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SMC Vs Confesor

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San Miguel Corp. Employees Union-PTGWO, etc. vs Confesor, San Miguel

Corporation, Magnolia Corp. and San Miguel Foofd, Inc.
Sept. 19, 1996
On June 28, 1990, petitioner-union SMC Union-PTGWO concluded a CBA with
SMC to take effect upon the expiration of the Previous CBA on June 30, 1989.
This CBA provided that the agreement shall remain in force until June 30,
1992, but that in accordance with Article 253-A of the labor Code as amended. The
terms of the agreement, insofar as the representation aspect is concerned, shall b e
for 5 yrs from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 1994.
In keeping with its vision and strategy for business expansion, SMC
management informed its employees in a letter dated August 13, 1991 that the
company will undergo restructuring. Effective October 1, 1991, the Magnolia and
the Feeds and Livestock Division were spun-off and became two distinct
corporations. Notwithstanding the spin-offs, the CBA in force and the effect.
As a result of spin-offs:
1. Each of the companies are run by, supervised and controlled by different
management teams including separate human resource/ personnel
2. Each company enforces its own administrative and operational rules and
policies and are not dependent on each other in their operations.
3. Each entity maintains separate financial statements and are audited
separately from each other.
The CBA negotiation started in July 1992. During the negotiations, the
petitioner-union insisted that the bargaining unit of SMC should still include the
employees of the spun-off corporations, Magnolia and SMFI, and the renegotiated
terms of the CBA shall be effective only for the remaining two years is until June 30,
1994. SMC, on the other hand, contended that the members/employees who had
moved to Magnolia and SMFI automatically ceased to be part of the bargaining iunit
at the SMC, and that, the CBA should be effective three years in accordance with
Articke 253-A of the LAbor Code.
1. WON the duration of the renegotiated terms of the CBA is three yrs or two;
2. WON the bargaining unit of the SMCincludes also employees of Magnolia and
Pertinent to the first issue is Art. 253-A of the LC, as amended. The supreme
court quoting a book, defines the two classes of CBA provisions.

The representation aspect refers to the identity and majority status of the
union and the negotiated CBA as the excusive bargaining representative of the
appropriate bargaining unit concerned. All other provisions simply refers to the
rest of the CBA, economic as well non-economic provisions, other than
representational. Then the court explains the three and five yr term.

1. Obviously, the framers of the law wanted to maintain industrial peace and
stability having both the management and the labor work harmoniously
together without any disturbance. Thus no outside union can enter the
establishment within 5 years and challenge the status of the incumbent union
as the exclusive bargaining agent. Likewise, the terms and conditions of
employment (economic and non-economic) cannot be questioned by the
employers and employees during the period of the effectivity of the CBA. The
CBA is in contract between the parties and the parties must respect the terms
and conditions of the agreement. Notably, the framers of the law did not give
the fixed terms and conditions of employment. It can be gleaned frm their
discussions that it was left to the parties to fix the period.
The issue as to the non-representation provisions of the CBA need not be
labored especially when we take note of the Memorandum of the Sec. of
Labor dated Feb 24, 1994. In the said memorandum, the Sec of LAbor had
the occasion to clarify the term of the renegotiated terms of the CBA vis--vis
the term of the bargaining agent, to wit:
As a matter of policy the parties are encouraged to enter into a
renegotiated CBA with a term which would coincide with the aforesaid 5 yr
term of the bargaining representative.
In the event however that the parties, by mutual agreement,
enter into a renegotiated contract with the term of 3 yrs or one
which does not coincide with the said 5 yr term, and the said
agreement is ratified by the said majority members in the bargaining
unit, the subject contract is valid and legal and therefore, binds the
contracting parties. The same will however not adversely affect the right of
another union to challenge the majority status of the incumbent bargaining
agent within 60 days before the lapse of the original 5 yr term of the CBA.
Thus, we do not find grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Sec
of LAbor in the ruling that the effcectivity of the renegotiated terms
of the CBA shall be for 3 years.
2. Magnolia and SMFI became distict entities with separate juridical
personalities. Thus, they cannot belong to a single bargaining unit as held in
the case of Diagton vs Ople.

Petitioner-unions attempt to include the employees of

Magnolia and SMFI in the SMC bargaining unit so as to have a bigger
mass base of employees has, therefore, no more valid ground.
Moreover, in determining an appropriate bargaining unit, the test of
grouping is mutuality or commonality of interests. The employees sought to
be represented by the collective bargaining agent must have substantial
mutual interests in terms of employment and working conditions evidenced
by the type of work they performed. Considering the spin-offs, the companies
would consequently have their respective and distinctive concerns in terms
of nature of work, wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment.
Interests of employees in different companies perforce differ. SMC is engaged
in the business of beer manufacturing. Magnolia is involved in the
manufacturing and processing products while the SMFI is involved in the
production of feeds and processing of chicken. The nature of their products
and scale of their businedd may require different compensation packages.
The different companies may have different volumes of work and different
working conditions. For such reason, the employees of the different
companies see the need to group themselves together to organize
themselves into distinct and organize groups. It would then be best to
have separate bargaining units for different companies where
employees can bargain separately according to their needs and
according to their own working conditions.

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