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Neutral Point Treatment and Earth Fault Suppression

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Neutral Point Treatment and Earth Fault

Osmo Siirto, Mika Loukkalahti, Markku Hyvrinen, Pirjo Heine, and Matti Lehtonen

Abstract--Earth fault management in medium voltage

networks involves assessing of customer interruptions, challenges in fault clearing processes and safety issues. The major
advantage by allowing sustained earth faults is the avoidance of
customer interruptions. However, the network operation with
sustained earth faults does not only include welfare. The paper
will generally discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
operating the network with sustained earth faults. In addition,
in the paper, the Helsinki medium voltage network and the
developments in neutral point treatment and network operation during earth faults will be outlined. The paper presents the
earth fault analysis in the Helsinki 10 kV network and compares the results to a reference analysis. Based on the analysis,
the paper presents the possibilities and limitations of a sustained operation with earth faults. The paper also presents the
strategy steps of managing sustained earth faults as well in the
10 kV and 20 kV areas and the required long term development steps.

sustained earth faults. Therefore, changeover from an

unearthed to a compensated neutral point treatment of the
20 kV network is needed. The development steps to achieve
this are discussed.
A. Earth Faults
A single phase earth fault is caused by an earth
connection of one of the phases (Fig. 1). The voltage of the
faulted phase collapses while the voltage on the other two
phases rises. The voltage of the sound phases can reach the
phase-to-phase voltage [1][3] (Fig. 2). This voltage raise
exists on the whole supply area of the main transformer.

Index Terms--Compensation, cross country fault, earth

fault, interruption, power quality, protection, reliability, smart


HEN considering single phase earth faults in medium

voltage (MV) networks handling safety issues, especially touch voltages, is the most important aspect. In
addition, the earth fault management includes balancing
between customer interruptions and challenges in fault
clearing processes. By allowing sustained earth faults the
major advantage is avoiding customer interruptions.
Especially in city areas, this is highly appreciated.
However, the network operation with sustained earth
faults also has some drawbacks. The major disadvantage is
the increased risk of cross country faults. A sustained earth
fault evolving to a cross country fault results in two
simultaneous faults at various locations. This means a
considerably wider area of customer interruptions and a
more laborious fault clearing and repairing process.
In this paper, the operation of Helsinki MV networks in
earth faults is presented. Helsinki has announced as its goal
to halve the SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration
Index) down to six minutes by 2015. The main means
to achieve this goal is to allow the network operation with
This work was supported in part by the Finnish Smart Grid Energy
Market program SGEM.
O. Siirto, M. Loukkalahti, M. Hyvrinen and P. Heine are with Helen
Electricity Network Ltd., Helsinki. Postal address: Helen Shkverkko Oy,
FIN-00090 HELEN, Finland, (e-mail: osmo.siirto@helen.fi,
mika.loukkalahti@helen.fi, markku.hyvarinen@helen.fi,
M. Lehtonen is with Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Espoo. Postal address: P.O.Box
13000, FIN-00076 AALTO, Finland (e-mail: matti.lehtonen@aalto.fi).


Fig 1. A single phase earth fault on an isolated system [2].







0,35 t(s)

Fig. 2. Phase currents, phase-to-ground voltages and phase-to-phase

voltages in a single phase earth fault turning first into a two phase short
circuit and then a three phase short circuit, Helsinki 20 kV station.

In an unearthed system, if fault resistance is zero, the single

phase earth fault current can be calculated as follows,

I e 3Ce E

C. Safety Criteria
When considering electricity and safety of human beings,
the danger is that a current will flow through the region of
the heart possibly causing ventricular fibrillation. For safety
purposes, it is required to determine limit values. Because
the body current is difficult to measure the body current
limit is translated into voltage limits for comparison with the
calculated step and touch voltages. As a general rule, meeting the touch voltage requirements satisfies the step voltage
requirements because the tolerable step voltage limits are
much higher than touch voltage limits due to the different
current path through the body [5].
In addition, the higher the voltage, the shorter time it may
affect to a human being without causing danger. Fig. 4
shows the dependency between the permissible touch
voltage and the duration.


where Ie is the earth fault current (A), = 2f is the angular

frequency (1/s), Ce is the phase capasitance of the network
(F) and E is the phase voltage (V) [3].
The voltage level of the MV network and the types and
lengths of the feeders in a particular galvanically connected
network determine the earth fault current.
To manage and limit the earth fault currents, the operating areas of MV networks must be restricted geographically.
Furthermore, the networks can be compensated. Typically,
in a compensated system, a reactor is connected to the star
point of the primary transformer. The inductive reactance of
the reactor is set near the value of the capacitive reactance of
the whole cable network (resonant earthing). In an earth
fault, the capacitive and inductive currents are opposite thus
resulting in a small earth fault current [4]. This creates
challenges in fault detection and localization and therefore
also a temporary (low) resistance neutral earthing is
additionally applied (Fig. 3). In the occurrence of an earth
fault, this resistor is switched on to increase the neutral
current and it thereby enables the protection to detect the
faulted feeder and to alarm [5].

Fig. 4. The permissible touch voltage. [5].

Fig. 3. An earth fault current in a system with resonant earthing and
temporary low resistance neutral earthing. [4].

In Fig. 4, the permissible touch voltage in a sustained

operation is the voltage at the very right end of the curve.
According to the standard EN 50522, a value of 80 V may
be used as a permissible touch voltage [5]. The permissible
touch voltage values are considered to be satisfied if either
one of the conditions is satisfied:
The relevant installation is a part of a global earthing
The earth potential rise does not exceed the double
value of a permissible touch voltage.
So the planning criteria are that the earth potential rise in
a sustained earth fault must not exceed 160 V. EN 50522
standard says that every earth fault will be disconnected
automatically or by hand. Thus, touch voltages of very long
or indefinite duration do not appear as a consequence
of earth faults [5]. In the Finnish standard SFS 6001,
High-voltage electrical installations, there is a national
condition, that the earth fault shall be disconnected within
two hours [6].

When a single phase earth fault occurs, the protection

traditionally trips the faulted feeder from the network and an
interruption is experienced. In this paper, it will be presented
and discussed a case of a network operation with sustained
earth faults. In this approach, earth fault currents and
voltages are kept sufficiently low and when a single phase
earth fault occurs only an alarm is sent to the operator and
the operation of the network will be continued during the
fault clearing process.
B. Earth Faults Developing into Cross Country Faults or
Short Circuits
During an earth fault and the voltage raise of the sound
phases another earth fault can occur between a sound phase
and the earth. The location of the second earth fault can be
different from the original one. These so called cross
country faults result in a considerably wider fault area of
customer interruptions and more laborious fault location,
isolation and repairing processes. Also the fault currents are
higher and they flow through the ground causing hazard.
Earth faults may also progress into multipole faults in the
original fault location. Fig. 2 presents an example of an
earth fault turning first into to a two phase short circuit and
then to a three phase short circuit.


A. MV Network in Helsinki
The MV network in Helsinki is built with underground
cables. The network consists of two voltage areas. The city
urban core areas have 10 kV networks with isolated neutrals
and these networks are operated under sustained earth faults.

The protection in the 10 kV network can be alarming

because of the low earth resistance, lower voltage level, and
shorter cable lengths fed by the power transformers. Thus,
the earth fault currents and touch voltages are small and the
safety criteria are fulfilled.
The suburban 20 kV areas have had MV networks with
isolated neutrals, except for one new substation with a
compensated neutral. The earth fault current of the 20 kV
network is on average four times greater than the earth fault
currents in the 10 kV network. Thus, to fulfill the safety
criteria the protection in the 20 kV network is tripping and
the sustained operation would not be possible. In the 20 kV
network, the earth fault protection trips the faulty line thus
leading into customer interruptions.

means that if the earth fault current compensation is turned

off and the network is used with isolated neutrals the relay
settings must be changed.
C. Fault Analysis Case
SAIDI is an important index in evaluating the success
of the network management. In Helsinki, the main means
for lowering the SAIDI values is to change the operation in
the 20 kV network from tripping of earth faults to sustained
earth faults and alarming. This is achieved by changing the
neutral treatment of the 20 kV network to have compensated
neutrals. The effect of this development step on the SAIDI
values has been evaluated for the investment plans and
decisions and is reported in the following.
Analysis is based on the statistics of earth faults on the
Helsinki 10 kV network with a sustained operation from
years 2004 to 2010. There have been altogether 68 earth
faults meaning an average of ca. ten earth faults per one
year. From the fault statistics it can be seen that 76 % of the
earth faults are single earth faults and 24 % are two or three
phase earth faults. The average SAIDI in years 20022010
in the Helsinki 10 kV network with a sustained earth fault
operation was ca. 6 minutes and in the Helsinki 20 kV network about 13 minutes. Assuming that after compensating
the 20 kV network all the single phase earth faults are no
more causing interruptions, SAIDI could reduce down to
3 minutes (Fig. 5). However, the results from the earth fault
analysis in the Helsinki 10 kV network shows that 24 % of
the earth faults are evolving into cross country faults. This
means an average SAIDI of 6 minutes in the 20 kV network
instead on the previous estimation of SAIDI of 3 minutes
(Fig. 5). Further, the statistics in Helsinki shows that the
interruptions caused by cross country faults lasts in average
about twice as long as other interruptions. When taking also
this into the estimation, it would lead to a SAIDI value of
8 minutes (Fig. 5).
On the other hand, a considerable proportion of the
SAIDI is caused by large substation outages. Moving from
an isolated neutral to a compensated neutral will decrease
the earth fault current stress to substation devices, especially
to voltage transformers. After the interruption of a single
phase fault, a charge will remain in earth capacitances of
cables. This charge will be removed by a DC transient
flowing in an unearthed system through the voltage transformers, often causing excessive burden. In a compensated
system, the coil offers better conducting path for this DC
transient. This will decrease substantially the amount of
substation outages. Also the difference in the multipole earth
fault ratio between a sustained or tripped operation is in
reality less than the statistical 24 %, since some faults
progress into multipole failures in the course of the
operation time of the protection relay, see example in Fig. 2.
A rough estimation is that these two factors combined will
compensate the SAIDI increase caused by the potentially
longer interruptions of cross country faults.
Taking into account all the previous factors results to an
average SAIDI of ca. 6 minutes in the 20 kV network
(Fig. 5). This is in line with the fault statistics in the
Helsinki 10 kV network with the sustained earth fault
operation. The average SAIDI in years 20022010 in the
Helsinki 10 kV network with the sustained earth fault
operation was ca. 6 minutes.

B. Reducing SAIDI Values by Compensating the 20 KV

As a long term development goal, following the priciple
of continuous improvement, Helen Electricity Network Ltd.
has announced a target of halving SAIDI from its long term
average value of ca. 12 minutes down to 6 minutes during
the coming years. To reach this aim, it has been decided to
develop the network so that also the 20 kV network can be
operated with sustained earth faults. In this process, it is
needed to change the neutral treatment of the 20 kV network
by installing compensation coils to the neutral points.
The compensation brings many advantages. Small earth
faults currents mean small touch voltages. When the safety
criteria are satisfied the network can be operated with
sustained earth faults. Customer interruptions can be
avoided. Especially in city areas with high load density, this
is highly appreciated.
By reducing the earth fault current, also the stress for the
network devices is decreased. The power frequency voltage
stress is the same, but the earth fault current and transients
stresses are mitigated. E.g. in Helsinki, there has been ten
voltage transformer failures during the past 20 years causing
substation level interruptions. The compensated neutral
decreases the stress to substation devices and thus decreases
the number of substation faults with high customer outage
The reduced earth fault current also increases the
possibilities for self extinction of the arc, thus mitigating the
damage caused by the fault. The compensated neutral also
decreases the possibilities for the earth fault to develop into
a short circuit fault.
On the opposite, also disadvantages are arisen. The most
considerable drawback of the compensated neutral and
sustained earth faults is the increased probability of earth
faults to evolve into cross country faults. The statistics in
Helsinki shows that the interruptions caused by cross
country faults lasts in average about twice as long as other
The major reason for cross country faults is the increased
phase voltage on the non faulted phases. The phase voltage
rises up to the level of the phase-to-phase voltage. This
voltage rise stresses the insulation of the network and the
risk for the already weak network points to break down is
In a network with a compensated neutral, the protection
is set to measure the active current instead of measuring the
reactive current as in a case of an isolated neutral. This

Faults (1/a)

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Fig. 7. MV cable/joints/terminal faults in the Helsinki 10 kV network
during 2004-2011.

Fig. 5. Estimating the effect of a compensated neutral to SAIDI.

To better manage the condition of MV cables, the utility

can by using cable condition monitoring discover the weak
points in networks before they evolve into earth faults. So
the cable condition monitoring supports and increases the
benefit of compensating the neutral.
In Central Europe a majority of the medium voltage and
high voltage transmission systems are operated as resonant
grounded grids. The motivation to keep on operating the
electrical power networks with resonant grounded neutrals is
derived from the good experiences with the high continuity
of supply. This is due to the self extinguishing properties of
phase-to-earth arcs in such grids, especially in grids with a
multipole large proportion of overhead lines. Because of the outstanding feature of continuous operation during earth faults,
the resonant grounded grids can be classified as self healing
grids [8].
Also in Italy in ENEL MV networks, the net reduction in
the number of interruptions due to Petersen coil is signifiphase
cant. The reduction in the number of interruptions due to the
introduction of the new grounding system is as follows:
51 % reduction intransients, 38 % reduction in short interruptions and 26 % reduction in long interruptions [9].

D. Comparison of Earth Faults in Helsinki and Dresden

(Germany), Experiences of Neutral Point Compensation in
Central Europe and Italy
To seek support to the development steps of Helsinki,
Helsinki data is compared with the data from Dresden,
Germany [7]. In Helsinki, 24 % of the faults turn into multipole failures, in Dresden the ratio is 35 %, Fig. 6.

Shares of various earth faults (%)

100 %
80 %
60 %
40 %
20 %


E. Effect of Compensated Neutral to Distribution

Compensating has been evaluated as a strong instrument
to halve the SAIDI values (through reducing SAIFI System
Average Interruption Frequency Index). In addition, distribution automation has been adopted as another means to lower
SAIDI values (through reducing CAIDI Customer Average
Interruption Duration Index).
When considering multipole faults and distribution
automation, also the number of multipole earth faults can be
decreased if the fault location, isolation and recovery
processes can be accelerated. This means a requirement of
fast automatic fault management functions in distribution
In Helsinki during the years 20042010, about 60 % of
the multipole earth faults arose within two minutes from the
first earth fault, Fig. 8. The average time was ca. 30 minutes,
however the median was one and a half minute. Only three
out of sixteen multipole earth faults began after one hour. So
the probability of multipole earth faults decreases rapidly
after the first minutes of a sustained earth fault. Fig. 8
presents durations of only those earth faults that have
evolved into multipole faults in the 10 kV network. With
distribution automation the possibility an earth fault to

Fig. 6. Shares of different earth fault types, Helsinki, Dresden.

There can be several reasons for the differences in shares,

for example:
different voltage level;
different cable/joint/termination types;
different age and condition of the network.
This comparison between Helsinki and Dresden shows
that the share of earth faults evolving into multipole earth
faults can be higher than the Helsinki 10 kV value of 24 %
presented in the previous SAIDI estimation. The higher ratio
of earth faults evolving into multipole earth faults decreases
the benefit of compensating the neutral.
However the high number of multipole failures is not
only a negative issue. The voltage stress caused by an earth
fault tests the insulation of the network and finds the weak
spots. Usually after a high intensive earth fault period, less
faults are experienced during the coming years on the feeder
area of the power transformer since the weak points have
already been replaced. This is shown in the Fig. 7 which
shows the frequency the MV cable/joints/terminal faults in
Helsinki 10 kV network during the years 20042011.

evolve to a multiple fault can be decreased. These multipole

faults result typically in a considerably wider fault area and
thus more laborious fault management. Also the fault
currents are higher and they flow through the ground
causing hazard. Thus, the assistance of distribution automation in these cases is valuable.

operation. When considering the operation practices during

single phase earth faults, the balancing with customer
interruptions and fault clearing processes includes some
opposite aspects. The operation with sustained earth faults is
possible if the earth fault currents are small enough and the
global earthing system is present. To achieve this in wider
supply areas a MV network with compensated neutrals is
needed. The operation with sustained operation includes
advantages, like avoiding major part of the customer
interruptions and lowering the earth fault current and
transient stresses to substation equipment. However, the
disadvantages include the risk of cross country faults and
thereafter considerable larger interruption areas and
additional repair work.


Multipole faults (number)


The paper presented the Helsinki case in the management

of earth faults. The main development strategy of Helsinki
distribution networks includes a target to halve the SAIDI
values down to 6 minutes. The nine years average SAIDI in
the Helsinki 10 kV network is already 6 minutes and
13 minutes in the 20 kV network. To be able to lower the
SAIDI values of the Helsinki 20 kV network the main
means is to allow the operation of the network with
sustained earth faults. This is possible when compensating
the neutrals. It has been evaluated that this leads to SAIDI
level of ca. 6 minutes also in the 20 kV network. So even
though some disadvantages caused by sustained earth faults
and the needed compensated neutral, Helen Electricity
Network Ltd. can achieve the long term development target
of halving the SAIDI in coming years. Helsinki has now
started to implement compensated neutrals to all 20 kV
substations. In addition of this implementation of compensated neutrals, in this work of halving the SAIDI values, the
implementation of distribution automation advances the
strong network development during the coming years. By
the end of the year 2016 Helsinki can have the sustained
earth fault operation in the whole medium voltage network
and achieve the target in SAIDI. In Helsinki, SAIDI values
are already on a very good level. Despite this fact, by this
strong development work Helen Electricity Network Ltd.
also responds to the strategy of continuous development of
the power system.

<2 min

2 - 30 min

0,5 -1 h

> 1h

Fig. 8. Frequency of the time when earth faults have evolved into multipole
faults, 20042010 in the Helsinki 10 kV network.

When compensating is a centralized solution (one

compensating unit per one main transformer) distribution
automation is, on the opposite, a distributed solution and
needs optimization of the most significant secondary substations. The challenge in implementing network automation is
how the utility should target the investments so that the
cost/benefit ratio is optimum and the decrease in customer
interruption cost is the most significant [10]. Theoretically,
the layout for network automation can be done by
topological and cost-benefit analysis but in real cases many
factors are limiting the installation of network automation
on secondary substations. The constraints are for example:
the age and type of the MV switchgear, insulation material
and the ownership of the secondary substation [11]. Helen
Electricity Network Ltd. started its network automation
undertaking in the year 2008 by a pilot system for the
control and monitoring system for urban MV/LV substations. The system includes power quality measurements &
database, disturbance recordings, fault location, transformer
monitoring and remote control of the MV switches at the
substation [12]. By the end of the year 2012 the network
automation is implemented to 250 secondary substations
in Helsinki.
The development of automatic fault location, restoration
and fault mitigation functions in city environment is further
studied in task Self Healing City Networks of the Finnish
Smart Grid Energy Market program (SGEM). The investments in compensating and in distribution automation affect
together to the aim in lowering SAIDI values and in
advancing the development of the power system for the
benefit of the distribution system operator and also their





The safety issues are the most important aspects in the

management of single phase earth faults in the network

S. Hnninen, Single phase earth faults in high impedance grounded

networks Characteristics, indication and location, Ph.D dissertation,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Publications 453,
Espoo, 2001, p. 19
E. Lakervi, E. J. Holmes, Electricity distribution network design, 2nd
ed., London: Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1998, p. 60.
M. Lehtonen, T. Hakala, Neutral Earthing and Power System
Protection. Vaasa: ABB Transmit Oy, 1996, p. 11.
N. Areva., Maasulkuvian paikannus kompensoidussa keskijnniteverkossa (Earth fault location in medium voltage distribution
network). In Finnish. Bachelor Thesis, Metropolia, Helsinki, 2010.
Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c., European
Standard EN 50522, Nov. 2010.
High-voltage electrical installations, SFS Standard SFS 6001, Apr.
G. Eberl, P. Schegner, Earth fault location based on short time low
ohmic neutral earthing in cabled medium voltage networks of the
DREWAG Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH, in Kaunas University on
Technology and Aalto University organized seminar Methods and
techniques for earth fault detection, indication and location, Espoo,
Finland, 2011, p. 135.
L. Fickert, G. Achleitner, E. Schmautzer., C. Obkircher, C. Raunig,
Resonant grounded networks quo vadis!?, in Proc. 2009 20st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED, Paper 0307.

group mainly responsible of previous mentioned tasks at Helen Shkverkko Oy (DSO subsidiary of Helsingin Energia). He has been a Finnish
Study Committee member of CIGRE B5 (Protection and Automation)
Committee since 2006. He has been an active member of several CIGRE
B5 working croups, now he is a member of WG B5-43: Coordination of
Protection and automation for Future Networks. He has also made several
presentations in domestic courses and seminars on protection and
automation area.


A. Cerretti, G. Di Lembo, G. Valtorta, Improvement in the continuity

of supply due to a large introduction of Petersen coils in HV/MV
substations, in Proc. 2005 18st International Conference on
Electricity Distribution, CIRED.
[10] O. Siirto, M. Hyvrinen, S. Hakala, J. Jskelinen and M. Lehtonen,
Customer damage evaluation and network automation strategies for
different urban zones, in Proc. 2011 21st International Conference on
Electricity Distribution, CIRED, 1-4 p.
[11] S. Hakala, Kaukokytettvien kohteiden valinta Helsingin keskijnniteverkossa (Selection of remote-controllable sites in the Helsinki
distribution network). In Finnish. Master Thesis, Aalto University,
Faculty of electronics, communications and automation, Espoo, 2010.
[12] M. Hyvrinen, S. Pettissalo, P. Trygg., K. Malmberg, L. Kumpulainen, A comprehensive secondary substation monitoring system, in
Proc. 2009 20st International Conference on Electricity Distribution,
CIRED, Paper 0687.

Markku Hyvrinen was born in Sippola, Finland, 1962. He received his

Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and the Doctor of Science
(Technology) degree, both from Helsinki University of Technology, in
1988 and 2008 respectively. He has been working in many fields of
electrical engineering including substation design, network control systems,
protection systems and long term network planning. At present, he is
working as Unit Manager at Helen Shkverkko Oy (DSO subsidiary of
Helsingin Energia), Finland, responsible for network development in
Helsinki metropolitan area and the related research activities in his

Osmo Siirto (1962) has received his Masters degree in Electrical
Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto
University, Helsinki) in 1990. Since 2009 he has also been a PhD student in
Aalto University preparing for his Doctoral Dissertation Self Healing city
distribution networks. He has been working in many fields of electrical
engineering including network planning systems, network control systems,
distribution automation and asset management. At present, he is working as
Unit Manager of Distribution network at Helen Shkverkko Oy (DSO
subsidiary of Helsingin Energia).

Pirjo Heine received the Master of Science degree from Tampere

University of Technology, Finland, in 1987 and the Doctor of Science
(Technology) degree from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, in
2005. Her main interests during the university years 19972009 were in
power quality issues, especially voltage sags of distribution networks. Since
2009, she has been working at Helen Shkverkko Oy (DSO subsidiary of
Helsingin Energia) as a specialist in electrical networks.

Mika Loukkalahti was born in Kankaanp, Finland, in 1969. He studied

Electrical Engineering at Tampere University of Technology with Electric
Power Systems as a major subject. He received his Master of Science
degree in 1996. He joined Helsinki Energy in 1997 as Protection Engineer.
In Addition to protection systems, Substation automation, Power Quality,
network calculation and various expert tasks with network automation and
R&D have been his expert and responsible areas. At present, he is leading a

Matti Lehtonen (1959) has been since 1999 a professor at the Aalto
University, where he is now the head of Power Systems and High Voltage
Engineering. His main activities include power system planning and asset
management, power system protection including earth fault problems,
harmonic related issues and applications of information technology in
distribution systems.

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