Exodus 20 40
Exodus 20 40
Exodus 20 40
Deuteronomy 5:6-21
1. How does the LORD preface these commandments?
2. Are the ten commandments binding on us today?
3. Do they have any relevance to us today?
4. Where in the N.T. epistles can you find 5 of these
commandments in one verse?
Romans 13:9.
7. For whom and for what should respect be shown,
according to these commandments?
For God, home, life, the sanctity of the marriage
relationship, property, name and honor, oneself.
9. Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the
children. (Ex. 20:5). What happened to the son
shall not bear the guilt of the father. (Eze.18:20)?
10. In it (Sabbath day) you shall do no work. (Ex.
20:10). When do we get to cease from our work?
Hebrews 4:8-10.
Lesson 3Exodus 22
Laws regarding property, sexual misconduct,
the fair treatment of others, the preeminence
of God, and an unusual example of holiness
Lesson 4Exodus 23
Laws: justice and mercy, Sabbath
years and days, feasts (1-19)
Promises and warnings (20-33)
Sabbaths (10-13)
For six years sow your land and gather its produce,
In the seventh year let it rest and lie fallow (a sabbath
of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath to the LORD
(Lev. 25:4).
Let the poor people eat from it, and whatever they
leave, let the animals eat from that.
Feasts (14-19)
Which three feasts are named here? (14-16).
Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Harvest, Feast of
Ingathering. Extended discussion in Lev. 23, Deut. 16.
Exodus 23:20-33
Promises (Conditional)
If you indeed obey His voice (the Angel) and do all that
I speak:
I will bring you into the place which I have prepared
I will be an enemy to your enemies. (22).
The enemy nations that now inhabit Canaan I will cut
them off (23).
I will send My fear before you.cause confusion (27).
Promises (Conditional)
If you indeed obey His voice (the Angel) and do all that
I speak:
I will send hornets before you. (28).
Little by little I will drive them out. (30). Why? (29-30)
I will bless your bread and your water (25).
Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl
(Deut. 28:5).
Beware of Him (Angel) and obey His voice; do not provoke
Him. (21). How often they provoked Him. (Ps. 78:40).
You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor
do according to their works (24).
Dont even mention the name of other gods (13).
You shall utterly overthrow them and completely break
down their sacred pillars (24).
You shall make no covenant with them, nor with their
gods (32).
They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin
against Me. For if you serve their gods, it will surely be a
snare to you (33).
Lesson 5Exodus 24
Dedication of the First Covenant
Hebrews 9:18-20
The Dedication
Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and 70 elders invited to
come up to the Lord.and worship from afar (only Moses
would come near) (1-2).
Before they did that, Moses came and told all the people
all the words of the LORD and all the judgments. Once
again, they promise to obey all the Lord has said (3).
Moses then wrote all the words of the LORD.built an altar
at the foot of the mountain, and twelve pillars according to
the twelve tribes of Israel (4).
Moses then sent young men, who offered burnt offerings
and peace offerings of oxen to the LORD (5).
The Dedication
Moses then divided the blood (from peace offerings?)he
put half in basins and the other half he sprinkled on the
altar (6).
He read the Book of the Covenant to the people, and for
the third time, the people promised to do all the Lord said
Moses took the blood, sprinkled it on the people, and
said, This is the blood of the covenant which the LORD
has made with you according to all these words (8).
Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and 70 of the elders went up
the LORD where they saw Him and ate and drank (9-11).
Nadab and Ahihurelation to Aaron? (6:23).
Did Aaron have any other sons? (6:23; 28:1).
This is the blood of the covenant which the LORD has
made with you. (24:8). Sound familiar?
This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is
shed for you (Luke 22:20).
For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed
for many for the remission of sins (Matthew 26:28).
All that the LORD has said we will do, and be
obedient (24:7). Is that OUR part of the new
Teaching them to observe all things that I have
commanded you (Matthew 28:20).
Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to
you (Acts 3:22).
What did this vision of God include? (24:10).
Where did Moses go, and with whom did he go?
What instructions did he give to the elders? (24:14).
What covered the mountain, and how long did it do
so? (24:15-16).
What rested on the mountain, and to what was it
compared? (24:16-17).
How long did Moses remain on the mountain? (24:18).
Lesson 6: Exodus 25
Offerings for the Tabernacle
Furniture for the Tabernacle:
Ark of the Covenant, Table of Showbread,
Gold Lampstand
Table of Showbread
(25:23-30; 26:35; 37:10-16; Lev. 24:5-9)
They were to take finely ground flour and bake twelve
loaves of unleavened bread and place them on the
table in sets of six. Frankincense was placed on the
top of each stack of showbread, and was burned in the
fire as an offering to the Lord. Every Sabbath day the
showbread was replaced with twelve fresh loaves.
The old bread was to be eaten by the priests in a holy
place, for it was a holy sacrifice to God (Lev. 24:5-9).
Gold Lampstand
(25:31-40; 27:20-21; 37:17-24; Lev. 24:5-9)
Location: South side of the Holy Place, opposite the table
of showbread.
Material: Made of a talent of pure goldabout 75 pounds
(39). Also used to make the wick-trimmers and trays (3839).
Design: Seven branches, if you include the one in the
middle (shaft). Each branch consisted of 3 cups shaped like
almond blossoms, followed by a knob and a flower. Lamps
with wicks, obviously, would be on the end of each branch.
Pure olive oil was used to fuel the lamps (27:20). The
lampstand itself had four bowls shaped like almond
blossoms, with knobs and flowers on each one.
Gold Lampstand
(25:31-40; 27:20-21; 37:17-24; Lev. 24:5-9)
Care of the lamps: Every morning Aaron was
supposed to tend the lamps, and then light them every
evening. It was during these times that he was in the
tabernacle that he would burn incense on the altar of
incense (30:7-8).
Ex. 30:18
Four Layers
Fine linen (26:1-6; 36:8-13).
Figures of cherubim were woven into the fabric in colors of
blue, purple, and scarlet.
10 curtains, with 5 coupled to one another, and the other five
coupled to one another.
Still for glory and for beauty (28:40), but much simpler
than those of the High Priest.
Lesson 8Consecration of
Aaron and His Sons
Exodus 29; 40:9-16; Leviticus 8
Moses took the ______ of the ram and waved it before the
LORDthis was his portion (Ex. 29:26-28; Lev. 8:29).
From this point forward, the right thigh and breast would belong to
the priests.
June 5: Review, Exodus 31 (lesson 10)
June 12: Exodus 32-34 (combine
lessons 11-12)
June 19: Exodus 35, 36, 40 (lesson 13)
June 26: Review of Exodus 20-40
Lesson 9Exodus 30
Altar of Incense, Recipe for Incense
Ransom (Atonement) Money
Bronze Laver, Recipe for Anointing Oil
By the Numbers
1. Length, width, and height of the altar of incense? (2).
2. Amount of ransom (atonement) money offered by every
man 20 years old and above? (13, 38:26).
3. Times per day incense was burned? (7-8).
4. Number of times per year that blood from the sin offering
was put on the horns of the altar of incense? (10).
5. Number of spices used to make holy anointing oil?(23-24).
6. Number of gold rings built onto the altar of incense? (4).
7. Number of pieces of furniture inside the Holy Place?
8. Inside the Most Holy Place?
Ex. 30:18
Lesson 10
Review and Preview
Sabbath Law
Craftsmen for the Tabernacle
Time Line
15th day, 1st month, 1st year: Israelites left Egypt (12:6, 31,
15th day, 2nd month: Came to the Wilderness of Sin (16:1).
In the third month: Arrived at Mt. Sinai (19:1).
A few days passed:
God offered His covenant to the people, and they prepared to
hear God speak. He came down upon the mountain and
spoke the ten commandments to them (19-20).
The people were afraid; asked that God speak to Moses, and
then Moses tell them what God said (20:18-21).
God gave Moses an overview of the law (20:22-23:33).
The covenant was ratified (Ex. 24:1-8).
Time Line
Moses went into the mountain for 40 days (24:18).
At the end of the 40 days:
People build a golden calf, break their covenant (32).
Moses intercedes, and the covenant is renewed (32-34).
1st day, 1st month, 2nd year: Tabernacle set up (40:1, 17).
Time Line
Next 7 days (after tabernacle is set up):
Aaron and his sons consecrated (40:12-15; Lev. 8:33-35).
8th day, 1st month: Aaron and sons begin work as priests
(Lev. 9:1).
1st through 12th day of 1st month: Princes of each tribe bring
a gift to provide the necessities for worship. They begin the
day the tabernacle is set up, with one prince coming each
of those 12 days (Numbers 7:1-2).
14th day, 1st month, 2nd year: People observe the Passover,
exactly one year since the last plague (Numbers 9:1-5).
Time Line
1st day, 2nd month, 2nd year: They begin counting/organizing
the people (Numbers 1:1).
They count the soldiers (Num. 1:1-46).
Organize tribes in correct camping/marching order (Num. 2).
They take the Levites in place of the firstborn (Num. 3).
Count/organize Levites in the age bracket to work (Num. 4).
14th day, 2nd month, 2nd year: Those unclean in the first
month partake of the Passover (Num. 9:11).
20th day, 2nd month, 2nd year: Time to leave Sinai (Num.
Exodus 32-34
Outline of Events
The people sin, breaking their covenant with God (32:1-6).
God is ready to destroy them (32:7-10).
Moses intercedes, and God relents (32:11-14).
Moses comes down from the mountain, sees their idolatry, and
breaks the tablets of stone (32:15-19).
Moses leads in punishing the guilty (32:20-29).
Moses intercedes for the people again (30:30-32).
God says He will send the people to inherit the land, but He will
not go with them (32:33-33:6).
Moses pleads with God to go with themto accept these people
as His people again (renew His covenant) (33:12-16).
God hears Moses and renews the covenant (33:17-34:28).
Faded Glory
2 Corinthians 3:7-13.
When did Moses put the veil on his face?
And when Moses had finished speaking with them, he
put a veil on his face (Exodus 34:33).
Outline of Events
The people sin, breaking their _______with God (32:1-6).
God is ready to _______ them (32:7-10).
Moses intercedes, and God relents (32:11-14).
Moses comes down from the mountain, sees their idolatry, and
breaks _____ ________ ___ ________ (32:15-19).
Moses leads in punishing the guilty (32:20-29).
Moses _________for the people again (30:30-32).
God says He will send the people to inherit the land, but He will
not ___ ______ _____ (32:33-33:6).
Moses pleads with God to go with themto accept these people
as His people again (renew His covenant) (33:12-16).
God hears Moses and renews the covenant (33:17-34:28).
And So Must We
teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded
you. (Matthew 28:20).
.Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to
you (Acts 3:22).
For to this end I also wrote, that I might put you to the test,
whether you are obedient in all things (2 Corinthians 2:9).
in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good
works (Titus 2:7).
.always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may
stand perfect and complete in all the will of God (Col. 4:12).
And So Must We
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let
each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or
of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:6-7).
Who gave beyond their ability?
The brethren in the churches of Macedonia (2 Cor. 9:1-5).