc. as a language of business accounting serves as an important
means of communication between the business and its constituent part. The principles of
objectives of accounting are to provide information to user to make relevant decisions and
forms judgments.
liabilities etc. This helps the businessman to know his financial strength. Financial statements
are barometers of health of a business entity.
iv) To portray the liquidity position: Financial reporting should provide Information about
how an enterprise obtains and spends cash, about its borrowing and Repayment of borrowing,
about its capital transactions, cash dividends and other Distributions of resources by the
enterprise to owners and about other factors that may Affect an enterprises liquidity and
v) To protect business properties: Accounting provides up to date Information about the
various assets that the firm possesses and the liabilities the firm Owes, so that nobody can
claim a payment which is not due to him.
vi) To facilitate rational decision making: Accounting records and financial statements
provide financial information which helps the business in making Rational decisions about
the steps to be taken in respect of various aspects of business.
vii) To satisfy the requirements of law: Entities such as companies, societies,
Public trusts are compulsorily required to maintain accounts as per the law governing
Their operations such as the Companies Act, Societies Act, and Public Trust Act etc.
Maintenance of accounts is also compulsory under the Sales Tax Act and Income Tax
Importance of Accounting:
i) Owners: The owners provide funds or capital for the organization. They Possess curiosity
in knowing whether the business is being conducted on sound lines or not and whether the
capital is being employed properly or not. Owners, being Businessmen, always keep an eye
on the returns from the investment. Comparing the Accounts of various years helps in getting
good pieces of information.
ii) Management: The management of the business is greatly interested in knowing the
position of the firm. The accounts are the basis, the management can Study the merits and
demerits of the business activity. Thus, the management is Interested in financial accounting
to find whether the business carried on is profitable or not. The financial accounting is the
eyes and ears of management and facilitates in drawing future course of action, further
expansion etc.
Creditors: Creditors are the persons who supply goods on credit, or Bankers or
lenders of money. It is usual that these groups are interested to know the financial
soundness before granting credit. The progress and prosperity of the firm, two which
credits are extended, are largely watched by creditors from the point of View of
security and further credit. Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are Nerve
centres to know the soundness of the firm.
iv) Employees: Payment of bonus depends upon the size of profit earned by the firm. The
more important point is that the workers expect regular income for the Bread. The demand
for wage rise, bonus, better working conditions etc. depend upon the profitability of the firm
and in turn depends upon financial position. For these Reasons, this group is interested in
v) Investors: The prospective investors, who want to invest their money in a Firm, of course
wish to see the progress and prosperity of the firm, before investing their amount, by going
through the financial statements of the firm. This is to safeguard the investment. For this, this
group is eager to go through the accounting this enables them to know the safety of
vi) Government: Government keeps a close watch on the firms which yield Good amount of
profits. The state and central Governments are interested in the financial statements to know
the earnings for the purpose of taxation. To compile National accounting is essential.
vii) Consumers: These groups are interested in getting the goods at reduced Price. Therefore,
they wish to know the establishment of a proper accounting control, which in turn will reduce
to cost of production, in turn fewer prices to be paid by the Consumers. Researchers are also
interested in accounting for interpretation.
viii) Research Scholars: Accounting information, being a mirror of the financial
performance of a business organization, is of immense value to the research Scholar who
wants to make a study into the financial operations of a particular firm. To make a study into
the financial operations of a particular firm, the research scholar needs detailed accounting
information relating to purchases, sales, expenses, cost of Materials used, current assets,
current liabilities, fixed assets, long-term liabilities and Share-holders funds which is
available in the accounting record maintained by the Firm.
Functions of Accounting
i) Record Keeping Function: The primary function of accounting relates to Recording,
classification and summary of financial transactions-journalisation, posting, and preparation
of final statements. These facilitate to know operating results and financial positions. The
purpose of this function is to report regularly to the interested Parties by means of financial
ii) Managerial Function: Decision making programme is greatly assisted by Accounting.
The managerial function and decision making programmes, without Accounting may mislead.
The day-to-day operations are compared with some predetermined Standard. The variations
of actual operations with pre-determined Standards and their analysis are possible only with
the help of accounting.
iii) Legal Requirement function: Auditing is compulsory in case o f Registered firms.
Auditing is not possible without accounting. Thus accounting becomes compulsory to comply
with legal requirements.
Advantages of Accounting:
The following are the advantages of accounting to a business:
ii) It gives information about the profit or loss made by the business at the Close of a year and
its financial conditions. The basic function of Accounting is to supply meaningful
information about the financial Activities of the business to the owners and the managers.
iii) It provides useful information from making economic decisions.
It facilitates comparative study of current years profit, sales, expense etc., with
those of the previous years.
iv) Accounting principles are not static or unchanging-alternative Accounting procedures are
often equally acceptable. Therefore, Accounting statements do not always present comparable
v) Cost concept is found in accounting. Price changes are not considered. Money value is
bound to change often from time to time.
vi) Accounting statements do not show the impact of inflation.
vii) The accounting statements do not reflect those increases in net asset Values that are not
considered realized.
Broadly speaking there are three branches of accounting.
i) Financial accounting
ii) Cost accounting
iii) Management accounting
Financial Accounting:
Financial accounting is the accounting for revenue expenses, assets and liabilities that is
commonly, carried on in the general office of a business. It is the recording of business
transaction in the purpose of presenting results to board of directors, shareholders etc.
Cost Accounting:
Cost accounting is defined as the process of accounting for cost from the point at which
expenses in incurred or committed to the establishment of its ultimate relationship with cost
centres and cost unit.
Management Accounting:
Management accounting presents accounting information in such a way as to assist
management in the creation of policy and in the day to day operations of an undertaking.
E.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly as may be desired by the management during the financial
year, not only for the whole business but also by departments or individual products.
5. To exercise effective control over wastage and loss of materials during production.
6. To provide actual figures of costs for comparison with estimates and to serve as a guide for
Future estimates or quotations and to assist the management in their price fixing policy.
7. The provide means to measure the efficiency of labour.
8. To exercise effective control on the idle time of workers and machine.
Advantages of cost accounting:
(a) Benefits to the Management: The information revealed by cost accounting aims at
mainly assisting the management in decision making and optimizing profits. Besides this
there are certain advantages of cost accounting to the management i.e. it helps in price
fixation, in revealing profitable and unprofitable activities, idle capacity, in controlling cost
and also helps in inventory control.
(b) Benefits to the Employees: Cost accounting introduces wage scheme, bonus to the
efficient & sincere employees which in turn increasing productivity, profitability and
lowering cost.
(c) Benefits to Creditors: The better management of finance through cost accounting leads
to timely Debt servicing by company in the form of repayment of loan and payment of
interest. To stay and grow in competition and for judging soundness of present and
perspective borrower and cost reports give better picture of efficiency profit prospectus and
(d) Benefits to the Government: Cost accounting enables the Govt. to prepare plans for
economic Development of the country, to make policies regarding taxation, excise duty,
export, price, ceiling, granting subsidy etc.
It would appear, therefore, that the objective of cost control is the performance of the same
job at a lower cost or a better performance for the same cost. It does not set a out a limit up
to which cost should be brought down; else it gives a call to continuously effects
improvements in them. It is a process of watching cost figures and taking action to trim them.
The management should never be satisfied that a point has reached beyond which no further
improvement is possible. Cost control involves appraising management of the fact that
Costs have changed
The direction of changes,
The reason for change
The knowledge that change is occurring may prompt management to alter basic operating
policies-to take up new products or drop old lines, to replace an employee, to emphasis
different marketing areas, or to use substitute raw materials.
Definition OF COST CONTROL:A procedure, where fixed cost and variable cost are taken and accordingly action taken to
reduce the cost incurred at different areas, there by avoid wastage of unwanted expenses, i.e.
called cost control.
Cost control is defined as the guidance and regulation by executive action of the cost of
operating and undertaking. The ultimate aim of cost accounting is cost control.
Essential Features of Cost control:
Cost accounting: the company should have an effective cost accounting system. This
will instruct the necessary information to control in the organization.
Cost planning: the company should to achieve cost targets. That is the company
should have the proper planning and budgetary system. The targets are sets after
taking into consideration of relevant factors.
Cost reporting: no company can function unless there is a perfect monitoring. Costs
can be controlled only when there is proper management reporting system.
Delegation of authority.
Measurement of performance.
Relevance of controllable.
Cost reporting.
Constant efforts.
Policies and general objectives.
Periodically review the standards or targets and revise the standard or targets
and revise them in the light of changed circumstances.
following 5 steps.
Set up the targets.
Measure the actual.
Compare the actual with targets.
Localize the cause for the variation between the targets and the actual.
Take such actions as necessary to eliminate these variations.
Budgetary control
Standard costing
Budgetary control: - The budget is the fundamental accounting model for cost control, by
setting goals in advance; it holds the operating managers to those goals. The actual
performance then is continuously compared with compared with the budgeted plan or the
targets expressed, in money terms. If the firm succeeds in adopting the concept of flexible or
variable budgeting, the control mechanism is made all the more effective.
Standard costing: this consists in developing standards with regard to the three main elements
of cost materials, direct labour, & overheads and then computing variances by measuring the
actual performances against predetermined standards. The core of standard costing is
measurement and analysis of variances.
Cost control ratios: ratios have always been an important means if exercising operational and
cost control. Expressing the relationship between two or more variables, they clearly bring
out the overall health of an organization. The interdependence or link between the activity,
capacity and efficiency is well highlighted. One ratio by itself will not reveal much for
monitoring and control; the three together shed enough light on production volume, capacity
utilisation, and productivity. As usual these ratios are stated in percentage terms such that the
quotient of factors is multiplied by 100.
Value analysis and engineering: The value analysis methodology had its formal beginning
by engineer at GEC during World War II when material and labour were in short supply. It
was tested and proved to be effective after many years of research. The technique was retitle
as value engineering and developed and implemented widely in industry as a cost saving tool.
Value engineering definition:-A systematic analysis and evaluation of the techniques and
functions in the various spheres of an organization with a view to exploring channels of
performance improvement so that the value in a particular product can be bettered.
Benefits of value analysis:
It enables to identify and pinpoint area that needs attention and improvement.
It ensures and maintains the desire quality products and suggests the manufacture of most
suitable products.
It provides a method of generating ideas and alternatives for possible solutions to a
aspects governing the production expenses. Further targets should attainable and not
Periodical review of target: The target once fixed should not be revised first because
there are not attended it should however be noted the targets by themselves should not
be considered permanent.
Timely presentation of comparison: the comparison between the targets and actual is
presented sufficiently in time for necessary action to be taken. Belated presentation
will only be statistical information cannot be helpful in increasing in a department due
to defective selling up the machine causing higher wastage the earlier it is brought to
the notice of the department concerned the quicker will be the recertification done
presenting this information says after a month will only results in the increased cost to
continue unnoticed.
Cost control in effectiveness: The management of every modern enterprise required a lot of
cost information and it requires periodical information not only about total cost of production
and selling but also about cost of its products of different process or stages of production and
introduction about the various elements of cost such as materials cost.
Labour cost overheads which consists the cost of production and sale it should have
information to know whether losses and waste occur in any line of activities so that corrective
steps may be taken to minimize them. While the work in progress cost accounting
information provides knowledge to take effective and efficient decision for cost control
ascertainment of profitability and internal and external reporting in the present era of cut
throat competition management are facing the problem of survival only those organization
can meet the competition effectively and have a hold on the workers which are in the position
to keep their cost minimum.
INTRODUCTION OF COST REDUCTION:In the present industrial scenario increasing competition squeezes margins and management
of business enterprises pay more attention to cost reduction as a way of preserving or
improving profitability. Reduction of cost stay cosmetic as a company maintains smooth
liquidity. Problems raise ugly head with market quakes which begin strangling liquidity.
Cost reduction is not a special exercise carried out each time by management noticed that the
profit margin has fallen. It should not be a fire-fighting exercise. It is or should be a routine
activity carried out consistently throughout the whole organization, looking at every activity
at all levels. Such a services is based on commitment to change that will ensure that the
organization at least keep pace with technological developments and may even take the lead
in producing new approaches to old problems. Cost reduction is the key word for success into
days global competitive market scenario.
Any cost Reduction service must be on a full knowledge of thee organizations us of
its resources. The profitability of a product can be improved by all or any of the
following ways.
By improving function cost remaining constant
By improving function as well reducing cost
By reducing cost, functions remaining constant.
Here we are concerned with the last two types of programme. Cost reduction is an approach
rather than a technique. It depends very much on individual talent coupled with a complete
understanding of the business process from design to delivery. It is achieved only through a
process of the product is conceived to the movement customer uses it. Cost cutting is no
longer thee solution to sustainable profitability the key to success is finding creative ways to
prevent cost.
Definition of cost reduction:It is a systematic effort to improve profit margins by eliminating all forms of waste and
unnecessary expenses without, at the same time, impairing the generation of revenue.
In other words, the process of identifying and eliminating unnecessary costs to improve the
profitability of a business is known as cost reduction.
Features of Cost reduction:
Cost reduction is not concerned with setting targets and standards. Cost reduction is
the final result in the cost control process.
It is continuous, dynamic and innovative in nature, looking always for measures and
alternative to reduce costs.
It is a corrective function.
The reduction must be real. It must arise within the organization as results of
improved efficiency.
consistently accountable.
Responsibility for cost control must be delegated and accompanied by corresponding
The programme must be evaluated, redesigned, and re-evaluated in a continuous
process of follow up.
Importance of cost reduction:a) Improves the competitive capabilities and ensures survival, growth and prosperity
b) Optimum utilization of the resources
c) Provides reasonable prices to consumers
d) Preservation of the nations scarce resources
e) Keeps the price under control charges to consumer
f) Helps govt. in controlling inflation.
g) It improves the image of company for long term investment.
h) It improves the rate of return on investment.
i) To prepare for meeting a future position.
j) To eliminate unnecessary expenses or wasteful spending.
Advantages of cost reduction:
The main advantages of cost reduction are,
Competitor driven
Bench marking against competitors.
Real time data
Area of cost reduction: Materials
Increasing the production volume.
Extension of market and price differentials
Size of business units
Sales and marketing
Elimination of waste
Improving operations
Increasing productivity
Cheaper materials
Improve standards of quality.
Work study
Job evaluation and merit rating
Quality control
Economic order quality
Improvement in the design of a design
Inventory management and control.
For example; decisions by a company to reduce the size of its internal audit section might cut
staff costs in the short term but increase costs in the longer term.
Product improvement cost the level of efficiency determines the costs incurred.
Important factors in product improvements are,
Material control:
Some of the aspects that may be looked into are,
Effective and economical purchase of materials.
Adherence to EOQ.
Keeping low inventory- less investment in stock.
Administration areas:
Administration functions include personnel, purchase and general
administration. The goal of cost reductions requires efficiency administrations, effective
purchasing procedures and a fair personnel policy and schemes.
Utility service:
Utility services include power, water, steam, repair, and maintenances transport and
clerical services, etc. the following points should be considered.
Proper system for preventive and curative maintenance.
Methods of funding capital expenditure to be cost effective.
Procuring capital at economical costs.
Employing capital in a manner so as to given the maximum return.
The following check list can guide in starting a
Good cost return programme:
Development of a programme checklist: This involves identification and
classification of costs. It also involves procedure to use such as setting, objectives,
responsibility, targets, records, and measurements or evaluations policies.
From committees in order to identify responsibilities: It is necessary that any
contributions by employee be recognized and compensated.
Maintaining records of programmes:
Coupled with identifying responsibility in specific programme, keeping details of
activities, status and accomplishment is equally important.
Identification of cost reduction ideas sources:
Ideas are the very heart of any cost reduction programmes. Without these, any
programme would fizzle sooner or later. Ideas may come from various sources.
For example: employee suggestions publications industry associations, professional,
consultants, seminars, among others for proper implementations.
Communication is the most critical:
Portion of implementing a cost reduction programme for the simple reasons that
employees need to be informed of the programme itself. The procedures, responsibilities
and updates, cost reduction can operate best when its objectives are fully disclosed.
Cost positioning
Cost design
Cost management
Cost cutting
Performance measured against historical standards.
Stage-2:-cost management:
cycle times.
Performance measured against long term standards.
Cost are organized by resources, activities and cost objects.
Cost design involves an evaluation and redesign of the internal chain. It seeks to
improve the relationship among resource required work performed to satisfy customer
Reductions achieved by eliminating redundancy and confirming to operation as
Costs are organized by process and sub process.
Performance measured against best in class standards of performance.
challenges standards.
Applied to every section of the business.
It is preventing function; costs are
existing conditions.
how to do a thing.
achieving a target/goal.
The research design is the conceptual structure which research is conducted .Research design
is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. It is the framework,
which specifies the type of information to collect the sources of data collection procedure
data was collected from primary and secondary sources.
According to Ker linger defines research as a systematic, controlled empirical and critical
investigation of hypothetical preposition about the presumed relations among natural
A framework or blue print for conducting the research projects, it specifies the details of the
procedure necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and or solve research
TITLE OF THE STUDY:The study is conducted at THE BANGALORE BVC LOGISTICS PVT LTD. The title of
the study is A study on cost control and cost reduction. THE BANGALORE BVC
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:In a highly competitive market, cost control and cost reduction is the only way to maximise
earnings. This is because in a competitive environment. A firm will have little concerned
control over the prices of its product or services, so when the company fixes the prices of its
products or services, the firm has to control its cost and keep them as low as possible below
the price in order to earn profit. Here the cost control and cost reduction plays a key role. The
objectives of the company is to plan at different level, maintain effective control and proper
decision making to save cost and access the performance of the cost reduction is a challenge
to predetermined standards.
Cost reduction is to , see whether there is any possibility is bring about saving in the costs
incurred in plant and administration overhead of inputs come down. So to meet the challenge
of the cost reduction logistics at BVC cost analysis is necessary.
To maximize profits through cost reduction and cost control it is imperative to analyze
various in BVC Logistics Company.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE:As a mark of previous literature several visits were offered to RC college library,
Bangalore University, the company library (THE BVC LOGISTICS PVT LTD) and
it was noticed that none of them had specifically done a report on cost control and
cost reduction for individuals. The reports, projects, and books referred to also gave a
lot of insight into the study.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY:A study was conducted on cost control and cost reduction at BVC LOGISTICS PVT
LTD to analysis the cost reduction and cost control techniques in detail.
Maintaining optimum cost it is difficult task for the organization. It is to be
maintained in such a way that quality of the product should not get affected and act as
a motivation force for the employees to increase labour productivity. This study
highlights problem in implementing cost control and cost reduction measures.
PLAN OF ANALYSIS:The study is based on various sources of information. The data collected is primary
data and secondary data and its complied, classified tabulated and then analyzed using
costing techniques and statistical tools graphs and charts are used to highlight the
Systematic sampling technique has been adopted for this study: selection of the study
period is 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 in the company.
METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY:This study is based on face to face interview with the manager accounts and staff of
the company and also based on the availability of various data through annual report,
cost sheet. Prospectus provided by the company and academics books, articles and
SOURCES OF DATA: Primary source: - are those data collected for the first time which is for
specific purpose, primary data original in nature. The study is collected
through the records maintained by company through face to face interview
with staff of official of BVC.
Secondary sources:-the major data was collected from all available secondary
sources. List annual reports, cost sheet, review of books, magazines, journals,
text books, internet and websites of the BVC LOGISTICS PVT LTD as well
as others.
The limitations of the study are as under:The study is confined only to BVC LOGISTICS PVT LTD.
The major limitation of this is practical difficulty.
The study is limited to a period of 3 years only.
The study is restricted only to BVC LOGISTICS, Bangalore; it is not
The conclusions have been drawn with not much comprehensive and practical
knowledge about the company.
This chapter is about the introduction to the cost accounting, cost control and cost
reduction. It includes: meaning, definition, and objectives, function, and merits demerits of
cost accounting. And meaning, importances process, objective advantages and disadvantages
of cost control and cost reduction. Tools and technique of cost accounting cost control and
cost reduction.
This chapter deals about the research design of the project study. It consist about the
statement of the problem, scope of the study, objective of the study, plan of analysis,
methodology ,sources of data and limitations of the study.
This chapter deals with the profile of the BVC LOGISTICS, mission, vision, objective
awards and achievements, social responsibility, new technologies. Future projects, and plans
of the organization structure.
This chapter includes the main work of the research work. This chapter deals with a
role of cost control and cost reduction techniques of cycle explained with tables and graphs.
This chapter consist of the findings from the research study, the suggestions given to
the company and it includes the overall conclusion found from the research study. Which
gives overall cost sheet profits and loss accounts, balance sheet, findings, suggestion and
conclusion in drawn from the observations.
GENESIS OF THE COMPANYOver the past 50 years, BVC has pioneered Supply Chain Solutions in critical offerings such
as Custom Clearance, Logistics Transportation, Invaluable Cargo Management and many
more. The Group has carved a niche within the Gems and Jewellery industry and
acknowledged as a stalwart in Invaluable Asset Movement Solutions. BVC Group today
boasts of global connectivity and is perhaps amongst the very few Indian Logistic Houses to
be associated with Mega Brands across numerous countries.
BVC Logistics is today a leading multinational company providing Integrated Logistics
Solutions by diversifying its reach across Multimodal Transport Operations, Ocean Freight,
Air Freight, Contract Logistics and Project Logistics. Benchmarked quality standards,
standardized processes and operation excellence across all the services and facilities, have
enabled BVC Logistics to emerge as the market leader in all these segments.
We pride ourselves as a Total Supply Chain Solutions Company offering End to End, Best of
Breed capability in Domestic and International Transportation and Warehousing customers
across varied verticals in India and Abroad.
We deliver Measurable and Tangible Solutions across our service offerings
BVC Logistics has a Pan India presence with foot print across India courtesy its strategic tie
up with Carrier Neutral Service Providers. Being a TRUE 7PL Company (Offering
Warehousing Solutions as a 3PL and Transportation Solutions as a 4PL) we have tied up
Niche players to give Best of Breed Deliverables to our Corporate customers BVC
Ventures is the holding company of the BVC group of companies with teams having decades
of experience, a strong global network and strategic industry partnerships and relationships.
The ethos of BVC Ventures is entrenched on a relentless pursuit for creating value for
stakeholders and creating benchmarks of growth rates in its industries.
Established in 1960, the five decade old group has pioneered movements and services in
logistics, security and tourism and technology. The Group has sustained within niche sectors,
becoming a market leader in specialized offering.
BVC Ventures is expanding as a conglomerate with joint ventures, aiding start-ups to grow.
The BVC Ventures team specializes in offering state of the art resources to start-ups and
helping it gain traction to become market leaders. A strong focus is devoted to developing
value for stakeholders and finding effective, scalable solutions to challenges persisting today.
BVC is a market leader in secured logistics services operating for over half a century
providing integrated multimodal transport operations. BVC has carved a niche within high
value goods logistics and is acknowledged as a stalwart in valuable asset movement
BVC has established quality standards, standardized processes and operation excellence
across all the services and facilities. Integrity is the key constituent of BVC Logistics. BVC
Logistics boasts of global connectivity and is amongst the very few Indian Logistic Houses to
be associated with major global brands. For further information, please
Vision & Mission
To create a social difference through disruptive businesses across industries as a leading
To set benchmarks in service quality, stakeholder satisfaction and growth rates in the industry.
Diversity is deeply engrained in our culture. We strive to work with talented individuals from
many different backgrounds and varied viewpoints. This diversity enriches our creative
solutions and ensures value for our clients' businesses. A realization that diverse thought from
many sources directly contributes to business success represents itself in: innovation, problem
solving, and business management.
Attention to detail and attributes of balanced perfection can be realized from Quality. Quality
is a genuine concern for completing work well and is gained through education, training, and
experience. We, at BVC Logistics, lay strong emphasis on training our employees, as we
believe that the highest levels of customer satisfaction and operational excellence are
achieved only with this value.
Business practice cannot be exercised over time without patience and sensitivity. Openminded and fair business dealings start with respecting the needs and concerns of others. And,
it goes beyond classes, races, genders and ages. We are proud to say, every stakeholder
member of BVC Logistics appreciates this value.
Desire to Serve
Self-commitment and self-respect provide the pathway for this value to show up in business.
Enthusiasm for day-to-day activities and being mindful of the needs of one another and
customers result in business efficiencies. An honest proactive desire to serve Communication
Effective communication is the key for sustained business relationships. At BVC Logistics,
we believe that communication based on effective listening, understanding other's
perspectives, and appropriate discretion would lead to strong teams and partnerships.
Charitable Organizations:
The BVC Foundation along with BVC Charitable Origination regularly donates large
amounts to assists various foundations like... Giants Group, JSC and Sri Kunthunath Jain
Foundation the BVC Foundation sponsors 15 individuals at the Mumbai Marathon and
proceeds are donated to United Way of Mumbai to support education and healthcare causes.
The BVC team is raising awareness of the NGO to allow more corporate to donate to the
NGO, eventually leading to a larger difference.
Such donations continue to help improve the standard of living of the underprivileged in the
BVC Foundation has donated multiple dialysis machines to hospitals and hundreds of
patients are treated at discounted rates. Our goal is to continue with such donations that will
help patients for years to come. BVC foundation has also donated an ambulance which is
currently being used in a village in Maharashtra.
BVC Foundation recognizes that helping to educate the underprivileged youth of India will
result in a better quality of life for all. Since 1997 BVC has donated 17,000 books annually,
in addition to sponsoring the yearly academics of several children in remote areas.
Our focus will continue to remain on making education available to the underprivileged and
on improving the quality of academics for talented promising students.
Customers of BVC:
Other Divisions:
International Freight Forwarding ( Ocean / Air Exports / Imports/ Customs
Luxury Goods
Precious Jems and Jewellery (Domestic)
Precious Jems and Jewellery - International
Project Logistics
Dangerous Goods
Through our strategic tie up with Multiple Carrier Neutral Service Providers operating a fleet
of Containerized vehicles plying the Trunk, Feeder as well as the First and Last Miles. The
vehicles are a combination of 32 Feet, 24 Feet, 20 Feet, and 17 Feet closed containers. The
Trunk routes spans from Delhi Bangalore Delhi, Delhi Hyderabad Chennai and the
Feeder routes span across and within various States in India. The vehicles are mounted with
GPS We keep track of our vehicles and in emergency situations, we seamlessly ensure that
the services are unhindered.
Our Surface network is augmented with FTL / Rail / Air Network. We operate SLR and VPU
on the Delhi Bangalore and the Delhi Chennai Routes.
Knowledge Capital:
Our strength lies in our PEOPLE. Everyone is passionate towards giving 100 % service to the
customers. Our people are trained so as to ensure that they understand the business. Our
Strong Talent Acquisition team ensures that the Right people are identified, groomed and
given specific responsibilities.
IT Infrastructure:
Board of directors:
Uday Chinai
Bhavik Chinai
Bhavik Chinai joined as director of
the company in 2012.
He's responsible for implementing
the company's strategic vision,
developing business alliances and
building strong teams.
Bhavik is active in making a social
difference and is the president of an
NGO of the Giants Group.
Rajesh Neelakanta
Yogesh Bansode
Krishnanand Bastikar
Paresh Das
Bharat Badani
Magesh Narayanan
Sushil Sawant
the company?
Head Ocean
Sushil Sawant has over 15 years of
experience in International Freight
Forwarding & Logistics.
He has worked with global logistics
companies like Expeditors, Eagle
Global and leading Indian logistics
players like BLR Logistics
Sushil also has more than a working
knowledge in the International Air
Freight operations.
He has excellent exposure to
Contract Logistics & Industrial
Project Logistics.
Nirav Jogani
Independent Director
He is the Chairman of the G&J task
force of CII and involved in many
industry initiatives such as the
Gujarat Hira Bourse, Surat Rough
Diamond Sourcing and Surat
Convention Center apart from
servicing of many G&J, banking
financial and other clients.
BVC LOGISTICS bags the award for Transport and Logistics Business of the Year
at the Franchise Small Business Awards 2014.
BVC Brinks Launched its New Logo & the JV Celebrated Completion of 18
Successful Months in November 2014.
BVC Logistics Receives Best Logistics Company Award at GJTCI Excellence Awards
in January 2014.