Indian Ordnance Factory
Indian Ordnance Factory
Indian Ordnance Factory
Discipline/Trade :
Discipline Code - 03
Father's Name
Venue Code - 71033
Written Test
Sangwan Model Sec School
Centre Address
Mange Ra Park, Sector - 23, Poth Kalan, Rohini, Delhi : 110086, Near : Rithala
Metro Station
Date Of Birth : 01-08-1988
physically No
Handicapped :
Signature of Candidate
(In the Presence of Centre
Category : UR
PH Category : NA
Impression of Thumb
(Left Thumb for Male and Right Thumb for Female.
In the Presence of Centre Invigilator)
Signature of Invigilator
Please retain a Xerox Copy of this CALL LETTER with you. The Original Call Letter with your PHOTO shall be collected from you in the
examination hall. You MUST carry One PHOTO-ID PROOF (Voter-ID//Aadhar Card/PAN Card/Driving License/Student ID Card)
alongwith the internet downloaded call letter. The same has to be produced at the entry Gate and when demanded.
Candidates will have to bring BLUE/BLACK BALL POINT PEN(not gel pen).
Question Paper will consist of Multiple Choice questions having a total duration of three hours with four options.
(Total 160 Questions)
Mechanical, Information Technology,
Electrical, Civil, Automobile, Electronics
Basic English
All questions will be Objective type with multiple choices. There will negative marking of 1/4 of the marks allotted for each wrong answer. In
case of multiple blackening, the same will be treated as wrong answer and negative mark will be awarded as indicated.
The question paper shall be in English/Hindi. In case of any confusion, the English Version shall prevail.
Calculators, Mobile Phones, Log tables, Electronic Watches or any other electronic gadget with facilities of calculations and spare papers or
any personal belongings will not be allowed inside the Examination Hall.
This Call Letter must be shown to the persons conducting/ supervising the examinations as and when asked for, alongwith ID Proof.
Any Canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or any attempt to bring outside influence with regard to their selection/recruitment shall
Disqualify the candidates.
Request for Change of Venue shall not be entertained.
The Candidate is requested to go through the detail notice of examination and check the eligibility Criteria in respect of Qualification. Age.
Category, etc. to ensure that he/she is eligible for the Post before sitting for written test. Since Limited Scrutiny of your
application/documents has been made at this Stage, as such your Candidature is provisional and subject to fulfillment of all the eligibility
criteria as mentioned in the detailed notice of examination. If, at any stage it is found that you are not meeting any of the eligibility criteria,
your candidature will be summarily rejected without any notice and no request in this regard will be entertained.
No personal luggage will be allowed in class room. There is no cloak room facility. Candidate will be responsible for safe custody of his
personal belonging.