Council of Chalcedon
Council of Chalcedon
Council of Chalcedon
1 Historical background
1.1 Relics of Nestorianism
Eutyches to be advocating Docetism, a sort of reversal
of Arianismwhere Arius had denied the consubstantial
divinity of Jesus, Eutyches seemed to be denying his human nature. Cyrils orthodoxy was not called into question, since the Union of 433 had explicitly spoken of two
physeis in this context.
Leo I wrote that Eutyches error seemed to be more from
a lack of skill on the matters than from malice. Further,
his side of the controversy tended not to enter into arguments with their opponents, which prevented the misunderstanding from being uncovered. Nonetheless, due to
the high regard in which Eutyches was held (second only
to the Patriarch of Constantinople in the East), his teaching spread rapidly throughout the East.
In November 448, during a local synod in Constantinople, Eutyches was denounced as a heretic by the Bishop
Eusebius of Dorylaeum. Eusebius demanded that Eutyches be removed from oce. Patriarch Flavian of Constantinople preferred not to press the matter on account
of Eutyches great popularity. He nally relented and Eutyches was condemned as a heretic by the synod. However, the Emperor Theodosius II and Pope Dioscorus
I of Alexandria, rejected this decision ostensibly because Eutyches had repented and confessed his orthodoxy. Dioscorus then held his own synod which reinstated Eutyches. The competing claims between the Patriarchs of Constantinople and Alexandria led the Emperor to call a council which was held in Ephesus in 449.
The emperor invited Pope Leo I to preside.[7] He declined
to attend on account of the invasion of Italy by Attila the
Hun. However, he agreed to send four legates to represent him. Leo provided his legates, one of whom died en
route, with a letter addressed to Flavian of Constantinople explaining Romes position in the controversy. Leos
letter, now known as Leos Tome, confessed that Christ
had two natures, and was not of or from two natures.[8]
Although it could be reconciled with Cyrils Formula of
Reunion, it was not compatible in its wording with Cyrils
Twelve Anathemas. In particular, the third anathema
reads: If anyone divides in the one Christ the hypostases
after the union, joining them only by a conjunction of
dignity or authority or power, and not rather by a coming
together in a union by nature, let him be anathema. This
appeared to some to be incompatible with Leos denition of two natures hypostatically joined. However, the
Council would determine (with the exception of 13 Egyptian bishops) that this was an issue of wording and not
of doctrine; a committee of bishops appointed to study
the orthodoxy of the Tome using Cyrils letters (which
included the twelve anathemas) as their criteria unanimously determined it to be orthodox, and the Council,
with few exceptions, supported this.[9]
2 Latrocinium of Ephesus
On August 8, 449 the Second Council of Ephesus began its rst session with Pope Dioscorus of Alexandria
presiding by command of the Emperor. Dioscorus began the council by banning all members of the November
447 synod which had deposed Eutyches. He then introduced Eutyches who publicly professed that while Christ
had two natures before the incarnation, the two natures
had merged to form a single nature after the incarnation. Of the 130 assembled bishops, 111 voted to rehabilitate Eutyches. Throughout these proceedings, Hilary
(one of the papal legates) repeatedly called for the reading
of Leos Tome, but was ignored. Dioscorus then moved
to depose Flavian and Eusebius of Dorylaeum on the
grounds that they taught the Word had been made esh
and not just assumed esh from the Virgin and that Christ
had two natures. When Flavian and Hilary objected,
Dioscorus called for a pro-monophysite mob to enter the
church and assault Flavian as he clung to the altar. Flavian was mortally wounded. Dioscorus then placed Eusebius of Dorylaeum under arrest and demanded the assembled bishops approve his actions. Fearing the mob,
they all did. The papal legates refused to attend the second session at which several more orthodox bishops were
deposed, including Ibas of Edessa, Irenaeus of Tyre (a
close personal friend of Nestorius), Domnus of Antioch,
and Theodoret. Dioscorus then pressed his advantage by
having Cyril of Alexandria's Twelve Anathemas posthumously declared orthodox[10] with the intent of condemning any confession other than one nature in Christ. Hilary, who later became pope and dedicated an oratory in
the Lateran Basilica in thanks for his life,[11] managed
to escape from Constantinople and brought news of the
Council to Leo who immediately dubbed it a synod of
robbersLatrociniumand refused to accept its pronouncements. The decisions of this council now threatened schism between the East and the West.
Confession of Chalcedon
would indeed be necessary and presented a text to the fathers. No consensus was reached, and indeed the text has
not survived to the present. Paschasinus threatened to return to Rome to reassemble the council in Italy. Marcian
agreed, saying that if a clause were not added to the credo
supporting Leos doctrine , the bishops would have to relocate. The bishops relented and added a clause, saying
that, according to the decision of Leo, in Christ there are
two natures united, inconvertible, inseparable.
The council continued with Dioscorus trial, but he refused to appear before the assembly. As a result, he
was condemned, but by an underwhelming amount (more
than half the bishops present for the previous sessions did
not attend his condemnation), and all of his decrees were
declared null. Marcian responded by exiling Dioscorus.
All of the bishops were then asked to sign their assent to 3.2 Canons
the Tome, but a group of thirteen Egyptians refused, saying that they would assent to the traditional faith. As a The work of the council was completed by a series of
canons the Ancient Epitomes of which
result, the Emperors commissioners decided that a credo 30 disciplinary
2. Whoso buys or sells an ordination, down to a Prosmonarius, shall be in danger of losing his grade.
Such shall also be the case with go-betweens, if they
be clerics they shall be cut o from their rank, if
laymen or monks, they shall be anathematized.
17. Village and rural parishes if they have been possessed for thirty years, they shall so continue. But
if within that time, the matter shall be subject to adjudication. But if by the command of the Emperor a
city be renewed, the order of ecclesiastical parishes
shall follow the civil and public forms.
27. If a clergyman elope with a woman, let him be expelled from the Church. If a layman, let him be
anathema. The same shall be the lot of any that assist him.
28. The bishop of New Rome shall enjoy the same honour as the bishop of Old Rome, on account of the removal of the Empire. For this reason the [metropolitans] of Pontus, of Asia, and of Thrace, as well as the
Barbarian bishops shall be ordained by the bishop of
The metropolitan of Jerusalem was given independence
from the metropolitan of Antioch and from any other
higher-ranking bishop, given what is now known as
autocephaly, in the councils seventh session whose Decree on the Jurisdiction of Jerusalem and Antioch contains: the bishop of Jerusalem, or rather the most holy
Church which is under him, shall have under his own
power the three Palestines.[15] This led to Jerusalem becoming a patriarchate, one of the ve patriarchates known
as the pentarchy, when the title of patriarch was created
in 531 by Justinian.[17][18]
as opposed to a doctrinal view. In practice, all Christians East and West addressed the papacy as the See of
Peter and Paul or the Apostolic See rather than the See
of the Imperial Capital. Rome understands this to indicate that its precedence has always come from its direct
lineage from the apostles Peter and Paul rather than its
association with Imperial authority.
After the passage of the Canon 28, Rome led a protest
against the reduction of honor given to Antioch and
Alexandria. However, fearing that withholding Romes
approval would be interpreted as a rejection of the entire
council, in 453 the pope conrmed the councils canons
with a protest against the 28th.
Liturgical Commemorations
For the both of the above complete propers have been
composed and are found in the Menaion.
For the former The Oce of the 630 Holy and Godbearing Fathers of the 4th ... Summoned against the
Monophysites Eftyches and Dioskoros ... was composed
in the middle of the 14th century by Patriarch Philotheus
I of Constantinople. This contains numerous hymns exposing the councils teaching, commemorating its leaders
whom it praises and whose prayers it implores, and naming its opponents pejoratively. e.g., Come let us clearly
reject the errors of ... but praise in divine songs the fourth
council of pious fathers.[27]
For the latter the propers are titled We Commemorate Six Holy Ecumenical Councils.[28] This repeatedly
damns those anathematized by the councils with such
rhetoric as Christ-smashing deception enslaved Nestorius and mindless Arius and ... is tormented in the
res of Gehenna ... while the fathers of the councils are
praised and the dogmas of the councils are expounded in
the hymns therein.
7 Notes
[1] Chalcedon. Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. (accessed: September 21, 2008).
[2] The acts of the Council of Chalcedon by Council of Chalcedon, Richard Price, Michael Gaddis 2006 ISBN 085323-039-0 pages 15
[3] Cross, F.L.; Livingstone, E.A., eds. (1974). "Latrocinium". The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian
Church (2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[4] Questions and Answers by His Grace Bishop Youssef.
suscopts. Retrieved 2014-06-10.
[5] An Episcopal dictionary of the church by Donald S. Armentrout, Robert Boak Slocum 2005 ISBN 0-89869-2113 page 81
[7] Hughes, Philip (1954). A Popular History of the Catholic
Church. Garden City, New York: Image Books (Doubleday). p. 37.
[8] Leos Tome
[9] Fr. John Romanides,
[10] Frend, W. H. C., The Rise of the Monophysite Movement,
[13] Fr.
INCARNATE AND CHALCEDON, Greek Orthodox Theological Review, vol. X, 2 Winter 1964
65, online at
[14] The Chalcedonian Denition. Agreed at the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon in 451. @
[16] The Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, ed. Norman P. Tanner, S.J. (1990), 7576.
[17] L'idea di pentarchia nella cristianit
[18] The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, s.v. patriarch (ecclesiastical), also calls it a title dating from the 6th
century, for the bishops of the ve great sees of Christendom. And Merriam-Websters Encyclopedia of World
Religions says: Five patriarchates, collectively called the
pentarchy, were the rst to be recognized by the legislation of the emperor Justinian (reigned 527565)".
[19] George C. Michalopulos, Canon 28 and Eastern Papalism: Cause or Eect?"
[20] Bokenkotter, Thomas (2004). A Concise History of the
Catholic Church. Doubleday. p. 84. ISBN 0-385-505841.
[21] Noble, Thomas; Strauss, Barry (2005). Western Civilization. Houghton Miin Company. p. 214. ISBN 0-61843277-9.
[22] Canon IX, Council of Chalcedon Seven Ecumenical
Councils, Christian Classics Ethereal Library
[23] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, ed. Norman P. Tanner, SJ, 99100.
[24] Latrocinium. Cross, F. L., ed. The Oxford Dictionary
of the Christian Church. New York: Oxford University
Press. 2005
[25] Egypt. Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World
Aairs. Retrieved 2011-12-14. See drop-down essay on
Islamic Conquest and the Ottoman Empire
[26] On the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical
Council, who assembled in Chalcedon work=Liturgical
Texts Menaion July Holy Fathers. Anastasis
The Home Page of Archimandrite Ephrem. Retrieved
[27] TA
' ,
". Retrieved 2013-08-28.
[28] "
16 :
". Retrieved 2013-08-28.
8 Bibliography
Edward Walford, translator, The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius: A History of the Church from AD
431 to AD 594, 1846. Reprinted 2008. Evolution
Publishing, ISBN 978-1-889758-88-6.
Bindley, T. Herbert and F. W. Green, The Oecumenical Documents of the Faith. 2nd ed. London:
Methuen, 1950.
Grillmeier, Aloys (1975), Christ in Christian Tradition: from the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451),
Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 0664-22301-X
Hefele, Charles Joseph. A History of the Councils
of the Church from the Original Documents. 5 vols.
Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1883. (Our topic is located
in vol. 3)
Meyendor, John, Christ in Eastern Christian
Thought (Washington D.C.: Corpus Books, 1969).
Price, Richard, and Gaddis, Michael, The Acts of the
Council of Chalcedon, 3 vols (Liverpool University
Press, 2005, 2007).
Sellers,R.V., Two Ancient Christologies (London:
SPCK, 1940)
Sellers, R.V., The Council of Chalcedon: A Historical and Doctrinal Survey, (London, SPCK, 1953).
9 External links
Catholic Encyclopedia: Council of Chalcedon
Catholic Encyclopedia: Robber Council of Ephesus
Coptic interpretations of the Fourth Ecumenical
Council of Chalcedon
Orthodox Unity
The U.S. Oriental Orthodox-Roman Catholic Consultation
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