Harsh Taneja CV
Harsh Taneja CV
Harsh Taneja CV
Harsh Taneja
Assistant Professor
Missouri School of Journalism, University of Missouri
181 C Gannett Hall
Columbia, MO. 65211-1200, USA
Email: tanejah@misouri.edu
Website: http://harsht.wordpress.com
Northwestern University
Media, Technology and Society
Dissertation: Media Consumption on the World Wide Web:
Integrating Theories of Global Media Flows and Media Choice
to Explain Global Cultural Consumption
Committee: James Webster (chair), James Ettema, Edward
Malthouse, Noshir Contractor (all Northwestern University), Robert
Ackland (Australian National University)
Assistant Professor
Tenure Track
Graduate Assistant
Teaching and
University of Missouri
Missouri School of Journalism
Northwestern University
Department of Communication Studies
Accounts Planning
Research Executive
Audience Insights
Strategic Media
Journal Articles
Taneja, H & Wu, Angela Xiao (2014). Does the Great Firewall Really Isolate
the Chinese? Integrating Access Blockage With Cultural Factors to
Explain Online User Behavior. The Information Society 30 (5), 297-309
o Awarded Outstanding Article Award (2015), ICA
Taneja, H. & Viswanathan,V (2014).Still Glued to the Box? Television
Viewing Explained in a Multi Platform Age Integrating Situational and
Individual Predictors. International Journal of Communication. 8(26)
Taneja, H. (2013). Audience Measurement and Media Fragmentation:
Revisiting the Monopoly Question, Journal of Media Economics, 26(4),
Taneja, H & Mamoria, U. (2012). Measuring Media Use across Platforms:
Evolving Audience Information Systems. International Journal on
Media Management, 14(2), 121-140
Taneja, H., Webster, J. G., Malthouse, E. C. & Ksiazek, T. B. (2012). Media
Consumption across Platforms: Identifying User-Defined Repertoires.
New Media & Society, 14(6), 951-968
Under Review
Taneja. H & Bhandari, M. How Digital Networks Shape Global Regional
Cultures? Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth on Bollywoods Overseas
Box Office
Wu. A.X &Taneja. H (equal authors) Reimagining Internet Geographies: A
User Centric Ethnological Mapping of the WWW.
Book Chapters
Webster, J.G. and Taneja, H. Media Exposure Measurement. Oxford
Bibliographies Online. Oxford University Press. Available
Taneja, H & Young, H (2013). Adoption of the Internet in the Television
Industry: Explaining Diffusion of an Inefficient Innovation in Alan
Albarrran (Ed.) Media Management and Economics Research in a
Transmedia Environment. Taylor & Francis.
Taneja, H & Swamintahan D (2009). How Does Small Town India Watch
Television? in Nair, Tara (ed.) Media Matters. MICA, Ahmedabad,
Taneja, H. (2009). Benefits and Motivation in News Consumption in the
New Media Age: A Theoretical Perspective in Nair, Tara (ed.) Media
Matters. MICA, Ahmedabad, India.
ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship 2011, Embassy of Switzerland (US)
for a Visiting Fellowship at Academy of Journalism and Media, University of
Neuchatel ($2500)
Graduate Assistantship, Department of Communication Studies,
Northwestern University, Fall 2009 present (Full tuition Waiver + Annual
Broadcast Education Association Scholarship, AY 2012-13 Alternate
Travel and Relocation Scholarship from Dean, School of
Communication, Northwestern University , Fall 2009 ($4,000)
University Graduate Fellowship, Penn State University, For 2009-10 and
2010-11(Declined); Offered additional travel scholarship ($4,000) by Dean,
College of Communication (upon accepting offer of admission, declined)
Best Dissertation Award, TAM Media Research India (A division of
Nielsen Media Research), Masters Thesis
Best Dissertation Award, Second Position, Mudra Institute of
Communications, Ahmedabad (India), Masters Thesis
Refereed Conference Presentations
Taneja, H (May 2015). How Does Increased News Consumption
Conference paper presented at the annual meeting of the International
Communication Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bhandari, M & Taneja, H (May 2015). The role of electronic word of mouth
in predicting Bollywoods overseas box office performance. Conference
paper presented at the annual meeting of the International
Communication Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Taneja, H. & Wu. A.X (July 2014). What Balkanizes the Internet? Access
Denied or Access Unwanted. International Association for Media and
Communication Research (IAMCR), Hyderabad, India. Emerging
Researchers Award, Travel Grant.
Taneja, H. & Wu. A.X. (June 2014). Proceedings of the ACM conference
WebSci 2014. Bloomington, IN, USA.
Taneja, H. (August, 2013). Mapping an Audience Centric World Wide Web. A
Departure from Hyperlink Analysis. Communication Theory and
Methodology Division, annual conference of the Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).
Washington, DC. Chaffee-McLeod Top Student Paper Award.
Taneja, H. & Wu, A.X. (August, 2013). How does the Great Firewall of
China affect online user behavior?: Isolated Internets as culturally
defined markets on the WWW. International Communication Division,
annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication (AEJMC). Washington, DC. Markham Top
Student Paper Award (second place).
Taneja, H. & Wu, A.X. (June, 2013). Does censorship or culture explain the
isolated Chinese Internet? Analyzing global online audience flows.
China and the New Internet World: the 11th Chinese Internet Research
Conference (CIRC11). Oxford Internet Institute, UK. Winner of
Graduate Student Paper Competition.
Taneja, H. A Theory of Global Media Choice: Integrating Institutional and
Cultural Structures. Conference paper presented at the annual meeting
of the National Communication Association, November, 2012, Orlando,
Taneja, H. Media fragmentation and Coexistence of Market Information
Regimes: Simultaneous Use of Two Television Ratings Systems in India.
Paper presented in the Media Economics and Management Division of
the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication, August 2012, Chicago, USA
Taneja, H & Viswanathan V. Modeling Television Viewing: Integrating
Motivational and Situational Predictors. Conference paper presented in
the Mass Communication and Society Division of the annual meeting of
the Association for Education in Journalsim and Mass Communication,
August 2012, Chicago, USA.
Taneja, H. Watching Television in the Multimedia Era: Individual and
Structural Predictors of Exposure. Conference paper presented at the
annual meeting of the International Communication Association, May
2012, Phoenix, USA.
Taneja, H. Describing Audience Flow on the Internet Using a Network
Analytic Approach. Presentation at the annual meeting of the
International Communication Association, May 2012, Phoenix, USA.
Taneja, H., Webster, J.G., Malthouse, E., Ksiazek. T. Media Consumption
Across Platforms, Identifying User Defined Repertoires. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication
Association, May 2012, Phoenix, USA.
Taneja, H. & Viswanathan, V. Explaining Consumption Of Television
Programs: An Integrated Model Using Structural and Individual
Determinants. Paper presented at Student Research Competition,
Broadcast Education Association, April 2012, Las Vegas, USA.
Taneja, H & Young, H Adoption of Internet by the Television Industry:
Diffusion of an Inefficient Innovation. Paper presented at the annual
convention of the Broadcast Education Association, April 2012, Las
Vegas, USA.
Taneja, H, Contesting Information Regimes, Simultaneous Use of Two
Television Audience Measurement Systems in India. Paper presented at
the 25th annual meeting of the Asian Media and Communication
Association, June 2011, Hyderabad, India.
Taneja, H & Mamoria, U, Future of Audience Measurement: The Case for
Single Source as Currency. Paper presented at ' IX World Media
Economics and Management Conference', June 2010, Bogota.
Taneja, H & Nair, T.S. Brand Equity and Choice: A Study of Online and