DONE 1 Sunrise
DONE 1 Sunrise
DONE 1 Sunrise
Dec 8, 2014
Period 6
AP US History
The Great Convention in 1787 was a gathering of fifty-five delegates whose objective
was to alter how the government functioned under the influence of the Articles of
Confederation. The delegates of the convention had a choice to either modify the
current one or create a new system of administration (Oates119). The outcome was a
new system of government and the process was overseen by the elected officer George
Washington. George Washington, established new and strict rules otherwise known as
the Rule of Secrecy meaning what happens in the convention room does not leave the
convention room (Oates121). What made this convention so special was not only the
secrecy, but the Committee of the whole allowed to be open on their viewpoints and
arguments, so much so an alteration in vote was even allowed until the close of the
convention (Shmoop). However due to this philosophy new explosive questions
(Oates 123) were tested in the waters of chaos. For instance Charles Pickney and
Edmund Randolph argued on different viewpoints on the national government. Pickney
stated that a national government would cause the states to cease to exist,
nevertheless Randolph stated that a national government would not prevent the states
from testing the governments ability within the states provinces (Oates 122). Despite
the minor setbacks and difficulty of coming to an agreement, there was also some
debates where that wasnt the case (Shmoop). Such a case was the popularly
nominated bicameral legislature voted by the Lower House. The end result of house
representation established the Upper House as equivalent and the Lower House as a
public. Not all matters were put to rest due to the encouraged and absurd conviction
that slaves were aliens and were not admitted the same rights as a normal person in
society. After much discretion and dispute the Constitution was signed.
population (Oates 121). The smaller states favored the New Jersey Plan. According to
the New Jersey Plan, the number of representatives would be the same for each state.
A delegate from Connecticut, Roger Sherman, proposed a two-house legislature,
consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate would have an
equal number of representatives from each state. This would satisfy the states with
smaller populations. The House of Representatives would include one representative
for each 30,000 individuals in a state (Oates 122). This pleased states with larger
populations. This two-house legislature plan worked for all states and became known as
the Great Compromise (Shmoop). With so many requirements, opinions, and idea the
Convention was an disarray from the start, but proper regulation helped reach a full
Social: In its curious and conflicting references to slavery, the Constitution was
reflecting the concessions and compromise by which it was produced(Oates
The words "slave" or "slavery" do not exist in the Constitution. However, slavery is
referred to in a couple of places (Constitution for the United States of America). For one
thing, there was the three-fifth Compromise where every five slaves counted as three
people in terms of distribution for the House of Representatives (Oates 128). Further,
the government was given the power to restrict the slave trade. Finally, there was a
section where it says that if people held to service or labor (slavery) in one state escape
them must not be freed by the laws of another state. Having a terrestrial, and not a
celestial origin, we find no difficulty in ascertaining its meaning in all the parts which we
allege to relate to slavery (Constitution for the United States of America). Slavery
existed before the Constitution, in the very States by whom it was made and adopted
was by none other than Slaveholders who took a large share in making it. It was made
in view of the existence of slavery, and in a manner well calculated to aid and
strengthen that inhuman crime.
Historical Thinking Skills/Interpertation-If our country men are so soon
changed, Lee charged, and the language of 1774 is become odious to them, it
will be in vain to use the language of freedom, or attempt to rouse them free
inquiries.(Oates 128)
The reason this is interpretation because the constitution is the delegates and
governments way to show their no longer going to allow to be bullied and seen as
someones property, the abused child that says nothing, but not soon after 1776 the
once panicky nation becomes a stabilized and willing to stand up against the other old
nations with the help of developing their own naval army, The Continental Marines, in
1975 (Precedence of the U.S. Navy and the Marine Corps). This naval army helped
establish America as a competition and a runner in military advancement.
The thesis is clearly supported from the article. In this article Sunshine Philadelphia,
scholar and historian Brian McGinty. Who discusses one of Americas pivotal moments
evaluating the character of George Washington and his contributions and gives an
insight on the changes of historical context. The reader gets unbiased opinions from the
article. Overall the author clearly states his argument and others while providing
reasoning and evidence.
Work Cited:
"Constitution for the United States of America." Constitution for the United States of
America. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2014. <>.
Oates, Stephen B. Portrait of America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973. Print.
"Precedence of the U.S. Navy and the Marine Corps." Precedence of the U.S. Navy and
the Marine Corps. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.
Shmoop Editorial Team. "Constitution." Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov.
2008. Web. 8 Dec. 2014. <>.