Remedies Hutchinson - 2012
Remedies Hutchinson - 2012
Remedies Hutchinson - 2012
What is a Remedy?
A. Definition anything a court can do for a litigant who has been wronged or is about 2B wronged
1. the wrong can be something that has already occurred or something that is about to occur.
B. 2 Most Common Remedies
1. Damages = judgments that Ps are entitled to sums of money from Ds
2. Injunction = orders to Ds to refrain from wrongful conduct or to undo its consequences
C. How do we distinguish remedies from substantive law classes?
1. Substantive law = tells you what rights you have
2. Remedies add to the substantive law (tells you what rights you have), as they correct for deviations - so
remedies give meaning to substantive rights
D. How do we classify remedies?
1. Compensatory compensate P for value of thing P lost at time of loss - losses from Ds actions
a) Usually $$ - compensatory damages to make P as well off as if he was never wronged
b) These include substitutionary remedies where money substitutes for the thing that was lost.
2. Preventative designed to prevent harm or loss before it occurs
a) Coercive remedies includes injunctions (order for court to litigants to do or refrain from doing
specific things) e.g. specific performance, writs of mandamus, prohibition, habeas corpus
i. The direct order and potential for punishing disobedience distinguishes coercive from
declaratory remedies
b) Declaratory remedies state rights of parties under substantive law, but do not order parties to do
i. Simply declares rights, judgment announces rights
ii. Preventative because - understanding that once declaratory judgment is set forth, litigants
will comply
iii. Most important declaratory judgment
iv. Other examples: bills to quiet title, and cancellation of instruments
3. Restitutionary designed to restore to P in amount D unjustly enriched
a) Restitutionary and compensatory damages can be =, but restitutionary can also be far greater than
i. Can include unjust enrichment e.g. someone taking your property and profiting in a way
that exceeds the value of what was taken under remedies, you can recover all those gains
b) focus on Ds gains
i. disgorges unjust profits
ii. damages may be speculative/vague
c) damage can be caused by Ds mistake not always intentional
d) Sometimes differs practically reverse transactions in kind, restoring possession of specific
property when its practical to do so
e) Administered through variety of devices quasi-K, constructive trusts, equitable liens, accounting
for profits, rescission, and subrogation (courts see it as the same thing, granting restitution)
4. Punitive designed to punish where theres not only N, but some other type of bad behavior by
a) in equity, we gave prophylactic injunctions which award more to Ps than they would be entitled to
under legal principles, because of some type of bad behavior
b) e.g. criminal prosecutions
c) There are also punitive damages
5. Ancillary designed to give life/aid of other remedies (costs/attorneys fees, etc._
a) e.g. went to court, got damages or injunction, but D doesnt comply, ancillary remedies come in to
enforce remedies:
i. contempt
ii. garnishment court orders people who owe $$ to D to pay P instead
iii. execution sheriff seizes Ds property, sells it, and uses proceeds to pay P
b) includes costs and attorneys fees
c) receivership court appoints 3rd party to manage assets pending litigation
E. Remedies are further divided into 2 more basic categories:
1. Substitutionary Remedies substitution for what P loss (if dont give P what actually lost)
Right to sue for damages is limited to the time in which a prudent person would replace this
destroyed horses and burros thus you have to mitigate damages when possible
4. Applied Here - Ps were entitled:
a) to the market value, or replacement cost of horses and burros at the time of the taking
i. Must consider availability of like animals in the immediate vicinity and their value
ii. Must factor in a premium for training costs
iii. Ps must show proximate cause show some facts as to why Ds were responsible for harm
b) plus use value of animals during the period of time between the taking and the time they could
have replace the animals
c) to pain and suffering
i. award for pain and suffering must result from wrongful taking of Ps animals by US agents
ii. and it must be treated on an individual manner, as it is unique to each person
B. LAW & ECONOMICS different approach to this: Profit Maximizing
1. If D can profit from doing wrong -- if still have profit left over after remedy given to P
i. Encourages wrongdoing, makes Ks more unpredictable - since may get more if breach may
underestimate damages will be when breach
ii. Externalities Ds not always motivated by $
iii. More dimensions to law fails to consider Ps losses may not be monetary
A. Defined - A court order that directs a party to engage in a particular course of conduct or to refrain from
engaging in a particular course of conduct
1. Fed Rule for Injunctions Rule 65(a) must be complete documents:
a) State reason/issue in clear detail why issued
b) State its terms specifically, and
c) Described in reasonable detail within document itself cant refer you to other documents to get
rest of info
d) Must be reasonably clear who parties bound by injunction so they have sufficient notice
2. Tailoring Principle tailor the remedy to the injury
a) Applied to both quantitative damages, and injunctions as well
3. Types:
a) Preliminary
b) TRO
c) Specific injunction
4. Non-compliance can lead to sanctions/contempt
5. P has to show that there is a harm that has occurred or is going to occur
6. Functions of injunctions (academic terms, dont need to classify in ct)
a) Prevent harm
b) Repair harm that has already occurred
c) Restructure public institutions to bring them in compliance with statutory and institutional norms
7. Injunctions are treated as unusual or extraordinary relief
a) Cant just order parties to obey law need to be more specific 2 facts of case since injunctions are
a higher level of relief than law since injunction are last resort relief , injunctions are special
because they carry ancillary remedy of contempt, so there is support 2 primary remedy
b) Could damage the reputation of D (see Humble Oil)
c) Issuing too many injunctions would dilute their force.
B. Preventing Harm The Measure of Injunctive Relief ()
1. Preventative Injunctions
a) First step: we have to show ripeness P must show threat/injury ripe
i. Almurbati v. Bush (D.D.C. 2005) (263)
(i) Facts: Plaintiffs, six Bahraini nationals classified as "enemy combatants," filed a petition
for habeas corpus. Relying on news reports and statements of the petitioners, they
allege that they will face irreparable harm (from torture to possible death) if transferred
to certain foreign nations. The Department of Defense -- Senior Exec officials testify/
Equitable Mootness D has burden if claims moot first courts review merits of case then
look at harm if court cannot do anything to prevent /remedy harm from re-occurring harm moot
Pepsico got more than that since Redmond cant work for direct competitor for
certain period of time
(v) NOTES: pg. 289 abortion protests prophylactic injunction to have abortion protestors
stay certain distance away from clinic.
1. Gangs CA put preliminary injunction for nuisance for gang members in 4 block
radius but since no gang member showed up in court couldnt enforce, since no
C. Reparative Injunctions (Repairing Harm) courts can issue injunctions ordering D to do something in
order to correct harm that has already taken place, 2 prevent u from living w/harm already occurred
a) Bell v. Southwell (5th Cir. 1967) (260) GA election for Justice of the Peace. Bell was a black
candidate. Southwell, white candidate, won due to various acts of racial intimidation and
discrimination. Bell asks court to set aside election and order a new one, and enjoin Southwell
from taking office. Lower court while finding a clear constitutional violation holds that it cannot
issue an injunction to rectify a past wrong especially when there is no evidence to suggest that
outcome will be different, as they have to be forward looking. Ct. of Appeals reversed and
remanded for an appropriate order setting aside the election results and calling for a new election.
i. RULE - A court can issue an injunction to rectify a past action, even if its not certain that the
outcome will change that if affirmative relief is essential, court has the power and should
employ it this was exceptional remedy
ii. Injunctions can be both forward and backward looking
b) Forster v. Boss (8th Cir. 1996) (295) The Bosses, in selling their property to the Forsters,
defrauded them. The Bosses said that the Forsters could obtain a permit for a boat dock knowing
that they themselves owned a permit, which would prevent the Forsters from obtaining one. Also,
the Bosses said they would remove their swim dock, which they did not do. The district court
awarded $10,000 in punitive damages, $12,500 in compensatory damages for the boat dock,
$2,500 in compensatory damages for the swim dock, and injunctions ordering the Bosses to
remove the swim dock and for the boat dock permit.
i. RULE - A P can be awarded damages and an injunction so long as there is not a double
recovery cannot have both compensatory damages + injunctive relief
ii. Applied Here:
(i) Court allows P to choose remedy probably didnt like D for fraud
(ii) P can either get removal of boat dock + permit or compensatory damages
(iii) Ps get to keep punitive damages as damages for delay are not a double recovery
iii. NOTES: Distinction between preventative and reparative (since all injunctions are
preventative in a sense) is between preventing the wrongful act (racial intimidation on
election day, failing to deliver dock permit at closing), and preventing some or all of the
harmful consequences of that act (four years under an illegally elected justice of the peace,
living without a dock)
(i) thus reparative doesnt literally undo past violations, rather it prevents some of the harm
from that past violation
(ii) \reparative injunction is thus appropriate when P will suffer additional harm in the future,
and when it is possible to prevent that additional harm from happening
2. How much Harm Should Injunctions Prevent? How much harm should the injunction undo?
a) Winston Research Corp. v. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. (9th Cir. 1965) (300)
Rightful Position restores 2 position wouldve had but 4 harm
i. Mincom developed an improved precision tape recorded and reproducer. Somewhat later,
Winston developed a similar machine by using confidential information supplied by former
employees of Mincom. Mincom sues Winston arguing Winston machine made by former
Mincom employees from trade secrets known by employees. Dist. Ct. finds that technology
was a trade secret, and granted injunction for 2 years(time protected after public disclosure),
but no damages, both sides appealed Mincom wanted a permanent injunction.
(i) Courts will not issue damages where P has not been damaged and D has not been unjustly
RULE 60(b)(5) = permanent injunction is a final judgment. Unless vacated or modified on appeal, it is
res judicata (decided therefore barred) from subsequent proceedings.
i. Drafted before institutional reform litigation/structural injunction
ii. CRTS HATE Why? judges view as person brining suit to re-hear litigation/retry claim
iii. Only applies to remedies that operate prospectively (expected to happen) ensuring those
remedies are equitable
iv. CANNOT USE TO COMBAT INJUNCTION ITSELF only to combat effect of injunction
result of injunction
b) United States v. Swift & Co. (1932) [342]: The inquiry in modifying an injunction is whether the
changes are so important that dangers, once substantial, have become attenuated to be shadow.
Nothing less than a clear showing of grievous wrong evoked by new and unforeseen conditions
should lead us to change what was decreed after years of litigation with the consent of all
c) United States v. United Shoe Machinery Corp. (1968): [342] Swift is inapplicable when a decree
fails to achieve its central purpose and a party seeks modifications designed to achieve that
d) Rufo v. Inmates of the Suffolk Country Jail (1992) [344]: inmates sued claiming pretrial detainees
were held in unconstitutional conditions. Court issued injunction enjoining Government Ds from
(1)housing at the jail an inmate awaiting a trial with another inmate, and after a later date (2) from
housing any inmates awaiting trial at all.
i. RULE: A party seeking modification of a consent decree must establish that a significant
change in facts or law warrants revision of the decree and that the proposed modifications is
suitably tailored to the changed circumstance.
(i) Courts CANNT RELITIGATE FLOOR OF INJUNCTION IF new law requires less
leaving injunction requirements > law requires cannot relitigate
(ii) A consent decree can be modified if events that were unforeseen at the time it was made
occur that make it inequitable to bind the parties a flexible approach that takes into
account certain changes:
1. Changes that make compliance unworkable
2. Factual conditions make compliance onerous
3. Proves to be detrimental to public interest
4. Becomes illegal to comply, or likewise, laws change to make legal what decree was
designed to prevent
(iii) modification should not be granted where a party relies on events that actually were
anticipated a the time it entered into a decree
(iv) once moving party meets burden of establishing change in fact or law, Dist. Court should
determine whether proposed modification is suitably tailored to the changed
circumstances thus 3 matters should be clear:
1. modification must not create or perpetuate a constitutional violation
2. modification should not strive to rewrite a consent decree so that it conforms to the
constitutional floor
3. public interest and separation of powers requires court to defer to local govt
ii. Applied Here:
(i) change in fact: surge in inmate population
(ii) change in law: SC held that double cells were constitutional
(iii) The outcome depends on if the jail anticipated the growth, and whether Ds though single
celling of pretrial detainees was mandated by the constitution
e) Agostini v. Felton (1997): [344] An injunction is modifiable for significant change in law when the
precedents on which it is based have been seriously undermined or eroded; only the SC can decide
that one of its own decision has been so undermined.
f) Frew v. Hawkins (2004) [344]: State officials cannot re-litigate the minimum requirements of
federal law on plaintiffs' motion to enforce a consent decree.
CONSENT DECREES: A consent decree is an injunction entered by agreement of the parties, subject
to the approval of the court.
3. The Rights of 3rd Parties parties not involved in litigation injunction can still be imposed on them
for minor & ancillary tasks but not usually substantive relief
i. Rule = innocent third parties can be affected substantially, but not to the point of being
restructured, by orders to defendants who violated the law.
(i) Innocent third parties may also be subjected to minor and ancillary tasks to orders
themselves. (so still can be subject to injunction)
ii. Claim and Issue Preclusion
(i) Martin v. Wilks (1989) [372]: No one is bound by a decree unless he was a party, and no
one is obliged to intervene in a lawsuit to which he has not been made a party.
Hills v. Gautreaux (359) Court of Appeals found that HUD had violated 5th Amendment when
it knowingly funded the CHAs (Chicago Housing Authorities) racially discriminatory family
public housing authority. After efforts to implement a remedy within Chicago, Ct. of Appeals
ordered HUD to develop a metropolitan housing plan -- develop public housing in desegregated
neighborhoods, not just in low-income minority neighborhoods. HUD argued that remedy should
only apply to Chicago. SC rejects this argument
i. ISSUE: Can metropolitan housing plan be required to go outside city limits?
ii. RULE Remedial powers to restructure the operation of local and state governmental entities
may be exercised only on the basis of a constitutional violation and once that violation has
law and economics carrots worth more so more efficient use of good
counter allow Campbell to buy at lower price, and then decide what to do use or
sell its carrots
(iv) The Cover Principle UCC 2-716 codifies SP, SP if goods unique or in other proper
1. inability to cover is strong evidence of other proper circumstances in which SP is
2. Courts will often given specific performance for ordinary goods when:
a. there is a scarcity
b. time constraints
c. or the size of the order
d. when supplier has monopoly correlate w/irreplaceable
i. all things that make the order nearly impossible to cover
3. P in SP also required to perform their part of K so must be able to or SP will not be
e) Van Wagner Advertising Corp. v. S & M Enterprises (N.Y. 1986) (402) - Van Wagner advertising
leased wall of building facing midtown tunnel for billboards. He leased it to Asch Advertising for
3 years starting March 1, 1982. Michaels, who leased the property to Van Wagner, sold it to S&M
earlier in 1982, and in August of 1982 sent letter to Van Wagner canceling the lease as of Oct. 18.
S&Ms cancellation of the lease was breach of contract. S&M says money damages are adequate.
Van Wagner wants specific performance since sign location unique - off busy tunnel, no property
is the same
(i) SP is properly denied where damages are an adequate remedy and equitable relief would
impose a disproportionate burden on the D
1. equity shouldnt itself work an inequity on D
(ii) Issue isnt about uniqueness or substitution, rather the uncertainty of valuing it
ii. Applied Here:
(i) Value of the unique qualities could be fixed with reasonable certainty and without a high
risk of undercompensating P,
1. Not unique -- P in business had 400 other signs posted in city so value easily
calculated since there is a mket for this, so not unique even though real property
(ii) Moreover, SP would be inequitable to D as property was supposed to be redeveloped
SP too costly 2 D
iii. Notes
(i) Undue hardship is a separate means of denying relief
(ii) EQUITY balance of hardships (benefit P balanced by burden of injunction imposed on
[N/A if D intentional wrongdoer]
1. CRT CONSIDERS no irreparable injury, burden to D
(iii) Uniqueness not end-all-be all are there adequate substitutes that can replace? If yes,
SP will be denied
(iv) Cases exist which grant SP for Ks to sell used goods new goods arent adequate
Burdens on D
a) Whitlock v. Hilander Foods, Inc. (Ill. App. Ct. 1999) 409
i. Facts: D was building a wall near his land, P gave him permission to allow the construction
crew on his land while the wall was being built. P noticed wall's footings abutted P's
land/encroached on his property 18 inches. P attempted to negotiate with D about
compensation, but no agreement was reached. Dist crt grants D summary judgment on
laches (you waited to long to bring P), D found nonintentional wrongdoer so balanced
equities 18 inches encroachment < cost of moving structure Appeals Crt Reverses
ii. Issue: Whether an injunction was an appropriate remedy
iii. Holding: The trial court erred in concluding that, as a matter of law, the encroachment on
plaintiff's property was not intentional. Whether to categorize defendant's encroachment as
(ii) Public policy is a critical analysis here. even if have likelihood success
1. SC NAVY training national security paramount public interest> mammals
possibly harmed
a. Harm to unknown number of marine animals < natl security
2. SC Abuse of Discretion for lower court to order perm injunction
a. Since test essentially same requirements except for dont need to prove
success on the merits. Since only issue Navy must prepare EIS report not
must cease sonar training no basis for enjoining training since can narrowly
tailor injunction to require NAVY to produce EIS report, etc.
(iii) DISSENT: substantive claim will inevitably prevail on merits since NAVY required by
law to produce EIS report before training there is a balancing scale for weighing factors
if high likelihood prevail on merits other factors can be lower. Substantial likelihood
harm to environment, public policy, success on merits likely would not be abuse of
discretion if granted perm injunction
Sliding Scale or Not for Preliminary Injunction 4 Part Test
a) Lakeshore Hills, Inc. v. Adcox (Ill. App. Ct. 1980) 445 - prof uses as good ex/of sliding scale
i. D has moved 2 suburbs w/pet bear which was 5th gen. captive, defanged, double caged, &
declawed. The bear violated covenant in deeds. Homeowners association claimed success
almost certain since violated their rule, based on covenant in deeds, to have bear. Possibility
of injury low but risk to public if death or injury high.
b) Shivo case -- no likelihood success on merits cuz husband had right to remove tubes. FL crt said
likelihood of success on merits weeks so injunction denied. However, irreparable injury very
strong -- not even considered.
c) RECONCILING THE 4 PART TEST many courts require all 4 to be present but just give same
language to test and then in practice really are applying a sliding scale
Procedure For Obtaining Preliminary Relief
a) Coyne-Delany Co. v. Capital Development Board(7thCir.1983)Injunctin Bonds -450
i. C-D suing under 1983, under color of law, arguing that they were deprived of their property
right without due process of law since state denied right of P to participate in bid sought
TRO 2 days b4 bid wanted a 50K injunction bond, but magistrate set 5k bond thinking
process dealt with quickly. District judge then issued a preliminary injunction without
changing injunction bond amount. 7th circuit overruled case relied on by C-D no property
right in gov bid. Case was decided incorrectly. D therefore entitled to damages since wrongly
enjoined in suit and therefore cost money to re-bid K $56K.
1. Injunction wrongfully issued party wrongfully enjoined entitled to seek damages
by capped at amt of damages = cost of injunction bond
iii. Applied Here
(i) Change in law is legitimate consideration, but not grounds alone for denying damages
(ii) Bond only covers a fraction of the loss supports issuance of damages
(iii) Here D failed to appeal interlocutory for an increase in the bond amount, shouldve done
so so damages limited to amount of bond
iv. Notes
(i) In fed courts Fed Rule Civ Pro 65(c), the bond is discretionary. In determining how
much (or if) of a bond is required, courts will look at: pg. 453 note #2b
1. Potential loss to the
2. Financial hardship to the
3. Public importance of the rights being enforced.
(ii) It is s responsibility to ask for the bond
(iii) What triggers liability on the bond?
1. Texas v. Camenisch says that the L on the bond couldnt be equated with whether the
preliminary injunction had been properly issued its based on the ultimate
disposition of the case success not likelihood of success
(iv) What damages are covered by the bond?
The damages must be caused by the wrongful prelim not just caused by the
2. Federal courts disallow attorneys fees, but some states allow them.
(v) Liability above the bond: most of the time, no. But there are generally 3 exceptions:
1. Liability by statute in some states
2. who are clearly able to pay damages
3. Some independent ground for liability, like malicious prosecution.
Injunction Bond -- Assuming bond is discretionary (depends on jurisdiction), courts consider potential loss to the
D, financial hardship to the P, and the public importance of the right being enforced.
It is defendant's responsibility to ask for a bond. If the court fails to require a bond, through oversight or an
erroneous decision to waive bond, the preliminary injunction is nonetheless binding.
Some courts claim discretion not to enforce the bond even if the injunction was wrongfully issued.
Damages Covered --- The damages must be caused by the wrongful preliminary injunction or temporary TRO; it is
not enough that they were caused by the litigation
Some jurisdictions disallow fees; some allow fees for seeking dissolution of the preliminary order.
Courts can waive bonds: indigent P, D can agree to waiver of bond -- There must be REASONS for waiving the
bond. -- Each party must pay its own litigation costs.
With TRO, you have to notify the other side after you get the TRO, since a party
isnt bound by a TRO they dont know about.
2. TRO must state reason why its issued FRCP 65(d)(1) pg. 467
3. TROs are not appealable
(iii) A TRO cannot be appealed (unless the denial of the TRO decides the merits or is the
equivalent of a dismissal), a preliminary injunction can
b) BIG TRO CASE -- Sampson v. Murray (1974) (460)
i. P was a probationary employee of the federal government and was fired. P met w/personal
officer after fired [gov worker so get broader procedural rights when terminated] n officer
suggested P was fired due to reports of previous employment at another agency. P filed a
lawsuit seeking preliminary injunction to prevent her discharge pending an administrative
appeal. The district judge grants 10 days TRO then extended indefinitely until the government
produced Sanders, the acting commissioner who fired her, to testify. Sanders refuses saying
court lacks jurisdiction. SC reverses.
ii. SC Rehnquist:
(i) SC characterizes TRO as preliminary injunction (since lasts over 14 days (now 10)) so
entitled to hear since preliminary injunctions entitled to interlocutory appeals (otherwise
would have to wait til case ended)
1. Can P get damages for loss of income rather than specific remedy of preventing
discharge (via preliminary injunction)?
a. Since there is an available remedy for wrongful termination at law (back pay
awards) then preliminary injunction not available to P
b. Can be reinstated after if wrongfully discharged as well
2. Can discharge be considered an irreparable injury?
a. Not in this case -- CAN IN EXTRAORDINARY CASES but not being able to
obtain employment, not enough $ to live, etc. not enough to be irreparable
injury must be extraordinary harm in these cases of employment
b. Loss to reputation not enough since can get agency determination in Ps favor
(ii) Separation of Powers we the court dont want to micro manage governments internal
iii. Marshall Dissent
(i) not preliminary injunction since that requires finding of fact, no finding of fact here
so TRO
(ii) No separation of powers issue issue is to determine if gov violated their own statute
then not against congressional intent, also procedural irregularities in her discharge, no
statutory support or administrative right to discharge
i. SC says that government traditionally granted widest latitude in dispatch of its own affairs
(i) Look at public policy and separation of powers
(ii) Traditional unwillingness to enforce personal service Ks
(iii) Consider the disruptive effect of injunction
d) Right after Sampson -Granny Goose Foods, Inc. v. Brotherhood of Teamsters: 465
i. SC -- s were not in contempt of a TRO with notice, because it had expired ten days after its
issuance and before they violated it.
Scope of hearing for TRO or preliminary injunction:
(i) Depends on the complexity and urgency of the case.
(ii) TROs are usually much shorter findings of fact and law arent really required
(iii) Evidence admitted at a preliminary injunction hearing may be considered at the trial of
the case and need not be repeated.
(iv) TROs are not appealable
(v) Notice for TRO less restrictive (can be same day notice) preliminary injunction need
more notice
SSI bypassed by =
i. states passing state laws which allow themselves to be sued,
ii. Congress can also abrogate SSI by passing laws (via 14th amendment) which provide certain
protections for all individuals
(i) US v. Georgia (2006) look to nature of act to see if 14th amendment applies if does then
P can get damages, no injunction though
Power of Congress
a) -Fitzgerald v. Bitzer: When it acts to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress can override
sovereign immunity and authorize retrospective relief against states.
b) US v. Georgia (2006) look to nature of act to see if 14th amendment applies if does then P can get
damages, no injunction though
i. PROBLEM SC is one to interpret whether the 14th Amendment applies to statute
(i) so limited to SC precedent of what has been covered in past AND
(ii) how todays court interprets precedent
1. Ex/Garrett Decision ADA state cant be forced to comply w/law since law not
under the 14th Amendment , disability discrimination not unconstitutional
2. Civil Rights south having hard time suing state w/civil rights violations
3. Mental retardation not a suspect class
4. Welfare not 14th Amendment
c) -Seminole Tribe: Congress cannot override immunity under the Commerce Clause or most of its
other Article I powers.
i. Congress lacks powers to impose retrospective remedies on states that violate the patent laws,
the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, or the employment provisions of the Americans
with Disabilities Act.
d) -United States v. Georgia: Congress can override state immunity on statutory claims to the extent
that the facts alleged in support of those claims would also support constitutional claims.
CLEAR STATEMENTE RULE State waivers of state immunity, congressional waivers of the
federal immunity, and congressional overrides of state immunity all must be expressed in a clear
statement in statutory text that excludes any other possible interpretation.
i. -There is no implied waiver or abrogation.
Hans v. Louisiana (1890) pg 479 expands SSI no citizen can sue state
i. Hans was Louisiana citizen who sued state to collect on state bonds. Louisiana argued
ii. SC Louisiana has immunity from suit. States are immune from suits brought by their own
citizens or citizens of another state.
b) ExParte Young pg. 472
i. 11th Amendment didnt bar fed court from enjoining AG of Minnesota from enforcing a statute
which claimed to violate 14 Amendment.
ii. RULEAG only enjoined for future conduct = prospective relief
(i) ExParte Fiction
1. Suing state official acting within their official capacity not suing state
a. Lots times state indemnifies their employees so state actually pays damages not
individual crt just saying state has choice to indemnify
2. Only get prospective relief relief from their actions going forward
3. Cant use ExParte Young 2 recover property from government
c) Alden v. Maine state cant be sued in state court
d) Edelman v. Jordan (U.S. 1974)
i. Facts: Regulations required states to determine eligibility in 45 days, but Illinois took up to 4
months to pay benefits. P sued the director of the Illinois Department of Public Aid. They had
to pay back benefits.
ii. Issue: Whether an injunction ordering the D officials to comply with federal regulations in the
future was appropriate
iii. Rule: A suit by private parties seeking to impose a L which must be paid from public funds in
the state treasury is barred by the Eleventh Amendment.
iv. SC Reasoning:
(i) Ex parte Young: - different than this case in Young relief awarded was prospective only
here its $ so not prospective relief
(ii) Lower court wrong when said not compensatory relief but equitable restitution for harm
already occurred/profits in future SC -- $$ is $$ no difference
(iii) No constructive consent from state for merely participating in program consent needs
2B explicit, clear unambiguous statement 4 states to wave sovereign immunity or for
congress to abrogate SSI
v. Holding: A federal court's power, consistent with the Eleventh Amendment, is necessarily
limited to prospective injunctive relief, Young, and may not include a retroactive award which
requires the payment of funds from the state treasury, Ford.
vi. Douglas Dissent: 11th Amendment doesnt make distinction btwn law & equity so you
shouldnt either
vii. Brennan Dissent: State conceded to be sued when signed convention so no issue w/11th
a. This case inverts principle that injunctions are remedy of last resort this
makes damages remedy of last resort
b. Why? Not wanting courts to have control over state treasury -- $ 4 lawmakers
not court (sep powers issue)
B. Suits Against Officers in Their Personal Capacities
1. Can sue gov official for their conduct while acting under color of law in their official capacity
2. Absolute Immunity: US, State Constitution, by law
Why not tort law? more harm created when fed officer violates private citizens that
tort law cant comprehend (since only looking at private citizen) greater magnitude
of injury so even if tort law overlaps authority of national gov carries more force
i. Sidenote: state wanted L to be state claim since less L probably also if
made constitutional then broadened avenue 4 litigants to get into fed court
iv. Harlan Concurrence: When determining if right remedy must use standard if remedy is
necessary and appropriate, however it is necessary & appropriate since injunction useless
since harm unlikely to happen again, exclusionary rule wont work since not brought to court
(i) Notes: Implied Remedies for Constitutional Violations
a. -Scope of Bivens
i. -Davis v. Passman: The Court found an implied cause of action under
Bivens in a sex-discrimination suit.
ii. -Carlson v. Green: The Court implied a right to sue for damages from
unconstitutional prison conditions.
iii. TODAY mostly case-by-case basis so exact opposite from cases above
now not automatic at all
b. When Congress creates a statutory remedy, the statutory remedy 4 most part
will control
i. Criticisms- Congress can pass law exempting remedy court must comply
w/possible infringement of right since would be unenforceable since no
damage relief
ii. Exception to criticism if protected class will have remedy since law
would be unconstitutional
c. Why does court go into damages before hearing issue? Doesnt do this
d. Civil Rights Statutes current court anti-anti discrimination, Congress doesnt
usually go back to correct courts (make statute to correct) since cant get
majority to give damages
e. -Plaintiffs seeking a federal remedy against a state of the federal
government must identify:
a substantive right,
ii. a grant of jurisdiction,
iii. a private right of action, and
iv. a waiver of immunity.
b) Alexander v. Sandoval (U.S. 2001) 536 Crt refused 2 look beyond text of statute
i. Facts: The Alabama Department of Public Safety accepted grants of federal assistance in
exchange for compliance w/Title 7. It later decided to administer state drivers' license
examinations only in English. Federal Regulations prohibited exclusion based on race, color,
or national origin.
ii. Issue: Whether there is a private cause of action to enforce the regulation
iii. Holding: There is no evidence in the text to suggest that Congress intended to create a private
right to enforce regulations.
(i) 601 goes towards enforcing intent of title 7 statute Congress gives private COA to
(ii) 602 Congress gave agency write to regs to prohibit policies which have disparate
effect -- no private right 2 enforce, agency enforces
iv. Rule: Intent of Congress to create private COA must be explicitly depicted in statute
C. RIGHT TO JURY TRIAL law based lawsuits not equity based lawsuits
1. What need to know for Right to Jury Trial
i. 7th Amendment required nature of COA must give history 2 determine if equitable or
ii. If have mixed claim must decided legal issue 1st by jury --then judge must decided equitable
issue 2nd (note #1 pg. 565)
General Case -- Nashville, Chattanooga, & St. Louis Railway v. Wallace (U.S. 1933) 573
i. Facts: Appellant brought suit under the Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act to secure a
judicial declaration that a state excise tax as applied to appellant was unconstitutional
violating commerce clause. Trial court granted decree for appellees, affirmed by state SC.
On appeal, SC rules for appellant.
ii. RULE - There must be a case or controversy in order for a court to issue an opinion. Case or
controversy means that there are rights affected by someones actions. No advisory opinions
(i) Concerned with substance not form
iii. Applied Here SC-- controversy presented is real and substantial
(i) Looking at the nature of the proceedings which the statute authorizes (rather than the
legislative label), and the effect of the judgment rendered upon the rights which
appellants asserts----so long as the case retains the essentials of an adversary
proceeding, involving a real, not a hypothetical controversy --1. the proceeding which terminated appellants decree was between adverse parties,
asserting valuable legal rights, which were threatened with imminent invasion by
d) Doran v. Salem Inn, Inc. (1975) (597) Salem, Tim-Rob, and M&L were restaurants with topless
dancers. The town passed an ordinance forbidding such entertainment. On 8/9 they filed suit; on
9/10 M&L reopened, in violation of law, and in September, M&L and its dancers received criminal
summonses. M&L resumed, and was served with criminal summons, yet federal court
preliminarily enjoined enforcement of ordinance despite Younger, noting that it would have been
anomalous to grant relief to 2 Ps and not one. Ct. of Appeals affirmed. SC grants relief to 2 Ps
but reverses decision to grant relief to M&L being prosecuted in state court..
i. Issue: Whether the holdings of Younger, Steffel, and Samuels must give way before such
interests in efficient judicial administration as were relied upon by the Court of Appeals
ii. Holding: Each respondent should be placed in the position required if it stood alone.
iii. -M&L's prayers for relief are subject to Younger.
1. If a state prosecution is pending, D cannot sue in federal court to enjoin either
pending prosecution or any threatened future prosecutions. Younger v. Harris (524)
iv. -Salem and Tim-Rob were entitled to have their claims for preliminary injunctive relief
considered without regard to Younger.
v. Absentation disallows absentation for one party but doesnt allow for others
a. Still may be a problem for Ps that are granted preliminary injunction, allowing
to violate act/ordinance they claim unconstitutional, then courts final ruling is
its constitutional since its unclear whether the state could then prosecute for
previous acts under preliminary order.
C. Reformation parties that have agreement but written document doesnt confirm parties intent. Court
may reform K by changing language of the K so that it reflects what the parties originally thought they
were contracting for
1. Cases of mutual mistake of fact, which dont involve fraud, no choice must have reformation of K
2. If fraud then reformation could be by unilateral mistake of fact but must be supported by clear and
convincing evidence
3. Reformation is equitable remedy but doesnt seem to have irreparable injury or ripeness requirements
4. Rescission v. Reformation
i. Reformation changes K parties are still bound
ii. Rescission parties leave w/what they had before K, no K, as if never had K
Hand v. Dayton-Hudson (6th Cir. 1985) 610 Hand, an attorney working for Dayton, lost job
allegedly due to major restructuring. Dayton agreed to pay $38K, if Hand agreed to release claims.
Dayton prepared a release for Hand to sign, Hand changed the document asserting that he was
NOT releasing claims of age discrimination and breach of K. Hand altered the release such that it
looked identical. Hand then filed suit in Dist. Ct. alleging age discrimination and breach of K
against Dayton. Based on fraud, Dist Ct. reformed the release, and in light of it, granted SJ to
i. RULE general rule is that Reformation requires a mutual mistake of fact, rather than a
unilateral mistake, BUT where there is a unilateral mistake due to fraud or inequitable
conduct on the other side, reformation is ok
ii. Finding that one person knew the K did not reflect the other persons intent must be supported
by clear and convincing evidence
(i) Applied Here
Hand committed fraud by not informing D of changes in release, and while fraud is
usually an issue for the jury, here P admitted to misleading D, thus reformation is
2. There was a meeting of the minds since Hand presented K as if he was agreeing to
Daytons initial offer. Hands awareness of Daytons understanding prevents any
claim that there was no meeting of the minds. Holbeck
iii. Notes on Reformation
(i) Remember most mistakes of fact are either fraudulently induced or clerical, but parties
can correct these
The buy-sell remedy -- The court sets values on the land and the building, and then the innocent
landowner gets to choose whether to buy the building or sell the land.
i. Restatement Third endorses but balances the equities to determine if owner should be
forced to sell or should buy
Innocent defendant - The benefits will be valued at what the improvements cost or what they are
worth, whichever is less.
i. Normally Ds get market value of improvement = appreciation of property not cost of
improvement (which can be much higher than their worth) UNLESS D is not innocent
Not innocent defendant The cost or value of improvements, whichever is greater.
Comparative Fault -- Generally P who builds despite actual notice that she might be making a
mistake will not recover; a plaintiff who only has constructive notice (such a filing in land records that
she neglected to check) will not be barred on the ground that the mistake is her fault.
Knowing Misconduct --The improver who knows he is building on someone else's land will get no
Modern Rule = same as Somerville majority came about to encourage development
Facts: Default judgment was entered against Dt. Judgment creditor obtained a writ of
execution, seized and sold farm equipment for $16,588.50. Months later, the default judgment
was vacated. The house had been sold at auction for much less than FMV. P moved for
restitution, and the trial court entered an order of restitution for the FMV of the property,
ii. Issue: When a P executes on a judgment which is later reversed on appeal does P get the
market value of property lost or the amount = proceeds of sale?
iii. Rule: only get what state made at sale of property NOT FMV of property sold
iv. Holding: Why? State acted in good faith. Statute allowed state to sell property while appeal
pending. P wouldve not lost property if had gotten bond to protect property sale. So only get
amt D benefited by for unjust enrichment.
1. NOTE: P also couldve gotten agreement filed w/court that the property will not be
sold pending appeal
Disgorgement of all profits = if he was conscientiously tortious in acquiring the benefit, he is also
deprived of any profit derived from his subsequent dealing with it
i. P gets all profits D made on property taken from P
(i) Courts will try (but not required) to relax the windfall to the P, N situations or
unintentional wrongdoers, as innocent parties shouldnt be required to relinquish all
profits (relaxed standard for innocent wrongdoer)
ii. Third Restatement:
(i) intentional wrongdoers are L for the net profit attributable to the underlying wrong
1. object of restitution in such cases is to eliminate profit from wrongdoing while
avoiding, so far as possible, the impossible penalty.
a. profits = use value of all property taken
b. consequential gains = gains from a subsequent transaction in which the
recipient makes profitable use of property
Ds Culpability Determines if P get Disgorgement
i. Conscious wrongdoer L for all the profits
ii. N, illegal but in good faith, Court will likely find D only L for the FMV of property since
unintentional wrongdoer
(i) Some courts might be too careful not to award all profits UNLESS intentional wrongdoer
1. Ex/egg washing case -- $$ saved on labor vs. market value of rent of property that
took/COA conversion
Apportionment =
When choice between damages & restitution, P can choose what wants to get
a) Olwell v. Nye & Nissen Co. (Wash. 1946) (657) P sold and transferred his share in company to
D, but retained egg washing machine. P stored machine near D for a little over yr. Then D took put
machine and began to use, once a week, for a few years until P discovered it. Upon discovery, P
offered to sell machine to D for $600 (1/2 orig cost). D refused saying 2 high offering $50. P sued
D to recover reasonable value of Ds use of machine. Trial Ct. entered judgment for P of $1560
(sum of Ds average labor savings from using machine) for 156 wks.
i. Issue: Whether P could recover in restitution when the D committed conversion
ii. Rule: In cases where D tortfeasor has benefitted by his wrong, P may elect to "waive the tort"
COA and bring a COA in assumpsit (quasi-K/restitution).
iii. Holding: 1st injury was violation of Ps property rights of exclusive use & #2 restitution not
about what P lost but what D gained. D knowingly took Ps property so intentional
wrongdoer. P elected to waive right of action in tort, so entitled to the measure of restoration
which accompanies the assumpsit remedy of quasi-K. He sues in restitution and receives the
D's labor savings ($1,560) since benefit D received for use of machine -- rather than
damages (Ps loss = rental value to of eggwasher, which would be $300).
a. Law & Economics -- Economic efficiency arguments against this case D
argues that P was storing it, wouldnt use it, didnt even know D was using it for
3 year
b. However Law & Economics requires voluntary transactions so remedy deters
future wrongful acts & promotes voluntary transactions
2. Why does P get to choose what he wants?
a. Laycock right that irreparable injury rule [= P cant chose only get restitution if
no remedy at law available] is gone since crts mostly side w/P and find
irreparable injury some way
b. especially when it comes to restitution, as P has right of election
c. Important calculation to think about, what remedy gets the most money
b) Edwards v. Lees Administrator (Ky.1936) 651 - D found an entrance to a cave on his land and
turned it into a tourist attraction. The cave went under Ps land but P could not access it. Crt
awarded P part of the profits.
Trademark Infringers: are L for all profits derived from infringement BUT court has
discretion to award or
ii. Copyright Infringers: L for all damages + profits not taken into account in computing the
actual damages
iii. Patent Infringers: L only for damages, in no event less than a reasonable royalty. Court may
award up to 3xs actual damages
iv. Trade Secret Infringers: L for both actual loss caused by misappropriation & unjust
enrichment cause by misappropriation that is not taken into account in computing actual loss
Maier Brewing Co. v. Fleischmann Distilling Corp. (9th Cir.1968) 658 - P had a trademark for
Black and White scotch whiskey, D began brewing a cheap beer under the Black and White label,
and distributed the beer exclusively through certain grocer. Lower court found that D deliberately
infringed on trademark, although no competition between the 2 products, but that consumers
might think that the beer and the scotch were produced by the same company so damaged
trademark reputation. Lower Court --P awarded profits D made from beer ($34,912 from D, and
$29,849 from grocer). D appealed wanting to only pay value of license. 9th Cir. awarded profits
i. Issue: is the restrictive approach to accounting for profit appropriate?
(i) Where there is infringement, but no direct competition, accounting of profits based on
unjust enrichment rationale is appropriate such an approach would remove motive for
infringement, thus deterring future infringement
Hamil America, Inc. v. GFI (2d Cir. 1999) 671 (ignore language of lost profits in this case since
thats damages court used wrong language)
i. Facts: Hamil sued GFI for copyright infringement. GFI copied one of Hamil's floral fabric
patterns and sold the garments to JC Penney.
ii. Rule: Under 504, Hamil could recover the "actual damages suffered by it as a result of the
infringement, and any profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringement and are
not taken into account in computing the actual damages.
iii. Issue #1: Whether the district court erred in excluding an allocation of general overhead
expenses in its calculation of GFI's profits
iv. Rule: Sheldon contemplates a two-step procedure for deducting overhead expenses from an
infringer's profits:
1. Determine what overhead expense categories are actually implicated by the
production of the infringing product.
i. The infringer must show a sufficient nexus between each expense claimed
and the sales of the unlawful goods.
(i) Arrive at a fair, accurate and practical method of allocating the implicated overhead to the
infringement --- determine what overhead expense categories (rent, business,
entertainment, personnel and PR) are actually implicated by the production of the
infringing product and theres sufficient nexus between category of overhead &
production or sale of the infringing product
ii. The infringer has the burden of "offering a fair and acceptable formula for
allocating a given portion of overhead to the particular infringing items in
v. Holding #1: Sheldon's two-step approach must be applied with particular rigor in the case of
willful infringement. When infringement is willful, the court should give extra scrutiny to the
categories of overhead expenses claimed by the infringer to insure that each category is
directly and validly connected to the sale and production of the infringing product. Unless a
strong nexus is established, the court should not permit a deduction for the overhead
category. The allocation formula of a willful infringer should be held to a particularly high
standard of fairness.
vi. Issue #2: Whether the court erred when it determined that Hamil could not recover for profits
realized by GFI for their infringement
vii. Holding #2: GFI's sales to the shared customers too speculative. Double profits not sure
amount of additional customers wouldve had
Rescission Defined: A remedy for Ds who substantially [Third Restatment materially] breach K
court cancels K & gives back each party what they initially gave
Election -- Ps Choice: P may pick to rescind K or to get damages
(i) value changed of exchanged property then P can only rescind K if P would lose $ by
performing K
(ii) generally P may not rescind Ks where P is $ lender or Creditor -- and debtor fails to pay
Mobil Oil Exploration & Producing Southeast, Inc. v. US (U.S. 2000) 686
i. Facts: 2 oil companies paid government $156M in return for lease Ks which gave them rights
to explore for and develop oil off the NC coast at a later date. Sometime later, Congress
passed a statute which disallowed oil companies to drill off NC Coast. The two oil companies
now seek restitution for $156M. Gov acknowledges breach but says oil companies not injured
(since clause in pre-existing law NC could veto any drilling anyway) so shouldnt get $ back.
ii. Issue: Whether the government is subject to rescission remedy?
iii. Holding: Gov made total breach [not material breach] of their K w/P. Therefore, P has
right to elect to rescind K and get back $ they gave gov. Therefore, irrelevant whether P
injured or not.
1. Note: P couldve gotten reliance damages but problem is that the pre-existing law
gave NC veto power over K so P wasnt really damaged
2. P here would lose $156M if had to fulfill K since risk of not being able to drill (NC
veto power) now is nearly certain so value of what received right to drill oil
changed significantly
K was 2,000 barrels of flour delivered to New Orleans for $7/barrel. Flour priced then to
$5.50/barrel. However, seller failed to deliver flour. Crt rescinded K. P gained on Ds breach.
Losing Contracts Where the Benefit Cannot Be Returned
d) Boomer v. Muir: pg 692 note #1
i. Damn was 95% complete when Boomer (sub contractor) abandoned K however only did so
after Muir (gen contractor) failed to deliver the supplies to complete damn. Jury found that
Muir breached K when failed to deliver supplies.
(i) Boomer was to be paid $333K for completed damn. However, Boomers expenses for
completing damn were well above that, he wouldve lost $267K upon completing damn.
ii. CRT: K rescinded since Muir substantially breached. Boomer gets back expenses put into
damn. Muir gets value of damn expenses if damn completed.
1. BOOMER RULE: P seeking restitution rescinds K and sues in for the value of
benefit D received (value of cost of 95% finished damn which is measured by the
cost it took to build (actual value)). D cant rely on K price value because K has been
2. EXCEPTION TO BOOMER: If P has fully performed and D owes only money, P
is limited to the K price and cannot recover rescission.
pg. 694
a. Right to performance based damages is measured by either reliance
damages or value of uncompensated K performance but maximum value
cannot be > K price. Consequential damages for loss caused by breach may be
added to either one.
E. CONSTRUCTIVE TRUSTS [remedy gives restitutionary rights in specific property]
1. Constructive Trust is a Remedy for Unjust Enrichment (coa)
2. The purpose of a constructive trust is to give restitution to P 4 Ds unjust enrichment D received as
result of taking Ps property
i. Any claim that arises in unjust enrichment can support a constructive trust if the enrichment is
received in the form of identifiable property or if it remains identifiable as the proceeds of
such property.
1. EXCEPTION: Bankruptcy D must be intentional wrongdoer, fraud not just
a. So doesnt protect property in constructive trust from all claims of unjust
The irreparable injury rule (must be no adequate remedy at law) is commonly ignored in constructive
trust cases.
WINDFALLS (appreciation/profit amt) TO P IN CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST
i. There is a potential for Ps to get windfall (appreciation/profit amt) in property held in
constructive trust since remedy for unjust enrichment this is determined by court acting
within their discretion through a balance of equities analysis
1. Intentional Wrongdoer most likely to get all or some of windfall/appreciation
i. However if D put lot of work into getting appreciation of asset- may not
give or may give only a little (balance equities)
2. Mistake less likely to get windfall
3. Bankruptcy also less likely to get windfall of appreciated asset more likely just to
get value of asset
ii. If get windfall can only get windfall amt proportionate to what was invested
(i) Ex/if had $20K taken, D invested $30K now investment worth $50K can only get
windfall amount proportionate to your interest/pro rata interest of $20K
BURDENS OF PROOF :constructive trust P must trace the property taken from herself to the
fraudster to the identifiable property she wants to claim in constructive trust.
Identifiable Property Rule= For a constructive, you must be able ID property that should be subject to
the trust
Tracing principle= proves P is equitable owner of property so property will be excluded in
bankruptcy proceeding of person in possession of property allowing P in restitution to go after Ds
unjust enrichment when property in hands of another party or Ds, when property has changed form
i. Tracing Requirements
1. Unjust Enrichment (COA)
2. Identifiable Property
ii. Tracing Fictions
1. D spends own $ on intangibles first on all non-investments & saves Ps $ in
a. P CAN REBUT THIS IFF by clear & convincing evidence (would do if
more $$ came into account)
2. Lowest intermediate value
i. Assumes D uses its own $ to replenish account so P gets lowest
intermediate value in account from initial deposit to current date
ii. Unless P proves put more Ps $ in account then P entitled to that too (clear
& convincing evidence P proves)
iii. In Investments P can only claim portion of investment = to what
lowest intermediate balance was before investment
3. D spends Ps $ first on all investments & leaves own $ in account
4. D admits to using Ps $ to replenish account P gets all money D admitted to
Defense to Tracing: Bona fide Purchaser for Value [BFPV] = If asset is in the hands of a bona fide
purchaser for value, tracing stops, and you can't get the asset.
i. BFPV Requirements:
1. Consideration (you have to pay a reasonable amt for property)
i. Property cant be gift
ii. Property cant be purchased unreasonably low
2. Must act in good faith (you can't be a part of the conspiracy)
i. Cant know or have constructive knowledge (reasonably shouldve
known) person who gave you property was not rightful owner Newton v.
ii. BFPVs who meet requirements win/have superior rights to property to P and dont have to
give their property to P
1. VIP CASH/Cash Equivalents ARE NOT TRACEABLE BFPV always wins if
property taken from P was cash/cash equivalent even if obtained in theft/knew
about theft etc. no exceptions to this
a. Cash equivalent = bonds, etc.
Equitable ownership rule = P who traces her property to identifiable asset is entitled to an ownership
interest in the asset, and not just to a judgment for her share of the value of that asset.
i. Court puts property taken from P in a fictional trust so P is equitable owner of assets held by
ii. D cant get rid of assets by giving away since P owns the assets (via constructive trust)
10. Equitable Lien = D keeps title to identifiable property but P has a lien on property and once D sells
property P will get a fixed value in property (up to 100%) given through Ps fictional lien process
i. Any P entitled to a constructive trust can choose an equitable lien instead.
2 ways to measure $$
o Collective Balance: look at amount available on deposit (even those cant withdraw yet cuz have
This would give BofA $717,750
o Available Balance: actual funds available which can be withdrawn
This would only give $394,460.47
CRT: Available balance more accurately reflects/traces funds in account rebuts tracing fiction
[what court really trying to say is that $$ isnt there for D to spend since there are holds on it so debtor not
really spending his own $$]
this rebuts fiction that D spends $$ first
since hold on new $$ initially placed in account so effect is lowest intermediate balance
D can spend
Therefore requires higher threshold & only a mistake so $$$
In Re Mesa
Debtor Mesa & McKay buy home in FL debtor Mesa places his interest of home as exempt
property under homestead laws in FL
o Then Mesa took out loan on home for home improvements but used $$ to finance new business
then McKay (who worked for Travelers insurance) fraudulently use Travelers checks & wrote
checks to mother & construction contractors
o Mesa testified that got on stand said didnt know about McKays fraud
CRT: Finds debtor Mesa knew about fraud
o Travelers gets equitable lien rather than constructive trust 4 improvements made 2 house
w/unjust enrichment since those were traced to home improvements rather than for mortgage
on home
o BUT didnt buy house w/wrongfully acquired funds so no constructive trust
o = get equitable lien 4 value of improvements
Disgorgement must show P earned profits from fraud = causation profits derived from fraud BUT
Constructive Trust must trace property from herself to fraudster to property wants to claim
1. Subrogee made payment to protect his/her own interest
2. Subrogee not a volunteer
3. Subrogee was not primarily L for debt
4. Subrogee paid off entire debt
5. Subrogation would not work any injustice to rights of the junior lien holder
Mort v. US
IRS filed notice for tax lien of $33,083 w/county to collect for Myers unpaid income taxes Property put
in a trust Belmont made a loan 2 trust (which was secured deed) & $$ used to pay the original loan
the remainder was used to pay slightly more than $2,000 of tax lien
Belmont purchased property w/o knowledge of lien, title company did not uncover as well. Then Belmont
sold property to Mort Mort learned about IRS lean few months later. IRS seized land .
CRTS: claim dismissed Morts should sue title company 1st 4 malpractice (since Morts are equitable
subrogation since took over title)
o MORTS (subrogee) Belmont (subrogor) Myers (debtor)
o Then Morts (subrogor) Myers (debtor)
So have superior claim to debt of Myers than IRS Belmont/Myers transaction predated IRS lien so Morts step in for Belmont and priority over Myer debt
EQUITABLE SUBROGATION person who pays off incumbents lien gets same priority position as
previous holder
NOT VOLUNTEER want to get something out of stepping in for debtor
State of Illinois used bank 2 manage its investments. Someone mishandled states $$, offering it to
Weyerhaeuser in exchange for companys shares. Mistake cost $70K. Either bank or Weyeraeuser made
Bank paid debt for state IL then stepped in and sued Weyerhaeuser claiming had right as banks
subrogator to sue Weyerhaeuser for breach of K Crt upheld allowing bank to sue (as if state of IL)
Ancillary Remedies = Ds often dont perform so dont pay damages awards, dont comply w/injunction
so ancillary remedies force Ds into compliance
International Union , United Mine Workers v. Bagwel indirect crim contempt (applied narrowly)
Court entered injunction against union, prohibiting from obstructing the right of people to come and go.
Union continued to ignore injunction sometimes using violent means. Crt levied $64M in fines for
contempt, $12M which went to company. Eventually company & union settled, fines vacated. VA crt
refused to vacate its portion of fines.
ISSUE: Were fines coercive contempt?
CRT: How to determine which is which
o Turns on character and purpose of the sanction involved
o Contempt sanction is considered civil if remedial & 4 the benefit of the complainant
o Contempt sanction if its punitive, to vindictive the authority of the court
FIRST inability to purge
o Although fine schedule was imposed not coercive civil contempt since so no ability to purge
cant avoid fine through further compliance
EX/If court just had hearing & had proceeding that had all criminal procedure that would
be due then could be okay to have criminal
SECOND indirect so need either jury (if criminal) or judge (if civil) to determine facts
o Direct Contempt violation happens in court if judge delays in punishing until completion of
trial due process requires Ds right to notice & hearing are respected
o Indirect Contempt happens outside court if have indirect judge needs to determine facts so if
criminal then need jury to determine facts
Discrete, readily ascertainable acts, such as turning over a key or payment of judgment
Fines not coercive since Ds had no ability to purge once fines were imposed
1st injunction is issued and D found in contempt of injunction then sent to jail since not for acts in
future, not future punishment but instantaneous, every second in jail is second decided not to comply,
second decides to comply out of jail
School teachers Middletown NJ teachers strike 3 judges summoned teachers in
alphabetical order & gave them choice of returning to work or going to jail more than 200
were sent to jail some as long as 4 days
ORDER: city must designate sites for 200 units of public housing in
white neighborhoods
City negotiated w/court for 1 year then consented to building 200 units
political pressure after that and asked court to revoke decree to
consent court would not
Judge ordered city to enact ordinance that paralleled consent decree and
ordered $500/day fine imposed on every council member would failed
to vote for the consent decree based ordinance(fines totaled $26.8
billion in 4 wks)
City council voted against 4/3 and court found 4 to be in civil contempt
SC refused to reverse fines went back to trial court had to pay
fines as incurred. City eventually got support from citizens to comply
as workers began to be layed off in order to pay fines incurred by
Anyanwu v. Anyanwu
Nigerians who lived in US for 20 years had 2 children dual citizenship in Nigeria
W claimed domestic violence H filed for divorce in Nigeria went back to Nigeria H refused to let kids go
to US W goes 2 USA wants to get kids
W gets court order to bring back children, H didnt want to comply
Court threw H in jail for contempt until complied and brought back kids. 4 years later
H claims duress since cant produce kids, since in jail
Perpetual Coercion = substantial likelihood confinement will result in compliance
Will further confinement coerce compliance?
o (1) more than just being in jail a long time
o (2) out of job/out of liberty
Sometimes courts require showing an attempt to comply or reasons why wont
FEDERAL WITNESS noncompliance of federal witness fed court cases 18 month max in confinement (if
refuse to testify)
Chadwick v. Janecka divorce case, had $$ in offshore accounts, refusing to give $2.5M to W. Was ordered in
contempt until gave $ back to W sat in jail 14 years then court decided sitting in jail has no coercive effect
Griffin v. County School Board -- Anticipatory Contempt
Griffin was D in Brown v. Board 9 years prince Edwards county closed public school & gave tuition grants to
private schools
Crt ordered county to re-open public schools & stop issuing grants for private school. Court failed to order
not to issue checks for next years grants so county worked around clock and sent out all grants for next
COURT FINDS COUNTY IN CONTEMPT even though no injunction ordered under 18 U.S.C.
401(3) federal contempt statute remaining subject matter of litigation is disobedience 2 court
Why? Anticipatory Contempt removing the subject matter of the litigation (which would probably
be enjoined) before court makes order is disobedient to courts lawful writ, process, rule, order,
decree or command
o Ballsy of court couldve just ordered restitution
Kliener v. First National Bank
Judge was under advisement to determine if communications between bank & class action Ps should be forbidden.
During that time bank talked to Ps and Banks lawyer said judge probably wouldnt like it.
Judge voided opt out agreements, assessed costs & attorneys fees to the Bank, and fined & disqualified the
Walker v. City of Birmingham -COLLATERAL BAR RULE (this doesnt apply to civil contempt)
Collateral Bar Rule = Injunction is deemed to be valid even if later found 2B invalid cannot collaterally
attack the injunction
Cant disobey and then go to courts to challenge allege unlawful UNLESS injunction is invalid on its face
devoid of law its face OR court lacks jurisdiction
Once clear injunction is unconstitutional Walker injunction cannot be attacked in a prosecution for
criminal contempt. The criminal offense is complete when D defies court order. It doesnt matter whether
court right or wrong offense is not undone if the injunction is later reversed
Planned Parenthood Golden Gate v. Garibaldi (Cal. Ct. App. 2003)
Courts created buffer zone an injunction was entered against Operation Rescue of CA (ORC) & Robert Cochran.
Court created buffer zone amt feet must stay away from clinic
Lower court specifically named Ds & all persons acting in concert w/Ds & all other persons w/actual
Appeals Court: strikes down all person w/actual notice since wants to avoid enjoying all people
NEED NOTICE = cant just enjoin everyone must show acting together look for evidence who is acting in
concert w/D actual notice provision is not enough
Remedial defenses shifts to whether remedy available at all shifts to party in defense of remedy most
defenses are available laches limited to equity
UNSCIONSABLE = courts of equity wont enforce unfair deals outside of sale of goods only available in equity
if sale of goods in legal damages or equity
Muhammad v. County Bank
Lower court finds adhesion K since prohibited class action claims in arbitration & class-action claims in
court since other party involved has no ability to negotiate its terms
Arbitration clause had class arbitration waiver crt found unconscionable but said clause is severable
from rest of agreement so rest of K okay
Interest rate really high BUT since had to pay back in 6 months
Rule: Arbitration agreements covered by the Federal Arbitration Act shall be valid, irrevocable, and
enforceable save upon grounds as exist at law or in equity for the revocation of any K.
o Generally applicable K defenses, such as fraud, duress, or unconscionability, may be applied to
invalidate arbitration agreements.
Holding: Not inherently unconscionable on its face -- As a matter of generally applicable K law, it was
unconscionable for Ds to deprive P of mechanism of class-wide action, whether in arbitration or court
o Spirit of Bargaining Power = bank & person so uneven bargaining power
o Economic Duress = compelled economically since payday loan
o Public Policy = under public policy class arbitration is unconscionable since amount $ involved
charged at very high interest rate but time to pay back quick so get little $$ per person = no one
would go to court 4 little amount
Courts look at take -it-or-leave-it nature or the standardized form of document &:
(1) subject matter of the contract,
(2) parties' relative bargaining positions,
(3) degree of economic compulsion motivating the "adhering party," and
(4) public interests affected by the contract.
This factor requires the determination of whether the effect of the class-arbitration bar prevents P from
pursuing her statutory consumer protection rights & 2 shield Ds from compliance w/law.
Adhesive Ks there will always be procedural so must analyze that THEN go 2 second substantive 4 part test
Unconscionability = usually have both procedural & substantive
Procedural = had K made could u negotiate? Was K overall unfair/unenforceable?
Substantive = adhesion subject matter unfair substantively bargaining power, public interests
Securities Act requires registration of securities Pinter was oil & gas producer who agreed to acquires leases to
drill wells on leases on behalf of Dahl & other investors & to operate wells Dahl invested $310K of his own
$$ & then got 11 other friends to invest $7.5K each. Wells turned out to be worthless. Dahl & other investors sued
Pinter seeking rescission on ground investment hadnt been registered w/SEC.
Registration of SEC depended on whether the securities had been sold as part of public or private offering
ISSUE: whether the in pari delicto defenses applies
UNCLEAN HANDS DOCTRINE: Ps participated in some of same sorts of wrongdoing as D
SC Not Pari Delicto need to see if can raise in securities law since securities case law can deter
Ds but if Ps will also be deterred from brining suit & would harm to public THEN apply 2 factors
o (1) if Ps actively participated P bears at least = responsibility for violations (if yes then check
#2 factor)
o (2) preclusion of suit would not significantly interfere w/effective enforcement of the securities
laws & protection of investigating public
Wrongful conduct must be directed at D not 3rd party to be barred from unclean hands
Beelman v. Beelman = P & H fraudulently transferred their house to his brother 2 save from a tax lien. After H
died IRS went away P asked house back. Brother-in-law refused court imposed constructive trusts. P wasnt
barred against unclean hands cuz fraud was against IRS not brother-in-law
Illegal Ks Crts wont enforce Ks no unclean hands just wont enforce at all
Co-Conspirators court will not serve referee between co-conspirators
Geddes v. MillCreek County Club Inc.
FACTS: Ps sue for golf-balls coming on their property which off 5th whole
Facts: A golf course was planning to adjoin Ps' property. The designer changed the plan so that, instead of the
plaintiffs' house facing other houses, it would face a fairway. Ps agreed to this plan, designer altered his plan.
Issue: Whether estoppel is an available defense
Rule: Where a person by his or her statements and conduct leads a party to do something that the party would not
have done but for such statements and conduct, that person will not be allowed to deny his or her words or acts to
the damage of the other party. To establish equitable estoppel, the party claiming estoppel must demonstrate
(1) the other person misrepresented or concealed material facts;
(2) the other person knew at the time be or she made the representations that they were untrue;
(3) the party claiming estoppel did not know that the representations were untrue when they were
made and when they were acted upon;
(4) the other person intended or reasonably expected that the party claiming estoppel would act upon
the representations;
(5) the party claiming estoppel reasonably relied upon the representations in good faith to his or her
detriment; and
question: how to know what date is? To measure, know when it begins usually when COA
accrues, when the facts give rise to an actionable cause, then thats when clock starts doing.
when wrongdoing happens but injury doesnt manifest until later, some instruments help
(Disc, or continuing violations)
Courts have created doctrines that try to make it fair for plts in situations
Continuing violations what if plt didnt bring suit, but there is continuing violations? courts say that
plt can assert the last violation
Discovery rule go to doctor and they dont diagnose a cancer. SOL for MedMal are short. May be
time barred. So court created discovery rule.
Fraudulent concealment what if they hide the fraud? SOL doesnt accrue until find out.
Klehr v. AO Smith
Federal Statute case. RICO has no SOL in case, so court used SOL from simiar act. (4 yr
Def engaged in wire fraud by selling silo to plt, sayin silo would limit the oxygen exposure.
Didnt live up to it mold cows ate mold food.
The silo sold in 1974, suit not till 1993.
CONTINUING VIOLATIONS RULE On x date you have wrong occurred; so long as
there is violation continuing, then you have a claim.
Def engaged in continuing violations (ie the mail and wire fraud)
SCOTUS RULE: If there was no injury in the time you filed, you cannot recover And for
all the continuing violations that occurred, you can only recover from the 4 year SOL period.
continuing violation must have continuing harm.
Pay in Equity b4, each paycheck was new SOL period. Overruled first
paycheck is when you have to file.
continuing duty: everytime def doesnt repair harm, SOL renews as long as there
is continuing injury
if doctor says you dont have the thing, reasonably rely on the opinion of the
Penn law: if the doc says you dont have thing, reliance might be unreasonable.
Discovery Rule: Debiec v. Cabot corp.
o People lived /worked near a beryllium plant, many died, which was traced back to Chronic
Beryllium Disease.
Penn has 2 yr SOL for PI and Wrongful death that usually starts from the injury; but there is
the discovery rule exception.
to use discovery rule, plt must exercise due diligence in investigating her physical
condition; whether the the knowledge was known or, through the exercise of
diligence, knowable to plt.
plaintiff reliance on doctor assurances is reasonable as long as the plaintiff retains
confidence in docs professional abilities.
lady lived near beryllium plant; died from some lung disease that was latter beryllium
exposure. plt filed