Deceased Depositors Policy PDF
Deceased Depositors Policy PDF
Deceased Depositors Policy PDF
Receipt of information by the Bank as to the death of an account holder, for payment of
the balance (to the clear credit of the deceased account holder), to the
RBI/200809/261DBOD.No.Leg.BC. 75/09. 07.005/2008-09 dated November 3, 2008.
Request for release of the balance (to the clear credit of a missing account holder), to the
claimant/nominee/survivor, in line with RBI Circular No: RBI/2008-09/261
Accounts with credit balances should be placed on NO DEBIT status upon receipt of
intimation/notice of the death of an account holder or that the account holder is missing.
The entirety of the process below is expected to be completed, ordinarily, within 15 business days
from the date of receipt of all the required documents by the Bank from the
nominee/claimant(s)/survivor(s). Payments should be made by the Bank by managers
cheque/demand draft and the details of the bank name and account number into which the funds
are deposited, should be retained.
Payment/delivery is subject to there being (i) no order from a competent court restraining
the Bank and/or (ii) the Bank not being in receipt of any contrary claim from any person, in
which cases, the account/articles would be placed/remain in no-debit/frozen status.
All of the foregoing applies also to articles and valuables in lockers and/or safe custody
with the Bank.
For balances in excess of Rs. 2,50,000 the Bank would seek to obtain the
documents as listed below, for the amount to be released to the claimant(s):
Claim application form
Certified true copy of Death Certificate (with the Bank having seen the original
of the Death Certificate and returning the same to the Claimant(s))
Copy of will to corroborate the claim, if available, or
Legal representation in the form of legal heir certificate/probate/letter of
administration/succession certificate in favour of the Claimant(s)
Identification and Signature Proof of the Claimant(s)
No Objection certificate from other legal heirs in case the amount is being
released in favour of one Claimant
In case of death of
(a) Both/all the joint account holders, the nominee will be paid by the Bank, with the receipt
of the documents from the nominee, as listed below:
Claim application form
Certified true copy of Death Certificate(s) (with the Bank having seen the
original(s) of the Death Certificate(s) and returning the same to the nominee)
Identification and Signature Proof of the nominee
Declaration from the nominee that he/she would be receiving the payment from
the Bank as a trustee for the legal heirs/beneficiaries of the deceased account
holders (see Annexure A)
(b) One/some of the joint account holders, the balance will be paid jointly to the legal heirs
(or any of them as mandated by all the legal heirs), and to the survivors, against a joint
claim, on verification of the authority of the legal heir(s) and proof of the death of the
deceased, with the receipt of the documents, as listed below:
Claim application form
Certified true copy of Death Certificate(s) (with the Bank having seen the original
of the Death Certificate(s) and returning the same to the Claimants)
Identification and Signature Proof of the Claimants
Letter of Indemnity and Affidavit from all the legal heirs of the deceased (See
Annexure B)
Handling of Deceased and Missing Persons Accounts - Process and Procedures
(b) One/some of the joint account holders, the balance will be paid jointly to the legal heirs
(or any of them as mandated by all the legal heirs), and to the survivors, against a joint
claim, and on verification of the authority of the legal heir(s) and proof of the death of
the deceased, with the receipt of the documents as listed below:
Where the balance amount is less than Rs.
Where the balance amount is in excess of
Rs. 2,50,000.
In case of death of
(a) Both/all of the account holders, the balance may be released in favour of the
claimant(s) in the absence of a nomination, with the receipt of the documents as listed
Where the balance amount is less than Rs.
Where the balance amount is in excess of
Rs. 2,50,000.
(b) Both/all of the account holders, the balance may be released in favour of the nominee,
with the receipt of the documents from the nominee, as listed below:
Claim application form
Certified true copy of Death Certificates (with the Bank having seen the originals
of the Death Certificates and returning the same to the nominee)
Identification and Signature Proof of the nominee
Declaration from the nominee that he/she would be receiving the payment from
the Bank as a trustee for the legal heirs/beneficiaries of the deceased account
holders (see Annexure A)
(c) One of the account holders of a joint account which is held either or survivor or
former or survivor, the balance may be released in favour of the survivor(s), with the
receipt of the document as listed below:
Certified true copy of Death Certificate (with the Bank having seen the original of
the Death Certificate and returning the same to the Survivor(s))
Although the original mandate permits operation of the account by the survivor(s),
the survivor(s) must close the existing account and a new account should be opened in
the name of the survivor(s).
2.3 Partnership accounts
In the absence of a contract to the contrary between the partners, the death of a
partner dissolves the firm, but the surviving partners can continue to operate the
account for the purpose of winding up the firm. It is however, advisable to obtain
a legal opinion based on the partnership terms, in this regard prior to
allowing operations to the surviving partners of the firm.
The share of the deceased partner in the balance lying in the account of the firm
shall be released in favour of the legal heirs of the deceased partner, with the
receipt of the documents, as listed below:
Claim application form
Certified true copy of Death Certificate (with the Bank having seen the
original of the Death Certificate and returning the same to the Claimants)
Copy of will to corroborate the claim, if available, or
Legal representation in the form of legal heir certificate/Probate/letter of
administration/succession certificate in favour of the Claimant(s)
No objection certificate from other legal heirs in case the amount is being
released in favour of one Claimant
Identification and Signature Proof of the Claimant
In addition to the documents to be obtained from the legal heirs of the deceased partner, the
documents as listed below shall be obtained from the surviving partners:
NOC/Indemnity bond from all the surviving partners regarding the release of the funds
in favour of the legal heirs of the deceased partner
Certified true copies of the final accounts of the partnership firm evidencing the share of
the deceased partner in the balance lying in the account of the firm, duly prepared by a
Chartered Accountant
The balance in the existing account, after payment of the share of the deceased
partner, can be transferred to the new account, such an instruction being signed by
all the surviving partners.
Cheques signed by the deceased partner and presented after the receipt of notice
of his/her death, should not be paid without confirmation of the surviving members
of the firm.
Accounts of Executors (of a Will)/Administrators (Letter of Administration): Death of an
On the death of the Executor, his duties will be vested in the surviving Executor(s).
If he/she was the sole Executor, his/her Executors would carry on the
Upon the death of the Karta of an HUF, the Bank must obtain
A certified true copy of Death Certificate of the Karta (with the Bank having
seen the original of the Death Certificate and returning the same to the
Claimants), and
A Declaration cum Indemnity from all the members of the HUF of the age of
majority confirming whether the HUF continues to survive after the death of
the Karta.
If the HUF ceases to exist upon the death of the Karta, the account of the HUF
shall be closed and the balance lying in the account should be released, with the
receipt of the documents, as listed below:
If the balance amount is less than Rs.
For balances in excess of Rs. 2,50,000.
articles lying in the locker/safe custody on their demise, the Bank may release the
said articles to the nominee subject to obtaining the documents listed below:
Claim application
Certified true copy of Death Certificate (with the Bank having seen the original
of the Death Certificate and returning the same to the nominee)
Identification and Signature Proof of the nominee
Declaration from the nominee that he/she would be receiving the payment from
the Bank as a trustee for the legal heirs/beneficiaries of the deceased hirer (see
Annexure A1)
No. of Claims
received for
No of claims
settled in 15
No. of claim
settled in more
than 15 days
No of claims
carried forward
> 15
Certified copy of a First Information Report (FIR) and non-traceable report from the
police authorities; and
A Letter of Indemnity (in the form set-out in Annexure C).
Where the balance exceeds the amount of Rs. 2,50,000. The Bank, upon receipt of a claim
and after considering the circumstances, may release the balance to the
nominee/survivor/legal heir, upon receipt of the following documents, at the minimum:
Certified copy of the Order of the Competent Court supporting the presumption of
death; and
A Letter of Indemnity (in the form set-out in Annexure C); and
The Bank may seek further documents, including where it remains unclear that the claimant is the
sole claimant or that all persons concerned have not indemnified the Bank.
Annexure - A
Declaration from the Nominee - Account (DECEASED)
Claim Application form to be used when the account has nomination
Citibank N.A.
state as follows:
Yours faithfully
Annexure - A1
Declaration from the Nominee - Locker (DECEASED)
Claim Application form to be used when the locker has nomination
Citibank N.A.
state as follows:
I am the person authorised to receive the articles and documents and things in the locker
on behalf of Master/Miss
who is the nominee in the above locker
and is a minor as on the date of this claim.
Please arrange to hand-over the articles and documents and things as inventoried in the
locker to me. There is no order of a court of law or any dispute on account of which the
Bank may not do so. I confirm that I receive the aforesaid from the Bank in trust for the
benefit of the legal heir(s) and beneficiaries of the deceased. I confirm that I will be
responsible to ensure that all of the aforesaid are made available to such persons.
Accordingly, I will ensure that the rights that any person has to the articles and documents
and things, are not prejudicially affected and I will be solely liable if the rights are so
Yours faithfully
[for deceased persons]
(to be executed by all the legal heirs of the deceased on a NJSP of value applicable at the place
where the same is executed)
(matter not applicable in a particular case should be struck out and the striking out initialed by all
the parties)
1. Mr./Ms.
resident of
2. Mr./Ms.
3. Mr./Ms.
resident of
day of
executed at
wife/son/daughter Mr./Ms.
(hereinafter referred to as Obligor 1);
(hereinafter referred to as Obligor 2); and
wife/son/daughter Mr./Ms.
(hereinafter referred to as Obligor 3);
Obligor 1, Obligor 2 and Obligor 3 are hereinafter collectively referred to as the Obligors (which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the meaning or context thereof be deemed to mean
and include them and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives)
of the First Part.
Citibank N.A. a national banking association duly constituted, registered and in existence in
accordance with the laws of the United States of America now in force, and carrying on the
business of banking in India and having one of its branches in India at
(hereinafter called the Obligee/Bank, which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof include its successors and assigns) of the Second Part.
has/have died on
The following among the Obligors are the surviving legal heir(s) according to the law of
intestate succession, applicable to
The following among the Obligors is/are the survivor(s) in the Account/Locker.
The Obligors have approached the Bank and have requested the Bank to release the
funds and/or articles lying in the Account(s)/Locker of the deceased
, without a succession certificate/letters of administration/probate
for the said purpose being furnished.
At the request of, and on the basis of the representations and warranties of the Obligors,
including that (i) there are no claimants other than those described in paragraph 3, and (ii)
that the claimants described in paragraph 3 have commonly agreed to the person named
in paragraph 4 receiving the effects of the deceased and have no objection in this regard,
and (iii) that there is no dispute or threatened or pending litigation on account of which the
Bank may not act as requested, and believing the same to be true, the Bank has agreed to
release the aforesaid sum and/or articles as requested without insisting on production of
letters of administration/succession certificate/probate from the competent court in India
subject to the Obligors executing an indemnity as is herein contained.
Further to and in view of the matters described in the foregoing recitals, and in
consideration therefore, of the Bank having agreed to the request of the Obligors to
Pay the balance standing to the credit of the aforesaid Account(s) of the deceased,
Hand over the inventoried articles, effects and things described in the Schedule
below, lying in the Locker of the deceased, to
, without insisting
on production of letters of administration/probate/succession certificate from the
competent court in India, the Obligors hereby jointly and severally agree and
undertake to, and shall indemnify and keep indemnified, saved, defended, harmless
the Bank and its employees for all times hereafter against any and all future claims
that may be made by any person of whatsoever nature or character or identity, as also
any and all costs, damages, expenses, fees or penalties that the Bank and/or its
employees may have to bear, suffer, incur, or pay to any person, of whatsoever
nature or character or identity, or to any authority constituted under the laws of any
state of India including legal costs and lawyers fees incurred by Bank and/or its
employees in its and/or their defence. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Obligors
further jointly and severally confirm that in case any claim is received by the Bank in
respect of the amounts and/or the articles, effects and things, then on the written
demand of the Bank, and without any protest or demur, the Obligors shall deposit the
same with the Bank.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Obligors have signed this Bond at the place and on the day, the
month and the year first written above in the presence of the following witnesses:
[for missing persons]
(to be executed by all the legal heirs of the missing person on a NJSP of value applicable at the
place where the same is executed)
(matter not applicable in a particular case should be struck out and the striking out initialed by all
the parties)
1. Mr./Ms.
resident of
2. Mr./Ms.
3. Mr./Ms.
resident of
day of
executed at
wife/son/daughter Mr./Ms.
(hereinafter referred to as Obligor 1);
(hereinafter referred to as Obligor 2); and
wife/son/daughter Mr./Ms.
(hereinafter referred to as Obligor 3);
Obligor 1, Obligor 2 and Obligor 3 are hereinafter collectively referred to as the Obligors (which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the meaning or context thereof be deemed to mean
and include them and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives)
of the First Part.
Citibank N.A. a national banking association duly constituted, registered and in existence in
accordance with the laws of the United States of America now in force, and carrying on the
business of banking in India and having one of its branches in India at
(hereinafter called the Obligee/Bank, which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof include its successors and assigns) of the Second Part.
_____ has/have not been traceable and hence presumed dead under the provisions of the
law, and has left no will.
The following among the Obligors are the surviving legal heir(s) according to the law of
intestate succession, applicable to __________________:
The following among the Obligors is/are the survivor(s) in the Account/Locker.
The Obligors have approached the Bank and have requested the Bank to release the
funds and/or articles lying in the Account(s)/Locker of the deceased to_______, without a
succession certificate/letters of administration/probate for the said purpose being furnished.
He request of, and on the basis of the representations and warranties of the Obligors,
including that (i) there are no claimants other than those described in paragraph 3, and (ii)
that the claimants described in paragraph 3 have commonly agreed to the person named
in paragraph 4 receiving the effects of the deceased and have no objection in this regard,
and (iii) that there is no dispute or threatened or pending litigation on account of which the
Bank may not act as requested, and believing the same to be true, the Bank has agreed to
release the aforesaid sum and/or articles as requested without insisting on production of
letters of administration/succession certificate/probate from the competent court in India
subject to the Obligors executing an indemnity as is herein contained.
Further to and in view of the matters described in the foregoing recitals, and in
consideration therefore, of the Bank having agreed to the request of the Obligors to
Pay the balance standing to the credit of the aforesaid Account(s) of the deceased,
Hand over the inventoried articles, effects and things described in the Schedule
below, lying in the Locker of the deceased, to __________________, without insisting
on production of letters of administration/probate/succession certificate from the
competent court in India, the Obligors hereby jointly and severally agree and
undertake to, and shall indemnify and keep indemnified, saved, defended, harmless
the Bank and its employees for all times hereafter against any and all future claims
that may be made by any person of whatsoever nature or character or identity, as also
any and all costs, damages, expenses, fees or penalties that the Bank and/or its
employees may have to bear, suffer, incur, or pay to any person, of whatsoever
nature or character or identity, or to any authority constituted under the laws of any
state of India including legal costs and lawyers' fees incurred by Bank and/or its
employees in its and/or their defence. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Obligors
further jointly and severally confirm that in case any claim is received by the Bank in
respect of the amounts and/or the articles, effects and things, then on the written
demand of the Bank, and without any protest or demur, the Obligors shall deposit the
same with the Bank.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Obligors have signed this Bond at the place and on the day, the
month and the year first written above in the presence of the following witnesses: