Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition: Comprehensive Glossary
Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition: Comprehensive Glossary
Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition: Comprehensive Glossary
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autonomic nervous system the nervous system, which is part of the peripheral nervous 56
system, that governs involuntary functions of cardiac muscle,
smooth muscle, and glands.
azotemia an accumulation of nitrogenous waste products, such as blood 47
urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine.
bacteria small unicellular organisms that are characterized by shape. 15
bariatric surgery a surgical procedure that is used to treat morbid obesity. 41
baroreceptor specialized nerve cell located in the carotid arteries and arch 33
of the aorta that responds to increased blood pressure by
sending inhibitory impulses to the sympathetic vasomotor
center, resulting in decreased heart rate, decreased force of
contraction, and peripheral vasodilation.
Barrett's esophagus a precancerous esophageal disorder characterized by 42
metaplastic cell changes.
basal cell carcinoma a malignant epithelial cell tumor arising from epidermal basal 24
cells that begins as a papule and enlarges peripherally,
developing a central crater that erodes, crusts, and bleeds.
Bell's palsy a disorder characterized by a disruption of the motor branches 61
of the facial nerve (CN VII) on one side of the face in the
absence of any other disease, such as a stroke.
benign neoplasm a localized tumor that has a fibrous capsule, limited potential 16
for growth, a regular shape, and cells that are well
differentiated; does not invade surrounding tissue or
metastasize to distant sites.
benign prostatic hyperplasia a nonmalignant, noninflammatory enlargement of the prostate 55
(BPH) gland caused by an increase in the number of epithelial cells
and stromal tissue.
bereavement an individual's response to the loss of a significant person. 11
bilirubin the orange-yellow pigment of bile, formed principally by the 39
breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells after termination
of their normal life span.
biologic therapy treatment using biologic agents such as interferons, 16
interleukins, monoclonal antibodies, and growth factors to
modify the relationship between the host and the tumor by
altering the biologic response of the host to the tumor cells.
bioterrorism the dispensing of disease pathogens as an overt act to panic, 69
kill, and terrorize a population.
blepharitis a chronic inflammatory condition of the lash follicles and 22
meibomian glands of the eyelids, characterized by swelling,
redness, and crusts of dried mucus on the lids.
blood pressure the pressure exerted by the circulating volume of blood on the 33
walls of the arteries and veins and on the chambers of the
heart that must be adequate to maintain tissue perfusion
during activity and rest.
blood-brain barrier an anatomic-physiologic barrier between blood capillaries and 56
brain tissue.
body mass index (BMI) a clinical index of obesity or altered body fat distribution using 40
weight/height ratios.
bone marrow the blood-forming tissue that fills the central core of bones. 30
bone marrow transplant the transplantation of bone marrow from healthy donors to 16
stimulate production of normal blood cells; provides for the
safe use of very high doses of chemotherapy or radiation
therapy to patients whose tumors have developed resistance
or failed to respond to standard doses of chemotherapy and
borborygmi audible abdominal sounds produced by hyperactive intestinal 39
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head injury any traumatic damage to the head resulting from blunt or 57
penetrating trauma of the skull; bleeding, edema, and
ischemia may result.
headache pain in the head from any cause. 59
health care disparities differences in the quality of health care that are not due to 2
access-related factors or clinical needs, preferences, and
appropriateness of the intervention but rather due to
stereotyping, biases, and prejudice.
health disparities differences in measures of health status among different 2
groups of people living in a community, state, or nation.
health literacy an individual's capacity to obtain, process, and understand 5
basic health information and services needed to make
appropriate health decisions.
health maintenance a health care delivery system in which voluntary enrollees 7
organization (HMO) prepay a fixed periodic fee that is set to the amount or kind of
services received for medical care, hospitalization, and other
health care services.
Healthy People broad-based program that involves government, private, 1
public, and nonprofit organizations in preventing disease and
promoting health.
heart failure an abnormal clinical condition involving impaired cardiac 35
pumping that results in pathophysiologic changes in
vasoconstriction and fluid retention.
heat cramps severe cramps in large muscle groups caused by depletion of 69
both water and salt; usually follow vigorous exertion in an
extremely hot environment.
heat exhaustion a clinical syndrome characterized by fatigue, lightheadedness, 69
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and feelings of impending doom
precipitated by prolonged exposure to heat over hours or
heat stroke the most serious form of heat stress; results from failure of the 69
central thermoregulatory mechanisms and is considered a
medical emergency.
heaves sustained lifts of the chest wall in the precordial area that can 32
be seen or palpated.
hemachromatosis an autosomal recessive disease characterized by increased 31
intestinal iron absorption and, as a result, increased tissue iron
hematemesis vomiting of blood that indicates bleeding in the upper GI tract; 39
may be bright red or of "coffee ground" character.
hematology the study of blood and blood-forming tissues. 30
hematopoiesis blood cell production. 30
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation of bone marrow and peripheral stem cells. 16
hemodialysis dialysis that uses an artificial membrane (usually made of 47
cellulose-based or synthetic materials) as the semipermeable
membrane through which the patient's blood circulates;
impurities or wastes are removed from the blood.
hemodynamic monitoring measurement of pressures, flow, and oxygenation within the 66
cardiovascular system; optimization of heart rate, preload,
afterload, and contractility.
hemoglobin a complex protein-iron compound that is the major component 30
of erythrocytes that carries oxygen to the cells from the lungs
and carbon dioxide away from the cells to the lungs.
hemolysis destruction of erythrocytes. 30
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nutrition process by which the body uses food for energy, growth, and 40
maintenance and repair of body tissues.
nystagmus an abnormal involuntary repetitive movement of the eyes. 21
O2 toxicity a condition of oxygen overdosage caused by prolonged 29
exposure to a high levels of oxygen; may inactivate pulmonary
surfactant and lead to development of acute respiratory
distress syndrome.
obese classification used to describe individuals with body mass 41
index values of 30 kg/m2 or more.
obesity an abnormal increase in an individual's proportion of fat cells. 41
objective data data that can be obtained by an observer through direct 4
physical examination, including observation, palpation,
percussion, and auscultation, and by laboratory analyses and
radiologic and other studies.
obstructive sleep apnea a condition characterized by partial or complete upper airway 27
obstruction during sleep, causing apnea and hypopnea.
old-old adults a term used to represent adults who are 85 years of age and 6
oligomenorrhea long intervals between menses, generally> 35 days. 54
oliguria < 400 ml of urine in 24 hours. 47
oncogenes potentially cancer-inducing genes. 16
oncotic pressure the osmotic pressure of a colloid in solution, such as when 17
there is a higher concentration of a protein in the plasma on
one side of a cell membrane than in the neighboring interstitial
operating room a unique acute care setting removed from other hospital 19
clinical units where surgery is performed.
opiates natural substances, such as morphine and codeine, that are 12
directly derived from opium.
opioids category including opiates in addition to the many 12
semisynthetic and synthetic narcotic agents used as
opportunistic disease infections and cancers that occur in immunosuppressed 15
patients that can lead to disability, disease, and death.
oral hairy leukoplakia an Epstein-Barr virus infection that causes painless, white, 15
raised lesions on the lateral aspect of the tongue.
orchitis an acute inflammation of the testis. 55
orthostatic hypotension abnormally low blood pressure occurring when an individual 33
suddenly assumes a standing position.
Osler's nodes painful, tender, red or purple, pea-size lesions that may be 37
found on the fingertips or toes in patients with infective
endocarditis and usually last only 1 or 2 days.
osmolality the measure of the osmotic force of solute per unit of weight of 17
solvent (mOsm/kg or mmol/kg).
osmosis the movement of water between two compartments separated 17
by a membrane permeable to water but not to a solute.
osmotic pressure amount of pressure required to stop the osmotic flow of water. 17
osteoarthritis (OA) a slowly progressive noninflammatory disorder of the 65
diarthrodial (synovial) joints.
osteochondroma primary benign bone tumor that is characterized by an 64
overgrowth of cartilage and bone near the end of the bone at
the growth plate; most commonly found in the long bones of
the leg, pelvis, or scapula.
osteogenic sarcoma a primary neoplasm of bone that is extremely malignant and is 64
characterized by rapid growth and metastasis.
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perioperative nurse a registered nurse who implements patient care based on the 19
nursing process during the preoperative, intraoperative, and
postoperative period.
peripheral arterial disease progressive narrowing and degeneration of the arteries of the 38
neck, abdomen, and extremities.
peripheral nervous system consists of the cranial and spinal nerves and the peripheral 56
components of the autonomic nervous system (ANS); the
system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal
nerves, and their various branches in the body organs.
peripheral parenteral nutrients administered through a peripherally inserted catheter 40
nutrition or vascular access device, which uses a large peripheral vein.
peritoneal dialysis dialysis with the use of the peritoneal membrane as the 47
semipermeable membrane; performed to correct an imbalance
of fluid or of electrolytes in the blood or to remove toxins,
drugs, or other wastes normally excreted by the kidney.
peritonitis the inflammation of the peritoneum; produced by bacteria or 43
irritating substances introduced into the abdominal cavity by a
penetrating wound or perforation of an organ in the GI tract or
the reproductive tract.
pernicious anemia a progressive megaloblastic macrocytic anemia resulting from 31
inadequate gastric secretion of intrinsic factor necessary for
absorption of cobalamin (vitamin B12).
petechiae small purplish lesions. 30
pH abbreviation for potential hydrogen, a scale representing the 17
relative acidity (or alkalinity) of a solution, in which a value of
7.0 is neutral, below 7.0 is acid, and above 7.0 is alkaline.
phagocytosis the process by which certain cells, such as a white blood cell, 30
engulf and destroy microorganisms and cellular debris.
phantom limb sensation perception of sensations or pain in an amputated limb. 63
pheochromocytoma a rare condition characterized by a tumor of the adrenal 50
medulla that produces excessive catecholamines
(epinephrine, norepinephrine) causing persistent or
intermittent hypertension.
phimosis a constriction of the uncircumcised foreskin around the head 55
of the penis making retraction difficult.
phlebostatic axis an external landmark that is the intersection of two imaginary 66
lines drawn on the chest used to position the zero reference
on the transducer level with the atria.
physical examination an investigation of the body to determine its state of health, 4
using any or all of the techniques of inspection, palpation,
percussion, auscultation, and smell; the physical examination,
history, and initial laboratory tests constitute the database on
which a diagnosis is made and on which a plan of treatment is
physiologic dependence an altered physiologic state resulting from prolonged 12
(physical dependence) substance use in which regular use is necessary to prevent
physiologic stress ulcer an acute ulcer that develops following a major physiologic 42
insult such as trauma and/or surgery.
Pick's disease a rare brain disorder characterized by disturbances in 60
behavior, sleep, personality, and eventually memory.
planning third phase of the nursing process consisting of setting goals 1
and expected outcomes with the patient and family, when
feasible, and determining strategies for accomplishing the
pleural effusion an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the intrapleural spaces of 28
the lungs.
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pleural friction rub creaking or grating sound from roughened, inflamed surfaces 26
of the pleura rubbing together, evident during inspiration,
expiration, or both and no change with coughing; usually
uncomfortable, especially on deep inspiration.
pleurisy (pleuritis) inflammation of the pleura. 28
pneumoconiosis a general term for lung diseases caused by inhalation and 28
retention of dust particles.
pneumonia an acute inflammation of the lungs, often caused by inhaled 28
pneumococci of the species Streptococcus pneumoniae.
pneumothorax a collection of air or gas in the pleural space causing the lung 28
to collapse.
poikilothermism the adjustment of the body temperature to the room 61
point of maximal impulse the site on the chest wall where the thrust or pulsation of the 32
left ventricle is most prominent; normally found at the mitral
valve area in the fifth intercostal space of the thorax, just
medial to the left midclavicular line.
polycystic kidney disease a genetic kidney disorder in which the cortex and the medulla 46
are filled with thin-walled cysts that enlarge and destroy
surrounding tissue.
polycythemia an abnormal condition with excessive levels of red blood cells. 30
polymyositis diffuse, idiopathic, inflammatory myopathies of striated 65
muscle, producing bilateral weakness usually most severe in
the proximal or limb-girdle muscles; some forms of
polymyositis are associated with malignancy.
polypharmacy the use of multiple medications by one patient who has more 6
than one health problem.
portal hypertension increased venous pressure in the portal circulation caused by 44
compression and destruction of the portal and hepatic veins
and sinusoids resulting in splenomegaly, large collateral veins,
ascites, systemic hypertension, and esophageal varices.
positive end-expiratory a ventilatory maneuver in which positive pressure is applied to 66
pressure (PEEP) the airway during exhalation.
positive pressure ventilation a method of mechanical ventilation in which the ventilator 66
pushes air into the lungs under positive pressure during
posterior cord syndrome damage to the posterior spinal artery with damage to the 61
dorsal columns, resulting in loss of proprioception.
postexposure prophylaxis treatment with combination antiretroviral therapy on exposure 15
(PEP) to HIV-infected fluids.
postmenopause a term that refers to the time in a woman's life after 54
postpolio syndrome recurrence of neuromuscular symptoms experienced by polio 61
survivors who experienced the disease previously.
postural drainage the use of various positions to promote gravity drainage of 29
bronchial secretions; coughing usually expels secretions of the
potentiation condition occurring when a central nervous system depressant 12
is taken with alcohol, thereby increasing the effect.
prediabetes impaired glucose tolerance; occurs when the alteration in 49
islets of Langerhans is mild and a 2-hour plasma glucose level
is higher than normal but lower than that considered
diagnostic for diabetes.
preferred provider a health care reimbursement system in which charges are 7
organization (PPO) negotiated in advance with physicians, hospitals, and
pharmacists who discount their health care services to
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refractive error a defect in the ability of the lens of the eye to focus an image 22
accurately, such as occurs in nearsightedness and
refractory hypoxemia severe ventilation/perfusion mismatch and shunting of 68
pulmonary capillary blood that result in hypoxemia
unresponsive to increasing concentrations of oxygen.
regeneration the replacement of lost cells and tissues with cells of the same 13
regional anesthesia the loss of sensation to a region of the body when a specific 19
nerve or group of nerves is blocked with the administration of
a local anesthetic without loss of consciousness.
regurgitation backward flow from normal direction; incomplete closure of the 37
valve leaflets resulting in the backward flow of blood.
relapse return to substance abuse during abstinence. 12
relative hypovolemia loss of intravascular fluid volume resulting from the movement 67
of fluid out of the vascular space into extravascular space
(e.g., interstitial or intracavitary space).
relaxation breathing a technique of focusing breathing with the diaphragm with 9
slow, steady, even breaths.
renal arteriogram diagnostic study performed by injecting contrast media into a 45
renal artery to visualize the renal blood vessels.
renal artery stenosis a partial occlusion of one or both renal arteries and their major 46
branches; a major cause of abrupt onset hypertension.
renal biopsy procedure to obtain renal tissue for examination to determine 45
renal disease; usually performed percutaneously with a biopsy
renal osteodystrophy syndrome of skeletal changes found in chronic kidney disease 47
as a result of alterations in calcium and phosphate
metabolism; characterized by uneven bone growth and
repair healing as a result of lost cells being replaced by connective 13
repetitive strain injury a cumulative trauma disorder resulting from prolonged, 63
forceful, or awkward movements resulting in strain of tendons,
ligaments, and muscles, causing tiny tears that become
residential care facility a facility that provides custodial care to persons who, because 7
of physical, mental, or emotional disorders, are not able to live
resilience being resourceful, flexible, and having an available source of 9
problem-solving strategies.
restless legs syndrome unpleasant sensory (paresthesias) and motor abnormalities of 59
one or both legs; characterized by an irritating sensation of
uneasiness, tiredness, and itching deep within the muscles of
the leg, especially the lower part of the limb, accompanied by
twitching and sometimes by pain.
reticulocyte an immature erythrocyte characterized by a meshlike pattern 30
of threads and particles at the former site of the nucleus;
measurement of the number of reticulocytes is a useful means
of evaluating the rate and adequacy of erythrocyte production.
retina a layered nervous tissue membrane of the eye, continuous 21
with the optic nerve, that receives images of external objects
and transmits visual impulses through the optic nerve to the
retinal detachment a separation of the retina from the retinal pigment epithelium in 22
the back of the eye, allowing the vitreous humor to leak
between the two layers.
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