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Chung Fu v. CA

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[G.R. No. 96283. February 25, 1992.]

and VIRGILIO M. DEL ROSARIO, petitioners, vs. COURT OF
Regional Trial Court of Makati [Branch 57]) and ROBLECOR
PHILIPPINES INC., respondents.
SETTLEMENT. Absent an agreement of the parties to resolve their disputes via a
particular mode, it is the regular courts that remain the fora to resolve such
matters. However, the parties may opt for recourse to third parties, exercising their
basic freedom to "establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they
may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order or public policy." In such a case, resort to the arbitration process may be
spelled out by them in a contract in anticipation of disputes that may arise between
them. Or this may be stipulated in a submission agreement when they are actually
confronted by a dispute. Whatever be the case, such recourse to an extrajudicial
means of settlement is not intended to completely deprive the courts of jurisdiction.
In fact, the early cases on arbitration carefully spelled out the prevailing doctrine at
the time, thus: ". . . a clause in a contract providing that all matters in dispute
between the parties shall be referred to arbitrators and to them alone is contrary to
public policy and cannot oust the courts of jurisdiction. A court action may likewise
be proper where the arbitrator has not been selected by the parties [Umbao v. Yap,
100 Phil. 1008 (1957).
SHOWN. What if courts refuse or neglect to inquire into the factual milieu of an
arbitrator's award to determine whether it is in accordance with law or within the
scope of his authority? How may the power of judicial review be invoked? This is
where the proper remedy is certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court.
It is to be borne in mind, however, that this action will lie only where a grave abuse
of discretion or an act without or in excess of jurisdiction on the part of the
voluntary arbitrator is clearly shown. For "the writ of certiorari is an extra-ordinary
remedy and that certiorari jurisdiction is not to be equated with appellate
jurisdiction. In a special civil action of certiorari, the Court will not engage in a
review of the facts found nor even of the law as interpreted or applied by the

arbitrator unless the supposed errors of fact or of law are so patent and gross and
prejudicial as to amount to a grave abuse of discretion or an excess de pouvoir on
the part of the arbitrator."
ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; APPLICABLE IN CASE AT BAR. We nd that petitioners
have amply made out a case where the voluntary arbitrator failed to apply the
terms and provisions of the Construction Agreement which forms part of the law
applicable as between the parties, thus committing a grave abuse of discretion.
Furthermore, in granting unjustied extra compensation to respondent for several
items, he exceeded his powers all of which would have constituted ground for
vacating the award under Section 24 (d) of the Arbitration Law. But the respondent
trial court's refusal to look into the merits of the case, despite prima facie showing
of the existence of grounds warranting judicial review, eectively deprived
petitioners of their opportunity to prove or substantiate their allegations. In so
doing, the trial court itself committed grave abuse of discretion.
OR FUTURE DISPUTES THERETO; VALID. The stipulation to refer all future
disputes to an arbitrator or to submit an ongoing dispute to one is valid. Being part
of a contract between the parties, it is binding and enforceable in court in case one
of them neglects, fails or refuses to arbitrate. Going a step further, in the event that
they declare their intention to refer their dierences to arbitration rst before
taking court action, this constitutes a condition precedent, such that where a suit
has been instituted prematurely, the court shall suspend the same and the parties
shall be directed forthwith to proceed to arbitration. [Bengson v. Chan, No. L-27283,
July 29, 1977, 78 SCRA 113]
UNAPPEALABLE; RULE AND EXCEPTION. Under present law, may the parties who
agree to submit their disputes to arbitration further provide that the arbitrators'
award shall be nal, unappealable and executory? Article 2044 of the Civil Code
recognizes the validity of such stipulation, thus: "Any stipulation that the
arbitrators' award or decision shall be nal is valid, without prejudice to Articles
2038, 2039 and 2040." Similarly, the Construction Industry Arbitration Law
provides that the arbitral award "shall be nal and inappealable except on questions
of law which shall be appealable to the Supreme Court.
DISPUTES. Under the Labor Code, the voluntary arbitrator is now mandated to
render an award or decision within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of
submission of the dispute and such decision shall be nal and executory after ten
(10) calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the parties.
of administrative agencies which are declared "nal" by law are not exempt from
judicial review when so warranted. Thus, in the case of Oceanic Bic Division (FFW),

et al. v. Flerida Ruth P . Romero , et al., this Court had occasion to rule that: ". . .
Inspite of statutory provisions making 'nal' the decisions of certain administrative
agencies, we have taken cognizance of petitions questioning these decisions where
want of jurisdiction, grave abuse of discretion, violation of due process, denial of
substantial justice or erroneous interpretation of the law were brought to our
attention. x x " It should be stressed too, that voluntary arbitrators, by the nature of
their functions, act in a quasi-judicial capacity. It stands to reason, therefore, that
their decisions should not be beyond the scope of the power of judicial review of this

This is a special civil action for certiorari seeking to annul the Resolutions of the
Court of Appeals * dated October 22, 1990 and December 3, 1990 upholding the
Orders of July 31, 1990 and August 23, 1990 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati,
Branch 57, in Civil Case No. 90-1335. Respondent Court of Appeals armed the
ruling of the trial court that herein petitioners, after submitting themselves for
arbitration and agreeing to the terms and conditions thereof, providing that the
arbitration award shall be nal and unappealable, are precluded from seeking
judicial review of subject arbitration award.
It appears that on May 17, 1989, petitioner Chung Fu Industries (Philippines)
(Chung Fu for brevity) and private respondent Roblecor Philippines, Inc. (Roblecor
for short) forged a construction agreement 1 whereby respondent contractor
committed to construct and nish on December 31, 1989, petitioner corporation's
industrial/factory complex in Tanawan, Tanza, Cavite for and in consideration of
P42,000,000.00. In the event of disputes arising from the performance of subject
contract, it was stipulated therein that the issue(s) shall be submitted for resolution
before a single arbitrator chosen by both parties.
Apart from the aforesaid construction agreement, Chung Fu and Roblecor entered
into two (2) other ancillary contracts, to wit: one dated June 23, 1989, for the
construction of a dormitory and support facilities with a contract price of
P3,875,285.00, to be completed on or before October 31, 1989; 2 and the other
dated August 12, 1989, for the installation of electrical, water and hydrant systems
at the plant site, commanding a price of P12.1 million and requiring completion
thereof one month after civil works have been finished. 3
However, respondent Roblecor failed to complete the work despite the extension of
time allowed it by Chung Fu. Subsequently, the latter had to take over the
construction when it had become evident that Roblecor was not in a position to
fulfill its obligation.

Claiming an unsatised account of P10,500,000.00 and unpaid progress billings of

P2,370,179.23, Roblecor on May 18, 1990, led a petition for Compulsory

Arbitration with prayer for Temporary Restraining Order before respondent Regional
Trial Court, pursuant to the arbitration clause in the construction agreement. Chung
Fu moved to dismiss the petition and further prayed for the quashing of the
restraining order.
Subsequent negotiations between the parties eventually led to the formulation of
an arbitration agreement which, among others, provides:
The parties mutually agree that the arbitration shall proceed in
accordance with the following terms and conditions:
xxx xxx xxx
The parties mutually agree that they will abide by the
decision of the arbitrator including any amount that may be awarded
to either party as compensation, consequential damage and/or
interest thereon;
The parties mutually agree that the decision of the
arbitrator shall be nal and unappealable. Therefore, there shall be no
further judicial recourse if either party disagrees with the whole or any
part of the arbitrator's award;

As an exception to sub-paragraph (e), above, the parties
mutually agree that either party is entitled to seek judicial assistance
for purposes of enforcing the arbitrator's award;
xxx xxx xxx" 4
(Emphasis supplied)

Respondent Regional Trial Court approved the arbitration agreement thru its Order
of May 30, 1990. Thereafter, Engr. Willardo Asuncion was appointed as the sole
On June 30, 1990, Arbitrator Asuncion ordered petitioners to immediately pay
respondent contractor, the sum of P16,108,801.00. He further declared the award
as nal and unappealable, pursuant to the Arbitration Agreement precluding judicial
review of the award.
Consequently, Roblecor moved for the conrmation of said award. On the other
hand, Chung Fu moved to remand the case for further hearing and asked for a
reconsideration of the judgment award claiming that Arbitrator Asuncion committed
twelve (12) instances of grave error by disregarding the provisions of the parties'
Respondent lower court denied Chung Fu's Motion to Remand thus compelling it to
seek reconsideration therefrom but to no avail. The trial court granted Roblecor's

Motion for Conrmation of Award and accordingly, entered judgment in conformity

therewith. Moreover, it granted the motion for the issuance of a writ of execution
filed by respondent.
Chung Fu elevated the case via a petition for certiorari to respondent Court of
Appeals. On October 22, 1990 the assailed resolution was issued. The respondent
appellate court concurred with the ndings and conclusions of respondent trial court
resolving that Chung Fu and its ocers, as signatories to the Arbitration Agreement
are bound to observe the stipulations thereof providing for the nality of the award
and precluding any appeal therefrom.
A motion for reconsideration of said resolution was led by petitioner, but it was
similarly denied by respondent Court of Appeals thru its questioned resolution of
December 3, 1990.
Hence, the instant petition anchored on the following grounds:
Respondents Court of Appeals and trial Judge gravely abused their
discretion and/or exceeded their jurisdiction, as well as denied due
process and substantial justice to petitioners, (a) by refusing to
exercise their judicial authority and legal duty to review the arbitration
award, and (b) by declaring that petitioners are estopped from
questioning the arbitration award allegedly in view of the stipulations in
the parties' arbitration agreement that "the decision of the arbitrator
shall be nal and unappealable" and that "there shall be no further
judicial recourse if either party disagrees with the whole or any part of
the arbitrator's award."

Respondent Court of Appeals and trial Judge gravely abused their
discretion and/or exceeded their jurisdiction, as well as denied due
process and substantial justice to petitioner, by not vacating and
annulling the award dated 30 June 1990 of the Arbitrator, on the
ground that the Arbitrator grossly departed from the terms of the
parties' contracts and misapplied the law, and thereby exceeded the
authority and power delegated to him. (Rollo, p. 17).

Allow us to take a leaf from history and briey trace the evolution of arbitration as a
mode of dispute settlement.
Because conict is inherent in human society, much eort has been expended by
men and institutions in devising ways of resolving the same. With the progress of
civilization, physical combat has been ruled out and instead, more pacic means
have been evolved, such as recourse to the good oces of a disinterested third
party, whether this be a court or a private individual or individuals.
Legal history discloses that "the early judges called upon to solve private conicts
were primarily the arbiters, persons not specially trained but in whose morality,
probity and good sense the parties in conict reposed full trust. Thus, in Republican

Rome, arbiter and judge (judex) were synonymous. The magistrate or praetor, after
noting down the conicting claims of litigants, and clarifying the issues, referred
them for decision to a private person designated by the parties, by common
agreement, or selected by them from an apposite listing (the album judicium ) or
else by having the arbiter chosen by lot. The judges proper, as specially trained state
ocials endowed with own power and jurisdiction, and taking cognizance of
litigations from beginning to end, only appeared under the Empire, by the so-called
cognitio extra ordinem ." 5
Such means of referring a dispute to a third party has also long been an accepted
alternative to litigation at common law. 6
Sparse though the law and jurisprudence may be on the subject of arbitration in the
Philippines, it was nonetheless recognized in the Spanish Civil Code; specically, the
provisions on compromises made applicable to arbitrations under Articles 1820 and
1821. 7 Although said provisions were repealed by implication with the repeal of the
Spanish Law of Civil Procedure, 8 these and additional ones were reinstated in the
present Civil Code. 9
Arbitration found a fertile eld in the resolution of labor-management disputes in
the Philippines. Although early on, Commonwealth Act 103 (1936) provided for
compulsory arbitration as the state policy to be administered by the Court of
Industrial Relations, in time such a modality gave way to voluntary arbitration.
While not completely supplanting compulsory arbitration which until today is
practiced by government ocials, the Industrial Peace Act which was passed in
1953 as Republic Act No. 875, favored the policy of free collective bargaining, in
general, and resort to grievance procedure, in particular, as the preferred mode of
settling disputes in industry. It was accepted and enunciated more explicitly in the
Labor Code, which was passed on November 1, 1974 as Presidential Decree No. 442,
with the amendments later introduced by Republic Act No. 6715 (1989).
Whether utilized in business transactions or in employer-employee relations,
arbitration was gaining wide acceptance. A consensual process, it was preferred to
orders imposed by government upon the disputants. Moreover, court litigations
tended to be time-consuming, costly, and inexible due to their scrupulous
observance of the due process of law doctrine and their strict adherence to rules of
As early as the 1920's, this Court declared:
"In the Philippines fortunately, the attitude of the courts toward arbitration
agreements is slowly crystallizing into denite and workable form.... The rule
now is that unless the agreement' is such as absolutely to close the doors of
the courts against the parties, which agreement would be void, the courts
will look with favor upon such amicable arrangements and will only with great
reluctance interfere to anticipate or nullify the action of the arbitrator." 10

That there was a growing need for a law regulating arbitration in general was
acknowledged when Republic Act No. 876 (1953), otherwise known as the

Arbitration Law, was passed. "Said Act was obviously adopted to supplement not
to supplant the New Civil Code on arbitration. It expressly declares that 'the
provisions of chapters one and two, Title XIV, Book IV of the Civil Code shall remain
in force.'" 11
In recognition of the pressing need for an arbitral machinery for the early and
expeditious settlement of disputes in the construction industry, a Construction
Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) was created by Executive Order No. 1008,
enacted on February 4, 1985.

In practice nowadays, absent an agreement of the parties to resolve their disputes

via a particular mode, it is the regular courts that remain the fora to resolve such
matters. However, the parties may opt for recourse to third parties, exercising their
basic freedom to "establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they
may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order or public policy." 12 In such a case, resort to the arbitration process may
be spelled out by them in a contract in anticipation of disputes that may arise
between them. Or this may be stipulated in a submission agreement when they are
actually confronted by a dispute. Whatever be the case, such recourse to an
extrajudicial means of settlement is not intended to completely deprive the courts
of jurisdiction. In fact, the early cases on arbitration carefully spelled out the
prevailing doctrine at the time, thus: ". . . a clause in a contract providing that all
matters in dispute between the parties shall be referred to arbitrators and to them
alone is contrary to public policy and cannot oust the courts of jurisdiction." 13
But certainly, the stipulation to refer all future disputes to an arbitrator or to submit
an ongoing dispute to one is valid. Being part of a contract between the parties, it is
binding and enforceable in court in case one of them neglects, fails or refuses to
arbitrate. Going a step further, in the event that they declare their intention to refer
their dierences to arbitration rst before taking court action, this constitutes a
condition precedent, such that where a suit has been instituted prematurely, the
court shall suspend the same and the parties shall be directed forthwith to proceed
to arbitration. 14
A court action may likewise be proper where the arbitrator has not been selected by
the parties. 15
Under present law, may the parties who agree to submit their disputes to
arbitration further provide that the arbitrators' award shall be nal, unappealable
and executory?
Article 2044 of the Civil Code recognizes the validity of such stipulation, thus:.
"Any stipulation that the arbitrators' award or decision shall be nal is valid,
without prejudice to Articles 2038, 2039 and 2040."

Similarly, the Construction Industry Arbitration Law provides that the arbitral award

"shall be nal and inappealable except on questions of law which shall be

appealable to the Supreme Court." 16
Under the original Labor Code, voluntary arbitration awards or decisions were nal,
unappealable and executory. "However, voluntary arbitration awards or decisions
on money claims, involving an amount exceeding One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P100,000.00) or forty-percent (40%) of the paid-up capital of the respondent
employer, whichever is lower, may be appealed to the National Labor Relations
Commission on any of the following grounds: (a) abuse of discretion; and (b) gross
incompetence." 17 It is to be noted that the appeal in the instances cited were to be
made to the National Labor Relations Commission and not to the courts.
With the subsequent deletion of the above-cited provision from the Labor Code, the
voluntary arbitrator is now mandated to render an award or decision within twenty
(20) calendar days from the date of submission of the dispute and such decision
shall be nal and executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the copy of
the award or decision by the parties. 18
Where the parties agree that the decision of the arbitrator shall be nal and
unappealable as in the instant case, the pivotal inquiry is whether subject
arbitration award is indeed beyond the ambit of the court's power of judicial review.
We rule in the negative. It is stated explicitly under Art. 2044 of the Civil Code that
the nality of the arbitrators' award is not absolute and without exceptions. Where
the conditions described in Articles 2038, 2039 and 2040 applicable to both
compromises and arbitrations are obtaining, the arbitrators' award may be annulled
or rescinded. 19 Additionally, under Sections 24 and 25 of the Arbitration Law, there
are grounds for vacating, modifying or rescinding an arbitrator's award. 20 Thus, if
and when the factual circumstances referred to in the above-cited provisions are
present, judicial review of the award is properly warranted.
What if courts refuse or neglect to inquire into the factual milieu of an arbitrator's
award to determine whether it is in accordance with law or within the scope of his
authority? How may the power of judicial review be invoked?
This is where the proper remedy is certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of
Court. It is to be borne in mind, however, that this action will lie only where a grave
abuse of discretion or an act without or in excess of jurisdiction on the part of the
voluntary arbitrator is clearly shown. For "the writ of certiorari is an extra-ordinary
remedy and that certiorari jurisdiction is not to be equated with appellate
jurisdiction. In a special civil action of certiorari, the Court will not engage in a
review of the facts found nor even of the law as interpreted or applied by the
arbitrator unless the supposed errors of fact or of law are so patent and gross and
prejudicial as to amount to a grave abuse of discretion or an excess de pouvoir on
the part of the arbitrator." 21
Even decisions of administrative agencies which are declared "nal" by law are not
exempt from judicial review when so warranted. Thus, in the case of Oceanic Bic
Division (FFW), et al. v. Flerida Ruth P. Romero, et al. , 22 this Court had occasion to

rule that:


". . . Inspite of statutory provisions making 'nal' the decisions of certain

administrative agencies, we have taken cognizance of petitions questioning
these decisions where want of jurisdiction, grave abuse of discretion,
violation of due process, denial of substantial justice or erroneous
interpretation of the law were brought to our attention. . . ." 23 (Emphasis

It should be stressed too, that voluntary arbitrators, by the nature of their functions,
act in a quasi-judicial capacity. 24 It stands to reason, therefore, that their decisions
should not be beyond the scope of the power of judicial review of this Court.
In the case at bar, petitioners assailed the arbitral award on the following grounds,
most of which allege error on the part of the arbitrator in granting compensation for
various items which apparently are disputed by said petitioners:
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in failing to apply the
terms and conditions of the Construction Agreement, Dormitory Contract
and Electrical Contract, and in using instead the "practices" in the
construction industry;
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting extra
compensation to Roblecor for loss of productivity due to adverse weather
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting extra
compensation to Roblecor for loss due to delayed payment of progress
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting extra
compensation to Roblecor for loss of productivity due to the cement crisis;
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting extra
compensation to Roblecor for losses allegedly sustained on account of the
failed coup d'etat;
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting to
Roblecor the amount representing the alleged unpaid billings of Chung Fu;
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting to
Roblecor the amount representing the alleged extended overhead expenses;
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting to
Roblecor the amount representing expenses for change order for site
development outside the area of responsibility of Roblecor;
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting to
Roblecor the cost of warehouse No. 2;
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting to
Roblecor extra compensation for airduct change in dimension;

The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in granting to
Roblecor extra compensation for airduct plastering; and
The Honorable Arbitrator committed grave error in awarding to
Roblecor attorney's fees.

After closely studying the list of errors, as well as petitioners' discussion of the same
in their Motion to Remand Case For Further Hearing and Reconsideration and
Opposition to Motion for Conrmation of Award, we nd that petitioners have
amply made out a case where the voluntary arbitrator failed to apply the terms and
provisions of the Construction Agreement which forms part of the law applicable as
between the parties, thus committing a grave abuse of discretion. Furthermore, in
granting unjustied extra compensation to respondent for several items, he
exceeded his powers - all of which would have constituted ground for vacating the
award under Section 24 (d) of the Arbitration Law.

But the respondent trial court's refusal to look into the merits of the case, despite
prima facie showing of the existence of grounds warranting judicial review,
eectively deprived petitioners of their opportunity to prove or substantiate their
allegations. In so doing, the trial court itself committed grave abuse of discretion.
Likewise, the appellate court, in not giving due course to the petition, committed
grave abuse of discretion. Respondent courts should not shirk from exercising their
power to review, where under the applicable laws and jurisprudence, such power
may be rightfully exercised; more so where the objections raised against an
arbitration award may properly constitute grounds for annulling, vacating or
modifying said award under the laws on arbitration.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Resolutions of the Court of Appeals
dated October 22, 1990 and December 3, 1990 as well as the Orders of respondent
Regional Trial Court dated July 31, 1990 and August 23, 1990, including the writ of
execution issued pursuant thereto, are hereby SET ASIDE. Accordingly, this case is
REMANDED to the court of origin for further hearing on this matter. All incidents
arising therefrom are reverted to the status quo ante until such time as the trial
court shall have passed upon the merits of this case. No costs.

Gutierrez, Jr., Feliciano, Bidin and Davide, Jr., JJ., concur.


Justice Jose C. Campos, Jr., ponente, with Justices Oscar M. Herrera and Abelardo
H. Dayrit concurring.


Annex "K" to the petition, Rollo, pp. 146-155.


Annex "L;" Rollo pp. 156-161.


Annex "M;" Rollo pp. 162-166.


Annex "O;" Rollo pp. 172-175.


Reyes, J.B.L., Voluntary Arbitration (Proceedings of the Second Conference on

Voluntary Arbitration - 1980), p. 6.


Under Chan Linte v. Law Union and Rock Insurance Co., etc., G.R. No. 16398, 14
December 1921, 42 Phil. 548, citing C.J. vol. 5, p. 16.
"[t]he settlement of controversies by arbitration is an ancient practice at
common law. In its broad sense it is a substitution, by consent of parties, of
another tribunal for the tribunals provided by the ordinary processes of law; . . .
Its object is the nal disposition, in a speedy and inexpensive way, of the matters
involved, so that they may not become the subject of future litigation between the


"Article 1820. Persons capable of making a compromise may also submit their
contentions to a third person for decision.
Article 1821. The provisions of the next preceding chapter with respect to
compromises shall also be applicable to arbitrations.
With regard to the form of procedure in arbitration and to the extent and
effects thereof, the provisions of the Law of Civil Procedure shall be observed."


Cordoba v. Conde, 2 Phil. 445 (1903).


Articles 2042-2046, Republic Act No. 386 which was passed on June 18, 1949.


Malcolm, J. dissenting, in Vega v. San Carlos Milling Co. , 51 Phil. 908 (1924);
Manila Electric Co. v. Pasay Transportation Co., 57 Phil. 600 (1932).


Umbao v. Yap, 100 Phil. 1008 (1957).


Civil Code, Article 1306.


Wahl, et al. v. Donaldson, Sims and Co ., 2 Phil. 301 (1903); Puentebella v. Negros
Coal Co., 50 Phil. 69 (1927); Cordoba v. Conde, 2 Phil. 445 (1903); and Labayen v.
Hernaez , 1 Phil. 587 (1902).


Bengson v. Chan, No. L-27283, July 29, 1977, 78 SCRA 113.


Supra, footnote 11.


Executive Order No. 1008, Section 19.


Labor Code, Article 262.


Labor Code, Article 262-A.


"Article 2038. A compromise in which there is mistake, fraud, violence,

intimidation, undue inuence, or falsity of documents, is subject to the provisions

of article 1330 of this Code.

However, one of the parties cannot set up a mistake of fact as against the
other if the latter, by virtue of the compromise, has withdrawn from a litigation
already commenced."
"Article 2039.
When the parties compromise generally on all dierences
which they might have with each other, the discovery of documents referring to
one or more but not to all of the questions settled shall not itself be a cause for
annulment or rescission of the compromise, unless said documents have been
concealed by one of the parties.
But the compromise may be annulled or rescinded if it refers only to one thing
to which one of the parties has no right, as shown by the newly-discovered
"Article 2040.
If after a litigation has been decided by a nal judgment, a
compromise should be agreed upon, either or both parties being unaware of the
existence of the final judgment, the compromise may be rescinded.
Ignorance of a judgment which may be revoked or set aside is not a valid
ground for attacking a compromise."

Section 24.
Grounds for vacating award. In any one of the following cases,
the court must make an order vacating the award upon the petition of any party
to the controversy when such party proves armatively that in the arbitration

The award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means;

That there was evident partiality or corruption in the arbitrators or any
of them; or
That the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in refusing to postpone
the hearing upon sucient cause shown, or in refusing to hear evidence pertinent
and material to the controversy; that one or more of the arbitrators was
disqualied to act as such under section nine hereof, and wilfully refrained from
disclosing such disqualications or of any other misbehavior by which the rights of
any party have been materially prejudiced; or
That the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so imperfectly executed
them, that a mutual, nal and denite award upon the subject matter submitted to
then was not made.
Where an award is vacated, the court, in its discretion, may direct a new
hearing either before the same arbitrators or before a new arbitrator or arbitrators
chosen in the manner provided in the submission or contract for the selection of
the original arbitrator or arbitrators, and any provision limiting the time in which the
arbitrators may make a decision shall be deemed applicable to the new arbitration
and to commence from the date of the court's order.

Where the court vacates an award, costs, not exceeding fty pesos and
disbursements may be awarded to the prevailing party and the payment thereof
may be enforced in like manner as the payment of costs upon the motion in an
Section 25.
Grounds for modifying or correcting award. In any one of the
following cases, the court must make an order modifying or correcting the award,
upon the application of any party to the controversy which was arbitrated:
Where there was an evident miscalculation of gures, or an evident
mistake in the description of any person, thing or property referred to in the
award; or
Where the arbitrators have awarded upon a matter not submitted to
them, not affecting the merits of the decision upon the matter submitted;
Where the award is imperfect in a matter of form not aecting the
merits of the controversy, and if it had been a commissioner's report, the defect
could have been amended or disregarded by the court.
The order may modify and correct the award so as to eect the intent thereof
and promote justice between the parties."

Sime Darby Pilipinas, Inc. v. Magsalin , G.R. No. 90428, December 15, 1989, 180
SCRA 177.


G.R. No. L-43890, July 16, 1984, 130 SCRA 392.


130 SCRA at 399.


Ibid; Mantrade/FMMC Division Employees and Workers Union v. Bacungan , No. L48437, September 30, 1986, 144 SCRA 510.

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