Editors Note
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A pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) is often used as a model data to test a high-speed serial
interface devices for emulating a mission mode. It is mathematically randomized bit stream so that
it is well neutralized and balanced data. It is employed not only in pure digital functional tests but
also in mixed signal tests as an embedded data in a modulation signal. Even if your ATE is capable
to generate PRBS data automatically, it is useful to understand the features of PRBS, so lets look at
how a PRBS data can be generated and its characteristics in this issue.
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Table 1:
LFSR Polynomial
The input of the XOR (exclusive OR) in the 4-bit LFSR is the 3rd and 4th cells of the LFSR. This LFSR
is mathematically described as a polynomial of x4+x3+1. Table 2 shows more LFSRs longer than 4
bits, so they can generate PRBS patterns longer than 15 bits.
Table 2:
When you use a PRBS pattern in a test which is required to be repetitive with 2 L bits for some reason,
the natural PRBS has 2L-1 bits so that it is not convenient for the test requirement. Then you may
want to put additional 0 to the end of the PRBS pattern. (Table 3) When you fill up 16-bit buffer
memory with the 15-bit PRBS patten, the final cell becomes empty so that this would be incovenient
in some situations. Then you may want to repeat 15 iterations of the PRBS pattern continuously in
order to fill up the 16-bit buffer. (Table 4)
Table 3:
Padding 0
Table 4:
List 1:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
You may notice some specific features in the spectrum; the main lobe of 1 Gbps bit stream occupies
1 GHz which corresponds the bit speed. The spectrum is constructed with line spectral components.
The main lobe contains 15 lines of components including DC location. So the spectrum spacing
becomes 66.666 MHz (=1 GHz/15). Each one of the side lobes is constructed with 15 spectrum
spacing as well. The line spectrum spacing equals the bit rate/(2L-1).
If you limit the bandwidth of the spectrum and reconstruct the waveform by applying the IFFT
(Inverse FFT), the waveform looks as illustrated in Figure 4. Considering the signal integrity of the
waveform, a good digital signal should contain at least 3 lobes (the main + 2 side lobes) in general.
So an analog bandwidth of signal path should be greater than 3 times of the bit rate frequency. This
is a rule of thumb for designing a load board for digital signal. This is greatly important in testing
high-speed digital interface signals. An ATE resource to test such signals should be required to have
more than 3 times of the bit rate as well.
TMU Consideration
The PS9G and PS1600 digital channels in the SOC Test System V93000 integrate the TMU (Time
Measurement Unit), which is an excellent resource to measure time events. When testing jitters of
a PRBS signal by using the TMU, it is useful for you to understand a feature of PRBS. For detailed
information about the TMU and its programming, you should consult the specific system manual
and documents.
There are some programmable parameters available in the TMU. At first, you should set the edge
parameter RISE_FALL for capturing a PRBS signal. Then Prescaler and InterSampleDiscard
are important for capturing high frequency waveform or high-speed digital signal. For simplicity,
Prescaler is not discussed here. For detail, refer the appropriate document.
Now InterSampleDiscard is a point in this article. It should be set as an even number. Then lets
look at how the 15-bit PRBS4 waveform would be treated in Figures 5 and 6. When setting
RISE_FALL, rising edges and falling edges are alternately captured, marked red in the figures.
Looking at the time intervals of every rising and falling edges, there are 8 unique patterns found in
this case. This number 8 correponds to the number of edges of the PRBS waveform. When PRBS4,
there are 8 edges in the waveform so that there are 8 unique patterns available. As seen in Figures
5 and 6, when InterSampleDiscard is different, the unique pattern waveforms are different but
the number of unique patterns is always constant. This unique pattern concept would influence the
data dependent jitter (DDJ) in the actual jitter measurement.
Figure 5:
Figure 6: