.1 Existing System
.1 Existing System
.1 Existing System
A cloud storage system, consisting of a collection of storage servers, provides longterm storage services over the Internet. Storing data in a third party's cloud system causes
serious concern over data confidentiality. General encryption schemes protect data
confidentiality, but also limit the functionality of the storage system because a few
operations are supported over encrypted data. Constructing a secure storage system that
supports multiple functions is challenging when the storage system is distributed and has no
central authority.We propose a threshold proxy re-encryption scheme and integrate it with a
decentralized erasure code such that a secure distributed storage system is formulated. The
distributed storage system not only supports secure and robust data storage and retrieval, but
also lets a user forward his data in the storage servers to another user without retrieving the
data back. The main technical contribution is that the proxy re-encryption scheme supports
encoding operations over encrypted messages as well as forwarding operations over
encoded and encrypted messages. Our method fully integrates encrypting, encoding, and
.1 Existing System
In Existing System we use a straightforward integration method. In straightforward
integration method storing data a third partys cloud system causes serious concern on data
confidentiality. In order to provide strong confidentiality for messages in storage servers, a
user can encrypt messages by a cryptographic method before applying an erasure code
method to encode and store messages. When he wants to use a message, he needs to retrieve
the Codeword symbols from storage servers, decode them, and then decrypt them by using
cryptographic keys. General encryption schemes protect data confidentiality, but also limit
the functionality of the storage system because a few operations are supported over encrypted
A decentralized architecture for storage systems offers good scalability, because a
storage server can join or leave without control of a central authority.
Limitation Of Existing System
The user has to manage his cryptographic keys otherwise the securityhas to be broken.
The data storing and retrieving, it is hard for storage servers to directlysupport other
3.2 Proposed System
In our proposed system we address the problem of forwarding data to another user by
storage servers directly under the command of the data owner. We consider the system model
that consists of distributed storage servers and key servers. Since storing cryptographic keys
in a single device is risky, a user distributes his cryptographic key to key servers that shall
perform cryptographic functions on behalf of the user. These key servers are highly protected
by security mechanisms. The distributed systems require independent servers to perform all
operations. We propose a new threshold proxy re-encryption scheme and integrate it with a
secure decentralized code to form a secure distributed storage system. The encryption scheme
supports encoding operations over encrypted messages and forwarding operations over
encrypted and encoded messages.
Tight integration of encoding, encryption, and forwarding makes the storage system
efficiently meet the requirements of data robustness, data confidentiality, and data
forwarding. The storage servers independently perform encoding and reencryptionprocess and the key servers independently perform partial decryption
Hard Disk
: .NET With C#
Data Base
Operating System
:Windows XP
enter the code to the forwarder. Now, another user can check his account properly and view
the code forwarded from the previous user. Then the current user has login to the cloud
system and to check the receive details. In receive details the forwarded file is present then
the user will go to the download process.
Data which is to be forwarded from one user to another user is splitinto number of
parts and each part is encrypted by the public key part of the recipient of the data. We split
the data into three parts and are encrypted by the public key of the user. Now generate a reencryption key by using the AES algorithm by giving the inputs as a part of secret key of
sender and the public key part of the receiver. The re-encryption key of length 256 bits is
produced by the AES algorithm and then used for re-encryption purpose. Now 3 encrypted
blocks each is re-encrypted using the re-encryption key. Each block is distributed to the data
servers and re-encrypted cipher blocks are encoded and stored in the storage servers (data
In Download module contains the following details. There are username and file
name. First, the server process can be run which means the server can be connected with its
particular client. Now, the client has to download the file to download the file key.
In file key downloading process the fields are username, filename, question, answer and the
code. Now clicking the download option the client can view the encrypted key. Then using
that key the client can view the file and usethat file appropriately.