Alg 1
Alg 1
Alg 1
Abstract. These are the notes prepared for the course MTH 751 to
be offered to the PhD students at IIT Kanpur.
1. Binary Structure
2. Group Structure
3. Group Actions
4. Fundamental Theorem of Group Actions
5. Applications
5.1. A Theorem of Lagrange
5.2. A Counting Principle
5.3. Cayleys Theorem
5.4. The Class Equation
5.5. Cauchys Theorem
5.6. First Sylow Theorem
5.7. Second Sylow Theorem
5.8. Third Sylow Theorem
6. Structure Theorem for Finite Abelian Groups
1. Binary Structure
Let S be a set. We denote by S S the set of ordered pairs (a, b), where
a, b S. Thus the ordered pairs (a, b) and (b, a) represent distinct elements
of S S unless a = b.
A binary operation ? on S is a function from S S into S. Thus for every
(a, b) S S, the binary operation ? assigns a unique element a ? b of S. If
this happens, then we say that the pair (S, ?) is a binary structure.
Let us understand the above notion through examples.
Example 1.1 : We follow the standard notations to denote the set of natural numbers, integers, rationals, reals, complex numbers by N, Z, Q, R, C
respectively. If S is one of the sets above, then S stands for S \ {0}.
(z, w) z w
can be interpreted as rotation of z about the origin through the angle arg(w)
in the anticlockwise direction.
As an another interesting example of a binary operation, consider the
binary operation of multiplication on an annulus centered at the origin.
One may use the polar co-ordinates to interpret the action (0.1) as rotation
of z about the origin through the angle arg(w) in the anticlockwise direction
followed by a dilation of magnitude |w|.
Exercise 1.4 : Let A(r, R) denote the annulus centered at the origin with
inner radius r and outer radius R, where 0 r < R . Find all values of
r and R for which (A(r, R), ) is a binary structure.
Hint. If r
< 1 then r = 0 (Use: r < r if 0 < r < 1). If R > 1 then
R = (Use: R < R if 1 < R < ).
Exercise 1.5 : Let L denote a line passing through the origin in the complex
plane. Verify that the multiplication on the plane is not an induced binary
operation on L.
A binary structure (S, ?) is associative if x ? (y ? z) = (x ? y) ? z for every
x, y, z S. We say that (S, ?) is abelian if x ? y = y ? x for every x, y S.
Exercise 1.6 : Let Mn (R) denote the set of nn matrices with real entries.
Verify that the matrix multiplication is a binary operation on Mn (R).
Verify further the following:
(1) is associative.
(2) is abelian iff n = 1.
Let (S, ?) be a binary structure. We say that e S is identity for S if
e ? s = s = s ? e for every s S.
In general, (S, ?) may not have an identity. For example, the infinite
interval (1, ) with multiplication is a binary structure without identity.
Proposition 1.7. Identity of a binary structure, if exists, is unique.
Proof. The proof is a subtle usage of the definition of the binary operation.
Suppose (S, ?) has two identities e and e0 . By the very definition of the binary
operation, the pair (e, e0 ) assigned to a unique element e ? e0 . However, e ? e0
equals e if e0 is treated as identity, and e0 if e is treated as identity. Thus we
obtain e0 = e as desired.
Before we discuss the isomorphism between two binary structures, it is
necessary to recall the notion of isomorphism between sets. We say that
two sets S and T are isomorphic if there exists a bijection from S onto T.
Recall that Z and Q are isomorphic.
We say that two binary structures (S, ?) and (T, ) are isomorphic if there
exists a bijection : S T, which preserves the binary operations:
(a ? b) = (a) (b) for all a, b S.
We will refer to as the isomorphism between (S, ?) and (T, ).
Remark 1.8 : The set-theoretic inverse 1 of is an isomorphism between
(T, ) and (S, ?).
It is not always easy to decide whether or not given binary structures are
isomorphic. The following two tests are quite handy for this purpose.
Exercise 1.9 : Suppose the binary structures (S, ?) and (T, ) are isomorphic. Show that if (S, ?) is abelian (resp. associative) then so is (T, ).
Note that the binary structures (R, ) and (M2 (R), ) are not isomorphic.
Proposition 1.10. Suppose there exists an isomorphism between the binary structures (S, ?) and (T, ). Fix a S. Then the following is true:
(1) The equation x?x = b has a solution in S iff the equation xx = (b)
has a solution in T.
(2) There exists a bijection from the solution set S of x ? x = b onto the
solution set T of x x = (b).
Proof. If x0 S is a solution of the equation x ? x = b then (x0 ) T is
a solution of the equation x x = (b). The converse follows from Remark
1.8. Since : S T given by (x0 ) = (x0 ) is a bijection, the remaining
part follows.
Example 1.11 : Consider the binary structures (Z, +) and (Q, +). We already recorded that Z and Q are isomorphic. The natural question arises
whether (Z, +) and (Q, +) are isomorphic ?
Let us examine the equation x + x = 1. Note that the solution set of
x + x = 1 in Z is empty. On the other hand, the solution set of x + x = 1
in Q equals {1/2}. By Proposition 1.10, the binary structures (Z, +) and
(Q, +) can never be isomorphic.
Exercise 1.12 : Whether the following binary structures are isomorphic.
Justify your answer.
(1) (Z, +) and (N, +).
(2) (C, ) and (R, ).
(3) (C, ) and (C , ).
Exercise 1.13 : Consider C and T as topological spaces with the topology inherited from the complex plane. Show that there does not exist a
continuous isomorphism from (C , ) onto (T, ).
In view of the last exercise, one may ask: Is it true that (C , ) and (T, )
are isomorphic? The answer is No (refer to [2]).
Exercise 1.14 : Show that there exists no isomorphism between the
binary structures (M2 (R), ) and (M3 (R), ) such that (I) = I.
Hint. Consider the equation A2 = I for invertible solutions A.
Recall that a matrix A Mn (R) is orthogonal if At A = I. Note that
A Mn (R) is orthogonal if and only if A preserves the euclidean distance,
that is, kAX AY k2 = kX Y k2 for every X, Y Rn , where k k2 denotes
the euclidean norm on Rn .
Exercise 1.15 : Prove that any orthogonal matrix in M2 (R) is either a
rotation R about the origin with angle of rotation or a reflection
about the line passing through origin making an angle /2, where
cos sin
cos sin
R =
, =
sin cos
sin cos
Hint. Any unit vector in R2 is of the form (sin , cos ) for some R.
(1, 0), (1/2, 3/2), (1/2, 3/2). By symmetry of , we understand orthogonal 2 2 matrix A in M2 (R) such that A() = . Consider the set
S3 all symmetries of . It is easy to see that (S3 , ) is a binary structure.
To understand this binary structure, we need a bit of plane geometry.
By Exercise 1.15, any element of S3 is a composition of rotations about
the origin and reflections about a line passing through origin. Since is
an equilateral triangle with centroid 0, a rotation belongs to S if and only
if the angle of rotation is either 2/3, 4/3, 2. Similarly, since the axes
of symmetry of are precisely the lines passing through the origin and
mid-point of sides of , a reflection belongs to S3 if and only if the line of
reflection is one of the axes of symmetry of . It follows that S3 consists
exactly six elements; 3 rotations and 3 reflections.
Exercise 1.17 : Describe all symmetries of a regular polygon in the plane
with origin as the centroid.
2. Group Structure
In the last section, we discussed many examples of binary structures (S, ?).
We also observed that there are some distinguished binary structures,
namely, unital pairs (S, ?) for which the binary operation is associative. It
is desirable to pay more attention to such structures. An axiomatic approach
is often convenient for such studies.
Definition 2.1 : A binary structure (G, ?) is a group if
(1) (Associativity) For all a, b, c G, we have (a ? b) ? c = a ? (b ? c).
(2) (Existence of Identity) There exists e G such that e ? a = a = a ? e
for all a G.
(3) (Existence of Inverse) For all a G, there exists a1 G (depending,
of course, on a) such that a ? a1 = e = a1 ? a.
We say that a group structure (G, ?) is abelian if
(4) (Commutativity) For all a, b G, we have a ? b = b ? a.
Remark 2.2 : Note that the inverse of the identity is the identity itself.
If there is no confusion, we will suppress the binary operation ?.
Note that (R, +) and (R , ) are group structures.
Example 2.3 : For a positive number c, consider the open interval G =
(c, c) of real numbers. For x, y G, define
x ? y :=
1 + xy/c2
In := { C : n = 1}.
Remark 2.32 : Note that SLn (R) is a normal subgroup of (GLn (R), ).
Example 2.33 : The center of (SLn (R), ) turns out to be the subgroup of
scalar matrices. To see this, let A SLn (R). If D SLn (R) is the diagonal
matrix with distinct diagonal entries then AD = DA forces that A must
be diagonal. By interchanging the role of A and D, one can see that the
diagonal entries A are identical.
Exercise 2.34 : Show that ZSLn (C) is isomorphic to (In , ) (see (2.3)).
Proposition 2.35. The center of a group is a normal subgroup.
Proof. Let a ZG and b G. For any g G, by associativity of G,
(bab1 )g = b(ab1 g) = b(b1 ga) = ga.
By a similar argument, g(bab1 ) = ag. Since a ZG , so does bab1 .
Proof. Note that G is the disjoint union of |G/H| number of (disjoint) cosets
of H. Since any coset contains |H| elements, |G| = |H| |G/H|.
Remark 2.38 : Let a G and let k be the smallest positive integer such
that ak = e (called the order of a). Then, since {e, a, , ak1 } is a subgroup
of G, order of a divides |G|. Thus the order of a is at most |G|.
Corollary 2.39. If |G| is a prime number then G is cyclic, that is, there
exists a G such that G = {e, a, , a|G|1 }.
Proof. Let a G \ {e}. Then the order of a divides |G|. Since |G| is prime,
the order of a is |G|, and hence G = {e, a, , a|G|1 }.
Exercise 2.40 : Let X be a finite set and let F be a collection of subsets of
X which is closed with respect to union and intersection. Show that there
exists an integer k such that |F| = 2k .
Hint. F endowed with the symmetric difference is a group.
If aH, bH G/H then we define aH bH = abH.
Proposition 2.41. (G/H, ) is a binary structure if H is normal in G.
Proof. We must check that abH is independent of representatives a and b
of aH and bH respectively. Suppose that aH = a0 H and bH = b0 H. Then
a1 a0 , b1 b0 H. A simple algebra shows that
(ab)1 a0 b0 = b1 a1 a0 b0 = b1 b0 (b01 a1 a0 b0 ).
It follows from the normality of H that (ab)1 a0 b0 G/H.
3. Group Actions
Definition 3.1 : Let X be a set and G be a group. A group action of G on
X is a map : G X X given by (g, x) g x such that
(1) (gh) x = g (h x) for all g, h G and x X.
(2) e x = x for all x X.
If this happens then we say that G acts on X and X is a G-set.
Definition 3.2 : Let be a group action of G on X. For x X, let Gx
denote the subset {g x : g G} of X. Define an equivalence relation v on
X by setting x v y iff Gx = Gy. The equivalence class of x is known as the
orbit Ox of x.
Remark 3.3 : Note that
Ox = {y X : x v y} = {y X : y = g x for some g G} = Gx.
Note that X is the disjoint union of orbits of elements of X.
For x X, consider the function x : G Gx given by x (g) = g x.
Clearly, x is surjective. Note that x is bijective iff {g G : g x = x} =
{e}. This motivates the following definition.
Definition 3.4 : Let be a group action of G on X. For x X, the stabiliser
Sx of x is defined by {g G : g x = x}.
Remark 3.5 : Note that e Sx in view of (2) of Definition 3.1. Also, if
g, h Sx then (gh) x = g (h x) = g x = x by (1) of Definition 3.1.
Further, if g Sx then by the same argument g 1 x = g 1 (g x) = x.
Thus Sx is a subgroup of G.
In view of the discussion prior to the definition, |Ox | = |G| if |Sx | = 1.
We try to understand the notions of group action, orbit and stabiliser
through several examples.
Exercise 3.6 : Show that Rn acts on itself by translations: x y = x + y.
Find orbits and stabilisers of all points in Rn .
Example 3.7 : Consider the group (R , ) and the set Rn . Consider the
map (x1 , , xn ) := ( x1 , , xn ). By the associativity of R,
( ) (x1 , , xn ) = (( ) x1 , , ( ) xn ) = ( (x1 , , xn ))
for , R and x
= (x1 , , xn ) Rn . Clearly, 1 x
for every x
Rn .
Thus R acts on R .
Let x
Rn . The orbit Ox is the punctured line in Rn passing through x
Exercise 3.16 : Consider the automorphism group A(D) of the unit disc D
endowed with the composition:
A(D) = {f : D D : f is a biholomorphism}.
Show that the action f z = f (z) of A(D) on D is transitive but not free.
Hint. Schwarz Lemma from Complex Analysis.
Exercise 3.17 : Let B denote the set of ordered bases (e1 , e2 ) of R2 . Show
that GL2 (R) acts B via A (e1 , e2 ) = (Ae1 , Ae2 ). Describe the orbit and
stabiliser of (e1 , e2 ).
Example 3.18 : Consider the group Z2 and the unit sphere Sn in Rn . Define
by 0 x = x and 1 x = x. Verify that is a free action of Z2 on Sn .
Note that Ox = {x, x} for any x Sn . Clearly, Sx = {0}. Although, we
do not required this fact, note that the real projective n-space RP n is the
space of orbits Ox endowed with the quotient topology.
The following example arises in the dynamics of projectile.
Exercise 3.19 : Verify that
t (x, y, z, v1 , v2 , v3 ) = (x + v1 t, y + v2 t, z gt2 /2 + v3 t, v1 , v2 , v3 gt)
is a group action of the additive group R on R6 , where g is a real constant.
Discuss orbits and stabilizers.
4. Fundamental Theorem of Group Actions
Theorem 4.1. Let G be a finite group acting on a set X. Then:
(1) If X is finite then there exist disjoint orbits Ox1 , , Oxk such that
|X| = |Ox1 | + + |Oxk |.
(2) The stabilizer Sx of x is a subgroup of G for every x X.
(3) (Orbit-Stabilizer Formula) For each x X,
|G/Sx | = |Ox | and |G| = |Ox ||Sx |.
(4) If y Ox then there exists h G such that Sx = hSy h1 .
(5) The map : G SX given by (g) = Mg is a group homomorphism,
where Mg SX is defined by Mg (x) = g x.
(6) ker() = xX Sx .
Proof. (1) This part follows from Remark 3.3.
(2) This is already noted in Remark 3.5.
(3) By (2) and the Lagranges Theorem, |G| = |G/Sx ||Sx |. Thus it suffices
to check that |G/Sx | = |Ox |. To see that, we define : G/Sx Ox by
(gSx ) = g x.
is well-defined and bijective: Note that gSx = hSx iff h1 g Sx iff
(h g) x = x iff g x = h x. Clearly, is surjective.
5. Applications
In this section, we discuss several applications of the fundamental theorem
of group actions to the group theory.
5.1. A Theorem of Lagrange.
Example 5.1 : The symmetric group Sn acts on the set C[z1 , , zn ] of
complex polynomials in n variables z1 , , zn via
p(z1 , , zn ) = p(z(1) , , z(n) ).
Let p be in C[z1 , , zn ]. Clearly, the identity permutation fixes p. Also,
( ) p(z1 , , zn ) = p(z (1) , , z (n) ) = p(z( (1)) , , z( (n) ))
= p(z (1) , , z (n) ) = ( p(z1 , , zn )).
The orbit of p is {p(z(1) , , z(n) ) C[z1 , , zn ] : Sn } and the
stabilizer of p is { Sn : p(z(1) , , z(n) ) = p(z1 , , zn )}.
Theorem 5.2. For any polynomial p C[z1 , , zn ], the number of different polynomials we obtain from p through permutations of the variables
z1 , , zn is a factor of n!.
5.2. A Counting Principle.
Example 5.3 : Let H, K be two subgroups of the group G. Then K acts
on the collection {aH : a G} of cosets of H by k (aH) := (ka)H.
The orbit of aH is {kaH : k K}. The stabiliser of aH is the subgroup
(a1 Ha) K.
Suppose H = K. Then H is normal in G iff the orbit of aH is singleton
for every a G.
Theorem 5.4. For subgroups H, K of a finite group G, let KH := {kh :
k K, h H}. Then
|KH| =
|K H|
|H K|
+ +
+ +
|Sx1 |
|Sxk |
|N (x1 )|
|N (xk )|
Now if xi ZG then N (xi ) = G, and if xi , xj ZG for i 6= j then the conjugacy classes of xi and xj are disjoint (Exercise 5.9). The desired conclusion
follows immediately.
Remark 5.13
P : One may derive Theorem 5.10 from the class equation:
|ZG | = |G| |G|/|N (x)|, where N (x) is a proper subgroup of G.
Example 5.14 : Consider the conjugate group action of the dihedral group
D4 on itself. We already noted in Example 2.29 that ZD4 = {r0 , r }. In
particular, N (r0 ) = D4 = N (r ).
Note that the normalizer of any rotation x contains exactly 4 elements
(all the rotations in D4 ). Note further that the normalizer of any reflection
x contains exactly 4 elements (2 elements in ZD4 , x = and + ). Note
also that r/2 and r3/2 are conjugate to each other, and hence belong to
same conjugacy class. Note next that /2 and (resp. 3/2 and 2 ) are
conjugates. Hence the class equation for D4 is
(|D4 | = 8) = (|ZD4 | = 2) + (|Or/2 | = 2) + (|O/2 | = 2) + (|O3/2 | = 2).
Exercise 5.15 : Verify that the conjugacy classes of the permutation group
S3 are {(1)}, {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}, {(1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 2)}. Conclude that the class
equation of S3 is
(|S3 | = 6) = (|ZS3 | = 1) + (|O(1,2) | = 3) + (|O(1,2,3) | = 2).
5.5. Cauchys Theorem.
Example 5.16 : Let G be a group and let H be the multiplicative group
{1, 1}. Consider the action 1 g = g and (1) g = g 1 of H on G. It is
easy to verify that is a group action.
Let g G. The orbit of g is {g, g 1 } if g 6= e, and {e} otherwise. The
stabiliser of g is {1} if g 2 6= e, and {1, 1} otherwise.
Here is a particular case of the Cauchys Theorem.
Exercise 5.17 : Prove that there exist odd number of elements of order 2
in a group of even order.
Since |X| = |G|p1 and G is a p-group, 1 + xi 6=(e, ,e) |Oxi | = lp for some
positive integer l. Again, by Theorem 4.1, |Oxi | divides |H| = p, and hence
|Oxi | is either 1 or p. Let Y = {xi : Oxi 6= O(e, ,e) , |Oxi | = 1}. It follows
that 1 + |Y | + (k 1 |Y |)p = lp. Thus we have |Y | = 1 mod p.
Define : P Y by (g) = (g, , g). Clearly, is injective. If
(g1 , , gp ) Y then |O(g1 , ,gp ) | = 1. Then we must have g1 = = gp and
g1p = e. Thus (g1 ) = (g1 , , gp ), and hence is surjective.
< a > denotes the cyclic group generated by a Cmn . Conclude that Cmn
is isomorphic to Cm Cn .
Remark 6.2 : Any cyclic group is isomorphic to the direct sum of finitely
many cyclic groups of prime-power order. In fact, if m = lj=1 pj j , where
pj are distinct primes and kj are positive integers then Cm is isomorphic to
the direct sum lj=1 C kj .