Base Method-FI AA
Base Method-FI AA
Base Method-FI AA
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Table of content
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Table of content
1 Base Method
1.1 Depreciation Calculation Methods
1.2 Ending Depreciation
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1 Base Method
The base method contains general control parameters the system needs for calculating depreciation. You enter the base method in a depreciation key. The base
method is independent of the chart of depreciation, meaning that it does not contain any country-specific settings.
You specify the following in the base method:
Depreciation type
Depreciation calculation method
Treatment of the end of depreciation
If you need base methods other than those provided by SAP, define your own base methods in FI-AA Customizing. Choose Depreciation Valuation
Methods Depreciation Keys Calculation Methods .
Percentage from Useful Life / Percentage from Remaining Useful Life
There are two versions of this depreciation calculation method. In the first, the system determines a depreciation percentage rate from the total useful life; the rate
remains the same for each year. The second version calculates a new percentage rate for each year based on the remaining useful life. In this version, the
depreciation percentage rate rises constantly and then reaches 100% in the last year of the useful life.
Total Percentage Rate in the Tax Concession Period
This method allows you to depreciate a certain percentage rate from the depreciation base within a tax concession period . In order to calculate the current
periodic depreciation, the system first determines the accumulated depreciation up to the period under examination. The period depreciation is the difference
between the already existing depreciation and the total depreciation allowed. With subsequent acquisitions, the system automatically catches up depreciation from
previous years in a lump sum.
Stated Percentage Rate
In contrast to a total percentage rate, here you specify the percentage rate for each fiscal year. The system uses this percentage rate for calculating depreciation
for each period. For example, you can depreciate 3.5% in each of the first 12 years, then 2% a year for 20 years and 1% per year for the remaining 18 years. The
total of the percentage rates over the useful life is logically always 100%, so that complete depreciation is reached by the end of the useful life.
Percentage Rate from Remaining Life + Changeover Date - Depreciation Start Date
This method is used as a changeover method (in the next phase in the depreciation key) following depreciation within the tax concession period of an investment
support measure. The net book value of the asset will be depreciated over the total useful life when the tax concession period ends (that is, the actual duration of
depreciation encompasses the tax concession period plus the total useful life that is entered).
Mean Value from Several Areas
When defining depreciation areas, you can establish dependencies between them by specifying a mathematical formula. This method allows you to calculate
depreciation in one area based on the depreciation in another area using this mathematical formula. Using this method you can, for example, calculate the mean
value from straight-line depreciation and declining balance depreciation.
Unit-of-Production Depreciation
Unit-of-production depreciation is based on the output-related use of the asset. When you specify a total expected output or a total expected number of units, and
the exact output per period or exact unit of production output figure per period, the system determines the resulting depreciation for each period. You enter the
output or number of units at the level of the depreciation key.
Depreciation Over Remaining Units of Production
In the same way as with the unit-of-production method of depreciation, the amount of depreciation here is dependent on output. In contrast to the unit-of-production
method of depreciation, the system uses the remaining units of production and not the total units of production to determine the periodic depreciation. Depreciating
using the remaining units of production ensures that, for post-capitalization, the book value reaches zero when the total output or the total units of production is
Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Method
An arithmetic sequence is set up based on the total useful life. The depreciation percentage rate is proportional to the remaining useful life.
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You specify how the end of depreciation is handled in the base method, which is independent of the chart of depreciation. However, you can enter default value for
depreciation areas and company codes in Customizing for Asset Accounting ( Depreciation Valuation Methods Depreciation Key Default Values ).
Using such default values, you can maintain your base methods so that you have different ways of handling the end of depreciation in different depreciation areas
and company codes.
Depreciation Calculation after End of Planned Useful Life
The system continues to calculate depreciation after the planned useful life of the fixed asset has ended.
With depreciation beyond the planned useful life, the depreciation percentage rate can be derived, not only from the planned useful life, but also from the actual
useful life. This method produces a declining-balance effect instead of a straight-line effect (curb).
An asset that originally had a useful life of 10 years is depreciated in year 11 by 1/11 = 9.09 %, in year 12 by 8.33 % and in year n with 100/n %.
When you use below-zero depreciation with a curb, the system determines the percentage rate, after the end of planned life, to the exact period and
not to the year.
Depreciation Below Zero
It is also possible to depreciate below zero as long as the depreciation area allows a negative net book value. You have to set an indicator in the base method to
allow this kind of depreciation. Depreciation below zero can, for example, be useful for cost-accounting purposes.
If you choose an appropriate changeover method, you can also depreciate after the end of useful life using a different depreciation key. For more information, see
Changeover Method.
Reduce Useful Life at End of Fiscal Year
Depreciation usually ends within the fiscal year due to the fact that the depreciation start date for the asset is also within the fiscal year. Using a setting in the base
method, you can automatically reduce the useful life so that the close of depreciation always falls at the end of the fiscal year.
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