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Alien Document

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What we call aliens are hyperdimensional beings. They hide behind the veil of our
perceptions and can project themselves into our visible reality at will. They are not recent
visitors to earth, but have been here for hundreds of thousands of years and continue to
live here, mostly in underground bases. Some aliens helped genetically engineer the
human race, while other factions later crippled human genetics in order to turn mankind
into little more than a source of physical and etheric food. Today, those interacting with
humanity via abductions have a negative orientation and intend to create a race of humanalien hybrids capable of ruling over humanity while having total allegiance to the
interdimensional alien empire. Literature tends to identify these negative aliens as the
reptilians, grays, mantids, and some hostile nordic factions. There exist positively
oriented beings as well, notably the more positive nordics, but they respect the law of
freewill and do not engage in physical abductions. Rather they exist as a spiritual
brotherhood lending their service to protect and guide those of us who seek freedom from
the limitations of this 3D matrix control system, prison/school earth.
Hostile aliens are 4D and 5D dark entities:

Consist of beings who have evolved beyond limited three dimensional linear time
status. They exist at a level of reality beyond our five senses, the back stage to our
reality so to speak.

Preside over all elements of the lower hierarchy of the matrix control system,
from the individual to entire human organizations. They are beyond linear time
and thus can do this.

Fourth density beings have the physical form related to whatever animal species
they originally evolved from. All present on earth are humanoid in nature. Some
look human, some reptilian, other insectoid. Their form is temporarily alterable
due to the variable physicality of fourth density.

They are part of interstellar and interdimensional empires, seeking conquest. They
take over entire worlds and races for genetic, physical, and spiritual resources.
This is done patiently over thousands of our years, but because they are beyond
linear time it does not hinder them.

They seek energy, and earth has been molded into a farm for them. This energy
consists of human life force, emotional and spiritual and sexual energy. Being
hyperdimensional, they can suck this directly via telepathic connection, or via the
many agents or portals they have instated among the general population.

They have been here for hundreds of thousands of years, and have long ago
altered the human genetic code to reduce us to our most primal levels, we are
spiritually crippled because of this.

Above them are nonphysical entities of demonic nature, dark occult overlords
who are supreme in their dark wisdom and knowledge. While 4D entities are
rough around the edges and serve more as minions and henchmen, 5D entities are
the commanders, Luciferian in nature. They are advanced enough to appear in
whatever form they want, and can thus appear human. Some of the hostile redhaired nordics are of this category.

They are locked into their own mode of existence, and above them in the
hierarchy is only the logos or thought center, the black sun, the spiritual black
hole that inevitably sucks all self-centered consciousness into it. To stave off this
spiritual death, they need increasing energy from those below in the hierarchy. In
fact, all dark practitioners seek to avoid the metaphysical consequences of what
they do, which is why they are into physicality and prolonging life while physical,
they can do what they want and delay paying the debt.

Rather than being misguided or unevolved, these beings are highly evolved but in
an entropic fashion. They have great knowledge and wisdom concerning how to
serve the Creator within themselves at the expense of the Creator within others.

They have weaknesses:

They are prone to wishful thinking due to their narrow probable reality range.
Hyperdimensional beings occupy a bandwidth of probable realities whose
spectrum corresponds to their soul frequencies. So those of a negative nature who
vibrate at a lower and more restricted rate tend to operate within a more limited
range of probable realities. This makes them blind to certain outcomes
(probabilities) that are not within their perception.

They are very practical, so they seek the easiest route. This is because they must
economize their energy and strategy. The nature of self-serving evolution
involves conquest over finite resources, so efficiency and calculation are

They cannot easily deviate from their plans all is calculated. It takes them a
while to adjust to new evasive tactics employed by a target. Part of this is due to
them attacking from outside linear time, meaning they send in their attack
simultaneously along the past, present, and future. So what appears to us as an
attack spanning several days or weeks is for them them a single instant, and so
they appear slow to respond to our improvisations.

The lower entities cannot deal with complexity easily unless pre-calculated. Most
of what they do is geared toward optimizing success, which usually involves
moving along the probable reality that best fits their end goals. But there is always
a freewill factor which throws things off, and if a target uses freewill to be
unpredictable, this adds incalculable complexity to the range of branching
probabilities and therefore disorients them.

They think they always have the advantage, so they get careless; many times they
dont expect resistance because they think their agenda is secret and beyond
human comprehension.

Lack of unity among them disrupts the spiritual coherence of their collective and
therefore disintegrates what energy they collect, meaning they have to keep
collecting more, thus they are like black holes needing more and more energy like
a hyperdimensional pyramid scheme.

They preside over lower (human) levels of the control system:

Every individual in an STS (service-to-self) hierarchy is both predator and prey.

Predator to those below, prey to those above. Likewise, anyone who is predator or
prey participates in the STS hierarchy.

Humans of strong STS orientation incarnate to heighten their negative polarity

and carry out missions and agenda. They are of low spiritual frequency and tend
to be born into positions of power. These form the elite of the world, who are
ultimately directed by the alien powers heading the STS hierarchy.

They incarnate primarily into associated bloodlines because DNA and soul tend to
correspond. So tracing bloodlines can show potentiality of destiny. Bloodlines
like these arise via genetic modification by alien factions, or by mutation in
response to the soul frequency of ancestors who made negative soul pacts with
higher dark powers. These bloodlines have a physical and spiritual symbiotic
relationship with their alien counterparts.

Their function is power and conquest, and right now we are in the final phase of
their conquest. Negative hyperdimensional forces want total control over
mankind. Their influence upon mankind at large can be termed the
Hyperdimensional Control System.

Overlooked Aspects of the Alien Presence

Hyperdimensional Characteristics Aliens are sophisticated nonhuman entities.
Technological superiority is their least important advantage; what matters more is their
dimensional superiority. Their native state of existence transcends the limitations of
space-time. Whereas our existence is constrained by linear time, aliens can see and
manipulate our past, present, and future possibilities simultaneously from a position
outside linear time. They can also temporarily project themselves into our universe,
taking physical form according to what archetypes in our collective unconscious best
approximate their higher dimensional essence. The assumption that aliens are threedimensional beings like us who have flown here in mechanically constructed spaceships

from planets far away covers only a small subset of the entire alien presence, and it is
severely insular to examine only the hardest physical evidence of the alien phenomenon
in the name of science. The alien presence is mostly hyper dimensional and therefore
nebulous because its true nature far exceeds the boundaries of popular assumption.
Positive vs. Impostor Aliens Whether aliens are benevolent or hostile depends on
whether they foster an expansion in our freewill and awareness or if they seek to
undermine these. It is not enough to judge alien intentions according to transient social,
political, religious, or scientific standards. Covertly hostile aliens could easily pander to
our insecurities and wishful thinking by offering stunning scientific knowledge, religious
answers, political unity, and the promise of global peace and prosperity in exchange for
our unquestioning obedience. Thorough investigation of the alien presence reveals that
preparations for just such a scenario are currently underway. In times of desperation,
people tend to sacrifice liberty for security. Should mankind accept such a Faustian
bargain the end result would be complete assimilation and enslavement. To prevent this
possibility, we must ask the most important question of all: how can one distinguish
between positive aliens and cunning impostors? Mankind has everything to gain in
exercising its discernment this way, and doubt is cast on the sincerity and wisdom of
anyone who persistently refuses to explore the full depth of this question.
False Dichotomies Offering two false choices is the surest way of manipulating
someone into making a bad decision. We must be on guard for false dichotomies,
opposites that only appear to be so on the surface. Alien impostors have used this method
of subterfuge to hide their real agenda and shape public opinion. Examples: aliens vs.
paranoid military cabal, nordics / grays vs. violent reptilians, or good reptilians vs.
renegade negative reptilians. If the truth were that grays, certain nordics, human military
factions, and reptilians were actually unified participants in the negative alien agenda, the
motivation for these false dichotomies makes perfect sense. Should mankind falsely
perceive some of these elements as good guys due to their seeming opposition to
obvious bad guys, then the deception succeeds. Therefore we must thoroughly examine
the basis of any claimed oppositions.
Mind Programming Alien abductions are more common than assumed because their
primary purpose and procedure is generally too subtle for abductees and researchers to
notice, while the less prevalent but more tangible functions get the attention. Abduction
literature often mentions medical testing and genetic experimentation, but not the bigger
purpose of widespread behavioral modification through implantation and posthypnotic
programming. This involves temporarily extracting a person from the physical plane and
programming his subconscious with commands that later bias his choices toward those
beneficial to the negative alien agenda. An abductee may go to sleep one night full of
enthusiasm for a fruitful endeavor only to get abducted and over the following days
acquire an irrational aversion to pursuing it further. Unless they are aware of their own
irrational impulses and listen to reason and intuition, people can be programmed to
sabotage themselves or others, to follow unwise paths in life, enter into artificially
arranged relationships, or turn off suddenly to promising business or social relations.

Hybridization vs Epigenetics The alien hybridization project is justified on the grounds

that by combining our physical hardiness and emotional flexibility with the intelligence
and psychic prowess of alien grays, we can ensure a better future for both our species. It
is said that only through hybridization can mankind advance to its next evolutionary
phase. But this is among the greatest deceptions of all. The emerging field of epigenetics
strongly suggests that changes in our consciousness, in our beliefs and awareness and
perceptions, cause corresponding changes in our personal DNA. This means that a great
spiritual leap in mankind will automatically create a great genetic leap through an entirely
natural process. Why, then, are grays so desperate in artificially merging our two species?
The best hypothesis is that hybridization actually hijacks what should be a natural
progression and further locks the human soul matrix into an even more adulterated gene
pool, as has been done before. Greater intelligence and psychic power does not
necessarily mean we become more empathetic, discerning, or connected to our higher
spiritual guidance, it simply means we become more capable tools, especially if
hybridization comes at the price of individuality.
Layered Screen Memories Screen memories are false memories given by abductors to
cover-up anything that could not be entirely erased from recollection. These are well
known in abduction research, but not so well known is that screen memories come in
multiple layers. For instance, one might falsely remember a deer staring through the
bedroom window when in reality it was an alien during the onset of an abduction. With
the aid of hypnosis the abductee may penetrate this screen, but the abduction account that
follows may itself also be a screen designed to cover-up what really went on during the
abduction. What in reality may have been a torturous programming session and the
harvesting of lifeforce through inflicted suffering can, through a secondary screen
memory, be remembered as a wonderful experience. But hypnotists do not typically
probe farther than the primary screen memory because they are unaware how deep the
deception goes, thus they become unwitting accomplices in the propagation of
Human Abductors Aliens are not the only abductors; human factions are also involved.
Abductees have independently reported seeing alien and human personnel working side
by side in underground military bases. The line between alien and human abductors is
blurred due to technological and genetic fusion between the two over recent decades,
especially after the human element lost its autonomy to the superior alien element. The
purpose all along was to acquire control over the vast resources and manpower of the
black-ops military infrastructure. Abductions by these groups involve not only further
hybridization projects and mind programming, but also the utilization of abductees as
psychic assassins, remote viewers, and programmed sleeper agents. It is doubtful that any
positive aliens are working in collaboration with human military groups considering their
truly opposite philosophies. One need only examine the full spectrum of abduction
research and published experiences to recognize this.
Objective Standards of Positivity Without spiritual awareness one easily succumbs to
moral relativism. Identifying positive aliens would then appear to be futile exercises in

projecting our subjective human standards upon nonhuman life forms. But we must
remember that while social morals are indeed subjective, there is an objective spiritual
core within us that, via its capacity for empathy and longing for freedom and happiness,
knows universal rights from universal wrongs. The virtues of compassion, humility,
service, wisdom, strength, discretion, and courage are not limited to the human domain,
for they are truly universal. Positive aliens are those who have transcended the vices and
limitations that still challenge us, who have attained the heights of spiritual chivalry and
serve Creation in the name of freedom, truth, and love. They value spirituality over
physicality, respect the freewill of others, and subtly guide us toward fulfilling our
spiritual potential without smothering us into becoming dependent on such guidance.
Temporal Feedback Loops Because aliens can operate outside linear time, those
originating from our perceived future can also observe and interact with our past and
present selves. By accessing and manipulating the past, continual timeline revisions arise
of which we only remember the most recent version as the true history. Our present
choices also initiate a forward cascade of effects that alter the future and thus limit or
expand what future insertion points aliens have available. Thus a dynamic feedback loop
exists between ourselves and hyper-dimensional entities. Negative aliens from our
perceived future can reinforce their own existence and supremacy by altering critical
moments in history and biasing our present choices to create those probable futures
where they have greater power. Positive aliens concerned about such tampering would
engage in a timewar to counter these interferences. We would perceive this timewar as
highly improbable setbacks being countered by equally improbable miracles and vice
versa, or perhaps a strong impulse to make bad decisions competing with an inner
intuition to make the right choices. Fear, paranoia, gullibility, reactivity, and passivity
reinforce our feedback loop with negative aliens and increase their tangibility in our lives.
Yet the more we heed spiritual impulses and live by what is noble and true, the more we
rise into kinship with positive forces. The fulcrum of this timewar rests within us.
[If you enjoyed this article, check out the full expanded version: Discerning Alien
The above is a distillation of my personal experiences, insights, and observations
correlated those of others with whom I have communicated over the years, and further
correlated with various published sources of which the following is just a partial list:
UFOs and the National Security State Richard Dolan
Gods of Eden William Bramley
Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation Michael Tsarion
The Mothman Prophecies John Keel
Cryptoterrestrials Mac Tonnies
The Blue Planet Project Anonymous
Extraterrestrial Friends and Foes George C. Andrews
The Allies of Humanity, Book 1 and 2 Marshall Vian Summers

Secret Life David Jacobs

The Threat David Jacobs
Into the Fringe Karla Turner
Taken Karla Turner
Masquerade of Angels Karla Turner
Chasing Phantoms Carissa Conti
The Love Bite Eve Lorgen
Alien Jigsaw Katharina Wilson
Silent Invasion Ellen Crystal
Milab Operations James Bartley
My Experiences (Grey, Pleiadeans and Oddities) fore
Secret of the Saucers Orfeo Angelucci
Son of the Sun Orfeo Angelucci
Far Journeys Robert Monroe
Infinite Love is the Only Truth David Icke
Bringers of the Dawn Barbara Marciniak
Handbook for the New Paradigm George Green
Revelations of Awareness newsletters
The Cassiopaean Transcripts LKJ
The Wave Series LKJ
The Law of One (Ra Material) Books 1 through 4 L/L Research
Gods Gladiators Stuart Wilde
Dear God What is Happening to Us Lynne Grabhorn
The Case for the UFO Varo Edition Morris Jessup
CEVI Dr William Baldwin
Phil Schneider lectures
Alien Digest Ronald Rummel aka Creston
The Dulce Papers/Book Branton
Matrix I, II, IIIv1, IV Leading Edge Research
Leading Edge Research Journals Leading Edge Research
The Thunderbird Chronicles Michael Topper
Top Secret / Demon The Nexus Seven
The 33 Arks of Soul Resonance Investment Futures The Nexus Seven
The Stellar Man John Baines
Cracks in the Great Wall Charles Upton
The Incarnation of Ahriman Rudolf Steiner
Cosmic Pulse of Life Trevor James Constable
Sources not listed are ones either no longer available, too saturated with disinformation
for me to recommend, or whose significance is not easily apparent unless reading
between the lines and extracting the hidden meaning in context of all previous research.

Nor do I wholly endorse the listed sources, though they are good enough that the reader
can distill from them similar insights and conclusions as my own.
Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan
montalk.net 22 June 04
This article addresses some important questions regarding the alien agenda. It merely
skims the surface and should therefore supplement your own research, not replace it. If
you want a thorough grasp of whats going on, I recommend analyzing with discernment
the following books:
Gods of Eden William Bramley
The Threat Dr David Jacobs
Taken Dr Karla Turner
The Love Bite Eve Lorgen
Into the Fringe Dr Karla Turner
Gods Gladiators Stuart Wilde
Tales from the Timeloop David Icke
UFOs and the National Security State Richard Dolan
The Allies of Humanity Marshall Summers
Bringers of the Dawn Barbara Marciniak
The Ra Material, Books I,II,III Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert
Cassiopaean Transcripts Cassiopaeans, LKJ
(email me if you need them)
Each of these contain valuable pieces to the puzzle. Use your heart to tell you what is
right, and use intellect to tell you what is false. The same goes for what you read in this
article. Keep what makes sense, and throw out what is blatantly false.
Somethings right til proven wrong or something better comes along.
Are we alone in the universe?
Of course not. Were not even alone on earth. Even assuming that a finite 3D universe is
all there is, calculations show a high probability that intelligent life exists elsewhere in
this galaxy and that earth has seen the presence of extraterrestrials. Anyone with common
sense acknowledges this possibility, anyone with an open mind will research the subject,
and anyone with open eyes will confirm for themselves that aliens exist, have been active
in our past, and continue to be actively involved in human affairs today.
Skeptics tend to be ignorant and refuse to examine all the evidence, closing their eyes and
claiming they dont see any evidence that aliens exist. In truth, ignorance is never proof
to the contrary. To put it another way, Just because your heads up your ass doesnt
mean the sun dont shine.

Evidence is everywhere from worldwide religious and mythological accounts

commonly describing ancient encounters with advanced beings, anomalous
archaeological sites and artifacts indicating past use of superior technology, over a
centurys worth of eyewitness sightings of UFOs, hundreds of physical trace samples
recovered from UFO landing sites, government documents and whistleblowers
acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrials, and thousands of abduction cases that
include multiple witnesses, memories recalled without hypnosis, and undisputable
physical and medical evidence confirming these accounts.
In a nutshell, what is the alien agenda?
Mankind is being enslaved by non-human forces who are technologically, psychically,
and dimensionally superior to us. They consist of multiple factions, spanning multiple
dimensions and locations in spacetime, all here to take a slice of the human pie. Their
ultimate goal is to assimilate us into their fascist empire and parasitically exploit us for
our biological, etheric, and physical resources. Through covert manipulation and
hyperdimensional tricks that utilize time travel, they have secretly manipulated and
exploited humanity in every way conceivable for tens of thousands of years. We are now
seeing their plans overtly manifest with the abduction and hybrid breeding program, and
their imminent portrayal as saviors to a human race gone mad with world conflict. If the
world accepts them as saviors, individual freedom as we know it will become snuffed
like a blown candle, leaving only darkness.
Given their technological superiority, why dont hostile alien forces just take over the
For strategic reasons, their invasion is a drawn out process rather than a single
spectacular blitzkrieg as one might expect, though the latter can be used to finalize the
invasion once the first phase has spiritually tranquilized the target population. There are
many problems with an overt invasion using physical force. History has shown that
visible tyrants are also visible targets who quickly fall if they reveal themselves before
total control has been established. Smarter tyrants stay hidden and cleverly manipulate
the population into first defeating and enslaving itself.
Cosmic tyrants exist who seek to assimilate entire worlds into their empire. The
premature invasion of those who have targeted us could lead to conflicts threatening the
two resources they have come here to exploit: earth and its inhabitants. They prefer that
we willingly hand over ourselves and the planet with the least amount of resistance. This
can only happen under the condition that we are unaware of their true nature or agenda.
Preparing such deception requires much groundwork. Thus, they have chosen to covertly
and patiently manipulate human society toward that end.
Their preferred method of subversion is to create elite among the population who do the
dirty work of enslaving the rest. What we know as the secret government is an occult
technocracy comprised of these elite humans. The secret government is using problemreaction-solution techniques to frame world conflicts as pretexts for the establishment of

a New World Order, an overt global totalitarian regime that will lockdown any
potential for resistance and secure earth for easy assimilation into the alien empire.
Why have they not finished their invasion sooner, back when our technology was too
primitive to damage their desired resources?
As mentioned, they prefer we willingly hand over our collective freewill. Only recently
have we become technologically and politically advanced enough to create and support
the infrastructure of the New World Order through which we are intended to enslave
ourselves. They make their victims dig their own graves.
On a side note, this policy of brutal efficiency was demonstrated by the Nazis in their
execution of captives. The rise and fall of Nazi Germany was orchestrated by the secret
government as a test run for what is now becoming manifest, and much of Nazi ideology
and methodology was a direct reflection of the hostile alien mindset.
Ironically, the secret government itself is just a global version of the sonderkommando,
the elite squads of Jews the Nazis selected from among the concentration camp
population to control and execute their own people. Despite promises of power and
survival, the sonderkommando were quickly discarded once they finished serving their
purpose, and the secret government faces a similar fate once the alien invasion is
Dont members of the secret government know theyre being deceived?
In a negative hierarchy, all subordinates are in some way duped by their superiors, as that
is how superiority is maintained. It is the wishful nature of such individuals to think they
share the top of the food chain. Other members are forced to uphold their allegiance due
to blackmail, oath, or mind programming. While these factors keep the hierarchy
together, they also serve as its undoing when the control system encounters unpredictable
obstacles and becomes unstable. Pressured members will betray their superiors when
given the chance, and ambitious members may take the opportunity to initiate a frenzied
power grab that breaks loyalties and dissolves cohesion, thus weakening its structure to
the point of implosion. This is more typical of human hierarchies than alien ones, as the
latter are too refined to create such bumbling errors.
Is this why the secret government will eventually be discarded?
Partly. Primary reason is that the secret government is useful as the singular scapegoat
upon whom to eventually pin all crimes against humanity of which hostile aliens
themselves are the ultimate orchestrators. By disposing the scapegoat through a global
catharsis, alien hands are washed clean, leaving them in safe position to be presented as
saviors. Even now this agenda is visible. Through various personalities in the exopolitics
field, the secret government is already being branded as a paranoid Cabal keeping
mankind from open contact with alien benefactors, holding us back from our rightful
destiny to enter into galactic citizenship. Like a good cop / bad cop routine, presenting

the Cabal as the sole bad guy and aliens as the good guys is pushing two false
choices, and therein lies the deception. To defeat the agenda, mankind must not choose
between peaceful assimilation and ignorant xenophobia, but rather between peaceful
assimilation and peaceful liberation, liberation from both the secret government and their
alien overlords.
The other reason is that as long as the control system remains stable, the secret
government maintains its cohesion and allegiance to the alien forces. Due to upcoming
earth changes and other factors, the times ahead introduce elements of unpredictability
that threaten to destabilize the control system; the hierarchy thrives on predictability
because it is a pre-requisite for control.
Because of human folly, alien forces see the secret government as unreliable during such
times and unnecessary in the period that follows. They will be among the first to be
eliminated, because they would otherwise be the first to resist the alien presence by using
what technology they have been given, in an effort to perpetuate their own survival and
maintain their power. The final phase of the alien agenda has no room for human elite,
and any promises given them now about survival in a post-cataclysmic future are lies
used to bargain their allegiance.
While the exploitation of human nature has afforded our alien manipulators easy success
in what they have accomplished so far, human nature ultimately threatens to undermine
the finalizations of their plan which requires total allegiance on our part to their empire.
As long as we have an innate ability to empathize and tap into spiritual wisdom and as
long as we can long for individuality and freedom, our loyalty and their security cannot
be permanently guaranteed or enforced.
How do alien forces plan to counter the problem of human nature?
Einstein once said that a problems solution cannot come from the same level where the
problem originated. If human nature is the problem, then only a non-human element can
be the solution. At present, the problem resides in the inevitable failure of both the secret
government and future humans to maintain unconditional obedience to their alien masters
due to fundamental genetic and metaphysical differences and the fact that we are
individualistic and opportunistic by nature.
Once the New World Order is initiated, their solution is to place humanity under the
leadership of a genetically engineered master race of alien-human hybrids. These
hybrids surpass us in intellectual and psychic abilities, and they do not suffer from the
weaknesses of human nature such as empathy and the longing for individual freedom.
While maintaining control, they will then interbreed with the human population to infuse
these genetic characteristics into humanity at large. Thus, in the end mankind will be
biologically predisposed toward subservience to the alien empire, alleviating the empire
of having to expend unnecessary resources enforcing their control. At that point, we will
be locked into bondage and the alien agenda will have reached its conclusion.

We are seeing evidence of this already. For example, we are being culturally preconditioned to eventually accept the policy of interbreeding between humans and hybrids.
Standards of physical beauty embodied in supermodels and actresses increasingly move
toward emphasis upon features typical of hybrids: low forehead, small chin, triangular
face, large eyes, and slim androgynous bodies. It wasnt too long ago that the hybrid
look would have been considered disturbing and unhealthy, but today the trend has been
toward the sexualization of these characteristics.
How will this hybrid race be created?
Alien abductions serve multiple purposes, and this is one of them. Presently, the hybrid
breeding program is virtually finished. Hybrids look human, but lack our aforementioned
qualities that make us liable to resist an overt alien presence. Some are already being
silently integrated into the population. A few are being unwittingly born into human
families, others will be introduced in mass numbers later this decade when they reach
child-bearing age.
Some hybrids among us are already being passed off as Indigo Children, though not all
Indigo Children are hybrids. The hybrids most successfully following their intended
programming act like little psychopaths, have contempt for humans, and possess acute
intellectual and psychic powers to support their ambitions. It is these qualities that make
them fit for eventually ruling over humanity in obedience to their alien superiors.
What is the actual process used in the creation of hybrids?
The actual process involved is complicated, but here is a simple description. Both genetic
and metaphysical factors must be taken into account, as it is the latter that accounts for
the hybrid breeding program taking more time than one might expect.
Our DNA is the interface mechanism between the nonphysical soul and physical body.
For this interface to hold both together, genetics must match soul profile. A slight
mismatch in one will cause a mutation in the other, but too much of a mismatch keeps the
the soul from seating in the body. So to genetically modify or create an entire race, it is
not enough to merely engineer the genetic code, but to synchronize its profile and growth
with that of the souls intended to occupy the bodies.
This is why people with specific bloodlines especially resonant with the aliens own soul
nature are heavily targeted for abduction. Resonance exists because at some point in the
ancient past, individuals within that bloodline may have consciously aligned with a
negative spiritual existence and thus imprinted their genetic code with this alignment.
Their descendants carry this imprint, which is considered valuable as stock material for
engineering the hybrid race. The physical nature of these genetics matches in critical
areas with the intended metaphysical characteristics of the hybrids.
This stock material is crossed with selected alien genetics and tweaked to create a wide
variety of hybrids, some more successful than others. Until a self-sustaining and self-

reproducing hybrid race could develop, these fetuses were often implanted into an
abductees womb for gestation. The human etheric body is rich in emotional and vital
energies, which helps the gestating fetus develop robustly. Those that lack this etheric
nourishment either fail to develop or become sickly hybrid children once born.
Successful hybrids are those who can indefinitely survive in a densely physical
environment such as our own, who are capable of successfully reproducing with humans
and amongst themselves, who look human enough to integrate easily, and who are void
of any undesirable human traits.
What is the soul nature of these hybrids?
Even with their human physiology, considering that the hybrid genetic profile is
extremely resonant with the soul nature of their creators, it is very likely the latter intend
to incarnate into these bodies themselves. Some hybrids may be born with alien souls,
others may function as empty containers that work their way into strategic social
positions and standby to receive the alien soul at a later time. It is also possible that
hybrids have their own unique soul matrix, though the end result would be the same.
Occupying hybrid bodies would afford our alien manipulators the strengths of both alien
and human races with none of eithers weaknesses. Human weakness is the longing for
individual freedom and ability to empathize, and alien weakness is the inability to stay in
our physical environment for prolonged periods of time. The hybrids are biologically
robust like us because they have virtually human bodies, but they will be be mentally
superior and loyal to the aliens if they have souls identical to them. Additionally, since
offspring are imprinted with the soul energies of both parents, it would quicken the
metaphysical modification of mankind for the hybrid parent to have a negatively oriented
alien soul.
Why cant aliens stay in our physical environment for prolonged periods of time?
They require psychic or etheric energy to project themselves into our three dimensional
environment. In their natural state, they are four-dimensional (4D) beings who exist in a
more etheric level of reality, but can choose to become physical with an expenditure of
energy. Our three-dimensional world is embedded in a four-dimensional universe,
meaning 4D beings must focus their essence into a narrow range to become temporarily
3D. Otherwise they appear invisible to us, a situation that can be compared to an
aquarium in a room we are fish who are aware of other fish, but we remain relatively
unaware of those outside the aquarium who observe us.
This is true mainly for alien types known as reptilians or lizards. To save energy,
they prefer staying in their native 4D environment, while using various interface
mechanisms to remotely interact with 3D. For example, they have constructed a
cybernetic race of beings we recognize as grays, which serve as 3D spacesuits for
them. Grays are genetically engineered robots technologically interfaced with the

reptilian soul. They are cybernetic probes into our reality that can stay for relatively
longer periods of time and are used to carry out abductions and other tasks.
This lack of physicality affords them many advantages and disadvantages. As an
advantage, etheric technology is four dimensional and beyond the strictures of our linear
time, so reptilians can see and operate within our possible past, present, and future
realities simultaneously. Combined with their calculative strategy, they are thus capable
of engineering very complicated and far-ranging manipulations of a hyperdimensional
These hyperdimensional manipulations can include changing the past in seemingly trivial
ways to affect the choices a targeted individual makes in the present. Reptilians dont
know which choice we will make, and they cannot change the choices we have already
made out of freewill, but they can see and change everything else. So while they cannot
easily violate the freewill of a spiritually resilient person, they can bias his choices by
tweaking the circumstances.
Since they exist beyond our space and time, they are free of linear time limits. This
means they can individually target and manipulate as many people as they need to. While
an abductee perceives several years passing between two abductions, aliens move
instantly from one to the next. So despite the grandiose nature of the alien agenda that
targets entire planets and civilizations, they also manipulate on an individual basis all
whom they perceive as threats.
As a disadvantage, their lack of physicality prevents them from more easily violating
freewill through the use of force. Physicality is an environment where causality is prime,
where one being can cause an unwanted effect in another because both are subject to the
laws of physics. This is less true in a 4D environment where physicality is variable, and
where actions work on a synchronistic rather than causal level. Attempting to violate
someones freewill using synchronistic actions results in running into more metaphysical
roadblocks than doing it directly with force. For that reason, reptilians desire a more
physical state, to expand the range of what they can do. The hybrid breeding program is
directed toward that end.
What about military abductions?
The secret governments military factions regularly abduct people for a wide variety of
uses, often working under alien factions and using their technology. These uses are too
numerous and complex to mention in detail, but include mind control programs, genetics
research projects, and the use of psychically sensitive people for remote viewing and
assassination purposes. Due to their hyperdimensional technology, these military factions
can covertly abduct people during sleep by beaming them out of their local spacetime
through portals and into military bases.
Military abductees are frequently tortured via electroshock to create split personalities
and install self-destruct, sleeper assassin, or sexual slave mind programming. For

example, some mind control projects have created thousands of sleeper agents who can
be posthypnotically triggered at a future date to commit mass violence, which would
serve as a pretext for the totalitarian clampdown on our freedoms. Military abductees are
also frequently raped by reptilian aliens who feed upon their fear and suffering. Others
lead double lives where one personality participates in covert military missions that
would seem like science fiction to the other personality. Hyperdimensional technology
makes this time sharing possible.
How can one stop being abducted by aliens?
It is difficult to stop abductions permanently without round-the-clock vigilance.
Nevertheless, they can be reduced in their severity and frequency of occurrence through
some of the following:
1) giving up all karmic and ego-based reasons for wanting them to continue
2) choosing to resist abductions by firmly and frequently intending that they stop
3) choosing emotional stability, positivity, and serenity over hysteria and obsessive
4) becoming consciously aware of abductions before, during, or after they happen
5) learning from evidence gained after every abduction how to counter their tactics
6) increasing ones spiritual resiliency by seeking and applying knowledge and
7) asking for divine protection and assistance
These methods help deter both soul and physical abductions. In a soul abduction, the
body is left asleep but the soul is taken and worked upon and then put back. For purely
physical abductions, one could also try detection, shielding, or scrambling methods to
annoy aliens and display ones resistance. Examples include voice-activated tape
recorders, metal shielding, ultraviolet lights, white noise fields, etc
Can anything be done to stop the alien agenda?
The alien agenda depends heavily upon us relinquishing our collective freewill. If the
aliens deceptively appear as saviors, and hybrids as a positive step in human evolution,
then people will gladly support them. Their enthusiastic support for the alien saviors
may be great enough to drive them toward suppressing any resistance movements, seeing
them as enemies to the betterment of mankind.
However, if enough people can be informed ahead of time about the alien agenda, then
the deception will not be as successful. It may even spark debate and open the floodgates
of information that expose them for what they are. When more people are informed,
collective freewill wont be given up so foolishly.
What are they doing to counter the possibility of people waking up and resisting?

Before the information age, knowledge was easily suppressed. Today, it is more easily
corrupted with disinformation. The alien and secret government factions now work to
suppress or corrupt truth wherever they find it. They seek and destroy those attempting to
reveal truth, weaken others ability to discern truth for themselves, and program the rest
to immediately ridicule or ignore truth when they hear it.
Individuals perceived as threats to the alien agenda receive custom attention. They are
abducted and implanted for monitoring purposes. After being observed for weaknesses,
they are repeatedly abducted and mind programmed with posthypnotic suggestions to
indulge in self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behavior. If they resist these, they are
socially ridiculed or publicly discredited. Those with less spiritual resilience receive
increasingly violent harassment.
Why dont negative forces just kill them?
Due to metaphysical reasons, not all who are targeted can simply be killed; they must
freely choose to destroy themselves. However, their spiritual resilience declines if they do
not resist self-destruct programming, which then makes them susceptible to more drastic
targeting measures. Of those who succumb, some are given diseases like cancer that
quietly eliminates them, some are permanently abducted and consumed, and others die in
freak accidents.
It is also possible, and very effective, for susceptible individuals to be inconspicuously
killed, reanimated, and replaced as disinformation agents. They then serve to undo all
damage done prior to being replaced. This happens frequently to vulnerable authors,
researchers, politicians, and scientists.
While the switchover passes without notice, one can usually observe a drastic and
disturbing shift in their research focus and methods. Others who fail to discern truth for
themselves and instead rely upon supposed credible sources to tell them what to think do
not notice this shift and go along with it. As can be seen, there is no substitute for
personal discernment and the spiritual resiliency that comes with integrity and
Besides influential people being mind programmed or replaced as disinformation agents,
how else are negative forces suppressing the spread of knowledge?
Willpower, knowledge, spiritual resiliency, mental clarity, and emotional purity are
qualities that reduce ones level of susceptibility to being influenced by negative forces.
There are billions of humans for whom these qualities are not a priority due to the
simplicity of their reason for incarnating. This makes them very easily manipulated by
alien forces and the secret government to serve as buffers against the system-destabilizing
effect of insurgent individuals.
Their function in the alien agenda is to serve as hired clappers in the crowd by using
peer pressure, ridicule, and mass consensus to override the influence of the minority who

seek truth. They are also easily directed toward surrounding truth-seekers and engaging
them in energy draining relationships or friendships that do nothing but sedate, distract,
or sabotage.
Additionally, there exist artificial humans who are manufactured by alien forces to serve
as disinformation agents capable of corrupting the knowledge of a truth-seeker via direct
interaction. These are virtually identical in function to reanimated/replaced humans,
except they lack a concrete traceable past. Because they are remotely controlled, they can
precisely deliver disinformation customized to fit a truth-seekers profile, something the
aforementioned hired clappers cannot do.
As can be seen, negative alien forces have in place a very effective system for the direct
suppression and corruption of knowledge. To summarize, this system includes the
1) the abduction and self-destruct mind programming of truth-seekers to end their
2) peer pressure placed upon them by so-called hired clappers
3) direct targeting by artificial humans
4) the disinformation disseminated by programmed or replaced sources of authority
This supplements the various religious, political, economic, and scientific control
mechanisms already established by the secret government to control society at large.
If we do wake up as a planet, will desperate alien factions risk using force?
They have invested much energy toward securing earth and its population for their
exploitation, so they will not give up easily. As discussed before, force is usually kept to
a minimum while strategy is optimized to ensure efficient use of energy and the
preservation of their desired resources. But sometimes force is the only strategy left. As
always, they would use it by getting others to do the work for them.
Due to their aversion to the physicality of our environment, they employ physical and
expendable beings as their enforcers. This could include human soldiers, the hybrid elite,
and any additional reinforcements they may bring in from outside our solar system. The
latter tend to include soldiers recruited from other worlds they have already conquered.
Nevertheless, direct confrontation with 4D forces is inevitable if we were to transcend
our 3D states and enter their realm.
Acting alone in our present physical condition, even with a world united under a single
technologically advanced government, we would be unable to successfully repel such an
overt takeover. In the best of such cases, we would be like monkeys fighting armed
poachers. Such conditions are unlikely anyway since the secret government or hybrid
elite will ensure that the world does not act unilaterally against the alien forces and
instead works to suppress resistance movements.

Given the scope of their knowledge suppression mechanismand if that fails, the
overwhelming nature of their overt invasionis there any hope?
Yes, there is hope in the sense that divine plans are in place to balance the equation and
give us a fighting chance of transcending alien manipulation and escaping our fragile
physical conditions. The help we receive from higher sources is of a catalytic nature,
meaning it merely assists our own efforts.
From one perspective, 3D earth is little more than a prison planet run by tyrannical forces
about to implement their final solution. We cannot fight as prisoners because we are
too weak. To avoid enslavement and liquidation, we must become empowered by first
escaping this prison thankfully with the help of those who have escaped before us. This
means accepting divine help, transcending our limited physical states, and evolving into
4D beings ourselves. Only then will we be on a level playing field with our alien
From a more metaphysical perspective, 3D earth is a school of hard knocks. The quantum
leap in evolution we require to withstand the overt alien takeover is not impossible, it is
inevitable every life lesson we learn brings us closer to graduating from our three
dimensional physical existence. This process is natural and need not be forced; for those
of us who have chosen the path of integrity and truth, our individual destinies are
intertwined with the divine plan, and we have been synchronistically guided since birth to
have the right experiences needed to prepare us for what is to come.
Among us are numerous advanced souls from higher realms who have incarnated into our
world to help destabilize the alien control system and catalyze the evolution of those
ready to graduate for the first time. Many dont remember who they are or where they
came from, and from early childhood most are heavily targeted by negative forces for
self-destruction due to their threatening roles as system destabilizers. Those who
overcome these obstacles grow strong enough to contribute toward the divine plan by
spreading knowledge and assisting the evolution of others. They are former prisoners
who have come back to show others how to leave the prison. Many of these we might call
positive aliens. Take note that no one is chosen or special anyone can take part in the
divine plan who chooses to follow his or her heart and seek knowledge.
Knowledge is the key, for it helps us see through deception and fuels our evolution.
Because of knowledge, the alien agenda will be exposed. Because of knowledge, we will
evolve new insights and metaphysical abilities that can prepare us to better counter an
overt alien takeover. Divine forces are at work to help us learn if we actively seek
knowledge, the way will be shown. If we actively apply knowledge, the path will be
cleared. And if we actively share knowledge, the path will be followed by others.
Discerning Alien Disinformation: Part 1
montalk.net 19 October 08
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(en Espaol)
In less than a decade, mankind will be confronted with undeniable public disclosure of
the alien presence1. The critical choices that follow will turn into tragic consequences if
made in ignorance, confusion, weakness, or desperation. Therefore informed choices
must be made to safeguard human freedom. This book is about acquiring discernment in
handling future relations with alien forces by seeing and learning from their current
methods of deception. We must consider the possibility of alien deception so that we can
preempt it.
Distinguishing between peaceful and aggressive aliens is easy. A more difficult question
is how to discern between positive aliens and negative ones pretending to be positive.
This question is important because research suggests not all alien factions are sincere or
have our best interests at heart. If hostile forces cunningly imitate benevolent ones, then
anyone refusing to acknowledge this possibility invites deception. Those who deeply
investigate the alien presence will inevitably conclude that such impostors are already
here on earth waging psychological warfare upon us to disarm discernment and create
within the population a growing desire for their imminent arrival and leadership.
If we enter into diplomatic relations with deceptive forces without recognizing them as
such, we will be doomed to repeat history for the last time. Let us be reminded of how the
Native Americans traded away valuable land for worthless trinkets and broken promises,
or how even today Americans are trading their freedoms for tyranny in the name of
security2. If it has happened before, what prevents it from happening again? Nothing
except the awareness to choose differently. To preempt this possibility, we must know
our priorities and develop a keen understanding of the differences between positive forces
and negative impostors.
Asking how we can discern between the two will tug firmly at the lynchpin of the entire
deception. Some might reject this by assuming all aliens must be positive, that such an
exercise in prudence is nothing more than xenophobic paranoia. Well, maybe they are
letting their biases interfere with their better judgment. Unfortunately this attitude is
common today considering the scope and finesse of the alien disinformation campaign. It
has been so intricately tailored to human psychological blind spots and emotional
weaknesses that all but the most discerning and intuitively astute are being misled. As the
saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions: regardless of how much one
pursues peace, love, and progress, without necessary awareness of contingencies the
results may be just the opposite.

It is my firm conviction that genuinely positive aliens do exist and are active in our
world, but that their true nature does not conform to popular expectation. Rather, it is the
impostors who dress themselves in our naive scientific, cultural, religious, and
spiritualistic assumptions to fortify their image.
Without knowledge of what positive aliens are truly like, people might accept the faux
alternative. So my objective for this book is to survey the falsehoods propagated by the
impostors and in later parts discuss the true nature of positive aliens. This should provide
a good base of suggestions from which perceptive readers may formulate their own
criteria of discernment.
Researching Transcendent Phenomena
It must be made absolutely clear that the alien phenomenon is nebulous by nature.
Attempting to apply rigid scientific standards of objectivity to the alien phenomenon is
impractical and unrealistic. Science has the luxury of dealing with a material reality that
is universally verifiable, but the alien phenomenon is more complex and subtle than
materiality. Not only does it involve intelligent beings who can choose how much of
themselves to reveal and with whom they interact, but their interactions with us are
governed by interdimensional dynamics that require dependence on the observer.
Unequivocal proof of aliens is personal and non-transferrable3. This tendency toward
personal rather than objective proof does not mean that the alien phenomenon is
subjective, as subjectivity would imply it has no independent existence and is just a
product of the imagination. Nor is it objective, because objectivity would imply it has its
own independent existence that is verifiable by anyone. Rather it transcends subjectivity
and objectivity altogether by having an independent existence that only reveals itself on
an individual, personal basis.
To penetrate the alien phenomenon, one must possess good intuition, sharp observation
skills, be flexible in working with probabilities and provisional hypotheses instead of
simplistic black and white dichotomies, have developed a good nose for detecting
disinformation, be familiar with the available research to date, and as a bonus have
adequate personal experience with the subject as well as empathic ability to psychically
detect insincerity in others. If one or more of these assets is lacking, good use of the rest
may compensate.
These qualities are what I myself have had to call upon to evolve the alien scenario
presented in this book. It currently fits everything I have experienced, researched,
observed, and intuited in life. What makes a good theory? That it has not been disproved
by the facts, is the simplest theory explaining known data without having to ignore
counter-evidential data, reveals real order behind things previously thought to be
unrelated, can be personally tested and verified, meets continual confirmation from new
data, and compared to alternatives it is the most probable and intuitively resonant theory
true to experience and observation.

For the past fifteen years I have studied a broad range of books, magazines, lectures,
documentaries, radio shows, news articles, websites, and research journals relevant to the
alien presence. These were interpreted against the backdrop of my personal experiences,
intuition, critical thinking, and the anecdotes of trusted others. From this I have pieced
together a minimally complex hypothesis concerning whom the main alien players are,
what the range of their capabilities appears to be, how they typically operate, and what
this indicates about their possible motives.
However accurate or inaccurate my theory, the real situation is more complicated than
what I am describing here. If nothing else, let what follows demonstrate the minimum
level of complexity needed to approach the alien subject.
Description of the Primary Alien Types
I will begin by surveying the primary alien players: Greys, Reptilians, Mantids, and
Nordics. The names are only descriptive. These are the four recurring characters in both
legitimate research and alien disinformation literature4. Of course there are other alien
types, but they are not as prominent as these four, who appear in source after source.
Therefore I will skip discussing the less noteworthy aliens and focus on the popular ones.
Greys are the most commonly encountered type of alien. They are between three and five
feet tall with disproportionately large bulbous heads. Their skin varies from dolphin-grey
to porcelain white and has a dry, rough, highly elastic texture. Hair and earlobes are
absent, nose and mouth are vestigial. Greys are known for their prominent eyes, which
are catlike or else completely obsidian if concealed beneath a dark covering. Their eyes
range from small to large, round to almond-shaped. Their manner of movement may be
described as swift and serpentine but robotic and graceless.
Greys are known to experience panic and frustration but lack complex emotions like
empathy, compassion, love, and humor. This suggests their awareness is sustained by the
primitive reptilian portion of the brain while the rest is purposed toward psychic and
intellectual functions. What qualities make them useful has been overdeveloped, while
the rest has been reduced. They are minimalist lifeforms optimized for their intended
Greys are genetically engineered, psychically enhanced, transdimensional worker-beings
endowed with rudimentary sentience and a computer-like intelligence. In their most basic
form they are artificially intelligent, programmable, organic robots grown in vessels from
harvested biological materials. Greys work in groups, linked psychically into a hive
mind, though each has some level of autonomy.
Their DNA is a modification of the reptilian genome, optimized for maximum psychic
and cybernetic qualities. Cybernetic means they are remotely controllable when
necessary, functioning as remote psychic probes, avatars, or portals through which the
consciousness of their superiors may temporarily operate. So although by default they are

programmed yet intelligent automatons with their own basic awareness, they are readily
possessed or controlled by an external intelligence.
The Grey genome can infuse psychic and cybernetic elements into a fully sentient species
through hybridization. This produces a new race that is psychically more potent but
consciously more controllable. Tall Greys with a sentient demeanor and individualized
consciousness are an extreme example of this, while Greys in their quintessential form
are short worker drones; the former are often seen leading or supervising the latter. Any
proportion of hybridization is possible with any number of species including humans and
Greys are sometimes physical, other times seemingly ethereal. They can vary between
these states depending on how deeply they have been projected or dimensionally rotated
into our dimension. If deep enough to share the same level as ourselves, they will be
completely physical to our senses. If only partially, then they will be invisible to our eyes
yet lurking around to observe and influence. When physically invisible, Greys can still be
intuitively detected, seen and tracked by animals, and perceived during astral projections
or the hypnopompic state of consciousness.
Some Greys are not physical beings but thought-forms, which are etheric constructs
without physical bodies who lack the ability to materialize in the physical. They would be
used more for human possession, influencing, and monitoring purposes, whereas the
tangible Greys are used for physical tasks like handling abductees.
Aliens native to another dimension, who require interaction with humans without
crossing the dimensional border themselves, may use Greys as remote probes for
psychically subduing, managing, and extracting human abductees from the physical
plane. If Greys are grown from biological materials harvested from our world, their
bodies would consist of materials already attuned to our dimension, which affords them
easier operation within our physical environment. This would be the main reason Greys
are so prevalent in abduction reports.
Another reason Greys are so commonly reported is that they are convenient front men for
alien or human military factions wishing to keep their own involvement in the abduction
phenomenon hidden for strategic purposes. These include Reptilian, Mantid, and Nordic
alien types. Less is known about them than the Greys because they are met less often and
are fewer in number. That does not mean they are less involved in the abduction
phenomenon; they manage their abduction programs from behind the scenes and allow
the Greys to continue with their given assignments without intervention by authorities
unless demanded by circumstance.
Reptilians are humanoid beings with alligator-like features including vertical pupils,
scales, and sometimes tails. There are different factions and types of Reptilians, though
they all share traits of being highly intelligent and good tactical strategists; some even

have excellent human language skills. Only a small minority are of relatively benevolent
orientation5, while the rest appear too heavily locked into their genetically programmed
predisposition toward psychopathy, power, and control. The latter are commonly
implicated in incidences of rape, torture, and mutilation of humans by aliens6.
Reptilians are transdimensional and can physically manifest in our dimension for limited
periods of time. Normally they stay back in their dimension in a more ethereal state and
remotely operate Grey drones. When interfacing through a Grey, they can remotely feed
off the emotional energy emitted by a terrified abductee nearby. This lifeforce energy is a
source of nourishment and power for all interdimensional aliens of a negative orientation,
as it does for their ethereal bodies and technologies what physical fuel does for our
physical bodies and technologies. Reptilians are seen less often than Greys, but are
known to be one of their superiors.
Mantids are man-sized preying mantises with triangular heads, large wraparound eyes,
and long bent arms. They are rarely seen except in the company of Reptilians or Greys
aboard ships. Their consciousness is unemotional, calculating, but highly proficient in
technical matters. They likely work as technicians specializing in consciousness
manipulation, timeline alteration, and dimensional engineering.
Nordics look like white Caucasian males and females. They are usually fair-skinned with
light-colored eyes and primarily blond hair, though some have darker hair. Compared to
the average human, Nordics tend to have better physiques, larger eyes, and greater
stature. They are also telepathic and have superhuman intelligence. Nordics are also
interdimensional beings normally existing beyond the dimensional veil, the difference
being that sentient Nordics are relatively more adept at projecting themselves into our
physical plane for extended periods of time than Reptilians, Mantids, and Greys. They
can and do walk among us in public without notice.
Nordics fall into three main categories. When seen working with Greys as docile
assistants, they are likely servile clones or synthetic humanoids rather than actual sentient
Nordics. When they function as controllers and supervisors to Greys, Mantids, and
Reptilians, they are Nordics of a negative orientation. When they are fully sentient,
individualistic, ethical, and supportive of freewill, they are Nordics of a positive
Thus the Nordic physiology itself is no indication of orientation or intention. This is
further complicated by positive and negative types blending smoothly into each other
near the middle of the spectrum. Qualitatively speaking, the more negative Nordics have
a coldness behind their eyes, positive Nordics a warmth, and servile Nordics a certain

Alien Involvement in Human History

Whatever alien groups were responsible for genetically engineering humans and seeding
them upon various worlds are likely no longer with us. Nevertheless, some alien types,
including the ones mentioned above, have made their own modifications to the human
gene pool in more recent times. These modifications include the genetic programming of
humans with universal weaknesses, biases, and shortcomings. Another modification is
the creation of bloodlines with specific talents, predispositions, and destinies;
specifically, bloodlines with penchants for political elitism, combative superiority, or
psychic potency. None of the alien groups present today can rightly claim they created
the human species, though falsely taking credit would help the ones advancing a negative
Historical, mythological, religious, and archeological records indicate aliens interacted
openly with humans in ancient times. There were different warring alien factions, each
faction had their respective human followers who saw them as gods and got caught up in
their skirmishes. Some of this is evident in the Old Testament. Considering Biblical
chronology, it appears that starting around 1,000 B.C. human-alien interactions became
more covert, transitioning from gods openly walking the earth to private meetings with
selected individuals, ambiguous sightings, and subjective visions.
While for society at large the alien presence faded from tangibility into myth, alien
factions continued to advance their agendas covertly. This included the establishment of
human secret brotherhoods who were entrusted with special knowledge and powers to
shape the course of civilization and act according to the goals of their alien benefactors.
Secret societies varied in their orientations, some bent on world domination and hoarding
of knowledge, others charged with safeguarding esoteric knowledge from abuse and
counterbalancing the forces of corruption.
Can Human Minds Comprehend Alien Motivations?
Regarding alien intentions, we must recognize that although aliens are different from us
in many ways, in other ways they are very similar. The most commonly reported types
whether Nordic, Reptilian, Grey, or Mantid are humanoid, having a torso with two
legs and two arms, a head with two eyes, mouth, and nose. They are mortal, require
sustenance, and travel in vehicles. They can communicate telepathically and sometimes
verbally with humans.
According to information provided by abductees, contactees, and insiders, the majority of
their supposed interstellar points of origin Sirius, Arcturus, Procyon, Pleiades, Zeta
Reticuli are less than one hundred light-years from earth. That is 0.1% the diameter of
the Milky Way. The similarity and proximity is so significant that we are very likely
dealing with our cosmic relatives, whether future evolutionary offshoots of the human
race who have traveled back in time, aliens who have genetically modified us in their
image, or other variants of the humanoid template seeded on other worlds in this sector of
the galaxy.

Therefore, alien motivations are not so foreign as to be a total mystery to our human
minds. We can glimpse their mindset and intentions through sufficiently broad and deep
research, personal interaction, clairvoyance, or even tapping into residual knowledge
from having been alien in other incarnations.
What fails is intellectualizing from common scientific or religious assumptions about
what their motivations might be while rejecting data from less conventional sources. The
alien deception relies on these naive assumptions to build an overly simplistic
anthropomorphic mask of plausibility to hide their true intentions.
What Observational Data Reveals of Alien Capabilities
Understanding the alien agenda is not easy, but its also not impossible. It can be
approached, even if only partially, through uncommon intuition, awareness, and
discernment. The first step is gaining a better understanding of their true nature and
abilities. Lets examine what UFO and abduction research reveals so far.
Alien ships can seem bigger on the inside than the outside, accelerate quickly to extreme
velocities, travel at supersonic speeds without causing sonic booms, make sharp turns
without inertial side-effects, jump between locations as though teleporting, and become
invisible. When they hover at low altitudes over cars and buildings an audible pulsating
hum is typically heard. Their hovering mechanism appears to involve pulsed gravitational
fields synthesized from separate waveforms to produce directional thrust7.
All these indicate mastery over the fabric of spacetime. Alien technology can alter the
local gravitational potential to change the time rate, nullify inertia, and compress space to
change physical scale. Invisibility and teleportation suggests they have access to
hyperspace as well, moving into hyperspace slightly to become invisible, or entirely to
take a shortcut to another location. Their technology is therefore ultra-relativistic and
hyperdimensional in nature.
Aliens can walk or float through solid walls. Using a special beam emitted by the alien
ship outside, they can target, levitate, and extract an abductee from his home through
solid glass windows, thin walls, and other nonferrous barriers. The abductee does not
dematerialize into energy or small particles, but rather slips through the barrier like one
sheet of paper over another.
Alien technology allows the generation of wormholes or short conduits through
hyperspace between distant points in spacetime. This can manifest as a portal that opens
into the abductees bedroom and leads to an underground base.
Abductees may experience a sudden cessation of natural outside noises (like the chirping
of crickets) during the onset of an abduction. They may also notice a change in air
pressure, an unsettling alteration in the contrast level of light and shadows in the room, an
amber tint to the air, and a feeling like a heavy veil or bell jar is descending over
themselves or the immediate area8. These indicate that the local area is being

dimensionally isolated from the surrounding space and disconnected from the
surrounding time stream so that, for potential witnesses outside the bubble, the abduction
takes place in a single moment and thereby escapes their observation. Otherwise
abductions would be impossible in busy urban areas. The bubble also produces a shifted
environment that is easier for incoming abductors to operate within since it meets them
Abductors also have physiological and psychological control over their targets. Roadside
abductions involve a driver getting the sudden irresistible urge to pull over. Abductees at
home who are not yet asleep may feel a strong pressure to quickly lie down and go to
sleep, or feel their willpower and self-control slipping away as a veil of heaviness
descends over them. Greys have telepathic ability to subdue abductees, induce or remove
fear, and cause temporary paralysis.
Not all abductions are physical. Some take not the body but the soul, more specifically
the etheric and astral bodies, which during sleep separate naturally from the physical
body and hover over it. The soul is whisked away by a vortical tractor beam and taken
dimensionally upwards where abductors perform various scans and manipulations upon it
before returning it to the body. The abductee is rarely aware of any of this, unless
accidentally awakening while out of body, in which case its possible to fight the tractor
beam and avoid the soul abduction through sheer willpower to return to the body and
awaken. Thus, interdimensional aliens are capable of directly manipulating the
nonphysical components of human beings, not just the physical.
All the above is, for the most part, common knowledge in abduction research. Less
known is the degree to which aliens can manipulate thoughts, feelings, perceptions, life
events, and history itself. Even less known are their more esoteric and nonphysical
motivations. Information about these must be distilled from areas outside the usual gamut
of abduction research. It comes from private personal experiences correlated with that of
others, plenty of careful observation and testing, suggestions and inspiration from
unconventional sources, and creative puzzle solving with pieces that on the surface seem
unrelated to the abduction phenomenon, such as ideas found in occult, gnostic, shamanic,
religious, or spiritual works for instance. This will be discussed in the next part.
Continue to Part 2
1 This estimate is based on several factors including: 1) the rate at which the public is
being acclimated to the existence of aliens, 2) the speed at which climate, economic and
political instabilities are heading toward conditions ripe for alien intervention, 3) what
abductees and contactees have been told concerning the completion of the alien
hybridization program and timing of alien contact with humanity at large, 4) the popular
anticipation that 2012-2013 will be a time of great transformation, which would be a
strategic entry point for aliens intending to play upon those expectations, 5) the
potentially devastating effects of the next solar cycle set to peak 2010-2013, and 6)

personal observations on the current readiness of individuals who will likely play roles in
galactic diplomacy and how many more years it will take for them to reach full maturity
for the task.
2 See Allies of Humanity: Book Two (Summers, 2005) for greater elaboration on the
parallels between natives and explorers of our own history and what we will soon face.
3 The metaphysical, hyperdimensional, and intelligent nature of the alien presence makes
the UFO phenomenon function like a macroscopic quantum phenomenon dependent on
the observer. This leads to an uncertainty principle preventing universal certainty. So the
more universal the proof of aliens, the less convincing the evidence, as with videotaped
UFO sightings, which, despite being viewable by anyone, are too lacking in detail to be
convincing. Conversely, the more convincing the evidence, the less universal the proof,
as happens with abductees who have undeniable personal proof of their experiences but
are unable to record and thus share their experiences.
4 See the resources listed at the end of this book, specifically the following: Angelucci,
Jadczyk, The Blue Planet Project, Turner, Jacobs, Andrews, Delicado, fore, Valerian,
Lorgen, and Royal.
5 As for the possiblity of benevolent Reptilians, this has been circumstantially suggested
by The Lacerta Files, The Convoluted Universe Book Two (Cannon, 2005, pp. 272-300),
and television shows like V: The Miniseries and Stargate SG-1 where fifth columinists
worked within the ranks of negative aliens to subvert their control. If benevolent
Reptilians exist, they would likely keep a very low profile.
6 Such incidencees are documented in the works of Eve Lorgen, James Bartley, and
Karla Turner among others.
7 See Unconventional Flying Objects (Hill, 1995) for a scientific investigation into UFO
propulsion systems. Through a process of elimination, the author concluded that pulsed
gravitational fields were employed. If so, then directionality would be possible through a
phased array of field emitters.
8 The Cassiopaean Transcripts explains the amber tinting as bleed-through from fourth
density (higher-dimensional realm). I have observed this and alteration in lighting
contrast during the onset of an abduction. Sight Unseen (Hopkins and Rainey, 2004)
mentions amber tinting. Chasing Phantoms (Conti, 2009) recounts this phenomenon and
the bell jar eff
The All-Pervasive but Hidden Nature of Alien Control
Alien interactions are not solely confined to mysterious sightings at a distance, or
abductions that only happen to a few rare individuals. It is not something that can be kept
at an intellectual distance, where, if you have neither seen a UFO nor know yourself to be
an abductee, aliens have no presence or influence in your life. In truth, aliens have a
seeming omnipresence enabled by their interdimensionality that extends their influence

not only into our homes, but also into our minds. No one is immune to this except
humans of zero interest or those with special tactical awareness who have taken full
countermeasures. Being useful or threatening to the agenda of even one alien faction will
attract their attention, which leads to subsequent covert monitoring and influencing. They
have no logistical limitations concerning whom or how many to target.
As mentioned, aliens can lurk nearby while invisible. In physics terminology this happens
when they have not yet fully rotated themselves into our dimension, their quantum wave
functions have not fully collapsed into our reality, or their quantum phases are not fully
locked into our own. In occult terminology, this happens when they manifest within the
etheric plane without condensing fully into the physical. The etheric is a transitionary
boundary layer between the physical and nonphysical, functioning as an invisible
substratum to the physical world but containing energies, beings, and constructs that
influence the physical at the quantum level. Think of it as the backstage to our reality, the
area behind the curtain of our limited five-sense perception.
In this invisible or etheric state, aliens can monitor targets without normally being
noticed. By getting close to their targets, they can more effectively project strong
thoughts into a persons subconscious, giving him impulses, ideas, or inspirations that he
will take as his own and act upon unless he questions their origins and rationality.
They can reach into a persons body and manipulate his or her chakras and etheric energy
circuits to effect anything from enhanced or diminished psychic abilities to emotional and
mental imbalances and physical illnesses. Greys in an etheric state are known to attach
themselves to a person like an invisible parasite, subtly influencing the persons thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors even as he goes about his day1. Aliens who require lifeforce
energy for sustenance can also lurk in proximity to highly emotional, sexually charged, or
distressing human activities to harvest the energy released.
Targets may also receive etheric implants, etheric gadgetry attached to them externally,
and etheric devices or observation booths installed into their homes for monitoring and
influencing purposes. This capability can be scaled up to allow alien bases to coexist on
top of physical human military bases or airports, for example, dimensionally shifted and
thus overlapping, seemingly occupying the same three dimensional space2.
These things occur beyond the perceptual reach of normal waking consciousness and the
detectability of standard recording devices or scientific instruments. Nevertheless,
animals can perceive etheric activities, as can clairvoyants with second sight, individuals
awakening from sleep into a brief hypnopompic state, and those whose consciousness has
been chemically detuned from physical reality through hallucinogens. Etheric beings and
devices may also show up symbolically in dreams, although dreams alone are not a
reliable indicator of what is happening in the etheric environment.
Because of their hidden nature, none of these phenomena are all that credible in the eyes
of nuts-n-bolts researchers or those with mere casual interest in the subject of aliens.
Therefore this aspect of the alien presence, which is perhaps the most ubiquitous, is also

the least perceivable and believable by the greater majority. This would benefit any
covert agenda aiming to project a false front on the superficial perceptible level, while
allocating all serious activities to hidden realms.
Alien abductions also have this duality. On the surface, abductions are purposed toward
using humans for scientific study and experimentation, as biological assets for the
production of human-alien hybrids, and for the training of abductees to campaign for
disclosure, peace, environmental conservation, and other politically correct causes. While
these elements do exist within the abduction phenomenon, other less noble purposes are
also present but kept hidden.
Energy Harvesting and Implants
One of these hidden elements is the harvesting of lifeforce energy from abductees by
traumatizing them with fear, terror, pain, sexual violation, humiliation, or despair.
Negative emotions trigger a thick emission of subtle energy from the abductee that is then
collected. Greys nearby the abductee can function as siphons through which remotely
interfaced Reptilians can slurp up the energy. There are numerous ways to accomplish
this, one being sham medical procedures whose real purpose is to disempower and
torment the abductee under the guise of necessary research3. Most of this is covered up
with layered screen memories of superficial positive experiences, whereby the abductee
may have faint memories of being taken and have an irrationally wonderful feeling about
it on the one hand, but lingering anxiety and signs of post-traumatic stress on the other.
Yet another method is to induce an atmosphere of fear in the life of the abductee, fear of
being taken again, fear of having their children targeted, and fear of creepy aliens
skulking about the house at night. Abductee reports of being raped by reptilian entities
are not uncommon, which would be a more direct method of harvesting energy and
psychologically fracturing the abductee.
Energy harvesting is not limited to abductees; it occurs on a global scale in a more
horticultural manner wherever there are clusters of emotionally charged situations
releasing usable quantities of energy. Examples: large hospitals, major sporting events,
mega-churches, natural disaster zones, any event involving mass casualties, and areas
afflicted with war or starvation. This energy is used for nourishment and to power certain
etheric technologies and interdimensional maneuvers4.
Some alien implants are powered by this energy, especially the etheric types of implants.
Like any etheric thoughtform, they will go inactive if deprived of their energy source.
This happens when one refuses to indulge in the particular base emotions sustaining these
implants, which tend to be the same emotions encouraged by them.
Alien implants are designed not just for remote monitoring purposes, but also remote
influencing. Physical implants in the brain can monitor thoughts and produce a
disorienting effect when a forbidden line of thinking arises5. They can record ones
thoughts, feelings, and perceptions for periodic analysis by an alien observer. The data
retrieved may indicate weaknesses, threatening trends, and useful tendencies to take into

account during further manipulations. Etheric implants can be placed anywhere

depending on their function, including in the head to interfere with thoughts, the lower
torso to jack into the lower chakras and manipulate base emotions, and elsewhere for
tracking and other purposes6.
Mind Programming
Another prevalent but little discussed aspect of abductions is mind programming, the
insertion of harmful posthypnotic commands into an abductees subconscious. The
command to forget an abduction and remember a screen memory is just one
manifestation of this phenomenon, and it can just as easily be used for more insidious
These commands are given while the abductee is in an artificially induced hypnotic
trance and can lie dormant in the subconscious until triggered hours, days, or weeks later
to produce a strong compulsion to carry out the command. They may also work
continuously to bias thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and reactions in a predetermined
direction. The aim of mind programming is behavioral modification toward greater
compliance with an agenda and greater submission to the abductors and mind
programmers. Alien posthypnotic commands are given telepathically and come with
nonverbal layers reinforcing the accompanying verbal command.
In mind programming, desirable behaviors are induced and undesirable ones suppressed.
The first includes obsession with disinformative ideas, intensely desiring further
abductions, falling into an artificially orchestrated relationship with another abductee, and
being compelled to rationalize away ideas that contradict the agenda. The second
includes sudden and total loss of faith in pursuits that would have undermined alien
control, becoming irrationally antagonistic and break relations with friends, having a
strong aversion to certain lines of research, or simply being struck with spells of
forgetfulness or sleepiness when getting too close to forbidden territory7.
If an abductee is targeted for elimination due to having become too aware, unpredictable,
or influential in defiance of the agenda, then programming becomes a tool of attrition
hitting multiple subconscious vulnerabilities simultaneously for extended periods of time.
It wears down the target through repeated inductions of doubt, procrastination, cynicism,
anxiety, apathy, fear, irritability, aggression, depression, perversion, suicidal thoughts,
and other self-destructive thoughts and feelings. These symptoms do not exclusively
indicate mind programming, rather they are selected from the pool of human
dysfunctions due to their especially destructive nature.
People unaware of mind programming are easily defeated by it because they take these
unwelcome thoughts as their own. The key to countering mind programming is to
identify irrational impulses as they arise, use willpower to keep defying these impulses
until they cease, then analyze and fix what personal vulnerabilities were highlighted by
the experience.

Although manipulative aliens may use overt threats, rewards, punishment, and
harassment to get their way, these tactics are not subtle and thus less likely to succeed
when a target grows aware of them. It is more effective to bypass the conscious mind
altogether, sneak beneath the threshold of awareness, and thereby reduce the possibility
of suspicion and resistance. Aliens are more sophisticated than generally credited,
especially when it comes to their tactics of persuasion.
Hyperdimensional Manipulation
To give indication of the level of sophistication involved, consider that mind
programming is often paired with another set of tools aliens possess: the ability to view
probable futures, make small alterations to the past to change conditions in the present
and thereby shift the odds of those probable futures, and program useful people into
functioning as strategic players who carry out certain actions.
This allows orchestration of problematic life situations toward which the target will react
in the most damaging way according to his posthypnotic programming. Both external
reality and the subconscious are set up like dominoes so that they knock each other down
and produce the desired outcome. This can be used to socially isolate targets, break up
networks, subvert organizations, undercut collaborative projects, and hijack the making
of critical decisions. All of it is routine for interdimensional beings who have access to
our minds, who have good monitoring abilities, and who are not limited by linear time or
logistical shortcomings.
Why would they even bother messing with single individuals? Because small actions can
have large consequences. Interdimensional entities have an overhead view of our
timeline, able to see the past, present, and future simultaneously as an intelligent,
complex, and dynamic network of causal segments and choice points with which they can
interact. Due to various quantum and metaphysical factors, they are limited to varying
degrees in how much of this network they can perceive and alter. Their standard mode of
operation is to target critical moments on the timeline where our future is most in flux,
where the smallest nudging on their part produces the largest favorable outcome for them.
These moments are choice points where a straight sequence of events splits into multiple
probable futures.
The person whose decision these futures hinge upon is then targeted through
programming, telepathic persuasion, coercion from people who have been unwittingly
influenced to play that role, baiting through artificial synchronicities (freak coincidences
designed to create misleading impressions that a certain decision is the right one),
disinformative dreams or visions, and other creative forms of persuasion.
Simply by influencing his or her mind into making a different choice, the timeline can be
altered.8 Small alterations shift the game board and open opportunities for bigger
alterations, which in turn prepare the stage for even larger ones. No choice point on the
timeline is too small to target since small decisions can cascade into big effects down the
line. By patiently and strategically carrying out this process, alien timeline manipulators
seek to achieve the ultimate goal of completely turning over a timeline network in their

favor, thereby securing a probable future where they have achieved unassailable
dominance over their enemies.
Manipulation of Mass Consciousness
For humanity at large, the ultimate choice point is fast approaching and involves a global
decision concerning our relationship with alien forces who will have revealed themselves
by that point. Are the people of earth ready to make that decision? No, but time is up. As
things currently stand, the decision would be heavily biased by the backwards
assumptions underpinning our various cultures, the irrational exuberance of religious
expectations, and the narrow-minded recommendations of scientific Academia who are
clueless about the hidden layers of the alien presence. Then what must be an informed
decision will instead become a disinformed decision thanks to alien propaganda and the
influence of compromised opinion leaders groomed to persuade hungry minds with
selective evidence and slick sophistry.
This is conveniently in line with the nature of hyperdimensional conquest. Unlike
physical warfare, it employs nonphysical weapons to fight for nonphysical territory. It is
the way of psychological, metaphysical, and interdimensional subjugation. Since
consciousness is the foundation of reality, manipulation of consciousness is what secures
control over the minds and souls of entire civilizations and thus their destiny and reality.
That is the danger we now face.
Continue to Part 3
1 See CE-VI (Baldwin, 1999) and The Love Bite (Lorgen, 1999, pp. 193-194).
2 The late Adrian Dvir claimed aliens had installed a dimensionally overlapping medical
clinic into his apartment. Contactee fore (member of the Open Minds Forum) was
taught by his alien contact about phasing technology that could make objects invisible
and pass through solid matter. The Cassiopaean Transcripts in session 951104 discusses
alien bases dimensionally overlapping human military bases.
3 The Cassiopaean Transcripts session 941022: Extreme fear and anxiety builds up
fear/anxiety energy which is of a negative nature which fuels the beings that you speak of
in that they draw from that and produce a sort of a fueling energy which keeps them
going as one of their forms of nourishment based on their metabolic structure. From The
Law of One, Book I, Session 26: The Orion group uses the physical examination as a
means of terrifying the individual and causing it to feel the feelings of an advanced
second-density being such as a laboratory animal. The sexual experiences of some are a
sub-type of this experience. The intent is to demonstrate the control of the Orion entities
over the Terran inhabitant.
4 Far Journeys (Monroe, 1978, pp. 162-172) gives an allegorial depiction of earth as an
energy farm producing loosh for nonphysical beings via fear, suffering, and death in

humans. The same idea has been portrayed in films like The Matrix (1999) and Monsters,
Inc. (2001).
5 It is not uncommon for individuals to suddenly get sleepy, fidgety, or brain-fog when
reading, watching, or hearing something they are not supposed to learn. Such materials
tend to center on information helpful to freeing them from manipulation by negative
forces. I suspect that brain implants could accomplish this automatically by monitoring
for keywords or key-thought-patterns and injecting an electrical or etheric impulse to
disrupt the thinking process. Posthypnotic commands could do this as well.
6 The Love Bite (Lorgen, 1999, pp. 199-200)
7 Secret Dont Tell (Emery, 1998) gives a comprehensive overview of mainstream
knowledge on hypnotism, mind control, and posthypnotic programming. This mainstream
knowledge only scratches the surface, however. Alien and military abductors may use
more sophisticated techniques like detaching the soul from the body, virtual reality
equipment directly linked with the mind, remote dream manipulation, gravitational pulse
guns to induce trance states, sophisticated drugs that operate at the quantum level, and
vocal hypnotic scripts generated by AI systems integrated with remote viewing networks
to gauge the probability of success resulting from a particular command.
The Nature of Disinformation
Disinformation is the most potent tool for manipulating mass consciousness. While there
is no shortage of innocent misinformation stemming from logical fallacies, wishful
thinking, false assumptions, selective evidence, and outright ignorance, disinformation
intentionally exploits these weaknesses to shape the beliefs and actions of targeted
Disinformation is especially successful when its core agenda is bundled in the sincere
convictions of disseminators who have their own vested interests in believing and
defending it. A cold and calculating intelligence may devise a disinformation package to
be propagated through a naive individual who finds it so appealing to his ego identity and
emotional security that he will do everything to defend it. This allows a small and unseen
group of disinformers to work through a vast body of unsuspecting vectors who sincerely
believe in what they are doing.
Disinformation also uses selective evidence to support false conclusions. Good reasoning
may proceed from false premises, fallacious twists of logic are used, or reasoning is
discouraged and the conclusion asked to be taken on either the emotional appeal or
authority of its purported source. Disinformation has no problem throwing strategic
gambits, revealing genuine but convenient truths to make its case if the payoff is bigger
than the sacrifice.
Discerning Disinformation
Discerning disinformation is tricky business. It amounts to performing a mental biopsy
on the pathological underpinnings of a suspect source. It helps to have a well-honed

intuition that can detect pretense, after which critical thinking converges on the exact
problem. Problems tend to be false assumptions, ignored counterexamples, logical
fallacies, and ulterior motives.
More specifically, alien disinformation plays to these common psychological
vulnerabilities: lazy thinking, ego insecurities and the desire to be special, naive optimism
that leads good intentions down a dangerous path, greater respect for credibility and
authority than personal discernment and intuition, wishful thinking, desperation for
answers and consequent lowering of standards, wonderment at amazing but superficial
appearances to the point of gullibility, and desire for escapism out of sheer boredom.
Since the goal is to influence opinion, the best disinformation is concise, slick, and
persuasive. It maximizes credibility by taking whatever form of authority the target
respects most and is careful to dispel suspicions that the source is doing it for fame or
financial gain. It is false to assume that if someone risks publishing revelatory
information without asking anything in return, he must be sincere; on the contrary, what
disinformation asks for in return is belief in its half-truths.
The best disinformation so tidily packages its deceptions that the containing story can be
impressively concise, charming, entertaining, and easy to follow. It goes beyond mere
logical fallacies and employs hypnotic techniques to massage the targeted mind into
accepting the payload. These manipulation tactics are nothing exotic. Psychological
warfare specialists, street magicians, neurolinguistic programmers, and advertisers make
regular use of them in their professions.
Disinformation must ideally exploit the deepest desires, insecurities, and blind spots of
the target, which necessarily vary by audience type. The originators of disinformation
therefore use different methods and sources to appeal to different audiences. In the case
of individuals used as unwitting agents of deception, their selection depends on how
easily their weaknesses allow them to be hooked into performing that function and how
well their strengths are suited to playing on the weaknesses of the audience. In this way a
chain of influence reaches the audience by way of an intermediary who has the added
appeal of being skilled and respected.
Avenues of Disinformation
What follows is an exploration of several avenues for alien disinformation and why they
are convenient and effective. This should indicate just how easily the fringe research
community and general public can be misled by sources they trust if they fail to consider
the possibilities discussed below. NOTE: These avenues can also be outlets for truth, so
my aim is not to universally discredit these sources, but rather point out their potential
The Channeler

Summary: Channeling involves one or more individuals allowing themselves to be used

by unseen intelligences who communicate information through them. This includes the
use of Ouija boards, mediumistic trance states, automatic writing, and conscious
verbalization of intuitive impressions. Pendulum dowsing, muscle testing, scrying, and
crystal gazing may also allow such communication. The channeled sources may claim to
be anything ranging from aliens to angels, deceased persons to demonic beings, famous
individuals in history, time travelers, other dimensional entities, the subconscious, and
impersonal archetypes.
Strength of Source: Discarnate entities, alien beings, and advanced human military
factions can transmit verbal and visual information remotely, whether
electromagnetically or telepathically. They also have limited ability to induce paranormal
phenomena, predict the future, and arrange synchronistic events by which they can prove
their existence and overwhelmingly awe the target into submission. This exploits the
logical fallacy that truth of existence somehow equates to existence of truth, which
ignores the possibility of real sources providing bogus information where it counts. These
demonstrations of faux omniscience, omnipotence, and precognition rule out that the
source is just a fabrication of the channeler, but do not prove that the source being
channeled is necessarily being truthful.
Channeling also affords deceptive sources anonymity and freedom to fabricate an identity
and back-story. Channeling is therefore highly customizable to the weaknesses of the
targets. The same source can change identities repeatedly to whatever sounds most
Weakness of Vector: Establishing and maintaining a connection requires mental
dissociation so that the source can come through clearly without restriction by the
conscious mind of the channeler. This amounts to a relinquishing of freewill, and a
manipulative entity may abuse this offer by sinking roots into the mind of the channeler,
deeper than it could otherwise. In worst cases this can lead to possession, where the
channeler not only transmits disinformation during specified sessions, but becomes a
walking extension of the negative entity, serving an agenda in broader ways. Conscious
abandonment over the channeling process may also grow into habitual abandonment of
discernment and critical thinking, whereby the channeler simply accepts and relays what
is transmitted after having been won over with convenient but trivial truths.
Strength of Vector: Being just the messenger frees a channeler from having to personally
defend the information received. The source is likewise freed from always having to back
up its claims, relying instead on self-proclaimed authority and various specious excuses.
Through channeling, disinformation is given unlimited creative latitude, taking bold and
direct expressions since claims that are too far-fetched for other audiences will readily be
accepted by channeling enthusiasts. If especially entertaining and fascinating, source and
channeler rise to cult or celebrity status, which adds to the authority factor that overrides
critical thinking.

Weakness of Audience: Since channeling is perceived by rationalists as a dubious means

of investigation, it appeals more to people who pride themselves on being open minded
and not fettered by the limitations of cold intellect. Yet there is a fine line between open
mindedness and gullibility, and those who would replace rather than complement reason
with intuition leave themselves vulnerable to logical sleights of hand, emotional
manipulation, wishful thinking, and other forms of subjectivity. Channeled
disinformation would play upon these weaknesses.
Remote Viewer
Summary: Remote viewing uses rigid protocols to psychically gather information about a
target with minimal subjective bias. Several remote viewers may tune into the same target
and receive similar impressions, which are then analyzed afterward to construct an
accurate assessment of the target. The U.S. military is publicly known to have explored
remote viewing as an intelligence gathering method. More recently, various researchers
have used remote viewing to probe the nature of the alien presence.
Strength of Source: As in the case of channeling, alien and advanced human disinformers
can transmit information remotely through natural or artificial telepathy. Remote viewers,
even entire teams, are thus open to having their psychic line spliced by such disinformers
and fed misleading impressions.
Weakness of Vector: The greatest weakness is assuming that remote viewing success is
measured by its signal to noise ratio, which ignores the possibility of a strong but
counterfeit signal. Even with subjectivity eliminated, what remains is no guarantee of
being truthful.
Strength of Vector: Remote viewing has a reputation for being rigid, objective, and even
scientific. Some of its practitioners have worked for the military, others have respectable
academic backgrounds. All this gives it an air of credibility and authority that can
augment any disinformation disseminated through it.
Weakness of Audience: Remote viewing appeals to open minded individuals who value
objectivity and scientific procedure. Although it is more hard-edged than channeling,
when used for disinformation the apparent objectivity is just better window dressing for
the same deception. That the public military has experimented with remote viewing and
successfully gathered intelligence on targets in nations without psychic defenses does not
mean remote viewing alien targets is equally reliable. Disinformation passed through
remote viewers disseminates deceptive ideas under the guise of strict objectivity.
Insider / Whistleblower
Summary: Insiders are members of secret societies, military projects, or government
agencies who are privy to non-public information. For various reasons, insiders may leak
some of this information to the public. Often they do it anonymously, perhaps through
third party contacts on the outside who can vouch for their identity but keep it

confidential while relaying the information. They may also speak openly without hiding
their identity, but then tend to be careful about not revealing more than they are allowed.
Some self-claimed insiders are casually upfront and detailed, seemingly holding nothing
Strength of Source: Insiders work within highly controlled, compartmentalized, and
monitored environments as demanded by the secret nature of their work. They are
therefore in proximity to high level sources of disinformation who have immediate access
to them, particularly sources stationed above them in the hierarchy. If the source is an
advanced military faction, the covert nature of the military network allows personnel to
be abducted and mind programmed as necessary to create unwitting disinformation
vectors. Personnel may also be tested, monitored, and recruited into becoming skilled
disinformation operatives, whether fully aware of their mission to deceive, or given a
convincing cover story and some fake but noble sounding reason to leak important
information to the public. Some may even be shown misleading evidence and documents
and stealthily nudged into becoming whistleblowers, thereby spreading deception with
full conviction that they are somehow undermining their superiors when, in actuality,
they are doing the opposite.
Weakness of Vector: Insiders gain increasing levels of security clearance by
demonstrating a need to know, passing tests of allegiance and usability, signing secrecy
oaths, giving away personal rights, and agreeing ahead of time to the punishments for
breaking these oaths. Secretive networks have numerous methods for ensuring that
security stays intact including monetary incentives, blackmail, threats to livelihood,
hypnotic mind control, and selecting only highly manageable and obedient candidates for
recruitment. Personnel are only told what they need to know to do their jobs, which often
includes false but plausible stories to compel their cooperation. Compartmentalization
makes it difficult for an insider to compare notes with others to detect disinformation fed
to him by superiors. Despite having secret knowledge, insiders are still woefully in the
dark concerning information beyond their clearance level. Compartmentalization keeps
the bigger picture out of sight, and without that context insiders may not always detect
disinformation in what they have already been told.
Strength of Vector: Anyone who is verifiably on the inside is venerated for being in so
privileged and qualified a position, and for being courageous and generous enough to risk
leaking precious information to the public. This bestows upon their words great credence
because what they say amounts to expert witness testimony, words by those who are
positioned to know. Of course this appearance of authority creates the perfect vehicle for
seeding disinformation. Secrecy oaths and national security laws are also good excuses
for dodging certain inconvenient questions and adding an atmosphere of intrigue.
Weakness of Audience: Compartmentalization and secrecy laws prevent the public from
more thoroughly investigating insider claims by barring them from accessing evidence
under wraps, documents still classified, and witnesses unwilling to risk their lives. Much
of what insiders say must be taken on their credibility. If they can prove their credentials,
that impresses many, but insiders are secured an influential voice if their story is also

conveniently corroborated by leaked documents and intriguing photos that pander to the
audiences assumptions, questions, and desperation for confirmation.
Audiences are guaranteed to be duped if they fail to rule out the possibility of the insider
being a disinformer regardless of his credentials, especially if his claims are supported by
forged photos and documents supplied by the well-equipped and connected network
sponsoring him. The best that audiences can do is look for errors and contradictions in his
claims and, more importantly, make a probabilistic assessment of his integrity based on
the angle behind his claims and whom it would benefit most.
Public Official
Summary: Public officials include elected or appointed members of political and
religious institutions, those with special titles and credentials who are in respected
positions of leadership.
Strength of Source: Disinformers hold the great advantage of influencing through a
highly visible figurehead without themselves being seen. They can be among his personal
advisors, programmed or recruited associates who are planted close to him to sway his
beliefs and decisions, secret organizations from which he periodically receives
instructions, or alien factions abducting and programming him into adopting their goals.
These sources can easily blackmail the official, exploit his naivet, offer incentives of
money and power for obedience, and tell or show him whatever truth shocks him into
Weakness of Vector: The official is foremost a public figure whose loss of reputation and
popular support spells the end of his career. He can therefore be threatened with character
assassination, real assassination, or bribed with promises of personal and institutional
advancement and protection. Being a public official can be so time-consuming that time
for personal independent research and thorough contemplation is limited, which may
make him dependent on advisors for condensed briefings and recommendations. This
makes for reliance on potential sources of disinformation and an overall lack of
discernment concerning matters beyond his expertise. His prominence as a public figure
may also make him too much of a liability to be given the real truth, so he may be barred
from higher security clearances unless he has an absolute need to know. Unless he has
intelligence, allegiance, and power that surpass his role as public official, he is
Strength of Vector: Officials are decision-makers, opinion leaders. If their reputation is
intact, their words hold sway over public opinion. They can influence public opinion to
hijack democracy, advancing private agendas under the protection of majority vote.
Officials can also invoke the power and reverence of the institutions they represent, like a
church official declaring some political agenda as being in the will of God.
Weakness of Audience: The audience in this case is the general public, the least
discerning audience of all. Typically speaking, the public has blind respect for authority,

is easily impressed by credentials, and lacks the knowledge and context to properly
evaluate what they are told especially if they are told disinformation concerning fringe
subjects like aliens. This is simply the fact of statistical averages. The mainstream public
needs security, stability, and certainty, which authorities are obliged to provide, though
not without political motivation. Should public officials reveal the existence of aliens
with full sanctioning by their affiliated institutions, the shock to mass consciousness and
ensuing clamor for answers would allow these officials to unload a well-received torrent
of disinformation concerning alien motivations and identities.
Summary: Academics include credentialed doctors, scientists, professors, theologians,
analysts, and other highly educated specialists whose research and presentations methods
are formal, systematic, and sophisticated. Those involved in researching various facets of
the alien phenomenon may have degrees useful to their facet of study. They typically cite
other academics to boost their own credibility, drawing their conclusions by surveying
the relevant literature and collating authoritative viewpoints into a generalized
observation somewhat enhanced by their own original research.
Strength of Source: Since the intellectual capabilities and strategic value of an academic
can be inferred without difficulty through his credentials, reputation, and publications, a
broad pool of candidates may be monitored to select who is most qualified to be groomed
into a disinformation vector. Academics who refuse to cooperate and become liabilities
can be eliminated, either through murder or smearing of character.
Alien and military factions can also corrupt the relied-upon data pool by inserting decoy
data, say through abductees programmed with screen memories that portray a false
picture of alien motivations. In that case, without suspecting the possibility of deception,
an academic will accept the decoy at face value and inject its contents into his works.
Even if he suspects it, his suspicions cannot be voiced without risking his credibility by
appearing paranoid.
Weakness of Vector: The need to preserve reputation and appear reasoned, cautious, and
formal can lead to an agnostic timidity that keeps the academic from taking those creative
leaps of thinking necessary to penetrate the depths of a mystery. It also discourages him
from acknowledging sources of information that do not meet the standard of his peers
despite containing critical pieces of the puzzle. Additionally, it is no secret that
universities are as much indoctrination and filtering devices as they are educational
institutions, and those who most successfully pass through that filter have demonstrated
programmability and a willingness to obey the rules and pander to group consensus.
Despite having a sharp intellect, the potential lack of individualism and astute intuition
can make a renowned academic gullible to the grandest of deceptions, especially those
endorsed by his respected peers and academic superiors.
Strength of Vector: The primary strength of an academic is his level of sophistication, in
the sense of being cultured and refined. However, sophistication does not necessarily

mean discernment as it could equally mean being a sophisticated rationalizer and

disinformer, hence a master sophist. Further, academics are automatically endowed with
credibility due to their credentials and often work in positions of influence and
advisement. Credibility and sophistication together lead to effective debunking of truths
and verification of lies. They can also function as role models in the fringe community,
spreading an infectious attitude of myopic agnosticism to those most in need of the
Weakness of Audience: For some audiences, academics are epitomes of objectivity and
respectability who are beyond reproach, especially groups of academics in agreement
with each other. The most skeptical audiences will listen to academics more than other
types of disinformation vectors. They may find the disinformation to be more plausible
than the truth because at least it fits their unrealistic assumptions and comes from an
assumedly incorruptible source. The job of an academic disinformer would be to make an
intricate case for a deceptive agenda while marginalizing contrary truths as not meeting
the standards of plausibility and credibility.
Abductee / Contactee
Summary: Abductees and contactees are people who have had direct contact with alien
beings. Abductees are taken from their familiar surroundings and brought into the
abductor environment where they undergo various procedures. Contactees have
conscious participation in the interaction and become spokespersons for their alien
contacts. Not all contactees are necessarily abductees, nor are all abductees necessarily
contactees, but the two categories overlap since contactees get abducted and abductees
can be groomed into consciously facilitating an alien message.
Strength of Source: Abductors have direct access to the abductee in an environment they
control. Various alien and military factions can create false memories, scan the mind and
the bodys etheric vibrational signature to analyze weaknesses and biases, use
posthypnotic mind programming techniques to install subconscious commands, employ
telepathic or implant-generated persuasion, monitor their subjects from afar, stage false
confirmation through garish coincidences, and construct exquisite lies and
rationalizations. They can also scan the population to select those who are most suitable
to their aims, employing logistical and hyperdimensional advantages to give customized
Weakness of Vector: The greatest weakness of an abductee or contactee is knowing less
about himself than what his contacts or abductors know. They have backdoor entrances to
his mind and can perform manipulations that stealthily influence his thoughts and
impulses. Unless he is aware of that possibility and guards against it, it is rather
Abductees and contactees may feel alienated from society due to having uncommon and
unbelievable experiences, thus seeing themselves as different from others. If hitched to
ego, this can degenerate into feelings of privilege, superiority, or specialness that serve as

hook points for the abductors to compel allegiance. Their identity may become so heavily
invested in being the contactee of a particular alien group that any suggestion of
dishonest motivations by their alien contacts is subconsciously interpreted as an attack
upon their very identity, which naturally provokes an irrational defense mechanism.
Some may simply give up, feeling overpowered by superior intelligences with superior
technology, and in a psychotic attempt to salvage the situation turn into willing and
zealous cooperators per Stockholm Syndrome.
Strength of Vector: Real abductees and contactees exude plenty of sincerity and
conviction in recounting their firsthand experiences with aliens. Their candor can be
disarming to undiscerning audiences. Abductees who document their experiences may
have audiovisual, medical, or testimonial evidence that they are indeed being abducted,
and that alone piques peoples curiosity about what they learned in the presence of real
Weakness of Audience: Like in the case of channelers, contactees can become the center
of personality cults, playing the role of intermediaries between the audience and their
alien idols like a prophet or pontiff intermediating between worshippers and the divine. It
is the abductee and contactees proximity and direct interaction with mysterious aliens
that boosts the credibility of whatever disinformation is vectored through them.
The targeted audience consists of abductees searching for answers, researchers of the
abduction phenomenon looking for inside information on alien motivations, and people
wishing they themselves could be contacted by aliens. Disinformation appeals to their
private longings and blind spots, taking what little they know toward false conclusions
and satisfying their ego along the way.
Summary: The hypnotist is trained to guide a client into achieving altered states of
consciousness deep enough to access the subconscious. The hypnotic trance is one of
suggestibility and dissociation. Abduction researchers commonly accept hypnosis as an
investigative tool to help their subjects recover abduction memories made inaccessible by
having been in an altered state of consciousness during the abduction, or by abductors
installing screen memories and posthypnotic commands to forget. Hypnotized subjects
can also be used for remote viewing, exploring past and future probable lives, and as
passive instruments for channeling other beings.
Strength of Source: Alien and military factions can install screen memories with multiple
fail-safe layers in abductees, stage misleading abduction scenarios, and jack into a
hypnotized subjects mind to speak through him while he is unconscious.
Weakness of Vector: Hypnotists may be in over their heads when dealing with
disinformation sources coming through their clients. If they are unaware that screen
memories can lurk beneath deeper screen memories, they may only penetrate the decoy

screen and accept the next one as likely truth. Same with staged abductions, where what
is recalled is indeed what was experienced, but the experience itself was staged for the
abductee as a diversion. Furthermore, if the hypnotized person becomes an instrument
through which a disinformer can directly speak, then the hypnotist is in live contact with
someone or something that can play to his weaknesses.
Strength of Vector: The information retrievable through hypnosis is fascinating,
entertaining, and sometimes verifiable. This gives it wide appeal and respect in the fringe
research field. It may also be used by academics as a research supplement to expand their
data pool. Like in the case of channeling, because what is said cannot always be verified,
disinformation can be as creative and fantastic as desired.
Weakness of Audience: Disinformation rides the assumption that what is retrieved
through hypnosis, if not fabricated by the subject or induced by the hypnotist through
leading questions, is very likely the truth. Again, this is the fallacy if not subjective and
false, then objective and true, which ignores the possibility of objective deception. In
ordinary cases where no deceptive intentions are involved, hypnosis can indeed be
reliable, but the trust and respect hypnosis earns through reliable cases should not be
blindly transferred to potentially disinformative cases.
Direct Messages
Summary: Messages to the public may appear to come directly from aliens without an
intermediary. This includes radio signals from space, hijacked television transmissions,
crop circles, and anonymously disseminated texts written from their point of view1.
Strength of Source: Any alien or military group with sufficiently advanced technology
can create crop circles, take over television signals, broadcast radio signals from space,
and use anonymous human proxies to distribute carefully written messages to the world.
Their abilities greatly exceed what the casual hoaxer can pull off, which they use to their
advantage to make the messages seem beyond hoaxability and thus authentic.
Weakness of Audience: If the audience believes the message really comes from aliens,
they will be intrigued and take the message as a sincere declaration of alien intentions.
The message may take an authoritative tone, take the form of responses to messages we
ourselves have sent into space, appeal to ethical memes like concerns over global
warming, overpopulation, or government corruption, tantalize the intellect with feigned
crypticism, or prime the audience for future deceptions by giving key future dates and
prophecies. The audience must be convinced aliens are sending urgent messages to the
world so that the content of the message influences their opinion about the nature of these
aliens and what must be done. Disinformation sent by way of direct messages aim to
distort public awareness of alien motivations and influence the audience into supporting
certain actions and values that are beneficial to an agenda.

As can be seen, disinformation uses a variety of methods to target a variety of audiences:

* The general public who would prefer stability and security over disquieting truths
* Spiritual and New Age types who succumb to wishful thinking and emotionalism
* Intellectuals whose limited reasoning follows from flawed premises
* Countercultures whose fascination with the bizarre outweighs their interest in truth
* Factualists who only accept evidence fitting their subjective standards of credibility
* Political activists who would support false solutions to combat true injustices
* UFO buffs who hungrily swallow crumbs of disinformation for its sensational nature
* Abductees whose identities are invested in being liaisons between humans and aliens
Methods include:
* Appealing to blind respect for authority
* Appealing to false and limiting assumptions
* Appealing to emotional biases
* Appealing to a need for safety, security, and certainty
* Appealing to the egos desire for identity and specialness
* Appealing to boredom through tantalizing and entertaining stories
* Appealing to skepticism to ridicule the truth
* Appealing to mental lassitude by presenting an unnecessarily simplistic picture
* Offering a false outlet for good intentions
* Using logical sleights of hand
* Forcing a choice between two equally false opposites
* Providing misleading evidence
* Staging artificial corroboration through seemingly independent sources
How can one tell if a source is peddling disinformation and not just innocently expressing
a differing opinion? It is true that people can unwittingly pass on half-truths after having
bought into them, but the question concerns the ultimate source of those ideas. The
answer is that the intentionality behind disinformation gives its flaws a pointed direction.
In other words, the flaws are too clever and directional to be unintentional, bearing the
signature of crafty intelligence beneath its projected guise of innocence.
Leaderless Conspiracy
At the same time, it must be emphasized that an agenda can be carried out through
seemingly opposing elements, whereby the illusion of outward disunity and
independence cloaks the underlying order.
Therefore the conspiracy isnt as organized as one would think because those beneath the
capstone of the pyramid of control may seemingly act on their own. They may be at odds
with each other, mutually suspicious or contemptuous, independently carrying out their
own agendas and acting on unique ideologies. But like swimmers drifting down a river
together despite moving independently relative to each other, these vectors may oppose

and cancel each other in the superficial sense while still sharing a common direction that
advances the highest unseen agenda.
There is no need for coordination among lower elements of a conspiracy if a broad range
of carefully designed causes initiated earlier produce cascading effects that cleverly
converge at the right time. For human conspirators this would require incredible
foresight, but foresight and hindsight are interchangeable for interdimensional forces
operating outside linear time who have no problem scanning the timeline for the right
points to target.
So while different streams of disinformation and misinformation appear to contradict
each other in the details, it is their common direction and combined synergy that matter.
One must examine the ultimate consequences to discern the ultimate motives. This I will
do in the next part by providing and analyzing numerous examples of alien
Deciphering the Core Deception
The greatest strength of disinformation is also its greatest weakness. That it can reach so
many means it cannot reach everyone. Since its audience has limited intelligence and
attention span, the message must be dumbed down to meet its mark. That makes it
conspicuous to anyone with a more discerning eye. For a message to be so clever as to
deceive even the most discerning, it would necessarily be so subtle and complex as to fly
right over the heads of its intended audience. Disinformation packaged for a popular
alternative radio show, for example, would capture the minds of a good majority of the
audience, but it would be so simplistic that listeners in the discerning minority would roll
their eyes. Good disinformation must be sufficiently sophisticated to minimize into
irrelevance the discerning minority, while keeping it simple enough to appeal to the
required majority.
Disinformation originates with intent to advance an agenda, so it can be reverseengineered to reveal that agenda. By analyzing enough alien disinformation one can
logically deduce the alien agenda. Alternatively, one can hypothesize what the agenda
might be and then check whether different sources bearing the traits of disinformation are
consistent with that hypothesis.
In my fifteen years studying the subject, what emerged was a distinct pattern of
disinformation woven throughout numerous sources ranging from the academic to
mystical publications. For convenience I will call this pattern the Core Deception. It
consists of half-truths split up among seemingly independent sources but sharing a
common direction of persuasion. Often the same falsehoods were framed differently to
appeal to certain audiences.
The Core Deception contains the following key elements:
* Encouraging suspension of discernment
* Misapplying spiritual principles

* Spinning the unavoidable facts

* Framing alien interference in divine light or destiny
* Threatening with consequences of not cooperating
* Enticing through promises and rewards
* Taking naive assumptions toward false conclusions
* Manipulating emotions through euphemisms and dysphemisms
* Debasing humanity
* Scapegoating corrupt human leadership
* Securing amnesty for corrupt human leadership
* Glorifying the alien image and appealing to sympathy
* Coercing individual and collective consent
* Demanding unification and integration of humans with aliens
* Limiting awareness of hyperdimensional reality
* Offering false dichotomies through role swapping
What follows is a deeper exploration of these elements. Real examples are paraphrased
from the literature together with my commentary and analysis. Remember that these
examples exist out there right now and are actively shaping public opinion toward
holding a certain view of the alien presence. Compare the picture pushed by the Core
Deception to the one being presented in this book and decide for yourself which is more
comprehensive, true to experience, logical, and realistic.
[If you are short on time, you may skip to Part 5 ]
Elements of the Core Deception
1. Encouraging suspension of discernment
We cannot judge aliens as bad if we ourselves have problems.
This statement portrays discernment as a hypocritical act of moral judgment, then
discourages discernment by suggesting we should avoid hypocrisy by not pointing
fingers in the first place. It presents a false choice between scrutinizing either aliens or
humans while ignoring the other. Instead, we need to objectively examine both for
problems. Maybe some human problems are related to alien ones, as when aliens are
involved in unethical behavioral modification of human targets.
It would be hypocritical to cry foul about what negative aliens do to humans since
humans themselves eat, abuse, and experiment upon animals.
As mentioned, the injustices committed by both humans and aliens should be brought to
light, but lets keep in mind that one wrong does not justify another, nor does the
elimination of one wrong eliminate another. Even if all humans were to become vegans,
the purported trend of certain aliens eating humans would continue. It is not just rapists
who are abducted and raped, or meat lovers who are taken and eaten, or cattle ranchers
who make up the population of implanted and domesticated abductees. It is more a case
of animal abuse and experimentation being a microcosmic reflection of a greater negative

dynamic that certain aliens have taken to a high art. When one looks at who is
committing the greater atrocities upon animals, one sees that these so-called humans
have lost all touch with their humanity and have aligned with something subhuman or
demonic, and the same can be said of aliens who do it to humans. Neither should be
beyond reproach due to the actions of the other.
We should not think about negative aliens because what we focus upon, we energize
and attract.
This is a misapplication of the Law of Attraction1. While we do attract what we become
obsessed with or emotionally invested in, the converse is not true that we repel what we
ignore. While ignoring something removes the force of attraction, it can still manifest by
chance or through its own freewill. What really repels and blocks is awareness,
preventive action, and intentions and requests for protection. Therefore this statement is
totally backwards in advocating ignorance as the solution. Ignorance merely leaves the
door wide open.
We cannot understand the motivation of aliens because they are so much more
advanced than we are.
The humanoids we are dealing with are advanced but similar enough that, through
diligent research, personal experience, and spiritual intelligence we can understand
enough of their motivations to detect benevolence or insincerity. Those who assume
limits for human understanding have failed to probe those limits themselves and therefore
have no right making such claims, and even if they probed and hit a brick wall, others
may still blast right through it.
We do not know enough, so we should keep it simple and stick to a black/white view.
This recommends ignorance in the name of practicality and objectivity, implying that we
ought to just move forward using what we have regarding the alien presence and keep it
simple. What a defeatist perspective. Instead of settling for a simplistic and erroneous
picture, what should be done is to broaden the scope of research and apply some critical
thinking to keep improving the accuracy of the picture.
We cannot determine alien intentions until after working with them long enough to see
what they have to offer, anything sooner is jumping to conclusions.
The more we learn about the alien presence and their possible motivations beforehand
from the mountains of evidence and research already available, the more discerning and
astutely perceptive we will be when it comes time for contact and negotiations. In other
words, we will more quickly discern alien intentions if coming to the table prepared,
perhaps quick enough to avert disastrous commitments. This statement instead
encourages the postponement of judgment until long after numerous agreements and
relations with alien factions have already been established, which may be too late if the
alien faction in question is particularly persuasive and invasive.

Our lack of understanding is what leads to misperceiving alien methods as being

hostile. We are like scared animals resisting the help of a kind veterinarian. Aliens are
here to teach us, and our irrational fear of them is what keeps us from learning.
There is a difference between a blind fear reaction to something unknown, and the
discovery of alien skulduggery after years of research. Lack of understanding can just as
easily lead to perceiving insincere forces as benevolent, while proper understanding can
peel away the mask and reveals the deceptive dynamics beneath. There is too much
research, abductee testimony, and historical evidence indicating hostile intentions among
some alien factions. To rationalize them all away as mere fear reactions and
misunderstandings is naive and dishonest to the extreme.
The greatest barriers produce the greatest rewards, therefore we need to move through
our fear of aliens and accept our partnership with them to reap the rewards.
This is another example of passing wise prudence off as ignorant fear. While there are
people who fear the unknown and thus fear all aliens inclusively, there are others who
have enough awareness of negative alien factions to likewise be cautious, though with
eyes open instead of closed. The challenge humanity faces is not only overcoming fear of
the unknown, but lack of discernment concerning the unknown once it breaches the walls
consensus reality.
To anticipate the arrival of aliens as being anything other than a positive blessing is
giving into primitive fear-centers of your brain instead of the more evolved parts.
Again this tries to pass off educated cautionary perspectives as blind fear reactions. It
plays on the politically correct, materialistic, self-deprecating meme that humans are
more primitive than they truly are. While many humans are indeed brutish by alien
standards, it is underhanded to project this upon others who are mature, aware,
discerning, and have done the research, gone through the experiences, and/or incarnated
with uncommon knowledge concerning the alien presence.
Focusing on negative aliens distracts us from moving forward with the majority of
aliens who are positive.
Being aware of negative aliens, their characteristics, tactics, and motivations is what
allows us to distinguish between genuinely positive aliens and those who merely pretend
to be positive. In fact, positive alien factions may require a minimum standard of
discernment in their potential contacts, and knowing how to discern between them and
impostors may be the awaited proof of maturity and worthiness of contact. This doesnt
mean one should become obsessed with negative potentials to the exclusion of positive,
nor the other way around, rather one should strive for balance between both.

There is no right or wrong, good or bad, when it comes to aliens because these are
labels stemming from our own judgmental attitudes.
This kind of moral relativism ensures that, with zero discernment, humanity would hand
the reigns of its destiny over to the first alien faction to volunteer itself as our surrogate
conscience. Instead of rejecting judgment, we ought to hone it. As long as positive versus
negative are defined logically, intuitively, and discerningly, valid judgments can be made
without falling into the errors of emotional bias, blind dogma, or backward tradition.
Since humanity will face the consequences of its decisions, it alone must make those
decisions according to its highest system of standards in order to grow from the
experience and preserve self-determination.
Alien factions have their own ideologies, some meeting the standards established by
mankind, others not. This separates alien factions out into those who respect mankinds
decisions, and those who oppose or undermine. Therefore even if all judgment were
subjective and viewpoints relative, it is still the responsibility of all individuals to make
distinctions between different alien motivations to see which ones are agreeable.
2. Misapplying spiritual principles
We are all One, all fragments of God on the path to self-realization and merger with
God. There can be no such thing as an alien invasion. For them to invade us is as
impossible as us invading ourselves, because aliens are us, and we are them.
Creation is not just an amorphous blob of homogenous unity, but a unified diversity.
Individual minds are cut from the same cloth of consciousness, but since each mind is
endowed with freewill, its choices may run into conflict with the choices of others. This
is what breeds competition or cooperation. A lion and gazelle may be One in the
absolute sense, but that has no bearing on whether the lion can or cannot capture and kill
the gazelle. Likewise, the freewill of hostile aliens factions and humans may be in
conflict with each other, where one ultimately wins out; this neither invalidates, nor is
invalidated by, the fact that both aliens and humans are manifestations of the same
primordial consciousness underlying Creation.
You are the creator of your experience, therefore you cannot be a victim, and therefore
aliens cannot be abusers.
This argument hinges on an erroneous, oversimplified, and overextended picture of how
individual consciousness is entangled with personal experiential reality. Quantum physics
supports the idea that observed reality is shaped by the consciousness of the observer, but
there are overlooked subtleties and limitations to this interaction. Even though we create
our experiential reality by choosing at certain points, we do not create it completely
enough to eliminate all possibility of freewill violation, abuse, or victimization. We are
often overridden by the causal consequences of prior choices made by ourselves and
others who are mutually entangled with our reality.

There is also a difference between consenting to risk and consenting to some particular
manifestation of that risk. For example, every time you drive, you accept the risk of an
accident without choosing to have an accident per se. Agreeing to face the risk of freewill
violation by choosing to enter into a reality where that possibility exists does not translate
into consenting to the violation when it tries to occur. So freewill violations can still take
place in environments that one has freely chosen to enter.
When we fear aliens, we are really fearing the part of ourselves that they represent, and
we represent the part of themselves that they lack. Therefore we need each other as
mirrors to learn and grow into our full potential.
For this argument to work, the parts of ourselves that aliens represent must be parts we
fear irrationally. Then it would follow that accepting and integrating these parts toward
greater psychological completion reflects over into accepting and integrating with aliens
to become complete as a civilization. But what if the aliens of concern represent the
psychopathic, parasitic, predatory parts of ourselves that we have good reason to
overcome? Then instead of accepting both, we would need to acknowledge and overcome
both, and in doing so we jettison the inner and outer dross and grow into our full
potential. The question is whether to integrate or overcome, and the answer depends on
the particular motives and characteristics of an alien faction and whether what they
represent is healthy and progressive or entropic and dysfunctional.
What you resist persists. The more allowance you give to aliens, the less unnecessary
pain, resistance, and fear persists in the process and the more it becomes an exciting
journey of joy and discovery.
It is true that resisting good and necessary experiences creates friction and pain, but the
statement falsely assumes that alien abductions are good and necessary, or falsely implies
that the pain and suffering associated with abductions is proof that a positive experience
is being unreasonably resisted. Whether the experience is positive or negative,
cooperating will indeed reduce or eliminate the suffering, but with two totally different
outcomes. The first leads to genuine growth, the second to subjugation under the illusion
of growth. The argument attempts to obscure this difference. The proper way to remove
suffering associated with a negative experience is to end the experience. Rather than
capitulating, one needs to prevail over it, especially if there is choice in the matter. If
people didnt have the choice, their cooperation would not be so desperately solicited.
3. Spinning the unavoidable facts
Most aliens are benevolent. Only a small minority of aliens are devious, but they are
the ones who make the news so it falsely seems like all aliens are that way. There is only
a very small renegade faction of aliens, and the rest mean us no harm.
This attempts to marginalize negative alien activities by pinning them on an insignificant
minority of renegade or devious aliens with the goal of keeping the overwhelming
majority free from suspicion. Rather than being the exception, however, negative alien

encounters that make the news are only the tip of the iceberg. They are incidences that
have leaked out through cracks in the wall of secrecy. While benevolent aliens exist and
may number in the majority, it would be erroneous to conclude that the majority of
human-alien interactions like abductions are therefore benevolent as well. The abduction
program may be the characteristic modus operandi of manipulative aliens, meaning that
benevolent aliens would have little or no involvement in typical alien abductions.
Therefore what the public knows of aliens through abduction accounts should not be
falsely credited to benevolent aliens despite them possibly being in the majority. Also,
the phenomenon of cloaked aliens carrying out surreptitious monitoring, influencing, and
energy harvesting shows that even if they are small in number, negative aliens can have
quite a pervasive presence.
Aliens monitor people, but only to catch up on what their human friends have been up
Very poor attempt to spin the widespread problem of abductees being implanted for
remote monitoring and influencing purposes. The fact that it had to be spun at all
indicates implantation is happening and that there is concern over people becoming
suspicious of the phenomenon. Observant abductees who have implants know from
personal experience that their function is not simply to monitor and record. Depending on
the type, implants can also influence emotions, alter hormone production, create
disorientation to interrupt forbidden lines of thinking, induce sudden drowsiness, create
paralysis, manipulate dreams, simulate schizophrenia, insert thoughts, and transmit
voices and images.
If you hear reports of negative abductions, do not be alarmed because you are safe, just
as you continue to be safe despite hearing of the occasional crime happening in your
Abductees who learn too much about the real nature of abductions become concerned,
uncooperative, and suspicious of their abductors. This can be deterred if negative
abductions are framed as being too distant a phenomenon to be concerned with. If the
abductee believes that reports of negative abductions have no bearing on his own
experiences, then he will feel safe and continue cooperating. Negative aliens are very
concerned with their public image because they use it to leverage desired behaviors out of
misguided targets, so whatever perception tarnishes that image must be quarantined and
rendered inert.
Some aliens, in having little understanding of emotion or individuality, may rough
handle people out of sheer incompetence and lack of finesse.
That may be true in some cases, but not all negative abductions are solely characterized
by painful procedures that can be explained away as the products of incompetence. Mind
programming, torture, rape, and energy harvesting are not mistakes, but intentional acts.

Greys have evolved such large heads because their society placed high emphasis on
intellect. They clone because the larger heads would not fit through the birth canal.
Cloning reduced variation between individuals, which is why they tend to look alike.
When they moved underground to survive inhospitable surface conditions, their bodies
became smaller to make better use of limited space. To compensate for the lack of natural
sunlight, the pupil of their eyes evolved into eventually covering the entire eye surface.
This is an example of taking what the public assumes about Greys and incorporating it
into a plausible but misleading story. The goal here is to present Greys as their own
sentient civilization who suffered a cataclysm and after lengthy adaptation evolved into
their current odd form. The above story is patently false; their signature black eyes are
not giant pupils, but dark coverings over either a reptilian-like eye or a camera-like
sensor depending on the type of Grey. If their black eyes were pupils overgrown to
capture more light, the abduction environment wouldnt be so brightly lit and the light
would illuminate the back of their retinas making their eyes anything but black. Rather
than being a civilization unto themselves, Greys are more likely artificial entities grown
in tanks to become worker drones for other aliens.
Greys need our genetics to restore what was lost through generations of cloning. Greys
use probes and implants to sample our neurochemicals in hopes of simulating these
themselves, so that they may once again feel emotion.
No other disinformative meme has gained more traction than this one. It seemingly
justifies the entire abduction program and its harvesting of human biological materials. It
paints Greys as a dying race needing our sympathy and cooperation, but they are more
likely to be manufactured entities. They are disposable puppets equipped with a
fabricated back-story to manipulate public perception of the alien presence. Notice how
their back-story uses all the scientific buzzwords defining our modern culture without
ever overstepping the boundaries of our culture. Pollution, radiation, war, evolution,
genetic engineering, cloning all entertaining, recognizable, and palatable to the public.
Were the story instead to involve interdimensional biological automatons grown in timeaccelerated growing tanks from recycled human and cattle parts and fluids, that would be
too uncomfortable for most people.
Mankind keeps ignoring the alien presence, driving aliens into resorting to fear tactics
to cut through our ignorance and help us finally acknowledge them.
This rationalization presents negative aliens as ignored children so desperate for attention
they turn delinquent. Applying child psychology to advanced aliens is naive at best,
although it does serve the strategy of tugging on the heart strings since it paints aliens as
innocent, desperate, suffering, and crying for attention. Cattle mutilations would be an
example of this supposed delinquency. Humans give aliens no recognition, so they slice
up some cows to make us take notice. Sounds fine in theory, but the parts removed during
cattle mutilations are strategically selected toward extracting valuable substances and
building artificial humanoids. Not to mention, if aliens wanted to catch our attention they
could do better and fly low over major cities during daytime than hurting random cows.

Isolated incidences of terrorizing abductions exist, and we must distinguish between

these and the majority of abductions that are by benevolent Greys.
By now there is enough evidence of negative abductions that it can no longer be
suppressed. Instead, here it is being diverted, rationalized, and spun toward preserving the
agenda at all costs. Since the exact percentage of negative abductions is unknown, there
is room to arbitrarily make up a percentage and have it appear that a good portion is
supposedly by benevolent Greys. However, those who forward the idea of benevolent
Greys fail to address the possibility of screen memories that paint over negative
abductions with the illusion of positive ones. These screen memories are well within
standard operating procedures for negative aliens. Without that being taken into account,
it cannot be said with confidence what portion of Grey abductions are positive.
Aliens operate in stealthy ways to bypass our conscious denial of them, but operate in
our world nonetheless because subconsciously we have invited them.
The implication is that they operate stealthily only to accommodate our conscious denial,
while our genuine desire to invite them lays buried in the subconscious. This rationalizes
away the stealthy nature of the alien presence by putting blame on humanity for being
willfully ignorant of their inner spiritual longing for contact. Concerning the negative
alien agenda, the statement would be more accurate if turned around: Aliens depend on
our lack of conscious awareness to operate in stealthy ways, and use our subconscious
vulnerabilities as back doors to gain deeper access to our world.
Nosebleeds by abductees are simply psychosomatic reactions to buried abduction
memories trying to surface.
Nosebleeds correlate with abduction activity, that much is true, but rather than admitting
this is caused by brain implantation through the nose, which sounds painful and
disturbing, the correlation is explained away as a psychosomatic manifestation of
memories trying to break through the barrier of denial, that its therefore a good thing that
these memories are finally coming through. Well, abduction memories are suppressed by
design to cover up what really happened and shelter the abductees fragile psyche against
remembering overwhelmingly frightening and traumatic experiences. These memories
are not meant to surface, unless they are decoy or screen memories to inject false data
into the body of abduction research literature.
Paralysis during abductions is done through remote electrical stimulation of the brain
and has a positive rejuvenating side effect on the person being paralyzed.
Paralysis is another feature that cannot be dismissed because so many abductees report it,
therefore it must be spun. Here the spin is that it has a therapeutic and rejuvenating effect
on the body, that we should therefore look forward to getting paralyzed since it boosts
our health and vitality. No comment necessary.

When aliens show abductees traumatic visions of holocaust, death, and planetary
destruction, it is merely to induce an emotional reaction and the production of
neurochemicals that Greys wish to study.
The best way this can be spun is to frame it as an innocent pursuit of scientific curiosity.
This simplistic explanation does not match the sophisticated, motive-driven, and selfserving nature of the alien factions involved in that kind of procedure. There are several
better explanations.
The first is that the procedure is yet another form of energy harvesting through the
induction of fear and terror. It does not involve tubes or needles being inserted into the
brain, so it is not to harvest physical neurochemicals, but the emotional energy emitted
can be tapped without need for that.
Second, it may be a form of doom programming, to indoctrinate abductees with
expectation and trepidation over the plight humanity faces and to therefore make them
more serious and dedicated to cooperating with aliens to supposedly help save the world.
Third, it may be an attempt toward triggering and thereby revealing hidden programs in
the abductee that are a threat to the alien agenda, programs of a pre-incarnative kind
either pertaining to his or her spiritual mission on earth during the end times, or missions
programmed into him by competing alien factions who desire these programs to remain
inactive until earth undergoes apocalyptic events. By extracting this information, aliens
performing this procedure gain vital intelligence that can help them preempt the opposing
4. Framing alien interference in divine light or destiny
It is our divine mission to work with the Greys, to allow our genetics to be infused into
theirs and allow them to regain their emotional flexibility. They need this to help them
merge with God. It is the spiritual and genetic union of humans and Greys that will
preserve the future of both.
People defer to a greater purpose or higher power more often due to blind faith,
programming, and emotionalism than reason and experience. Deep down, humans know
that there is a higher purpose, but through lack of awareness such spiritual impulses are
easily diverted toward anti-spiritual results. Notice here that everything but the end result
is seemingly positive: regaining of emotions, divine mission, merger with God, spiritual
union, preserve our future, and so on. The result of genetic union, however, is the further
lock-down of the human soul matrix through the infusion of cybernetic genetics. Think of
how much Greys lack freedom, individuality, self-determination, compassion, and any
trace of higher spiritual traits, and how easily they are programmable and manipulable
through telepathic interface, and you will see the direction in which humanity will be
modified through genetic union with Greys.
5. Threatening with consequences of not cooperating

We cannot defeat the renegade reptilians alone since they will ignore our authority and
have greater technology. Thus we need outside help. Reptilians wont leave without a
fight and Greys are our only hope.
If the problem were only solvable through physical battle, then humans are completely
outgunned. Even so, allying with the wrong alien faction would cause further problems.
The Greys dont have a good track record of honesty or sincerity and are likely Trojan
horses built by the same threat. There are other factions, positive Nordic types for
instance, who would make better allies, although they would probably offer nonphysical
assistance instead of military intervention. Which is all right because the solution out of
this mess is metaphysical more than physical. The brute physical methods of resistance
are essentially futile anyway. A choice will be offered to stay in that box and ally with
Greys, or step outside and align with positive transcendent forces offering a more creative
approach founded on spiritually intelligent principles.
Our earth-based technologies are insufficient to help us overcome our energy, food,
and climate crises. We need alien technology to survive.
Why these technologies are not being used is not due to human incompetence or
stupidity, but suppression of extraordinary talent and ingenuity by human and alien forces
with vested interests in maintaining the status quo. Fringe technologies may be
suppressed to build up exactly this condition of desperation in order for the suppressors to
offer themselves as the solution. For example, by addicting the world to oil and
preventing something as simple as the mass manufacture of efficient and affordable
electric cars, an oil crises can bring the world to its knees, leaving people immobilized,
starving, and desperate to give up anything including their freedom to forces that offer to
ameliorate their suffering. We have the technology already, and anyone familiar with
fringe science or black technology knows how carefully these are kept from the public.
The inadequacies of our mainstream technology are entirely manufactured.
6. Enticing through promises and rewards
Aliens can give you gifts of clairvoyance, healing powers, and other paranormal feats
if you cooperate with them.
These powers are dangled as incentives for submission and proof of alien benevolence.
After all, it would seem that being gifted with healing and psychic powers must be a good
thing. While paranormal abilities may develop during spiritual training, especially when
training under the guidance of genuinely positive entities, they can also be induced or
taught for strategic purposes by self-serving forces. Therefore psychic and healing
powers alone say nothing about the intent toward which these are given, taught, or used.
It is no loss to the alien agenda if an abductee can now heal a few people or predict their
future, and it instead serves the agenda by polishing its image and encouraging others to
cooperate. These are trivial trinkets given in exchange for obedience. Notice that negative

alien factions, including those masquerading as positive, never gift their abductees
genuine freedom, accurate awareness, or practical discernment.
Alien technology can beam earth with special energies to help enhance our intuition
and interdimensional abilities.
This is another example of aliens attempting to hijack or take credit for a natural spiritual
process. In occultism, there is the proper way of spiritually developing through ones own
strength and initiative under the advisement of a more developed individual, and another
way of cheating and gaining powers by entering into symbiosis with a self-serving
individual or entity who lends that power in exchange for soul energy and servitude. The
latter is the path of dark occultism or black magic. This distinction applies to alien
interactions as well. Enhancement of intuition and interdimensional abilities is a natural
and destined part of future human evolution, but if an alien faction can intercede in the
process and pose as its sole provider, then humanity will abandon the proper path of
spiritual development and follow the black path to acquire these abilities at the expense
of freedom.
Aliens will help transform mankind through new technologies that are in harmony with
the earth, that will banish all disease and poverty, injustice, and want.
The question is under what conditions these technologies will be provided, and toward
what ends. If the technology is leased rather than taught, humans will be forced to
conform to alien demands to avoid suffering the revocation of that technology. If the
providers are less than sincere, this gives them powerful leverage to do with us as they
please. Benevolent aliens would advance our technology only if accompanied and earned
by spiritual and ethical advancement on our part. We would thereby preserve our selfdetermination and leave them free of having to constantly supervise us. Aliens who wish
to interfere in our affairs and take control would instead use promises of technology as a
bargaining chip and means of inducing addiction and dependence.
7. Taking naive assumptions toward false conclusions
Aliens advocate peace and loving your neighbor, and that does not fit the characteristic
of brainwashing. Those who advocate peace, brotherly love, generosity, altruism, and
oneness are necessarily positive.
The goal of all tyranny is to impose peace and order through the annihilation of
opposition, which includes the eradication of true individuality and independent thinking.
Within a completed totalitarian state, ideals like peace, brotherly love, generosity,
altruism, and oneness are encouraged as long as they serve the ends of the state. These
are beneficial for collectivism, positive means toward negative ends. Therefore they are
not necessarily proof of benevolence. Additionally, no manipulative alien would tarnish
its image or show its true colors by advocating violence and hatred against neighbors;
words here are not as important as actions and underlying intent. Not that these positive
ideals must be avoided, rather they must be accompanied by additional qualities like

discernment and independence, otherwise they become means of pacification and

Aliens are not hostile because if they were, they would have wiped us out already, or
could do so in a matter of minutes. No outward sign of hostility indicates benevolence.
Hostility takes more sophisticated forms than just violence. If aliens really wanted to
engage in a violent takeover of earth, they wouldnt be shaping public perception through
disinformation and the grooming of key opinion leaders, nor would they be engaging in
abductions, mind programming, and implantation. The fact they are performing these
delicate manipulations suggests their hostility is covert. Having us enslave ourselves and
hand over the reins would be the most efficient and self-sustaining form of conquest.
Subduing a civilization through sheer force sows the seeds of resistance in the embittered
population and is logistically prohibitive, while winning their minds, hearts, and souls
through psychological and spiritual warfare is the way to create a prison without walls. It
is the way to create slaves who desire their servitude and suppress resistors for being
enemies of progress. The agenda therefore depends heavily on disinformation, and
judging by the level of disinformation out there the agenda is moving right along.
It takes a strong connection with the Creator to manipulate spacetime, therefore any
aliens here on earth capable of manipulating spacetime must be positive.
Manipulating spacetime is not that simple. First, technology alone can engineer
spacetime to a great extent. Through special technology, negative beings can go quite far
in manipulating spacetime. Second, negative beings can still develop a strong connection
with the demiurgic aspect of Creation responsible for the material world, and through this
perform seemingly magical feats. Advanced initiates and masters of dark occultism have
this ability, though their alien superiors have refined it into a complete science. Third, the
only advantage positive beings have is in their connection to the higher divine aspect of
Creation, which is superior to the demiurgic aspect, allowing them access to a broader
range of probable realities and spacetime configurations. And fourth, negative beings can
still gain illegal access to this broader range of manipulations if they steal and abuse
technology built and tuned by positive beings, or if they influence others with special
access into doing their bidding. Therefore merely being able to manipulate spacetime is
no proof of positivity.
Any race advanced enough to get here must also have outgrown its destructive
The logic is that planetary civilizations who dont overcome their destructive ways end
up destroying themselves through war and resource depletion before they ever become
space faring. It takes planetary unity and a pooling of efforts to reach out and begin
exploring other worlds, therefore it is assumed only civilizations that have adopted
holistic and healthy ways can evolve long enough to leave their worlds and travel to
earth. In truth, the positive path of enlightenment, peace, and harmony is not the only
way to achieve planetary unity. Civilizations can also unite after being conquered from

within by negative elements using cunning strategy, psychological warfare, infiltration,

and subversion to establish a global totalitarian empire. If done carefully enough, they
can do this without ever having to resort to mutually destructive physical warfare. Also,
even if a benign civilization begins exploring and colonizing other worlds, it is possible
that internal disagreements cause factions to split off and take their technological
capabilities toward less benevolent ends. For all these reasons, space faring negative
civilizations are perfectly possible.
There is a protective quarantine around earth and no aliens with ill intent can get
Negative alien factions do exist and are operational in the world. If there were a
quarantine, it must have been put into place with negative alien factions already present
on earth, sealing them in, else the quarantine is conditional and allows their entrance only
under special circumstances. One way or another, saying a quarantine is preventing
negative aliens from existing here simply goes against experiential evidence and research.
The rewards of cooperation with aliens far outweigh the danger of deception. We
should therefore not frighten them away with displays of suspicion, but welcome them
openly or else miss our chance to reap the benefits of contact.
Welcoming without discernment ensures that the risk of enslavement is greater than the
potential reward for cooperation. A truly wise and benevolent alien faction would not
desire that we be blindly trusting toward them before establishing relations. Nor would
they be disappointed in us taking a discerning approach since if they are sincere and
honorable they will pass the tests of discernment. Cooperating with less scrupulous
factions leaves too much room for bait and switch tactics. Our approach should not be
having to choose between total paranoia or total gullible acceptance, but discerning
between forces who deserve suspicion and those who have proven their integrity.
8. Manipulating emotions through euphemisms and dysphemisms
Aliens are not intruders, but visitors or guests because we have invited them.
There is good reason to believe some aliens are indeed guests or visitors, but here these
terms are being misapplied to the wrong aliens, namely the Greys and others involved in
alien abductions. If one wants to choose a term other than intruder without sacrificing
accuracy, the term solicitors or subverters would suffice because a large part of their
efforts goes toward gaining permission, invitation, and cooperation to worm their way
deeper into the targeted world. In action they are stalkers, solicitors, and manipulators
rather than outright intruders, but in intention they are nothing less than intruders and
interventionists. If we have invited them, it is only because we were unaware of what that
entailed, and after becoming aware we would have every reason to revoke the invitation.
Saying that aliens are negative is a symptom of cultural ignorance, bigotry, and fear.

This argument hinges on a classic logical fallacy. Just because cultural ignorance,
bigotry, and fear can lead to saying that aliens are negative, that does not mean saying
aliens are negative is necessarily a symptom of these. It could instead be a conclusion
reached through uncommon awareness, critical thinking, personal experience, and indepth research. Of course, saying aliens are all negative with a nasty tone and resorting to
stereotyping and chest beating, there is no excuse for that, but that does not mean we
should claim all aliens are positive as a sign of cultural sophistication, fairness, and
perceptiveness. Notice how repeatedly, one false choice is used to justify another false
choice. We should instead identify various alien motivations for what they are relative to
our highest standards.
Abductions by Greys should be called temporary detainments because they always
return the abductee.
In regular abductions the abductee is usually returned, but the term abduction only
hinges on the forced and sudden removal of a person, and not whether he or she is
returned. Therefore the term temporary detainment is redundant and only serves as a
euphemism to sedate the emotional response to the term abduction.
It should be understood that not all abductees are returned, however. Human mutilations
and consumption of humans for food and biological materials is a highly taboo and
underreported subject. While it does not happen to typical abductees, who are abducted
for more sophisticated reasons, it does happen to those who are weak enough and in the
wrong place at the wrong time. No one knows what exact percentage of missing people in
the world are being taken for this purpose, not to mention all those who never even get
the privilege of being reported as missing, but given the number of people who do go
missing every year, permanent abductions are not only possible but have the advantage of
perfect deniability if the body is never found. Each instance would then simply get
dismissed as yet another unsolved case.
Abductees should more accurately be called experiencers, communicators, interfaces,
guests or contactees, because they have been invited to meet with aliens and have given
permission. Abductees are not victims, but co-creators and equal participants.
This only applies to genuine cases of benevolent alien contact, which are less common
than alien abductions where permission is coerced or circumvented. The latter would try
to present itself as the first, and employing euphemisms in the name of political or
spiritual correctness is one means toward that end.
9. Debasing humanity
Aliens are hesitant to contact us openly since we are a violent, hostile, aggressive race.
Aliens are peaceful and have non-polluting technologies, yet mankind continues to
destroy the planet with wars and pollution.

Modern man as a whole is aggressive, but that isnt the only reason aliens are hesitant to
make contact. Positive alien factions might see humanity as still too immature to handle
open contact without destabilizing, while negative ones view our civilization as not yet
sufficiently programmed to guarantee complete submission to their agenda upon first
contact. Still, mass programming is quickly reaching completion so the time for contact
draws near.
It should also be noted that only a subsection of the human population is violent, hostile,
and aggressive by default, and that if humanity had been left free of cultural, political,
religious, and psychological manipulation by elite human and negative alien forces, it
would have become much more peaceful and aware by this point.
In other words, it would benefit the alien agenda to project the aberrant faults of the few
upon the many, and to use the very dysfunctions it has covertly encouraged as an excuse
to present itself as the superior solution. It is by placing all blame upon humanity and
devaluing its self-esteem that unsavory forces can make themselves look like saints in
comparison. Thus a false choice becomes attractive against an artificially denigrated one.
10. Scapegoating corrupt human leadership
A corrupt human cabal is keeping mankind from reaping the rewards of contact with
aliens. The cabal sees aliens as a threat to their control over mankind. They are behind
disinformation suppressing awareness of the existence of aliens.
This assumes that all aliens are positive and the only antagonists are xenophobic human
factions bent on keeping humanity under their own control. By scapegoating some human
cabal as the sole problem, aliens preserve their image as being the logical solution. It
would be more accurate to say that corrupt human elements have been colluding with
negative alien factions to keep mankind from connecting with higher benevolent powers
who support our spiritual liberation.
There may indeed be xenophobic human controllers, but they would clearly be in the
minority given the sophisticated methods aliens have for mind programming and
infiltration. They would also be at technological and logistical disadvantages to other
human groups who have collaborated with negative alien forces or have been completely
taken over by them. Only spiritually transcendent solutions can overcome negative alien
control. Since xenophobic human controllers with militaristic mindsets are too integrated
into the negative hierarchy to acknowledge these positive solutions, they inevitably
become unwitting assets to more sophisticated negative forces. Their role is ultimately
Aliens have been here for thousands of years without doing any harm, but the cabal
will stage an alien threat to justify building space weapons against aliens. They have also
abducted people and programmed them with screen memories of negative aliens to paint
aliens in a bad light.

If this were true, the cabal would be heavily involved in building widespread anti-alien
sentiments in the population to prepare their minds for the staged invasion. The cabal
would be grooming, supporting, funding, and publicizing high profile researchers who
dish out nothing but dirt on the alien presence, ensuring that these types always get
airtime while silencing the few who try to portray aliens as positive. They would use their
media and entertainment contacts to inject persistent xenophobic slants to books, movies,
and television documentaries on aliens. They would also be performing widespread
military abductions to produce an epidemic of abductees with staged memories of
horrendous alien abduction experiences, so that alien abduction research literature would
be saturated with accounts of these.
What do we see instead? The complete opposite. Researchers shedding light on the
darker aspects of the alien presence are the ones getting ignored and killed, while those
pushing pro-alien disinformation get lifted into the limelight. Abductees who get a peek
behind the curtain are marginalized for not fitting into the orthodox view of what
abductions involve. Abduction accounts showing traits of being falsified also happen to
be the ones consistently portraying aliens as benign. The most popular fringe books,
documentaries, and movies on UFOs and aliens are slanted toward portraying them as
mysterious, wonderful, and innocent. If there is a cabal, everything indicates it prefers
pushing a pro-alien agenda, which can only be if they are in collusion with deceptive
alien forces.
11. Securing amnesty for corrupt human leadership
Disclosure can only come about if insiders are given amnesty in exchange for
revealing the truth.
A policy of amnesty that is too universal, unconditional, and forgiving would actually
encourage the continuation, expansion, and completion of criminal insider activities if the
culpable ones know they have nothing to worry about if in the end all will be forgiven. It
would be in their best interest to encourage that kind of amnesty so that they may
continue operating post-Disclosure, washed clean of their liabilities.
To even attempt to offer amnesty, it must be given not only in exchange for truth about
the alien presence and suppressed technologies, but for testimony under oath against
colleagues and superiors and the complete spilling of guts and handing over of classified
information. Then once everyone incriminates everyone else, there should be enough
truth on the table to sort out who deserves amnesty and who does not. Those found guilty,
including witnesses who have violated their testimonial oaths by operating as
pathological disinformants, should be prevented from acquiring any leadership roles in
the post-Disclosure world. Whistle-blowers who know they are being sincere have
nothing to worry about, while those thinking they can exploit amnesty and advance their
covert agenda will be held accountable. It should be done in no less forgiving a manner
than how Mafia and crime rings are taken down. It is not about seeking revenge against
these criminals or being unspiritual and unmerciful, but safeguarding our future from
psychopaths incapable of rehabilitation.

The practical reality of amnesty, however, brings into question who has the authority and
ability to offer amnesty and protect the witnesses? Prior to Disclosure, no one. The black
ops networks are so technologically advanced that even under 24-hour police protection
(or before a live audience) a witness can be hit with an invisibly projected beam and drop
dead from apparent aneurysm or heart failure. Those working for black ops projects have
signed documents virtually permitting their own assassination should they ever break
their secrecy oaths. The laws governing protection of classified information and national
security are also beyond the jurisdiction of the conventional legal system. So it would
take an authority more powerful than the entire military-industrial complex to
successfully deconstruct it. The closest we could come is a unified planetary justice
coalition that takes on delinquent governments around the world and flushes their
criminal elements, but then we would contend with a world government, world military,
world tribunal so powerful that it could just as easily form the global dictatorship.
After Disclosure, the spiritual thing to do is offer amnesty and forgiveness to those
military and government factions involved in abuse and experimentation upon humans.
Amnesty could provide safe passage for the black ops infrastructure (covert scientific,
intelligence, and military-industrial complexes) to be transitioned out of serving national
security and into furthering planetary security, but as mentioned that can and will lead to
a technocratic totalitarianism on a global scale if the benefactors are impostors and
openly consolidate the worlds control networks into a single network under their control.
The current deniability and secrecy surrounding black projects ensures that modern
mainstream technology remains unsophisticated. Police state technology and crowd
control weapons are limited to tasers, rubber bullets, sonic weapons, water cannons,
public cameras, internet monitoring, cell-dar, national ID cards, and so on. But if
Disclosure reveals the extent of black project technologies (and alien technology) then,
upon percolating into mainstream use, these technologies would allow the rapid
proliferation of horrifying methods of police state control: tractor beams, paralyzing ray
guns, cloaked security personnel in antigravity vehicles, remote thought-reading, precrime and dissent detection, and mind reprogramming. That is the fate awaiting us if
amnesty is handled so naively that it plays right into the alien agenda.
12. Glorifying the alien image and appealing to sympathy
What deviant aliens need most is love and acceptance.
If anything, we can hold love and acceptance in our hearts, but as an act of tough love we
must firmly block their attempts to transgress beyond their jurisdiction. This is because
deviant aliens are not delinquent children unaware of the harm they cause, nor innocent
victims of circumstance, rather they have highly intelligent reasons for what they do.
They have chosen their path and like psychopaths view love and acceptance by others as
vulnerabilities to exploit. Anyone who has personally experienced how psychopaths
operate knows that they abuse kindness rather than respect it, and this scales up to the
psychopaths comprising the human elite controllers and negative alien factions.

Greys are respected members of a galactic federation who have helped humans
The Galactic Federation is part of New Age lore, signifying an alliance of benevolent
alien races here to help humanity. An alliance or brotherhood of benevolent aliens
probably exists, and perhaps some of them employ Grey drones as generic helpers, but it
would be misleading to say that the Greys abducting and implanting humans are a
benevolent race unto themselves who are part of this federation.
The aliens who will reveal themselves soon are the ones who created mankind.
This appeals to followers of the ancient astronaut theory and those who generally regard
aliens as our superior progenitors. The question is not whether humans were genetically
engineered by aliens, but whether the ones who will be claiming this for themselves are
telling the truth, and even if so, whether that gives them the right to intervene in our
The Greys have technology so advanced that its almost self-aware, showing that there
can be a link or merger between technology and consciousness. They themselves are
highly spiritual and have turned conscious advancement into an art form. Their
consciousness is collective yet pristine and innocent. Greys are spiritual. Instead of sexual
contact they come closest to affection by holding hands in a circle and merging with The
Another example of overly anthropomorphizing and romanticizing the Greys. It plays
upon the observation that Greys are seemingly expressionless, sexless, intellectual, and
hive minded. Instead of admitting this is due to cybernetic traits and robotic functions, it
is spun toward them being sophisticated, Zen-like, and fond of spiritual unity.
Greys have an attitude of love and protection coupled with fear of their being stuck or
trapped in their current evolutionary stage, and so they need our help to evolve and we
should look upon them with compassion and some sadness. Greys are future descendants
of humans who need our biological material to treat a degenerative medical disorder. We
are approaching a point where the Greys were earlier in their evolution. Instead of
destroying ourselves like they did, we must let them help us avert our demise and in turn
help prevent their extinction. Hybrids are the seeds of a new race that combines the best
of both humans and Greys. Hybrid babies need love from female abductees, and the
Greys learn about love through their interaction. For the Greys, we represent not only
their past, but their only hope for a future.
Notice the emotionally loaded language designed to appeal to sympathy, compassion,
concern, hope, and love. The problem is not these virtuous feelings, but whether the
premises from which they are invoked are actually true. The above explanation plays on
common knowledge that Grey abductions have something to do with hybridization,
medical procedures, and the harvesting of biological materials, but it weaves these into a

slick story designed to target the nurturing, protective, and sympathetic instincts in the
target audience. It simply tries too hard from multiple angles to be emotionally persuasive
at the expense of truth.
13. Coercing individual and collective consent
Aliens cannot help us until a critical number of people demand their involvement. Aliens
want global consensus, not dealing with just one country. The world as a whole should
On the one hand, positive forces who respect freewill would intervene only if requested.
On the other hand, negative forces who desire a fully legalized takeover would also
require our consent. The difference comes down to how heavily we are pushed into
giving that consent. If the faction is one that fundamentally respects freewill, then it
would calmly let us make up our own mind. If the faction is less benevolent, then it
would be more desperate. The underlying intention is what counts.
Also important is the procedure of consent. Can a global democratic vote suffice? Only if
the voters are wise and intelligent enough to make an informed choice. By definition,
only a quarter of the population is of above-average intelligence, and it takes at least that
to respect reason more than emotionalism. It is thus highly unlikely that the choice will
be won by those with enough information and critical thinking abilities to see through
propaganda unleashed by deceptive alien factions asking for consent. Democracy would
become a vehicle for tyranny. If elected or appointed officials were to make the decision
instead, questions of their integrity, soundness of mind, qualification, and potential
rigging of their selection must be resolved. As can be seen, the issue of planetary consent
is fraught with pitfalls.
Aliens will be contacting humans personally, bypassing the national governments.
This would do away with corrupt government deciding alien-human relations, but it
could also be a means of adding even greater legality to the takeover. If human
governments are so self-serving and disconnected from its electorate that they simply do
not represent the will of the people, then gaining consent from the government would not
equal consent of earth as a whole. Maybe this is why, despite already colluding with
human factions, some aliens are still feverishly programming the population into
beckoning their intervention when the time comes. Not to mention, governments are
multiple in number and no one country can speak for the rest, but a unified calling by
people everywhere would qualify.
Aliens cannot interact with us, or perceive us, if we do not first give them permission
at some level. Therefore if they are in our lives in any way, rest assured that we have
given them permission already. To resist their presence is to deny the choice already
made, which is a denial made in ignorance and fear, therefore one must become aware of
the choice and honor it to move from denial and fear into acceptance and understanding.

Losing fear ends victimhood. You will no longer be a victim. You will be an equal
participant. The quality of your interactions with them will change significantly.
Coercion of consent is not just a planetary matter, but shows up on the personal level as
well. Here is an example of permission being extracted from an abductee by making him
or her believe that the mere act of solicitation is proof of already having given
permission. The relation between alien activity and permission given is gradual rather
than clear-cut. Just as a salesman can knock on your door even if you havent invited him
or bought anything yet, so can aliens make basic approaches or covert manipulations
without having been invited. If you open the door, now the salesman is allowed to make
his pitch. The process is gradual and starts with getting a foot in the door.
With manipulative aliens, it is by leveraging what intrusions they can make that they can
make deeper intrusions. By convincing an abductee that those little intrusions prove the
abductee has made forgotten agreements that must now be honored, they have the door
opened for them from the inside. The more permission is given, the more tangible the
interaction. Psychological manipulation is what they have to start with, but the deeper
they enter and the more willingly one aligns with them, the more physical and irreparable
the damage becomes. This is true on both the personal and planetary level.
The Reticuli are presently acquiring genetic material from volunteers who have, on a
soul level, agreed to be a part of the awakening of the Earth and the birth of a new
Dubious claim, considering the other ego hooks Greys and their controllers are known to
use, which often lead to delusions of grandeur and a total abandonment of discernment in
gullible abductees. If abductees are made to feel special and chosen, that it is their life
mission to participate in the abduction and hybridization program, they will gladly
submit. No spiritual volunteerism is necessary to be identified as useful and monitored,
profiled, abducted, and exploited like an animal. One becomes even more useful and
manipulable if an agreement is made out of haste, desperation, curiosity, or ignorance.
This is because doing so places one deeper under their jurisdiction, which rolls back the
intervention of divine or positive alien forces who would otherwise step in to counter
blatant freewill violations.
Soul agreements are the preferred requisite for positive alien groups, however, since they
are noninterventionist by nature and work only with volunteers who have, out of their
own freewill and effort, risen to a level ready for contact and service. Things get
complicated when the voluntary agreement was made before incarnating and now
forgotten, because negative alien groups could exploit that to claim it applies to
themselves instead of the originally designated positive group, thus hijacking a persons
destiny and diverting their good intentions and vague sense of mission toward furthering
some self-serving alien agenda.
When you are at your low point in life, call on the Greys and they will lift you up.
When mankind is at its low point, it must call upon aliens for the help and guidance.

This is among the most dangerous of deceptions. It encourages spiritual submission to

negative forces during ones lowest and most vulnerable point where they can do the
most damage. It is a classic brainwashing technique where a new identity is forged from
the broken shards of the old, where one is uprooted from former solid ground of logic and
transplanted onto an artificial platform of new assumptions. It turns one into a
reconstituted zealot for whomever does the reforming.
There is an important stage in esoteric development where the ego crashes and burns,
allowing true spiritual identity to rise from the ashes, but this spiritual rebirth must be
volitionally brought forth from within. Instead, here the advice is not only to call upon an
external source like dialing a tow truck to get one out of a ditch, but a predatory source at
that. It is in climbing to a spiritual zenith through ones own freewill that communion
with higher positive forces is earned, while upon wailing helplessly in the depths of
despair is when predatory negative forces find their moment of opportunity.
14. Demanding unification and integration of mankind with aliens
Humans must form friendly relations with each other before attempting to form
friendly relations with aliens. It is through global unification and integration that we can
rightly reach out to aliens.
The question is unification and integration under what principles? Under the principle of
harmony, wisdom, cooperation, and realization of the human potential? If so then it will
take many centuries to naturally overcome cultural, religious, political, and social
prejudice and division. The only way this can happen sooner within the coming decades
is either a cataclysmic catalyst with profound spiritual consequences, or enforced unity
through a single world government. The latter we must safeguard against by not allowing
unity and integration or other virtuous sounding ideals to justify anti-individualism and
totalitarianism. It is not unity itself that is important, but unity under the right principles.
Unity that arises through a natural harmonization of individuals with common
realizations of spiritual purpose is one thing, enforced unity through propaganda and the
elimination of dissent is another.
Hybrids symbolize a marriage between humans and aliens and represent the future of
both. Arrival and disclosure of aliens represents our cosmic families coming together.
We dont need infusion of Grey genetics to evolve, rather we need the natural restoration
of human DNA that was genetically crippled during the last phase of extraterrestrial
modifications. This latest hybridization program is just a continuation of those previous
ones, designed to further suppress the parts of us that alien controllers find threatening
like individuality, intuition, feelings and discernment, and further enhance the traits they
find useful like intellectual and telepathic functions.
Whatever the case, hybridization is not the best way for us to evolve. Cell biologist Dr.
Bruce Lipton has shown how individual conscious awareness, perceptions, and belief

affect ones DNA, allowing changes and mutations within a single lifetime through a
mere realignment of consciousness2. It is through such a shift in our awareness and
perceptions to a higher paranormal and spiritually exceptional level that humans will
evolve the natural way. But this can be thwarted through forced genetic assimilation if
the latter is accepted as a matter of destiny and necessity.
15. Limiting awareness of hyperdimensional reality
The more evolved Greys are ethereal in their existence, others more physical. We can
only interact with the ethereal ones in altered states of consciousness because they cannot
enter our physical reality.
Greys can shift between physical and ethereal states like other aliens and are not
exclusively limited to either state. The ones that are strictly physical are more likely
android facsimiles built by human military factions, while the strictly ethereal ones are
negative thoughtforms or astral beings projecting that appearance.
Interdimensional aliens are by nature amphibious in the sense of being able to manifest
physically, shift out of view into the local etheric environment, or shift completely into
another dimension. They occupy the level of evolution between physical humans and
nonphysical spirits, straddling the boundary zone between material and ethereal reality
and crossing sides readily.
Also, truly higher-evolved beings who have transcended physicality are not barred from
manifesting physically when they need to. Rather it is lowly etheric thoughtforms that
would be barred since they are just temporary nonphysical constructs.
Greys cannot breathe our atmosphere.
The idea that Greys cannot breathe our air is used by some sources to explain why they
need to hybridize themselves with us, to produce a new vehicle for themselves that can
exist in our atmosphere. This is doubtful because Greys are frequently spotted in open air,
whether surrounding cars during roadside abductions or entering an abductees bedroom
for a nighttime abduction, or just lingering around the apartment before and afterward.
Likewise abductees can go aboard alien ships and be surrounded by Greys without either
of them having to wear visible breathing apparatuses. Abductees have also reported being
taken to alien worlds where they were able to go outside and breathe the air just fine.
So either Greys can breathe our atmosphere and we can breathe theirs, or Greys dont
breathe at all, or their face is a mask hiding a respiratory device underneath. The same
goes for Nordics, Reptilians, and Mantids they have been seen in the physical without
wearing helmeted space suits or air masks. This is probably because our humanoid forms
have common evolutionary or engineered origins.
If this explanation for hybridization is to have any merit, air would have to be
interpreted symbolically as meaning the vibrational level of a particular realm. In that
sense, hybridization would represent a bridging between their lower vibrational realm and

ours. This connects with Greys being proxies serving that purpose for routine abduction
tasks, and thus hybrids would represent a self-reproducing species that extends the
upward reach of lower vibrational forces. By dragging us downward through infusion of
cybernetic traits, they in turn would be extended upward.
16. Offering false dichotomies through role swapping
Reptilians here in the solar system are a negative renegade faction of their species.
They are at war against the Greys, who are spiritually and technologically advanced and
our only hope for defeating the Reptilians. The Greys are seen as higher spiritual beings
by humanoid beings living in bases underneath the Martian surface, who need our
invitation to come here as refugees from their dire conditions. The Reptilians giving us
problems are only a renegade faction that doesnt represent the intentions of their entire
This scenario invokes the main players: Greys, Nordics, and Reptilians. It portrays Greys
and Nordics as benign, Reptilians meddling in our affairs as malevolent, and the rest of
Reptilians who are not here as benign as well, but if they are all part of the same faction
or alliance, then this scenario would be nothing more than offering a false choice. We
would be siding with one arm of the agenda against a decoy threat. If this scenario were
to be followed through to its conclusion, in the end the small renegade Reptilian faction
would be kicked off the planet and humans would then fall under the leadership and
occupation of Greys, good Reptilians, and Nordics exactly what would be desired if
they were all part of the same agenda anyway.
Greys are inquisitive beings who have degraded their gene pool through generations of
cloning. They are here to create a hybrid race that can ensure the survival of both their
species and ours. A small renegade faction of Greys is negative, some are just
incompetent, but the majority are benevolent. Mantis beings are extremely ancient and
wise energy beings who appear insectoid only because our subconscious interprets them
that way. Earth is also influenced by a group of negative aliens responsible for cattle
mutilations and Men in Black encounters. These beings are using fear tactics to prevent
us from shifting into a higher dimension because such a shift threatens their existence.
Here the Mantid beings and the majority of Greys are said to be benevolent, a minority of
Greys incompetent or hostile, and Men in Black evil. Yet all of these Mantids, Greys,
MIBs are more likely part of the same overriding agenda that also includes negative
Nordics and Reptilians. The mention of a small renegade faction or incompetence
marginalizes through disposable bad guys what truths have leaked out concerning the real
nature of the agenda.
Greys and Nordics are two evolutionary offshoots of the human race, having time
traveled here from the future. Nordics are highly spiritual, most Greys are friendly, while
a small rogue faction of Greys is negative. Government is acting entirely on its own, not
under any control or direction by aliens, just some treaties with them. Reports of

Reptilians or Mantids are likely misperceptions on the part of abductees when they see
certain pathologically disfigured Greys.
That last part is a baseless rationalization considering the level of detail involved in the
abductee depictions of Reptilians and Mantids, showing them as fully distinct from Greys
and healthy in their own right. This scenario goes further than others by saying that Greys
and Nordics are not only benevolent but our own descendants. The anthropomorphic
makeover of cybernetic Greys is a consistent part of the disinformation, and portraying
them as benevolent future humans is an extreme example of that.
Ultimately, the crux of the deception here is the claim that all Nordics are highly positive
beings from the future. If this were taken as gospel, then any and every Nordic alien
group that presents itself to the world would be hailed as our benefactors, even if they
happen to be cloned Nordics used as puppets by negative alien factions, negative Nordic
overlords, or Aryan members of an underground civilization looking to migrate to the
Hidden Order Behind Contradictory Scenarios
Notice that the various disinformative scenarios outwardly contradict each other, whether
they come from channelers, academics, insiders, researchers, or aliens communicating
through abductees and contactees. Some say all alien factions are positive, some admit a
few are negative, and where one scenario draws the line between positive and negative
differs from where another makes that distinction.
Obviously they cannot all be correct even though each makes a compelling case for being
something other than a petty hoax. This eliminates the possibility that all aliens are
positive and sincere, as there would have to be far more consistency and verifiability in
what they say for that to hold true.
Some researchers have gotten exasperated with all the contradictions and concluded that
aliens must simply be nonphysical pranksters playing with us, or perhaps dynamic
manifestations of our collective unconscious. If only it were that simple. These
explanations fail because, despite the contradictions, what these scenarios have in
common is that they keep drawing from the same cast of players: Nordics, Reptilians,
Mantids, Greys, and the Government. In other words, the contradictory scenarios have an
underlying order pointing toward a dishonest agenda. Disinformative sources who admit
to some negative factions simply take a few players and posture them against each other.
This seems to be the most effective approach since it both marginalizes evidence of
negative alien activities by pinning these upon a small disposable faction and offers up
the other aliens of the same agenda as the solution. By portraying at least one of these as
our ally, it is ensured that the agenda moves forward regardless of whom we choose.
The various scenarios also have traits of being tests aimed at different target audiences
used as focus groups to help construct and refine the most successful scenario that will be
presented to the whole world when the time comes. Incidentally, the scenarios are not so

contradictory as to be impossible to absorb into the final revealed picture. There is

enough padding within each to allow for later incorporation.
So the goal appears to hook different audiences with different stories, learn from their
reactions what composite story would assure the highest rate of acceptance across the
broadest spectrum of individuals, and then activate the final scenario and pull all those
audiences plus the rest of the population under its influence. The next part speculates on
some final scenario possibilities.
Continue to Part 5
1 The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical principle stating that consciousness shapes
probability, that what you mentally focus upon you pull into your life. This principle has
been popularized in documentaries like The Secret (2006) and What the Bleep Do We
Know? (2005). The mechanics of the principle arise at the quantum level whereby
consciousness biases the collapse of the quantum wave function.
2 Epigenetics is a branch of biology that studies genetic changes due to environmental
factors. It is a relatively new field of research that is only now becoming a buzzword in
the collective consciousness. Therefore it is an example of something that falls outside
the dated meme-pool that the alien disinformation campaign has drawn from, which is
why it shows a glaring hole in the false idea that hybridization is the only way to evolve
mankind. For more on epigenetics, see The Biology of Belief (2008) by Dr. Bruce Lipton
and The Genie in Your Genes (2007) by Dawson Church.
How might the final deception scenario manifest? Since aliens are intelligent strategists,
the scenario would have to meet the following conditions:
* Has the lowest risk of failure
* Is highly plausible and appealing to the public
* Plays to common weaknesses and false assumptions
* Builds on the groundwork of previous disinformation
* Uses the greatest situational leverage to force compliance
* Provides effective means of quelling resistance and chaos
* Unifies human power structures and places them under alien control
* Requires the least amount of energy and oversight by alien controllers
We can make some educated guesses by comparing disinformation with the direction of
current political, social, exopolitical, and metaphysical trends. I will provide a possible
scenario that would fit, though there would certainly be other possibilities even more
fitting. The above conditions should hold true regardless.
Final Scenario Players
A good place to start is analyzing the main players and what role they might take given
their strengths, weaknesses, and public perception.

Reptilians have a bad reputation. They are viewed as being too frightening, aggressive,
and manipulative by too many. Even in science fiction shows they are portrayed as
having a primal, violent, or fascist nature. In abduction research they are infamous for
committing acts of torture and rape. Their monstrous appearance alone would induce an
instinctive antipathy in most humans, who may subconsciously identify them with
alligators, dinosaurs, evil serpents, or dragons. For these reasons it is highly unlikely that
Reptilians will be the first alien type to present themselves as the good guys. It would
create too much instinctual fear and revulsion atop the shock of Disclosure.
However, considering that reptilian-like beings have been portrayed positively in
childrens television shows, their introduction may happen much later once the younger
generation has matured and the older reactionary generation died out or gotten
accustomed to living in strange times.
Initially they would be better suited for playing the role of negative renegades to be
scapegoated as the sole alien group coordinating negative abduction activities. This
would build upon existing abduction accounts and fringe literature concerning a nefarious
reptilian presence, and it would play to the natural aversion people have to their
physiology. As mentioned earlier, one disinformative scenario claims earth has been
meddled with by just such a negative rogue faction, that they are in the minority and not
representative of the rest of their race who are positive.
Mantids are less commonly reported and stranger looking than Reptilians. Therefore they
are even less likely to play a visible role in the beginning. Their appearance as bugs
would not be conducive to building rapport. They also seem to function as highly
advanced interdimensional technicians who rarely transition into our lower physical
dimension, therefore they would hang back and orchestrate the show from behind the
curtain rather than make an appearance.
Greys are so familiar that their role in the final scenario is guaranteed. Their image is
burned into our collective retina through decades of exposure through pop culture, music,
fashion, entertainment, crop circles, televised documentaries, and UFO literature. Our
protracted desensitization to the Grey presence has been too much of an investment to
end without payoff.
Analysis of disinformation suggests they will be portrayed as a mysterious, sophisticated,
computer-like, mission-oriented race. They may be presented as caretakers of humanity
tasked with assisting our evolutionary advancement through a perilous time, caretakers
who have managed the abduction and hybridization program toward this end. Greys will

epitomize transhumanist ideals to encourage cybernetic shackling disguised as genetic

and technological enhancements. They will also exemplify a simplistic Zen-like
spirituality that promotes non-discernment and submission in the name of non-dualism
and integration.
Due to their strange appearance and vibe, and the diverging public opinions concerning
their intentions, Greys will probably limit their exposure and remain more aloof and
enigmatic at first, perhaps appearing in an ancillary manner alongside more acceptable
alien groups.
Certain Greys may be scapegoated as being of negative orientation, whether said to be
creations of the human shadow government to terrorize abductees, some degenerate
offshoot of the same genetic line that the benevolent Greys came from, or a group that
was kidnapped, cloned, and reprogrammed by negative Reptilians to do their bidding. As
mentioned earlier, this would serve to marginalize evidence of truly negative abduction
activities and stage a threat to which seemingly benevolent aliens represent the solution.
Nordics are supremely suited for the task of first contact because they look similar to us,
which would be a pleasant surprise to those dreading that alien contact will be with
grotesque lifeforms. In abduction literature they also have the least amount of dirt on
them of any reported alien race.
Their exceptional physique and beauty directly appeals to our deepest of genetic
programs: physical attraction and familiarity. This would dispel xenophobia, which is
normally rooted in revulsion to strangeness. For example, they would inspire reverence
instead of fear, earning popular descriptive terms like angels or space babes instead
of derogatory terms like bugs or gators.
Nordics are the ideal superstars of the alien disinformation campaign, followed by Greys,
and both may appear together to the world as they already have to abductees. However,
the first Nordics to initiate galactic diplomacy will probably be negative types or clones
since positive ones are noninterventionist and would not push themselves on us.
Therefore only the negative factions would purposely step onto the scene first with
fanfare aimed to impress. Discerning individuals would see through their lies, but the rest
of humanity would be too dazzled and enthusiastic about welcoming these seeming
heralds of hope, change, and enlightenment.
It is also possible that a previously unknown alien faction will make an appearance. They
could be very strange, barely humanoid, maybe plasma lifeforms having the appearance
of higher dimensional beings. Since they will never have been reported in research
literature, if they play a negative role in the final scenario, they could very well be

artificial projections or creations. Black ops factions could easily produce such a creature
using nanotechnology, holography, and other methods.
The advantage of an alien so strange, immaterial, and seemingly innocent is that it would
evoke wonderment instead of fear. Humans would have no symbolic precedent like
insects or alligators to associated with them, except maybe ghosts or spirits. Their role
would start with a blank slate from which any story can be constructed without negation
by prior abduction research or conspiracy theories. Their only giveaway would be whom
they support and what action on our parts they demand; if these are in line with the
negative alien agenda, then their bodily form and origins are irrelevant.
Shadow Government
Lastly, the other primary final scenario player is the shadow government which
includes the military-industrial complex, corrupt political cabals, black ops military
networks, certain secret societies, and various corporate and scientific conglomerates.
While there may be internal divisions among them, overall it appears they are
functionally complicit with the alien agenda. Either they have realized that they cannot
beat dimensionally superior forces and have joined them in return for preservation of
power through the coming times, or else they are desperate enough to try to overtly seize
world power and buck the alien controllers by force, which would fail and play right into
alien hands.
Whether intended or not, the shadow government is working as the construction crew for
the overt alien control system. They appear responsible for the following:
* Manufacturing and installing the advanced surveillance technologies and control
infrastructure needed to run a worldwide police state
* Directing decisive historical events like totalitarian legislation, wars, terrorism,
assassinations, disasters, and financial collapses to move mankind ever closer toward
global self-enslavement
* Acquiring maximum mind control over the population through psychoactive
frequencies and subliminal broadcasts
* Manufacturing artificial humans or clones to move into influential nodes of power
* Operating remote viewing and special modeling systems to predict threats and
instabilities to the system
* Abducting/programming certain citizens to create sleeper agents, agent provocateurs
(including violent anti-alien survivalist types), and subdue threatening individuals
* Creating decoy abductees who are given screen memories of positive encounters
with the wrong alien types

* Grooming disinformation agents, hijacking the channeling and crop circle

phenomena, and creating sanctioned releases from insiders to steer public perception of
the alien presence
Regardless of whether they are doing all this to advance solely their own power or are
knowingly laboring for their alien masters, it is through their efforts that the control
system they build will be ready for use by negative aliens and their more dependable
proxies. Again, this demonstrates the efficiency by which negative aliens operate: getting
the population to enslave itself before handing over control.
In the final scenario, the public role of the shadow government may be to provide some
whipping boys who will be punished for crimes against humanity and conspiring to
suppress human evolution. The controlled exposure and purging of corruption at the
highest levels would play to populist anger against the elite responsible for their
sufferings. For example, consider what would happen if the World Trade Center attacks
were fully disclosed to the world as having been an inside job, and if numerous other
corrupt activities of worldwide human leadership were exposed as well. Not only would
it lead to the destruction of the old political order, but it would diminish confidence in
human leadership as a whole, and that would boost support for a non-human solution to
the human problem.
If carefully orchestrated, none of this purging would wipe out the functional core of the
shadow government; rather it would be a change at the surface, a symbolic gesture that
the old has died and the new is to begin. It would then be an opportune moment for
amnesty and rehabilitation to be offered to members of the shadow government so that
their tools of control can seemingly be transformed into instruments of peace. Should this
happen, there is grave danger that instruments of peace may instead mean black ops
technology rising into public use against dissenters branded as human supremacists and
anti-alien terrorists. If the public welcomes this move as a necessary step toward
safeguarding peace and progress, then there could quickly arise a new kind of tyranny.
Final Scenario Possibilities
Alien disclosure will happen in multiple phases, that much is guaranteed. Incremental
adjustments to mass consciousness keeps things stable and allows predictive models to
calculate the next optimal move. The initial phase must be the most conservative of all to
minimize risk and panic, but the process accelerates when the risk of failure diminishes
with each successful step.
So I will now explore one possible version of the final scenario, divided into five key
phases. The point is not to declare how the future will go but show the minimal level of
complexity involved in a final scenario, demonstrate how easily existing trends and
conditions can converge to fulfill an agenda, and point out the kinds of dangers that must
be acknowledged and preempted.
Phase 1: Confirmation and Fascination

Proof of life is found beyond Earth. This could be microbes or their fossils discovered on
Mars, or intelligent signals received by SETI. Scientific, religious, and philosophical
debate follow about the implication that we are not alone in the universe.
The debate evolves from what it means that we are not alone in the universe to whether
we are being visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings. The UFO phenomenon becomes
more plausible and receives greater public interest. Credentialed opinion leaders in
UFOlogy and exopolitics step into the spotlight, sharing their information or
disinformation with the world.
Phase 2: Anticipation and Organization
UFO sightings increase in boldness and frequency, answering the burgeoning question of
whether aliens are visiting us. The question starts shifting toward Why are they here?
This leads to growing interest in what abductees and contactees have to say since they
have personally interacted with aliens and have been told of their intentions. Attention
will also broaden into the purported messages from aliens themselves, seemingly sent by
way of crop circles, channeling, and anonymously circulated statements. Here is where
the bulk of disinformation is unleashed to shape public perception of alien motivations.
Networks and institutions geared toward preparing humanity for alien disclosure and
galactic diplomacy proliferate and become highly organized and influential. Governments
are pressured more than ever before to disclose the truth about aliens.
Phase 3: Desperation and Confrontation
Economic, political, and environmental problems that took root during the first two
phases now come to a head. Severe weather problems are blamed on manmade global
warming. Disruptions to food and energy production and distribution lead to greater civil
unrest. Antiestablishment sentiments escalate into rioting and acts of terrorism, which
lead to checkpoints, the proliferation of citizen snitch networks, and possibly roundups
and internment camps.
People start seeing the problem as originating with the evil global elite who are trying to
consolidate and preserve their power through the chaos they have created. People are
desperate for global regime change, for renewable technologies, for freedom and
food/medical/financial security.
Positive public perception of aliens contrasts ever more sharply with negative perception
of human authorities, causing a growing demand for alien intervention.
Phase 4: Revolution and Eradication

Aliens make first contact in a limited way, enough to prove they exist and communicate
their intentions and demands. Mass panic is prevented by police state conditions
restricting commotion and by the preceding acclimation program making this anticipated
rather than feared. Aliens promise security and stability in exchange for cooperation,
which will be gladly accepted.
Unprecedented disclosure follows. An end is declared to lies, deception, coverups, wars,
and suffering as the antagonists are exposed and the old order crumbles. Police state
instruments are retooled to keep the peace as galactic diplomacy goes on and the proalien movement becomes the new order.
Abductees and contactees who were groomed for the task now become the liaisons doing
the heavy lifting of transforming society into conformance with the alien agenda. The
process will appear democratic rather than dictatorial as change proceeds from within
society through these liaisons.
The world unites. All science and religion are absorbed into a single alien paradigm.
Stubborn religious and political factions refusing conformity are declared ignorant,
obsolete, and dangerous. Worldwide, pro-alien fanaticism leads to the persecution of
dissenters. Anyone opposing conformity to the alien agenda is lumped into the same
category as anti-alien terrorists, backward religious fundamentalists, and remnants of the
old order attempting to undermine the alien occupation.
Police state instruments, enhanced by black ops and alien technologies, are then turned
against these non-conformers. They are routed out and converted or eliminated, all in the
name of defending peace, freedom, and the future of humanity.
Phase 5: Evolution and Assimilation
Humanity moves peacefully into the future. Hybrid/indigo children take elite leadership
positions as they mature. The majority of the surviving human population move into
mining, industrial production, and agrarianism using leased alien technology to build and
sustain the infrastructure of the new civilization.
Survival, prosperity, environmental harmony, and physical and mental perfection become
the new focus. Cybernetic and genetic enhancements are welcomed to increase telepathic,
telekinetic, clairvoyant, and other superhuman abilities. Alien technology and services
are credited with taking humans up the evolutionary ladder.
Humans become increasingly cybernetic, psychic, and technologically sophisticated but
at the price of discernment, genuine spiritual connection to the divine, independence of
thought, and awareness of greater truths.
In the end, humans are fully hybridized and perfected as a more tangible, powerful,
physical, and dimensionally flexible tool of negative interdimensional forces.
Assimilation complete.

A scenario like this should be foreshadowed by trends active and visible right now.
Several possibilities come to mind.
First is the popular 2012 phenomenon, which has been building feverish anticipation that
we will soon be transitioning into an age of enlightenment. The timely arrival of aliens
around that time would play to those expectations if they presented themselves as our
ushers into the golden age.
Now, I do believe that we will undergo a radical shift in the coming years, but my
research and intuition tells me that rather than it all being over with 2012, it is the critical
window spanning several decades afterward that will determine the ultimate outcome. So
if a false finish line is set up at the beginning, then the outcome can be rigged through a
self-fulfilling prophecy. Just when people need to be most discerning and proactive in
shaping the future, they would let their guard down by thinking they have already arrived.
Second is the crop circle phenomenon. Some crop circles are purely abstract and
communicate messages on an archetypal metaphysical level. These seem like the more
genuine ones. Then there are crop formations that encode literal events, dates, and
messages in ways that appeal to intellectual puzzle solving. They show signs of being
manmade, whether laid down by skilled ground teams or printed onto the fields by spacebased directed energy weapons, which would implicate involvement of black ops groups
who, as already mentioned, are complicit with the alien agenda. Some of these formations
allude to the importance of the Mayan calendar and its 2012-2013 end date, others
pretend to be direct messages from Greys.
Third is the phenomenon of Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Starseed, and Hybrid children.
While some might just be kids with handicaps and delinquencies who have been given
New Age euphemisms, others do seem to have advanced natures. The latter might be
human-alien hybrids seeded into human families or advanced souls here to experience
and catalyze the coming changes. This is not surprising considering how, according to the
theory of reincarnation, souls are born into the times matching their current needs and
The problem is that these special children could be exploited as footholds and liaisons by
negative alien factions. Imagine if millions of parents were told their children were of
prized alien heritage, having been equipped by alien benefactors with special abilities
and knowledge to lead the world into a new era. What parents would reject the alien
presence and thereby risk rejecting their own children? For most the choice is automatic:
to accept and defend both. They may have been vetted to ensure this. Further, they would
view people who are averse to the alien occupation as being potential threats to their
children, and that brings out a strong defensive instinct.
As for the children themselves, at least the ones who dont know it already, finding out
about their special status would be a major ego hook. What young person would refuse

the power, identity, and privilege of becoming liaisons to the alien groups with whom
they feel a kinshipespecially after having been shunned by their muggle peers all
their lives due to being different, or after having long felt they might have a greater
There are indeed positive souls here with a greater purpose, and many of them have
suffered social isolation from being so different all their lives. Some might even be
liaisons for genuinely positive alien groups who are opposed to the negative intervention.
Thats not the point, and these individuals should never be discriminated against just
because they have special abilities or relations with aliens. The point is that young people
like these, and others specifically groomed and programmed for the task, can be lured
into pitching for the wrong alien faction. Thats the danger here. Therefore they must
become wise enough to see through the deception and ego hooks, and use their powers to
defend truth, freedom of thought, and spiritual sovereignty.
Fourth trend is the percolation of the alien subject into mainstream religion. Christianity
is the largest religion, followed by Islam and Hinduism, and its largest denomination is
Catholicism. This makes Catholicism the largest religious denomination in the world. It
stands to reason that the alien agenda would employ Catholicism to acquire easy
influence over the minds of millions. Catholicism could serve as the primary vehicle of
western religious reformation and assimilation by the alien agenda.
Father Gabriel Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory and Jesuit priest, has stated
that aliens may exist, that believing in them does not contradict belief in God, and that
since they are part of Creation they are our brothers. Another high-ranking Vatican
official named Monsignor Corrado Balducci, who is a demonologist and theologian and
member of the Roman Curia, went on record saying that alien contact is real, that aliens
occupy the levels between humans and angels, and that none are demonic. While these
were personal statements, the Vatican did not issue disclaimers or denials against them,
indicating that as time goes on the Vatican will incrementally come closer to admitting
these views as official policy. What will stay absent is the equally valid idea that some
aliens occupy levels between humans and demons and use demonic tactics in
accomplishing their ends, which includes using the Church as a means of portraying
themselves as our angelic brethren.
Fifth trend is the extreme effort to pin global warming solely on humans despite evidence
indicating natural solar cycles are the primary cause. These cycles depend on the
variations in the combined gravitational and magnetic forces exerted upon the sun by
orbiting planets. In turn, these planets are affected by the change in solar output. Humans
are not the cause of observed global warming effects on Mars for instance.
Even if carbon dioxide emissions were the cause of global warming, the ones pushing
this agenda are conspicuously ignoring true solutions like the proliferation of free energy
technology. Instead they demand greater global government intervention, enforced
energy starvation, and economic constriction of the population. Collective fear and guilt
are induced over mounting weather disasters, leading to increased willingness to make

unnecessary sacrifices for the sake of political correctness and planetary survival. This
will create enough anger against our human leadership and guilt against ourselves for
destroying the environment that aliens will seem perfectly justified in admonishing
human ineptitude and offering themselves and their progressive human liaisons as the
Now, this does not excuse the continuation of human environmental destruction, rather it
suggests blame should go where it belongs and the proper solutions implemented.
Saving the Earth should never become a convenient vehicle for executing nefarious
political and alien agendas, but unfortunately it already has and will continue in the years
Sixth trend is the recent shift in policy toward disclosure of alien life. Television specials
on UFOs are now tipping more to the believers than the skeptics when it used to be the
opposite. Various governments are in the process of releasing previously secret
documents and databases on UFOs, and the United States will follow under the next
What all this indicates is a shift away from coverup of the existence of aliens toward a
coverup of who they are and why theyre here. Skeptics are increasingly being presented
as shut-eyed (literally in some cases) and the believers and witnesses as credible and
logical. Its a move from one coverup to another, and many who are cheering for an end
to the first coverup are sleepwalking right into the second. We can expect this trend to
continue and become ever more blatant. In the end there will be full admission that aliens
do exist and have been visiting us, but that they are friendly and here to help us get
through some tough times. Disclosure will be partial, sanctioned, and disinformative to
the extreme.
The seventh trend is the exopolitical rush toward petitioning for alien intervention,
organizing citizen contact groups, and forming disclosure networks aimed at ending the
UFO coverup. Their eagerness for Disclosure risks making no provisions for discerning
between positive aliens and impostors. Some believe all aliens are benevolent and
therefore no need exists for questioning the alien presence. Others acknowledge aliens
are varied in their intentions, but limit their definition of alien hostility to physical
aggression like torturing humans, downing aircrafts, and attacking military installations.
It would show lack of discernment to persistently ignore, ridicule, and rationalize away
the possibility that alien hostility can come under the guise of benevolence. Bolder
examples may very well be evidence of grooming and programming by those same
forces. If aspects of the movement were sanctioned by dishonest alien forces, then
exopolitical activism could become the ideal vehicle through which our collective
freewill is handed over. With additional foresight, however, it could just as easily become
an effective defender of truth, wisdom, and sovereignty.
So to fulfill its maximum potential, the movement should never underestimate the
sophistication of alien deception, and instead explore how this deception could occur and

construct the appropriate contingencies and standards for ensuring such deception will
never succeed. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so. The
solution is being both pro-Disclosure and pro-discernment.
Why Now?
Those who orchestrate the final scenario are careful, strategic, and efficient. They take
the safest, slowest, and most exhaustive approach they can within the given time limits,
but it appears they are now on a deadline given the speed at which the police state, global
turmoil, and alien disclosure trends are progressing.
Had they another century to draw these out, they would face far less scrutiny. That they
are acting desperately and multifariously indicates that something beyond their complete
control is happening or imminent. They cannot prevent, delay, or accelerate it, and must
instead accommodate, incorporate, and divert it like a judo fighter redirecting rather than
stopping the oncoming momentum of his opponent. Why?
Reason 1: Reaching Maturity and Sustainability
If we compare modern days with those a millennium ago, it becomes clear why, from a
strictly opportunistic perspective, the time for an overt alien takeover is now instead of
earlier. Only now are we intellectually and technologically advanced enough to globally
enslave ourselves, adopt the alien paradigm, and function as skilled and viable assets to
their agenda.
If this were attempted a thousand years ago, aliens would have had a troublesome
liability rather than asset to manage. They would have had to provide all the technology,
education, and training themselves a tall order considering the ignorant, crude, and
fragmented state of the population back then. Why not wait (or time travel forward)
several centuries, dropping catalysts along the way to speed up the advancement of
civilization, until conditions were ripe?
It is not military opposition they are trying to overcome, but inertia and lack of
efficiency, otherwise they would have taken over during the age of swords and bows.
Inertia can only be overcome through patience and carefully implemented catalysts for
growth, just as a crop must be patiently tended before ready for harvest.
Reason 2: Approaching Critical Points on the Timeline
This presents a crucial problem to alien controllers: a civilization advanced enough to
efficiently work for them is advanced enough to effectively work against them, or at least
slip out of their grasp. The moment of maximum efficiency is the moment of maximum
Today we find ourselves in the most precarious of situations, an extraordinary bifurcation
point between doom and liberation, and the tactic being employed is to disguise doom as

The future is in flux, hinging on the degree of information or disinformation forming the
basis of our personal and global choices. Modern history is clustered with critical points
on the timeline that would attract intervention by interdimensional or time traveling
forces because these points represent windows where the future can be most efficiently
influenced. It should therefore be no surprise that alien activities have increased
exponentially this past century as we approach the grandest of nexus points.
Reason 3: Incoming Natural Cataclysms
Natural cyclical cataclysms further threaten to destabilize the control system. Possibilities
include extreme solar flares, mass volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, super-storms,
cometary bombardments, magnetic pole shift, physical pole shift, and the onset of a new
ice age. For thousands of years humanity has remained mostly free of these threats, but
the cycles appear to all be converging during the coming decades. We are already seeing
disruptions to the food supply due to diseases, droughts, and floods ruining crops
simultaneously worldwide.
The control system cannot survive intact without adapting to these disruptions.
Adaptation means increasing the level of control, like a farmer rounding up his livestock
in preparation of a severe storm and confining them to the barn. As a matter of efficiency,
the control system goes one step further by exploiting early threats, whether real or
manufactured, to gain the control needed to survive the later threats. Example: global
warming is largely the result of natural solar system cycles, but by instead blaming
human carbon emissions as the sole cause, the control system can lower the standard of
living and deprecate the self-esteem of humanity so that, desperate and demoralized,
humans are more willing to hand their sovereignty over to seemingly wiser authorities.
The authorities then have the necessary means of tying down their human livestock.
Reason 4: Burgeoning Phenomenon of Human Spiritual Transcendence
The physical reasons above should make a decent case why the alien agenda is moving
forward so quickly at this time. I believe there are metaphysical reasons as well, which
despite seeming more speculative are still personally verifiable.
The primary metaphysical reason is that portions of humanity are moving toward spiritual
transcendence, toward acquiring the spiritual awareness and interdimensional abilities
needed to overcome the control system. This is not just the result of human spiritual
evolution increasing the need for a more expansive state of existence, it is also the
manifestation of divine intervention during difficult times accelerating the spiritual
empowerment of individuals who choose to participate in the process.
We are dynamic beings capable of personal spiritual growth, so there is no reason why
we cannot achieve transcendence in greater numbers given enough time and opportunity.
Interdimensional alien civilizations were not always at that level, meaning they once

occupied a more limited existence like our own before transitioning. If they can do it, so
can we.
Already throughout history there have existed transcendent humans working as the great
spiritual masters and teachers of the ages, and while they were the exceptions for their
times, their message has been that we can and will achieve equal or greater.
For this to occur on a wider level, all it would take is a synchronization of conditions and
catalysts working internally and externally upon us to facilitate our spiritual awakening,
liberation, and empowerment. Those who are receptive to this influence would rise up
and polarize away from the rest who are more predisposed toward willful ignorance and
entropy. (Note that this polarization phenomenon has nothing to do with moral
judgments, rather it follows from the natural dissonance that arises between individuals
who are treading incompatible life paths.)
Taken to its logical conclusion, the polarization phenomenon would lead to a
transformation of the world as we know it and the bifurcation of consensus reality into
mutually exclusive realms of existence. All this dovetails with 2012 studies, Biblical
eschatology, Native American prophecies, Scandinavian mythology, Sanskrit cosmology,
and channeling, contactee, or abductee accounts concerning the imminent fate of
So it appears that, apart from the converging physical factors mentioned earlier, there are
several nonphysical factors coming together as well:
* The spiritual maturation of a portion of the human population and their readiness to
graduate from this limited mode of existence.
* The implementation of a divine plan to augment the process and combat the grave
imbalances created by the alien control system.
* As discussed in my article, The Physics of 2012, the irradiation of our solar system
by a traveling event horizon or wave of hyperdimensional energy. This would serve to
loosen the gravitational binding of consensus reality and allow easier graduation or
bifurcation onto interdimensional realms of existence.
Preservation of Hyperdimensional Control
Assuming dimensional transcendence is a real possibility for us, how might alien
controllers preserve their power in the face of it? Through the alien agenda now being
implemented. They would achieve this by first winning our willful submission to their
authority, then locking that submission into place through dependence, addiction,
spiritual sterilization, and cybernetic assimilation.
Keep in mind that human transcendence does not guarantee being fully in the clear.
Rather it means a leveling of the playing field more so than retirement from the game.

Instead of aliens having exclusive access to the backstage of our reality, hidden from
view and inaccessible to our reach or perception, our transcendence would mean removal
of the curtain and being able to see and interact with them more directly.
This could be another reason why aliens are shifting toward overt instead of covert
control: it may soon be impossible for them to maintain the privilege of invisibility if
more of us gain greater clairvoyance and dimensional mobility. If their revealing is
inevitable, they must preemptively condition us to view their presence in a positive light.
Another problem we face is that if, like moving up grade levels in school, no knowledge
of the next stage is necessary to graduate from the existing one, there will be throngs of
graduates who are absolutely clueless about the interdimensional alien agenda and the
subtleties of the new existence. And even if there were no dimensional shift it would
still be the most flexible, progressive, and helpful people who make it through the coming
These well intentioned but potentially undiscerning (concerning alien or
hyperdimensional matters) people are the ones most easily ensnared by the alien
deception. They are also the most valuable because they would statistically comprise the
bulk of transitioners. It could be said that the future of humanity hinges on their choice of
alignment. The alien disinformation campaign is already heavily targeting them:
exopolitical activists, New Agers, progressive religious people, special children,
contactees and abductees, fringe researchers, truth seekers, and others who are more
receptive to selfless causes and novel ideas than the mainstream. These are precisely the
ones who would make it to the next level without always having the foresight needed to
avoid the pitfalls afterward.
What is happening now has all the characteristics of a timewar waged between
interdimensional time traveling forces. The goal of any timewar is preservation,
reinforcement, and expansion of the probable future or reality of origin. The more souls
are aggregated onto a particular timeline, the more stability and power is given to that
timeline over others. Moving the human soul collective onto a negative timeline requires
a collective choice. Thus, we have the disinformation program and the temporal
manipulation of history and genetics to bias this choice heavily toward one favoring the
negative timeline.
I have delayed discussion of positive forces because the nature of negative aliens must be
understood first. So in the sixth and final part, I will discuss to the best of my knowledge
who they are, what they are like, how to distinguish them from impostors, and provide
some tips on positive solutions to the issues raised in this book.
In preceding parts I focused on negative aliens to emphasize the prevalence,
sophistication, and subtlety of their control methods. They can advance hostile agendas
without necessarily being violent or frightening in appearance. Instead they maximize
their appeal to build up false perceptions and beliefs in their targets so that, unable to
make fully informed decisions, their targets naively and willfully choose to relinquish

We can distinguish between positive aliens and impostors by knowing more about what
each are truly like. What unique traits must aliens demonstrate in word, action, and
consequence to qualify as truly benevolent? We are looking for key characteristics of
positive aliens that cannot be imitated by negative impostors, at least not without
shortchanging their own agenda. Our standards must be set neither so low that impostors
falsely qualify, nor so unrealistically high that benevolent groups with innocent
shortcomings fail to qualify at all.
In this final part I will share my tentative conclusions on the nature and motivation of
positive aliens.
What Does Positive Mean?
Contrary to stereotypes engendered by the New Age movement, the positive spiritual
path is not about being meek, simple, and blissful to the point of becoming passive and
ignorant of lifes problems. People who adopt this attitude end up disconnected from
reality and eventually face a rude awakening. Real spirituality has to be practical yet
transcendent, true to both physical reality and metaphysical reality, rooted in experience
yet vivified by divine inspiration. It must acknowledge the limitations of ones current
state of existence, yet allow advancement beyond that existence by opening the door to
influences from an even higher level of existence.
It cannot be otherwise. An alien civilization mired in blissful denial, wishful thinking,
and undiscerning acceptance would crumble under its own folly or be preyed upon by
deceivers in the same way that amiable but blindly trusting people get taken in by
The genuine positive path is one of strength, practicality, discernment, understanding,
balance, and gnosis. Gnosis is higher spiritual intelligence, manifesting in its lowest form
as objective intuition1. It allows for inner revelation of profound insights and direct
recognition of truths buried in external sources of information. It supersedes both intellect
and lower emotions and thereby stays invulnerable to disinformation, emotional
manipulation and logical fallacies. This ability to intuitively or clairvoyantly tap into
higher understanding is the main catalyst for spiritual evolution because it guides one
toward truth and alerts one to deception and error.
The positive path results in the fulfillment of individual potential, making one all the
more effective on both the physical and metaphysical planes. It optimizes ones ability to
serve the spiritual well-being and evolution of others and thereby facilitate the divine
purpose of Creation.
Positive and negative are not mere subjective terms, rather they follow directly and
logically from some fundamental facts of our existence:
* Humans and aliens are conscious beings with freewill.
* Freewill leads to independence and individuality.

* Individuals interact with themselves, the world, and each other.

* Interaction between individuals modifies their consciousness.
* Freewill determines whether the modification is growth or suppression.
Since freewill allows the choice between assisting or suppressing the consciousness and
freewill of others, there are consequently:
1) Beings who serve the entire system by expanding their consciousness and freewill in
balance with the expansion of consciousness and freewill in others.
2) Beings who serve only themselves at the cost of suppressing the freewill and
consciousness of others to the detriment of the entire system.
This essentially defines the positive and negative paths. The positive path preserves
balance by maximizing freewill in the system, the other creates imbalance by diminishing
the freewill of others through force, deception, and assimilation; the first advances self by
also advancing others, the second advances self at the detriment of others.
The only reason the negative path can continue to exist at all without immediate entropic
disintegration is because it functions as a parasitic Ponzi Scheme where a hierarchy of
predators depends on perpetual influx of recruits and resources to keep from starving and
imploding. Earth has become the recruitment and feeding grounds for at least one such
How universal is the positive path? Can it be followed by various types of alien beings
regardless of their physiology? What about feelings like love and compassion? Can a
reptilian whose physiology lacks the neurotransmitters for positive mammalian emotions
follow the positive path? Of course.
Conscious beings are more than their bodies; they are immortal sparks of consciousness
inhabiting temporary bodies. Truth, understanding, discernment, wisdom, and higher
spiritual intelligence are virtues of consciousness that transcend biology. Likewise, pure
love, which is the impulse to safeguard and advance consciousness, is also universal.
Perhaps a mammalian physiology expresses pure love more through a sense of
compassion, empathy, and personal caring, whereas a reptilian physiology might express
it more through a sense of duty, honor, and necessity. Both are accompanied by a sense
of understanding, and both assist the advancement of consciousness in those loved.
Positivity is defined here strictly on a metaphysical basis. All its requisites are properties
originating with consciousness, or to be more accurate, with spirit, which is the
transcendent spark of consciousness residing at the core of being. As long as a being is
conscious, individualized, has freewill, and interacts with others, the positive path is open
to exploration.

In defining what constitutes a positive alien, there are some things to keep in mind. First
is that not all positive groups are identical; they may have different missions,
appearances, cultures of origin, levels of development, functional relation to humanity,
and means of achieving their goals.
They vary in development from what humanity could achieve after several thousand
years of further spiritual and technological advancement, to beings who have completely
transcended space and time, who no longer have use for vehicles, bodies, or even
personalized individualities in some cases. Stated another way, the spectrum of positive
aliens spans from extraterrestrial to ultraterrestrial.
Between these two extremes are those who have transcended linear time but can still
occupy bodies, employ technology, and travel in vehicles. They are the positive analogs
of the negative hyperdimensional entities discussed in earlier parts of this book. While
they are not always bounded by linear time and three dimensional space, neither do they
operate exclusively within the higher immaterial realms of existence. Functionally, they
are neither strictly ultraterrestrials nor extraterrestrials, but flip between these states as
necessary. Perhaps the term ambiterrestrial is needed to distinguish them.
The spectrum of positive aliens may be divided into something like the following:
Pure Ultraterrestrial: These exclusively immaterial beings are not involved in
abductions or UFO sightings, but are impersonal archetypal intelligences functioning
more like oracles, guides, and divine emissaries of the highest caliber. Terms like
angels and archangels are approximations of these beings. They are largely absent
from UFO literature, but are mentioned in certain channeled, religious, and spiritual
Upper Ambiterrestrials: Stay primarily in an immaterial, hyperdimensional state of
pure consciousness beyond spacetime, but materialize bodies and vehicles as needed.
They carry out functions as councilors, teachers, administrators, supervisors, and other
leadership positions. Their focus is more on metaphysical matters, giving directives and
instructions to lower ambiterrestrials based on their higher understanding and broader
Middle Ambiterrestrials: Straddle the boundary between immaterial and material states
of existence. They can temporarily materialize physical bodies and three dimensional
physical ships into our world that can be touched, studied, and reverse engineered by
humans, even though their bodies and ships dematerialize upon reverting to
hyperdimensional form. They can directly project themselves into our reality with ease.
Claims of positive aliens walking among us pretending to be human, but who are
observers and servants of a divine cause, may be of this category. Their focus is equally
divided between spiritual and technical matters.
Lower Ambiterrestrials: Stay primarily in material form but are slightly shifted beyond
our perceptions. They could be time travelers from the future or denizens of a parallel

physical plane or parallel timeline. They are completely tangible to each other in their
native environment. If we were shifted into their environment, we would interact with
them in a physical way. Same if they shifted fully into ours, which they can do, but
apparently not as easily as the more advanced positive aliens. Their native realm is a state
of shifted spacetime, which differs from complete dematerialization and exit from
spacetime. Instead of consciously projecting a temporary ship into our reality, they would
more likely shift an already existing one into ours. Relative to higher ambiterrestrials,
they are more preoccupied with scientific, strategic, and diplomatic matters, though not
without spiritual and ethical considerations.
Pure Extraterrestrials: These types are completely physical and appear to only visit
earth sporadically in small numbers. Given their physical limitations and resource
restrictions, they would be prevented from traveling to earth in large numbers without
being detected and preyed upon by more advanced negative alien factions. Being of
positive orientation without having yet transcended physicality implies a certain navet
and fragility that reduces odds of survival since, in physical environments, competition
over finite resources is the default mode of existence. Therefore, positive extraterrestrials
would be fewer and more discreet due to their heightened vulnerability.
Logic suggests a similar spectrum exists for negative alien beings: demonic
ultraterrestrials at the top, space-faring physical beings at the bottom, and negative
hyperdimensional aliens (negative ambiterrestrials) between those two extremes.
The relation between these two spectra may be represented as a sideways Y branching
to the right, one path going up, the other going down. The paths are closer to each other
near the branching point, diverging farther away. Those nearest to the branching point,
meaning lowest on the spectrum, are the ones most likely to share common traits and
directly interact with each other, either in conflict or cooperation. This is because they are
less polarized along their respective paths and more entrenched in physicality. Physicality
is a consensual reality that forces mutual causal interaction. So one might find lower
positive and lower negative ambiterrestrials either in direct physical conflict with each
other or, under rare and forced circumstances, working together if doing so allows
achievement of independent aims.
Unlike negative alien societies, which are founded on competition, power, and deception
and thus highly compartmentalized, positive alien societies are more harmonious,
integrated, and unified with each other. This does not imply a hive-like collective
consciousness where individuality is suppressed, but rather a harmonization of spiritually
developed individuals into mutually resonant networks. In this network, a balance exists
between individual development and societal cohesion, the latter arising from the
spiritual basis of the first.
Those who connect with higher spiritual intelligence connect to the same divine source
and therefore share a spiritual rapport and understanding with others who are also
connected. This naturally leads to a brotherhood of sorts, born not out of programming or
forced imposition by external authority, but of common basic understanding and shared

love of truth, freedom, and balance. Nor should this be confused with sectarian religious
aspirations, which in mixing dogma with personal bias lead to infighting and religious
wars. True spirituality springs from a common source and leads to harmony and unity,
whereas subjective belief systems accomplish the opposite.
Another point of consideration is that societal evolution and individual spiritual evolution
are separate processes. Humanity may have progressed politically, technologically, and
economically over the past several thousand years, but this does not mean the average
human individual has correspondingly evolved. Vices like greed, ignorance, selfishness,
hubris, jealousy, and wrath are as prevalent today as they were in ancient times. What
seems like an advanced society may therefore be composed of unethical and spiritually
unsophisticated individuals, kept in line only through sophisticated control systems,
which would make it far from positive. So the outward appearance of peace, order, and
scientific advancement of an alien group is not necessarily proof of underlying positivity
because these could just as well mask underlying individual spiritual atrophy.
Spiritual evolution is not just about studying and following religious morals or
philosophical ethics, which amounts to programming by external sources, but rather
maturing in soul so that the intrinsic wisdom, discernment, and conscience developed in
one life continue into the next. Only if the distillation of higher spiritual intelligence is
already present at birth, operates actively throughout life by guiding personal decisions
and perspectives, and is built upon in successive incarnations, can that be called spiritual
evolution. And only if a society consists of spiritually evolved individuals can it be called
genuinely positive.
Individual evolution knows no bounds and may progress quicker than societal evolution.
A single dedicated individual given proper esoteric training could accomplish in a few
lifetimes what would take humanity, as a whole, thousands of years to reach. The
difference between human civilization and positive aliens is this: what spiritual heights
humans must achieve individually in defiance of the rest of society, positive aliens have
achieved society-wide. The average human is therefore less advanced than the average
ambiterrestrial, and so it may be said that ambiterrestrials are further up the evolutionary
ladder than man.
On the other hand, some humans may be more advanced than some aliens. Consider
certain esoteric masters who had profound impacts upon human spiritual awareness.
Maybe they were native humans who rose far beyond the norm, or maybe some were
upper ambiterrestrials who volunteered to incarnate into human society to contribute
toward its upliftment. There could even exist a human spiritual brotherhood dedicated to
our upliftment that is of a higher order of spiritual development than, say, a lower
ambiterrestrial group that is more focused on dealing with the negative alien agenda,
although both ultimately are part of the same divine network whether they know each
other or not.
All this goes to show that the line between humans and aliens is blurred at the scale of the
individual and gradated at the scale of society, so that what they can do widely by default,

we can do individually as exceptions to our kind and will do society-wide after further
spiritual evolution. So humanity should neither be denigrated, nor positive aliens deified,
on the false assumption that the latter are universally superior to the first, because there
are exceptions.
Exceptions likewise exist for aliens. Since individual development allows for some to be
more highly evolved than others, then despite their unity, within a single positive alien
civilization there could exist greater and lesser advanced aliens; both upper and lower
ambiterrestrials working together, for example. It would be an error to assume that one
alien civilization is exclusively lower ambiterrestrial while another is exclusively
ultraterrestrial, since within each there will be exceptions. The average level of
development is what differs between civilizations, and in that sense several positive
civilizations may collaborate, some averaging closer to ultraterrestrial, the other closer to
extraterrestrial, with the latter frequently deferring to the wisdom and guidance of the
Characteristics of Positive Humanoid Aliens
What are positive humanoid aliens like? We can estimate the answer through: 1)
abductee and contactee accounts, keeping in mind the possibility of fabrication,
embellishment, and impostors; 2) esoteric, mythological, and religious texts where
mention is made of non-human benefactors; 3) personal experiences through dreams,
astral projection, abductions, and real world physical contact. From these areas I have
derived the following approximation:
Their verbal and telepathic communications resound with truth and show great sobriety
and depth of understanding, but they also have the humility, foresight, and consideration
to simplify their communication and underplay their intelligence so as not to impose or
intimidate. Therefore they may come across as reserved and careful to measure their
words. In general, they are mindful of their influence and refrain from shortchanging our
learning opportunities with prematurely provided answers. They are good at encrypting
deeper truths into what they say, truths that reveal themselves only in hindsight when one
has finally matured enough to understand them, yet they are equally talented at packing
much meaning into few words and saying the right thing at the right time to make a
catalytic and destined difference.
We can recognize in them a strong degree of sentience, lucidity, earnestness, intelligence,
and wisdom, at least relative to ourselves. There is a misconception that higher positive
beings are less than fully aware and alert, that being enlightened means they exist in a
state of tranquilized bliss as though sedated and dishing out fluffy platitudes and fortune
cookie aphorisms. Real positive beings have higher awareness, not truncated awareness.
They are not blind to reality or numbed from acknowledging what we consider to be
uncomfortable truths, but can see these clearly in their higher context and are very
matter-of-fact about it all.
They possess love, empathy, and compassion but not at the expense of reason, wisdom,
and understanding. Rather these two sides (higher emotional and higher intellectual) are

fused into harmony and balance. Love without understanding leads to sentimentalism and
gullibility, while understanding without love can lead to cold intellectualism and cruelty.
Higher positive aliens, in having reached a certain level of spiritual development, suffer
from neither defect. Balanced esoteric development systems bring human individuals to
the same level of warmth and understanding.
Impostors can induce a counterfeit sense of warmth in their targets that restricts
awareness by making them think the impostor must be a positive being radiating good
vibes. However, these seemingly positive emotions are merely induced chemical or
hormonal responses that cloud judgment instead of sharpening it. The genuine ones have
a warmth that can be sensed without oneself necessarily being flooded with feelings, just
as one can sense the heat of a fire without oneself being on fire; the impostors, however,
figuratively set one on fire with induced emotions so that despite their cold hearts one
might mistakenly project that warmth upon them. Impostors produce an effect that is
suppressive of awareness rather than supportive. Real positive beings have the ultimate
effect of making you more of who you truly are, elevating your perspective and clarity,
whereas the impostors prune your awareness down to manageable size. There is always a
sense of being entranced, numbed, hypnotized, or submerged when dealing with the
impostor positives.
Positive beings, particularly the middle ambiterrestrials and above, never appeal to your
baser instincts or use ego hooks to coerce cooperation. Instead they speak more to your
higher reasoning and intuition. They dont dangle gifts or privileges to get you to act
against your better judgment, but may send unexpected compensation for having
followed your better judgment during trying circumstances. They dont try to impress
with fancy titles, useless technical jargon intended to confound, or detailed yet
superfluous trivia. Instead they take a practical and minimalist approach by sticking to
what matters. Sometimes they are hesitant to speak much about their identity or origins,
since it could lead to many problems including personality worship and the
compromising of their safety, the latter being a greater issue for lower ambiterrestrials
due to their physicality.
While higher positive beings are more spiritually developed and refined than we currently
are, they are not perfect by any means. The closer they are to our level of development,
meaning the lesser their standing among the order higher positive beings, the more prone
they are to acting on incomplete information, making naive assumptions, and misplacing
their trust. Freewill leaves the future open within certain limits, so there is room for error.
The lower the ambiterrestrial, the more limited their future sight. These errors are of a
metaphysical order and cannot be placed on equal footing as the procedural mistakes
made by seemingly innocent aliens, said by disinformative sources to account for the
rough handling of abductees. They are metaphysical mistakes with metaphysical
consequences, whereas the latter are physical mistakes with physical consequences.
This is one example of how positive and negative beings differ, in that the negative aliens
are more partial toward physicality while the positive place greater emphasis on
spirituality. Positive beings concern themselves more with liberation and perfection of the

soul, preservation of freewill, proliferation of knowledge and wisdom, and other

transcendental ideals, while negative aliens are more concerned with harvesting
resources, genetic manipulations, and preservation of their livestock. This does not mean
positive aliens are disdainful of physicality, indifferent to environmentalism, or immune
to the necessity of technology, rather they simply know better than to invert their values
and sacrifice the higher for the lower.
Ambiterrestrial Technology
Technology is needed to accomplish what consciousness alone cannot. Positive aliens
only use it to the degree that they are corporeal (physical and/or etheric). Higher
ambiterrestrials use less technology to accomplish the same things because they are less
tethered to physicality and have greater conscious command over it.
The purely materialistic technology familiar to us can only develop so far before it hits
the quantum threshold and the limits of determinism. Beyond that point it must become
sub-quantum and ultra-relativistic, incorporating interdimensional and metaphysical
factors to develop further. This describes lower ambiterrestrial technology, which allows
for engineering of spacetime, dimensional rotation, traveling through time, modifying
etheric energies, and interfacing consciousness directly with crafts and devices.
All that can be done by middle and upper ambiterrestrial technology as well, except they
have taken the merger between consciousness and technology to an even higher art. It
appears their technology is entirely malleable to consciousness, and thus fundamentally
alchemical in nature. It looks and functions like technology but is actually a physical
embodiment or etheric precipitation of thoughts, intent, and spiritual archetypes. The
relation among its tangible parts mirrors the relation among its higher metaphysical
The main difference between negative and positive ambiterrestrial technology is the
multidimensional reality spectrum each can access, which is broader for the positive due
to their more balanced and holistic quality of consciousness resonating deeper with the
divine root of Creation. Negative ambiterrestrials, in being barred from accessing that
root, have to resort to cunning, stalking, luring, hacking, stealing, and exploitation of
loopholes to get their way.
Distinguishing Between Positive and Negative Forces
Positive and negative ambiterrestrials have unique and shared traits. Compiling a list of
the unique traits will help us identify the orientation of a particular alien faction, while a
list of shared traits would show what cannot be exclusively relied upon to make that
determination. This is useful because impostors use shared traits to prove their positive
orientation and sugarcoat their uniquely negative traits.
So what follows is a list of shared, uniquely negative, and uniquely positive traits. Not all
positive types will have all the positive traits, but they all should lack the uniquely
negative traits. Likewise, not all negative types will have all the listed negative traits, but
they all should lack the uniquely positive traits. This list should only be used as a

guideline for further contemplation and improvement, and not as a rigid checklist to
apply in a perfunctory fashion. The distinction between positive and negative forces must
be made out of genuine understanding, intuition, and experience, in consideration of the
circumstances and performed on a case-by-case basis.
Shared Traits
Either may respect freewill, stepping in only when asked. The difference is that positive
aliens respect it fully and demand it be an informed and sincere choice, while negative
aliens only respect freewill as something to covertly manipulate into granting them
permission and legalizing their subsequent takeover. Both might ask us for permission
before opening full contact, both may encourage us to carry ourselves instead of
becoming dependent on them. The difference is that negative aliens would preprogram
the population into making the desired choice and position opinion leaders within society
to covertly steer progress in their favor.
Either may voice environmental concerns for Earth. Negative aliens have a vested
interest in saving the planet for themselves: they may desire Earth as breeding grounds,
staging grounds for further conquests, and for the harvesting its natural resources. For
modern culture it is politically correct to champion environmentalism, and the idea of
living in harmony with the earth has an air of spirituality to it. Advocating these ideals is
not at all in conflict with a negative alien agenda, as it would polish their image and
increase the sustainability and efficiency of their farm if human livestock have been
instilled with enough reverence for the farmland to maintain it themselves. So aliens
espousing environmental concerns and choosing humans to be caretakers of the earth is
not necessarily proof of positivity, though neither is it exclusive proof of negativity since
respect for the environment is good and necessary regardless. It seems to be a lower
priority for positive aliens, perhaps because they understand the ephemeral and illusory
nature of physicality in contrast to the greater reality and immortality of the soul, or
maybe they are simply aware that natural and cosmic cycles have caused far greater
damage to Earth than humans could ever inflict.
Either might provide advanced technology to help with energy and food production,
transportation, medical needs, and other necessities. Negative aliens would use this as a
false sign of goodwill and provide nothing they couldnt easily disable, revoke, or
overcome if things turn sour; their gift of technology may also be used as a bargaining
chip and Trojan horse. Both would more freely provide it on a smaller scale to their
trained human contacts to ensure their survival through difficult times. Positive aliens
would be more reserved about offering their own technology, especially considering the
suppressed human inventions already in existence that only need freedom to proliferate.
Either may advocate peace, nonviolence, social harmony, and unity. For negative aliens,
besides improving their image by contradicting the expectations of violent alien hostility,
these ideals preserve order, efficiency, and docility within their controlled population and
thereby help disable dissent and independent thinking. Enemies (those resisting
assimilation) need merely be branded as enemies of peace, harmony, and unity to allow

justification of their persecution, including violent persecution in the defense of these

ideals. Their unity and harmony is enforced from the outside and crushes the soul inward,
whereas for positive aliens unity and harmony are the outward consequence of people
awakening to a common understanding through independent spiritual development.
Both prioritize ends over means, especially lower ambiterrestrials with dedicated
missions who are more entrenched within physicality, linear time, and therefore causality.
What matters to them is the big picture and long-term outcome. The benevolence of
positive aliens comes from understanding rather than passivity or sentimentalism,
therefore they are not necessarily soft, complaisant, or always forthcoming. If an
individual or society lacks the required maturity to handle the truth, positive aliens may
resort to disguises, riddles, or silence instead of giving the truth and injuring the longterm outcome, thus they may seem unforthcoming or even dishonest if pushed. Likewise,
they may allow a person to undergo grave suffering if absolutely necessary for their
spiritual maturation. This is not in contradiction to compassion, but a consequence of
compassion married to higher understanding. So the presence of abandonment, seeming
cruelty, pretense, and secretiveness are not necessarily proof of negativity, as sometimes
they are the only means available to accomplish positive ends. This should not be
confused with rationalizations employed by negative aliens to justify their torture tactics,
which are sadistic means serving negative ends.
Either may include Nordic aliens working with Greys. Although Greys appear to be
organic automatons manufactured by negative alien factions to do the brunt of abduction
work, some may be repurposed by lower positive ambiterrestrials to assist with the
handling of human contacts. The presence of Greys does not, by itself, prove an alien
group is benevolent or malevolent, although negative alien factions seem to use them
more often.
Either may show up in dazzling ships and be physically attractive. No matter how
sparkling, golden, crystalline, and seemingly divine the appearance of an alien ship, and
no matter how noble, powerful, and angelic the appearance of its inhabitants, these
qualities do not prove positive orientation. Negative forces are thoroughly familiar with
our religious anticipations, scientific expectations, and psychological weaknesses, and
they would do well to cloak themselves in these. Rather we should be mindful of the
context and timing of their appearance, the consequences of their words and actions, and
our intuitive reading of their intent.
Traits Unique to Negative/Impostor Aliens
Regardless of what they say, their true intent is revealed by the end results of their
actions. They aim to position themselves as controlling authorities using the most indirect
but efficient means possible. For instance, they might mimic positive aliens and say we
must move forward out of our own freewill, that they are not here to save us. While that
resembles a respect for freewill, it would be a ruse prodding us into legitimizing tyranny
through the illusion of democracy. This could come about through the covert
manipulation of public opinion through disinformation and well-placed opinion leaders

so that the voluntary choices we make are in alignment with their agenda. So it matters
little what technology, teachings, and leadership they offer; if the result is that we have
less discernment, freedom, and spiritual power while they have more control and
leverage, then that signifies a negative orientation. We dont have to wait to see the final
results to make this determination; it will be evident early on from the direction things
take in response to their open arrival.
They will demand heavy sacrifices, loss of freedoms, loss of sovereignty, in exchange for
our security and survival. They do this by purposely ignoring and suppressing healthier
alternatives that let us achieve security and survival not by conceding our sovereignty,
but by utilizing it through increased awareness, vigilance, self-reliance, networking,
responsibility, and spiritual balance.
People who are first and loudest to promote them also display the strongest indicators of
being disinformation vectors.
They may encourage fanaticism, worship, deification, and pompous ceremonies to
manipulate the masses into supporting them. They do this by targeting emotions, political
correctness, false assumptions, wishful thinking, desperation, radical idealism, and other
sub-rational vulnerabilities.
They either deny the existence of negative aliens, or else admit to their existence and
scapegoat some disposable alien faction that is too small and limited to account for all the
types of negative alien activities known to seasoned researchers. Their description of
negative aliens may also be out of step with reality, too simplistic and catering to popular
misconceptions, and likely ignoring the possibility of negative impostors.
If their ranks include both Reptilians and Mantids, they are almost certainly a negative
alien faction or alliance. Each alone already has a deeply tarnished reputation in
abduction research, and both working together reduces even further the possibility of
positive orientation.
They will likely be first to reveal themselves because they are interventionists and have
thoroughly set the stage for their appearance. Since their sales pitch would flop in the
face of truths revealed by any genuine positive alien groups coming before them, they
would have to show up before those groups can establish an atmosphere of discerning
awareness. Once they seize overt control, however, they would have to further
acculturate and program people so that positive groups who arrive later to expose the
deception are received as attackers on the collective ego, maybe perceived as selfish
traditionalists trying to keep humanity from reaping the technological rewards of alliance
with the other alien factions.
They may show off their powers and technology to dazzle, persuade, and intimidate.
They would leverage these demonstrations to make themselves appear more powerful
than they are, contradict and deconstruct existing human paradigms to be replaced with
their own, take more credit than they deserve (like claiming they are the sole creators of

the human race), and dangle technological gifts as incentives for our cooperation. This
has happened in our own history many times between power-tripping explorers and
culture-shocked natives.
They resemble a cult in their interactions with humans. The same tactics used by cults to
depersonalize and program recruits can and probably will be used on the population at
large by negative aliens. This includes portraying the leaders as divine (aliens as our
creators); breaking down the old identity (shattering peoples views of reality and
deconstruction old paradigms); portraying an old part of oneself as evil and outmoded
(scapegoating of the corrupt human power structure); love bombing (saying they are here
to help and guide us, that they are our loving brethren); confessionals (debasing
humanity); fanaticism (addiction to the cause of progress and renewal); and isolation
from friends and family (quarantine and separation of the progressive people and elite
hybrid class from the lower remnants of society).
If they espouse a spirituality that we should adopt, it is one that results in pacification,
suggestibility, depersonalization, submission, and lowered discernment. It may carry
overtones of existentialism, Buddhism, deism, pantheism, and other impersonal
philosophies that can serve the alien agenda while maintaining the appearance of
reasonableness and sanctity. Non-dualism serves as a convenient diversion for negative
entities. Ultimately, the spirituality they push will be a form of spiritual materialism that
disconnects us from higher spiritual intelligence, something that logically justifies their
authority through a modernized version of Divine Right by Kings, that keeps us loyal to
their cause, and that prepares us for becoming more like them.
Traits Unique to Positive Aliens
When one intuitively feels their vibe or clairvoyantly scans the quality of their
consciousness, one will sense wholesomeness, sincerity, intelligence, sobriety,
composure, thoughtfulness, and foresight.
They place high value on learning, knowledge, discernment, wisdom, understanding, and
other virtues of consciousness, not only by saying they value these, but by demonstrating
it in action and consequence through the imparting of verifiable, practical, and profound
information that has an empowering effect upon the individual receiving and
comprehending it.
They make appeals to reason, experience, intuition, and the inner knowing that comes
with higher spiritual intelligence. They refrain from making persuasive appeals to ego,
blind emotionalism, wishful thinking, false assumptions, and other hooks. So they
address the higher more mature aspects of being, instead of the baser and more ignorant
aspects. For example, they would never play up their authority by loading their words
with fancy titles or obscure technical jargon intended to impress.
They take a conscientious approach to interaction with humans and demonstrate a deep
respect for freewill, independent development, and self-discovery. Thus they minimize

their profile and downplay their identity to avoid triggering a worship and deification
response that would turn them into objects of obsession and preoccupation and draw
attention away from the higher purpose of the interaction.
They aim to help us make informed decisions, rather than persuade us to make a
particular decision. The more informed we are, the better. Therefore they would not
withhold certain information if it would help us make a wiser decision. This includes
information on negative forces and their methods of deception.
They are careful to avoid creating dependency. Instead of carrying us on their backs or
leading us like sheep, they would rather we become self-sufficient and discerning, to pull
our own weight through our own challenges. At best they act as catalysts, moderators,
and assistants to this process, but never as substitutes.
They place greater emphasis on our spiritual liberation and evolution than technological
development. Only if the latter indirectly safeguards the first would technological help be
given. Otherwise they would withhold technology until we advance ethically and
intellectually enough to understand and use it responsibly. They would more likely drop
technological catalysts into the minds of human inventors without revealing themselves,
so that it takes root and advances in a natural fashion within human society instead of
being traumatically imposed from the outside.
In their interactions with people, they resemble an altruistic esoteric mystery school.
They are discreet, choose their disciples wisely, advance their disciples through stages of
initiation, aim to build their disciples into more capable and empowered human beings,
and have the purpose of preserving human freewill and catalyzing its evolution.
Ultimately they are selfless, not in the sense of lacking individuality, but in being mindful
of the spiritual welfare of others and dedicated to the balance and harmony of the entire
system and not just themselves. They never manipulate or steal from others to satisfy
their own needs. If their understanding of a situation demands self-sacrifice, or if they are
given a divine mission that requires it, they will act accordingly, bravely and with honor.
They advocate the transcending of ignorant, anti-spiritual, animalistic, egoistic, and
selfish impulses without necessarily berating these but pointing out a higher way. Their
dedication is to the spiritual perfection of the individual.
In revealing themselves to the world, they are unlikely to be the first ones. Our
civilization is unprepared for contact and they would be responsible for the traumatic
results. Positive aliens would be burdened with reactions of irrational fear and worship,
of having to educate humanity on the nature of alien life, all while having to keep the
peace and transition people into the post-Disclosure world. The logistics of this are too
difficult. Better that they allow the impostors to show up first and expend their own
resources to transition us. Then, after human opposition mounts but before negative
forces have taken full control, they can step in and impart critical information to turn the
tide. It is after tasting the bitter fruit of deception and learning some important lessons

that humanity will appreciate and understand what they offer. Only then will deep and
prolonged contact with positive forces be possible.
Problematic Probable Futures
What can we do? How can we prepare? This depends on what will happen. So many
factors are converging to create a nonlinear chaotic situation that even the wildest
outcomes once thought impossible can become possible and even likely. Lets take
another look at some future scenarios, except this time by listing individual components
that could be mixed and matched to create various scenarios.
Political debates, ideological wars and movements: This assumes the world remains fully
stable and civil, all infrastructure intact, life relatively normal. Upon Disclosure and
contact there would begin a process of philosophical, scientific, political, and religious
debate to decide on future human-alien relations. This would turn into ideological battles
along deeply polarized lines. Most of the conflict would be done through verbal, written,
political means, and knowledge, information, awareness will counter disinformation and
ignorance. The internet will play an important role in facilitating the debate, alongside
television and radio.
Police state lock-down, global government, totalitarianism: The world is already shifting
into authoritarianism. If this continues and reaches its conclusion, then along with
disinformation and ignorance, the other challenge will be operating within an oppressive
climate where dissenters are branded as terrorists or enemy combatants and preemptively
detained or denied vital services.
Temporary period of chaos requiring survival: Natural disasters, real or staged terror
attacks, and nuclear or electronic warfare can damage infrastructure and heavily disrupt
the modern way of life. Food, water, and energy distribution, transportation, and
communication would all be impaired. For example, extreme solar activity could collapse
modern civilization by frying out vital electronics, with effects similar to an EMP attack
and results similar to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, except nationwide4. The
response would be a combination of people coming together to support each other, others
descending into anarchy as desperation sets in, and harsh measures by the authorities to
maintain order, distribute supplies, and round up troublemakers into internment camps.
Division of survivors into in-system and out-system groups: Social chaos never lasts
long, even the Dark Ages eventually returned to order. The question is which type of
order, under whose authority, and at what cost. If modern life is disrupted for several
months or years and the government and military retain their continuity, then the restored
order would likely be on the authoritarian side, though limited in geographic reach due to
logistical limitations. This suggests there would be limited pockets where order is
restored under an authoritarian regime, where survivors make heavy concessions to live
within those territories. The rest of the remaining population would be cut off from the
system and forced to fend for itself, eventually forming a parallel culture to the
technocratic one. Science fiction has depicted this possibility in many instances.

Post-apocalyptic tribalism under alien gods: This assumes modern civilization collapses
completely and no organized authority remains. Mankind would then split into tribes, and
if aliens interceded it would reestablish conditions similar to ancient times where
particular alien factions presided over their respective human tribes.
Dimensional Shift and reality splitting into separate timelines or realms of existence: The
previous possibilities assumed a single consensual reality. If a timeline split occurs,
different people would shunt onto separate probable futures depending on their individual
spiritual profiles. This may evolve into a dimensional shift where some individuals
graduate to the level shared by lower ambiterrestrials. It would be a rotation away from
our current timeline, which could continue on without them and undergo some of the
more apocalyptic scenarios given above.
Post-Shift disorientation and choosing sides: Direct contact with lower ambiterrestrials is
inevitable for portions of humanity who undergo a Shift into their native environment.
Confusion would follow as various ambiterrestrial factions vie for the allegiance of the
Arrival of alien reinforcements for physical conquest: There is always the possibility that
negative aliens will resort to force if their plans for a peaceful takeover meet failure due
to popular backlash. While the peaceful method of conquest is more efficient and less
troublesome, that does not mean a fallback plan of physical enforcement or annihilation
is out of the question. Since this enforcement would require a large battalion, which for
the past several thousand years had no reason to stay nearby earth, such a battalion would
have to be brought in from afar.
Total warfare, UFO sky battles, activated sleepers: If anyone crosses the line and upsets
the balance of power through use of force, whether out of fear or desperation, then
anything goes. There is a pattern within the abduction and MILAB phenomenon of
abductees being trained to pilot advanced crafts, operate exotic weaponry, and employ
superhuman powers in warlike situations between humans and aliens or between
opposing alien factions; they would only need to be triggered and called up to perform
those functions. The potential for human-alien or alien-alien war exists.
Things could go any number of ways depending which of the above components combine
in what sequence. This makes finding appropriate solutions difficult because there are so
many possibilities to take into account.
I have decided to completely skip idealistic solutions focused on institutional initiatives,
social movements, and political activism because these arise and evolve on their own.
Instead I will focus on individual solutions that pay off regardless of the scenario, that
can be put into practice immediately. This means spiritual preparation and informational
Informational Preparation

Be aware and choose accordingly: Throwing your support behind the wrong leader,
signing the wrong petition, recommending the wrong source, or joining the wrong
movement can all be prevented by acquiring enough awareness to know what you would
actually be supporting. The points raised in this book can help you sidestep the more
regrettable choices like naively recommending blatant disinformation or promoting an
alien group that has all the signs of being negative impostors. Other people may not know
any better, but now you do. The more aware you become, the wiser your decisions, and
the more your words, thoughts, and actions meet their mark and reinforce positive
Balance one-sided discussions and remedy naive viewpoints: You may find yourself in a
personal conversation, email correspondence, or message board discussion where the
topic of aliens or some related topic comes up. If the points made are clearly ill-informed,
founded on false assumptions, or promoting disinformation, then the duty falls upon you
(assuming you have the knowledge) to add some balance by offering counter-ideas for
consideration, or sharing a source you find valuable and including your own commentary
on the source. The goal is not to forcefully convince others, as that would be preaching,
but rather to give them the opportunity to make a more informed decision by considering
some new ideas or sources. If they stubbornly ignore it and rationalize it away and you
find there is nothing more you can do, then be at peace knowing you did your part.
Otherwise guilt will weigh on your conscience for not having spoken up when you could
Collect, archive, and share important information: Having a growing collection of books,
videos, links, and other materials at your fingertips allows you to quickly get others up to
speed by connecting them with the right information. Also, the internet may not be
around much longer, so it would be a good idea to archive materials that may soon
become unavailable.
Expand and refine your communication skills: If necessary, put some effort into polishing
up your verbal and written skills. You may find yourself needing to impart your share of
knowledge and information to others and it would be a shame if the process were
bottlenecked by communication shortfalls.
Spiritual Preparation
Keep alive compassion and understanding: If nothing else, cultivating compassion and
understanding will keep you from falling into arrogance, cynicism, and depression that
may come with knowing about the negative aspects of this existence. Unpleasant truths
should not be ignored, but understood fully in context of a bigger spiritual picture. This
can be trained in everyday situations that would otherwise provoke bitter, vengeful,
envious, contemptuous thoughts.
Stay levelheaded in times of distress: Panic, frustration, rage, and terror are examples of
losing self-control, and that means temporary loss of rationality, freewill, and balance. It

means reacting mechanically instead of acting consciously and responsibly. Instead of

being blindly shoved forward by those impulses, one must become self-aware and
willfully focused on the task at hand. The hardest challenge will be staying in touch with
your intuition and reasoning when a calamitous situation attempts to sweep you away.
We face little tests like these periodically, and they make good practice for seeing how
calm you can stay under pressure. The more you maintain your composure during these
situations, the better prepared you will be in the times ahead.
Use intent to shape probability where necessary: Thoughts, emotions, and intent shape
the probability of your experiences. This can be proven through personal
experimentation. You can boost the probability of success, assistance, and protection by
earnestly praying or intending for these, and likewise you can reduce the probability of
failure, attack, or misfortune by being calmly aware of their possibility and preparing to
handle them should they arise. Mastering this conscious influence over your personal
subsection of reality helps level the playing field by extending your abilities beyond mere
physical causality.
Stay in synchronistic flow: Life moves with a certain flow that points in the direction of
optimal probable futures. When you are in synchronization with this flow, everything
falls into place, works out smoothly, and you feel energized and enthusiastic. The results
of staying in the flow are progress, success, balance, and growth in awareness. When out
of the flow, things fall apart, meet failure, suffer unnecessary setbacks, and you feel a
sense of emptiness or wrongness about the path. Staying in the flow involves a
combination of right attitude, right choices, and right actions. Through observation one
can determine the inner and outer conditions necessary to stay in the flow.
Develop psychic abilities: If developed safely and used wisely, psychic abilities like
precognition, auric vision, etheric energy manipulation for healing purposes further even
the odds. The most basic psychic skill that anyone can develop is intuition. Intuition can
be developed by noticing which inner impressions heralded certain external outcomes.
The test of genuine intuition is whether it consistently turns out to be right. If it was
wrong, then it wasnt real intuition. After sufficient trial and error, real intuition will be
distinguishable from false signals (like wishful thinking).
Physical preparation is also necessary, but I have no need to cover it myself since
material on survivalism is easy to find. My only suggestion there is to stock up on
durable goods, keep most of the cash out of the bank, exercise to increase your strength
and endurance, and boost your immune system through a diet free of wheat, dairy, and
refined sweeteners. I can say from experience, however, that spiritual preparation is more
powerful since it alters probability and works across a wide spectrum of scenarios,
whereas physical preparations target only a few scenarios predicted in advance.
The cards are being stacked against intuition, sound reasoning, and verboten evidence
through the arsenal of disinformation, mind-programming, groomed opinion leaders, and
other weapons of mass manipulation discussed in the preceding parts. Along with sharp
reasoning, intuition is our most natural and immediate line of defense against alien

deception. It is the beginning of higher spiritual intelligence where truth is recognized

directly, and thus it undercuts clever sophistry, emotional manipulation, and selective
evidence, which appeal only to intellect and emotionalism.
The actual standards of positivity are already engraved in our souls and express
themselves in moments of spiritual conscience and knowingness. We must remember
what we truly stand for by turning within and recognizing the resonant goals and values
there. These are buried beneath all the false goals and values grafted onto us by societal
and biological programming. That is the depth we must plumb if we are to be ready for
open contact with alien life.
1 Higher spiritual intelligence, in context of the alien impostor agenda, is discussed
extensively in the works of Marshall Vian Summers
2 Examples include the sixth density social memory complexes mentioned by the Ra
Material and Cassiopaean Transcripts, the Unseen Ones mentioned in the Allies of
Humanity books, the INSPEC being mentioned in Far Journeys by Robert Monroe, Seth
Two channeled by Jane Roberts, aeons of the Gnostics, and the angelic hierarchies
delineated in various religions.
3 See The Secret of the Saucers (Angelucci, 1955) for an account of the spiritual and
alchemical nature of higher ambiterrestrial technology. Alchemy and sacred architecture
both mirror higher reality, the first with respect to sequence and substance, the second
regarding geometry and proportion. Higher positive ambiterrestrials may harmonize the
tangible with the intangible elements of their technology in the hermetic fashion of As
above, so below. They might even be the inspirers of alchemy, sacred architecture, and
4 The government-funded EMP Commission analyzed the potential consequences of
electromagnetic disruptions caused by solar activity or high altitude nuclear weapons.
Their report may be read at http://empcommission.org. Some researchers are predicting
the next solar cycle will be among the most active in history, peaking 2010-2013. If solar
activity depends on planetary positions, then the next catastrophic solar flare is
predictable. In that case, savvy elements in the military and government aware of this
catastrophe might already be preparing opportunistic contingencies for this event.
Selected Resources
George C. Andrews Extra-terrestrial Friends and Foes (Illuminet Press, 1993)
Orfeo Angelucci Secret of the Saucers (Amherst Press, 1955)
Orfeo Angelucci Son of the Sun (DeVorss, 1959)

Anonymous The Blue Planet Project

William J. Baldwin CE-VI: Close Encounters of the Possession Kind (Headline Books,
James Bartley MILAB Operations
William Bramley The Gods of Eden (Avon, 1993)
Trevor Constable The Cosmic Pulse of Life (Borderland Sciences Research
Foundation, 1990)
Carissa Conti Chasing Phantoms (Lulu, Inc. 2009)
Ellen Crystall Silent Invasion (St. Martins Press, 1994)
Richard M. Dolan UFOs and the National Security State (Hampton Roads Publishing,
Elaine Douglas The Breaking of Jim Sparks, or Why the Aliens Dont Land on the
White House Lawn ( Journal of Abduction Research 2007#2)
Carla Emery Secret Dont Tell (Acorn hill Publishing, 1998)
fore My Experiences (Grey, Pleiadeans and Oddities) (Open Minds Forum)
Lynn Grabhorn Dear God Whats Happening to Us? (Hampton Roads Publishing,
Budd Hopkins and Carol Rainey Sight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility, and
Transgenic Beings (Pocket Star, 2004)
David Icke The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (Associated Publishers
Group, 2007)
David Jacobs The Threat (Simon & Schuster, 1999)
Morris K. Jessup The Case for the UFO (Varo Edition)
Nigel Kerner Song of the Greys (Hodder & Stoughton, 1999)
Laura Knight-Jadczyk The Wave Series
Laura Knight-Jadczyk Cassiopaean Transcripts (Red Pill Press, 1994-2003)
Eve Lorgen The Love Bite (ELogos & HHC Press, 1994)

Barbara Marciniak Bringers of the Dawn (Bear & Company, 1992)

Robert Monroe Far Journeys (Main Street Books, 1992)
Nexus Seven Top Secret/Demon
Nexus Seven The 33 Arks of Soul Resonance Investment Futures
Rueckert, McCartney, Elkins The Ra Material (Donning Company Publishers, 1984)
Rueckert, McCartney, Elkins The Law of One: Book II (Whitford Press, 1982)
Rueckert McCartney, Elkins The Law of One: Book III (Schiffer Publishing, 1982)
Ronald Rummel aka Creston Alien Digest, Vol 1-4
Michael E. Salla Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life: The
Challenge of Exopolitics (Exopolitics Institute, 2009)
Michael E. Salla Exopolitics: Political Implications of Extraterrestrial Presence
(Dandelion Books, 2004)
G. Cope Schellhorn Is Someone Killing Our UFO Investigators?
Marshall Vian Summers Allies of Humanity: Book One (New Knowledge Library,
Marshall Vian Summers Allies of Humanity: Book Two (New Knowledge Library,
Michael Tsarion Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation
Karla Turner Taken (Kelt Works, 1994)
Charles Upton Cracks in the Great Wall (Sophia Perennis, 2005)
Valdamar Valerian Matrix II (Leading Edge Research, 1990/1991)
Valdamar Valerian Matrix III, Vol. 1 (Leading Edge Research, 1992)
Stuart Wilde Gods Gladiators (Brookemark Llc, 2003)
Other Resources

Barbara Bartholic and Peggy Fielding Barbara: The Story of a UFO Investigator
(AWOC.COM, 2004)
Courtney Brown Cosmic Explorers (Dutton, 1999)
Courtney Brown Cosmic Voyage (Dutton, 1996)
Dolores Cannon The Convoluted Universe: Book One (Ozark Mountain Publishing,
Dolores Cannon The Convoluted Universe: Book Two (Ozark Mountain Publishing,
Dolores Cannon The Convoluted Universe: Book Three (Ozark Mountain Publishing,
Dolores Cannon The Custodians: Beyond Abduction (Ozark Mountain Publishing,
Carlos Castaneda The Active Side of Infinity (Harper Perennial, 1999)
George Green Handbook for the New Paradigm (Global Insights Publications, 1999)
Steven Greer Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge (Crossing Point, 2006)
Lisette Larkins Talking to Extraterrestrials (Hampton Roads Publishing, 2002)
Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief (Hay House, 2008)
George LoBuono Alien Mind A Primer (2006)
Norma J. Milanovich We, the Arcturians (Athena Publishing, 1990)
Lyssa Royal The Prism of Lyra (Light Technology Publications; Revised edition,
Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest Visitors from Within (Wildflower Press; 2nd edition,
Marie Jeanine Steiner The Masquerade Party at Secret Canyon (Morris, 1998)
G. Cope Schellhorn When Men Are Gods (Inner Light Global Communications,

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