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Genetic Algorithms 01

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Genetic Algorithms

Part 3: The Component of Genetic Algorithms

Spring 2009

Instructor: Dr. Masoud Yaghini

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


Representation of Individuals
Population Models
Parent Selection
Survivor Selection

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

General Scheme of EAs

Representation of Individuals

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Representation of Individuals

Depends on the problem

The most used encodings:

Binary representation
Integer representation
Real-valued representation
Permutations representation

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary Representations

simplest and most common

chromosome: string of bits

genes: 0 / 1

Example: binary representation of an integer

3: 00011
15: 01111
16: 10000

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary Representation

For those problem concerning Boolean

decision variables, the genotypephenotype mapping is natural

Example: knapsack problem

Many optimization problems involve

integer or real numbers and bit string can
be used to encode these numbers

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mapping Integer Values on Bit Strings

Integer values can be also binary coded:

x = 5 00101

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mapping real values on bit strings

Real values can be also binary coded

z [x, y] represented by {a1,,aL} {0,1}L
[x, y] {0,1}L must be invertible (one phenotype
per genotype)
{0,1}L [x, y] defines the representation
y x L 1
(a1 ,..., aL ) = x + L
( a L j 2 j ) [ x, y ]
2 1 j =0

Only 2L values out of infinite are represented

L determines possible maximum precision of solution
High precision  long chromosomes (slow evolution)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mapping real values on bit strings


z [1, 10]
We use 8 bits to represent real values in the domain
[1, 10] , i.e., we use 256 numbers
1 00000000 (0)
10 11111111 (255)

Convert 00111100, to real value:

1 + (9 / 255) * [(0 * 20) + (0 * 21) + (1 * 22) + (1 * 23) + (1 * 24) + (1

* 25) + (0 * 26) + (0 * 27)] = 3.12

Convert n = 3.14 to bit string:

n = 3.14 (3.14-1)*255/(10-1) = 60 0011 1100

0011 1100 3.12 (better precision requires more bits)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary Representations

Hamming distance:

Number of bits that have to be changed to map one

string into another one

E.g. 000 and 001  distance = 1

Problem: Hamming distance between

consecutive integers may be > 1
example: 5 bit binary representation

14: 01110 15: 01111

16: 10000
Probability of changing 15 into 16 by independent bit
flips (mutation) is not same as changing it into 14!

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary encoding problem

Remember: small changes in genotype should

cause small changes in phenotype

Gray coding solves problem.

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary Representation
Binary coding of 0-7 :


Hamming distance, e.g.:

000 (0) and 001 (1)
Distance = 1 (optimal)

011 (3) and 100 (4)

Distance = 3 (max possible)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary Representation
Gray coding of 0-7:
Gray coding is a representation
that ensures that consecutive
integers always have Hamming
distance one.
Gray coding is a mapping that
means that small changes in the
genotype cause small changes in
the phenotype (unlike binary



Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary Representation

Integer 0 1
Binary 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
Gray 000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100

Covert Binary to Gray:

Convert Gray to Binary

G[i]= B[i]
: for largest i
G[i]= XOR(B[i+1], B[i])
: for i < largest i
B[i]= G[i]
: if for largest i
B[i] = XOR(B[i+1], G[i])
: for i < largest i

XOR(0, 0) = 0, XOR(0, 1) = 1,
XOR(1, 0) =1, XOR(1, 1) = 0

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Binary Representation

Nowadays it is generally accepted that it is

better to encode numerical variables directly


Floating point variables

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Integer representations

Some problems naturally have integer


e.g. for optimization of a function with integer


Values may be

unrestricted (all integers)

restricted to a finite set

e.g. {0,1,2,3}
e.g. {North,East,South,West}

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Integer representations

Any natural relations between possible


obvious for ordinal attributes

2 is more like 3 than it is 389

small < medium < large
hot > mild > cool

maybe no natural ordering for cardinal


set of compass points

 e.g. employee ID

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Real-valued Representation

Many problems occur as real valued problems,

e.g. continuous parameter optimization

Vector of real values

Example: a chromosome can be a pair

(x, y)
floating point numbers

Genotype for solution becomes the vector

<x1,x2,,xk> with xi

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Permutation Representations

Deciding on sequence of events

In ordinary GA numbers may occur more than

once on chromosome

most natural representation is permutation of a set

of integers

invalid permutations!

New variation operators needed

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Permutation Representations

Two classes of problems

based on order of events

e.g. scheduling of jobs

Job-Shop Scheduling Problem

based on adjacencies

e.g. Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP)

finding a complete tour of minimal length between n
cities, visiting each city only once

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Permutation Representations

Two ways to encode a permutation

i th element represents event that happens in that

location in a sequence
value of i th element denotes position in sequence
in which i th event occurs

Example (TSP): 4 cities A,B,C,D and

permutation [3,1, 2,4] denotes the tours:

first encoding type: [CA B D]

second encoding type: [BC A D]


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


Mutation is a variation operator

Create one offspring from one parent
Occurs at a mutation rate: pm

behaviour of a GA depends on pm

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Bitwise Mutation

flips bits
01 and 10
setting of pm depends on nature of problem,
typically between:
1 / pop_size
1 / chromosome_length

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mutation for Integer Representation

For integers there are two principal forms of


Random resetting
Creep Mutation

Both of them, mutate each gene independently

with user-defined probability pm

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Random Resetting

A new value is chosen with from the set

of permissible integer values

Most suitable for cardinal attributes

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Creep Mutation

Add small (positive / negative) integer to gene


random value
sampled from a distribution

symmetric around 0
with higher probability of small changes

Designed for ordinal attributes

Step size is important

controlled by parameters
setting of parameters important

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mutation for Floating-Point Representation

Allele values come from a continuous

Change allele values randomly within its

upper and lower boundaries, Ui and Li respectively

< x1 , x2 ,..., xn > < x1, x2 ,..., xn >

where xi , xi [Li , U i ]

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mutation for Floating-Point Representation

According to the probability distribution from

which the new gene values are drawn, There
are two types of floating-point mutation:

Uniform Mutation
Non-Uniform Mutation with a Fixed Distribution

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Uniform Mutation

Values of xi drawn uniformly randomly from the

[Li,Ui], Similar to

bit flipping for binary representations

random resetting for integer representations

usually used with positionwise mutation


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Non-Uniform Mutation with a Fixed Distribution

Most common form

Similar to creep mutation for integer
Add an amount to gene value
Amount randomly drawn from a distribution

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Non-Uniform Mutation with a Fixed Distribution

Gaussian distribution (normal distribution)

with mean 0
user-specified standard deviation
may have to adjust to interval [Li,Ui]
2/3 of samples lie within one standard deviation of
mean (- to + )
most changes small but probability of very large
changes > 0

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Non-Uniform Mutation with a Fixed Distribution

Usually applied to each gene with probability 1

pm used to determine standard deviation of

determines probability distribution of size of steps


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mutation for Permutation Representations

It is not possible to consider genes

Move alleles around in genome

Therefore must change at least two values

Mutation probability now shows the probability

that mutation operator is applied once to the
whole string, rather than individually in each

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Mutation for Permutation Representations

There four types of mutation operators

for permutation:

Swap Mutation
Insert Mutation
Scramble Mutation
Inversion Mutation

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Swap Mutation

Pick two alleles at random and swap their

Preserves most of adjacency information (4
links broken), disrupts order more

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Insert Mutation

Pick two allele values at random

Move the second to follow the first, shifting
the rest along to make room
Note that this preserves most of the order and
the adjacency information

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Scramble Mutation

Pick a subset of genes at random

Randomly rearrange the alleles in those

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Inversion Mutation

Pick two alleles at random and then invert the

substring between them.
Preserves most adjacency information (only
breaks two links) but disruptive of order


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


Recombination is the process for creating

new individual

Term used interchangably with crossover

two or more parents

Crossover mostly refers to 2 parents

This is the primary mechanism for creating

Crossover rate pc

typically in range [0.5,1.0]

acts on parent pair

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


Two parents selected randomly

a random variable drawn from [0,1)
If value < pc

two offspring created through recombination


two offspring created asexually (copy of parents)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


Crossing over vs. mutation probability

The mutation probability pm controls how

parts of the chromosome are changed
The crossover probability pc determines the
chance that a chosen pair of parents
undergoes this operator.

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Binary Representation

There are three standard forms of

recombination for binary representation:

One-Point Crossover
N-Point Crossover
Uniform Crossover

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

One-Point Crossover

Choose a random number in the range [0, l -1],

with l the length of the encoding
Split parents at this crossover point
Create children by exchanging tails

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

N-Point Crossover

Generalisation of 1 point
Choose n random crossover points
Split along those points
Join parts, alternating between parents

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

N-Point Crossover



Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Uniform Crossover

Uniform crossover works by treating each gene

Making a random choice as to which parent it
should be inherited from

Assume array: [0.35, 0.62, 0.18, 0.42, 0.83, 0.76, 0.39, 0.51, 0.36]

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Binary Representation

Positional bias

e.g. in 1-point crossover bias against keeping bits at

head and tail of string together

Distributional bias

in uniform crossover bias is towards transmitting

50% of genes from each parent

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Integer Representation

same as in binary representations

 N-point / uniform crossover operators
 Blending is not useful

averaging even and odd integers produce a

non-integer !

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Floating-Point Representation

There two options for recombining two floatingpoint strings:

Discrete Recombination
Intermediate or Arithmetic Recombination

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Floating-Point Representation

Discrete Recombination:

similar to crossover operators for bit-strings

alleles have floating-point representations
each allele value in offspring z comes from one of
its parents (x, y) with equal probability: zi = xi or zi =
Could use n-point or uniform crossover operators

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Floating-Point Representation

Intermediate or Arithmetic Recombination:

for each gene position

new allele value between those of parents (x, y):
zi = xi + (1 - ) yi where : 0 1.

The parameter can be:

constant: (uniform arithmetical crossover), usually =

picked at random every time
variable (e.g. depend on the age of the population)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Floating-Point Representation

There three types of arithmetic


Simple Arithmetic Recombination

Single Arithmetic Recombination
Whole Arithmetic Recombination

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Simple Arithmetic Recombination

Parents: x1,,xn and y1,,yn
Pick random gene (k) after this point mix values
Put the first k floats of parent and put them into
The rest is arithmetic average of parent 1 and 2:
Child 1:
<x1,...,xk, yk+1+(1-)xk+1,,yn+(1-)xn>

Child 2:
<y1,...,yk, xk+1+(1-)yk+1,, xn+(1-)yn>

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Simple Arithmetic Recombination

Example: k=6, =0.5

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Single Arithmetic Recombination

Parents: x1,,xn and y1,,yn

Pick a single gene (k) at random
At that position, take the arithmetic average of the
two parents, the other points from the parents

<x1,...,xk-1, yk+(1-)xk, xk+1,, xn>

<y1,...,yk-1, xk+(1-)yk, yk+1,, yn>

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Single Arithmetic Recombination

Example: k=8, =0.5

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Whole Arithmetic Recombination

Most commonly used

Parents: x1,,xn and y1,,yn
takes weighted sum of the two parental alleles
for each gene

Child1 = . x + (1 ) . y
Child 2 = . y + (1 ) .x

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Whole Arithmetic Recombination


Note: if =0.5 two offspring are identical!

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Permutations Representation

Normal crossover operators will often lead to

inadmissible solutions




Many specialised operators have been devised

which focus on combining order or adjacency
information from the two parents

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Recombination for Permutations Representation

Most commonly used operators:

For Adjacency-type Problems (e.g. TSP)

Partially Mapped Crossover (PMX)

Edge Crossover

For Order-type Problems (e.g. Job Shop


Order Crossover
Cycle Crossover

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Partially Mapped Crossover (PMX)

Choose random segment and copy it from P1
Starting from the first crossover point look for
elements in that segment of P2 that have not been
For each of these i look in the offspring to see what
element j has been copied in its place from P1
Place i into the position occupied j in P2, since we
know that we will not be putting j there (as is already
in offspring)
If the place occupied by j in P2 has already been
filled in the offspring k, put i in the position occupied
by k in P2
Having dealt with the elements from the crossover
segment, the rest of the offspring can be filled from
Second child is created analogously

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Partially Mapped Crossover example

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Edge Crossover

Works by constructing a table listing which edges are

present in the two parents, if an edge is common to
both, mark with a +
e.g. [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] and [9 3 7 8 2 6 5 1 4]

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Edge Crossover
(once edge table is constructed)
1. Pick an initial element at random and put it in the
2. Set the variable current element = entry
3. Remove all references to current element from the table
4. Examine list for current element:

If there is a common edge, pick that to be next element

Otherwise pick the entry in the list which itself has the shortest
Ties are split at random

5. In the case of reaching an empty list:

Examine the other end of the offspring is for extension

Otherwise a new element is chosen at random

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Edge Recombination example

Parents: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] and [9 3 7 8 2 6 5 1 4]

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Order Crossover

Idea is to preserve relative order that elements

1. Choose an arbitrary part from the first parent
2. Copy this part to the first child
3. Copy the numbers that are not in the first part, to
the first child:

starting right from cut point of the copied part,

using the order of the second parent
and wrapping around at the end

4. Analogous for the second child, with parent roles


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Order Crossover example

Copy randomly selected set from first parent

Copy rest from second parent in order 1,9,3,8,2

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Cycle crossover
Basic idea: Each allele comes from one parent together
with its position.
1. Make a cycle of alleles from P1 in the following way.
(a) Start with the first allele of P1.
(b) Look at the allele at the same position in P2.
(c) Go to the position with the same allele in P1.
(d) Add this allele to the cycle.
(e) Repeat step b through d until you arrive at the first allele of P1.

2. Put the alleles of the cycle in the first child on the positions
they have in the first parent.
3. Take next cycle from second parent

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Cycle crossover example

Step 1: identify cycles

Step 2: copy alternate cycles into offspring

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Multi-Parent recombination

Recall that we are not limited by the

practicalities of nature
Noting that mutation uses 1 parent, and
traditional crossover 2, the extension to a > 2
is natural to examine
Been around since 1960s, still rare but studies
indicate useful

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Multi-Parent recombination

Three main types:

Based on allele frequencies

Based on segmentation and recombination of

the parents

e.g., uniform crossover

e.g., n-point crossover

Based on numerical operations on real-valued


e.g., generalising arithmetic recombination operators

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Crossover OR mutation?

Decade long debate: which one is better /

necessary / main-background

Answer (at least, rather wide agreement):

it depends on the problem, but

in general, it is good to have both
both have another role

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Crossover OR mutation?
 Exploration: Discovering promising areas in the

search space, i.e. gaining information on the problem

Exploitation: Optimising within a promising area, i.e.
using information
There is co-operation AND competition between them
Crossover is explorative

it makes a big jump to an area somewhere in between two

(parent) areas

Mutation is exploitative

it creates random small diversions, thereby staying near (in the

area of ) the parent

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Crossover OR mutation? (contd)

Only crossover can combine information

from two parents
Only mutation can introduce new information
Crossover does not change the allele
frequencies of the population

e.g. thought experiment: 50% 0s on first bit in the

population, 50% after performing n crossovers

To hit the optimum you often need a lucky


Population Models

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Population Models

Population Models:

Generational model
Steady state model

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Generational Model

Population of individuals : size N

Mating pool (parents) : size N

formed from parents

replace parents
are next generation : size N

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Steady State Model

Not whole population replaced

N: population size (M < N)

Generational Gap

M individuals replaced by M offspring

percentage of the population that is replaced
equal to M/N

M=1 & generational gap of 1/N has widely


Parent Selection

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Selection Types

Selection can occur in two places:

Selection from current generation to take part in

mating (parent selection)
Selection from parents + offspring to go into next
generation (survivor selection)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Parent Selection

The parent selection operation chooses an

individual (chromosome) to be a parent for the
next generation of the population, based on its

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Parent Selection

Selection scheme: process that selects an

individual to go into the mating pool

Selection pressure: degree to which the

better individuals are favoured

if higher selection pressure, better individuals

favoured more
Determines convergence rate:

if too high, possible premature convergence

if too low, may take too long to find good solutions

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Selection scheme

Selection scheme types:

Fitness-Proportionate, e. g.:

Roulette Wheel Selection (RWS)

Stochastic Universal Sampling (SUS)

Ordinal based, e.g.:

Ranking Selection
Tournament Selection

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Fitness-Proportionate Selection

The probability that an individual fi is selected

for mating pool is

f i / j =1 f j

Selection probability depends on:

absolute fitness of individual compared to

absolute fitness of rest of the population

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Fitness Proportionate Selection

Problems with FPS

Premature Convergence

One highly fit member can rapidly take over if rest of

population is much less fit
Population converges to a local optimum
Too much exploitation; too few exploration

Almost no selection pressure when fitness

values close together
Fitness scaling effects

May behave differently on transposed versions of same

fitness function
e.g. consider f(x) and y(x)=f(x)+10;

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Fitness Scaling Effects

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Fitness Proportionate Selection

Scaling can fix last two problems


f(i) = f(i) -
where is worst fitness in this (last n) generations

Sigma Scaling:

f(i) = max( f(i) - (f - cf ), 0)


f is the mean of fitness values,

f is the standard deviation of the fitness values, and
c is a constant, usually 2

if f(i) <0 then set f(i)=0

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Roulette Wheel Selection

Main idea: better individuals get higher chance

Chances are proportional to fitness


Assign to each individual a part of the roulette wheel

Spin the wheel n times to select n individuals

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Roulette Wheel Selection




Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Roulette Wheel Algorithm

Psel (i ) is defined by the selection distribution:

fitness proportionate

[a1, a2, ., a] by: (a = 1.0)


ai = 1 Psel (i )

i = 1,2,..., m

m: population size

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Roulette Wheel Algorithm

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Roulette Wheel Algorithm

Fitness based weighting: assign distributions by fitness




Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Stochastic Universal Sampling

Stochastic Universal Sampling (SUS) spins

the wheel oncebut with M equally spaced
pointers, which are used to selected the M

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Stochastic Universal Sampling






Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Stochastic Universal Sampling

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Ranking Selection

Ordinal based method

Attempt to remove problems of FPS by basing
selection probabilities on relative rather than
absolute fitness
Population sorted by fitness
Selection probabilities based on rank, not to
their actual fitness
The actual fitness value is less important, it is
the rank in this order what matters
Constant selection pressure

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Ranking Selection

This imposes a sorting overhead on the

algorithm, but this is usually negligible
compared to the fitness evaluation time

How to allocate probabilities to ranks

can be any linear or non-linear function

e.g. linear ranking selection (LRS)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Linear Ranking

Parameterised by factor s: 1.0 < s 2.0

measures advantage of best individual
in generational GA s: no. of expected offspring
allotted to best
Assume best has rank and worst 1

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Linear Ranking

Simple 3 member example

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Tournament Selection

Ordinal based
RWS and SUS uses info on whole population

info may not be available

population too large

population distributed on a parallel system

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Tournament Selection

Relies on an ordering relation to rank any n

Most widely used approach
Tournament size k

if k large, more of the fitter individuals

controls selection pressure

k=2 : lowest selection pressure

higher k increases selection pressure

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Tournament Selection

Assumes that a tournament

is held at this point

: population size

k: tournament size

Survivor Selection

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Survivor Selection

Also known as replacement

Determines who survives into next generation

reduces (m+l) to m

m population size (also no. of parents)

l no. of offspring at end of generation

several replacement strategies

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Survivor Selection

Survivor selection can be divided into two


Age-Based Selection

Replace random

Fitness-Based Selection


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Age-Based Replacement

Fitness not taken into account

Each inidividual exists for same number of

in SGA only for 1 generation

e.g. create 1 offspring and insert into

population at each generation

Replace random (not recommended)

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3

Fitness-Based Replacement


Always keep the best or the best few of the of the

fittest solution so far
Ensures that the best found solution (s) are never

GENITOR: a.k.a. delete-worst

Rapid takeover: use with large populations or no

duplicates policy
fast increase in population mean
possible premature convergence


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


allele: a variant of a gene, i.e. the value of a

symbol in a specified position of the genotype.
chromosome: synonymous to genotype.
crossover: combination of two individuals to
form one or two new individuals.
fitness function: function giving the value of
an individual.
generation: iteration of the basic loop of an
genetic algorithm.

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


gene: an element of a genotype, i.e. one of the

symbols of a symbol string.
genotype: a symbol string generating a
phenotype at the time of a decoding phase.
individual: an instance of solution for a
problem dealt with by genetic algorithm.
locus: position of a gene in the genotype.
mutation: random modification of an
search operator: synonymous to variation

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


replacement operator: determines which

individuals of a population will be replaced by
the offspring. It thus makes it possible to create
the new population for the next generation.
selection operator: determines how much
time a parent individual generates offspring
variation operator: operator modifying the
structure, the parameters of an individual, such
as the crossover and the mutation.

Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


phenotype: set of the observable appearances

of the genotype. More specifically, it is an
instance of solution for the problem dealt with,
expressed in its natural representation
obtained after decoding the genotype.
population: the set of the individuals who
evolve simultaneously under the action of an
evolutionary algorithm.
recombination: synonymous to crossover.


Genetic Algorithms: Part 3


Eiben and Smith. Introduction to

Evolutionary Computing, Springer-Verlag,
New York, 2003.
J. Dreo A. Petrowski, P. Siarry E. Taillard,
Metaheuristics for Hard Optimization,
Springer-Verlag, 2006.

The End

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