Human Resource Accounting: Brief History and Popular Models
Human Resource Accounting: Brief History and Popular Models
Human Resource Accounting: Brief History and Popular Models
Volume I , Issue II
December 2012
ISSN : 2278 4497
Concept of HRA
According to the american Accounting
Association's Committee on Human Resource
Accounting (1973), "It is the process of
identifying and measuring data about human
resources and communicating this information
to interested parties."
Copyright 2012. Bhavin M. Badiyani . This is an open access refereed article distributed under the
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Stage-2: (1966-1971)
During this era, the main concentration was on
devveloping the various models of HRA. There
was a need of HRA models, which could help
the management bodies in assessing and
managing the human resources of their
respective firms. Especially, a number of
research projects were undertaken to develop
the methods and models of HRA, by the
researchers being inspired by Roger
Stage-3: (1971-1976)
There was a rapid growth of research in the
field of HRA during these yearrs. The prime
focus was on the problems of application of
HRA in various organisations.
Stage-4: (1976-1980)
The issues related to application of HRA were
being more and more critical and needed much
wider and deeper researches in this field.
Though the organisations were impressed with
HRA, they didn't found it needful to invest big
amounts in this type of researches. So, the
progress of this concept was slow during these
Stage-5: (1980 onwards)
After 1980, more and more economies were
shifting from manufacturing to service
economies. They felt the need for having
consideration towards human assets. This
change was obvious because the growth and
profits of most of organisations was being more
and more dependent on the intellectual assets
than on the physical assets. So there was a
sudden zoom in attention towards the HRA
after 1980.
This resulted in the shift of focus from the
academic application to the greater application
of HRA to management. Today, the intellectual
capital are believed to be the strategic resources
and therefore, the clear estimation of their
value is now very important. The increased
pressure of ethical issues and codes of conduct
demanding for transparency in accounting have
helped the need to develop the methods of
measuring value of human asseets.
In India, many public and private firms have
adopted HRA. Below is given the list of such
Approaches to HRA
There are a number of approaches have been
developed and suggested for the measurement
and valuation of human resources. These
approaches may broadly be classified into two
(A) The cost approach
(B) The economic value approach
(A) The cost approach
There are two types of costs that are of special
importance in HRA: (1) Original or Historical
cost and (2) Replacement cost.
The original cost of human resources is the
sacrifice that was made to acquire and develop
the resource. We can include the costs of
recruitment, selection, placement, orientation
and training in the original cost.
Sometimes, Opportunity cost is also used.
Opportunity cost means a calculation of what
would have been the returns if the money spent
on human resources was spent on something
else. However, this method is restricted only to
internal reporting.
The replacement cost means the cost that
would have to be incurred if present employees
are to be replaced. If an employee leaves the
organisation, various costs of recruitment,
selection, placement, orientation and training
would have to be incurred in order to replace
There are some other cost methods like
standard cost method, the competitive bidding
method etc.
(B) The economic value approach
The economic value of human resource is the
present worth of the services that they are
likely to render in future.. The methods for
calculating the economic value of individual
employee may be classified into two partts:
In this era of modernisation and globalization,
it is essensial for an organisation to consider its
human resources as an asst. The gradual
development have been witnessed in this field
and still the new approaches and models are
being given. There are several methods and
models currently in use to determine the value
of an individual such as cost approach and the
economic value approach. Several models are