Nutrition 7
Nutrition 7
Nutrition 7
Chapter 7 Study Questions
PE 2113
1. After reexamining the nature and nurture aspects of weight control, two
hypotheses for the development of obesity are; genetics can play a major
role in an individuals weight gain or loss over the life span and
environmental factors such as: food selection, stereotypes and peer pressure
can change the way an individual perceives his image and tries to fit into
2. The two hypotheses that are proposed as a result of the four contributors to
energy expenditure are; healthy body weight can result in longer days in life
and gaining 20 pounds in 2 months is a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.
3. The definition of a healthy weight is weight that is not defined by society or
social media. It is a weight that the individual has no health issues with and
maintains the correct body fat amount for the individuals height as well as
following the body mass index chart.
4. Obesity is defined as having too much body fat. A healthy body weight is
generally determined by using a body mass index.
5. The two most convincing pieces of evidence that both genetic and
environmental factors play significant roles in obesity are nature and nurture.
Naturally we inherit specific body types. Tall, thin people appear to have an
inherently easier time maintaining healthy body weight. Nurture, poverty is
associated with obesity. North Americans of lower socioeconomic status,
especially females are more likely to be obese than those in upper
socioeconomic groups.
6. Three health problems that obese people typically face are hypertension,
cardiovascular disease and gall stones. These are only a few of the problems
associated with obesity. Hypertension is a risk since increased miles of blood
vessels found in the adipose tissue, increased blood volume, and increased
resistance to blood flow related to hormones made by adipose cells.
Cardiovascular disease increases in LDL- cholesterol and triglyceride values,
low HDL-cholesterol, decreased physical activity, and increased synthesis of
blood clotting and inflammatory factors by enlarged adipose cells. Gallstones
are increased as a result of cholesterol content in bile.
7. The three characteristics of a sound weight-loss program are; control of
calorie intake, increased physical activity and acknowledgement that